path: root/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h b/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8cdd2d2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
+#include "gfx2DGlue.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/Compositor.h"
+#include "TextureD3D11.h"
+#include <d3d11.h>
+#include <dxgi1_2.h>
+#include "ShaderDefinitionsD3D11.h"
+class nsWidget;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace layers {
+#define LOGD3D11(param)
+class DeviceAttachmentsD3D11;
+class CompositorD3D11 : public Compositor {
+ public:
+ explicit CompositorD3D11(widget::CompositorWidget* aWidget);
+ virtual ~CompositorD3D11();
+ CompositorD3D11* AsCompositorD3D11() override { return this; }
+ bool Initialize(nsCString* const out_failureReason) override;
+ already_AddRefed<DataTextureSource> CreateDataTextureSource(
+ TextureFlags aFlags = TextureFlags::NO_FLAGS) override;
+ int32_t GetMaxTextureSize() const final;
+ already_AddRefed<CompositingRenderTarget> CreateRenderTarget(
+ const gfx::IntRect& aRect, SurfaceInitMode aInit) override;
+ void SetRenderTarget(CompositingRenderTarget* aSurface) override;
+ already_AddRefed<CompositingRenderTarget> GetCurrentRenderTarget()
+ const override {
+ return do_AddRef(mCurrentRT);
+ }
+ already_AddRefed<CompositingRenderTarget> GetWindowRenderTarget()
+ const override;
+ bool ReadbackRenderTarget(CompositingRenderTarget* aSource,
+ AsyncReadbackBuffer* aDest) override;
+ already_AddRefed<AsyncReadbackBuffer> CreateAsyncReadbackBuffer(
+ const gfx::IntSize& aSize) override;
+ bool BlitRenderTarget(CompositingRenderTarget* aSource,
+ const gfx::IntSize& aSourceSize,
+ const gfx::IntSize& aDestSize) override;
+ void SetDestinationSurfaceSize(const gfx::IntSize& aSize) override {}
+ void ClearRect(const gfx::Rect& aRect);
+ void DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect, const gfx::IntRect& aClipRect,
+ const EffectChain& aEffectChain, gfx::Float aOpacity,
+ const gfx::Matrix4x4& aTransform,
+ const gfx::Rect& aVisibleRect) override;
+ /**
+ * Start a new frame.
+ */
+ Maybe<gfx::IntRect> BeginFrameForWindow(
+ const nsIntRegion& aInvalidRegion, const Maybe<gfx::IntRect>& aClipRect,
+ const gfx::IntRect& aRenderBounds,
+ const nsIntRegion& aOpaqueRegion) override;
+ /**
+ * Flush the current frame to the screen.
+ */
+ void EndFrame() override;
+ void CancelFrame(bool aNeedFlush = true) override;
+ /**
+ * Setup the viewport and projection matrix for rendering
+ * to a window of the given dimensions.
+ */
+ virtual void PrepareViewport(const gfx::IntSize& aSize);
+ virtual void PrepareViewport(const gfx::IntSize& aSize,
+ const gfx::Matrix4x4& aProjection, float aZNear,
+ float aZFar);
+ const char* Name() const override { return "Direct3D 11"; }
+ // For TextureSourceProvider.
+ ID3D11Device* GetD3D11Device() const override { return mDevice; }
+ ID3D11Device* GetDevice() { return mDevice; }
+ ID3D11DeviceContext* GetDC() { return mContext; }
+ virtual void RequestAllowFrameRecording(bool aWillRecord) override {
+ mAllowFrameRecording = aWillRecord;
+ }
+ void Readback(gfx::DrawTarget* aDrawTarget) {
+ mTarget = aDrawTarget;
+ mTargetBounds = gfx::IntRect();
+ PaintToTarget();
+ mTarget = nullptr;
+ }
+ SyncObjectHost* GetSyncObject();
+ private:
+ enum Severity {
+ Recoverable,
+ DebugAssert,
+ Critical,
+ };
+ void HandleError(HRESULT hr, Severity aSeverity = DebugAssert);
+ // Same as Failed(), except the severity is critical (with no abort) and
+ // a string prefix must be provided.
+ bool Failed(HRESULT hr, const char* aContext);
+ // ensure mSize is up to date with respect to mWidget
+ void EnsureSize();
+ bool VerifyBufferSize();
+ bool UpdateRenderTarget();
+ bool UpdateConstantBuffers();
+ void SetSamplerForSamplingFilter(gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter);
+ ID3D11PixelShader* GetPSForEffect(Effect* aEffect);
+ Maybe<gfx::IntRect> BeginFrame(const nsIntRegion& aInvalidRegion,
+ const Maybe<gfx::IntRect>& aClipRect,
+ const gfx::IntRect& aRenderBounds,
+ const nsIntRegion& aOpaqueRegion);
+ void PaintToTarget();
+ RefPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> CreateTexture(const gfx::IntRect& aRect,
+ const CompositingRenderTarget* aSource,
+ const gfx::IntPoint& aSourcePoint);
+ void PrepareStaticVertexBuffer();
+ void Draw(const gfx::Rect& aGeometry, const gfx::Rect* aTexCoords);
+ void Present();
+ template <typename VertexType>
+ void SetVertexBuffer(ID3D11Buffer* aBuffer);
+ /**
+ * Whether or not the recorder should be recording frames.
+ *
+ * When this returns true, the CompositorD3D11 will allocate and return window
+ * render targets from |GetWindowRenderTarget|, which otherwise returns
+ * nullptr.
+ *
+ * This will be true when either we are recording a profile with screenshots
+ * enabled or the |LayerManagerComposite| has requested us to record frames
+ * for the |CompositionRecorder|.
+ */
+ bool ShouldAllowFrameRecording() const;
+ // The DrawTarget from BeginFrameForTarget, which EndFrame needs to copy the
+ // window contents into.
+ // Only non-null between BeginFrameForTarget and EndFrame.
+ RefPtr<gfx::DrawTarget> mTarget;
+ gfx::IntRect mTargetBounds;
+ RefPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> mContext;
+ RefPtr<ID3D11Device> mDevice;
+ RefPtr<IDXGISwapChain> mSwapChain;
+ RefPtr<CompositingRenderTargetD3D11> mDefaultRT;
+ RefPtr<CompositingRenderTargetD3D11> mCurrentRT;
+ mutable RefPtr<CompositingRenderTargetD3D11> mWindowRTCopy;
+ RefPtr<ID3D11Query> mQuery;
+ RefPtr<ID3D11Query> mRecycledQuery;
+ RefPtr<DeviceAttachmentsD3D11> mAttachments;
+ LayoutDeviceIntSize mSize;
+ // The size that we passed to ResizeBuffers to set
+ // the swapchain buffer size.
+ LayoutDeviceIntSize mBufferSize;
+ HWND mHwnd;
+ D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL mFeatureLevel;
+ VertexShaderConstants mVSConstants;
+ PixelShaderConstants mPSConstants;
+ bool mDisableSequenceForNextFrame;
+ bool mAllowPartialPresents;
+ bool mIsDoubleBuffered;
+ gfx::IntRegion mFrontBufferInvalid;
+ gfx::IntRegion mBackBufferInvalid;
+ // This is the clip rect applied to the default DrawTarget (i.e. the window)
+ gfx::IntRect mCurrentClip;
+ bool mVerifyBuffersFailed;
+ bool mUseMutexOnPresent;
+ bool mAllowFrameRecording;
+namespace TexSlot {
+static const int RGB = 0;
+static const int Y = 1;
+static const int Cb = 2;
+static const int Cr = 3;
+static const int RGBWhite = 4;
+static const int Mask = 5;
+static const int Backdrop = 6;
+} // namespace TexSlot
+} // namespace layers
+} // namespace mozilla
diff --git a/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.hlsl b/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e13011782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "BlendShaderConstants.h"
+typedef float4 rect;
+float4x4 mLayerTransform : register(vs, c0);
+float4x4 mProjection : register(vs, c4);
+float4 vRenderTargetOffset : register(vs, c8);
+rect vTextureCoords : register(vs, c9);
+rect vLayerQuad : register(vs, c10);
+float4 fLayerColor : register(ps, c0);
+float fLayerOpacity : register(ps, c1);
+// x = layer type
+// y = mask type
+// z = blend op
+// w = is premultiplied
+float fCoefficient : register(ps, c3);
+row_major float3x3 mYuvColorMatrix : register(ps, c4);
+sampler sSampler : register(ps, s0);
+// The mix-blend mega shader uses all variables, so we have to make sure they
+// are assigned fixed slots.
+Texture2D tRGB : register(ps, t0);
+Texture2D tY : register(ps, t1);
+Texture2D tCb : register(ps, t2);
+Texture2D tCr : register(ps, t3);
+struct VS_INPUT {
+ float2 vPosition : POSITION;
+struct VS_TEX_INPUT {
+ float2 vPosition : POSITION;
+ float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
+struct VS_OUTPUT {
+ float4 vPosition : SV_Position;
+ float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
+struct PS_OUTPUT {
+ float4 vSrc;
+ float4 vAlpha;
+float2 TexCoords(const float2 aPosition)
+ float2 result;
+ const float2 size =;
+ result.x = vTextureCoords.x + aPosition.x * size.x;
+ result.y = vTextureCoords.y + aPosition.y * size.y;
+ return result;
+SamplerState LayerTextureSamplerLinear
+ AddressU = Clamp;
+ AddressV = Clamp;
+float4 TransformedPosition(float2 aInPosition)
+ // the current vertex's position on the quad
+ // [x,y,0,1] is mandated by the CSS Transforms spec as the point value to transform
+ float4 position = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ // We use 4 component floats to uniquely describe a rectangle, by the structure
+ // of x, y, width, height. This allows us to easily generate the 4 corners
+ // of any rectangle from the 4 corners of the 0,0-1,1 quad that we use as the
+ // stream source for our LayerQuad vertex shader. We do this by doing:
+ // Xout = x + Xin * width
+ // Yout = y + Yin * height
+ float2 size =;
+ position.x = vLayerQuad.x + aInPosition.x * size.x;
+ position.y = vLayerQuad.y + aInPosition.y * size.y;
+ position = mul(mLayerTransform, position);
+ return position;
+float4 VertexPosition(float4 aTransformedPosition)
+ float4 result;
+ result.w = aTransformedPosition.w;
+ = / aTransformedPosition.w;
+ result -= vRenderTargetOffset;
+ *= result.w;
+ result = mul(mProjection, result);
+ return result;
+VS_OUTPUT LayerQuadVS(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
+ VS_OUTPUT outp;
+ float4 position = TransformedPosition(aVertex.vPosition);
+ outp.vPosition = VertexPosition(position);
+ outp.vTexCoords = TexCoords(aVertex.vPosition.xy);
+ return outp;
+/* From Rec601:
+[R] [1.1643835616438356, 0.0, 1.5960267857142858] [ Y - 16]
+[G] = [1.1643835616438358, -0.3917622900949137, -0.8129676472377708] x [Cb - 128]
+[B] [1.1643835616438356, 2.017232142857143, 8.862867620416422e-17] [Cr - 128]
+For [0,1] instead of [0,255], and to 5 places:
+[R] [1.16438, 0.00000, 1.59603] [ Y - 0.06275]
+[G] = [1.16438, -0.39176, -0.81297] x [Cb - 0.50196]
+[B] [1.16438, 2.01723, 0.00000] [Cr - 0.50196]
+From Rec709:
+[R] [1.1643835616438356, 4.2781193979771426e-17, 1.7927410714285714] [ Y - 16]
+[G] = [1.1643835616438358, -0.21324861427372963, -0.532909328559444] x [Cb - 128]
+[B] [1.1643835616438356, 2.1124017857142854, 0.0] [Cr - 128]
+For [0,1] instead of [0,255], and to 5 places:
+[R] [1.16438, 0.00000, 1.79274] [ Y - 0.06275]
+[G] = [1.16438, -0.21325, -0.53291] x [Cb - 0.50196]
+[B] [1.16438, 2.11240, 0.00000] [Cr - 0.50196]
+float4 CalculateYCbCrColor(const float2 aTexCoords)
+ float3 yuv = float3(
+ tY.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).r,
+ tCb.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).r,
+ tCr.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).r);
+ yuv = yuv * fCoefficient - float3(0.06275, 0.50196, 0.50196);
+ return float4(mul(mYuvColorMatrix, yuv), 1.0);
+float4 CalculateNV12Color(const float2 aTexCoords)
+ float3 yuv = float3(
+ tY.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).r,
+ tCb.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).r,
+ tCb.Sample(sSampler, aTexCoords).g);
+ yuv = yuv * fCoefficient - float3(0.06275, 0.50196, 0.50196);
+ return float4(mul(mYuvColorMatrix, yuv), 1.0);
+float4 SolidColorShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
+ return fLayerColor;
+float4 RGBAShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
+ return tRGB.Sample(sSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
+float4 RGBShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
+ float4 result;
+ result = tRGB.Sample(sSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
+ result.a = fLayerOpacity;
+ return result;
+float4 YCbCrShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
+ return CalculateYCbCrColor(aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
+float4 NV12Shader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
+ return CalculateNV12Color(aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;