"use strict"; const { BuiltInThemes } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/BuiltInThemes.sys.mjs" ); const { BuiltInThemeConfig } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/BuiltInThemeConfig.sys.mjs" ); const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/Sinon.sys.mjs" ); // Enable SCOPE_APPLICATION for builtin testing. let scopes = AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE | AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION; Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.enabledScopes", scopes); AddonTestUtils.createAppInfo( "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "42", "42" ); const ADDON_ID = "mock-colorway@mozilla.org"; const ADDON_ID_RETAINED = "mock-disabled-retained-colorway@mozilla.org"; const ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED = "mock-disabled-not-retained-colorway@mozilla.org"; const DEFAULT_THEME_ID = "default-theme@mozilla.org"; const NOT_MIGRATED_THEME = "mock-not-migrated-theme@mozilla.org"; const RETAINED_THEMES_PREF = "browser.theme.retainedExpiredThemes"; const COLORWAY_MIGRATION_PREF = "browser.theme.colorway-migration"; const ICON_SVG = ` `; const createMockThemeManifest = (id, version) => ({ name: "A mock colorway theme", author: "Mozilla", version, icons: { 32: "icon.svg" }, theme: { colors: { toolbar: "red", }, }, browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, }); let server = createHttpServer(); const SERVER_BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}`; // The test extension uses an insecure update url. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.checkUpdateSecurity", false); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.update.background.url", `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/upgrade.json` ); AddonTestUtils.registerJSON(server, "/upgrade.json", { addons: { [ADDON_ID]: { updates: [ { version: "2.0.0", update_link: `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/${ADDON_ID}.xpi`, }, ], }, [ADDON_ID_RETAINED]: { updates: [ { version: "3.0.0", update_link: `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/${ADDON_ID_RETAINED}.xpi`, }, ], }, // We list the test extension with addon id ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED here, // but the xpi file doesn't exist because we expect that we wouldn't // be checking this extension for updates, and that expected behavior // regresses, the test would fail either for the explicit assertion // (checking that we don't find an update) or because we would be trying // to download a file from an url that isn't going to be handled. [ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED]: { updates: [ { version: "4.0.0", update_link: `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/non-existing.xpi`, }, ], }, }, }); function createWebExtensionFile(id, version) { return AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({ files: { "icon.svg": ICON_SVG }, manifest: createMockThemeManifest(id, version), }); } let xpiUpdate = createWebExtensionFile(ADDON_ID, "2.0.0"); let retainedThemeUpdate = createWebExtensionFile(ADDON_ID_RETAINED, "3.0.0"); server.registerFile(`/${ADDON_ID}.xpi`, xpiUpdate); server.registerFile(`/${ADDON_ID_RETAINED}.xpi`, retainedThemeUpdate); function assertAddonWrapperProperties( addonWrapper, { id, version, isBuiltin, type, isBuiltinColorwayTheme, scope } ) { Assert.deepEqual( { id: addonWrapper.id, version: addonWrapper.version, type: addonWrapper.type, scope: addonWrapper.scope, isBuiltin: addonWrapper.isBuiltin, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: addonWrapper.isBuiltinColorwayTheme, }, { id, version, type, scope, isBuiltin, isBuiltinColorwayTheme, }, `Got expected properties on addon wrapper for "${id}"` ); } function assertAddonCanUpgrade(addonWrapper, canUpgrade) { equal( !!(addonWrapper.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE), canUpgrade, `Expected "${addonWrapper.id}" to ${ canUpgrade ? "have" : "not have" } PERM_CAN_UPGRADE AOM permission` ); } function assertIsActiveThemeID(addonId) { equal( Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.activeThemeID"), addonId, `Expect ${addonId} to be the currently active theme` ); } function assertIsExpiredTheme(addonId, expectExpired) { equal( // themeIsExpired returns undefined for themes without an expiry date, // normalized here to always be a boolean. !!BuiltInThemes.themeIsExpired(addonId), expectExpired, `Expect ${addonId} to be recognized as an expired colorway theme` ); } function assertIsRetainedExpiredTheme(addonId, expectRetainedExpired) { equal( BuiltInThemes.isRetainedExpiredTheme(addonId), expectRetainedExpired, `Expect ${addonId} to be recognized as a retained expired colorway theme` ); } function waitForBootstrapUpdateMethod(addonId, newVersion) { return new Promise(resolve => { function listener(_evt, { method, params }) { if ( method === "update" && params.id === addonId && params.newVersion === newVersion ) { AddonTestUtils.off("bootstrap-method", listener); info(`Update bootstrap method called for ${addonId} ${newVersion}`); resolve(); } } AddonTestUtils.on("bootstrap-method", listener); }); } let waitForTemporaryXPIFilesRemoved; add_setup(async () => { info("Creating BuiltInThemes stubs"); const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); // Restoring the mocked BuiltInThemeConfig doesn't really matter for xpcshell // because each test file will run in its own separate xpcshell instance, // but cleaning it up doesn't harm neither. registerCleanupFunction(() => { info("Restoring BuiltInThemes sandbox for cleanup"); sandbox.restore(); BuiltInThemes.builtInThemeMap = BuiltInThemeConfig; }); // Mock BuiltInThemes builtInThemeMap. BuiltInThemes.builtInThemeMap = new Map(); sandbox.stub(BuiltInThemes.builtInThemeMap, "get").callsFake(id => { info(`Mock BuiltInthemes.builtInThemeMap.get result for ${id}`); // No theme info is expected to be returned for the default-theme. if (id === DEFAULT_THEME_ID) { return undefined; } if (!id.endsWith("colorway@mozilla.org")) { return BuiltInThemeConfig.get(id); } let mockThemeProperties = { collection: "Mock expired colorway collection", figureUrl: "about:blank", expiry: new Date("1970-01-01"), }; return mockThemeProperties; }); // Start AOM and make sure updates are enabled. await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); AddonManager.updateEnabled = true; // Enable the default theme explicitly (mainly because on DevEdition builds // the dark theme would be the one enabled by default). const defaultTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(DEFAULT_THEME_ID); await defaultTheme.enable(); assertIsActiveThemeID(defaultTheme.id); const tmpFiles = new Set(); const addonInstallListener = { onInstallEnded: function collectTmpFiles(install) { tmpFiles.add(install.file); }, }; AddonManager.addInstallListener(addonInstallListener); registerCleanupFunction(() => { AddonManager.removeInstallListener(addonInstallListener); }); // Make sure all the tempfile created for the background updates have // been removed (otherwise AddonTestUtils cleanup function will trigger // intermittent test failures due to unexpected xpi files that may still // be found in the temporary directory). waitForTemporaryXPIFilesRemoved = async () => { info( "Wait for temporary xpi files created by the background updates to have been removed" ); const files = Array.from(tmpFiles); tmpFiles.clear(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => { for (const file of files) { if (await file.exists()) { return false; } } return true; }, "Wait for the temporary files created for the background updates to have been removed"); }; }); add_task( { pref_set: [[COLORWAY_MIGRATION_PREF, false]], }, async function test_colorways_migration_disabled() { info("Install and activate a colorway built-in test theme"); await installBuiltinExtension( { manifest: createMockThemeManifest(ADDON_ID, "1.0.0"), }, false /* waitForStartup */ ); const activeTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID); assertAddonWrapperProperties(activeTheme, { id: ADDON_ID, version: "1.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION, isBuiltin: true, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: true, }); const promiseThemeEnabled = AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent( "onEnabled", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID ); await activeTheme.enable(); await promiseThemeEnabled; ok(activeTheme.isActive, "Expect the colorways theme to be active"); assertIsActiveThemeID(activeTheme.id); info("Verify that built-in colorway migration is disabled as expected"); assertAddonCanUpgrade(activeTheme, false); const promiseBackgroundUpdatesFound = TestUtils.topicObserved( "addons-background-updates-found" ); await AddonManagerPrivate.backgroundUpdateCheck(); const [, numUpdatesFound] = await promiseBackgroundUpdatesFound; equal(numUpdatesFound, 0, "Expect no add-on updates to be found"); await activeTheme.uninstall(); } ); add_task( { pref_set: [ [COLORWAY_MIGRATION_PREF, true], [ RETAINED_THEMES_PREF, JSON.stringify([ADDON_ID_RETAINED, NOT_MIGRATED_THEME]), ], ], }, async function test_colorways_builtin_upgrade() { info("Verify default theme initially enabled"); const defaultTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(DEFAULT_THEME_ID); assertAddonWrapperProperties(defaultTheme, { id: DEFAULT_THEME_ID, version: defaultTheme.version, type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION, isBuiltin: true, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: false, }); ok( defaultTheme.isActive, "Expect the default theme to be initially active" ); assertIsActiveThemeID(defaultTheme.id); info("Install the non retained expired colorway test theme"); await installBuiltinExtension( { manifest: createMockThemeManifest(ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED, "1.0.0"), }, false /* waitForStartup */ ); const notRetainedTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID( ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED ); assertAddonWrapperProperties(notRetainedTheme, { id: ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED, version: "1.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION, isBuiltin: true, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: true, }); info("Install the retained expired colorway test theme"); await installBuiltinExtension( { manifest: createMockThemeManifest(ADDON_ID_RETAINED, "1.0.0"), }, false /* waitForStartup */ ); const retainedTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID_RETAINED); assertAddonWrapperProperties(retainedTheme, { id: ADDON_ID_RETAINED, version: "1.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION, isBuiltin: true, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: true, }); info("Install the active colorway test theme"); await installBuiltinExtension( { manifest: createMockThemeManifest(ADDON_ID, "1.0.0"), }, false /* waitForStartup */ ); const activeTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID); assertAddonWrapperProperties(activeTheme, { id: ADDON_ID, version: "1.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION, isBuiltin: true, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: true, }); const promiseThemeEnabled = AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent( "onEnabled", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID ); await activeTheme.enable(); await promiseThemeEnabled; ok(activeTheme.isActive, "Expect the colorways theme to be active"); assertIsActiveThemeID(activeTheme.id); info("Verify only active and retained colorways themes can be upgraded"); assertIsActiveThemeID(activeTheme.id); assertIsExpiredTheme(activeTheme.id, true); assertIsRetainedExpiredTheme(activeTheme.id, false); assertIsExpiredTheme(retainedTheme.id, true); assertIsRetainedExpiredTheme(retainedTheme.id, true); assertIsExpiredTheme(notRetainedTheme.id, true); assertIsRetainedExpiredTheme(notRetainedTheme.id, false); assertIsExpiredTheme(defaultTheme.id, false); assertIsRetainedExpiredTheme(defaultTheme.id, false); assertAddonCanUpgrade(retainedTheme, true); assertAddonCanUpgrade(notRetainedTheme, false); assertAddonCanUpgrade(activeTheme, true); // Make sure a non-colorways built-in theme cannot check for updates. assertAddonCanUpgrade(defaultTheme, false); Assert.deepEqual( Services.prefs.getStringPref(RETAINED_THEMES_PREF), JSON.stringify([retainedTheme.id, NOT_MIGRATED_THEME]), `Expect the retained theme id to be listed in the ${RETAINED_THEMES_PREF} pref` ); const promiseUpdatesInstalled = Promise.all([ waitForBootstrapUpdateMethod(ADDON_ID, "2.0.0"), waitForBootstrapUpdateMethod(ADDON_ID_RETAINED, "3.0.0"), ]); const promiseInstallsEnded = Promise.all([ AddonTestUtils.promiseInstallEvent( "onInstallEnded", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID ), AddonTestUtils.promiseInstallEvent( "onInstallEnded", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID_RETAINED ), ]); const promiseActiveThemeStartupCompleted = AddonTestUtils.promiseWebExtensionStartup(ADDON_ID); const promiseBackgroundUpdatesFound = TestUtils.topicObserved( "addons-background-updates-found" ); await AddonManagerPrivate.backgroundUpdateCheck(); const [, numUpdatesFound] = await promiseBackgroundUpdatesFound; equal(numUpdatesFound, 2, "Expect 2 add-on updates to have been found"); info("Wait for the 2 expected updates to be completed"); await promiseUpdatesInstalled; const updatedActiveTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID); assertAddonWrapperProperties(updatedActiveTheme, { id: ADDON_ID, version: "2.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE, isBuiltin: false, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: false, }); // Expect the updated active theme to stay set as the currently active theme. assertIsActiveThemeID(updatedActiveTheme.id); info("Verify addon update on disabled builtin colorway theme"); const updatedRetainedTheme = await AddonManager.getAddonByID( ADDON_ID_RETAINED ); assertAddonWrapperProperties(updatedRetainedTheme, { id: ADDON_ID_RETAINED, version: "3.0.0", type: "theme", scope: AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE, isBuiltin: false, isBuiltinColorwayTheme: false, }); // Expect the updated active theme to stay set as the currently active theme. assertIsActiveThemeID(updatedActiveTheme.id); ok(updatedActiveTheme.isActive, "Expect the colorways theme to be active"); // We need to wait for the active theme startup otherwise uninstall the active // theme will fail to remove the xpi file because it is stil active while the // test is running on windows builds. info("Wait for the active theme to have been fully loaded"); await promiseActiveThemeStartupCompleted; await promiseInstallsEnded; Assert.deepEqual( Services.prefs.getStringPref(RETAINED_THEMES_PREF), JSON.stringify([NOT_MIGRATED_THEME]), `Expect migrated retained theme to not be listed anymore in the ${RETAINED_THEMES_PREF} pref` ); info( "uninstall test colorways themes and expect default theme to become active" ); const promiseUninstalled = Promise.all([ AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent( "onUninstalled", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID ), AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent( "onUninstalled", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID_RETAINED ), AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent( "onUninstalled", addon => addon.id === ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED ), ]); const promiseDefaultThemeEnabled = AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent("onEnabled"); await updatedActiveTheme.uninstall(); await updatedRetainedTheme.uninstall(); await notRetainedTheme.uninstall(); await promiseUninstalled; info("Wait for the default theme to become active"); // Waiting explicitly for the onEnabled addon event prevents a race between // the test task exiting (and the AddonManager being shutdown automatically // as a side effect of that) and the XPIProvider trying to call the addon event // listeners for the default theme being enabled), which would trigger a test // failure after the test is existing. await promiseDefaultThemeEnabled; ok(defaultTheme.isActive, "Expect the default theme to be active"); assertIsActiveThemeID(defaultTheme.id); // Wait for the temporary file to be actually removed, otherwise the hack we use // to mock an AOM restart (which is unloading the related jsm modules) may // affect the successfull removal of the temporary file because some of the // global helpers defined and used inside the XPIProvider may have been gone // already and intermittently trigger unexpected errors. await waitForTemporaryXPIFilesRemoved(); // Restart the addon manager to confirm that the migrated colorways themes // are still gone after an AOM restart and that the previously installed // builtin hasn't been made implicitly visible again. info( "Verify old builtin colorways are not visible and default-theme still active after AOM restart" ); await AddonTestUtils.promiseRestartManager(); const defaultThemeAfterRestart = await AddonManager.getAddonByID( DEFAULT_THEME_ID ); ok( defaultThemeAfterRestart.isActive, "Expect the default theme to be active" ); equal( (await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID))?.version, undefined, "Expect the active theme addon to not be available anymore after being uninstalled" ); equal( (await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID_RETAINED))?.version, undefined, "Expect the retained theme addon to not be available anymore after being uninstalled" ); equal( (await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID_NOT_RETAINED))?.version, undefined, "Expect the not retained expired theme addon to not be available anymore after being uninstalled" ); } );