path: root/browser/components/asrouter/tests/browser/browser_feature_callout_panel.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/asrouter/tests/browser/browser_feature_callout_panel.js')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/browser/browser_feature_callout_panel.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/browser/browser_feature_callout_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f87c71ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/browser/browser_feature_callout_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+function getTestMessage() {
+ return {
+ template: "feature_callout",
+ groups: [],
+ content: {
+ template: "multistage",
+ backdrop: "transparent",
+ transitions: false,
+ disableHistoryUpdates: true,
+ screens: [
+ {
+ anchors: [
+ {
+ selector: "#PanelUI-menu-button",
+ panel_position: {
+ anchor_attachment: "bottomcenter",
+ callout_attachment: "topright",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ content: {
+ position: "callout",
+ title: { raw: "Panel Feature Callout" },
+ dismiss_button: {
+ action: { dismiss: true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ * Set up a callout and show it.
+ *
+ * @param {MozBrowser} browser Probably the selected browser in the top window.
+ * @param {object} message The message to show.
+ * @returns {Promise<{featureCallout: FeatureCallout, showing: boolean, closed: Promise}>}
+ * A promise that resolves to an object containing the FeatureCallout
+ * instance, a boolean for whether the callout started showing correctly, and
+ * a promise that resolves when the callout is closed.
+ */
+async function showFeatureCallout(browser, message) {
+ let resolveClosed;
+ let closed = new Promise(resolve => {
+ resolveClosed = resolve;
+ });
+ const config = {
+ win: browser.ownerGlobal,
+ location: "chrome",
+ context: "chrome",
+ browser,
+ theme: { preset: "chrome" },
+ listener: (_, event) => {
+ if (event === "end") {
+ resolveClosed();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ const featureCallout = new FeatureCallout(config);
+ let showing = await featureCallout.showFeatureCallout(message);
+ return { featureCallout, showing, closed };
+ * Make a new window, open a feature callout in it, run a function to hide the
+ * callout, and assert that the callout is hidden correctly. Optionally run a
+ * function after the callout is closed, for additional assertions. Finally,
+ * close the window.
+ *
+ * @param {function(Window, Element, FeatureCallout)} hideFn A function that
+ * hides the callout. Passed the following params: window, callout container,
+ * and FeatureCallout instance.
+ * @param {function(Window, Element, FeatureCallout)} afterCloseFn An optional
+ * function to run after the callout is closed. Same params as hideFn.
+ * @param {object} message The message to show.
+ */
+async function testCalloutHiddenIf(
+ hideFn,
+ afterCloseFn,
+ message = getTestMessage()
+) {
+ const win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
+ win.focus();
+ const doc = win.document;
+ const browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ const { featureCallout, showing, closed } = await showFeatureCallout(
+ browser,
+ message
+ );
+ await waitForCalloutScreen(doc, message.content.screens[0].id);
+ let calloutContainer = featureCallout._container;
+ ok(showing && calloutContainer, "Feature callout should be showing");
+ await hideFn(win, calloutContainer, featureCallout);
+ await closed;
+ await waitForCalloutRemoved(doc);
+ ok(!doc.querySelector(calloutSelector), "Feature callout should be hidden");
+ await afterCloseFn?.(win, calloutContainer, featureCallout);
+ await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
+// Test that the callout is correctly created as a panel and positioned.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout() {
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ is(calloutContainer.localName, "panel", "Callout container is a panel");
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForMutationCondition(
+ calloutContainer,
+ { attributeFilter: ["arrow-position"] },
+ () => calloutContainer.getAttribute("arrow-position") === "top-end"
+ );
+ is(
+ "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ "Callout container is anchored to the app menu button"
+ );
+ is(
+ calloutContainer.getAttribute("arrow-position"),
+ "top-end",
+ "Callout container arrow is positioned correctly"
+ );
+ win.document.querySelector(calloutDismissSelector).click();
+ });
+// Test that the callout is hidden if another popup is shown.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout_hidden_on_popupshowing() {
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(async win => {
+ // Click the app menu button to open the panel.
+ win.document.querySelector("#PanelUI-menu-button").click();
+ });
+// Test that the callout is hidden if its anchor node is hidden.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout_hidden_on_anchor_hidden() {
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(async win => {
+ // Hide the app menu button.
+ win.document.querySelector("#PanelUI-menu-button").hidden = true;
+ });
+// Panels automatically track the movement of their anchor nodes, so test that
+// the callout moves with its anchor node.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout_follows_anchor() {
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ let startingX = calloutContainer.getBoundingClientRect().x;
+ // Move the app menu button away from the right edge of the window.
+ = "100px";
+ // Wait for the callout to reposition itself.
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => calloutContainer.getBoundingClientRect().x !== startingX,
+ "Callout should reposition itself"
+ );
+ win.document.querySelector(calloutDismissSelector).click();
+ });
+// Panels normally set the `[open]` attribute on their anchor node when they're
+// open, so that the anchor node can be styled differently when the panel is
+// open. Not every anchor node has styles for this, but e.g. chrome buttons do.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout_anchor_open_attr() {
+ let anchor;
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(
+ async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ anchor = calloutContainer.anchorNode;
+ ok(
+ anchor.hasAttribute("open"),
+ "Callout container's anchor node should have its [open] attribute set"
+ );
+ win.document.querySelector(calloutDismissSelector).click();
+ },
+ (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ ok(
+ !anchor.hasAttribute("open"),
+ "Callout container's anchor node should not have its [open] attribute set"
+ );
+ }
+ );
+// However, some panels don't want to set the `[open]` attribute on their anchor
+// node. Sometimes the panel is more of a hint than a menu, and the `[open]`
+// style could give the impression that it's a menu. Or the anchor might already
+// have its `[open]` attribute set by something else, and we may not want to
+// interfere with that. So this feature is configurable by adding the
+// no_open_on_anchor property to the anchor.
+add_task(async function panel_feature_callout_no_anchor_open_attr() {
+ let message = getTestMessage();
+ message.content.screens[0].anchors[0].no_open_on_anchor = true;
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(
+ async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ let anchor = calloutContainer.anchorNode;
+ ok(
+ !anchor.hasAttribute("open"),
+ "Callout container's anchor node should not have its [open] attribute set"
+ );
+ win.document.querySelector(calloutDismissSelector).click();
+ },
+ null,
+ message
+ );
+add_task(async function feature_callout_split_dismiss_button() {
+ let message = getTestMessage();
+ message.content.screens[0].content.secondary_button = {
+ label: { raw: "Advance" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ };
+ message.content.screens[0].content.submenu_button = {
+ submenu: [
+ {
+ type: "action",
+ label: { raw: "Item 1" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ id: "item1",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "action",
+ label: { raw: "Item 2" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ id: "item2",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "menu",
+ label: { raw: "Menu 1" },
+ submenu: [
+ {
+ type: "action",
+ label: { raw: "Item 3" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ id: "item3",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "action",
+ label: { raw: "Item 4" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ id: "item4",
+ },
+ ],
+ id: "menu1",
+ },
+ ],
+ attached_to: "secondary_button",
+ };
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(
+ async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ let splitButtonContainer = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .split-button-container`
+ );
+ let secondaryButton = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .secondary:not(.submenu-button)`
+ );
+ let submenuButton = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .submenu-button`
+ );
+ let submenu = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .fxms-multi-stage-submenu`
+ );
+ ok(splitButtonContainer, "Callout should have a split button container");
+ ok(secondaryButton, "Callout should have a split secondary button");
+ ok(submenuButton, "Callout should have a split submenu button");
+ ok(submenu, "Callout should have a submenu");
+ // Click the submenu button and wait for the submenu (menupopup) to open.
+ let opened = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(submenu, "popupshown");
+ await opened;
+ // Assert that all the menu items are present and that the order and
+ // structure is correct.
+ async function recursiveTestMenuItems(items, popup) {
+ let children = [...popup.children];
+ for (let element of children) {
+ let index = children.indexOf(element);
+ let itemAtIndex = items[index];
+ switch (element.localName) {
+ case "menuitem":
+ is(
+ itemAtIndex.type,
+ "action",
+ `Menu item ${} should be an action`
+ );
+ is(
+ JSON.stringify(element.config),
+ JSON.stringify(itemAtIndex),
+ `Menu item ${} should have correct config`
+ );
+ is(
+ element.value,
+ `Menu item ${} should have correct value`
+ );
+ break;
+ case "menu":
+ is(
+ itemAtIndex.type,
+ "menu",
+ `Menu item ${} should be a menu`
+ );
+ is(
+ element.value,
+ `Menu item ${} should have correct value`
+ );
+ info(`Testing submenu ${}`);
+ await recursiveTestMenuItems(
+ itemAtIndex.submenu,
+ element.querySelector("menupopup")
+ );
+ break;
+ case "menuseparator":
+ is(
+ itemAtIndex.type,
+ "separator",
+ `Menu item ${index} should be a separator`
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ ok(false, "Child of unknown type in submenu");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ info("Testing main menu");
+ await recursiveTestMenuItems(
+ message.content.screens[0].content.submenu_button.submenu,
+ submenu
+ );
+ submenu.querySelector(`menuitem[value="item1"]`).click();
+ },
+ null,
+ message
+ );
+add_task(async function feature_callout_tab_order() {
+ let message = getTestMessage();
+ message.content.screens[0].content.secondary_button = {
+ label: { raw: "Dismiss" },
+ action: { dismiss: true },
+ };
+ message.content.screens[0].content.primary_button = {
+ label: { raw: "Advance" },
+ action: { navigate: true },
+ };
+ await testCalloutHiddenIf(
+ async (win, calloutContainer) => {
+ // Test that feature callout initially focuses the primary button.
+ let primaryButton = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .primary`
+ );
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => win.document.activeElement === primaryButton,
+ "Primary button should be focused"
+ );
+ // Test that pressing Tab loops through the primary button, secondary
+ // button, and dismiss button.
+ let secondaryButton = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .secondary`
+ );
+ let onFocused2 = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(secondaryButton, "focus");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}, win);
+ await onFocused2;
+ is(
+ win.document.activeElement,
+ secondaryButton,
+ "Secondary button should be focused"
+ );
+ let dismissButton = calloutContainer.querySelector(
+ `#${calloutId} .dismiss-button`
+ );
+ let onFocused3 = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(dismissButton, "focus");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}, win);
+ await onFocused3;
+ is(
+ win.document.activeElement,
+ dismissButton,
+ "Dismiss button should be focused"
+ );
+ let onFocused4 = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(primaryButton, "focus");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}, win);
+ await onFocused4;
+ is(
+ win.document.activeElement,
+ primaryButton,
+ "Primary button should be focused"
+ );
+ // Test that pressing Shift+Tab loops back to the dismiss button.
+ let onFocused5 = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(dismissButton, "focus");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true }, win);
+ await onFocused5;
+ is(
+ win.document.activeElement,
+ dismissButton,
+ "Dismiss button should be focused"
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_SPACE", {}, win);
+ },
+ null,
+ message
+ );