/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_task(async function testPDFPrinterSettings() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage(async helper => { // Set some bad prefs await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["print.print_to_file", false], ["print.print_in_color", false], ["print.printer_Mozilla_Save_to_PDF.print_to_file", false], ["print.printer_Mozilla_Save_to_PDF.print_in_color", false], ], }); await helper.startPrint(); await helper.awaitAnimationFrame(); // Verify we end up with sane settings let { settings } = helper; ok( settings.outputDestination == Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationFile, "Check the current settings have file destination" ); ok( settings.printInColor, "Check the current settings have a truthy printInColor for the PDF printer" ); is( settings.outputFormat, Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputFormatPDF, "The PDF printer has the correct outputFormat" ); await helper.closeDialog(); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); }); add_task(async function testPDFCancel() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage(async helper => { await helper.startPrint(); helper.mockFilePickerCancel(); let form = helper.doc.querySelector("#print"); // retrieve all elements other than cancel button let elements = []; for (let element of form.elements) { if (element.name != "cancel") { elements.push(element); } } let getDisabledStates = () => elements.map(el => el.disabled); let initialDisabledStates = getDisabledStates(); ok( initialDisabledStates.some(disabled => !disabled), "At least one enabled form element before submitting" ); let getShownDisabledStates = new Promise(resolve => { MockFilePicker.showCallback = () => resolve(getDisabledStates()); }); EventUtils.sendKey("return", helper.win); let shownDisabledStates = await getShownDisabledStates; ok(shownDisabledStates, "Got disabled states while shown"); ok( shownDisabledStates.every(disabled => disabled), "All elements were disabled when showing picker" ); let cancelButton = helper.doc.querySelector(`button[name="cancel"]`); ok(!cancelButton.disabled, "Cancel button is still enabled"); let saveButton = form.querySelector("#print-button"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForAttributeRemoval("disabled", saveButton); helper.assertDialogOpen(); is( getDisabledStates().every( (disabledState, index) => disabledState === initialDisabledStates[index] ), true, "Previous disabled states match after returning to preview" ); // Close the dialog with Escape. await helper.withClosingFn(() => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}, helper.win); }); helper.assertDialogClosed(); }); }); add_task(async function testPDFFile() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage(async helper => { await helper.startPrint(); helper.mockFilePicker("pdfFile.pdf"); let filePath = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile).path, "pdfFile.pdf" ); await helper.withClosingFn(() => { EventUtils.sendKey("return", helper.win); }); try { Services.prefs.getStringPref( "print.printer_Mozilla_Save_to_PDF.print_to_filename" ); ok(false, "Should have cleared the filename pref"); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "Cleared the filename pref"); } is(await IOUtils.exists(filePath), true, "Saved pdf file exists"); ok(await IOUtils.read(filePath), "Saved pdf file is not empty"); }); });