# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from geckoprocesstypes import process_types def process_name(string_name): if string_name == "default": string_name = "main" if string_name == "tab": string_name = "content" return string_name def gen_process_map(): kIdentifier = "/* SUBST: CRASH_MANAGER_PROCESS_MAP */" crashManagerMap = """ processTypes: {""" for p in process_types: crashManagerMap += """ // A crash in the %(procname)s process. %(proctype)d: "%(procname)s",""" % { "proctype": p.enum_value, "procname": process_name(p.string_name), } crashManagerMap += """ },""" return (kIdentifier, crashManagerMap) def gen_process_pings(): kIdentifier = "/* SUBST: CRASH_MANAGER_PROCESS_PINGS */" crashManagerPing = "" for p in process_types: crashManagerPing += """ "%(proctype)s": %(crashping)s,""" % { "proctype": process_name(p.string_name), "crashping": "true" if p.crash_ping else "false", } return (kIdentifier, crashManagerPing) def main(o, crashManager): subst = [gen_process_map(), gen_process_pings()] with open(crashManager, "r") as src: for l in src.readlines(): for (id, value) in subst: if id in l: l = l.replace(id, value) o.write(l)