/* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/modules/test/browser/head.js", this ); const BLOCK = 0; const ALLOW = 1; async function testDoorHanger( choice, showPrompt, useEscape, topPage, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat = false ) { info( `Running doorhanger test with choice #${choice}, showPrompt: ${showPrompt} and ` + `useEscape: ${useEscape}, topPage: ${topPage}, maxConcurrent: ${maxConcurrent}` ); if (!showPrompt) { is(choice, ALLOW, "When not showing a prompt, we can only auto-grant"); ok( !useEscape, "When not showing a prompt, we should not be trying to use the Esc key" ); } await SpecialPowers.flushPrefEnv(); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["privacy.antitracking.enableWebcompat", !disableWebcompat], ["dom.storage_access.auto_grants", true], ["dom.storage_access.auto_grants.delayed", false], ["dom.storage_access.enabled", true], ["dom.storage_access.max_concurrent_auto_grants", maxConcurrent], ["dom.storage_access.prompt.testing", false], [ "network.cookie.cookieBehavior", Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER, ], [ "network.cookie.cookieBehavior.pbmode", Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER, ], ["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", false], ["privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled", false], ["privacy.trackingprotection.annotate_channels", true], [ "privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.userInteractionRequiredForHosts", "tracking.example.com,tracking.example.org", ], // Bug 1617611: Fix all the tests broken by "cookies SameSite=lax by default" ["network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault", false], ], }); await UrlClassifierTestUtils.addTestTrackers(); let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, topPage); gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); async function runChecks() { // We need to repeat this constant here since runChecks is stringified // and sent to the content process. const BLOCK = 0; await new Promise(resolve => { addEventListener( "message", function onMessage(e) { if (e.data.startsWith("choice:")) { window.choice = e.data.split(":")[1]; window.useEscape = e.data.split(":")[3]; removeEventListener("message", onMessage); resolve(); } }, false ); parent.postMessage("getchoice", "*"); }); /* import-globals-from storageAccessAPIHelpers.js */ await noStorageAccessInitially(); is(document.cookie, "", "No cookies for me"); document.cookie = "name=value"; is(document.cookie, "", "No cookies for me"); await fetch("server.sjs") .then(r => r.text()) .then(text => { is(text, "cookie-not-present", "We should not have cookies"); }); // Let's do it twice. await fetch("server.sjs") .then(r => r.text()) .then(text => { is(text, "cookie-not-present", "We should not have cookies"); }); is(document.cookie, "", "Still no cookies for me"); /* import-globals-from storageAccessAPIHelpers.js */ await callRequestStorageAccess(); if (choice == BLOCK) { // We've said no, so cookies are still blocked is(document.cookie, "", "Still no cookies for me"); document.cookie = "name=value"; is(document.cookie, "", "No cookies for me"); } else { // We've said yes, so cookies are allowed now is(document.cookie, "", "No cookies for me"); document.cookie = "name=value"; is(document.cookie, "name=value", "I have the cookies!"); } } let permChanged; // Only create the promise when we're going to click one of the allow buttons. if (choice != BLOCK) { permChanged = TestUtils.topicObserved("perm-changed", (subject, data) => { let result; if (choice == ALLOW) { result = subject && subject .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPermission) .type.startsWith("3rdPartyStorage^") && subject.principal.origin == new URL(topPage).origin && data == "added"; } return result; }); } let shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown" ); shownPromise.then(async _ => { if (topPage != gBrowser.currentURI.spec) { return; } ok(showPrompt, "We shouldn't show the prompt when we don't intend to"); let notification = await new Promise(function poll(resolve) { let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification( "storage-access", browser ); if (notification) { resolve(notification); return; } setTimeout(poll, 10); }); Assert.ok(notification, "Should have gotten the notification"); if (choice == BLOCK) { if (useEscape) { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", {}, window); } else { await clickSecondaryAction(); } } else if (choice == ALLOW) { await clickMainAction(); } if (choice != BLOCK) { await permChanged; } }); let url = TEST_3RD_PARTY_PAGE + "?disableWaitUntilPermission"; let ct = SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ page: url, callback: runChecks.toString(), choice, useEscape }], async function (obj) { await new content.Promise(resolve => { let ifr = content.document.createElement("iframe"); ifr.onload = function () { info("Sending code to the 3rd party content"); ifr.contentWindow.postMessage(obj.callback, "*"); }; content.addEventListener("message", function msg(event) { if (event.data.type == "finish") { content.removeEventListener("message", msg); resolve(); return; } if (event.data.type == "ok") { ok(event.data.what, event.data.msg); return; } if (event.data.type == "info") { info(event.data.msg); return; } if (event.data == "getchoice") { ifr.contentWindow.postMessage( "choice:" + obj.choice + ":useEscape:" + obj.useEscape, "*" ); return; } ok(false, "Unknown message"); }); content.document.body.appendChild(ifr); ifr.src = obj.page; }); } ); if (showPrompt) { await Promise.all([ct, shownPromise]); } else { await Promise.all([ct, permChanged]); } let permissionPopupPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window, "popupshown", true, event => event.target == gPermissionPanel._permissionPopup ); gPermissionPanel._identityPermissionBox.click(); await permissionPopupPromise; let permissionItem = document.querySelector( ".permission-popup-permission-item-3rdPartyStorage" ); ok(permissionItem, "Permission item exists"); ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(permissionItem), "Permission item visible in the identity panel" ); let permissionLearnMoreLink = document.getElementById( "permission-popup-storage-access-permission-learn-more" ); ok(permissionLearnMoreLink, "Permission learn more link exists"); ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(permissionLearnMoreLink), "Permission learn more link is visible in the identity panel" ); permissionPopupPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPermissionPanel._permissionPopup, "popuphidden" ); gPermissionPanel._permissionPopup.hidePopup(); await permissionPopupPromise; BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); UrlClassifierTestUtils.cleanupTestTrackers(); } async function preparePermissionsFromOtherSites(topPage) { info("Faking permissions from other sites"); let type = "3rdPartyStorage^https://tracking.example.org"; let permission = Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION; let expireType = Services.perms.EXPIRE_SESSION; if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE) { // For the first page, don't do anything } else if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE_2) { // For the second page, only add the permission from the first page PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN, type, permission, expireType, 0); } else if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE_3) { // For the third page, add the permissions from the first two pages PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_2, type, permission, expireType, 0); } else if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE_4) { // For the fourth page, add the permissions from the first three pages PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_2, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_3, type, permission, expireType, 0); } else if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE_5) { // For the fifth page, add the permissions from the first four pages PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_2, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_3, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_4, type, permission, expireType, 0); } else if (topPage == TEST_TOP_PAGE_6) { // For the sixth page, add the permissions from the first five pages PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_2, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_3, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_4, type, permission, expireType, 0); PermissionTestUtils.add(TEST_DOMAIN_5, type, permission, expireType, 0); } else { ok(false, "Unexpected top page: " + topPage); } } async function cleanUp() { info("Cleaning up."); SpecialPowers.clearUserPref("network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault"); await new Promise(resolve => { Services.clearData.deleteData(Ci.nsIClearDataService.CLEAR_ALL, value => resolve() ); }); } async function runRound(topPage, showPrompt, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat) { if (showPrompt) { await preparePermissionsFromOtherSites(topPage); await testDoorHanger( BLOCK, showPrompt, true, topPage, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat ); await cleanUp(); await preparePermissionsFromOtherSites(topPage); await testDoorHanger( BLOCK, showPrompt, false, topPage, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat ); await cleanUp(); await preparePermissionsFromOtherSites(topPage); await testDoorHanger( ALLOW, showPrompt, false, topPage, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat ); await cleanUp(); } else { await preparePermissionsFromOtherSites(topPage); await testDoorHanger( ALLOW, showPrompt, false, topPage, maxConcurrent, disableWebcompat ); } await cleanUp(); } add_task(async function test_combinations() { await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE, false, 1); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_2, true, 1); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE, false, 5); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_2, false, 5); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_3, false, 5); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_4, false, 5); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_5, false, 5); await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE_6, true, 5); }); add_task(async function test_disableWebcompat() { await runRound(TEST_TOP_PAGE, true, 5, true); });