path: root/l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl b/l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1666d9d7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools options
+## Default Developer Tools section
+# The heading
+options-select-default-tools-label = Garatzaile-tresna lehenetsiak
+# The label for the explanation of the * marker on a tool which is currently not supported
+# for the target of the toolbox.
+options-tool-not-supported-label = * Ez da onartzen tresna-kutxaren uneko helbururako
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the developer tools
+# added by add-ons. This heading is hidden when there is no developer tool installed by add-ons.
+options-select-additional-tools-label = Gehigarriek instalatutako garatzaile-tresnak
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the default developer
+# tool buttons.
+options-select-enabled-toolbox-buttons-label = Tresna-kutxako botoi erabilgarriak
+# The label for the heading of the radiobox corresponding to the theme
+options-select-dev-tools-theme-label = Itxurak
+## Inspector section
+# The heading
+options-context-inspector = Ikuskatzailea
+# The label for the checkbox option to show user agent styles
+options-show-user-agent-styles-label = Erakutsi nabigatzaile-estiloak
+options-show-user-agent-styles-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, nabigatzaileak kargatzen dituen estilo lehenetsiak erakutsiko dira.
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable collapse attributes
+options-collapse-attrs-label = Moztu DOM atributuak
+options-collapse-attrs-tooltip =
+ .title = Moztu ikuskatzaileko atributu luzeak
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable the "drag to update" feature
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-label = Egin klik eta arrastatu tamainaren balioak editatzeko
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-tooltip =
+ .title = Egin klik eta arrastatu ikuskatzailearen arauen ikuspegiko tamainaren balioak editatzeko.
+## "Default Color Unit" options for the Inspector
+options-default-color-unit-label = Koloreen unitate lehenetsia
+options-default-color-unit-authored = Sortu bezala
+options-default-color-unit-hex = Hamaseitarra
+options-default-color-unit-hsl = HSL(A)
+options-default-color-unit-rgb = RGB(A)
+options-default-color-unit-hwb = HWB
+options-default-color-unit-name = Koloreen izenak
+## Style Editor section
+# The heading
+options-styleeditor-label = Estilo-editorea
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles autocompletion of css in the Style Editor
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-label = CSSaren osatze automatikoa
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-tooltip =
+ .title = Osatu automatikoki idatzi ahala CSS propietateak, balioak eta hautatzaileak estiloen editorean
+## Screenshot section
+# The heading
+options-screenshot-label = Pantaila-argazkiaren portaera
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles screenshot to clipboard feature
+options-screenshot-clipboard-only-label = Pantaila-argazkia arbelera soilik
+options-screenshot-clipboard-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Pantaila-argazkia zuzenean arbelean gordetzen du
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles the camera shutter audio for screenshot tool
+options-screenshot-audio-label = Erreproduzitu kamera-obturadorearen soinua
+options-screenshot-audio-tooltip =
+ .title = Kameraren audio-soinua gaitzen du pantaila-argazkia hartzerakoan
+## Editor section
+# The heading
+options-sourceeditor-label = Editorearen hobespenak
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-tooltip =
+ .title = Saiatu koska igartzen iturburuaren edukian oinarrituta
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-label = Detektatu koska
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-tooltip =
+ .title = Txertatu automatikoki ixteko kortxeteak
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-label = Autoitxi kortxeteak
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-tooltip =
+ .title = Erabili zuriune-karaktereak tabulazio-karakterearen ordez
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-label = Koska zuriuneak erabiliz
+options-sourceeditor-tabsize-label = Tabulazioaren tamaina
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-label = Tekla-konbinazioak
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-default-label = Lehenetsia
+## Advanced section
+# The heading (this item is also used in perftools.ftl)
+options-context-advanced-settings = Ezarpen aurreratuak
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles the HTTP cache on or off
+options-disable-http-cache-label = Desgaitu HTTP cachea (tresna-kutxa irekita dagoenean)
+options-disable-http-cache-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, Ezarrita badago, HTTP cachea desgaitu egingo da tresna-kutxa zabalik duten fitxa guztietan. Aukera honek ez die zerbitzu-langileei eragiten.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles JavaScript on or off
+options-disable-javascript-label = Desgaitu JavaScript *
+options-disable-javascript-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, JavaScript desgaituko da uneko fitxan. Fitxa edo tresna-kutxa itxita badaude, ezarpen hau ahaztu egingo da.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles chrome debugging, i.e. the preference
+options-enable-chrome-label = Gaitu nabigatzailearen interfazea eta gehigarriak arazteko tresna-kutxak
+options-enable-chrome-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, hainbat garatzaile-tresna nabigatzailearen testuinguruan erabili (Tresnak > Web garapena > Nabigatzailearen tresna-kutxa bidez) eta gehigarrien kudeatzailetik araztu ahal izango dituzu
+# The label for checkbox that toggles remote debugging, i.e. the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preference
+options-enable-remote-label = Gaitu urruneko arazketa
+options-enable-remote-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Aukera hau aktibatuz gero, nabigatzaile-instantzia hau urrunetik araztu ahal izango da
+# The label for checkbox that enables F12 as a shortcut to open DevTools
+options-enable-f12-label = Erabili F12 tekla garatzaile-tresnak ireki edo ixteko
+# The label for checkbox that toggles custom formatters for objects
+options-enable-custom-formatters-label = Gaitu formateatzaile pertsonalizatuak
+options-enable-custom-formatters-tooltip =
+ .title = Aukera hau gaituz gero, DOM objektuen formateatzaile pertsonalizatuak zehaztu ahal izango dituzte guneek
+# The label for checkbox that toggles the service workers testing over HTTP on or off.
+options-enable-service-workers-http-label = Gaitu zerbitzu-langileak HTTP bidez (tresna-kutxa irekita dagoenean)
+options-enable-service-workers-http-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, zerbitzu-langileak HTTP bidez erabilgarri egongo dira tresna-kutxa zabalik duten fitxa guztietan.
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles source maps in all tools.
+options-source-maps-label = Gaitu iturburu-mapak
+options-source-maps-tooltip =
+ .title = Aukera hau gaituz gero, iturburuak mapeatu egingo dira tresnetan.
+# The message shown for settings that trigger page reload
+options-context-triggers-page-refresh = * Uneko saioa soilik, orria berritzen du