path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect')
2 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/getComputedTiming.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/getComputedTiming.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10bd193361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/getComputedTiming.html
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+<div id="log"></div>
+'use strict';
+test(t => {
+ const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, null);
+ const ct = effect.getComputedTiming();
+ assert_equals(ct.delay, 0, 'computed delay');
+ assert_equals(ct.endDelay, 0, 'computed endDelay');
+ assert_equals(ct.fill, 'none', 'computed fill');
+ assert_equals(ct.iterationStart, 0.0, 'computed iterationStart');
+ assert_equals(ct.iterations, 1.0, 'computed iterations');
+ assert_equals(ct.duration, 0, 'computed duration');
+ assert_equals(ct.direction, 'normal', 'computed direction');
+ assert_equals(ct.easing, 'linear', 'computed easing');
+}, 'values of getComputedTiming() when a KeyframeEffect is ' +
+ 'constructed without any KeyframeEffectOptions object');
+const gGetComputedTimingTests = [
+ { desc: 'an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object',
+ input: { },
+ expected: { } },
+ { desc: 'a normal KeyframeEffectOptions object',
+ input: { delay: 1000,
+ endDelay: 2000,
+ fill: 'auto',
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ iterations: 5.5,
+ duration: 'auto',
+ direction: 'alternate',
+ easing: 'steps(2)' },
+ expected: { delay: 1000,
+ endDelay: 2000,
+ fill: 'none',
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ iterations: 5.5,
+ duration: 0,
+ direction: 'alternate',
+ easing: 'steps(2)' } },
+ { desc: 'a double value',
+ input: 3000,
+ timing: { duration: 3000 },
+ expected: { delay: 0,
+ fill: 'none',
+ iterations: 1,
+ duration: 3000,
+ direction: 'normal' } },
+ { desc: '+Infinity',
+ input: Infinity,
+ expected: { duration: Infinity } },
+ { desc: 'an Infinity duration',
+ input: { duration: Infinity },
+ expected: { duration: Infinity } },
+ { desc: 'an auto duration',
+ input: { duration: 'auto' },
+ expected: { duration: 0 } },
+ { desc: 'an Infinity iterations',
+ input: { iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: { iterations: Infinity } },
+ { desc: 'an auto fill',
+ input: { fill: 'auto' },
+ expected: { fill: 'none' } },
+ { desc: 'a forwards fill',
+ input: { fill: 'forwards' },
+ expected: { fill: 'forwards' } }
+for (const stest of gGetComputedTimingTests) {
+ test(t => {
+ const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, null, stest.input);
+ // Helper function to provide default expected values when the test does
+ // not supply them.
+ const expected = (field, defaultValue) => {
+ return field in stest.expected ? stest.expected[field] : defaultValue;
+ };
+ const ct = effect.getComputedTiming();
+ assert_equals(ct.delay, expected('delay', 0),
+ 'computed delay');
+ assert_equals(ct.endDelay, expected('endDelay', 0),
+ 'computed endDelay');
+ assert_equals(ct.fill, expected('fill', 'none'),
+ 'computed fill');
+ assert_equals(ct.iterationStart, expected('iterationStart', 0),
+ 'computed iterations');
+ assert_equals(ct.iterations, expected('iterations', 1),
+ 'computed iterations');
+ assert_equals(ct.duration, expected('duration', 0),
+ 'computed duration');
+ assert_equals(ct.direction, expected('direction', 'normal'),
+ 'computed direction');
+ assert_equals(ct.easing, expected('easing', 'linear'),
+ 'computed easing');
+ }, 'values of getComputedTiming() when a KeyframeEffect is'
+ + ` constructed by ${stest.desc}`);
+const gActiveDurationTests = [
+ { desc: 'an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object',
+ input: { },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and default iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and integral iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 7 },
+ expected: 7000 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and fractional iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: 'an non-zero duration and infinite iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an non-zero duration and zero iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a zero duration and default iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a zero duration and fractional iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a zero duration and infinite iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a zero duration and zero iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and default iteration count',
+ input: { duration: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and zero iteration count',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and fractional iteration count',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and infinite iteration count',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+for (const stest of gActiveDurationTests) {
+ test(t => {
+ const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, null, stest.input);
+ assert_equals(effect.getComputedTiming().activeDuration,
+ stest.expected);
+ }, `getComputedTiming().activeDuration for ${stest.desc}`);
+const gEndTimeTests = [
+ { desc: 'an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object',
+ input: { },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and default iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and non-default iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration and non-zero delay',
+ input: { duration: 1000, delay: 1500 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: 'a non-zero duration, non-zero delay and non-default iteration',
+ input: { duration: 1000, delay: 1500, iterations: 2 },
+ expected: 3500 },
+ { desc: 'an infinite iteration count',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and delay',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10, delay: 1000 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an infinite duration and negative delay',
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: 'an non-zero duration and negative delay',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: 'an non-zero duration and negative delay greater than active ' +
+ 'duration',
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2, delay: -3000 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: 'a zero duration and negative delay',
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 2, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: 0 }
+for (const stest of gEndTimeTests) {
+ test(t => {
+ const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, null, stest.input);
+ assert_equals(effect.getComputedTiming().endTime,
+ stest.expected);
+ }, `getComputedTiming().endTime for ${stest.desc}`);
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a340c0bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming.html
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/easing-tests.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/timing-tests.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+'use strict';
+// ------------------------------
+// delay
+// ------------------------------
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: 100 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().delay, 100, 'set delay 100');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().delay, 100,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set delay 100');
+}, 'Allows setting the delay to a positive number');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: -100 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().delay, -100, 'set delay -100');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().delay, -100,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set delay -100');
+}, 'Allows setting the delay to a negative number');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: 100 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, null);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, null);
+}, 'Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: positive delay that'
+ + ' causes the animation to be no longer in-effect');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { fill: 'both', duration: 100 });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: -50 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5);
+}, 'Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: negative delay that'
+ + ' seeks into the active interval');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { fill: 'both', duration: 100 });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: -100 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 0);
+}, 'Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: large negative delay'
+ + ' that causes the animation to be finished');
+for (const invalid of gBadDelayValues) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ delay: invalid });
+ });
+ }, `Throws when setting invalid delay value: ${invalid}`);
+// ------------------------------
+// endDelay
+// ------------------------------
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ endDelay: 123.45 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getTiming().endDelay, 123.45,
+ 'set endDelay 123.45');
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().endDelay, 123.45,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set endDelay 123.45');
+}, 'Allows setting the endDelay to a positive number');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ endDelay: -1000 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().endDelay, -1000, 'set endDelay -1000');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().endDelay, -1000,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set endDelay -1000');
+}, 'Allows setting the endDelay to a negative number');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ endDelay: Infinity });
+ });
+}, 'Throws when setting the endDelay to infinity');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ endDelay: -Infinity });
+ });
+}, 'Throws when setting the endDelay to negative infinity');
+// ------------------------------
+// fill
+// ------------------------------
+for (const fill of ['none', 'forwards', 'backwards', 'both']) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ fill });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().fill, fill, 'set fill ' + fill);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().fill, fill,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set fill ' + fill);
+ }, `Allows setting the fill to '${fill}'`);
+// ------------------------------
+// iterationStart
+// ------------------------------
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { iterationStart: 0.2,
+ iterations: 1,
+ fill: 'both',
+ duration: 100,
+ delay: 1 });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterationStart: 2.5 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 2);
+}, 'Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress:'
+ + ' backwards-filling');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { iterationStart: 0.2,
+ iterations: 1,
+ fill: 'both',
+ duration: 100,
+ delay: 0 });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterationStart: 2.5 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 2);
+}, 'Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress:'
+ + ' active phase');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { iterationStart: 0.2,
+ iterations: 1,
+ fill: 'both',
+ duration: 100,
+ delay: 0 });
+ anim.finish();
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterationStart: 2.5 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5);
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 3);
+}, 'Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress:'
+ + ' forwards-filling');
+for (const invalid of gBadIterationStartValues) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterationStart: invalid });
+ }, `setting ${invalid}`);
+ }, `Throws when setting invalid iterationStart value: ${invalid}`);
+// ------------------------------
+// iterations
+// ------------------------------
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: 2 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().iterations, 2, 'set duration 2');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().iterations, 2,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set iterations 2');
+}, 'Allows setting iterations to a double value');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: Infinity });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().iterations, Infinity,
+ 'set duration Infinity');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().iterations, Infinity,
+ 'getComputedTiming() after set iterations Infinity');
+}, 'Allows setting iterations to infinity');
+for (const invalid of gBadIterationsValues) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: invalid });
+ });
+ }, `Throws when setting invalid iterations value: ${invalid}`);
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 100000, fill: 'both' });
+ anim.finish();
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress when animation is finished');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 0,
+ 'current iteration when animation is finished');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: 2 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress,
+ 0,
+ 'progress after adding an iteration');
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration,
+ 1,
+ 'current iteration after adding an iteration');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: 0 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0,
+ 'progress after setting iterations to zero');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 0,
+ 'current iteration after setting iterations to zero');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ iterations: Infinity });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0,
+ 'progress after setting iterations to Infinity');
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().currentIteration, 1,
+ 'current iteration after setting iterations to Infinity');
+}, 'Allows setting the iterations of an animation in progress');
+// ------------------------------
+// duration
+// ------------------------------
+for (const duration of gGoodDurationValues) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: duration.specified });
+ if (typeof duration.specified === 'number') {
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getTiming().duration,
+ duration.specified,
+ 'Updates specified duration');
+ } else {
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().duration, duration.specified,
+ 'Updates specified duration');
+ }
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().duration,
+ duration.computed,
+ 'Updates computed duration');
+ }, `Allows setting the duration to ${duration.specified}`);
+for (const invalid of gBadDurationValues) {
+ test(t => {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: invalid });
+ });
+ }, 'Throws when setting invalid duration: '
+ + (typeof invalid === 'string' ? `"${invalid}"` : invalid));
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 100000, fill: 'both' });
+ anim.finish();
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress when animation is finished');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: anim.effect.getTiming().duration * 2 });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5,
+ 'progress after doubling the duration');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 0 });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress after setting duration to zero');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 'auto' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress after setting duration to \'auto\'');
+}, 'Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress');
+promise_test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ return anim.ready.then(() => {
+ const originalStartTime = anim.startTime;
+ const originalCurrentTime = anim.currentTime;
+ assert_time_equals_literal(
+ anim.effect.getComputedTiming().duration,
+ 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ 'Initial duration should be as set on KeyframeEffect'
+ );
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 200 * MS_PER_SEC });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(
+ anim.effect.getComputedTiming().duration,
+ 200 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ 'Effect duration should have been updated'
+ );
+ assert_times_equal(anim.startTime, originalStartTime,
+ 'startTime should be unaffected by changing effect ' +
+ 'duration');
+ assert_times_equal(anim.currentTime, originalCurrentTime,
+ 'currentTime should be unaffected by changing effect ' +
+ 'duration');
+ });
+}, 'Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress such that the' +
+ ' the start and current time do not change');
+// ------------------------------
+// direction
+// ------------------------------
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
+ const directions = ['normal', 'reverse', 'alternate', 'alternate-reverse'];
+ for (const direction of directions) {
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: direction });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().direction, direction,
+ `set direction to ${direction}`);
+ }
+}, 'Allows setting the direction to each of the possible keywords');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, {
+ duration: 10000,
+ direction: 'normal',
+ });
+ anim.currentTime = 7000;
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.7,
+ 'progress before updating direction');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: 'reverse' });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.3,
+ 'progress after updating direction');
+}, 'Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from \'normal\' to'
+ + ' \'reverse\'');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { duration: 10000, direction: 'normal' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0,
+ 'progress before updating direction');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: 'reverse' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress after updating direction');
+}, 'Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from \'normal\' to'
+ + ' \'reverse\' while at start of active interval');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { fill: 'backwards',
+ duration: 10000,
+ delay: 10000,
+ direction: 'normal' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0,
+ 'progress before updating direction');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: 'reverse' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'progress after updating direction');
+}, 'Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from \'normal\' to'
+ + ' \'reverse\' while filling backwards');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { iterations: 2,
+ duration: 10000,
+ direction: 'normal' });
+ anim.currentTime = 17000;
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.7,
+ 'progress before updating direction');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: 'alternate' });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.3,
+ 'progress after updating direction');
+}, 'Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from \'normal\' to'
+ + ' \'alternate\'');
+test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
+ { iterations: 2,
+ duration: 10000,
+ direction: 'alternate' });
+ anim.currentTime = 17000;
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.3,
+ 'progress before updating direction');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ direction: 'alternate-reverse' });
+ assert_time_equals_literal(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.7,
+ 'progress after updating direction');
+}, 'Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from \'alternate\''
+ + ' to \'alternate-reverse\'');
+// ------------------------------
+// easing
+// ------------------------------
+function assert_progress(animation, currentTime, easingFunction) {
+ animation.currentTime = currentTime;
+ const portion = currentTime / animation.effect.getTiming().duration;
+ assert_approx_equals(animation.effect.getComputedTiming().progress,
+ easingFunction(portion),
+ 0.01,
+ 'The progress of the animation should be approximately'
+ + ` ${easingFunction(portion)} at ${currentTime}ms`);
+for (const options of gEasingTests) {
+ test(t => {
+ const target = createDiv(t);
+ const anim = target.animate(null,
+ { duration: 1000 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ fill: 'forwards' });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ easing: options.easing });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().easing,
+ options.serialization || options.easing);
+ const easing = options.easingFunction;
+ assert_progress(anim, 0, easing);
+ assert_progress(anim, 250 * MS_PER_SEC, easing);
+ assert_progress(anim, 500 * MS_PER_SEC, easing);
+ assert_progress(anim, 750 * MS_PER_SEC, easing);
+ assert_progress(anim, 1000 * MS_PER_SEC, easing);
+ }, `Allows setting the easing to a ${options.desc}`);
+for (const easing of gRoundtripEasings) {
+ test(t => {
+ const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ easing: easing });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().easing, easing);
+ }, `Updates the specified value when setting the easing to '${easing}'`);
+test(t => {
+ const delay = 1000 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ const target = createDiv(t);
+ const anim = target.animate(null,
+ { duration: 1000 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ fill: 'both',
+ delay: delay,
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)' });
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ easing: 'steps(2, end)' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0,
+ 'easing replace to steps(2, end) at before phase');
+ anim.currentTime = delay + 750 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 0.5,
+ 'change currentTime to active phase');
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ easing: 'steps(2, start)' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'easing replace to steps(2, start) at active phase');
+ anim.currentTime = delay + 1500 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ anim.effect.updateTiming({ easing: 'steps(2, end)' });
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().progress, 1,
+ 'easing replace to steps(2, end) again at after phase');
+}, 'Allows setting the easing of an animation in progress');