let profileDir; add_task(async function setup() { profileDir = gProfD.clone(); profileDir.append("extensions"); if (!profileDir.exists()) { profileDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); } createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2"); await promiseStartupManager(); }); const IMPLICIT_ID_XPI = "data/webext-implicit-id.xpi"; const IMPLICIT_ID_ID = "webext_implicit_id@tests.mozilla.org"; // webext-implicit-id.xpi has a minimal manifest with no // applications or browser_specific_settings, so its id comes // from its signature, which should be the ID constant defined below. add_task(async function test_implicit_id() { let addon = await promiseAddonByID(IMPLICIT_ID_ID); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); await promiseInstallFile(do_get_file(IMPLICIT_ID_XPI)); addon = await promiseAddonByID(IMPLICIT_ID_ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); await addon.uninstall(); }); // We should also be able to install webext-implicit-id.xpi temporarily // and it should look just like the regular install (ie, the ID should // come from the signature) add_task(async function test_implicit_id_temp() { let addon = await promiseAddonByID(IMPLICIT_ID_ID); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); let xpifile = do_get_file(IMPLICIT_ID_XPI); await AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(xpifile); addon = await promiseAddonByID(IMPLICIT_ID_ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); // The sourceURI of a temporary installed addon should be equal to the // file url of the installed xpi file. equal( addon.sourceURI && addon.sourceURI.spec, Services.io.newFileURI(xpifile).spec, "SourceURI of the add-on has the expected value" ); await addon.uninstall(); }); // Test that extension install error attach the detailed error messages to the // Error object. add_task(async function test_invalid_extension_install_errors() { const manifest = { name: "invalid", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "invalid@tests.mozilla.org", }, }, description: "extension with an invalid 'matches' value", manifest_version: 2, content_scripts: [ { matches: "*://*.foo.com/*", js: ["content.js"], }, ], version: "1.0", }; const addonDir = await promiseWriteWebManifestForExtension( manifest, gTmpD, "the-addon-sub-dir" ); await Assert.rejects( AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(addonDir), err => { return ( err.additionalErrors.length == 1 && err.additionalErrors[0] == `Reading manifest: Error processing content_scripts.0.matches: ` + `Expected array instead of "*://*.foo.com/*"` ); }, "Exception has the proper additionalErrors details" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers(addonDir, "flush-cache-entry"); addonDir.remove(true); }); // We should be able to temporarily install an unsigned web extension // that does not have an ID in its manifest. add_task(async function test_unsigned_no_id_temp_install() { AddonTestUtils.useRealCertChecks = true; const manifest = { name: "no ID", description: "extension without an ID", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", }; const addonDir = await promiseWriteWebManifestForExtension( manifest, gTmpD, "the-addon-sub-dir" ); const testDate = new Date(); const addon = await AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(addonDir); ok(addon.id, "ID should have been auto-generated"); ok( Math.abs(addon.installDate - testDate) < 10000, "addon has an expected installDate" ); ok( Math.abs(addon.updateDate - testDate) < 10000, "addon has an expected updateDate" ); // The sourceURI of a temporary installed addon should be equal to the // file url of the installed source dir. equal( addon.sourceURI && addon.sourceURI.spec, Services.io.newFileURI(addonDir).spec, "SourceURI of the add-on has the expected value" ); // Install the same directory again, as if re-installing or reloading. const secondAddon = await AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(addonDir); // The IDs should be the same. equal(secondAddon.id, addon.id, "Reinstalled add-on has the expected ID"); equal( secondAddon.installDate.valueOf(), addon.installDate.valueOf(), "Reloaded add-on has the expected installDate." ); await secondAddon.uninstall(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(addonDir, "flush-cache-entry"); addonDir.remove(true); AddonTestUtils.useRealCertChecks = false; }); // We should be able to install two extensions from manifests without IDs // at different locations and get two unique extensions. add_task(async function test_multiple_no_id_extensions() { AddonTestUtils.useRealCertChecks = true; const manifest = { name: "no ID", description: "extension without an ID", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", }; let extension1 = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); let extension2 = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await Promise.all([extension1.startup(), extension2.startup()]); const allAddons = await AddonManager.getAllAddons(); info(`Found these add-ons: ${allAddons.map(a => a.name).join(", ")}`); const filtered = allAddons.filter(addon => addon.name === manifest.name); // Make sure we have two add-ons by the same name. equal(filtered.length, 2, "Two add-ons are installed with the same name"); await extension1.unload(); await extension2.unload(); AddonTestUtils.useRealCertChecks = false; }); // Test that we can get the ID from browser_specific_settings add_task(async function test_bss_id() { const ID = "webext_bss_id@tests.mozilla.org"; let manifest = { name: "bss test", description: "test that ID may be in browser_specific_settings", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: ID, }, }, }; let addon = await promiseAddonByID(ID); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); addon = await promiseAddonByID(ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that if we have IDs in both browser_specific_settings and applications, // that we prefer the ID in browser_specific_settings. add_task(async function test_two_ids() { const GOOD_ID = "two_ids@tests.mozilla.org"; const BAD_ID = "i_am_obsolete@tests.mozilla.org"; let manifest = { name: "two id test", description: "test a web extension with ids in both applications and browser_specific_settings", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", applications: { gecko: { id: BAD_ID, }, }, browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: GOOD_ID, }, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); let addon = await promiseAddonByID(BAD_ID); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not found using bad ID"); addon = await promiseAddonByID(GOOD_ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is found using good ID"); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that strict_min_version and strict_max_version are enforced for // loading temporary extension. add_task(async function test_strict_min_max() { // the app version being compared to is 1.9.2 const addonId = "strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org"; const MANIFEST = { name: "strict min max test", description: "test strict min and max with temporary loading", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", }; // bad max good min let apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "1", strict_max_version: "1", }, }, }; let testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); let expectedMsg = new RegExp( "Add-on strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org is not compatible with application version. " + "add-on minVersion: 1. add-on maxVersion: 1." ); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), expectedMsg, "Install rejects when specified maxVersion is not valid" ); let addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); // bad min good max apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); expectedMsg = new RegExp( "Add-on strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org is not compatible with application version. " + "add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2." ); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), expectedMsg, "Install rejects when specified minVersion is not valid" ); addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); // bad both apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "1", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); expectedMsg = new RegExp( "Add-on strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org is not compatible with application version. " + "add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 1." ); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), expectedMsg, "Install rejects when specified minVersion and maxVersion are not valid" ); addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); // bad only min apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); expectedMsg = new RegExp( "Add-on strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org is not compatible with application version. " + "add-on minVersion: 2." ); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), expectedMsg, "Install rejects when specified minVersion and maxVersion are not valid" ); addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); // bad only max apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_max_version: "1", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); expectedMsg = new RegExp( "Add-on strict_min_max@tests.mozilla.org is not compatible with application version. " + "add-on maxVersion: 1." ); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), expectedMsg, "Install rejects when specified minVersion and maxVersion are not valid" ); addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); // good both apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "1", strict_max_version: "2", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); addon = await promiseAddonByID(addonId); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); equal(addon.id, addonId, "Installed add-on has the expected ID"); await extension.unload(); // good only min let newId = "strict_min_only@tests.mozilla.org"; apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: newId, strict_min_version: "1", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); addon = await promiseAddonByID(newId); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); equal(addon.id, newId, "Installed add-on has the expected ID"); await extension.unload(); // good only max newId = "strict_max_only@tests.mozilla.org"; apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: newId, strict_max_version: "2", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); addon = await promiseAddonByID(newId); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); equal(addon.id, newId, "Installed add-on has the expected ID"); await extension.unload(); // * in min will throw an error for (let version of ["0.*", "0.*.0"]) { newId = "strict_min_star@tests.mozilla.org"; let minStarApps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: newId, strict_min_version: version, }, }, }; let minStarTestManifest = Object.assign(minStarApps, MANIFEST); let minStarExtension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: minStarTestManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await Assert.rejects( minStarExtension.startup(), /The use of '\*' in strict_min_version is invalid/, "loading an extension with a * in strict_min_version throws an exception" ); let minStarAddon = await promiseAddonByID(newId); equal(minStarAddon, null, "Add-on is not installed"); } // incompatible extension but with compatibility checking off newId = "checkCompatibility@tests.mozilla.org"; apps = { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: newId, strict_max_version: "1", }, }, }; testManifest = Object.assign(apps, MANIFEST); extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: testManifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); let savedCheckCompatibilityValue = AddonManager.checkCompatibility; AddonManager.checkCompatibility = false; await extension.startup(); addon = await promiseAddonByID(newId); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); equal(addon.id, newId, "Installed add-on has the expected ID"); await extension.unload(); AddonManager.checkCompatibility = savedCheckCompatibilityValue; }); // Check permissions prompt add_task(async function test_permissions_prompt() { const manifest = { name: "permissions test", description: "permissions test", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", permissions: ["tabs", "storage", "https://*.example.com/*", ""], }; let xpi = ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI({ manifest }); let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForFile(xpi); let perminfo; install.promptHandler = info => { perminfo = info; return Promise.resolve(); }; await install.install(); notEqual(perminfo, undefined, "Permission handler was invoked"); equal( perminfo.existingAddon, null, "Permission info does not include an existing addon" ); notEqual(perminfo.addon, null, "Permission info includes the new addon"); let perms = perminfo.addon.userPermissions; deepEqual( perms.permissions, ["tabs", "storage"], "API permissions are correct" ); deepEqual( perms.origins, ["https://*.example.com/*", ""], "Host permissions are correct" ); let addon = await promiseAddonByID(perminfo.addon.id); notEqual(addon, null, "Extension was installed"); await addon.uninstall(); await IOUtils.remove(xpi.path); }); // Check permissions prompt cancellation add_task(async function test_permissions_prompt_cancel() { const manifest = { name: "permissions test", description: "permissions test", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", permissions: ["webRequestBlocking"], }; let xpi = ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI({ manifest }); let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForFile(xpi); let perminfo; install.promptHandler = info => { perminfo = info; return Promise.reject(); }; await promiseCompleteInstall(install); notEqual(perminfo, undefined, "Permission handler was invoked"); let addon = await promiseAddonByID(perminfo.addon.id); equal(addon, null, "Extension was not installed"); await IOUtils.remove(xpi.path); }); // Test that presence of 'edge' property in 'browser_specific_settings' doesn't prevent installation from completing successfully add_task(async function test_non_gecko_bss_install() { const ID = "ms_edge@tests.mozilla.org"; const manifest = { name: "MS Edge and unknown browser test", description: "extension with bss properties for 'edge', and 'unknown_browser'", manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", applications: { gecko: { id: ID } }, browser_specific_settings: { edge: { browser_action_next_to_addressbar: true, }, unknown_browser: { unknown_setting: true, }, }, }; const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.startup(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); const addon = await promiseAddonByID(ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that bss overrides applications if both are present. add_task(async function test_duplicate_bss() { const ID = "expected@tests.mozilla.org"; const manifest = { manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", applications: { gecko: { id: "unexpected@tests.mozilla.org" }, }, browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: ID }, }, }; const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.startup(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); const addon = await promiseAddonByID(ID); notEqual(addon, null, "Add-on is installed"); await extension.unload(); });