path: root/browser/components/firefoxview/history.mjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/firefoxview/history.mjs')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/firefoxview/history.mjs b/browser/components/firefoxview/history.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..935cc037e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/firefoxview/history.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+import {
+ html,
+ ifDefined,
+ when,
+} from "chrome://global/content/vendor/lit.all.mjs";
+import { escapeHtmlEntities, isSearchEnabled } from "./helpers.mjs";
+import { ViewPage } from "./viewpage.mjs";
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unassigned-import
+import "chrome://browser/content/migration/migration-wizard.mjs";
+const lazy = {};
+ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
+ BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.sys.mjs",
+ FirefoxViewPlacesQuery:
+ "resource:///modules/firefox-view-places-query.sys.mjs",
+ PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs",
+ ProfileAge: "resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.sys.mjs",
+let XPCOMUtils = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"
+ lazy,
+ "maxRowsPref",
+ "browser.firefox-view.max-history-rows",
+ -1
+const NEVER_REMEMBER_HISTORY_PREF = "browser.privatebrowsing.autostart";
+const HAS_IMPORTED_HISTORY_PREF = "browser.migrate.interactions.history";
+ "browser.tabs.firefox-view.importHistory.dismissed";
+class HistoryInView extends ViewPage {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this._started = false;
+ this.allHistoryItems = new Map();
+ this.historyMapByDate = [];
+ this.historyMapBySite = [];
+ // Setting maxTabsLength to -1 for no max
+ this.maxTabsLength = -1;
+ this.placesQuery = new lazy.FirefoxViewPlacesQuery();
+ this.searchQuery = "";
+ this.searchResults = null;
+ this.sortOption = "date";
+ this.profileAge = 8;
+ this.fullyUpdated = false;
+ this.cumulativeSearches = 0;
+ }
+ start() {
+ if (this._started) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._started = true;
+ this.#updateAllHistoryItems();
+ this.placesQuery.observeHistory(data => this.#updateAllHistoryItems(data));
+ this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer();
+ }
+ async connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ await this.updateHistoryData();
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "importHistoryDismissedPref",
+ false,
+ () => {
+ this.requestUpdate();
+ }
+ );
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "hasImportedHistoryPref",
+ false,
+ () => {
+ this.requestUpdate();
+ }
+ );
+ if (!this.importHistoryDismissedPref && !this.hasImportedHistoryPrefs) {
+ let profileAccessor = await lazy.ProfileAge();
+ let profileCreateTime = await profileAccessor.created;
+ let timeNow = new Date().getTime();
+ let profileAge = timeNow - profileCreateTime;
+ // Convert milliseconds to days
+ this.profileAge = profileAge / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
+ }
+ }
+ stop() {
+ if (!this._started) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._started = false;
+ this.placesQuery.close();
+ this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer();
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.stop();
+ this.migrationWizardDialog?.removeEventListener(
+ "MigrationWizard:Close",
+ this.migrationWizardDialog
+ );
+ }
+ async #updateAllHistoryItems(allHistoryItems) {
+ if (allHistoryItems) {
+ this.allHistoryItems = allHistoryItems;
+ } else {
+ await this.updateHistoryData();
+ }
+ this.resetHistoryMaps();
+ this.lists.forEach(list => list.requestUpdate());
+ await this.#updateSearchResults();
+ }
+ async #updateSearchResults() {
+ if (this.searchQuery) {
+ try {
+ this.searchResults = await this.placesQuery.searchHistory(
+ this.searchQuery,
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Connection interrupted, ignore.
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.searchResults = null;
+ }
+ }
+ viewVisibleCallback() {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ viewHiddenCallback() {
+ this.stop();
+ }
+ static queries = {
+ cards: { all: "card-container:not([hidden])" },
+ migrationWizardDialog: "#migrationWizardDialog",
+ emptyState: "fxview-empty-state",
+ lists: { all: "fxview-tab-list" },
+ showAllHistoryBtn: ".show-all-history-button",
+ searchTextbox: "fxview-search-textbox",
+ sortInputs: { all: "input[name=history-sort-option]" },
+ panelList: "panel-list",
+ };
+ static properties = {
+ allHistoryItems: { type: Map },
+ historyMapByDate: { type: Array },
+ historyMapBySite: { type: Array },
+ // Making profileAge a reactive property for testing
+ profileAge: { type: Number },
+ searchResults: { type: Array },
+ sortOption: { type: String },
+ };
+ async getUpdateComplete() {
+ await super.getUpdateComplete();
+ await Promise.all(Array.from( => card.updateComplete));
+ }
+ async updateHistoryData() {
+ this.allHistoryItems = await this.placesQuery.getHistory({
+ daysOld: 60,
+ limit: lazy.maxRowsPref,
+ sortBy: this.sortOption,
+ });
+ }
+ resetHistoryMaps() {
+ this.historyMapByDate = [];
+ this.historyMapBySite = [];
+ }
+ createHistoryMaps() {
+ if (this.sortOption === "date" && !this.historyMapByDate.length) {
+ const {
+ visitsFromToday,
+ visitsFromYesterday,
+ visitsByDay,
+ visitsByMonth,
+ } = this.placesQuery;
+ // Add visits from today and yesterday.
+ if (visitsFromToday.length) {
+ this.historyMapByDate.push({
+ l10nId: "firefoxview-history-date-today",
+ items: visitsFromToday,
+ });
+ }
+ if (visitsFromYesterday.length) {
+ this.historyMapByDate.push({
+ l10nId: "firefoxview-history-date-yesterday",
+ items: visitsFromYesterday,
+ });
+ }
+ // Add visits from this month, grouped by day.
+ visitsByDay.forEach(visits => {
+ this.historyMapByDate.push({
+ l10nId: "firefoxview-history-date-this-month",
+ items: visits,
+ });
+ });
+ // Add visits from previous months, grouped by month.
+ visitsByMonth.forEach(visits => {
+ this.historyMapByDate.push({
+ l10nId: "firefoxview-history-date-prev-month",
+ items: visits,
+ });
+ });
+ } else if (this.sortOption === "site" && !this.historyMapBySite.length) {
+ this.historyMapBySite = Array.from(
+ this.allHistoryItems.entries(),
+ ([domain, items]) => ({
+ domain,
+ items,
+ l10nId: domain ? null : "firefoxview-history-site-localhost",
+ })
+ ).sort((a, b) => a.domain.localeCompare(b.domain));
+ }
+ }
+ onPrimaryAction(e) {
+ // Record telemetry
+ Services.telemetry.recordEvent(
+ "firefoxview_next",
+ "history",
+ "visits",
+ null,
+ {}
+ );
+ if (this.searchQuery) {
+ const searchesHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(
+ );
+ searchesHistogram.add("history", this.cumulativeSearches);
+ this.cumulativeSearches = 0;
+ }
+ let currentWindow = this.getWindow();
+ if (currentWindow.openTrustedLinkIn) {
+ let where = lazy.BrowserUtils.whereToOpenLink(
+ e.detail.originalEvent,
+ false,
+ true
+ );
+ if (where == "current") {
+ where = "tab";
+ }
+ currentWindow.openTrustedLinkIn(e.originalTarget.url, where);
+ }
+ }
+ onSecondaryAction(e) {
+ this.triggerNode = e.originalTarget;
+ }
+ deleteFromHistory(e) {
+ lazy.PlacesUtils.history.remove(this.triggerNode.url);
+ this.recordContextMenuTelemetry("delete-from-history", e);
+ }
+ async onChangeSortOption(e) {
+ this.sortOption =;
+ Services.telemetry.recordEvent(
+ "firefoxview_next",
+ "sort_history",
+ "tabs",
+ null,
+ {
+ sort_type: this.sortOption,
+ search_start: this.searchQuery ? "true" : "false",
+ }
+ );
+ await this.updateHistoryData();
+ await this.#updateSearchResults();
+ }
+ showAllHistory() {
+ // Record telemetry
+ Services.telemetry.recordEvent(
+ "firefoxview_next",
+ "show_all_history",
+ "tabs",
+ null,
+ {}
+ );
+ // Open History view in Library window
+ this.getWindow().PlacesCommandHook.showPlacesOrganizer("History");
+ }
+ async openMigrationWizard() {
+ let migrationWizardDialog = this.migrationWizardDialog;
+ if ( {
+ return;
+ }
+ await customElements.whenDefined("migration-wizard");
+ // If we've been opened before, remove the old wizard and insert a
+ // new one to put it back into its starting state.
+ if (!migrationWizardDialog.firstElementChild) {
+ let wizard = document.createElement("migration-wizard");
+ wizard.toggleAttribute("dialog-mode", true);
+ migrationWizardDialog.appendChild(wizard);
+ }
+ migrationWizardDialog.firstElementChild.requestState();
+ this.migrationWizardDialog.addEventListener(
+ "MigrationWizard:Close",
+ function (e) {
+ e.currentTarget.close();
+ }
+ );
+ migrationWizardDialog.showModal();
+ }
+ shouldShowImportBanner() {
+ return (
+ this.profileAge < 8 &&
+ !this.hasImportedHistoryPref &&
+ !this.importHistoryDismissedPref
+ );
+ }
+ dismissImportHistory() {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(IMPORT_HISTORY_DISMISSED_PREF, true);
+ }
+ updated() {
+ this.fullyUpdated = true;
+ if (this.lists?.length) {
+ this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer();
+ }
+ }
+ panelListTemplate() {
+ return html`
+ <panel-list slot="menu" data-tab-type="history">
+ <panel-item
+ @click=${this.deleteFromHistory}
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-history-context-delete"
+ data-l10n-attrs="accesskey"
+ ></panel-item>
+ <hr />
+ <panel-item
+ @click=${this.openInNewWindow}
+ data-l10n-id="fxviewtabrow-open-in-window"
+ data-l10n-attrs="accesskey"
+ ></panel-item>
+ <panel-item
+ @click=${this.openInNewPrivateWindow}
+ data-l10n-id="fxviewtabrow-open-in-private-window"
+ data-l10n-attrs="accesskey"
+ ></panel-item>
+ <hr />
+ <panel-item
+ @click=${this.copyLink}
+ data-l10n-id="fxviewtabrow-copy-link"
+ data-l10n-attrs="accesskey"
+ ></panel-item>
+ </panel-list>
+ `;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The template to use for cards-container.
+ */
+ get cardsTemplate() {
+ if (this.searchResults) {
+ return this.#searchResultsTemplate();
+ } else if (this.allHistoryItems.size) {
+ return this.#historyCardsTemplate();
+ }
+ return this.#emptyMessageTemplate();
+ }
+ #historyCardsTemplate() {
+ let cardsTemplate = [];
+ if (this.sortOption === "date" && this.historyMapByDate.length) {
+ this.historyMapByDate.forEach(historyItem => {
+ if (historyItem.items.length) {
+ let dateArg = JSON.stringify({ date: historyItem.items[0].time });
+ cardsTemplate.push(html`<card-container>
+ <h3
+ slot="header"
+ data-l10n-id=${historyItem.l10nId}
+ data-l10n-args=${dateArg}
+ ></h3>
+ <fxview-tab-list
+ slot="main"
+ class="with-context-menu"
+ dateTimeFormat=${historyItem.l10nId.includes("prev-month")
+ ? "dateTime"
+ : "time"}
+ hasPopup="menu"
+ maxTabsLength=${this.maxTabsLength}
+ .tabItems=${historyItem.items}
+ @fxview-tab-list-primary-action=${this.onPrimaryAction}
+ @fxview-tab-list-secondary-action=${this.onSecondaryAction}
+ >
+ ${this.panelListTemplate()}
+ </fxview-tab-list>
+ </card-container>`);
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (this.historyMapBySite.length) {
+ this.historyMapBySite.forEach(historyItem => {
+ if (historyItem.items.length) {
+ cardsTemplate.push(html`<card-container>
+ <h3 slot="header" data-l10n-id="${ifDefined(historyItem.l10nId)}">
+ ${historyItem.domain}
+ </h3>
+ <fxview-tab-list
+ slot="main"
+ class="with-context-menu"
+ dateTimeFormat="dateTime"
+ hasPopup="menu"
+ maxTabsLength=${this.maxTabsLength}
+ .tabItems=${historyItem.items}
+ @fxview-tab-list-primary-action=${this.onPrimaryAction}
+ @fxview-tab-list-secondary-action=${this.onSecondaryAction}
+ >
+ ${this.panelListTemplate()}
+ </fxview-tab-list>
+ </card-container>`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return cardsTemplate;
+ }
+ #emptyMessageTemplate() {
+ let descriptionHeader;
+ let descriptionLabels;
+ let descriptionLink;
+ if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(NEVER_REMEMBER_HISTORY_PREF, false)) {
+ // History pref set to never remember history
+ descriptionHeader = "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-header";
+ descriptionLabels = [
+ "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description",
+ "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description-two",
+ ];
+ descriptionLink = {
+ url: "about:preferences#privacy",
+ name: "history-settings-url-two",
+ };
+ } else {
+ descriptionHeader = "firefoxview-history-empty-header";
+ descriptionLabels = [
+ "firefoxview-history-empty-description",
+ "firefoxview-history-empty-description-two",
+ ];
+ descriptionLink = {
+ url: "about:preferences#privacy",
+ name: "history-settings-url",
+ };
+ }
+ return html`
+ <fxview-empty-state
+ headerLabel=${descriptionHeader}
+ .descriptionLabels=${descriptionLabels}
+ .descriptionLink=${descriptionLink}
+ class="empty-state history"
+ ?isSelectedTab=${this.selectedTab}
+ mainImageUrl="chrome://browser/content/firefoxview/history-empty.svg"
+ >
+ </fxview-empty-state>
+ `;
+ }
+ #searchResultsTemplate() {
+ return html` <card-container toggleDisabled>
+ <h3
+ slot="header"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-search-results-header"
+ data-l10n-args=${JSON.stringify({
+ query: escapeHtmlEntities(this.searchQuery),
+ })}
+ ></h3>
+ ${when(
+ this.searchResults.length,
+ () =>
+ html`<h3
+ slot="secondary-header"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-search-results-count"
+ data-l10n-args="${JSON.stringify({
+ count: this.searchResults.length,
+ })}"
+ ></h3>`
+ )}
+ <fxview-tab-list
+ slot="main"
+ class="with-context-menu"
+ dateTimeFormat="dateTime"
+ hasPopup="menu"
+ maxTabsLength="-1"
+ .searchQuery=${this.searchQuery}
+ .tabItems=${this.searchResults}
+ @fxview-tab-list-primary-action=${this.onPrimaryAction}
+ @fxview-tab-list-secondary-action=${this.onSecondaryAction}
+ >
+ ${this.panelListTemplate()}
+ </fxview-tab-list>
+ </card-container>`;
+ }
+ render() {
+ if (!this.selectedTab) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return html`
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://browser/content/firefoxview/firefoxview.css"
+ />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://browser/content/firefoxview/history.css"
+ />
+ <dialog id="migrationWizardDialog"></dialog>
+ <div class="sticky-container bottom-fade">
+ <h2 class="page-header" data-l10n-id="firefoxview-history-header"></h2>
+ <div class="history-sort-options">
+ ${when(
+ isSearchEnabled(),
+ () => html` <div class="history-sort-option">
+ <fxview-search-textbox
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-search-text-box-history"
+ data-l10n-attrs="placeholder"
+ .size=${this.searchTextboxSize}
+ pageName=${this.recentBrowsing ? "recentbrowsing" : "history"}
+ @fxview-search-textbox-query=${this.onSearchQuery}
+ ></fxview-search-textbox>
+ </div>`
+ )}
+ <div class="history-sort-option">
+ <input
+ type="radio"
+ id="sort-by-date"
+ name="history-sort-option"
+ value="date"
+ ?checked=${this.sortOption === "date"}
+ @click=${this.onChangeSortOption}
+ />
+ <label
+ for="sort-by-date"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-sort-history-by-date-label"
+ ></label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="history-sort-option">
+ <input
+ type="radio"
+ id="sort-by-site"
+ name="history-sort-option"
+ value="site"
+ ?checked=${this.sortOption === "site"}
+ @click=${this.onChangeSortOption}
+ />
+ <label
+ for="sort-by-site"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-sort-history-by-site-label"
+ ></label>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="cards-container">
+ <card-container
+ class="import-history-banner"
+ hideHeader="true"
+ ?hidden=${!this.shouldShowImportBanner()}
+ >
+ <div slot="main">
+ <div class="banner-text">
+ <span data-l10n-id="firefoxview-import-history-header"></span>
+ <span
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-import-history-description"
+ ></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="buttons">
+ <button
+ class="primary choose-browser"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-choose-browser-button"
+ @click=${this.openMigrationWizard}
+ ></button>
+ <button
+ class="close ghost-button"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-import-history-close-button"
+ @click=${this.dismissImportHistory}
+ ></button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </card-container>
+ ${this.cardsTemplate}
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="show-all-history-footer"
+ ?hidden=${!this.allHistoryItems.size}
+ >
+ <button
+ class="show-all-history-button"
+ data-l10n-id="firefoxview-show-all-history"
+ @click=${this.showAllHistory}
+ ?hidden=${this.searchResults}
+ ></button>
+ </div>
+ `;
+ }
+ async onSearchQuery(e) {
+ this.searchQuery = e.detail.query;
+ this.cumulativeSearches = this.searchQuery
+ ? this.cumulativeSearches + 1
+ : 0;
+ this.#updateSearchResults();
+ }
+ willUpdate(changedProperties) {
+ this.fullyUpdated = false;
+ if (this.allHistoryItems.size && !changedProperties.has("sortOption")) {
+ // onChangeSortOption() will update history data once it has been fetched
+ // from the API.
+ this.createHistoryMaps();
+ }
+ }
+customElements.define("view-history", HistoryInView);