"use strict"; const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally( /Message manager disconnected/ ); function extensionShortcutsReady(id) { let extension = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(id).extension; return BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return extension.shortcuts.keysetsMap.has(window); }, "Wait for add-on keyset to be registered"); } async function loadShortcutsView() { // Load the theme view initially so we can verify that the category is switched // to "extension" when the shortcuts view is loaded. let win = await loadInitialView("theme"); let categoryUtils = new CategoryUtilities(win); is( categoryUtils.getSelectedViewId(), "addons://list/theme", "The theme category is selected" ); let shortcutsLink = win.document.querySelector( '#page-options [action="manage-shortcuts"]' ); ok(!shortcutsLink.hidden, "The shortcuts link is visible"); let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); shortcutsLink.click(); await loaded; is( categoryUtils.getSelectedViewId(), "addons://list/extension", "The extension category is now selected" ); return win; } add_task(async function testUpdatingCommands() { let commands = { commandZero: {}, commandOne: { suggested_key: { default: "Shift+Alt+7" }, }, commandTwo: { description: "Command Two!", suggested_key: { default: "Alt+4" }, }, _execute_browser_action: { suggested_key: { default: "Shift+Alt+9" }, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { commands, browser_action: { default_popup: "popup.html" }, }, background() { browser.commands.onCommand.addListener(commandName => { browser.test.sendMessage("oncommand", commandName); }); browser.test.sendMessage("ready"); }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("ready"); await extensionShortcutsReady(extension.id); async function checkShortcut(name, key, modifiers) { EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers); let message = await extension.awaitMessage("oncommand"); is( message, name, `Expected onCommand listener to fire with the correct name: ${name}` ); } // Load the about:addons shortcut view before verify that emitting // the key events does trigger the expected extension commands. // There is apparently a race (more likely to be triggered on an // optimized build) between: // - the new opened browser window to be ready to listen for the // keyboard events that are expected to triggered one of the key // in the extension keyset // - and the test calling EventUtils.syntesizeKey to test that // the expected extension command listener is notified. // // Loading the shortcut view before calling checkShortcut seems to be // enough to consistently avoid that race condition. let win = await loadShortcutsView(); // Check that the original shortcuts work. await checkShortcut("commandOne", "7", { shiftKey: true, altKey: true }); await checkShortcut("commandTwo", "4", { altKey: true }); let doc = win.document; let card = doc.querySelector(`.card[addon-id="${extension.id}"]`); ok(card, `There is a card for the extension`); let inputs = card.querySelectorAll(".shortcut-input"); is( inputs.length, Object.keys(commands).length, "There is an input for each command" ); let nameOrder = Array.from(inputs).map(input => input.getAttribute("name")); Assert.deepEqual( nameOrder, ["commandOne", "commandTwo", "_execute_browser_action", "commandZero"], "commandZero should be last since it is unset" ); let count = 1; for (let input of inputs) { // Change the shortcut. input.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("8", { shiftKey: true, altKey: true }); count++; // Wait for the shortcut attribute to change. await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => input.getAttribute("shortcut") == "Alt+Shift+8", "Wait for shortcut to update to Alt+Shift+8" ); // Check that the change worked (but skip if browserAction). if (input.getAttribute("name") != "_execute_browser_action") { await checkShortcut(input.getAttribute("name"), "8", { shiftKey: true, altKey: true, }); } // Change it again so it doesn't conflict with the next command. input.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(count.toString(), { shiftKey: true, altKey: true, }); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => input.getAttribute("shortcut") == `Alt+Shift+${count}`, `Wait for shortcut to update to Alt+Shift+${count}` ); } // Check that errors can be shown. let input = inputs[0]; let error = doc.querySelector(".error-message"); let label = error.querySelector(".error-message-label"); is(error.style.visibility, "hidden", "The error is initially hidden"); // Try a shortcut with only shift for a modifier. input.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("J", { shiftKey: true }); let possibleErrors = ["shortcuts-modifier-mac", "shortcuts-modifier-other"]; ok(possibleErrors.includes(label.dataset.l10nId), `The message is set`); is(error.style.visibility, "visible", "The error is shown"); // Escape should clear the focus and hide the error. is(doc.activeElement, input, "The input is focused"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("Escape", {}); ok(doc.activeElement != input, "The input is no longer focused"); is(error.style.visibility, "hidden", "The error is hidden"); // Check if assigning already assigned shortcut is prevented. input.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("2", { shiftKey: true, altKey: true }); is(label.dataset.l10nId, "shortcuts-exists", `The message is set`); is(error.style.visibility, "visible", "The error is shown"); // Check the label uses the description first, and has a default for the special cases. function checkLabel(name, value) { let input = doc.querySelector(`.shortcut-input[name="${name}"]`); let label = input.previousElementSibling; if (label.dataset.l10nId) { is(label.dataset.l10nId, value, "The l10n-id is set"); } else { is(label.textContent, value, "The textContent is set"); } } checkLabel("commandOne", "commandOne"); checkLabel("commandTwo", "Command Two!"); checkLabel("_execute_browser_action", "shortcuts-browserAction2"); await closeView(win); await extension.unload(); }); async function startExtensionWithCommands(numCommands) { let commands = {}; for (let i = 0; i < numCommands; i++) { commands[`command-${i}`] = {}; } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { commands, }, background() { browser.test.sendMessage("ready"); }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("ready"); await extensionShortcutsReady(extension.id); return extension; } add_task(async function testExpanding() { const numCommands = 7; const visibleCommands = 5; let extension = await startExtensionWithCommands(numCommands); let win = await loadShortcutsView(); let doc = win.document; let card = doc.querySelector(`.card[addon-id="${extension.id}"]`); ok(!card.hasAttribute("expanded"), "The card is not expanded"); let shortcutRows = card.querySelectorAll(".shortcut-row"); is(shortcutRows.length, numCommands, `There are ${numCommands} shortcuts`); function assertCollapsedVisibility() { for (let i = 0; i < shortcutRows.length; i++) { let row = shortcutRows[i]; if (i < visibleCommands) { ok( getComputedStyle(row).display != "none", `The first ${visibleCommands} rows are visible` ); } else { is(getComputedStyle(row).display, "none", "The other rows are hidden"); } } } // Check the visibility of the rows. assertCollapsedVisibility(); let expandButton = card.querySelector(".expand-button"); ok(expandButton, "There is an expand button"); let l10nAttrs = doc.l10n.getAttributes(expandButton); is(l10nAttrs.id, "shortcuts-card-expand-button", "The expand text is shown"); is( l10nAttrs.args.numberToShow, numCommands - visibleCommands, "The number to be shown is set on the expand button" ); // Expand the card. expandButton.click(); is(card.getAttribute("expanded"), "true", "The card is now expanded"); for (let row of shortcutRows) { ok(getComputedStyle(row).display != "none", "All the rows are visible"); } // The collapse text is now shown. l10nAttrs = doc.l10n.getAttributes(expandButton); is( l10nAttrs.id, "shortcuts-card-collapse-button", "The colapse text is shown" ); // Collapse the card. expandButton.click(); ok(!card.hasAttribute("expanded"), "The card is now collapsed again"); assertCollapsedVisibility({ collapsed: true }); await closeView(win); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function testOneExtraCommandIsNotCollapsed() { const numCommands = 6; let extension = await startExtensionWithCommands(numCommands); let win = await loadShortcutsView(); let doc = win.document; // The card is not expanded, since it doesn't collapse. let card = doc.querySelector(`.card[addon-id="${extension.id}"]`); ok(!card.hasAttribute("expanded"), "The card is not expanded"); // Each shortcut has a row. let shortcutRows = card.querySelectorAll(".shortcut-row"); is(shortcutRows.length, numCommands, `There are ${numCommands} shortcuts`); // There's no expand button, since it can't be expanded. let expandButton = card.querySelector(".expand-button"); ok(!expandButton, "There is no expand button"); // All of the rows are visible, to avoid a "Show 1 More" button. for (let row of shortcutRows) { ok(getComputedStyle(row).display != "none", "All the rows are visible"); } await closeView(win); await extension.unload(); });