path: root/browser/base/content/test/favicons/browser_favicon_nostore.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/favicons/browser_favicon_nostore.js b/browser/base/content/test/favicons/browser_favicon_nostore.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fec666bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/base/content/test/favicons/browser_favicon_nostore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+// Test that a favicon with Cache-Control: no-store is not stored in Places.
+// Also tests that favicons added after pageshow are not stored.
+const TEST_SITE = "";
+const ICON_URL =
+ TEST_SITE + "/browser/browser/base/content/test/favicons/no-store.png";
+const PAGE_URL =
+ TEST_SITE + "/browser/browser/base/content/test/favicons/no-store.html";
+async function cleanup() {
+ Services.cache2.clear();
+ await PlacesTestUtils.clearFavicons();
+ await PlacesUtils.history.clear();
+add_task(async function browser_loader() {
+ await cleanup();
+ let iconPromise = waitForFaviconMessage(true, ICON_URL);
+ let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, PAGE_URL);
+ registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ await cleanup();
+ });
+ let { iconURL } = await iconPromise;
+ is(iconURL, ICON_URL, "Should have seen the expected icon.");
+ // Ensure the favicon has not been stored.
+ /* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconURLForPage(
+ foundIconURI => {
+ if (foundIconURI) {
+ reject(new Error("An icon has been stored " + foundIconURI.spec));
+ }
+ resolve();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
+add_task(async function places_loader() {
+ await cleanup();
+ // Ensure the favicon is not stored even if Places is directly invoked.
+ await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(PAGE_URL);
+ let faviconData = new Map();
+ faviconData.set(PAGE_URL, ICON_URL);
+ // We can't wait for the promise due to bug 740457, so we race with a timer.
+ await Promise.race([
+ PlacesTestUtils.addFavicons(faviconData),
+ /* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */
+ new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)),
+ ]);
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconURLForPage(
+ foundIconURI => {
+ if (foundIconURI) {
+ reject(new Error("An icon has been stored " + foundIconURI.spec));
+ }
+ resolve();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+async function later_addition(iconUrl) {
+ let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, PAGE_URL);
+ registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ await cleanup();
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
+ });
+ let iconPromise = waitForFaviconMessage(true, iconUrl);
+ await ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, iconUrl, href => {
+ let doc = content.document;
+ let head = doc.head;
+ let link = doc.createElement("link");
+ link.rel = "icon";
+ link.href = href;
+ link.type = "image/png";
+ head.appendChild(link);
+ });
+ let { iconURL } = await iconPromise;
+ is(iconURL, iconUrl, "Should have seen the expected icon.");
+ // Ensure the favicon has not been stored.
+ /* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconURLForPage(
+ foundIconURI => {
+ if (foundIconURI) {
+ reject(new Error("An icon has been stored " + foundIconURI.spec));
+ }
+ resolve();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
+add_task(async function test_later_addition() {
+ for (let iconUrl of [
+ TEST_SITE + "/browser/browser/base/content/test/favicons/moz.png",
+ "",
+ ]) {
+ await later_addition(iconUrl);
+ }
+add_task(async function root_icon_stored() {
+ XPCShellContentUtils.ensureInitialized(this);
+ let server = XPCShellContentUtils.createHttpServer({
+ hosts: [""],
+ });
+ server.registerFile(
+ "/favicon.ico",
+ new FileUtils.File(
+ PathUtils.join(
+ Services.dirsvc.get("CurWorkD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
+ "browser",
+ "browser",
+ "base",
+ "content",
+ "test",
+ "favicons",
+ "no-store.png"
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ server.registerPathHandler("/page", (request, response) => {
+ response.write("<html>A page without icon</html>");
+ });
+ let noStorePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved(
+ "http-on-stop-request",
+ (s, t, d) => {
+ let chan = s.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
+ return chan?.URI.spec == "";
+ }
+ ).then(([chan]) => chan.isNoStoreResponse());
+ await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(
+ {
+ gBrowser,
+ url: "",
+ },
+ async function (browser) {
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => {
+ let uri = await new Promise(resolve =>
+ PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconURLForPage(
+ resolve
+ )
+ );
+ return uri?.spec == "";
+ }, "wait for the favicon to be stored");
+ Assert.ok(await noStorePromise, "Should have received no-store header");
+ }
+ );