/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var testnum = 0; var dbConnection; // used for deleted table tests const { PromiseUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.sys.mjs" ); function countDeletedEntries(expected) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let stmt = dbConnection.createAsyncStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numEntries FROM moz_deleted_formhistory" ); stmt.executeAsync({ handleResult(resultSet) { Assert.equal( expected, resultSet.getNextRow().getResultByName("numEntries") ); resolve(); }, handleError(error) { do_throw("Error occurred counting deleted entries: " + error); reject(); }, handleCompletion() { stmt.finalize(); }, }); }); } function checkTimeDeleted(guid, checkFunction) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let stmt = dbConnection.createAsyncStatement( "SELECT timeDeleted FROM moz_deleted_formhistory WHERE guid = :guid" ); stmt.params.guid = guid; stmt.executeAsync({ handleResult(resultSet) { checkFunction(resultSet.getNextRow().getResultByName("timeDeleted")); resolve(); }, handleError(error) { do_throw("Error occurred getting deleted entries: " + error); reject(); }, handleCompletion() { stmt.finalize(); }, }); }); } function promiseUpdateEntry(op, name, value) { let change = { op }; if (name !== null) { change.fieldname = name; } if (value !== null) { change.value = value; } return promiseUpdate(change); } add_task(async function () { let oldSupportsDeletedTable = FormHistory._supportsDeletedTable; FormHistory._supportsDeletedTable = true; try { // ===== test init ===== let testfile = do_get_file("formhistory_apitest.sqlite"); let profileDir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); // Cleanup from any previous tests or failures. let destFile = profileDir.clone(); destFile.append("formhistory.sqlite"); if (destFile.exists()) { destFile.remove(false); } testfile.copyTo(profileDir, "formhistory.sqlite"); function checkExists(num) { Assert.ok(num > 0); } function checkNotExists(num) { Assert.ok(num == 0); } // ===== 1 ===== // Check initial state is as expected testnum++; await promiseCountEntries("name-A", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "value-A", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B1", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B2", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", "value-C", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", "value-D", checkExists); // time-A/B/C/D checked below. // Delete anything from the deleted table let dbFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).clone(); dbFile.append("formhistory.sqlite"); dbConnection = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(dbFile); let deferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); let stmt = dbConnection.createAsyncStatement( "DELETE FROM moz_deleted_formhistory" ); stmt.executeAsync({ handleResult(resultSet) {}, handleError(error) { do_throw("Error occurred counting deleted all entries: " + error); }, handleCompletion() { stmt.finalize(); deferred.resolve(); }, }); await deferred.promise; // ===== 2 ===== // Test looking for nonexistent / bogus data. testnum++; await promiseCountEntries("blah", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "blah", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("blah", "value-A", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("", "value-A", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, "value-A", checkExists); // Cannot use promiseCountEntries when name and value are null // because it treats null values as not set // and here a search should be done explicity for null. let count = await FormHistory.count({ fieldname: null, value: null }); checkNotExists(count); // ===== 3 ===== // Test removeEntriesForName with a single matching value testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("remove", "name-A", null); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "value-A", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B1", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B2", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", "value-C", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", "value-D", checkExists); await countDeletedEntries(1); // ===== 4 ===== // Test removeEntriesForName with multiple matching values testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("remove", "name-B", null); await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "value-A", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B1", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-B", "value-B2", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", "value-C", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", "value-D", checkExists); await countDeletedEntries(3); // ===== 5 ===== // Test removing by time range (single entry, not surrounding entries) testnum++; await promiseCountEntries("time-A", null, checkExists); // firstUsed=1000, lastUsed=1000 await promiseCountEntries("time-B", null, checkExists); // firstUsed=1000, lastUsed=1099 await promiseCountEntries("time-C", null, checkExists); // firstUsed=1099, lastUsed=1099 await promiseCountEntries("time-D", null, checkExists); // firstUsed=2001, lastUsed=2001 await promiseUpdate({ op: "remove", firstUsedStart: 1050, firstUsedEnd: 2000, }); await promiseCountEntries("time-A", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-B", null, checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-C", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-D", null, checkExists); await countDeletedEntries(4); // ===== 6 ===== // Test removing by time range (multiple entries) testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "remove", firstUsedStart: 1000, firstUsedEnd: 2000, }); await promiseCountEntries("time-A", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-B", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-C", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("time-D", null, checkExists); await countDeletedEntries(6); // ===== 7 ===== // test removeAllEntries testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("remove", null, null); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", null, checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-C", "value-C", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("name-D", "value-D", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, checkNotExists); await countDeletedEntries(6); // ===== 8 ===== // Add a single entry back testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("add", "newname-A", "newvalue-A"); await promiseCountEntries("newname-A", "newvalue-A", checkExists); // ===== 9 ===== // Remove the single entry testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("remove", "newname-A", "newvalue-A"); await promiseCountEntries("newname-A", "newvalue-A", checkNotExists); // ===== 10 ===== // Add a single entry testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("add", "field1", "value1"); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1", checkExists); let processFirstResult = function processResults(results) { // Only handle the first result if (results.length) { let result = results[0]; return [ result.timesUsed, result.firstUsed, result.lastUsed, result.guid, ]; } return undefined; }; let results = await FormHistory.search( ["timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], { fieldname: "field1", value: "value1" } ); let [timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed] = processFirstResult(results); Assert.equal(1, timesUsed); Assert.ok(firstUsed > 0); Assert.ok(lastUsed > 0); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 1)); // ===== 11 ===== // Add another single entry testnum++; await promiseUpdateEntry("add", "field1", "value1b"); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1b", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 2)); // ===== 12 ===== // Update a single entry testnum++; results = await FormHistory.search(["guid"], { fieldname: "field1", value: "value1", }); let guid = processFirstResult(results)[3]; await promiseUpdate({ op: "update", guid, value: "modifiedValue" }); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "modifiedValue", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1b", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 2)); // ===== 13 ===== // Add a single entry with times testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "add", fieldname: "field2", value: "value2", timesUsed: 20, firstUsed: 100, lastUsed: 500, }); results = await FormHistory.search(["timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], { fieldname: "field2", value: "value2", }); [timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed] = processFirstResult(results); Assert.equal(20, timesUsed); Assert.equal(100, firstUsed); Assert.equal(500, lastUsed); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 3)); // ===== 14 ===== // Bump an entry, which updates its lastUsed field testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "bump", fieldname: "field2", value: "value2", timesUsed: 20, firstUsed: 100, lastUsed: 500, }); results = await FormHistory.search(["timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], { fieldname: "field2", value: "value2", }); [timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed] = processFirstResult(results); Assert.equal(21, timesUsed); Assert.equal(100, firstUsed); Assert.ok(lastUsed > 500); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 3)); // ===== 15 ===== // Bump an entry that does not exist testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "bump", fieldname: "field3", value: "value3", timesUsed: 10, firstUsed: 50, lastUsed: 400, }); results = await FormHistory.search(["timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], { fieldname: "field3", value: "value3", }); [timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed] = processFirstResult(results); Assert.equal(10, timesUsed); Assert.equal(50, firstUsed); Assert.equal(400, lastUsed); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 4)); // ===== 16 ===== // Bump an entry with a guid testnum++; results = await FormHistory.search(["guid"], { fieldname: "field3", value: "value3", }); guid = processFirstResult(results)[3]; await promiseUpdate({ op: "bump", guid, timesUsed: 20, firstUsed: 55, lastUsed: 400, }); results = await FormHistory.search(["timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], { fieldname: "field3", value: "value3", }); [timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed] = processFirstResult(results); Assert.equal(11, timesUsed); Assert.equal(50, firstUsed); Assert.ok(lastUsed > 400); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 4)); // ===== 17 ===== // Remove an entry testnum++; await countDeletedEntries(7); results = await FormHistory.search(["guid"], { fieldname: "field1", value: "value1b", }); guid = processFirstResult(results)[3]; await promiseUpdate({ op: "remove", guid }); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "modifiedValue", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "value1b", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 3)); await countDeletedEntries(8); await checkTimeDeleted(guid, timeDeleted => Assert.ok(timeDeleted > 10000)); // ===== 18 ===== // Add yet another single entry testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "add", fieldname: "field4", value: "value4", timesUsed: 5, firstUsed: 230, lastUsed: 600, }); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 4)); // ===== 19 ===== // Remove an entry by time testnum++; await promiseUpdate({ op: "remove", firstUsedStart: 60, firstUsedEnd: 250, }); await promiseCountEntries("field1", "modifiedValue", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("field2", "value2", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries("field3", "value3", checkExists); await promiseCountEntries("field4", "value4", checkNotExists); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 2)); await countDeletedEntries(10); // ===== 20 ===== // Bump multiple existing entries at once testnum++; await promiseUpdate([ { op: "add", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5", timesUsed: 5, firstUsed: 230, lastUsed: 600, }, { op: "add", fieldname: "field6", value: "value6", timesUsed: 12, firstUsed: 430, lastUsed: 700, }, ]); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 4)); await promiseUpdate([ { op: "bump", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }, { op: "bump", fieldname: "field6", value: "value6" }, ]); results = await FormHistory.search( ["fieldname", "timesUsed", "firstUsed", "lastUsed"], {} ); Assert.equal(6, results[2].timesUsed); Assert.equal(13, results[3].timesUsed); Assert.equal(230, results[2].firstUsed); Assert.equal(430, results[3].firstUsed); Assert.ok(results[2].lastUsed > 600); Assert.ok(results[3].lastUsed > 700); await promiseCountEntries(null, null, num => Assert.equal(num, 4)); // ===== 21 ===== // Check update fails if form history is disabled and the operation is not a // pure removal. testnum++; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.formfill.enable", false); // Cannot use arrow functions, see bug 1237961. await Assert.rejects( promiseUpdate({ op: "bump", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }), /Form history is disabled, only remove operations are allowed/, "bumping when form history is disabled should fail" ); await Assert.rejects( promiseUpdate({ op: "add", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }), /Form history is disabled, only remove operations are allowed/, "Adding when form history is disabled should fail" ); await Assert.rejects( promiseUpdate([ { op: "update", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }, { op: "remove", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }, ]), /Form history is disabled, only remove operations are allowed/, "mixed operations when form history is disabled should fail" ); await Assert.rejects( promiseUpdate([ null, undefined, "", 1, {}, { op: "remove", fieldname: "field5", value: "value5" }, ]), /Form history is disabled, only remove operations are allowed/, "Invalid entries when form history is disabled should fail" ); // Remove should work though. await promiseUpdate([ { op: "remove", fieldname: "field5", value: null }, { op: "remove", fieldname: null, value: null }, ]); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.formfill.enable"); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`FAILED in test #${testnum} -- ${e}`); } finally { FormHistory._supportsDeletedTable = oldSupportsDeletedTable; dbConnection.asyncClose(do_test_finished); } }); function run_test() { return run_next_test(); }