path: root/dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html b/dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85a989ba32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/webrtc/tests/mochitests/test_peerConnection_scaleResolution_oldSetParameters.html
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ <script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script>
+<pre id="test">
+<script type="application/javascript">
+ createHTML({
+ bug: "1244913",
+ title: "Scale resolution down on a PeerConnection",
+ visible: true
+ });
+ async function checkForH264Support() {
+ const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
+ const offer = await pc.createOffer({offerToReceiveVideo: true});
+ return offer.sdp.match(/a=rtpmap:[1-9][0-9]* H264/);
+ }
+ let resolutionAlignment = 1;
+ var mustRejectWith = (msg, reason, f) =>
+ f().then(() => ok(false, msg),
+ e => is(, reason, msg));
+ async function testScale(codec) {
+ var pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
+ var pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
+ var add = (pc, can, failed) => can && pc.addIceCandidate(can).catch(failed);
+ pc1.onicecandidate = e => add(pc2, e.candidate, generateErrorCallback());
+ pc2.onicecandidate = e => add(pc1, e.candidate, generateErrorCallback());
+ info("testing scaling with " + codec);
+ let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
+ var v1 = createMediaElement('video', 'v1');
+ var v2 = createMediaElement('video', 'v2');
+ var ontrackfired = new Promise(resolve => pc2.ontrack = e => resolve(e));
+ var v2loadedmetadata = new Promise(resolve => v2.onloadedmetadata = resolve);
+ is(v2.currentTime, 0, "v2.currentTime is zero at outset");
+ v1.srcObject = stream;
+ var sender = pc1.addTrack(stream.getVideoTracks()[0], stream);
+ const otherErrorStart = await GleanTest.rtcrtpsenderSetparameters.failOther.testGetValue();
+ const noTransactionIdWarningStart = await GleanTest.rtcrtpsenderSetparameters.warnNoTransactionid.testGetValue();
+ await mustRejectWith(
+ "Invalid scaleResolutionDownBy must reject", "RangeError",
+ () => sender.setParameters(
+ { encodings:[{ scaleResolutionDownBy: 0.5 } ] })
+ );
+ const otherErrorEnd = await GleanTest.rtcrtpsenderSetparameters.failOther.testGetValue();
+ const noTransactionIdWarningEnd = await GleanTest.rtcrtpsenderSetparameters.warnNoTransactionid.testGetValue();
+ // Make sure Glean is recording these statistics
+ is(otherErrorEnd.denominator, otherErrorStart.denominator, "No new RTCRtpSenders were created during this time");
+ is(otherErrorEnd.numerator, otherErrorStart.numerator + 1, "RTCRtpSender.setParameters reported a failure via Glean");
+ is(noTransactionIdWarningEnd.denominator, noTransactionIdWarningStart.denominator, "No new RTCRtpSenders were created during this time");
+ is(noTransactionIdWarningEnd.numerator, noTransactionIdWarningStart.numerator + 1, "Glean should have recorded a warning due to missing transactionId");
+ await sender.setParameters({ encodings: [{ maxBitrate: 60000,
+ scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 }] });
+ let offer = await pc1.createOffer();
+ if (codec == "VP8") {
+ offer.sdp = sdputils.removeAllButPayloadType(offer.sdp, 126);
+ }
+ await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
+ await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
+ let answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
+ await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
+ await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
+ let trackevent = await ontrackfired;
+ v2.srcObject = trackevent.streams[0];
+ await v2loadedmetadata;
+ await waitUntil(() => v2.currentTime > 0);
+ ok(v2.currentTime > 0, "v2.currentTime is moving (" + v2.currentTime + ")");
+ ok(v1.videoWidth > 0, "source width is positive");
+ ok(v1.videoHeight > 0, "source height is positive");
+ const expectedWidth =
+ v1.videoWidth / 2 - (v1.videoWidth / 2 % resolutionAlignment);
+ const expectedHeight =
+ v1.videoHeight / 2 - (v1.videoHeight / 2 % resolutionAlignment);
+ is(v2.videoWidth, expectedWidth,
+ "sink is half the width of the source");
+ is(v2.videoHeight, expectedHeight,
+ "sink is half the height of the source");
+ stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
+ v1.srcObject = v2.srcObject = null;
+ pc1.close()
+ pc2.close()
+ }
+ runNetworkTest(async () => {
+ await matchPlatformH264CodecPrefs();
+ const hasH264 = await checkForH264Support();
+ if (hasH264 && navigator.userAgent.includes("Android")) {
+ // Android only has a hw encoder for h264
+ resolutionAlignment = 16;
+ }
+ await pushPrefs(['', true]);
+ await testScale("VP8");
+ if (hasH264) {
+ await testScale("H264");
+ }
+ });