"use strict"; const profileDir = do_get_profile(); const { ContextualIdentityService } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ContextualIdentityService.sys.mjs" ); const TEST_STORE_FILE_PATH = PathUtils.join( profileDir.path, "test-containers.json" ); let cis; // Basic tests add_task(function () { ok(!!ContextualIdentityService, "ContextualIdentityService exists"); cis = ContextualIdentityService.createNewInstanceForTesting(TEST_STORE_FILE_PATH); ok(!!cis, "We have our instance of ContextualIdentityService"); equal(cis.getPublicIdentities().length, 4, "By default, 4 containers."); equal(cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(0), null, "No identity with id 0"); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(1), "Identity 1 exists"); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2), "Identity 2 exists"); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(3), "Identity 3 exists"); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(4), "Identity 4 exists"); Assert.deepEqual( cis.getPublicUserContextIds(), cis.getPublicIdentities().map(ident => ident.userContextId), "getPublicUserContextIds has matching user context IDs" ); }); // Make sure we are not allowed to only use whitespaces as a container name add_task(function () { Assert.throws( () => cis.create( "\u0009\u000B\u000C\u0020\u00A0\uFEFF\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029", "icon", "color" ), /Contextual identity names cannot contain only whitespace./, "Contextual identity names cannot contain only whitespace." ); }); add_task(function () { ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2), "Identity 2 exists"); Assert.throws( () => cis.update( 2, "\u0009\u000B\u000C\u0020\u00A0\uFEFF\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029", "icon", "color" ), /Contextual identity names cannot contain only whitespace./, "Contextual identity names cannot contain only whitespace." ); }); // Create a new identity add_task(function () { equal(cis.getPublicIdentities().length, 4, "By default, 4 containers."); let identity = cis.create("New Container", "Icon", "Color"); ok(!!identity, "New container created"); equal(identity.name, "New Container", "Name matches"); equal(identity.icon, "Icon", "Icon matches"); equal(identity.color, "Color", "Color matches"); equal(cis.getPublicIdentities().length, 5, "Expected 5 containers."); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(identity.userContextId), "Identity exists"); equal( cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(identity.userContextId).name, "New Container", "Identity name is OK" ); equal( cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(identity.userContextId).icon, "Icon", "Identity icon is OK" ); equal( cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(identity.userContextId).color, "Color", "Identity color is OK" ); equal( cis.getUserContextLabel(identity.userContextId), "New Container", "Identity label is OK" ); Assert.deepEqual( cis.getPublicUserContextIds(), cis.getPublicIdentities().map(ident => ident.userContextId), "getPublicUserContextIds has matching user context IDs" ); // Remove an identity equal( cis.remove(-1), false, "cis.remove() returns false if identity doesn't exist." ); equal(cis.remove(1), true, "cis.remove() returns true if identity exists."); equal(cis.getPublicIdentities().length, 4, "Expected 4 containers."); Assert.deepEqual( cis.getPublicUserContextIds(), cis.getPublicIdentities().map(ident => ident.userContextId), "getPublicUserContextIds has matching user context IDs" ); }); // Update an identity add_task(function () { ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2), "Identity 2 exists"); equal( cis.update(-1, "Container", "Icon", "Color"), false, "Update returns false if the identity doesn't exist" ); equal( cis.update(2, "Container", "Icon", "Color"), true, "Update returns true if everything is OK" ); ok(!!cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2), "Identity exists"); equal( cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2).name, "Container", "Identity name is OK" ); equal(cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2).icon, "Icon", "Identity icon is OK"); equal(cis.getPublicIdentityFromId(2).color, "Color", "Identity color is OK"); equal(cis.getUserContextLabel(2), "Container", "Identity label is OK"); });