path: root/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about')
25 files changed, 2848 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fe805c63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-about-title = Wo About
+about-about-note = To je lisćina stronow “about” k wašej dispoziciji.<br/> Někotre z nich móhli trochu zamylić. Někotre su jenož za diagnostiske zaměry.<br/> A někotre su wuwostajene, dokelž sej naprašowanske znamješkowe rjećazki wužaduja.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..907bfdb00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addons-page-title = Zrjadowak přidatkow
+search-header =
+ .placeholder = Na pytać
+ .searchbuttonlabel = Pytać
+## Variables
+## $domain - Domain name where add-ons are available (e.g.
+list-empty-get-extensions-message = Wobstarajće sej rozšěrjenja a drasty na <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-dictionaries-message = Wobstarajće sej słowniki na <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-language-packs-message = Wobstarajće sej rěčne pakćiki na <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-installed =
+ .value = Njejsće přidatki tutoho typa instalował
+list-empty-available-updates =
+ .value = Žane aktualizacije namakane
+list-empty-recent-updates =
+ .value = W poslednim času njejsće přidatki aktualizował
+list-empty-find-updates =
+ .label = Za aktualizacijemi pytać
+list-empty-button =
+ .label = Dalše informacije wo přidatkach
+help-button = Pomoc za přidatki
+sidebar-help-button-title =
+ .title = Pomoc za přidatki
+addons-settings-button = Nastajenja { -brand-short-name }
+sidebar-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Nastajenja { -brand-short-name }
+show-unsigned-extensions-button =
+ .label = Někotre rozšěrjenja njedachu so wobkrućić
+show-all-extensions-button =
+ .label = Wšě rozšěrjenja pokazać
+detail-version =
+ .label = Wersija
+detail-last-updated =
+ .label = Posledni raz zaktualizowany
+addon-detail-description-expand = Wjace pokazać
+addon-detail-description-collapse = Mjenje pokazać
+detail-contributions-description = Wuwiwar tutoho přidatka prosy, zo byšće pomhał, jeho stajne wuwiće podpěrać, darujo mały přinošk.
+detail-contributions-button = Přinošować
+ .title = K wuwiwanju tutoho přidatka přinošować
+ .accesskey = P
+detail-update-type =
+ .value = Awtomatiske aktualizacije
+detail-update-default =
+ .label = Standard
+ .tooltiptext = Aktualizacije jenož awtomatisce instalować, jeli to je standard
+detail-update-automatic =
+ .label = Zapinjeny
+ .tooltiptext = Aktualizacije awtomatisce instalować
+detail-update-manual =
+ .label = Wupinjeny
+ .tooltiptext = Aktualizacije awtomatisce njeinstalować
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on in private windows.
+detail-private-browsing-label = W priwatnych woknach wuwjesć
+# Some add-ons may elect to not run in private windows by setting incognito: not_allowed in the manifest. This
+# cannot be overridden by the user.
+detail-private-disallowed-label = W priwatnych woknach njedowoleny
+detail-private-disallowed-description2 = Tute rozšěrjenje w priwatnym modusu njefunguje. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dalše informacije</a>
+# Some special add-ons are privileged, run in private windows automatically, and this permission can't be revoked
+detail-private-required-label = Wužaduje sej přistup k priwatnym woknam
+detail-private-required-description2 = Tute rozšěrjenje ma přistup k wašim aktiwitam online w priwatnym modusu. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dalše informacije</a>
+detail-private-browsing-on =
+ .label = Dowolić
+ .tooltiptext = W priwatnym modusu zmóžnić
+detail-private-browsing-off =
+ .label = Njedowolić
+ .tooltiptext = W priwatnym modusu znjemóžnić
+detail-home =
+ .label = Startowa strona
+detail-home-value =
+ .value = { detail-home.label }
+detail-repository =
+ .label = Přidatkowy profil
+detail-repository-value =
+ .value = { detail-repository.label }
+detail-check-for-updates =
+ .label = Za aktualizacijemi pytać
+ .accesskey = p
+ .tooltiptext = Aktualizacije za tutón přidatk pytać
+detail-show-preferences =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Nastajenja
+ *[other] Nastajenja
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] N
+ *[other] N
+ }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Nastajenja tutoho přidatka změnić
+ *[other] Nastajenja tutoho přidatka změnić
+ }
+detail-rating =
+ .value = Pohódnoćenje
+addon-restart-now =
+ .label = Nětko znowa startować
+disabled-unsigned-heading =
+ .value = Někotre přidatki su so znjemóžnili
+disabled-unsigned-description = Slědowace přidatki njejsu so wobkrućili za wužiwanje w { -brand-short-name }. Móžeće <label data-l10n-name="find-addons">narunanja namakać</label> abo wuwiwarja prosyć, je wobkrućić.
+disabled-unsigned-learn-more = Zhońće wjace wo našich prócowanjach, wam pomhać, online wěsty wostać.
+disabled-unsigned-devinfo = Wuwiwarjo, kotřiž chcedźa, zo so jich přidatki wobkrućeja, móža pokročować čitajo našu <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">přiručku</label>.
+plugin-deprecation-description = Faluje něšto? Někotre tykače so wjace přez { -brand-short-name } njepodpěruja. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dalše informacije.</label>
+legacy-warning-show-legacy = Zestarjene rozšěrjenja pokazać
+legacy-extensions =
+ .value = Zestarjene rozšěrjenja
+legacy-extensions-description = Tute rozšěrjenja su so znjemóžnili, dokelž standardam { -brand-short-name } njewotpowěduja. <label data-l10n-name="legacy-learn-more">Dalše informacije wo změnach tutych přidatkow</label>
+private-browsing-description2 =
+ { -brand-short-name } měnja, kak rozšěrjenja w priwatnym modusu funguja. Nowe rozšěrjenja, kotrež
+ { -brand-short-name } přidawaće, po standardźe w priwatnych woknach njefunguja. Chibazo
+ dowoleće to w nastajenjach, rozšěrjenje w priwatnym modusu njefunguje a nima přistup k wašim
+ aktiwitam online. Smy tutu změnu sčinili, zo by waš priwatny modus priwatny wóstał. <label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Zhońće wjace wo rjadowanju nastajenjow rozšěrjenja.</label>
+addon-category-discover = Doporučenja
+addon-category-discover-title =
+ .title = Doporučenja
+addon-category-extension = Rozšěrjenja
+addon-category-extension-title =
+ .title = Rozšěrjenja
+addon-category-theme = Drasty
+addon-category-theme-title =
+ .title = Drasty
+addon-category-plugin = Tykače
+addon-category-plugin-title =
+ .title = Tykače
+addon-category-dictionary = Słowniki
+addon-category-dictionary-title =
+ .title = Słowniki
+addon-category-locale = Rěče
+addon-category-locale-title =
+ .title = Rěče
+addon-category-available-updates = Aktualizacije
+addon-category-available-updates-title =
+ .title = Aktualizacije
+addon-category-recent-updates = Nowe aktualizacije
+addon-category-recent-updates-title =
+ .title = Nowe aktualizacije
+addon-category-sitepermission = Sydłowe prawa
+addon-category-sitepermission-title =
+ .title = Sydłowe prawa
+# String displayed in about:addons in the Site Permissions section
+# Variables:
+# $host (string) - DNS host name for which the webextension enables permissions
+addon-sitepermission-host = Sydłowe prawa za { $host }
+## These are global warnings
+extensions-warning-safe-mode = Wšě přidatki su so přez wěsty modus znjemóžnili.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility = Přepruwowanje přidatkoweje kompatibelnosće je znjemóžnjene. Je móžno, zo maće njekompatibelne přidatki.
+extensions-warning-safe-mode2 =
+ .message = Wšě přidatki su so přez wěsty modus znjemóžnili.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility2 =
+ .message = Přepruwowanje přidatkoweje kompatibelnosće je znjemóžnjene. Je móžno, zo maće njekompatibelne přidatki.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility-button = Zmóžnić
+ .title = Přepruwowanje přidatkoweje kompatibelnosće zmóžnić
+extensions-warning-update-security = Přepruwowanje wěstoty aktualizacije je znjemóžnjene. Je móžno, zo aktualizacije wam wohrožuja.
+extensions-warning-update-security2 =
+ .message = Přepruwowanje wěstoty aktualizacije je znjemóžnjene. Je móžno, zo aktualizacije wam wohrožuja.
+extensions-warning-update-security-button = Zmóžnić
+ .title = Přepruwowanje wěstoty aktualizacije zmóžnić
+extensions-warning-imported-addons2 =
+ .message = Prošu dokónčće instalaciju rozšěrjenjow, kotrež su so do { -brand-short-name } importowali.
+extensions-warning-imported-addons-button = Rozšěrjenja instalować
+## Strings connected to add-on updates
+addon-updates-check-for-updates = Za aktualizacijemi pytać
+ .accesskey = p
+addon-updates-view-updates = Nowe aktualizacije sej wobhladać
+ .accesskey = N
+# This menu item is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for
+# add-on update checking.
+addon-updates-update-addons-automatically = Přidatki awtomatisce aktualizować
+ .accesskey = a
+## Specific add-ons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually",
+## "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the
+## update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior
+## (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the
+## extensions-updates-update-addons-automatically.label menu item).
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-automatic = Wšě přidatki zaso awtomatisce aktualizować
+ .accesskey = z
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-manual = Wšě přidatki manuelnje aktualizować
+ .accesskey = m
+## Status messages displayed when updating add-ons
+addon-updates-updating = Aktualizowanje přidatkow
+addon-updates-installed = Waše přidatki su so zaktualizowali.
+addon-updates-none-found = Žane aktualizacije namakane
+addon-updates-manual-updates-found = K dispoziciji stejace aktualizacije sej wobhladać
+## Add-on install/debug strings for page options menu
+addon-install-from-file = Přidatk z dataje instalować…
+ .accesskey = P
+addon-install-from-file-dialog-title = Přidatk za instalaciju wubrać
+addon-install-from-file-filter-name = Přidatki
+addon-open-about-debugging = Přidatki za zmylkami přepytować
+ .accesskey = d
+## Extension shortcut management
+# This is displayed in the page options menu
+addon-manage-extensions-shortcuts = Tastowe skrótšenki rozšěrjenjow rjadować
+ .accesskey = T
+shortcuts-no-addons = Njejśce žane rozšěrjenja zmóžnił.
+shortcuts-no-commands = Slědowace rozšěrjenja tastowe skrótšenki nimaja:
+shortcuts-input =
+ .placeholder = Zapodajće tastowu skrótšenku
+# Accessible name for a trashcan icon button that removes an existent shortcut
+shortcuts-remove-button =
+ .aria-label = Tastowa skrótšenku wotstronić
+shortcuts-browserAction2 = Tłóčatko symboloweje lajsty aktiwizować
+shortcuts-pageAction = Akciju strony aktiwizować
+shortcuts-sidebarAction = Bóčnicu přepinać
+shortcuts-modifier-mac = Strg, Alt abo ⌘ zapřijeć
+shortcuts-modifier-other = Strg abo Alt zapřijeć
+shortcuts-invalid = Njepłaćiwa kombinacija
+shortcuts-letter = Zapodajće pismik
+shortcuts-system = Tastowa skrótšenka { -brand-short-name } njeda so přepisać
+# String displayed in warning label when there is a duplicate shortcut
+shortcuts-duplicate = Dwójna tastowa skrótšenka
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message = { $shortcut } so jako tastowa skrótšenka wjacekróć wužiwa. Dwójne tastowe skrótšenki móža njewočakowane zadźerženje zawinować.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2 =
+ .message = { $shortcut } so jako tastowa skrótšenka wjacekróć wužiwa. Dwójne tastowe skrótšenki móža njewočakowane zadźerženje zawinować.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already used by another add-on
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+shortcuts-exists = Wužiwa so hižo přez { $addon }
+# Variables:
+# $numberToShow (number) - Number of other elements available to show
+shortcuts-card-expand-button =
+ { $numberToShow ->
+ [one] { $numberToShow } dalši pokazać
+ [two] { $numberToShow } dalšej pokazać
+ [few] { $numberToShow } dalše pokazać
+ *[other] { $numberToShow } dalšich pokazać
+ }
+shortcuts-card-collapse-button = Mjenje pokazać
+header-back-button =
+ .title = Wróćo hić
+## Recommended add-ons page
+# Explanatory introduction to the list of recommended add-ons. The action word
+# ("recommends") in the final sentence is a link to external documentation.
+discopane-intro = Rozšěrjenja a drasty su kaž nałoženja za waš wobhladowak, a škitaja hesła, sćahuja wideja, namakaja hrabnjenčka, blokuja wobćežne wabjenje, měnjeja napohlad wašeho wobhladowaka a wjele wjace. Tute małe softwarowe programy so husto wot třećich wuwiwaja. Tu je wuběr { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">doporučenych</a> rozšěrjenjow za { -brand-product-name } za wosebitu wěstotu, wukon a funkcionalnosć.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations = Někotre z tutych doporučenjow su personalizowane. Bazuja na rozšěrjenjach, kotrež sće instalował, profilowych nastajenjach a wužiwanskej statistice.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations2 =
+ .message = Někotre z tutych doporučenjow su personalizowane. Bazuja na rozšěrjenjach, kotrež sće instalował, profilowych nastajenjach a wužiwanskej statistice.
+discopane-notice-learn-more = Dalše informacije
+privacy-policy = Prawidła priwatnosće
+# Refers to the author of an add-on, shown below the name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $author (string) - The name of the add-on developer.
+created-by-author = wot <a data-l10n-name="author">{ $author }</a>
+# Shows the number of daily users of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $dailyUsers (number) - The number of daily users.
+user-count = Wužiwarjo: { $dailyUsers }
+install-extension-button = { -brand-product-name } přidać
+install-theme-button = Drastu instalować
+# The label of the button that appears after installing an add-on. Upon click,
+# the detailed add-on view is opened, from where the add-on can be managed.
+manage-addon-button = Rjadować
+find-more-addons = Dalše přidatki pytać
+find-more-themes = Dalše drasty pytać
+# This is a label for the button to open the "more options" menu, it is only
+# used for screen readers.
+addon-options-button =
+ .aria-label = Dalše nastajenja
+## Add-on actions
+report-addon-button = Zdźělić
+remove-addon-button = Wotstronić
+# The link will always be shown after the other text.
+remove-addon-disabled-button = Njeda so wotstronić <a data-l10n-name="link">Čehodla?</a>
+disable-addon-button = Znjemóžnić
+enable-addon-button = Zmóžnić
+# This is used for the toggle on the extension card, it's a checkbox and this
+# is always its label.
+extension-enable-addon-button-label =
+ .aria-label = Zmóžnić
+preferences-addon-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Nastajenja
+ *[other] Nastajenja
+ }
+details-addon-button = Podrobnosće
+release-notes-addon-button = Wersijowe informacije
+permissions-addon-button = Prawa
+extension-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+extension-disabled-heading = Znjemóžnjeny
+theme-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+theme-disabled-heading2 = Składowane drasty
+plugin-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+plugin-disabled-heading = Znjemóžnjeny
+dictionary-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+dictionary-disabled-heading = Znjemóžnjeny
+locale-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+locale-disabled-heading = Znjemóžnjeny
+sitepermission-enabled-heading = Zmóžnjeny
+sitepermission-disabled-heading = Znjemóžnjeny
+always-activate-button = Přeco aktiwizować
+never-activate-button = Ženje njeaktiwizować
+addon-detail-author-label = Awtor
+addon-detail-version-label = Wersija
+addon-detail-last-updated-label = Posledni raz zaktualizowany
+addon-detail-homepage-label = Startowa strona
+addon-detail-rating-label = Pohódnoćenje
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message = Tute rozšěrjenje budźe so aktualizować, hdyž so { -brand-short-name } znowa startuje.
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message2 =
+ .message = Tute rozšěrjenje budźe so aktualizować, hdyž so { -brand-short-name } znowa startuje.
+install-postponed-button = Nětko aktualizować
+# The average rating that the add-on has received.
+# Variables:
+# $rating (number) - A number between 0 and 5. The translation should show at most one digit after the comma.
+five-star-rating =
+ .title = Pohódnoćeny z { NUMBER($rating, maximumFractionDigits: 1) } z 5
+# This string is used to show that an add-on is disabled.
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the add-on
+addon-name-disabled = { $name } (znjemóžnjeny)
+# The number of reviews that an add-on has received on AMO.
+# Variables:
+# $numberOfReviews (number) - The number of reviews received
+addon-detail-reviews-link =
+ { $numberOfReviews ->
+ [one] { $numberOfReviews } pohódnoćenje
+ [two] { $numberOfReviews } pohódnoćeni
+ [few] { $numberOfReviews } pohódnoćenja
+ *[other] { $numberOfReviews } pohódnoćenjow
+ }
+## Pending uninstall message bar
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description = <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon }</span> je so wotstronił.
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description2 =
+ .message = { $addon } je so wotstronił.
+pending-uninstall-undo-button = Cofnyć
+addon-detail-updates-label = Awtomatiske aktualizacije dowolić
+addon-detail-updates-radio-default = Standard
+addon-detail-updates-radio-on = Zapinjeny
+addon-detail-updates-radio-off = Wupinjeny
+addon-detail-update-check-label = Za aktualizacijemi pytać
+install-update-button = Aktualizować
+# aria-label associated to the updates row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-updates =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-updates-label }
+# This is the tooltip text for the private browsing badge in about:addons. The
+# badge is the private browsing icon included next to the extension's name.
+addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2 =
+ .title = W priwatnych woknach dowoleny
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2.title }
+addon-detail-private-browsing-help = Jeli maće prawo, ma rozšěrjenje přistup k wašim aktiwitam online w priwatnym modusu. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dalše informacije</a>
+addon-detail-private-browsing-allow = Dowolić
+addon-detail-private-browsing-disallow = Njedowolić
+# aria-label associated to the private browsing row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-private-browsing =
+ .aria-label = { detail-private-browsing-label }
+## "sites with restrictions" (internally called "quarantined") are special domains
+## where add-ons are normally blocked for security reasons.
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on on quarantined domains.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label = Na sydłach z wobmjezowanjemi wuwjesć
+# Used as help text part of the quarantined domains UI controls row.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-help = Jeli dowolene, ma rozšěrjenje přistup k sydłam, kotrež su wot { -vendor-short-name } wobmjezowane. Dowolće to jenož, jeli tutomu rozšěrjenju dowěrjeće.
+# Used as label and tooltip text on the radio inputs associated to the quarantined domains UI controls.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-allow = Dowolić
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-disallow = Njedowolić
+# aria-label associated to the quarantined domains exempt row to help screen readers to announce the group.
+addon-detail-group-label-quarantined-domains =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label }
+## This is the tooltip text for the recommended badges for an extension in about:addons. The
+## badge is a small icon displayed next to an extension when it is recommended on AMO.
+addon-badge-recommended2 =
+ .title = { -brand-product-name } jenož rozšěrjenja doporučuje, kotrež našim standardam za wěstotu a wukon wotpowěduja.
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-recommended2.title }
+# We hard code "Mozilla" in the string below because the extensions are built
+# by Mozilla and we don't want forks to display "by Fork".
+addon-badge-line3 =
+ .title = Oficielny rozšěrjenje, wuwite wot Mozilla. Spjelnja wěstotne a wukonowe standardy.
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-line3.title }
+addon-badge-verified2 =
+ .title = Tute rozšěrjenje je so přepruwowało, zo by našim standardam za wěstotu a wukon wotpowědowało.
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-verified2.title }
+available-updates-heading = K dispoziciji stejace aktualizacije
+recent-updates-heading = Najnowše aktualizacije
+release-notes-loading = Začituje so…
+release-notes-error = Při začitowanju wersijowych informacijow je bohužel zmylk wustupił.
+addon-permissions-empty = Tute rozšěrjenje sej prawa njewužaduje
+addon-permissions-required = Trěbne prawa za jadrowu funkcionalnosć:
+addon-permissions-optional = Opcionalne prawa za přidatu funkcionalnosć:
+addon-permissions-learnmore = Dalše informacije wo prawach
+recommended-extensions-heading = Doporučene rozšěrjenja
+recommended-themes-heading = Doporučene drasty
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Host where the permissions are granted
+addon-sitepermissions-required = Garantuje <span data-l10n-name="hostname">{ $hostname }</span> slědowace kmanosće:
+# A recommendation for the Firefox Color theme shown at the bottom of the theme
+# list view. The "Firefox Color" name itself should not be translated.
+recommended-theme-1 = Čujeće so kreatiwny? <a data-l10n-name="link">Wutworće swójsku drastu z Firefox Color.</a>
+## Page headings
+extension-heading = Waše rozšěrjenja rjadować
+theme-heading = Waše drasty rjadować
+plugin-heading = Waše tykače rjadować
+dictionary-heading = Rjadujće swoje słowniki
+locale-heading = Rjadujće swoje rěče
+updates-heading = Waše aktualizacije rjadować
+sitepermission-heading = Waše sydłowe prawa rjadować
+discover-heading = Personalizujće swój { -brand-short-name }
+shortcuts-heading = Tastowe skrótšenki rozšěrjenjow rjadować
+default-heading-search-label = Dalše přidatki pytać
+addons-heading-search-input =
+ .placeholder = Na pytać
+addon-page-options-button =
+ .title = Nastroje za wšě přidatki
+## Detail notifications
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible = { $name } kompatibelny z { -brand-short-name } { $version } njeje.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible2 =
+ .message = { $name } kompatibelny z { -brand-short-name } { $version } njeje.
+details-notification-incompatible-link = Dalše informacije
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled = { $name } njeda so za wužiwanje w { -brand-short-name } wobkrućić a je so znjemóžnił.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled2 =
+ .message = { $name } njeda so za wužiwanje w { -brand-short-name } wobkrućić a je so znjemóžnił.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled-link = Dalše informacije
+details-notification-unsigned = { $name } njeda so za wužiwanje w { -brand-short-name } wobkrućić. Pokročujće z kedźbliwosću.
+details-notification-unsigned2 =
+ .message = { $name } njeda so za wužiwanje w { -brand-short-name } wobkrućić. Pokročujće z kedźbliwosću.
+details-notification-unsigned-link = Dalše informacije
+details-notification-blocked = { $name } je so dla problemow wěstoty abo stabilnosće znjemóžnił.
+details-notification-blocked2 =
+ .message = { $name } je so dla problemow wěstoty abo stabilnosće znjemóžnił.
+details-notification-blocked-link = Dalše informacije
+details-notification-softblocked = { $name } je za to znaty, zo problemy wěstoty abo stabilnosće zawinuje.
+details-notification-softblocked2 =
+ .message = { $name } je za to znaty, zo problemy wěstoty abo stabilnosće zawinuje.
+details-notification-softblocked-link = Dalše informacije
+details-notification-gmp-pending = { $name } budźe so bórze instalować.
+details-notification-gmp-pending2 =
+ .message = { $name } budźe so bórze instalować.
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Licencne informacije
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Informacije priwatnosće
+plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec wot Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Tutón tykač so wot Mozilla awtomatisce instaluje, zo by specifikaciji WebRTC wotpowědował a wołanja WebRTC z gratami zmóžnił, kotrež sej widejocodec H.264 wužaduja. Wopytajće, zo byšće sej codecowy žórłowy kod wobhladał a wjace wo implementaciji zhonił.
+plugins-widevine-name = Modul Widevine za dekodowanje wobsaha wot Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = Tutón tykač wothrawanje zaklučowanych medijow po specifikaciji za rozšěrjenja zaklučowanych medijow zmóžnja. Zaklučowane medije so zwjetša wot sydła k škitu před kopěrowanjom premijoweho medijoweho wobsaha wužiwaja. Wopytajće za dalše informacije wo rozšěrjenjach zaklučowanych medijow.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b5ea576df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+label-disable = Znjemóžnić
+label-enable = Zmóžnić
+label-interventions = Interwencije
+label-more-information = Dalše informacije: Zmylkowa rozprawa { $bug }
+label-overrides = Přepisanja identifikatora wobhladowaka
+text-disabled-in-about-config = Tuta funkcija je so w about:config znjemóžniła
+text-no-interventions = Interwencije so njewužiwaja
+text-no-overrides = Přepisanja identifikatora wobhladowaka so njewužiwaja
+text-title = about:compat
+## Do not translate "SmartBlock". For reference, SmartBlock is a feature
+## of Firefox anti-tracking which fixes website breakage caused when
+## trackers are blocked, by acting just enough like those trackers to fix the
+## breakage. SmartBlock also contains special fixes for sites broken by
+## Firefox's Total Cookie Protection feature.
+label-smartblock = Porjedźenja SmartBlock
+text-no-smartblock = Žane porjedźenja SmartBlock so njewužiwaja
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..207bafe071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### "FOG", "Glean", and "Glean SDK" should remain in English.
+-fog-brand-name = FOG
+-glean-brand-name = Glean
+glean-sdk-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } SDK
+glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } Debug Ping Viewer
+about-glean-page-title2 = Wo { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-header = Wo { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-interface-description =
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name }</a>
+ je zběrka datow, kotraž so w projektach { -vendor-short-name } wužiwa.
+ Tutón powjerch je so wuwił, zo by so wot wuwiwarjow a testowarjow wužiwał, zo bychu manuelnje
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-link">instrumentaciju testowali</a>.
+about-glean-upload-enabled = Nahraće datow je zmóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-disabled = Nahraće datow je znjemóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-enabled-local = Nahraće datow je jenož za słanje na lokalny serwer zmóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-fake-enabled =
+ Nahraće datow je znjemóžnjene,
+ ale łžimy a zdźělamy { glean-sdk-brand-name }, zo wono je zmóžnjene
+ zo bychu so daty hišće lokalnje składowali.
+ Kedźbu: Jeli značku pytanja zmylkow stajeće, pingi so do
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-debug-ping-viewer">{ glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }</a> njedźiwajo na nastajenja nahrawaja.
+# This message is followed by a bulleted list.
+about-glean-prefs-and-defines = Relewantne <a data-l10n-name="fog-prefs-and-defines-doc-link">nastajenja a definicije</a> wopřijimaja:
+# Variables:
+# $data-upload-pref-value (String): the value of the datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled pref. Typically "true", sometimes "false"
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-data-upload = <code>datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled</code>: { $data-upload-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $local-port-pref-value (Integer): the value of the telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port pref. Typically 0. Can be negative.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-local-port = <code>telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port</code>: { $local-port-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $glean-android-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID define. Typically "false", sometimes "true".
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-glean-android = <code>MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID</code>: { $glean-android-define-value }
+# Variables:
+# $moz-official-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZILLA_OFFICIAL define.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-moz-official = <code>MOZILLA_OFFICIAL</code>: { $moz-official-define-value }
+about-glean-about-testing-header = Wo testowanju
+# This message is followed by a numbered list.
+about-glean-manual-testing =
+ Dospołne instrukcije so w
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-instrumentation-test-doc-link">{ -fog-brand-name } dokumentach testowanja instrumentacije</a>
+ a w <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name } dokumentaciji</a> dokumentuja,
+ ale, krótko prajene, zo byšće manuelnje testował, hač waša instrumentacije funguje, wy měł:
+# This message is an option in a dropdown filled with untranslated names of pings.
+about-glean-no-ping-label = (ping njesłać)
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings = Zawěsćće, zo je w předchadnym polu njezapomnita značka pytanja zmylka, zo byšće móhł swoje pingi pozdźišo spóznał.
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings-with-requirements = Stajće spomjatkliwu značku pytanja zmylkow <span>(20 znamješkow abo mjenje, jenož alfanumeriske a -)</span>, zo byšće pozdźišo swoje pingi zaso spóznał.
+# An in-line drop down list precedes this string.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-label-for-ping-names =
+ Wubjerće z předchadneje lisćiny ping, kotryž wašu instrumentaciju wobsahuje.
+ Jeli je w <a data-l10n-name="custom-ping-link">swójskim pingu</a>, wubjerće tón.
+ Hewak je standard za metriku <code>event</code>
+ ping <code>events</code>
+ a standard za druhe metriki je
+ ping <code>metrics</code>.
+# An in-line check box precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-log-pings =
+ (Na přeće. Wubjerće předchadne polo, jeli chceće, zo so pingi tež protokoluja, hdyž so wotesyłaja.
+ Dyrbiće nimo toho <a data-l10n-name="enable-logging-link">protokolowanje zmóžnić</a>.)
+# Variables
+# $debug-tag (String): The user-set value of the debug tag input on this page. Like "about-glean-kV"
+# An in-line button labeled "Apply settings and submit ping" precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-controls-submit =
+ Tłóčće na předchadne tłóčatko, zo byšće wšě pingi { -glean-brand-name } ze swojej značku woznamjenił a wotpósćelće wubrany ping.
+ (Wšě pingi, kotrež so wot toho časa wotesćelu, doniž njestartujeće znowa, so z
+ <code>{ $debug-tag }</code> woznamjenjeja.)
+about-glean-li-for-visit-gdpv =
+ <a data-l10n-name="gdpv-tagged-pings-link">Wopytajće stronu { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name } za pingi ze swojej značku</a>.
+ Njeměło wjace hač por sekundow wot tłóčenja tłóčatka do přichoda wašeho pinga trać.
+ Druhdy móže por mjeńšin trać.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation =
+ Za dalše testy <i>ad hoc</i>
+ móžeće tež aktualnu hódnotu wěsteho dźěla instrumentacije postajić,
+ hdyž konsolu wuwiwarskich nastrojow tu w <code>about:glean</code> wočinjeće
+ a API <code>testGetValue()</code> takle wužiwaće:
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation2 =
+ Za dalše testy <i>ad hoc</i>
+ móžeće tež aktualnu hódnotu wěsteho dźěla instrumentacije postajić,
+ hdyž konsolu wuwiwarskich nastrojow tu w <code>about:glean</code> wočinjeće
+ a API <code>testGetValue()</code> takle wužiwaće:
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>
+ za metriku z mjenom <code>metric.category.metric_name</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-note =
+ Prošu dźiwajće na to, zo API Glean JS z pomocu konsole wuwiwarskich nastrojow wužiwać.
+ To rěka, zo so metriska kategorija a metriske mjeno w
+ <code>camelCase</code> formatěrujetej, na rozdźěl wot API Rust a C++.
+controls-button-label-verbose = Nastajenja nałožić a ping wotpósłać
+about-glean-about-data-header = Wo datach
+about-glean-about-data-explanation =
+ Zo byšće lisćinu zhromadźenych datow přepytał, skonsultujće
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-dictionary-link">{ -glean-brand-name } Słownik</a>.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87c1b1c947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-httpsonly-title-alert = Warnowanje modusa Jenož-HTTPS
+about-httpsonly-title-site-not-available = Wěste sydło k dispoziciji njeje
+# Variables:
+# $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that failed to load. Example:
+about-httpsonly-explanation-unavailable2 = Sće modus Jenož-HTTPS za polěpšenu wěstotu zmóžnił a HTTPS-wersija <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em> k dispoziciji njeje.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-question = Što móhło to zawinować?
+about-httpsonly-explanation-nosupport = Najskerje websydło prosće HTTPS njepodpěruje.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-risk = Je tež móžno, zo nadpadnik je wobdźěleny. Jeli so rozsudźeće websydło wopytać, njeměł wy sensibelne daty kaž hesła, e-mejlowe adresy abo podrobnosće kreditnych kartow zapodać.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-continue = Jeli pokročujeće, so modus Jenož-HTTPS za tute sydło nachwilu znjemóžni.
+about-httpsonly-button-continue-to-site = Dale k HTTP-sydłu
+about-httpsonly-button-go-back = Wróćo
+about-httpsonly-link-learn-more = Dalše informacije…
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loded with these alternatives. Example:
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loaded with these alternatives. Example:
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-header = Móžna alternatiwa
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-text = Je wěsta wersija <em>www.{ $websiteUrl }</em>. Móžeće tutu stronu město <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em> wopytać.
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-button = K www.{ $websiteUrl }
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cade94590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This is the title of the page
+about-logging-title = Wo protokolowanju
+about-logging-page-title = Protokolowanski zrjadowak
+about-logging-current-log-file = Aktualna protokolowa dataja:
+about-logging-new-log-file = Nowa protokolowa dataja:
+about-logging-currently-enabled-log-modules = Tuchwilu zmóžnjene protokolowe module:
+about-logging-log-tutorial = Hlejće <a data-l10n-name="logging">HTTP-protokolowanje</a> za instrukcije wo tym, kak so tutón nastroj wužiwa.
+# This message is used as a button label, "Open" indicates an action.
+about-logging-open-log-file-dir = Zapis wočinić
+about-logging-set-log-file = Protokolowu dataju postajić
+about-logging-set-log-modules = Protokolowe module postajić
+about-logging-start-logging = Protokolowanje započeć
+about-logging-stop-logging = Protokolowanje skónčić
+about-logging-buttons-disabled = Protokolowanje je přez wokolinowe wariable skonfigurowane, dynamiska konfiguracija k dispoziciji njeje.
+about-logging-some-elements-disabled = Protokolowanje je přez URL skonfigurowane, někotre konfiguraciske nastajenja k dispoziciji njejsu
+about-logging-info = Info:
+about-logging-log-modules-selection = Wuběr protokolowych modulow
+about-logging-new-log-modules = Nowe protokolowe module:
+about-logging-logging-output-selection = Wudaće protokolowanja
+about-logging-logging-to-file = Do dataje protokolować
+about-logging-logging-to-profiler = Do { -profiler-brand-name } protokolować
+about-logging-no-log-modules = Žadyn
+about-logging-no-log-file = Žadyn
+about-logging-logging-preset-selector-text = Přednastajenje za protokolowanje:
+about-logging-with-profiler-stacks-checkbox = Staplowe přesćěhanja za protokolowe zdźělenki zmóžnić
+## Logging presets
+about-logging-preset-networking-label = Syć
+about-logging-preset-networking-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje syćowych problemow protokolować
+about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-label = Placki
+about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z plackami protokolować
+about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-label = Websokety
+about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z Websoketom protokolować
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-label = HTTP/3
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z HTTP/3 a QUIC protokolować
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-label = Nahrawanska spěšnosć HTTP/3
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z nahrawanskej spěšnosću HTTP/3 protokolować
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Wothraće medijow
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-description = Module konfigurować, zo byšće problemy medijoweho wothraća diagnosticěrował (nic problemy z widejokonferencami)
+about-logging-preset-webrtc-label = WebRTC
+about-logging-preset-webrtc-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z WebRTC protokolować
+about-logging-preset-webgpu-label = WebGPU
+about-logging-preset-webgpu-description = Protokolowe module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow WebGPU
+about-logging-preset-gfx-label = Grafika
+about-logging-preset-gfx-description = Module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow z grafikami protokolować
+# This is specifically "Microsoft Windows". Microsoft normally doesn't localize it, and we should follow their convention here.
+about-logging-preset-windows-label = Windows
+about-logging-preset-windows-description = Protokolowe module za diagnosticěrowanje problemow, kotrež su specifiske za Microsoft Windows
+about-logging-preset-custom-label = Swójski
+about-logging-preset-custom-description = Protokolowe module manuelnje wubrane
+# Error handling
+about-logging-error = Zmylk:
+## Variables:
+## $k (String) - Variable name
+## $v (String) - Variable value
+about-logging-invalid-output = Njepłaćiwa hódnota “{ $v }“ za kluč “{ $k }“
+about-logging-unknown-logging-preset = Njeznate protokolowanske přednastajenje „{ $v }“
+about-logging-unknown-profiler-preset = Njeznate profilerowe přednastajenje „{ $v }“
+about-logging-unknown-option = Njeznate nastajenje about:logging „{ $k }“
+about-logging-configuration-url-ignored = Konfiguraciski URL ignorowany
+about-logging-file-and-profiler-override = Wudawanje a přepisowanje nastajenjow wukonoweje analyzy njedatej so naraz wunuzować
+about-logging-configured-via-url = Přez URL skonfigurowane nastajenje
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbd0125823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-mozilla-title-6-27 = Kniha Mozilla, 6:27
+about-mozilla-quote-6-27 =
+ The Beast continued its studies with renewed <em>Focus</em>, building great <em>Reference</em>
+ works and contemplating new <em>Realities</em>. The Beast brought forth its followers and
+ acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through <em>Mischievous</em> means,
+ sent it out across the world.
+about-mozilla-from-6-27 = z <strong>Knihi Mozilla,</strong> 6:27
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32f82840d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-networking-title = Wo syćowych zwiskach
+about-networking-http = HTTP
+about-networking-sockets = Sokety
+about-networking-dns = DNS
+about-networking-dns-clear-cache-button = DNS-pufrowak wuprózdnić
+about-networking-dns-trr-url = DoH URL
+about-networking-dns-trr-mode = DoH-modus
+about-networking-dns-suffix = DNS-sufiks
+about-networking-websockets = Websokety
+about-networking-refresh = Aktualizować
+about-networking-auto-refresh = Kóžde 3 sekundy aktualizować
+about-networking-hostname = Hostmjeno
+about-networking-port = Port
+about-networking-http-version = HTTP-wersija
+about-networking-ssl = SSL
+about-networking-active = Aktiwny
+about-networking-idle = Njeaktiwny
+about-networking-host = Host
+about-networking-type = Typ
+about-networking-sent = Pósłany
+about-networking-received = Přijaty
+about-networking-family = Swójba
+about-networking-trr = TRR
+about-networking-addresses = Adresy
+about-networking-expires = Spadnje (sekundy)
+about-networking-originAttributesSuffix = Izolaciski kluč
+about-networking-flags = Přidatne chorhojčki
+about-networking-messages-sent = Pósłane powěsće
+about-networking-messages-received = Přijate powěsće
+about-networking-bytes-sent = Pósłane bajty
+about-networking-bytes-received = Přijate bajty
+about-networking-logging = Protokolowanje
+about-networking-dns-lookup = DNS-pytanje
+about-networking-dns-lookup-button = Rozeznać
+about-networking-dns-domain = Domena:
+about-networking-dns-lookup-table-column = IP
+about-networking-dns-https-rr-lookup-table-column = HTTP-RRs
+about-networking-rcwn = Statistika RCWN
+about-networking-rcwn-status = Status RCWN
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-won-count = Ličba wužiwanjow pufrowaka
+about-networking-rcwn-net-won-count = Ličba wužiwanjow syće
+about-networking-total-network-requests = Ličba syćowych naprašenjow dohromady
+about-networking-rcwn-operation = Operacija pufrowaka
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-open = Wočinić
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-read = Čitać
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-write = Pisać
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-entry-open = Zapisk wočinjeny
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-short = Krótki přerězk
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-long = Dołhi přerězk
+about-networking-rcwn-std-dev-long = Dołhe standardne wotchilenje
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-slow = Pomałe ličenje pufrować
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-not-slow = Pomałe ličenje njepufrować
+about-networking-networkid = Syćowy ID
+about-networking-networkid-id = Syćowy ID
+# Note: do not translate about:logging, as it is a URL.
+about-networking-moved-about-logging = Tuta strona je so do <a data-l10n-name="about-logging-url">about:logging</a> přesunyła.
+## Link is intended as "network link"
+about-networking-networkid-is-up = Wotkaz je spadnjeny
+about-networking-networkid-status-known = Wotkazowy status je znaty
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d890316155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-performance-title = Zrjadowak nadawkow
+## Column headers
+column-name = Mjeno
+column-type = Typ
+column-energy-impact = Energijowa ćeža
+column-memory = Skład
+## Special values for the Name column
+ghost-windows = Runje začinjene rajtarki
+# Variables:
+# $title (String) - the title of the preloaded page, typically 'New Tab'
+preloaded-tab = Dočasa začitany: { $title }
+## Values for the Type column
+type-tab = Rajtark
+type-subframe = Podwobłuk
+type-tracker = Přesćěhowak
+type-addon = Přidatk
+type-browser = Wobhladowak
+type-worker = Worker
+type-other = Druhe
+## Values for the Energy Impact column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - Value of the energy impact, eg. 0.25 (low),
+## 5.38 (medium), 105.38 (high)
+energy-impact-high = Wysoki ({ $value })
+energy-impact-medium = Srjedźny ({ $value })
+energy-impact-low = Niski ({ $value })
+## Values for the Memory column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - How much memory is used
+size-KB = { $value } KB
+size-MB = { $value } MB
+size-GB = { $value } GB
+## Tooltips for the action buttons
+close-tab =
+ .title = Rajtark začinić
+show-addon =
+ .title = W zrjadowaku přidatkow pokazać
+# Tooltip when hovering an item of the about:performance table
+# Variables:
+# $totalDispatches (Number) - how many dispatches occured for this page since it loaded
+# $totalDuration (Number) - how much CPU time was used by this page since it loaded
+# $dispatchesSincePrevious (Number) - how many dispatches occured in the last 2 seconds
+# $durationSincePrevious (Number) - how much CPU time was used in the last 2 seconds
+item =
+ .title =
+ Rozpósłanja wot začitanja: { $totalDispatches } ({ $totalDuration } ms)
+ Rozpósłanja za zańdźene sekundy: { $dispatchesSincePrevious } ({ $durationSincePrevious } ms)
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f11824b4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+title-label = Wo tykačach
+installed-plugins-label = Instalowane tykače
+no-plugins-are-installed-label = Žane instalowane tykače namakane
+deprecation-description = Faluje něšto? Někotre tykače so wjace njepodpěruja. <a data-l10n-name="deprecation-link">Dalše informacije.</a>
+deprecation-description2 =
+ .message = Faluje něšto? Někotre tykače so wjace njepodpěruja.
+## The information of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $pluginLibraries: the plugin library
+## $pluginFullPath: path of the plugin
+## $version: version of the plugin
+file-dd = <span data-l10n-name="file">Dataja:</span> { $pluginLibraries }
+path-dd = <span data-l10n-name="path">Šćežka:</span> { $pluginFullPath }
+version-dd = <span data-l10n-name="version">Wersija:</span> { $version }
+## These strings describe the state of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $blockListState: show some special state of the plugin, such as blocked, outdated
+state-dd-enabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Zmóžnjeny
+state-dd-enabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Zmóžnjeny ({ $blockListState })
+state-dd-Disabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Znjemóžnjeny
+state-dd-Disabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Znjemóžnjeny ({ $blockListState })
+mime-type-label = MIME-typ
+description-label = Wopisanje
+suffixes-label = Sufiksy
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Licencne informacije
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Informacije priwatnosće
+plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec wot Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Tutón tykač so wot Mozilla awtomatisce instaluje, zo by specifikaciji WebRTC wotpowědował a wołanja WebRTC z gratami zmóžnił, kotrež sej widejocodec H.264 wužaduja. Wopytajće, zo byšće sej codecowy žórłowy kod wobhladał a wjace wo implementaciji zhonił.
+plugins-widevine-name = Modul Widevine za dekodowanje wobsaha wot Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = Tutón tykač wothrawanje zaklučowanych medijow po specifikaciji za rozšěrjenja zaklučowanych medijow zmóžnja. Zaklučowane medije so zwjetša wot sydła k škitu před kopěrowanjom premijoweho medijoweho wobsaha wužiwaja. Wopytajće za dalše informacije wo rozšěrjenjach zaklučowanych medijow.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..109b94c166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-processes-title = Procesowy zrjadowak
+# The Actions column
+about-processes-column-action =
+ .title = Akcije
+## Tooltips
+about-processes-shutdown-process =
+ .title = Rajtarki wuswobodźić a proces zničić
+about-processes-shutdown-tab =
+ .title = Rajtark začinić
+# Profiler icons
+# Variables:
+# $duration (Number) The time in seconds during which the profiler will be running.
+# The value will be an integer, typically less than 10.
+about-processes-profile-process =
+ .title =
+ { $duration ->
+ [one] Wšě nitki tutoho procesa za { $duration } sekundu analyzować
+ [two] Wšě nitki tutoho procesa za { $duration } sekundźe analyzować
+ [few] Wšě nitki tutoho procesa za { $duration } sekundy analyzować
+ *[other] Wšě nitki tutoho procesa za { $duration } sekundow analyzować
+ }
+## Column headers
+about-processes-column-name = Mjeno
+about-processes-column-memory-resident = Skład
+about-processes-column-cpu-total = CPU
+## Process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-browser-process = { -brand-short-name } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-process = Dźěleny webproces ({ $pid })
+about-processes-file-process = Dataje ({ $pid })
+about-processes-extension-process = Rozšěrjenja ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedabout-process = Strony „about“ ({ $pid })
+about-processes-plugin-process = Tykače ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedmozilla-process = Sydła { -vendor-short-name } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gmp-plugin-process = Medijowe tykače Gecko ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gpu-process = GPU ({ $pid })
+about-processes-vr-process = VR ({ $pid })
+about-processes-rdd-process = Dekoděrowak datow ({ $pid })
+about-processes-socket-process = Syć ({ $pid })
+about-processes-remote-sandbox-broker-process = Broker zdaleneho pěskoweho kašćika ({ $pid })
+about-processes-fork-server-process = Serwer Fork ({ $pid })
+about-processes-preallocated-process = Do toho připokazany ({ $pid })
+about-processes-utility-process = Pomocny program ({ $pid })
+# Unknown process names
+# Variables:
+# $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+# $type (String) The raw type for this process.
+about-processes-unknown-process = Druhi: { $type } ({ $pid })
+## Isolated process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+## $origin (String) The domain name for this process.
+about-processes-web-isolated-process = { $origin } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-serviceworker = { $origin } ({ $pid }, serviceworker)
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process = { $origin } ({ $pid }, přez cross-origin izolowany)
+about-processes-web-isolated-process-private = { $origin } – priwatny ({ $pid })
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process-private = { $origin } – priwatny ({ $pid }, přez cross-origin izolowany)
+## Details within processes
+# Single-line summary of threads (non-idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# $active (Number) The number of active threads in the process.
+# The value will be greater than 0 and will never be
+# greater than $number.
+# $list (String) Comma separated list of active threads.
+# Can be an empty string if the process is idle.
+about-processes-active-threads =
+ { $active ->
+ [one] { $active } aktiwna nitka z { $number }: { $list }
+ [two] { $active } aktiwnej nitce z { $number }: { $list }
+ [few] { $active } aktiwne nitki z { $number }: { $list }
+ *[other] { $active } aktiwnych nitkow z { $number }: { $list }
+ }
+# Single-line summary of threads (idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# The process is idle so all threads are inactive.
+about-processes-inactive-threads =
+ { $number ->
+ [one] { $number } inaktiwna nitka
+ [two] { $number } inaktiwneje nitce
+ [few] { $number } inaktiwne nitki
+ *[other] { $number } inaktiwnych nitkow
+ }
+# Thread details
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name assigned to the thread.
+# $tid (String) The thread id of this thread, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-thread-name-and-id = { $name }
+ .title = ID nitki: { $tid }
+# Tab
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name of the tab (typically the title of the page, might be the url while the page is loading).
+about-processes-tab-name = Rajtark: { $name }
+about-processes-preloaded-tab = Do toho začitany nowy rajtark
+# Single subframe
+# Variables:
+# $url (String) The full url of this subframe.
+about-processes-frame-name-one = Podwobłuk: { $url }
+# Group of subframes
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of subframes in this group. Always ≥ 1.
+# $shortUrl (String) The shared prefix for the subframes in the group.
+about-processes-frame-name-many = Podwobłuki ({ $number }): { $shortUrl }
+## Utility process actor names
+about-processes-utility-actor-unknown = Njeznaty akter
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-generic = Generiski awdiodekoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-applemedia = Medijowy awdiodekoder Apple
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-wmf = Awdiodekoder Windows Media Framework
+about-processes-utility-actor-mf-media-engine = Windows Media Foundation Media Engine CDM
+# "Oracle" refers to an internal Firefox process and should be kept in English
+about-processes-utility-actor-js-oracle = JavaScript Oracle
+about-processes-utility-actor-windows-utils = Windows Utils
+about-processes-utility-actor-windows-file-dialog = Datajowy dialog Windows
+## Displaying CPU (percentage and total)
+## Variables:
+## $percent (Number) The percentage of CPU used by the process or thread.
+## Always > 0, generally <= 200.
+## $total (Number) The amount of time used by the process or thread since
+## its start.
+## $unit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `duration-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-cpu = { NUMBER($percent, maximumSignificantDigits: 2, style: "percent") }
+ .title = CPU-čas dohromady: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: data is not available yet.
+about-processes-cpu-user-and-kernel-not-ready = (měri so)
+# Special case: process or thread is almost idle (using less than 0.1% of a CPU core).
+# This case only occurs on Windows where the precision of the CPU times is low.
+about-processes-cpu-almost-idle = < 0.1%
+ .title = Cyłkowny CPU-čas: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: process or thread is currently idle.
+about-processes-cpu-fully-idle = inaktiwny
+ .title = Cyłkowny CPU-čas: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+## Displaying Memory (total and delta)
+## Variables:
+## $total (Number) The amount of memory currently used by the process.
+## $totalUnit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+## $delta (Number) The absolute value of the amount of memory added recently.
+## $deltaSign (String) Either "+" if the amount of memory has increased
+## or "-" if it has decreased.
+## $deltaUnit (String) The unit in which to display $delta. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-changed = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+ .title = Wuwiće: { $deltaSign }{ NUMBER($delta, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $deltaUnit }
+# Special case: no change.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-no-change = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+## Duration units
+duration-unit-ns = ns
+duration-unit-us = µs
+duration-unit-ms = ms
+duration-unit-s = s
+duration-unit-m = m
+duration-unit-h = h
+duration-unit-d = d
+## Memory units
+memory-unit-B = B
+memory-unit-KB = KB
+memory-unit-MB = MB
+memory-unit-GB = GB
+memory-unit-TB = TB
+memory-unit-PB = PB
+memory-unit-EB = EB
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5613b95c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+profiles-title = Wo profilowach
+profiles-subtitle = Tuta strona wam pomha, waše profile rjadować. Kóždy profil je wosebity swět, kotryž wosebitu historiju, wosebite zapołožki, nastajenja a přidatki wobsahuje.
+profiles-create = Nowy profil załožić
+profiles-restart-title = Znowa startować
+profiles-restart-in-safe-mode = Ze znjemóžnjenymi přidatkami startować…
+profiles-restart-normal = Normalnje znowa startować…
+profiles-conflict = Druha kopija { -brand-product-name } je změny na wašich profilach přewjedła. Dyrbiće { -brand-short-name } znowa startować, prjedy hač dalše změny přewjedźeće.
+profiles-flush-fail-title = Změny njejsu so składowali
+profiles-flush-conflict = { profiles-conflict }
+profiles-flush-failed = Njewočakowany zmylk je składowanju wašich změnow zadźěwał.
+profiles-flush-restart-button = { -brand-short-name } znowa startować
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-name = Profil: { $name }
+profiles-is-default = Standardny profil
+profiles-rootdir = Korjenjowy zapis
+# localDir is used to show the directory corresponding to
+# the main profile directory that exists for the purpose of storing data on the
+# local filesystem, including cache files or other data files that may not
+# represent critical user data. (e.g., this directory may not be included as
+# part of a backup scheme.)
+# In case localDir and rootDir are equal, localDir is not shown.
+profiles-localdir = Lokalny zapis
+profiles-current-profile = Tutón profil so runje wužiwa a njeda so zhašeć.
+profiles-in-use-profile = Tutón profil so přez druhe nałoženje wužiwa a njeda so zhašeć.
+profiles-rename = Přemjenować
+profiles-remove = Wotstronić
+profiles-set-as-default = Jako standardny profil nastajić
+profiles-launch-profile = Profil w nowym woknje startować
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-title = Standard njeda so nastajić
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-message = Standardny profil njeda so za { -brand-short-name } změnić.
+profiles-yes = haj
+profiles-no = ně
+profiles-rename-profile-title = Profil přemjenować
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-rename-profile = Profil { $name } přemjenować
+profiles-invalid-profile-name-title = Njepłaćiwe profilowe mjeno
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-invalid-profile-name = Profilowe mjeno "{ $name }" njeje dowolene.
+profiles-delete-profile-title = Profil zhašeć
+# Variables:
+# $dir (String) - Path to be displayed
+profiles-delete-profile-confirm =
+ Hašenje profila wotstroni profil z lisćiny k dispoziciji stejacych profilow a njeda so anulować.
+ Móžeće tež dataje z profilowymi datami zhašeć, inkluziwnje waše nastajenja, certifikaty a druhe daty, kotrež so na wužiwarja poćahuja. Tute nastajenje rjadowak "{ $dir }" zhaša a njeda so anulować.
+ Chceće dataje z profilowymi datami zhašeć?
+profiles-delete-files = Dataje zhašeć
+profiles-dont-delete-files = Dataje njezhašeć
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-title = Zmylk
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-message = Při pospyće tutón profil zhašeć je zmylk wustupił.
+profiles-opendir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] W Finder pokazać
+ [windows] Rjadowak wočinić
+ *[other] Zapis wočinić
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e98d96900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-reader-loading = Začituje so…
+about-reader-load-error = Nastawk njeda so ze strony začitać
+about-reader-color-scheme-light = Swětły
+ .title = Swětła barbowa šema
+about-reader-color-scheme-dark = Ćmowy
+ .title = Ćmowa barbowa šema
+about-reader-color-scheme-sepia = Sepija
+ .title = Barbowa šema Sepia
+about-reader-color-scheme-auto = Awtomatisce
+ .title = Awtomatiska barbowa šema
+# An estimate for how long it takes to read an article,
+# expressed as a range covering both slow and fast readers.
+# Variables:
+# $rangePlural (String): The plural category of the range, using the same set as for numbers.
+# $range (String): The range of minutes as a localised string. Examples: "3-7", "~1".
+about-reader-estimated-read-time =
+ { $rangePlural ->
+ [one] { $range } mjeńšina
+ [two] { $range } mjeńšinje
+ [few] { $range } mjeńšiny
+ *[other] { $range } mjeńšin
+ }
+## These are used as tooltips in Type Control
+about-reader-toolbar-minus =
+ .title = Pismowu wulkosć pomjeńšić
+about-reader-toolbar-plus =
+ .title = Pismowu wulkosć powjetšić
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthminus =
+ .title = Šěrokosć wobsaha pomjeńšić
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthplus =
+ .title = Šěrokosć wobsaha powjetšić
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightminus =
+ .title = Linkowu wysokosć pomjeńšić
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightplus =
+ .title = Linkowu wysokosć powjetšić
+## These are the styles of typeface that are options in the reader view controls.
+about-reader-font-type-serif = Serif
+about-reader-font-type-sans-serif = Sans-serif
+## Reader View toolbar buttons
+about-reader-toolbar-close = Čitanski napohlad začinić
+about-reader-toolbar-type-controls = Pismowe elementy
+about-reader-toolbar-savetopocket = Do { -pocket-brand-name } składować
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86990f8949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+rights-title = Wo wašich prawach
+rights-intro = { -brand-full-name } je darmotna softwara wotewrjeneho žórła, wutworjena wot zhromadźenstwa tysacow ludźi z cyłeho swěta. Su někotre wěcy, kotrež wy měł wědźeć:
+rights-intro-point-1 = { -brand-short-name } staja so k dispoziciji pod wuměnjenjemi <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-public-license-link">licency Mozilla Public License</a>. To woznamjenja, zo móžeće { -brand-short-name } wužiwać a kopěrować a jón na druhich rozdźělić. Wostanje wam přewostajene, žórłowy kod { -brand-short-name } po wašim wuzdaću změnić, zo by wón wašim potrjebam wotpowědował. Licenca Mozilla Public License tež wam da prawo waše změnjene wersije rozdźělić.
+rights-intro-point-2 = Njegarantuja wam žane prawa na wikowanskich znamjenjach abo licency na wikowanskich znamjenjach załožby Mozilla foundation abo někajkeje druheje strony, bjez wobmjezowanja na mjeno abo logo Firefox. Přidatne informacije wo wikowanskich znamjenjach namakaće <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-trademarks-link">tu</a>.
+rights-intro-point-3 = Někotre funkcije w { -brand-short-name }, na př. zdźělenje spadnjenjow, dawaja wam móžnosć waše posudki na { -vendor-short-name } pósłać. Hdyž waše posudki wotesćeleš, daće { -vendor-short-name } dowolnosć, posudki wužiwać, jeho produkty polěpšić, posudki na jeho websydłach wozjewić a posudki rozdźělić.
+rights-intro-point-4 = Kak wužiwamy waše wosobinske informacije a posudki, kotrež sće na { -vendor-short-name } přez { -brand-short-name } pósłał, wopisuje so w <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-privacy-policy-link">prawidłach priwatnosće { -brand-short-name }</a>.
+rights-intro-point-4-unbranded = Wšě nałožujomne prawidła priwatnosće za tutón produkt měli so tu podać.
+rights-intro-point-5 = Někotre funkcije w { -brand-short-name } wužiwaja informaciske websłužby, ale njemóžemy garantować, zo wone su 100% w porjadku abo bjez zmylkow. Dalše podrobnsće, inkluziwne informacije kak móžeće funkcije znjemóžnić, kotrež tute słužby wužiwaja, namakaće we <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">wužiwanskich wuměnjenjach</a>.
+rights-intro-point-5-unbranded = Jeli tutón produkt wopřijima websłužby, nałožujomne wužiwanske wuměnjenja za słužby měli być zwjazane z <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-website-services-link">wotrězkom</a> websydłowych słužbow.
+rights-intro-point-6 = Zo by wěste typy widejowobsaha wothrał, sćehnje { -brand-short-name } wěste module za dešifrowanje wobsaha wot třećich poskićowarjow.
+rights-webservices-header = { -brand-full-name } informaciske websłužby
+rights-webservices = { -brand-full-name } wužiwa informaciske websłužby ("słužby"), zo by někotre funkcije k dispoziciji stajił, kotrež su za wužiwanje z tutej binarnej wersiju { -brand-short-name } pod deleka wopisanymi wuměnjenjemi myslene. Jeli nochceće jednu z tutych słužbow abo wjacore z nich wužiwać, abo slědowace wuměnjenja su njeakceptujomne, móžeće funkciju słužbow znjemóžnić. Instrukcije, kak wěsta funkcija słužby hodźi so znjemóžnić, namakaće <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">tu</a>. Druhe funkcije a słužby hodźa so w nastajenjach nałoženja znjemóžnić.
+rights-safebrowsing = <strong>Wěste přehladowanje: </strong>Njeporuča so funkciju wěsteho přehladowanja znjemóžnić, dokelž móže to k tomu wjesć, zo so do njewěstych sydłow dóstanjeće. Jeli chceće tutu funkciju dospołnje znjemóžnić, wuwjedźće slědowace kroki:
+rights-safebrowsing-term-1 = Wočińće nastajenja programa
+rights-safebrowsing-term-2 = wubjerće rajtark Wěstota
+rights-safebrowsing-term-3 = Nastajenje za "{ enableSafeBrowsing-label }" znjemóžnić
+enableSafeBrowsing-label = Strašny a wobšudny wobsah blokować
+rights-safebrowsing-term-4 = Wěste přehladowanje je nětko znjemóžnjene
+rights-locationawarebrowsing = <strong>Přehladowanje z lokalizaciju stejnišća: </strong>je přeco z přizjewjenjom. Žane informacije wo stejnišću so ženje bjez wašeje dowolnosće rozesyła. Jeli chceće tutu funkciju dospołnje znjemóžnić, wuwjedźće slědowace kroki:
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-1 = Zapisajće do adresoweho pola <code>about:config</code>
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-2 = Zapisajće geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-3 = Klikńće dwójce na nastajenje geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-4 = Přehladowanje z lokalizaciju stejnišća je nětko znjemóžnjene
+rights-webservices-unbranded = Přehlad websydłowych słužbow, kotrež produkt wobsahuje, hromadźe z instrukciejemi, kak hodźa so znjemóžnić, je-li móžno, měł so tu zapřijeć.
+rights-webservices-term-unbranded = Nałožujomne wužiwanske wuměnjenja za tutón produkt měli so tu podać.
+rights-webservices-term-1 = { -vendor-short-name } a jeho sobuskutkowacy, licencydawarjo a partnerojo dźěłaja, zo bychu najdokładniše a najaktualniše słužby k dispoziciji stajili. Ale njemóžemy garantować, zo tute informacije su dospołne a bjez zmylkow. Je na přikład móžno, zo słužba wěsteho přehladowanja nic wšě strašne sydła identifikuje a ma někotre wěste sydła za strašne a přehladowanje z lokalizaciju stejnišća a za słužbu přehladowanja z lokalizaciju stejnišća móhło płaćić, zo wšě městna, kotrež naše poskićowarjo słužby dodawaja, su jenož trochowanja a ani my ani poskićowarjo słužby njegarantuja dokładnosć dodatych městnow.
+rights-webservices-term-2 = { -vendor-short-name } móže słužby po swojim wuzdaću zastajić abo změnić.
+rights-webservices-term-3 = Sće přeprošene tute słužby z tutej wersiju { -brand-short-name } wužiwać, a { -vendor-short-name } garantuje wam prawa, zo by to činił. { -vendor-short-name } a jeho licencydawarjo wuměnjenjeja sej wšě druhe prawa na tutych słužbach. Tute wuměnjenja nimaja prawa wobmjezować, kotrež so pod licencami wotewrjeneho žórła garantuja a hodźa so na { -brand-short-name } a na wotpowědne wersije žórłoweho koda { -brand-short-name } nałožować.
+rights-webservices-term-4 = <strong>Słužby dodawaja so "kaž wone su." { -vendor-short-name }, jeho sobudźěłaćerjo, licencydawarjo a rozdźělowarjo wotpokazuja wše rukowanja, njech wurazne abo zapřijate, inkluziwnje tajke, kotrež su bjez wobmjezowanja, rukowanja, zo słužby su kupne a wotpowěduja wašim wosebitym zaměram. Njeseće połne riziko, štož nastupa wuběranje słužbow za waše zaměry a kwalitu a wukon słužbow. Někotre prawodawstwa njedowoleja wuzamknjenje abo wobmjezowanje zapřijatych rukowanjow, tak tuta wuzamknjenska klawsula njeda so na was nałožić.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-5 = <strong>Chibazo zakon to požada, { -vendor-short-name }, jeho sobudźěłaćerjo, licencydawarjo a rozdźělowarjo njerukuja za indirektne, specialne, připadne, naslědne, chłostajomne abo eksemplariske škody, kotrež wuchadźeja z wašnja wužiwanja { -brand-short-name } a słužbow. Kolektiwne rukowanje pod tutymi wuměnjenjemi njepřesaha 500$ (pjeć stow dolarow). Někotre prawodawstwa njedowoleja wuzamknjenje abo wobmjezowanje wěstych škodow, tak tutej wuzamknjenje a wobmjezowanje njedadźa so na was nałožić.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-6 = { -vendor-short-name } móže tute wuměnjenja, jeli trěbne, hdys a hdys aktualizować. Tute wuměnjenja njehodźa so bjez pisomneho přizwolenja { -vendor-short-name } změnić abo anulować.
+rights-webservices-term-7 = Tute wuměnjenja podlěža zakonam stata Kalifornija, USA, nimo prawniskich postajenjow, kotrež su w konflikće z nimi. Jeli maja so dźěl tutych wuměnjenjow za njepłaćiwy abo njepřesadźujomny, zbytne dźěle wobchowaja swoju połnu skutkownosć a płaćiwosć. Jeli je konflikt mjez přełoženej wersiju a jendźělskej wersiju, jendźelska wersija płaći.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80bd154b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### The term "Service Workers" and "Workers" should not be translated
+about-service-workers-title = Wo "service workers"
+about-service-workers-main-title = Zregistrowane "service workers"
+about-service-workers-warning-not-enabled = "Service workers" zmóžnjene njejsu.
+about-service-workers-warning-no-service-workers = Žane "service workers" zregistrowane.
+# The original title of service workers' information
+# Variables:
+# $originTitle: original title
+origin-title = Pochad: { $originTitle }
+## These strings are for showing the information of workers.
+## Variables:
+## $name: the name of scope, active cache, waiting cache and the push end point.
+## $url: the url of script specification and current worker.
+scope = <strong>Wobwod:</strong> { $name }
+script-spec = <strong>Skritpowa specifikacija:</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+current-worker-url = <strong>URL za aktualny "worker":</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+active-cache-name = <strong>Mjeno aktiwneho pufrowaka:</strong> { $name }
+waiting-cache-name = <strong>Mjeno čakaceho pufrowaka:</strong> { $name }
+push-end-point-waiting = <strong>Kónčny dypk push:</strong> { waiting }
+push-end-point-result = <strong>Kónčny dypk push:</strong> { $name }
+# This term is used as a button label (verb, not noun).
+update-button = Aktualizować
+unregister-button = Registrowanje skónčić
+unregister-error = Registrowanje za "Service worker" njeda so skónčić.
+waiting = Čaka so…
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fab9c49a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+page-title = Informacije za rozrisowanje problemow
+page-subtitle = Tuta strona wobsahuje techniske informacije, kotrež móhli wužitne być, hdyž pospytujeće problem rozrisać. Jeli za wotmołwami za zwučene prašenja wo { -brand-short-name } pytaće, wopytajće našu <a data-l10n-name="support-link">podpěranske websydło</a>.
+crashes-title = Rozprawy wo spadach
+crashes-id = ID rozprawy
+crashes-send-date = Wotpósłany
+crashes-all-reports = Wšě rozprawy wo spadach
+crashes-no-config = Nałoženje njeje so konfigurowało, zo by rozprawy wo spadach zwobrazniło.
+support-addons-title = Přidatki
+support-addons-name = Mjeno
+support-addons-type = Typ
+support-addons-enabled = Zmóžnjeny
+support-addons-version = Wersija
+support-addons-id = ID
+legacy-user-stylesheets-title = Zestarjene wužiwarske stilowe předłohi
+legacy-user-stylesheets-enabled = Aktiwny
+legacy-user-stylesheets-stylesheet-types = Stilowe předłohi
+legacy-user-stylesheets-no-stylesheets-found = Žane stilowe předłohi namakane
+security-software-title = Wěstotna softwara
+security-software-type = Typ
+security-software-name = Mjeno
+security-software-antivirus = Antiwirusowy program
+security-software-antispyware = Program přećiwo spionažnej softwarje
+security-software-firewall = Wohnjomurja
+features-title = Funkcije { -brand-short-name }
+features-name = Mjeno
+features-version = Wersija
+features-id = ID
+processes-title = Zdalene procesy
+processes-type = Typ
+processes-count = Ličba
+app-basics-title = Zakłady nałoženja
+app-basics-name = Mjeno
+app-basics-version = Wersija
+app-basics-build-id = Wersijowy ID
+app-basics-distribution-id = ID distribucije
+app-basics-update-channel = Aktualizowanski kanal
+# This message refers to the folder used to store updates on the device,
+# as in "Folder for updates". "Update" is a noun, not a verb.
+app-basics-update-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Aktualizowanski zapis
+ *[other] Aktualizowanski rjadowak
+ }
+app-basics-update-history = Aktualizaciska historija
+app-basics-show-update-history = Aktualizacisku historiju pokazać
+# Represents the path to the binary used to start the application.
+app-basics-binary = Nałoženska binarna dataja
+app-basics-profile-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Profilowy zapis
+ *[other] Profilowy rjadowak
+ }
+app-basics-enabled-plugins = Zmóžnjene tykače
+app-basics-build-config = Konfiguracija programoweje wersije
+app-basics-user-agent = User Agent
+app-basics-os = Dźěłowy system
+app-basics-os-theme = Drasta dźěłoweho systema
+# Rosetta is Apple's translation process to run apps containing x86_64
+# instructions on Apple Silicon. This should remain in English.
+app-basics-rosetta = Přez Rosetta přełoženy
+app-basics-memory-use = Wužity składowak
+app-basics-performance = Wukon
+app-basics-service-workers = Zregistrowane service workers
+app-basics-third-party = Module třećich poskićowarjow
+app-basics-profiles = Profile
+app-basics-launcher-process-status = Startowanski proces
+app-basics-multi-process-support = Multiprocesowe wokna
+app-basics-fission-support = Wokna Fission
+app-basics-remote-processes-count = Zdalene procesy
+app-basics-enterprise-policies = Předewzaćelske prawidła
+app-basics-location-service-key-google = Kluč stejnišćoweje słužby Google
+app-basics-safebrowsing-key-google = Kluč Safebrowsing Google
+app-basics-key-mozilla = Kluč stejnišćoweje słužby Mozilla
+app-basics-safe-mode = Wěsty modus
+app-basics-memory-size = Wulkosć składa (RAM)
+app-basics-disk-available = K dispoziciji stejacy tačelowy składowak
+app-basics-pointing-devices = Pokazowanske graty
+# Variables:
+# $value (number) - Amount of data being stored
+# $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (e.g. MB)
+app-basics-data-size = { $value } { $unit }
+show-dir-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] W Finder pokazać
+ [windows] Rjadowak wočinić
+ *[other] Zapis wočinić
+ }
+environment-variables-title = Wokolinowe wariable
+environment-variables-name = Mjeno
+environment-variables-value = Hódnota
+experimental-features-title = Eksperimentelne funkcije
+experimental-features-name = Mjeno
+experimental-features-value = Hódnota
+modified-key-prefs-title = Wažne změnjene nastajenja
+modified-prefs-name = Mjeno
+modified-prefs-value = Hódnota
+user-js-title = Nastajenja w user.js
+user-js-description = Waš profilowy rjadowak wobsahuje <a data-l10n-name="user-js-link">dataju user.js</a>, kotraž nastajenja wobsahuje, kotrež njejsu so přez { -brand-short-name } wutworili.
+locked-key-prefs-title = Wažne zawrjene nastajenja
+locked-prefs-name = Mjeno
+locked-prefs-value = Hódnota
+graphics-title = Grafika
+graphics-features-title = Funkcije
+graphics-diagnostics-title = Diagnostika
+graphics-failure-log-title = Protokol nimokulenjow
+graphics-gpu1-title = GPU #1
+graphics-gpu2-title = GPU #2
+graphics-decision-log-title = Rozsudowy protokol
+graphics-crash-guards-title = Funkcije, kotrež su so wot spadoweho stražnika znjemóžnili
+graphics-workarounds-title = Nuzowe rozrisanja
+graphics-device-pixel-ratios = Gratowe pikselowe poměry (device pixel ratios) wokna
+# Windowing system in use on Linux (e.g. X11, Wayland).
+graphics-window-protocol = Woknowy protokol
+# Desktop environment in use on Linux (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc).
+graphics-desktop-environment = Desktopowa wokolina
+place-database-title = Datowa banka historije a zapołožkow
+place-database-stats = Statistika
+place-database-stats-show = Statistiku pokazać
+place-database-stats-hide = Statistiku schować
+place-database-stats-entity = Entita
+place-database-stats-count = Ličba
+place-database-stats-size-kib = Wulkosć (KiB)
+place-database-stats-size-perc = Wulkosć (%)
+place-database-stats-efficiency-perc = Eficienca (%)
+place-database-stats-sequentiality-perc = Sekwencialnosć (%)
+place-database-integrity = Integrita
+place-database-verify-integrity = Integritu přepruwować
+a11y-title = Bjezbarjernosć
+a11y-activated = Aktiwizowany
+a11y-force-disabled = Bjezbarjernosći zadźěwać
+a11y-handler-used = Přistupny handler wužity
+a11y-instantiator = Instancowak bjezbarjernosće
+library-version-title = Bibliotekowe wersije
+copy-text-to-clipboard-label = Tekst do mjezyskłada kopěrować
+copy-raw-data-to-clipboard-label = Hrube daty do mjezyskłada kopěrować
+sandbox-title = Pěskowy kašćik
+sandbox-sys-call-log-title = Wotpokazane systemowe wołanja
+sandbox-sys-call-index = #
+sandbox-sys-call-age = Před sekundami
+sandbox-sys-call-pid = PID
+sandbox-sys-call-tid = TID
+sandbox-sys-call-proc-type = Procesowy typ
+sandbox-sys-call-number = Syscall
+sandbox-sys-call-args = Argumenty
+troubleshoot-mode-title = Problemy diagnosticěrować
+restart-in-troubleshoot-mode-label = Modus za rozrisowanje problemow…
+clear-startup-cache-title = Spytajće startowy pufrowak wuprózdnić
+clear-startup-cache-label = Startowy pufrowak wuprózdnić…
+startup-cache-dialog-title2 = { -brand-short-name } znowa startować, zo byšće startowy pufrowak wuprózdnił?
+startup-cache-dialog-body2 = To waše nastajenja njezměni abo rozšěrjenja njewotstroni.
+restart-button-label = Znowa startować
+## Media titles
+audio-backend = Awdiobackend
+max-audio-channels = Maksimalna ličba kanalow
+sample-rate = Preferowana wottasowanska rata
+roundtrip-latency = Wobběhowa latenca (standardne wotchilenje)
+media-title = Medije
+media-output-devices-title = Wudawanske graty
+media-input-devices-title = Zapodawanske graty
+media-device-name = Mjeno
+media-device-group = Skupina
+media-device-vendor = Předawar
+media-device-state = Status
+media-device-preferred = Preferowany
+media-device-format = Format
+media-device-channels = Kanale
+media-device-rate = Rata
+media-device-latency = Latenca
+media-capabilities-title = Medijowe móžnosće
+media-codec-support-info = Informacije wo podpěrje codecow
+# List all the entries of the database.
+media-capabilities-enumerate = Datowu banku naličić
+## Codec support table
+media-codec-support-sw-decoding = Softwarowe dekodowanje
+media-codec-support-hw-decoding = Hardwarowe dekodowanje
+media-codec-support-codec-name = Mjeno Codec
+media-codec-support-supported = Podpěrany
+media-codec-support-unsupported = Njepodpěrany
+media-codec-support-error = Informacije wo podpěranych kodekach k dispoziciji njesteja. Spytajće hišće raz, po tym zo sće medijowu dataju wothrał.
+media-codec-support-lack-of-extension = Rozšěrjenje instalować
+## Media Content Decryption Modules (CDM)
+## See EME Spec for more explanation for following technical terms
+media-content-decryption-modules-title = Informacije wo modulach wobsahoweho zaklučowanja
+media-key-system-name = Mjeno systemoweho kluča
+media-video-robustness = Widejorobustnosć
+media-audio-robustness = Awdiorobustnosć
+media-cdm-capabilities = Kmanosće
+# Clear Lead isn't defined in the spec, which means the the first few seconds
+# are not encrypted. It allows playback to start without having to wait for
+# license response, improving video start time and user experience.
+media-cdm-clear-lead = Zawod wuprózdnić
+# We choose 2.2 as this is the version which the video provider usually want to have in order to stream 4K video securely
+# HDCP version
+media-hdcp-22-compatible = Z HDCP 2.2 kompatibelny
+intl-title = Internacionalizacija a lokalizacija
+intl-app-title = Nastajenja nałoženja
+intl-locales-requested = Požadane rěče
+intl-locales-available = K dispoziciji stejace rěče
+intl-locales-supported = Rěče nałoženja
+intl-locales-default = Standardna rěč
+intl-os-title = Dźěłowy system
+intl-os-prefs-system-locales = Systemowe rěče
+intl-regional-prefs = Regionalne nastajenja
+## Remote Debugging
+## The Firefox remote protocol provides low-level debugging interfaces
+## used to inspect state and control execution of documents,
+## browser instrumentation, user interaction simulation,
+## and for subscribing to browser-internal events.
+## See also
+remote-debugging-title = Zdalene pytanje zmylkow (protokol Chromium)
+remote-debugging-accepting-connections = Zwiski so přijimaja
+remote-debugging-url = URL
+# Variables
+# $days (Integer) - Number of days of crashes to log
+report-crash-for-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] Rozprawy wo spadach za zańdźeny { $days } dźeń
+ [two] Rozprawy wo spadach za zańdźenej { $days } dnjej
+ [few] Rozprawy wo spadach za zańdźene { $days } dny
+ *[other] Rozprawy wo spadach za zańdźenych { $days } dnjow
+ }
+# Variables
+# $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes since crash
+crashes-time-minutes =
+ { $minutes ->
+ [one] před { $minutes } mjeńšinu
+ [two] před { $minutes } mjeńšinomaj
+ [few] před { $minutes } mjeńšinami
+ *[other] před { $minutes } mjeńšinami
+ }
+# Variables
+# $hours (integer) - Number of hours since crash
+crashes-time-hours =
+ { $hours ->
+ [one] před { $hours } hodźinu
+ [two] před { $hours } hodźinomaj
+ [few] před { $hours } hodźinami
+ *[other] před { $hours } hodźinami
+ }
+# Variables
+# $days (integer) - Number of days since crash
+crashes-time-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] před { $days } dnjom
+ [two] před { $days } dnjomaj
+ [few] před { $days } dnjemi
+ *[other] před { $days } dnjemi
+ }
+# Variables
+# $reports (integer) - Number of pending reports
+pending-reports =
+ { $reports ->
+ [one] Wšě rozprawy wo spadach (inkluziwnje { $reports } njesčinjeny spad w datym času)
+ [two] Wšě rozprawy wo spadach (inkluziwnje { $reports } njesčinjenej spadaj w datym času)
+ [few] Wšě rozprawy wo spadach (inkluziwnje { $reports } njesčinjene spady w datym času)
+ *[other] Wšě rozprawy wo spadach (inkluziwnje { $reports } njesčinjenych spadow w datym času)
+ }
+raw-data-copied = Hruby daty kopěrowane do mjezyskłada
+text-copied = Tekst kopěrowany do mjezyskłada
+## The verb "blocked" here refers to a graphics feature such as "Direct2D" or "OpenGL layers".
+blocked-driver = Za wašu wersiju grafiskeho ćěrjaka zablokowany.
+blocked-gfx-card = Za wašu grafisku kartu dla njerozrisanych ćěrjakowych problemow zablokowany.
+blocked-os-version = Za wašu wersiju dźěłoweho systema zablokowany.
+blocked-mismatched-version = Zablokowany, dokelž wersija wašeho grafikoweho ćěrjaka so mjez regstraciju a DLL rozeznawa.
+# Variables
+# $driverVersion - The graphics driver version string
+try-newer-driver = Za wašu wersiju grafiskeho ćěrjaka zablokowany. Spytajće swój grafiski ćěrjak na wersiju { $driverVersion } abo nowšu aktualizować.
+# "ClearType" is a proper noun and should not be translated. Feel free to leave English strings if
+# there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support
+clear-type-parameters = Parametry ClearType
+compositing = Compositing
+support-font-determination = Informacije wo pytanju problemow za widźomnosć pismow
+hardware-h264 = Hardwarowe dekodowanje H264
+main-thread-no-omtc = hłowna nitka, žadyn OMTC
+yes = Haj
+no = Ně
+unknown = Njeznaty
+virtual-monitor-disp = Zwobraznjenje wirtuelneho monitora
+## The following strings indicate if an API key has been found.
+## In some development versions, it's expected for some API keys that they are
+## not found.
+found = Namakany
+missing = Falowacy
+gpu-process-pid = GPUProcessPid
+gpu-process = GPUProcess
+gpu-description = Wopisanje
+gpu-vendor-id = ID předawarja
+gpu-device-id = ID grata
+gpu-subsys-id = Subsys-ID
+gpu-drivers = Ćěrjaki
+gpu-ram = RAM
+gpu-driver-vendor = Zhotowjer ćěrjaka
+gpu-driver-version = Wersija ćěrjaka
+gpu-driver-date = Datum ćěrjaka
+gpu-active = Aktiwny
+webgl1-wsiinfo = WebGL 1 Informacije WSI ćěrjaka
+webgl1-renderer = WebGL 1 - rysowak ćěrjaka
+webgl1-version = WebGL 1 - wersija ćěrjaka
+webgl1-driver-extensions = WebGL 1 - rozšěrjenja ćěrjaka
+webgl1-extensions = WebGL1 - rozšěrjenja
+webgl2-wsiinfo = WebGL 2 - informacije WSI ćěrjaka
+webgl2-renderer = WebGL 2 - rysowak ćěrjaka
+webgl2-version = WebGL 2 - wersija ćěrjaka
+webgl2-driver-extensions = WebGL 2 - rozšěrjenja ćěrjaka
+webgl2-extensions = WebGL 2 - rozšěrjenja
+webgpu-default-adapter = Standardny adapter WebGPU
+webgpu-fallback-adapter = Adapter fallback WebGPU
+# Variables
+# $bugNumber (string) - Bug number on Bugzilla
+support-blocklisted-bug = W blokowanskej lisćinje znatych problemow dla: <a data-l10n-name="bug-link">programowy zmylk { $bugNumber }</a>
+# Variables
+# $failureCode (string) - String that can be searched in the source tree.
+unknown-failure = W blokowanskej lisćinje; zmylkowy kod { $failureCode }
+d3d11layers-crash-guard = D3D11 Compositor
+glcontext-crash-guard = OpenGL
+wmfvpxvideo-crash-guard = Widejodekoder WMF VPX
+reset-on-next-restart = Při přichodnym nowym starće wróćo stajić
+gpu-process-kill-button = GPU-proces skónčić
+gpu-device-reset = Grat wróćo stajić
+gpu-device-reset-button = Gratowe wróćostajenje zahibać
+uses-tiling = Wužiwa kachlički
+content-uses-tiling = Wužiwa kachlicowanje (wobsah)
+off-main-thread-paint-enabled = Off Main Thread Painting zmóžnjeny
+off-main-thread-paint-worker-count = Ličba workerow Off Main Thread Painting
+target-frame-rate = Cilowa wobłukowa hustosć
+min-lib-versions = Wočakowana minimalna wersija
+loaded-lib-versions = Wužita wersija
+has-seccomp-bpf = Seccomp-BPF (Filtrowanje systemowych zawołanjow)
+has-seccomp-tsync = Nitkowa synchronizacija Seccomp
+has-user-namespaces = Wužiwarske mjenowe rumy
+has-privileged-user-namespaces = Wužiwarske mjenowe rumy za priwilegowane procesy
+can-sandbox-content = Testowanje wobsahowych procesow w pěskowym kašćiku
+can-sandbox-media = Testowanje medijowych tykačow w pěskowym kašćiku
+content-sandbox-level = Runina wobsahowych procesow w pěskowym kašćiku
+effective-content-sandbox-level = Aktualna runina wobsahowych procesow w pěskowym kašćiku
+content-win32k-lockdown-state = Status Win32 Lockdown za wobsahowy proces
+support-sandbox-gpu-level = Runina GPU-procesow w pěskowym kašćiku
+sandbox-proc-type-content = wobsah
+sandbox-proc-type-file = datajowy wobsah
+sandbox-proc-type-media-plugin = medijowy tykač
+sandbox-proc-type-data-decoder = dekodowak datow
+startup-cache-title = Startowy pufrowak
+startup-cache-disk-cache-path = Šćežka tačeloweho pufrowaka
+startup-cache-ignore-disk-cache = Tačelowy pufrowak ignorować
+startup-cache-found-disk-cache-on-init = Tačelowy pufrowak je so namakał při inicializowanju
+startup-cache-wrote-to-disk-cache = Je so do tačeloweho pufrowaka napisało
+launcher-process-status-0 = Zmóžnjeny
+launcher-process-status-1 = Zmylka dla znjemóžnjeny
+launcher-process-status-2 = Namócnje znjemóžnjeny
+launcher-process-status-unknown = Njeznaty status
+# Variables
+# $remoteWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+multi-process-windows = { $remoteWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+# Variables
+# $fissionWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+fission-windows = { $fissionWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+fission-status-experiment-control = Přez eksperiment znjemóžnjeny
+fission-status-experiment-treatment = Přez eksperiment zmóžnjeny
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-env = Přez wokolinu znjemóžnjeny
+fission-status-enabled-by-env = Přez wokolinu zmóžnjeny
+fission-status-disabled-by-env = Přez wokolinu znjemóžnjeny
+fission-status-enabled-by-default = Po standardźe zmóžnjeny
+fission-status-disabled-by-default = Po standardźe znjemóžnjeny
+fission-status-enabled-by-user-pref = Wot wužiwarja zmóžnjeny
+fission-status-disabled-by-user-pref = Wot wužiwarja znjezmóžnjeny
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-other = E10s znjemóžnjeny
+fission-status-enabled-by-rollout = Za dodaće po fazach zmóžnjeny
+async-pan-zoom = Asynchrone přesuwanje/skalowanje
+apz-none = žadyn
+wheel-enabled = zapodaće z koleskom zmóžnjene
+touch-enabled = zapodaće přez podótknjenje zmóžnjene
+drag-enabled = ćahanje suwanskeje lajsty zmóžnjene
+keyboard-enabled = tastatura zmóžnjena
+autoscroll-enabled = awtomatiske kulenje zmóžnjene
+zooming-enabled = łahodne dwuporstowe skalowanje zmóžnjene
+## Variables
+## $preferenceKey (string) - String ID of preference
+wheel-warning = asynchrone zapodaće z koleskom je so njepodpěraneho nastajenja znjemóžniło: { $preferenceKey }
+touch-warning = asynchrone zapodaće přez podótknjenje je so njepodpěraneho nastajenja znjemóžniło: { $preferenceKey }
+## Strings representing the status of the Enterprise Policies engine.
+policies-inactive = Njeaktiwny
+policies-active = Aktiwny
+policies-error = Zmylk
+## Printing section
+support-printing-title = Ćišćenje
+support-printing-troubleshoot = Rozrisanje problemow
+support-printing-clear-settings-button = Składowane ćišćerske nastajenja zhašeć
+support-printing-modified-settings = Změnjene ćišćerske nastajenja
+support-printing-prefs-name = Mjeno
+support-printing-prefs-value = Hódnota
+## Normandy sections
+support-remote-experiments-title = Zdalene eksperimenty
+support-remote-experiments-name = Mjeno
+support-remote-experiments-branch = Hałza eksperimenta
+support-remote-experiments-see-about-studies = Hlejće <a data-l10n-name="support-about-studies-link">about:studies</a> za dalše informacije, inkluziwnje kak móžeće indiwiduelne eksperimenty znjemóžnić abo kak móžeće { -brand-short-name } při tym haćić, tutón typ eksperimenta w přichodźe wuwjesć.
+support-remote-features-title = Zdalene funkcije
+support-remote-features-name = Mjeno
+support-remote-features-status = Status
+## Pointing devices
+pointing-device-mouse = Myška
+pointing-device-touchscreen = Dótknjenska wobrazowka
+pointing-device-pen-digitizer = Digitalizowak pisaka
+pointing-device-none = Žane pokazowanske graty
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eededc5ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-telemetry-ping-data-source = Žórło pingdatow:
+about-telemetry-show-current-data = Aktualne daty
+about-telemetry-show-archived-ping-data = Archiwowane pingdaty
+about-telemetry-show-subsession-data = Daty podposedźenja pokazać
+about-telemetry-choose-ping = Ping wubrać:
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-type = Ping-typ
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-header = Ping
+about-telemetry-option-group-today = Dźensa
+about-telemetry-option-group-yesterday = Wčera
+about-telemetry-option-group-older = Starši
+about-telemetry-previous-ping = <<
+about-telemetry-next-ping = >>
+about-telemetry-page-title = Telemetrijne daty
+about-telemetry-current-store = Aktualny wobchod:
+about-telemetry-more-information = Pytaće dalše informacije?
+about-telemetry-firefox-data-doc = <a data-l10n-name="data-doc-link">Datowa dokumentacija Firefox</a> nawody wo dźěłanju z našimi datowymi nastrojemi wobsahuje.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-client-doc = <a data-l10n-name="client-doc-link">Klientowa dokumentacija za telemetriju Firefox</a> definicije za koncepty, API-dokumentaciju a datowe referency wobsahuje.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-dashboard = <a data-l10n-name="dashboard-link">Telemetrijowy přehlad</a> wam zmóžnja, daty wizualizować, kotrež Mozilla přez telemetriju dóstawa.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-probe-dictionary = <a data-l10n-name="probe-dictionary-link">Probe Dictionary</a> staja podrobnosće a wopisanja za proby k dispoziciji, kotrež su so z telemetriju nahromadźili.
+about-telemetry-show-in-Firefox-json-viewer = W JSON-wobhladowaku wočinić
+about-telemetry-home-section = Startowa strona
+about-telemetry-general-data-section = Powšitkowne daty
+about-telemetry-environment-data-section = Wokolinowe daty
+about-telemetry-session-info-section = Posedźenske informacije
+about-telemetry-scalar-section = Skalary
+about-telemetry-keyed-scalar-section = Skalary z klučom
+about-telemetry-histograms-section = Histogramy
+about-telemetry-keyed-histogram-section = Kodowane histogramy
+about-telemetry-events-section = Podawki
+about-telemetry-simple-measurements-section = Jednore měrjenja
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-section = Pomałe SQL-přikazy
+about-telemetry-addon-details-section = Podrobnosće přidatka
+about-telemetry-late-writes-section = Pózdnje pisanske procesy
+about-telemetry-raw-payload-section = Hrube wužiwanske daty
+about-telemetry-raw = Hruby JSON
+about-telemetry-full-sql-warning = KEDŹBU: Pytanje za zmylkami za pomałe SQL-přikazy je zmóžnjene. Dospołne znamješkowe rjećazki SQL hodźa so deleka zwobraznić, ale njebudu so do telemetrije přenošować.
+about-telemetry-fetch-stack-symbols = Funkciske mjena za staple wotwołać
+about-telemetry-hide-stack-symbols = Hrube staplowe daty pokazać
+# Selects the correct release version
+# Variables:
+# $channel (String): represents the corresponding release data string
+about-telemetry-data-type =
+ { $channel ->
+ [release] daty wozjewjenja
+ *[prerelease] daty předwozjewjenja
+ }
+# Selects the correct upload string
+# Variables:
+# $uploadcase (String): represents a corresponding upload string
+about-telemetry-upload-type =
+ { $uploadcase ->
+ [enabled] zmóžnjene
+ *[disabled] znjemóžnjene
+ }
+# Example Output: 1 sample, average = 0, sum = 0
+# Variables:
+# $sampleCount (Integer): amount of histogram samples
+# $prettyAverage (Integer): average of histogram samples
+# $sum (Integer): sum of histogram samples
+about-telemetry-histogram-stats =
+ { $sampleCount ->
+ [one] { $sampleCount } přikład, přerězk = { $prettyAverage }, suma = { $sum }
+ [two] { $sampleCount } přikładaj, přerězk = { $prettyAverage }, suma = { $sum }
+ [few] { $sampleCount } přikłady, přerězk = { $prettyAverage }, suma = { $sum }
+ *[other] { $sampleCount } přikładow, přerězk = { $prettyAverage }, suma = { $sum }
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $telemetryServerOwner (String): the value of the toolkit.telemetry.server_owner preference. Typically "Mozilla"
+about-telemetry-page-subtitle = Tuta strona pokazuje informacije wo wukonje, hardware, wužiću a přiměrjenjach zběrane přez telemetriju. Tute informacije budu so do { $telemetryServerOwner } słać, zo bychu pomhali, { -brand-full-name } polěpšić.
+about-telemetry-settings-explanation = Telemetrija { about-telemetry-data-type } zběra a <a data-l10n-name="upload-link">{ about-telemetry-upload-type }</a> so nahrawaja.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): ping name, e.g. “saved-session”
+# $timeStamp (String): ping localized timestamp, e.g. “2017/07/08 10:40:46”
+about-telemetry-ping-details = Kóžda informacija so w pakeće do “<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pingi</a>” sćele. Hladaće na ping { $name }, { $timestamp }.
+about-telemetry-data-details-current = Kóžda informacija so w „<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pingach</a>“ zapakowana sćele. Hladaće na aktualne daty.
+# string used as a placeholder for the search field
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $selectedTitle (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+about-telemetry-filter-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = W { $selectedTitle } pytać
+about-telemetry-filter-all-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = We wšěch wotrězkach pytać
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-results-for-search = Wuslědki za “{ $searchTerms }”
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+# $currentSearchText (String): the current text in the search input
+about-telemetry-no-search-results = Bohužel žane wuslědki w { $sectionName } za “{ $currentSearchText }“ njejsu
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-no-search-results-all = Bohužel we wšěch wotrězkach žane wuslědki za “{ $searchTerms }” njejsu
+# This message is displayed when a section is empty.
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): is replaced by the section name.
+about-telemetry-no-data-to-display = Bohužel tuchwilu žane daty w “{ $sectionName }” k dispoziciji njejsu
+# used as a tooltip for the “current” ping title in the sidebar
+about-telemetry-current-data-sidebar = aktualne daty
+# used in the “Ping Type” select
+about-telemetry-telemetry-ping-type-all = wšě
+# button label to copy the histogram
+about-telemetry-histogram-copy = Kopěrować
+# these strings are used in the “Slow SQL Statements” section
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-main = Pomałe SQL-přikazy na hłownej nitce
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-other = Pomałe SQL-přikazy na pomocnikowych nitkach
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-hits = Trjechery
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-average = Přerězny čas (ms)
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-statement = Přikaz
+# these strings are used in the “Add-on Details” section
+about-telemetry-addon-table-id = ID přidatka
+about-telemetry-addon-table-details = Podrobnosće
+# Variables:
+# $addonProvider (String): the name of an Add-on Provider (e.g. “XPI”, “Plugin”)
+about-telemetry-addon-provider = Poskićowar { $addonProvider }
+about-telemetry-keys-header = Kajkosć
+about-telemetry-names-header = Mjeno
+about-telemetry-values-header = Hódnota
+# Variables:
+# $lateWriteCount (Integer): the number of the late writes
+about-telemetry-late-writes-title = Pózdni pisanski proces #{ $lateWriteCount }
+about-telemetry-stack-title = Stapl:
+about-telemetry-memory-map-title = Wužiwanje składa:
+about-telemetry-error-fetching-symbols = Při wołanju symbolow je zmylk wustupił. Skontrolujće, hač sće z internetom zwjazany a spytajće hišće raz.
+about-telemetry-time-stamp-header = časowy kołk
+about-telemetry-category-header = kategorija
+about-telemetry-method-header = metoda
+about-telemetry-object-header = objekt
+about-telemetry-extra-header = wosebity
+# Variables:
+# $process (String): type of process in subsection headers ( e.g. "content", "parent" )
+about-telemetry-process = Proces { $process }
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ec5e5e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+third-party-page-title = Informacije wo modulu třećeho poskićowarja
+third-party-section-title = Lisćina modulow třećich poskićowarjow w { -brand-short-name }
+third-party-intro =
+ Tuta strona module třećeho poskićowarja pokazuje, kotrež su so do wašeho
+ { -brand-short-name } injicěrowali. Kóždy modul, kotryž wot Microsoft abo
+ { -vendor-short-name } signowany njeje, maja za modul třećeho poskićowarja.
+third-party-message-empty = Žane module třećich poskićowarjow namakane.
+third-party-message-no-duration = Njenatočene
+third-party-detail-version = Datajowa wersija
+third-party-detail-vendor = Informacije zhotowjerja
+third-party-detail-occurrences = Wustupowanja
+ .title = Kak husto je so tutón modul začitał.
+third-party-detail-duration = Přerězny blokowanski čas (ms)
+ .title = Kak dołho tutón modul je nałoženje blokował.
+third-party-detail-app = Nałoženje
+third-party-detail-publisher = Wudawaćel
+third-party-th-process = Proces
+third-party-th-duration = Začitanske traće (ms)
+third-party-th-status = Status
+third-party-tag-ime = IME
+ .title = Tutón modulowy typ so začita, hdyž IME třećeho poskićowarja wužiwaće.
+third-party-tag-shellex = Systemowe rozšěrjenje
+ .title = Tutón modulowy typ so začita, hdyž systemowy datajowy dialog wočinjeće.
+third-party-tag-background = Pozadk
+ .title =
+ Tutón modul njeje nałoženje blokował, dokelž je so w pozadku
+ začitał.
+third-party-icon-unsigned =
+ .title = Tutón modul njeje signowany
+ .alt = Tutón modul njeje signowany
+third-party-icon-warning =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } je w kodźe z tutoho modula spadnył
+ .alt = { -brand-short-name } je w kodźe z tutoho modula spadnył
+third-party-status-loaded = Začitany
+third-party-status-blocked = Zablokowany
+third-party-status-redirected = Dalesposrědkowany
+third-party-button-copy-to-clipboard = Hrube daty do mjezyskłada kopěrować
+third-party-loading-data =
+ .alt = Systemowe informacije so čitaja…
+ .title = Systemowe informacije so čitaja…
+third-party-button-reload = Ze systemowymi informacijemi znowa začitać
+ .title = Ze systemowymi informacijemi znowa začitać
+third-party-button-open =
+ .title = Datajowe městno wočinić…
+third-party-button-to-block =
+ .title = Tutón modul blokować
+ .aria-label = Tutón modul blokować
+third-party-button-to-unblock =
+ .title = Tuchwilu zablokowany. Klikńće, zo byšće zablokowanje zběhnył.
+ .aria-label = Tuchwilu zablokowany. Klikńće, zo byšće zablokowanje zběhnył.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-disabled =
+ .title =
+ Je tuchwilu jako zablokowane markěrowane, hačrunjež lisćina blokowanjow za tute
+ přewjedźenje { -brand-short-name } je znjemóžnjena Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje skónčił.
+ .aria-label =
+ Je tuchwilu jako zablokowane markěrowane, hačrunjež lisćina blokowanjow za tute
+ přewjedźenje { -brand-short-name } je znjemóžnjena Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje skónčił.
+third-party-button-to-block-module = Tutón modul blokować
+ .title = Tutón modul blokować
+ .aria-label = Tutón modul blokować
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module = Tutón modul hižo njeblokować
+ .title = Je tuchwilu zablokowany. Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje zběhnył.
+ .aria-label = Je tuchwilu zablokowany. Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje zběhnył.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module-disabled = Tutón modul hižo njebokować (lisćina blokowanjow tuchwilu znjemóžnjena)
+ .title =
+ Tuchwilu jako zablokowany markěrowany, hačrunjež lisćina blokowanja je za tute wuwjedźenje
+ { -brand-short-name } znjemóžnjena. Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje skónčił.
+ .aria-label =
+ Tuchwilu jako zablokowany markěrowany, hačrunjež lisćina blokowanja je za tute wuwjedźenje
+ { -brand-short-name } znjemóžnjena. Klikńće, zo byšće blokowanje skónčił.
+third-party-button-expand =
+ .title = Nadrobne informacije pokazać
+third-party-button-collapse =
+ .title = Nadrobne informacije schować
+third-party-blocking-requires-restart = Zo by so modul třećeho poskićowarja blokował, dyrbi so { -brand-short-name } znowa startować.
+third-party-should-restart-title = { -brand-short-name } znowa startować
+third-party-restart-now = Nětko znowa startować
+third-party-restart-later = Pozdźišo znowa startować
+third-party-blocked-by-builtin =
+ .title = Přez { -brand-short-name } zablokowany
+ .alt = Přez { -brand-short-name } zablokowany
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ebf3a46e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webauthn, a security token management page
+# Page title
+# 'WebAuthn' is a protocol name and should not be translated
+about-webauthn-page-title = Wo WebAuthn
+## Section titles
+about-webauthn-info-section-title = Gratowe informacije
+about-webauthn-info-subsection-title = Informacije awtentifikatora
+about-webauthn-options-subsection-title = Nastajenja awtentifikatora
+about-webauthn-pin-section-title = Rjadowanje PIN
+about-webauthn-credential-management-section-title = Přizjewjenske daty rjadować
+about-webauthn-pin-required-section-title = PIN trěbny
+about-webauthn-confirm-deletion-section-title = Zhašenje wobkrućić
+# Registered biometric features for authentication. Mostly, but not exclusively, fingerprints.
+about-webauthn-bio-enrollment-section-title = Biometriske přizjewjenja
+## Info field texts
+about-webauthn-text-connect-device = Prošu zwjazajće wěstotne znamjo.
+# If multiple devices are plugged in, they will blink and we are asking the user to select one by touching the device they want.
+about-webauthn-text-select-device = Prošu podótkńće so grata, zo byšće swoje požadane wěstotne znamjo wubrał.
+# CTAP2 refers to Client to Authenticator Protocol version 2
+about-webauthn-text-non-ctap2-device = Njeje móžno nastajenja rjadować, dokelž waše wěstotne znamjo CTAP2 njepodpěruje.
+about-webauthn-text-not-available = Njeje na tutej platformje k dispoziciji
+about-webauthn-bio-enrollment-list-subsection-title = Přizjewjenja:
+about-webauthn-add-bio-enrollment-section-title = Nowe přizjewjenje přidać
+## Results label
+about-webauthn-results-success = Je so poradźiło!
+about-webauthn-results-general-error = Zmylk!
+# Variables:
+# $retriesLeft (Number): number of tries left
+about-webauthn-results-pin-invalid-error =
+ { $retriesLeft ->
+ [0] Zmylk: Wopačny PIN. Spytajće hišće raz.
+ [one] Zmylk: Wopačny PIN. Spytajće hišće raz. Maće hišće { $retriesLeft } pospyt.
+ [two] Zmylk: Wopačny PIN. Spytajće hišće raz. Maće hišće { $retriesLeft } pospytaj.
+ [few] Zmylk: Wopačny PIN. Spytajće hišće raz. Maće hišće { $retriesLeft } pospyty.
+ *[other] Zmylk: Wopačny PIN. Spytajće hišće raz. Maće hišće { $retriesLeft } pospytow.
+ }
+about-webauthn-results-pin-blocked-error = Zmylk: Njejsu žane dalše pospyty móžne a waš grat je zawrjeny, dokelž so wopačny PIN přehusto zapodał. Grat dyrbi so wróćo stajić.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-not-set-error = Zmylk: PIN njeje nastajeny. Tuta operacija sej škit přez PIN wužaduje.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-too-short-error = Zmylk: Podaty PIN je překrótki.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-too-long-error = Zmylk: Podaty PIN je předołhi.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-auth-blocked-error = Zmylk: Je přewjele njeporadźenych pospytow jedyn po druhim a PIN-awtentifikacija je so nachwilu zablokowała. Waš grat dyrbi so wupinać a zaso zapinać (syćowy tykač dyrbi so wućahnyć a zaso nutř tyknyć).
+about-webauthn-results-cancelled-by-user-error = Zmylk: Operacija je so wot wužiwarja přetorhnyła.
+## Labels
+about-webauthn-new-pin-label = Nowy PIN:
+about-webauthn-repeat-pin-label = Wospjetujće nowy PIN:
+about-webauthn-current-pin-label = Aktualny PIN:
+about-webauthn-pin-required-label = Prošu zapodajće swój PIN:
+about-webauthn-credential-list-subsection-title = Přizjewjenske daty:
+about-webauthn-enrollment-name-label = Registrowanske mjeno (na přeće):
+about-webauthn-enrollment-list-empty = Žane registracije na graće namakane.
+about-webauthn-credential-list-empty = Žane přizjewjenske daty na graće namakane.
+about-webauthn-confirm-deletion-label = Chceće zhašeć:
+## Buttons
+about-webauthn-current-set-pin-button = PIN postajić
+about-webauthn-current-change-pin-button = PIN změnić
+# List is a verb, as in "Show list of credentials"
+about-webauthn-list-credentials-button = Lisćina přizjewjenskich datow
+# List is a verb, as in "Show list of all enrollments"
+about-webauthn-list-bio-enrollments-button = Registracije nalistować
+about-webauthn-add-bio-enrollment-button = Registraciju přidać
+about-webauthn-cancel-button = Přetorhnyć
+about-webauthn-send-pin-button = W porjadku
+about-webauthn-delete-button = Zhašeć
+about-webauthn-start-enrollment-button = Registraciju startować
+about-webauthn-update-button = Aktualizować
+## Authenticator options fields
+## Option fields correspond to the CTAP2 option IDs and definitions found in
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uv = Přepruwowanje wužiwarja
+about-webauthn-auth-option-up = Přitomnosć wužiwarja
+about-webauthn-auth-option-clientpin = PIN klienta
+about-webauthn-auth-option-rk = Rezidentny kluč
+about-webauthn-auth-option-plat = Platformowy grat
+# pinUvAuthToken should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-pinuvauthtoken = Přikazowe prawa (pinUvAuthToken)
+# MakeCredential and GetAssertion should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-nomcgapermissionswithclientpin = Žane prawa MakeCredential/GetAssertion z klientowym PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-option-largeblobs = Wulke bloby
+about-webauthn-auth-option-ep = Předewzaćelske wobkrućenje
+about-webauthn-auth-option-bioenroll = Biometriske přizjewjenje
+# FIDO_2_1_PRE should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-userverificationmgmtpreview = Prototyp biometriskeho přizjewjenja (FIDO_2_1_PRE)
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uvbioenroll = Prawo za biometriske přizjewjenje
+about-webauthn-auth-option-authnrcfg = Konfiguracija awtentifikatora
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uvacfg = Prawo za konfiguraciju awtentifikatora
+about-webauthn-auth-option-credmgmt = Rjadowanje přizjewjenskich datow
+about-webauthn-auth-option-credentialmgmtpreview = Prototyp rjadowanja přizjewjenskich datow
+about-webauthn-auth-option-setminpinlength = Minimalnu dołhosć PIN nastajić
+# MakeCredential should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-makecreduvnotrqd = MakeCredential bjez wužiwarskeho wobkrućenja
+about-webauthn-auth-option-alwaysuv = Wužaduje sej přeco wužiwarske wobkrućenje
+# Shows when boolean value for an option is True. True should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-true = True
+# Shows when boolean value of an option is False. False should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-false = False
+# If the value is missing (null), it means a certain feature is not supported.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-null = Njepodpěrany
+## Authenticator info fields
+## Info fields correspond to the CTAP2 authenticatorGetInfo field member name and definitions found in
+about-webauthn-auth-info-vendor-prototype-config-commands = Přikazy konfiguracije prototypa dodawarja
+about-webauthn-auth-info-remaining-discoverable-credentials = Zbytne spóznajomne přizjewjenske daty
+about-webauthn-auth-info-certifications = Certifikowanja
+about-webauthn-auth-info-uv-modality = Modalnosć za wužiwarske wobkrućenje
+about-webauthn-auth-info-preferred-platform-uv-attempts = Preferowana platforma za pospyty wužiwarskeho přepruwowanja
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-rpids-for-set-min-pin-length = Maksimalne ID dowěrjaceje strony za nastajenje minimalneje dołhosće PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-cred-blob-length = Maksimalna dołhosć objekta blob přizjewjenskich datow
+about-webauthn-auth-info-firmware-version = Wersija Firmware
+about-webauthn-auth-info-min-pin-length = Minimalna dołhosć PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-force-pin-change = Změnu PIN wunuzować
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-ser-large-blob-array = Maksimalna wulkosć wulkeje pólneje wariable objekta blob
+about-webauthn-auth-info-algorithms = Algoritmusy
+about-webauthn-auth-info-transports = Transporty
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-credential-id-length = Maksimalna dołhosć ID přizjewjenskich datow
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-credential-count-in-list = Maksimalna ličba přizjewjenskich datow w lisćinje
+about-webauthn-auth-info-pin-protocols = Protokole PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-msg-size = Maksimalna wulkosć powěsće
+# AAGUID should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-aaguid = AAGUID
+about-webauthn-auth-info-extensions = Rozšěrjenja
+about-webauthn-auth-info-versions = Wersije
+# Shows when boolean value for an info field is True. True should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-true = True
+# Shows when boolean value for an info field is False. False should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-false = False
+about-webauthn-auth-info-null = Njepodpěrany
+## Bio enrollment sample feedbacks
+# To register a new enrollment (e.g. fingerprint) usually
+# multiple scans of the same finger have to be sampled.
+# This shows how many the user still has to do.
+# Variables:
+# $repeatCount (Number): number of tries left
+about-webauthn-samples-still-needed =
+ { $repeatCount ->
+ [one] { $repeatCount } muster hišće trěbny.
+ [two] { $repeatCount } mustraj hišće trěbnej.
+ [few] { $repeatCount } mustry hišće trěbne.
+ *[other] { $repeatCount } mustrow hišće trěbnych.
+ }
+# Scan (e.g. of fingerprint) was successful.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-good = Přikład je dobry był.
+## Scan (e.g. of fingerprint) was off-center (e.g. too high, too left, etc.).
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-high = Přikład je přewysoki był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-low = Přikład je přeniski był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-left = Přikład je přelěwy był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-right = Přikład je přeprawy był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-fast = Přikład je přespěšny był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-slow = Přikład je přepomały był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-poor-quality = Přikład je špatnu kwalitu měł.
+# Skewed in the sense of fingerprint/iris scan was too distorted
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-skewed = Přikład je přejara skrjesleny był.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-too-short = Přikład je překrótki był.
+# Scan (e.g. of fingerprint) couldn't be merged with previous samples.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-merge-failure = Zmylk při zjednoćenju mustrow.
+# Scan (e.g. of fingerprint) is somehow identical to an existing sample.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-exists = Přikład hižo eksistuje.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-no-user-activity = Žana aktiwita wot wužiwarja.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-no-user-presence-transition = Wužiwar njeje wuběranje mustrow kaž wočakowane dokónčił.
+about-webauthn-ctap2-enroll-feedback-other = Přikładowy zmylk.
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10a241d779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webrtc, a troubleshooting and diagnostic page
+### for WebRTC calls. See
+# The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated.
+about-webrtc-document-title = Nutřkownosće WebRTC
+# "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be
+# translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box.
+about-webrtc-save-page-dialog-title = about:webrtc składować jako
+## These labels are for a disclosure which contains the information for closed PeerConnection sections
+about-webrtc-closed-peerconnection-disclosure-show-msg = Začinjene PeerConnections pokazać
+about-webrtc-closed-peerconnection-disclosure-hide-msg = Začinjene PeerConnections schować
+## AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-msg-label = AEC-protokolowanje
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-label = AEC-protokolowanje startować
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-label = AEC-protokolowanje zastajić
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-msg = AEC-protokolowanje aktiwne (rěčće por mjeńšin ze zawołarjom a zastajće potom natočenje)
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-on-state-msg = AEC-protokolowanje aktiwne (rěčće por mjeńšin ze zawołarjom a zastajće potom natočenje)
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-unavailable-sandbox = Wokolinowa wariabla MOZ_DISABLE_CONTENT_SANDBOX=1 je za eksport protokolow AEC trěbna. Stajće tutu wariablu jenož, jeli móžne rizika rozumiće.
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - The path to which the aec log file is saved.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-off-state-msg = Móžeće natočene protokolowe dataje namakać w: { $path }
+# The autorefresh checkbox causes a stats section to autorefresh its content when checked
+about-webrtc-auto-refresh-label = Awtomatisce aktualizować
+# Determines the default state of the Auto Refresh check boxes
+about-webrtc-auto-refresh-default-label = Po standardźe awtomatisce aktualizować
+# A button which forces a refresh of displayed statistics
+about-webrtc-force-refresh-button = Aktualizować
+# "PeerConnection" is a proper noun associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is
+# an abbreviation for Identifier. This string should not normally be translated
+# and is used as a data label.
+about-webrtc-peerconnection-id-label = ID PeerConnection:
+# The number of DataChannels that a PeerConnection has opened
+about-webrtc-data-channels-opened-label = Datowe kanale wočinjene:
+# The number of once open DataChannels that a PeerConnection has closed
+about-webrtc-data-channels-closed-label = Datowe kanale začinjene:
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+about-webrtc-sdp-heading = SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading = Lokalny SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-offer = Lokalny SDP (Poskitk)
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-answer = Lokalny SDP (Wotmołwa)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading = Zdaleny SDP
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-offer = Zdaleny SDP (Poskitk)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-answer = Zdaleny SDP (Wotmołwa)
+about-webrtc-sdp-history-heading = SDP-historija
+about-webrtc-sdp-parsing-errors-heading = Parsowanske zmylki SDP
+# "RTP" is an abbreviation for the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF
+# specification, and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an
+# abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-rtp-stats-heading = RTP-statistika
+## "ICE" is an abbreviation for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which
+## is an IETF protocol, and should not normally be translated.
+about-webrtc-ice-state = ICE-statistika
+# "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-ice-stats-heading = ICE-statistika
+about-webrtc-ice-restart-count-label = Znowastartowanja ICE:
+about-webrtc-ice-rollback-count-label = Wróćokulenja ICE:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-sent = Pósłane bajty:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-received = Přijate bajty:
+about-webrtc-ice-component-id = Komponentowy ID
+## These adjectives are used to label a line of statistics collected for a peer
+## connection. The data represents either the local or remote end of the
+## connection.
+about-webrtc-type-local = Lokalny
+about-webrtc-type-remote = Zdaleny
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+about-webrtc-nominated = Nominowany
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+# This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate.
+about-webrtc-selected = Wubrany
+about-webrtc-save-page-label = Stronu składować
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-msg-label = Modus pytanja zmylkow
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-label = Modus pytanja zmylkow startować
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-label = Modus pytanja zmylkow zastajić
+about-webrtc-enable-logging-label = Protokolowe přednastajenje WebRTC zmóžnić
+about-webrtc-stats-heading = Posedźenska statistika
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-heading = Statistika RTCPeerConnection
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-show-msg = Statistiku RTCPeerConnection pokazać
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-hide-msg = Statistiku RTCPeerConnection schować
+about-webrtc-stats-clear = Historiju wuprózdnić
+about-webrtc-log-heading = Zwiskowy protokol
+about-webrtc-log-clear = Protokol zhašeć
+about-webrtc-log-show-msg = protokol pokazać
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-log-hide-msg = protokol schować
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-log-section-show-msg = Protokol pokazać
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-log-section-hide-msg = Protokol schować
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-copy-report-button = Rozprawu kopěrować
+about-webrtc-copy-report-history-button = Rozprawnisku historiju kopěrować
+## These are used to display a header for a PeerConnection.
+## Variables:
+## $browser-id (Number) - A numeric id identifying the browser tab for the PeerConnection.
+## $id (String) - A globally unique identifier for the PeerConnection.
+## $url (String) - The url of the site which opened the PeerConnection.
+## $now (Date) - The JavaScript timestamp at the time the report was generated.
+about-webrtc-connection-open = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } { $now }
+about-webrtc-connection-closed = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } (začinjeny) { $now }
+## These are used to indicate what direction media is flowing.
+## Variables:
+## $codecs - a list of media codecs
+about-webrtc-short-send-receive-direction = Słać / Přijimać: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-short-send-direction = Słać: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-short-receive-direction = Přijimać: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-local-candidate = Lokalny kandidat
+about-webrtc-remote-candidate = Zdaleny kandidat
+about-webrtc-raw-candidates-heading = Wšě njewobdźěłane kandidaty
+about-webrtc-raw-local-candidate = Njewobdźěłany lokalny kandidat
+about-webrtc-raw-remote-candidate = Njewobdźěłany zdaleny kandidat
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-show-msg = njewobdźěłane kandidaty pokazać
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-hide-msg = njewobdźěłane kandidaty schować
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-show-msg = Njewobdźěłane kandidaty pokazać
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-hide-msg = Njewobdźěłane kandidaty schować
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-priority = Priorita
+about-webrtc-fold-show-msg = podrobnosće pokazać
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-fold-hide-msg = podrobnosće schować
+ .title = klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-fold-default-show-msg = Podrobnosće pokazać
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk pokazał
+about-webrtc-fold-default-hide-msg = Podrobnosće schować
+ .title = Klikńće, zo byšće tutón wotrězk schował
+about-webrtc-dropped-frames-label = Wuwostajene wobłuki:
+about-webrtc-discarded-packets-label = Zaćisnjene pakety:
+about-webrtc-decoder-label = Dekodowak
+about-webrtc-encoder-label = Kodowak
+about-webrtc-show-tab-label = Rajtark pokazać
+about-webrtc-current-framerate-label = Wobrazowa frekwenca
+about-webrtc-width-px = Šěrokosć (px)
+about-webrtc-height-px = Wysokosć (px)
+about-webrtc-consecutive-frames = Jedyn po druhim sćěhowace wobłuki
+about-webrtc-time-elapsed = Zańdźeny čas (s)
+about-webrtc-estimated-framerate = Trochowana wobrazowa frekwenca
+about-webrtc-rotation-degrees = Wjerćenje (stopnje)
+about-webrtc-first-frame-timestamp = Časowy kołk za přijeće prěnjeho wobłuka
+about-webrtc-last-frame-timestamp = Časowy kołk za přijeće poslednjeho wobłuka
+## SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream
+# This is an SSRC on the local side of the connection that is receiving RTP
+about-webrtc-local-receive-ssrc = Lokalne přijimace SSRC
+# This is an SSRC on the remote side of the connection that is sending RTP
+about-webrtc-remote-send-ssrc = Zdalene sćelace SSRC
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the
+## PeerConnection configuration disclosure
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-show-msg = Konfiguraciju pokazać
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-hide-msg = Konfiguraciju schować
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having been
+# provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-provided = Podaty
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having not
+# been provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-not-provided = NJepodaty
+# The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call
+about-webrtc-custom-webrtc-configuration-heading = WebRTC-nastajenja wužiwarja
+# The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-heading = Wot wužiwarja změnjena WebRTC-konfiguracija
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the
+## user modified configuration disclosure
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-show-msg = Wot wužiwarja změnjenu konfiguraciju pokazać
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-hide-msg = Wot wužiwarja změnjenu konfiguraciju schować
+# Section header for estimated bandwidths of WebRTC media flows
+about-webrtc-bandwidth-stats-heading = Trochowana šěrokosć pasma
+# The ID of the MediaStreamTrack
+about-webrtc-track-identifier = Identifikator ćěrje
+# The estimated bandwidth available for sending WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-send-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Słanska šěrokosć pasma (bajty/sek)
+# The estimated bandwidth available for receiving WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-receive-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Přijimanska šěrokosć pasma (bajty/sek)
+# Maximum number of bytes per second that will be padding zeros at the ends of packets
+about-webrtc-max-padding-bytes-sec = Maksimalne wupjelnjenje (bajty/sek)
+# The amount of time inserted between packets to keep them spaced out
+about-webrtc-pacer-delay-ms = Dlijenje pacer ms
+# The amount of time it takes for a packet to travel from the local machine to the remote machine,
+# and then have a packet return
+about-webrtc-round-trip-time-ms = RTT ms
+# This is a section heading for video frame statistics for a MediaStreamTrack.
+# see
+# Variables:
+# $track-identifier (String) - The unique identifier for the MediaStreamTrack.
+about-webrtc-frame-stats-heading = Statistiki widejowobłukow - MediaStreamTrack ID: { $track-identifier }
+## These are paths used for saving the about:webrtc page or log files so
+## they can be attached to bug reports.
+## Variables:
+## $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-msg = strona je so składowała do: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-msg = slědowanski protokol da so namakać na: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-msg = modus pytanja zmylkow je aktiwny, slědowanski protokol je na: { $path }
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-msg = móžeće natočene protokolowe dataje namakać w: { $path }
+# This path is used for saving the about:webrtc page so it can be attached to
+# bug reports.
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-complete-msg = Strona je so składowała do: { $path }
+# This is the total number of frames encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $frames (Number) - The number of frames encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-frames =
+ { $frames ->
+ [one] { $frames } wobłuk
+ [two] { $frames } wobłukaj
+ [few] { $frames } wobłuki
+ *[other] { $frames } wobłukow
+ }
+# This is the number of audio channels encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $channels (Number) - The number of channels encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-channels =
+ { $channels ->
+ [one] { $channels } kanal
+ [two] { $channels } kanalej
+ [few] { $channels } kanale
+ *[other] { $channels } kanalow
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets received on the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets received.
+about-webrtc-received-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] { $packets } paket dóstaty
+ [two] { $packets } paketaj dóstatej
+ [few] { $packets } pakety dóstate
+ *[other] { $packets } paketow dóstate
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets lost by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets lost.
+about-webrtc-lost-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] { $packets } paket zhubjeny
+ [two] { $packets } paketaj zhubjenej
+ [few] { $packets } pakety zhubjene
+ *[other] { $packets } paketow zhubjene
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets sent by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets sent.
+about-webrtc-sent-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] { $packets } paket pósłany
+ [two] { $packets } paketaj pósłanej
+ [few] { $packets } pakety pósłane
+ *[other] { $packets } paketow pósłane
+ }
+# Jitter is the variance in the arrival time of packets.
+# See:
+# Variables:
+# $jitter (Number) - The jitter.
+about-webrtc-jitter-label = Jitter { $jitter }
+# ICE candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled
+# (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats
+# table with light blue background.
+about-webrtc-trickle-caption-msg = Kapnjene kandidaty (dochadźeja po wotmołwje) so módre wuzběhuja
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+# This is used as a header for local SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-local = Lokalny SDP na časowy kołk { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } stajić
+# This is used as a header for remote SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-remote = Zdaleny SDP na časowy kołk { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } stajić
+# This is used as a header for an SDP section contained in two columns allowing for side-by-side comparisons.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+# $relative-timestamp (Number) - The timestamp relative to the timestamp of the earliest received SDP.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-timestamp = Časowy kołk { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } (+ { $relative-timestamp } ms)
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the SDP information disclosure
+about-webrtc-show-msg-sdp = SDP pokazać
+about-webrtc-hide-msg-sdp = SDP schować
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the Media Context information disclosure.
+## The Media Context is the set of preferences and detected capabilities that informs
+## the negotiated CODEC settings.
+about-webrtc-media-context-show-msg = Medijowy kontekst pokazać
+about-webrtc-media-context-hide-msg = Medijowy kontekst schować
+about-webrtc-media-context-heading = Medijowy kontekst
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d46ce0a05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for the about:windows-messages page, which is only available
+### on the Windows operating system.
+### This page records and shows messages sent from the operating system to
+### individual browser windows. These messages can be useful in debugging
+### hard-to-reproduce issues with window sizing and position.
+# Windows refers to the operating system
+windows-messages-page-title = Informacije wo zdźělenkach Windows
+windows-messages-intro =
+ Tuta strona najnowše wot Windows na wokna
+ wobhladowaka { -brand-short-name } pósłane powěsće pokazuje.
+ Tučny zapisk tute wokno reprezentuje. Dźiwajće na to, zo tuta strona
+ najnowše powěsće pokazuje, hdyž je so strona začitała;
+ zo byšće aktualne widźał, dyrbiće stronu aktualizować.
+windows-messages-copy-to-clipboard = Do mjezyskłada kopěrować
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1904663cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Localized string used as the dialog window title.
+# "Report" is a noun in this case, "Report for AddonName".
+# Variables:
+# $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on being reported
+abuse-report-dialog-title = Rozprawa za { $addon-name }
+abuse-report-title-extension = { -vendor-short-name } tute rozšěrjenje zdźělić
+abuse-report-title-sitepermission = { -vendor-short-name } tutón přidatk sydłowych prawow zdźělić
+abuse-report-title-theme = { -vendor-short-name } tutu drastu zdźělić
+abuse-report-subtitle = Kotry je problem?
+# Variables:
+# $author-name (string) - Name of the add-on author
+abuse-report-addon-authored-by = wot <a data-l10n-name="author-name">{ $author-name }</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore =
+ Sće sej njewěsty, kotry problem maće wubrać?
+ <a data-l10n-name="learnmore-link">Zhońće wjace wo zdźělenju rozšěrjenjow a drastow</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore-intro = Sće sej njewěsty, kotry problem maće wubrać?
+abuse-report-learnmore-link = Zhońće wjace wo zdźělenju rozšěrjenjow a drastow
+abuse-report-submit-description = Wopisajće problem (na přeće)
+abuse-report-textarea =
+ .placeholder = Je lóšo za nas, so problemej wěnować, hdyž podrobnosće mamy. Prošu wopisajće, na což sće storčił. Dźakujemy so wam, zo nam pomhaće, web strowy wobchować.
+abuse-report-submit-note =
+ Kedźbu: Njezapřijimajće prošu wosobinske informacije (na přikład mjeno, e-mejlowu adresu, telefonowe čisło, bydlensku adresu).
+ { -vendor-short-name } trajnu kopiju tutych rozprawow wobchowuje.
+## Panel buttons.
+abuse-report-cancel-button = Přetorhnyć
+abuse-report-next-button = Dale
+abuse-report-goback-button = Wróćo hić
+abuse-report-submit-button = Wotpósłać
+## Message bars descriptions.
+## Variables:
+## $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted = Zdźělenje za <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> je so přetorhnyło.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting = Zdźělenka za <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> so sćele.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Chceće <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> wotstronić?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće rozšěrjenje <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće přidatk sydłowych prawow <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće drastu <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error = Zmylk při słanju rozprawy za <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit = Rozprawa za <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> njeje so pósłała, dokelž je so druha rozprawa njedawno wotpósłała.
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted2 =
+ .message = Zdźělenje za { $addon-name } je so přetorhnyło.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting2 =
+ .message = Zdźělenka za { $addon-name } so sćele.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted2 =
+ .message = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Chceće { $addon-name } wotstronić?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove2 =
+ .message = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension2 =
+ .message = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće rozšěrjenje { $addon-name } wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission2 =
+ .message = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće přidatk sydłowych prawow { $addon-name } wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme2 =
+ .message = Dźakujemy so, zo sće zdźělenku pósłał. Sće drastu { $addon-name } wotstronił.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error2 =
+ .message = Zmylk při słanju rozprawy za { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit2 =
+ .message = Rozprawa za { $addon-name } njeje so pósłała, dokelž je so druha rozprawa njedawno wotpósłała.
+## Message bars actions.
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-extension = Haj, wotstronić
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-extension = Ně, wobchować
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-sitepermission = Haj, wotstronić
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-sitepermission = Ně, wobchować
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-theme = Haj, wotstronić
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-theme = Ně, wobchować
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-retry = Wospjetować
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-cancel = Přetorhnyć
+## Abuse report reasons (optionally paired with related examples and/or suggestions)
+abuse-report-damage-reason-v2 = Je mój ličak wobškodźił abo moje daty wohrozył
+abuse-report-damage-example = Přikład: Zašćěpjena škódna softwara abo pokradnjene daty
+abuse-report-spam-reason-v2 = Wobsahuje spam abo zasadźuje njewitane wabjenje
+abuse-report-spam-example = Přikład: wabjenje na webstronach zasadźić
+abuse-report-settings-reason-v2 = Je moju pytawu, startowu stronu abo nowy rajtark změniło, bjez toho zo by mje informowało abo so mje prašało
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions = Prjedy hač rozšěrjenje zdźěliće, móžeće spytać, swoje nastajenja změnić:
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-search = Změńće swoje standardne pytanske nastajenja
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-homepage = Změńće swoju startowu stronu a nowy rajtark
+abuse-report-deceptive-reason-v2 = Twjerdźi, zo to njeje
+abuse-report-deceptive-example = Přikład: Zamylace wopisanje abo zamylaca wobraznosć
+abuse-report-broken-reason-extension-v2 = Njefunguje, wobškodźa websydła abo spomala { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-sitepermission-v2 = Njefunguje, wobškodźa websydła abo spomala { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-theme-v2 = Njefunguje abo skóncuje zwobraznjenje wobhladowaka
+abuse-report-broken-example = Přikład: Funkcije su pomałe, ćežko wužiwajomne abo njefunguja; dźěle websydła so njezačitaja abo wupadaja njezwučene
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-extension = Zda so, zo sće zmylk identifikował. Chibazo móžeće rozprawu wotpósłać, stajće so najlěpje z wuwiwarjom rozšěrjenja do zwiska, zo byšće problem z funkcionalnosću rozrisał. <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Wopytajće websydło rozšěrjenja</a>, zo byšće sej informacije wo wuwiwarju wobstarał.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-sitepermission = Zda so, zo sće zmylk identifikował. Chibazo móžeće rozprawu wotpósłać, stajće so najlěpje z wuwiwarjom websydła do zwiska, zo byšće problem z funkcionalnosću rozrisał. <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Wopytajće websydło</a>, zo byšće sej informacije wo wuwiwarju wobstarał.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-theme = Zda so, zo sće zmylk identifikował. Chibazo móžeće rozprawu wotpósłać, stajće so najlěpje z wuwiwarjom drasty do zwiska, zo byšće problem z funkcionalnosću rozrisał. <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Wopytajće websydło drasty</a>, zo byšće sej informacije wo wuwiwarju wobstarał.
+abuse-report-policy-reason-v2 = Wobsahuje hidypołny, namócny abo ilegalny wobsah
+abuse-report-policy-suggestions = Kedźbu: Problemy z awtorstwom a wikowanskim znamjenjom dyrbja so na druhe wašnje zdźělić. <a data-l10n-name="report-infringement-link">Sćěhujće tute instrukcije</a>, zo byšće problem zdźělił.
+abuse-report-unwanted-reason-v2 = Njejsym to ženje chył a njewěm, kak móžu to wotbyć
+abuse-report-unwanted-example = Přikład: Nałoženje je jón bjez dowolnosće zainstalowało
+abuse-report-other-reason = Něšto druhe
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dac3552d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+certificate-viewer-certificate-section-title = Certifikat
+## Error messages
+certificate-viewer-error-message = Njemóžachmy certifikatowe informacije namakać, abo certifikat je wobškodźeny. Prošu spytajće hišće raz.
+certificate-viewer-error-title = Něšto je so nimokuliło.
+## Certificate information labels
+certificate-viewer-algorithm = Algoritmus
+certificate-viewer-certificate-authority = Certifikatowa awtorita
+certificate-viewer-cipher-suite = Šifrowa zběrka
+certificate-viewer-common-name = Zwučene mjeno
+certificate-viewer-email-address = E-mejlowa adresa
+# Variables:
+# $firstCertName (String) - Common Name for the displayed certificate
+certificate-viewer-tab-title = Certifikat za { $firstCertName }
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-country = Kraj zapisanja
+certificate-viewer-country = Kraj
+certificate-viewer-curve = Křiwka
+certificate-viewer-distribution-point = Rozdźělenski dypk
+certificate-viewer-dns-name = DNS-mjeno
+certificate-viewer-ip-address = IP-adresa
+certificate-viewer-other-name = Druhe mjeno
+certificate-viewer-exponent = Eksponent
+certificate-viewer-id = ID
+certificate-viewer-key-exchange-group = Skupina za wuměnu klučow
+certificate-viewer-key-id = ID kluča
+certificate-viewer-key-size = Wulkosć kluča
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-locality = Městno předewzaća
+certificate-viewer-locality = Městnosć
+certificate-viewer-location = Městno
+certificate-viewer-logid = Protokolowy ID
+certificate-viewer-method = Metoda
+certificate-viewer-modulus = Modul
+certificate-viewer-name = Mjeno
+certificate-viewer-not-after = Nic po
+certificate-viewer-not-before = Nic před
+certificate-viewer-organization = Organizacija
+certificate-viewer-organizational-unit = Organizaciska jednotka
+certificate-viewer-policy = Prawidło
+certificate-viewer-protocol = Protokol
+certificate-viewer-public-value = Zjawna hódnota
+certificate-viewer-purposes = Zaměry
+certificate-viewer-qualifier = Kwalifikator
+certificate-viewer-qualifiers = Kwalifikatory
+certificate-viewer-required = Trěbny
+certificate-viewer-unsupported = &lt;njepodpěrany&gt;
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-state-province = Zwjazkowy kraj zapisanja
+certificate-viewer-state-province = Zwjazkowy kraj
+certificate-viewer-sha-1 = SHA-1
+certificate-viewer-sha-256 = SHA-256
+certificate-viewer-serial-number = Serijowe čisło
+certificate-viewer-signature-algorithm = Signaturowy algoritmus
+certificate-viewer-signature-scheme = Signaturowa šema
+certificate-viewer-timestamp = Časowy kołk
+certificate-viewer-value = Hódnota
+certificate-viewer-version = Wersija
+certificate-viewer-business-category = Wobchodniska kategorija
+certificate-viewer-subject-name = Subjektne mjeno
+certificate-viewer-issuer-name = Mjeno wudawarja
+certificate-viewer-validity = Płaćiwosć
+certificate-viewer-subject-alt-names = Alternatiwne subjektne mjena
+certificate-viewer-public-key-info = Informacije wo zjawnym kluču
+certificate-viewer-miscellaneous = Wšelake
+certificate-viewer-fingerprints = Porstowe wotćišće
+certificate-viewer-basic-constraints = Zakładne wobmjezowanja
+certificate-viewer-key-usages = Wužića klučow
+certificate-viewer-extended-key-usages = Rozšěrjene wužića kluča
+certificate-viewer-ocsp-stapling = OCSP-stapling
+certificate-viewer-subject-key-id = ID subjektneho kluča
+certificate-viewer-authority-key-id = ID kluča awtority
+certificate-viewer-authority-info-aia = Informacije awtority (AIA)
+certificate-viewer-certificate-policies = Certifikatowe prawidła
+certificate-viewer-embedded-scts = Zasadźene SCT
+certificate-viewer-crl-endpoints = Kónčne dypki CRL
+# This message is used as a row header in the Miscellaneous section.
+# The associated data cell contains links to download the certificate.
+certificate-viewer-download = Sćehnjenje
+# This message is used to replace boolean values (true/false) in several certificate fields, e.g. Certificate Authority
+# Variables:
+# $boolean (String) - true/false value for the specific field
+certificate-viewer-boolean =
+ { $boolean ->
+ [true] Haj
+ *[false] Ně
+ }
+## Variables:
+## $fileName (String) - The file name to save the PEM data in, derived from the common name from the certificate being displayed.
+certificate-viewer-download-pem = PEM (certifikat)
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+certificate-viewer-download-pem-chain = PEM (rjećazk)
+ .download = { $fileName }-chain.pem
+# The title attribute for Critical Extension icon
+certificate-viewer-critical-extension =
+ .title = Tute rozšěrjenje je so jako kritiske markěrowało, to rěka, zo klienty dyrbja certifikat wotpokazać, jeli jón njerozumja.
+certificate-viewer-export = Eksportować
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+# Label for a tab where we haven't found a better label:
+certificate-viewer-unknown-group-label = (njeznaty)
+## Labels for tabs displayed in stand-alone about:certificate page
+certificate-viewer-tab-mine = Waše certifikaty
+certificate-viewer-tab-people = Ludźo
+certificate-viewer-tab-servers = Serwery
+certificate-viewer-tab-ca = Awtority
+certificate-viewer-tab-unkonwn = Njeznaty
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7e01e25c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings appear on the warning you see when first visiting about:config.
+about-config-intro-warning-title = Pokročujće z kedźbliwosću
+about-config-intro-warning-text = Hdyž nastajenja rozšěrjeneje konfiguracije změniće, móže to wukon abo wěstotu { -brand-short-name } wobwliwować.
+about-config-intro-warning-checkbox = Warnować, hdyž pospytuju, přistup k tutym nastajenjam dóstać
+about-config-intro-warning-button = Riziko akceptować a pokročować
+# This is shown on the page before searching but after the warning is accepted.
+about-config-caution-text = Hdyž tute nastajenja změniće, móže to wukon abo wěstotu { -brand-short-name } wobwliwować.
+about-config-page-title = Rozšěrjene nastajenja
+about-config-search-input1 =
+ .placeholder = Mjeno nastajenja pytać
+about-config-show-all = Wšě pokazać
+about-config-show-only-modified = Jenož změnjene nastajenja pokazać
+about-config-pref-add-button =
+ .title = Přidać
+about-config-pref-toggle-button =
+ .title = Přepinać
+about-config-pref-edit-button =
+ .title = Wobdźěłać
+about-config-pref-save-button =
+ .title = Składować
+about-config-pref-reset-button =
+ .title = Wróćo stajić
+about-config-pref-delete-button =
+ .title = Zhašeć
+## Labels for the type selection radio buttons shown when adding preferences.
+about-config-pref-add-type-boolean = Boolean
+about-config-pref-add-type-number = Ličba
+about-config-pref-add-type-string = String
+## Preferences with a non-default value are differentiated visually, and at the
+## same time the state is made accessible to screen readers using an aria-label
+## that won't be visible or copied to the clipboard.
+## Variables:
+## $value (String): The full value of the preference.
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-default =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (standard)
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-custom =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (swójski)
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4df904f4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+url-classifier-title = Informacije wo URL-klasifikatorje
+url-classifier-search-title = Pytać
+url-classifier-search-result-title = Wuslědki
+url-classifier-search-result-uri = URI: { $uri }
+url-classifier-search-result-list = Lisćina tabelow: { $list }
+url-classifier-search-input = URL
+url-classifier-search-error-invalid-url = Njepłaćiwy URL
+url-classifier-search-error-no-features = Žane funkcije wubrane
+url-classifier-search-btn = Pytanje započeć
+url-classifier-search-features = Funkcije
+url-classifier-search-listType = Typ lisćiny
+url-classifier-provider-title = Poskićowar
+url-classifier-provider = Poskićowar
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-time = Čas poslednjeje aktualizacije
+url-classifier-provider-next-update-time = Čas přichodneje aktualizacije
+url-classifier-provider-back-off-time = Wróćostajenski čas
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-status = Status poslednjeje aktualizacije
+url-classifier-provider-update-btn = Aktualizacija
+url-classifier-cache-title = Pufrowak
+url-classifier-cache-refresh-btn = Aktualizować
+url-classifier-cache-clear-btn = Zhašeć
+url-classifier-cache-table-name = Tabelowe mjeno
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-entries = Ličba zapiskow negatiwneho pufrowaka
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-entries = Ličba zapiskow pozitiwneho pufrowaka
+url-classifier-cache-show-entries = Zapiski pokazać
+url-classifier-cache-entries = Zapiski pufrowaka
+url-classifier-cache-prefix = Prefiks
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-expiry = Spadnjenje negatiwneho pufrowaka
+url-classifier-cache-fullhash = Połny hash
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-expiry = Spadnjenje pozitiwneho pufrowaka
+url-classifier-debug-title = Zmylki pytać
+url-classifier-debug-module-btn = Protokolowe module postajić
+url-classifier-debug-file-btn = Protokolowu dataju postajić
+url-classifier-debug-js-log-chk = Javaskriptowy protokol postajić
+url-classifier-debug-sb-modules = Protokolowe module wěsteho přehladowanja
+url-classifier-debug-modules = Aktualne protokolowe module
+url-classifier-debug-sbjs-modules = Javaskriptowy protokol wěsteho přehladowanja
+url-classifier-debug-file = Aktualna protokolowa dataja
+url-classifier-trigger-update = Aktualizacija zahibaka
+url-classifier-not-available = Ničo k dispoziciji
+url-classifier-disable-sbjs-log = Javaskriptowy protokol wěsteho přehladowanja znjemóžnić
+url-classifier-enable-sbjs-log = Javaskriptowy protokol wěsteho přehladowanja zmóžnić
+url-classifier-enabled = Zmóžnjeny
+url-classifier-disabled = Znjemóžnjeny
+url-classifier-updating = aktualizowanje
+url-classifier-cannot-update = njeda so aktualizować
+url-classifier-success = wuspěch
+## Variables
+## $error (string) - Error message
+url-classifier-update-error = aktualizowanski zmylk ({ $error })
+url-classifier-download-error = sćehnjenski zmylk ({ $error })