path: root/dom/base/FragmentDirective.cpp
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:34:42 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:34:42 +0000
commitda4c7e7ed675c3bf405668739c3012d140856109 (patch)
treecdd868dba063fecba609a1d819de271f0d51b23e /dom/base/FragmentDirective.cpp
parentAdding upstream version 125.0.3. (diff)
Adding upstream version 126.0.upstream/126.0
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/base/FragmentDirective.cpp b/dom/base/FragmentDirective.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3300a85751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/base/FragmentDirective.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "FragmentDirective.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "RangeBoundary.h"
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FragmentDirectiveBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FragmentOrElement.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/NodeBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Text.h"
+#include "mozilla/intl/WordBreaker.h"
+#include "nsComputedDOMStyle.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+#include "nsDOMAttributeMap.h"
+#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
+#include "nsICSSDeclaration.h"
+#include "nsIFrame.h"
+#include "nsINode.h"
+#include "nsIURIMutator.h"
+#include "nsRange.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+namespace mozilla::dom {
+static LazyLogModule sFragmentDirectiveLog("FragmentDirective");
+/** Converts a `TextDirective` into a percent-encoded string. */
+nsCString ToString(const TextDirective& aTextDirective) {
+ nsCString str;
+ create_text_directive(&aTextDirective, &str);
+ return str;
+FragmentDirective::FragmentDirective(Document* aDocument)
+ : mDocument(aDocument) {}
+JSObject* FragmentDirective::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) {
+ return FragmentDirective_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
+void FragmentDirective::ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragment(
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>& aURI, nsTArray<TextDirective>* aTextDirectives) {
+ if (!aURI || !StaticPrefs::dom_text_fragments_enabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool hasRef = false;
+ aURI->GetHasRef(&hasRef);
+ if (!hasRef) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAutoCString hash;
+ aURI->GetRef(hash);
+ ParsedFragmentDirectiveResult fragmentDirective;
+ const bool hasRemovedFragmentDirective =
+ parse_fragment_directive(&hash, &fragmentDirective);
+ if (!hasRemovedFragmentDirective) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Unused << NS_MutateURI(aURI)
+ .SetRef(fragmentDirective.url_without_fragment_directive)
+ .Finalize(aURI);
+ if (aTextDirectives) {
+ aTextDirectives->SwapElements(fragmentDirective.text_directives);
+ }
+nsTArray<RefPtr<nsRange>> FragmentDirective::FindTextFragmentsInDocument() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument);
+ mDocument->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Frames);
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<nsRange>> textDirectiveRanges;
+ for (const TextDirective& textDirective : mUninvokedTextDirectives) {
+ if (RefPtr<nsRange> range = FindRangeForTextDirective(textDirective)) {
+ textDirectiveRanges.AppendElement(range);
+ }
+ }
+ mUninvokedTextDirectives.Clear();
+ return textDirectiveRanges;
+ * @brief Determine if `aNode` should be considered when traversing the DOM.
+ *
+ * A node is "search invisible" if it is an element in the HTML namespace and
+ * 1. The computed value of its `display` property is `none`
+ * 2. It serializes as void
+ * 3. It is one of the following types:
+ * - HTMLIFrameElement
+ * - HTMLImageElement
+ * - HTMLMeterElement
+ * - HTMLObjectElement
+ * - HTMLProgressElement
+ * - HTMLStyleElement
+ * - HTMLScriptElement
+ * - HTMLVideoElement
+ * - HTMLAudioElement
+ * 4. It is a `select` element whose `multiple` content attribute is absent
+ *
+ * see
+ */
+bool NodeIsSearchInvisible(nsINode& aNode) {
+ if (!aNode.IsElement()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If the node serializes as void.
+ nsAtom* nodeNameAtom = aNode.NodeInfo()->NameAtom();
+ if (FragmentOrElement::IsHTMLVoid(nodeNameAtom)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 3. Is any of the following types: HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLImageElement,
+ // HTMLMeterElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLProgressElement, HTMLStyleElement,
+ // HTMLScriptElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLAudioElement
+ if (aNode.IsAnyOfHTMLElements(
+ nsGkAtoms::iframe, nsGkAtoms::image, nsGkAtoms::meter,
+ nsGkAtoms::object, nsGkAtoms::progress, nsGkAtoms::style,
+ nsGkAtoms::script, nsGkAtoms::video, nsGkAtoms::audio)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 4. Is a select element whose multiple content attribute is absent.
+ if (aNode.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::select)) {
+ return aNode.GetAttributes()->GetNamedItem(u"multiple"_ns) == nullptr;
+ }
+ // This is tested last because it's the most expensive check.
+ // 1. The computed value of its 'display' property is 'none'.
+ const Element* nodeAsElement = Element::FromNode(aNode);
+ const RefPtr<const ComputedStyle> computedStyle =
+ nsComputedDOMStyle::GetComputedStyleNoFlush(nodeAsElement);
+ return !computedStyle ||
+ computedStyle->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay == StyleDisplay::None;
+ * @brief Returns true if `aNode` has block-level display.
+ * A node has block-level display if it is an element and the computed value
+ * of its display property is any of
+ * - block
+ * - table
+ * - flow-root
+ * - grid
+ * - flex
+ * - list-item
+ *
+ * See
+ */
+bool NodeHasBlockLevelDisplay(nsINode& aNode) {
+ if (!aNode.IsElement()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const Element* nodeAsElement = Element::FromNode(aNode);
+ const RefPtr<const ComputedStyle> computedStyle =
+ nsComputedDOMStyle::GetComputedStyleNoFlush(nodeAsElement);
+ if (!computedStyle) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const StyleDisplay& styleDisplay = computedStyle->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay;
+ return styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Block ||
+ styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Table ||
+ styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::FlowRoot ||
+ styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Grid ||
+ styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Flex || styleDisplay.IsListItem();
+ * @brief Get the Block Ancestor For `aNode`.
+ *
+ * see
+ */
+nsINode* GetBlockAncestorForNode(nsINode* aNode) {
+ // 1. Let curNode be node.
+ RefPtr<nsINode> curNode = aNode;
+ // 2. While curNode is non-null
+ while (curNode) {
+ // 2.1. If curNode is not a Text node and it has block-level display then
+ // return curNode.
+ if (!curNode->IsText() && NodeHasBlockLevelDisplay(*curNode)) {
+ return curNode;
+ }
+ // 2.2. Otherwise, set curNode to curNode’s parent.
+ curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
+ }
+ // 3.Return node’s node document's document element.
+ return aNode->GetOwnerDocument();
+ * @brief Returns true if `aNode` is part of a non-searchable subtree.
+ *
+ * A node is part of a non-searchable subtree if it is or has a shadow-including
+ * ancestor that is search invisible.
+ *
+ * see
+ */
+bool NodeIsPartOfNonSearchableSubTree(nsINode& aNode) {
+ nsINode* node = &aNode;
+ do {
+ if (NodeIsSearchInvisible(*node)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } while ((node = node->GetParentOrShadowHostNode()));
+ return false;
+ * @brief Return true if `aNode` is a visible Text node.
+ *
+ * A node is a visible text node if it is a Text node, the computed value of
+ * its parent element's visibility property is visible, and it is being
+ * rendered.
+ *
+ * see
+ */
+bool NodeIsVisibleTextNode(const nsINode& aNode) {
+ const Text* text = Text::FromNode(aNode);
+ if (!text) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const nsIFrame* frame = text->GetPrimaryFrame();
+ return frame && frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible();
+enum class TextScanDirection { Left = -1, Right = 1 };
+ * @brief Tests if there is whitespace at the given position and direction.
+ *
+ * This algorithm tests for whitespaces and `&nbsp;` at `aPos`.
+ * It returns the size of the whitespace found at the position, i.e. 5/6 for
+ * `&nbsp/;` and 1 otherwise.
+ *
+ * This function follows a subsection of this section of the spec, but has been
+ * adapted to be able to scan in both directions:
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t IsWhitespaceAtPosition(nsString& aText, uint32_t aPos,
+ TextScanDirection aDirection) {
+ if (aText.Length() == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aDirection == TextScanDirection::Right) {
+ if (aText.Length() > (aPos + 5)) {
+ if (Substring(aText, aPos, 5).Equals(u"&nbsp")) {
+ return aText.Length() > (aPos + 6) && aText.CharAt(aPos + 6) == u';'
+ ? 6
+ : 5;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (aPos > 6 && Substring(aText, aPos - 6, 6).Equals(u"&nbsp;")) {
+ return 6;
+ }
+ if (aPos > 5 && Substring(aText, aPos - 5, 5).Equals(u"&nbsp")) {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ }
+ return uint32_t(IsSpaceCharacter(aText.CharAt(aPos)));
+/** Advances the start of `aRange` to the next non-whitespace position.
+ * The function follows this section of the spec:
+ *
+ */
+void AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(nsRange& aRange) {
+ // 1. While range is not collapsed:
+ while (!aRange.Collapsed()) {
+ // 1.1. Let node be range's start node.
+ RefPtr<nsINode> node = aRange.GetStartContainer();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(node);
+ // 1.2. Let offset be range's start offset.
+ const uint32_t offset = aRange.StartOffset();
+ // 1.3. If node is part of a non-searchable subtree or if node is not a
+ // visible text node or if offset is equal to node's length then:
+ if (NodeIsPartOfNonSearchableSubTree(*node) ||
+ !NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*node) || offset == node->Length()) {
+ // 1.3.1. Set range's start node to the next node, in shadow-including
+ // tree order.
+ // 1.3.2. Set range's start offset to 0.
+ if (NS_FAILED(aRange.SetStart(node->GetNextNode(), 0))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 1.3.3. Continue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ const Text* text = Text::FromNode(node);
+ nsAutoString textData;
+ text->GetData(textData);
+ // These steps are moved to `IsWhitespaceAtPosition()`.
+ // 1.4. If the substring data of node at offset offset and count 6 is equal
+ // to the string "&nbsp;" then:
+ // 1.4.1. Add 6 to range’s start offset.
+ // 1.5. Otherwise, if the substring data of node at offset offset and count
+ // 5 is equal to the string "&nbsp" then:
+ // 1.5.1. Add 5 to range’s start offset.
+ // 1.6. Otherwise:
+ // 1.6.1 Let cp be the code point at the offset index in node’s data.
+ // 1.6.2 If cp does not have the White_Space property set, return.
+ // 1.6.3 Add 1 to range’s start offset.
+ const uint32_t whitespace =
+ IsWhitespaceAtPosition(textData, offset, TextScanDirection::Right);
+ if (whitespace == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aRange.SetStart(node, offset + whitespace);
+ }
+ * @brief Moves `aRangeBoundary` one word in `aDirection`.
+ *
+ * Word boundaries are determined using `intl::WordBreaker::FindWord()`.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param aRangeBoundary[in] The range boundary that should be moved.
+ * Must be set and valid.
+ * @param aDirection[in] The direction into which to move.
+ * @return A new `RangeBoundary` which is moved to the next word.
+ */
+RangeBoundary MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord(const RangeBoundary& aRangeBoundary,
+ TextScanDirection aDirection) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRangeBoundary.IsSetAndValid());
+ RefPtr<nsINode> curNode = aRangeBoundary.Container();
+ uint32_t offset = *aRangeBoundary.Offset(
+ RangeBoundary::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets);
+ const int offsetIncrement = int(aDirection);
+ // Get the text node of the start of the range and the offset.
+ // This is the current position of the start of the range.
+ nsAutoString text;
+ if (NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode)) {
+ const Text* textNode = Text::FromNode(curNode);
+ textNode->GetData(text);
+ // Assuming that the current position might not be at a word boundary,
+ // advance to the word boundary at word begin/end.
+ if (!IsWhitespaceAtPosition(text, offset, aDirection)) {
+ const intl::WordRange wordRange =
+ intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(text, offset);
+ if (aDirection == TextScanDirection::Right &&
+ offset != wordRange.mBegin) {
+ offset = wordRange.mEnd;
+ } else if (aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left &&
+ offset != wordRange.mEnd) {
+ // The additional -1 is necessary to move to offset to *before* the
+ // start of the word.
+ offset = wordRange.mBegin - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now, skip any whitespace, so that `offset` points to the word boundary of
+ // the next word (which is the one this algorithm actually aims to move over).
+ while (curNode) {
+ if (!NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode) || NodeIsSearchInvisible(*curNode) ||
+ offset >= curNode->Length()) {
+ curNode = aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? curNode->GetPrevNode()
+ : curNode->GetNextNode();
+ if (!curNode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ offset =
+ aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? curNode->Length() - 1 : 0;
+ if (const Text* textNode = Text::FromNode(curNode)) {
+ textNode->GetData(text);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (const uint32_t whitespace =
+ IsWhitespaceAtPosition(text, offset, aDirection)) {
+ offset += offsetIncrement * whitespace;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // At this point, the caret has been moved to the next non-whitespace
+ // position.
+ // find word boundaries at the current position
+ const intl::WordRange wordRange = intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(text, offset);
+ offset = aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? wordRange.mBegin
+ : wordRange.mEnd;
+ return {curNode, offset};
+ }
+ return {};
+RefPtr<nsRange> FragmentDirective::FindRangeForTextDirective(
+ const TextDirective& aTextDirective) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sFragmentDirectiveLog, LogLevel::Info,
+ ("FragmentDirective::%s(): Find range for text directive '%s'.",
+ __FUNCTION__, ToString(aTextDirective).Data()));
+ // 1. Let searchRange be a range with start (document, 0) and end (document,
+ // document’s length)
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ RefPtr<nsRange> searchRange =
+ nsRange::Create(mDocument, 0, mDocument, mDocument->Length(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2. While searchRange is not collapsed:
+ while (!searchRange->Collapsed()) {
+ // 2.1. Let potentialMatch be null.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> potentialMatch;
+ // 2.2. If parsedValues’s prefix is not null:
+ if (!aTextDirective.prefix.IsEmpty()) {
+ // 2.2.1. Let prefixMatch be the the result of running the find a string
+ // in range steps with query parsedValues’s prefix, searchRange
+ // searchRange, wordStartBounded true and wordEndBounded false.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> prefixMatch =
+ FindStringInRange(searchRange, aTextDirective.prefix, true, false);
+ // 2.2.2. If prefixMatch is null, return null.
+ if (!prefixMatch) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.2.3. Set searchRange’s start to the first boundary point after
+ // prefixMatch’s start
+ const RangeBoundary boundaryPoint = MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord(
+ {prefixMatch->GetStartContainer(), prefixMatch->StartOffset()},
+ TextScanDirection::Right);
+ if (!boundaryPoint.IsSetAndValid()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ searchRange->SetStart(boundaryPoint.AsRaw(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.2.4. Let matchRange be a range whose start is prefixMatch’s end and
+ // end is searchRange’s end.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> matchRange = nsRange::Create(
+ prefixMatch->GetEndContainer(), prefixMatch->EndOffset(),
+ searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.2.5. Advance matchRange’s start to the next non-whitespace position.
+ AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(*matchRange);
+ // 2.2.6. If matchRange is collapsed return null.
+ // (This can happen if prefixMatch’s end or its subsequent non-whitespace
+ // position is at the end of the document.)
+ if (matchRange->Collapsed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.2.7. Assert: matchRange’s start node is a Text node.
+ // (matchRange’s start now points to the next non-whitespace text data
+ // following a matched prefix.)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(matchRange->GetStartContainer()->IsText());
+ // 2.2.8. Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s end is
+ // non-null or parsedValues’s suffix is null, false otherwise.
+ const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary =
+ !aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty() || aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty();
+ // 2.2.9. Set potentialMatch to the result of running the find a string in
+ // range steps with query parsedValues’s start, searchRange matchRange,
+ // wordStartBounded false, and wordEndBounded mustEndAtWordBoundary.
+ potentialMatch = FindStringInRange(matchRange, aTextDirective.start,
+ false, mustEndAtWordBoundary);
+ // 2.2.10. If potentialMatch is null, return null.
+ if (!potentialMatch) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.2.11. If potentialMatch’s start is not matchRange’s start, then
+ // continue.
+ // (In this case, we found a prefix but it was followed by something other
+ // than a matching text so we’ll continue searching for the next instance
+ // of prefix.)
+ if (potentialMatch->GetStartContainer() !=
+ matchRange->GetStartContainer()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // 2.3. Otherwise:
+ else {
+ // 2.3.1. Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s end is
+ // non-null or parsedValues’s suffix is null, false otherwise.
+ const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary =
+ !aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty() || aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty();
+ // 2.3.2. Set potentialMatch to the result of running the find a string in
+ // range steps with query parsedValues’s start, searchRange searchRange,
+ // wordStartBounded true, and wordEndBounded mustEndAtWordBoundary.
+ potentialMatch = FindStringInRange(searchRange, aTextDirective.start,
+ true, mustEndAtWordBoundary);
+ // 2.3.3. If potentialMatch is null, return null.
+ if (!potentialMatch) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.3.4. Set searchRange’s start to the first boundary point after
+ // potentialMatch’s start
+ RangeBoundary newRangeBoundary = MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord(
+ {potentialMatch->GetStartContainer(), potentialMatch->StartOffset()},
+ TextScanDirection::Right);
+ if (!newRangeBoundary.IsSetAndValid()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ searchRange->SetStart(newRangeBoundary.AsRaw(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // 2.4. Let rangeEndSearchRange be a range whose start is potentialMatch’s
+ // end and whose end is searchRange’s end.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> rangeEndSearchRange = nsRange::Create(
+ potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(), potentialMatch->EndOffset(),
+ searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.5. While rangeEndSearchRange is not collapsed:
+ while (!rangeEndSearchRange->Collapsed()) {
+ // 2.5.1. If parsedValues’s end item is non-null, then:
+ if (!aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty()) {
+ // Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s suffix
+ // is null, false otherwise.
+ const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary = aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty();
+ // Let endMatch be the result of running the find a string in
+ // range steps with query parsedValues’s end, searchRange
+ // rangeEndSearchRange, wordStartBounded true, and wordEndBounded
+ // mustEndAtWordBoundary.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> endMatch =
+ FindStringInRange(rangeEndSearchRange, aTextDirective.end, true,
+ mustEndAtWordBoundary);
+ // If endMatch is null then return null.
+ if (!endMatch) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Set potentialMatch’s end to endMatch’s end.
+ potentialMatch->SetEnd(endMatch->GetEndContainer(),
+ endMatch->EndOffset());
+ }
+ // 2.5.2. Assert: potentialMatch is non-null, not collapsed and represents
+ // a range exactly containing an instance of matching text.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(potentialMatch && !potentialMatch->Collapsed());
+ // 2.5.3. If parsedValues’s suffix is null, return potentialMatch.
+ if (aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty()) {
+ return potentialMatch;
+ }
+ // 2.5.4. Let suffixRange be a range with start equal to potentialMatch’s
+ // end and end equal to searchRange’s end.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> suffixRange = nsRange::Create(
+ potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(), potentialMatch->EndOffset(),
+ searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.5.5. Advance suffixRange's start to the next non-whitespace position.
+ AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(*suffixRange);
+ // 2.5.6. Let suffixMatch be result of running the find a string in range
+ // steps with query parsedValue's suffix, searchRange suffixRange,
+ // wordStartBounded false, and wordEndBounded true.
+ RefPtr<nsRange> suffixMatch =
+ FindStringInRange(suffixRange, aTextDirective.suffix, false, true);
+ // 2.5.7. If suffixMatch is null, return null.
+ // (If the suffix doesn't appear in the remaining text of the document,
+ // there's no possible way to make a match.)
+ if (!suffixMatch) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 2.5.8. If suffixMatch's start is suffixRange's start, return
+ // potentialMatch.
+ if (suffixMatch->GetStartContainer() ==
+ suffixRange->GetStartContainer() &&
+ suffixMatch->StartOffset() == suffixRange->StartOffset()) {
+ return potentialMatch;
+ }
+ // 2.5.9. If parsedValue's end item is null then break;
+ // (If this is an exact match and the suffix doesn’t match, start
+ // searching for the next range start by breaking out of this loop without
+ // rangeEndSearchRange being collapsed. If we’re looking for a range
+ // match, we’ll continue iterating this inner loop since the range start
+ // will already be correct.)
+ if (aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // 2.5.10. Set rangeEndSearchRange's start to potentialMatch's end.
+ // (Otherwise, it is possible that we found the correct range start, but
+ // not the correct range end. Continue the inner loop to keep searching
+ // for another matching instance of rangeEnd.)
+ rangeEndSearchRange->SetStart(potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(),
+ potentialMatch->EndOffset());
+ }
+ // 2.6. If rangeEndSearchRange is collapsed then:
+ if (rangeEndSearchRange->Collapsed()) {
+ // 2.6.1. Assert parsedValue's end item is non-null.
+ // (This can only happen for range matches due to the break for exact
+ // matches in step 9 of the above loop. If we couldn’t find a valid
+ // rangeEnd+suffix pair anywhere in the doc then there’s no possible way
+ // to make a match.)
+ // XXX(:jjaschke): should this really assert?
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. Return null.
+ return nullptr;
+ * @brief Convenience function that returns true if the given position in a
+ * string is a word boundary.
+ *
+ * This is a thin wrapper around the `WordBreaker::FindWord()` function.
+ *
+ * @param aText The text input.
+ * @param aPosition The position to check.
+ * @return true if there is a word boundary at `aPosition`.
+ * @return false otherwise.
+ */
+bool IsAtWordBoundary(const nsAString& aText, uint32_t aPosition) {
+ const intl::WordRange wordRange =
+ intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(aText, aPosition);
+ return wordRange.mBegin == aPosition || wordRange.mEnd == aPosition;
+enum class IsEndIndex : bool { No, Yes };
+RangeBoundary GetBoundaryPointAtIndex(
+ uint32_t aIndex, const nsTArray<RefPtr<Text>>& aTextNodeList,
+ IsEndIndex aIsEndIndex) {
+ // 1. Let counted be 0.
+ uint32_t counted = 0;
+ // 2. For each curNode of nodes:
+ for (Text* curNode : aTextNodeList) {
+ // 2.1. Let nodeEnd be counted + curNode’s length.
+ uint32_t nodeEnd = counted + curNode->Length();
+ // 2.2. If isEnd is true, add 1 to nodeEnd.
+ if (aIsEndIndex == IsEndIndex::Yes) {
+ ++nodeEnd;
+ }
+ // 2.3. If nodeEnd is greater than index then:
+ if (nodeEnd > aIndex) {
+ // 2.3.1. Return the boundary point (curNode, index − counted).
+ return RangeBoundary(curNode->AsNode(), aIndex - counted);
+ }
+ // 2.4. Increment counted by curNode’s length.
+ counted += curNode->Length();
+ }
+ return {};
+RefPtr<nsRange> FindRangeFromNodeList(
+ nsRange* aSearchRange, const nsAString& aQuery,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<Text>>& aTextNodeList, bool aWordStartBounded,
+ bool aWordEndBounded) {
+ // 1. Let searchBuffer be the concatenation of the data of each item in nodes.
+ // XXX(:jjaschke): There's an open issue here that deals with what
+ // data is supposed to be (text data vs. rendered text)
+ //
+ uint32_t bufferLength = 0;
+ for (const Text* text : aTextNodeList) {
+ bufferLength += text->Length();
+ }
+ // bail out if the search query is longer than the text data.
+ if (bufferLength < aQuery.Length()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsAutoString searchBuffer;
+ searchBuffer.SetCapacity(bufferLength);
+ for (Text* text : aTextNodeList) {
+ text->AppendTextTo(searchBuffer);
+ }
+ // 2. Let searchStart be 0.
+ // 3. If the first item in nodes is searchRange’s start node then set
+ // searchStart to searchRange’s start offset.
+ uint32_t searchStart =
+ aTextNodeList.SafeElementAt(0) == aSearchRange->GetStartContainer()
+ ? aSearchRange->StartOffset()
+ : 0;
+ // 4. Let start and end be boundary points, initially null.
+ RangeBoundary start, end;
+ // 5. Let matchIndex be null.
+ // "null" here doesn't mean 0, instead "not set". 0 would be a valid index.
+ // Therefore, "null" is represented by the value -1.
+ int32_t matchIndex = -1;
+ // 6. While matchIndex is null
+ // As explained above, "null" == -1 in this algorithm.
+ while (matchIndex == -1) {
+ // 6.1. Set matchIndex to the index of the first instance of queryString in
+ // searchBuffer, starting at searchStart. The string search must be
+ // performed using a base character comparison, or the primary level, as
+ // defined in [UTS10].
+ // [UTS10]
+ // Ken Whistler; Markus Scherer.Unicode Collation Algorithm.26 August 2022.
+ // Unicode Technical Standard #10.
+ // URL :
+ // XXX(:jjaschke): For the initial implementation, a standard case-sensitive
+ // find-in-string is used.
+ // See:
+ matchIndex = searchBuffer.Find(aQuery, searchStart);
+ // 6.2. If matchIndex is null, return null.
+ if (matchIndex == -1) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 6.3. Let endIx be matchIndex + queryString’s length.
+ // endIx is the index of the last character in the match + 1.
+ const uint32_t endIx = matchIndex + aQuery.Length();
+ // 6.4. Set start to the boundary point result of get boundary point at
+ // index matchIndex run over nodes with isEnd false.
+ start = GetBoundaryPointAtIndex(matchIndex, aTextNodeList, IsEndIndex::No);
+ // 6.5. Set end to the boundary point result of get boundary point at index
+ // endIx run over nodes with isEnd true.
+ end = GetBoundaryPointAtIndex(endIx, aTextNodeList, IsEndIndex::Yes);
+ // 6.6. If wordStartBounded is true and matchIndex is not at a word boundary
+ // in searchBuffer, given the language from start’s node as the locale; or
+ // wordEndBounded is true and matchIndex + queryString’s length is not at a
+ // word boundary in searchBuffer, given the language from end’s node as the
+ // locale:
+ if ((aWordStartBounded && !IsAtWordBoundary(searchBuffer, matchIndex)) ||
+ (aWordEndBounded && !IsAtWordBoundary(searchBuffer, endIx))) {
+ // 6.6.1. Set searchStart to matchIndex + 1.
+ searchStart = matchIndex + 1;
+ // 6.6.2. Set matchIndex to null.
+ matchIndex = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 7. Let endInset be 0.
+ // 8. If the last item in nodes is searchRange’s end node then set endInset
+ // to (searchRange’s end node's length − searchRange’s end offset)
+ // (endInset is the offset from the last position in the last node in the
+ // reverse direction. Alternatively, it is the length of the node that’s not
+ // included in the range.)
+ uint32_t endInset =
+ aTextNodeList.LastElement() == aSearchRange->GetEndContainer()
+ ? aSearchRange->GetEndContainer()->Length() -
+ aSearchRange->EndOffset()
+ : 0;
+ // 9. If matchIndex + queryString’s length is greater than searchBuffer’s
+ // length − endInset return null.
+ // (If the match runs past the end of the search range, return null.)
+ if (matchIndex + aQuery.Length() > searchBuffer.Length() - endInset) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 10. Assert: start and end are non-null, valid boundary points in
+ // searchRange.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(start.IsSetAndValid());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(end.IsSetAndValid());
+ // 11. Return a range with start start and end end.
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range = nsRange::Create(start, end, rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return range;
+RefPtr<nsRange> FragmentDirective::FindStringInRange(nsRange* aSearchRange,
+ const nsAString& aQuery,
+ bool aWordStartBounded,
+ bool aWordEndBounded) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aSearchRange);
+ RefPtr<nsRange> searchRange = aSearchRange->CloneRange();
+ // 1. While searchRange is not collapsed
+ while (searchRange && !searchRange->Collapsed()) {
+ // 1.1. Let curNode be searchRange’s start node.
+ RefPtr<nsINode> curNode = searchRange->GetStartContainer();
+ // 1.2. If curNode is part of a non-searchable subtree:
+ if (NodeIsPartOfNonSearchableSubTree(*curNode)) {
+ // 1.2.1. Set searchRange’s start node to the next node, in
+ // shadow-including tree order, that isn’t a shadow-including descendant
+ // of curNode.
+ RefPtr<nsINode> next = curNode;
+ while ((next = next->GetNextNode())) {
+ if (!next->IsShadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantOf(curNode)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!next) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 1.2.2. Set `searchRange`s `start offset` to 0
+ searchRange->SetStart(next, 0);
+ // 1.2.3. continue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // 1.3. If curNode is not a visible TextNode:
+ if (!NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode)) {
+ // 1.3.1. Set searchRange’s start node to the next node, in
+ // shadow-including tree order, that is not a doctype.
+ RefPtr<nsINode> next = curNode;
+ while ((next = next->GetNextNode())) {
+ if (next->NodeType() != Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!next) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 1.3.2. Set searchRange’s start offset to 0.
+ searchRange->SetStart(next, 0);
+ // 1.3.3. continue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // 1.4. Let blockAncestor be the nearest block ancestor of `curNode`
+ RefPtr<nsINode> blockAncestor = GetBlockAncestorForNode(curNode);
+ // 1.5. Let textNodeList be a list of Text nodes, initially empty.
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<Text>> textNodeList;
+ // 1.6. While curNode is a shadow-including descendant of blockAncestor and
+ // the position of the boundary point (curNode,0) is not after searchRange's
+ // end:
+ while (curNode &&
+ curNode->IsShadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantOf(blockAncestor)) {
+ Maybe<int32_t> comp = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(
+ curNode, 0, searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset());
+ if (comp) {
+ if (*comp >= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This means that the compared nodes are disconnected.
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // 1.6.1. If curNode has block-level display, then break.
+ if (NodeHasBlockLevelDisplay(*curNode)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // 1.6.2. If curNode is search invisible:
+ if (NodeIsSearchInvisible(*curNode)) {
+ // Set curNode to the next node, in shadow-including tree
+ // order, that isn't a shadow-including descendant of curNode.
+ curNode = curNode->GetNextNode();
+ // Continue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // 1.6.3. If curNode is a visible text node then append it to
+ // textNodeList.
+ if (NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode)) {
+ textNodeList.AppendElement(curNode->AsText());
+ }
+ // 1.6.4. Set curNode to the next node in shadow-including
+ // tree order.
+ curNode = curNode->GetNextNode();
+ }
+ // 1.7. Run the find a range from a node list steps given
+ // query, searchRange, textNodeList, wordStartBounded, wordEndBounded as
+ // input. If the resulting Range is not null, then return it.
+ if (RefPtr<nsRange> range =
+ FindRangeFromNodeList(searchRange, aQuery, textNodeList,
+ aWordStartBounded, aWordEndBounded)) {
+ return range;
+ }
+ // 1.8. If curNode is null, then break.
+ if (!curNode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // 1.9. Assert: curNode follows searchRange's start node.
+ // 1.10. Set searchRange's start to the boundary point (curNode,0).
+ searchRange->SetStart(curNode, 0);
+ }
+ // 2. Return null.
+ return nullptr;
+} // namespace mozilla::dom