path: root/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/')
1 files changed, 546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d0b2c62b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sddl.h>
+#include "common/utils_win.h"
+#include "agent_utils_win.h"
+#include "agent_win.h"
+#include "event_win.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// The minimum number of pipe in listening mode. This is greater than one to
+// handle the case of multiple instance of Google Chrome browser starting
+// at the same time.
+const DWORD kMinNumListeningPipeInstances = 2;
+// The minimum number of handles to wait on. This is the minimum number
+// of pipes in listening mode plus the stop event.
+const DWORD kMinNumWaitHandles = kMinNumListeningPipeInstances + 1;
+// static
+std::unique_ptr<Agent> Agent::Create(
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc) {
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(std::move(config), std::move(handler), rc);
+ return *rc == ResultCode::OK ? std::move(agent) : nullptr;
+AgentWin::Connection::Connection(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ AgentEventHandler* handler,
+ bool is_first_pipe,
+ ResultCode* rc)
+ : handler_(handler) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ memset(&overlapped_, 0, sizeof(overlapped_));
+ // Create a manual reset event as specified for overlapped IO.
+ // Use default security attriutes and no name since this event is not
+ // shared with other processes.
+ overlapped_.hEvent = CreateEvent(/*securityAttr=*/nullptr,
+ /*manualReset=*/TRUE,
+ /*initialState=*/FALSE,
+ /*name=*/nullptr);
+ if (!overlapped_.hEvent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ *rc = ResetInternal(pipename, user_specific, is_first_pipe);
+AgentWin::Connection::~Connection() {
+ Cleanup();
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ CloseHandle(handle_);
+ }
+ // Invalid event handles are represented as null.
+ if (overlapped_.hEvent) {
+ CloseHandle(overlapped_.hEvent);
+ }
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::Reset(
+ const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific) {
+ return NotifyIfError("ConnectionReset",
+ ResetInternal(pipename, user_specific, false));
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::HandleEvent(HANDLE handle) {
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ DWORD count;
+ BOOL success = GetOverlappedResult(handle, &overlapped_, &count,
+ /*wait=*/FALSE);
+ if (!is_connected_) {
+ // This connection is currently listing for a new connection from a Google
+ // Chrome browser. If the result is a success, this means the browser has
+ // connected as expected. Otherwise an error occured so report it to the
+ // caller.
+ if (success) {
+ // A Google Chrome browser connected to the agent. Reset this
+ // connection object to handle communication with the browser and then
+ // tell the handler about it.
+ is_connected_ = true;
+ buffer_.resize(internal::kBufferSize);
+ rc = BuildBrowserInfo();
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ handler_->OnBrowserConnected(browser_info_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ NotifyIfError("GetOverlappedResult", rc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Some data has arrived from Google Chrome. This data is (part of) an
+ // instance of the proto message `ChromeToAgent`.
+ //
+ // If the message is small it is received in by one call to ReadFile().
+ // If the message is larger it is received in by multiple calls to
+ // ReadFile().
+ //
+ // `success` is true if the data just read is the last bytes for a message.
+ // Otherwise it is false.
+ rc = OnReadFile(success, count);
+ }
+ // If all data has been read, queue another read.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK || rc == ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ rc = QueueReadFile(rc == ResultCode::OK);
+ }
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK && rc != ResultCode::ERR_IO_PENDING &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ Cleanup();
+ } else {
+ // Don't propagate all the "success" error codes to the called to keep
+ // this simpler.
+ rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ }
+ return rc;
+void AgentWin::Connection::AppendDebugString(std::stringstream& state) const {
+ state << "{handle=" << handle_;
+ state << " connected=" << is_connected_;
+ state << " pid=" <<;
+ state << " rsize=" << read_size_;
+ state << " fsize=" << final_size_;
+ state << "}";
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::ConnectPipe() {
+ // In overlapped mode, connecting to a named pipe always returns false.
+ if (ConnectNamedPipe(handle_, &overlapped_)) {
+ return ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // Waiting for a Google Chrome Browser to connect.
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ } else if (err == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) {
+ // A Google Chrome browser is already connected. Make sure event is in
+ // signaled state in order to process the connection.
+ if (SetEvent(overlapped_.hEvent)) {
+ } else {
+ err = GetLastError();
+ }
+ }
+ return ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::ResetInternal(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ bool is_first_pipe) {
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ // If this is the not the first time, disconnect from any existing Google
+ // Chrome browser. Otherwise creater a new pipe.
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(handle_)) {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(
+ internal::CreatePipe(pipename, user_specific, is_first_pipe, &handle_));
+ }
+ // Make sure event starts in reset state.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK && !ResetEvent(overlapped_.hEvent)) {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ rc = ConnectPipe();
+ }
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ Cleanup();
+ }
+ return rc;
+void AgentWin::Connection::Cleanup() {
+ if (is_connected_ && handler_) {
+ handler_->OnBrowserDisconnected(browser_info_);
+ }
+ is_connected_ = false;
+ browser_info_ = BrowserInfo();
+ buffer_.clear();
+ cursor_ = nullptr;
+ read_size_ = 0;
+ final_size_ = 0;
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ // Cancel all outstanding IO requests on this pipe by using a null for
+ // overlapped.
+ CancelIoEx(handle_, /*overlapped=*/nullptr);
+ }
+ // This function does not close `handle_` or the event in `overlapped` so
+ // that the server can resuse the pipe with an new Google Chrome browser
+ // instance.
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::QueueReadFile(bool reset_cursor) {
+ if (reset_cursor) {
+ cursor_ =;
+ read_size_ = buffer_.size();
+ final_size_ = 0;
+ }
+ // When this function is called there are the following possiblities:
+ //
+ // 1/ Data is already available and the buffer is filled in. ReadFile()
+ // return TRUE and the event is set.
+ // 2/ Data is not avaiable yet. ReadFile() returns FALSE and the last error
+ // is ERROR_IO_PENDING(997) and the event is reset.
+ // 3/ Some error occurred, like for example Google Chrome stops. ReadFile()
+ // returns FALSE and the last error is something other than
+ // ERROR_IO_PENDING, for example ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE(109). The event
+ // state is unchanged.
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ DWORD count;
+ if (!ReadFile(handle_, cursor_, read_size_, &count, &overlapped_)) {
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ // IO pending is not an error so don't notify.
+ //
+ // Ignore broken pipes for notifications since that happens when the Google
+ // Chrome browser shuts down. The agent will be notified of a browser
+ // disconnect in that case.
+ //
+ // More data means that `buffer_` was too small to read the entire message
+ // from the browser. The buffer has already been resized. Another call to
+ // ReadFile() is needed to get the remainder.
+ if (rc != ResultCode::ERR_IO_PENDING &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_BROKEN_PIPE &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ NotifyIfError("QueueReadFile", rc, err);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::OnReadFile(BOOL done_reading, DWORD count) {
+ final_size_ += count;
+ // If `done_reading` is TRUE, this means the full message has been read.
+ // Call the appropriate handler method.
+ if (done_reading) {
+ return CallHandler();
+ }
+ // Otherwise there are two possibilities:
+ //
+ // 1/ The last error is ERROR_MORE_DATA(234). This means there are more
+ // bytes to read before the request message is complete. Resize the
+ // buffer and adjust the cursor. The caller will queue up another read
+ // and wait. don't notify the handler since this is not an error.
+ // 2/ Some error occured. In this case notify the handler and return the
+ // error.
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
+ read_size_ = internal::kBufferSize;
+ buffer_.resize(buffer_.size() + read_size_);
+ cursor_ = + buffer_.size() - read_size_;
+ return ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ }
+ return NotifyIfError("OnReadFile", ErrorToResultCode(err));
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::CallHandler() {
+ ChromeToAgent message;
+ if (!message.ParseFromArray(, final_size_)) {
+ // Malformed message.
+ return NotifyIfError("ParseChromeToAgent",
+ }
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ if (message.has_request()) {
+ // This is a request from Google Chrome to perform a content analysis
+ // request.
+ //
+ // Move the request from `message` to the event to reduce the amount
+ // of memory allocation/copying and also because the the handler takes
+ // ownership of the event.
+ auto event = std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventWin>(
+ handle_, browser_info_, std::move(*message.mutable_request()));
+ rc = event->Init();
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ handler_->OnAnalysisRequested(std::move(event));
+ } else {
+ NotifyIfError("RequestValidation", rc);
+ }
+ } else if (message.has_ack()) {
+ // This is an ack from Google Chrome that it has received a content
+ // analysis response from the agent.
+ handler_->OnResponseAcknowledged(message.ack());
+ } else if (message.has_cancel()) {
+ // Google Chrome is informing the agent that the content analysis
+ // request(s) associated with the given user action id have been
+ // canceled by the user.
+ handler_->OnCancelRequests(message.cancel());
+ } else {
+ // Malformed message.
+ rc = NotifyIfError("NoRequestOrAck",
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::BuildBrowserInfo() {
+ if (!GetNamedPipeClientProcessId(handle_, & {
+ return NotifyIfError("BuildBrowserInfo",
+ }
+ if (!internal::GetProcessPath(,
+ &browser_info_.binary_path)) {
+ return NotifyIfError("BuildBrowserInfo",
+ }
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::NotifyIfError(
+ const char* context,
+ ResultCode rc,
+ DWORD err) {
+ if (handler_ && rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ std::stringstream stm;
+ stm << context << " pid=" <<;
+ if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ stm << context << " err=" << err;
+ }
+ handler_->OnInternalError(stm.str().c_str(), rc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> event_handler,
+ ResultCode* rc)
+ : AgentBase(std::move(config), std::move(event_handler)) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ if (handler() == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stop_event_ = CreateEvent(/*securityAttr=*/nullptr,
+ /*manualReset=*/TRUE,
+ /*initialState=*/FALSE,
+ /*name=*/nullptr);
+ if (stop_event_ == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string pipename =
+ internal::GetPipeNameForAgent(configuration().name,
+ configuration().user_specific);
+ if (pipename.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pipename_ = pipename;
+ connections_.reserve(kMinNumListeningPipeInstances);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < kMinNumListeningPipeInstances; ++i) {
+ connections_.emplace_back(
+ std::make_unique<Connection>(pipename_, configuration().user_specific,
+ handler(), i == 0, rc));
+ if (*rc != ResultCode::OK || !connections_.back()->IsValid()) {
+ Shutdown();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+AgentWin::~AgentWin() {
+ Shutdown();
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleEvents() {
+ std::vector<HANDLE> wait_handles;
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ bool stopped = false;
+ while (!stopped && rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ rc = HandleOneEvent(wait_handles, &stopped);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Stop() {
+ SetEvent(stop_event_);
+ return AgentBase::Stop();
+std::string AgentWin::DebugString() const {
+ std::stringstream state;
+ state.setf(std::ios::boolalpha);
+ state << "AgentWin{pipe=\"" << pipename_;
+ state << "\" stop=" << stop_event_;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
+ state << " conn@" << i;
+ connections_[i]->AppendDebugString(state);
+ }
+ state << "}" << std::ends;
+ return state.str();
+void AgentWin::GetHandles(std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles) const {
+ // Reserve enough space in the handles vector to include the stop event plus
+ // all connections.
+ wait_handles.clear();
+ wait_handles.reserve(1 + connections_.size());
+ for (auto& state : connections_) {
+ HANDLE wait_handle = state->GetWaitHandle();
+ if (!wait_handle) {
+ wait_handles.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ wait_handles.push_back(wait_handle);
+ }
+ // Push the stop event last so that connections_ index calculations in
+ // HandleOneEvent() don't have to account for this handle.
+ wait_handles.push_back(stop_event_);
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleOneEventForTesting() {
+ std::vector<HANDLE> wait_handles;
+ bool stopped;
+ return HandleOneEvent(wait_handles, &stopped);
+bool AgentWin::IsAClientConnectedForTesting() {
+ for (const auto& state : connections_) {
+ if (state->IsConnected()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleOneEvent(
+ std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles,
+ bool* stopped) {
+ *stopped = false;
+ // Wait on the specified handles for an event to occur.
+ GetHandles(wait_handles);
+ if (wait_handles.size() < kMinNumWaitHandles) {
+ return NotifyError("GetHandles", ResultCode::ERR_AGENT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
+ }
+ DWORD index = WaitForMultipleObjects(
+ wait_handles.size(),,
+ /*waitAll=*/FALSE, /*timeoutMs=*/INFINITE);
+ if (index == WAIT_FAILED) {
+ return NotifyError("WaitForMultipleObjects",
+ ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError()));
+ }
+ // If the index of signaled handle is the last one in wait_handles, then the
+ // stop event was signaled.
+ index -= WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+ if (index == wait_handles.size() - 1) {
+ *stopped = true;
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ }
+ auto& connection = connections_[index];
+ bool was_listening = !connection->IsConnected();
+ auto rc = connection->HandleEvent(wait_handles[index]);
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ // If `connection` was not listening and there are more than
+ // kMinNumListeningPipeInstances pipes, delete this connection. Otherwise
+ // reset it so that it becomes a listener.
+ if (!was_listening &&
+ connections_.size() > kMinNumListeningPipeInstances) {
+ connections_.erase(connections_.begin() + index);
+ } else {
+ rc = connection->Reset(pipename_, configuration().user_specific);
+ }
+ }
+ // If `connection` was listening and is now connected, create a new
+ // one so that there are always kMinNumListeningPipeInstances listening.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK && was_listening && connection->IsConnected()) {
+ connections_.emplace_back(
+ std::make_unique<Connection>(pipename_, configuration().user_specific,
+ handler(), false, &rc));
+ }
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+void AgentWin::Shutdown() {
+ connections_.clear();
+ pipename_.clear();
+ if (stop_event_ != nullptr) {
+ CloseHandle(stop_event_);
+ stop_event_ = nullptr;
+ }
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis