path: root/browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head.js')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head.js b/browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..416451e400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head.js
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
+ "resource:///actors/SearchSERPTelemetryChild.sys.mjs",
+ CustomizableUITestUtils:
+ "resource://testing-common/CustomizableUITestUtils.sys.mjs",
+ Region: "resource://gre/modules/Region.sys.mjs",
+ RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs",
+ SEARCH_TELEMETRY_SHARED: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ SearchSERPTelemetry: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ SearchSERPTelemetryUtils: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ SearchTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/SearchTestUtils.sys.mjs",
+ SearchUtils: "resource://gre/modules/SearchUtils.sys.mjs",
+ SERPCategorizationRecorder: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ sinon: "resource://testing-common/Sinon.sys.mjs",
+ "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs",
+ TelemetryTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs",
+ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "UrlbarTestUtils", () => {
+ const { UrlbarTestUtils: module } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://testing-common/UrlbarTestUtils.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ module.init(this);
+ return module;
+ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "searchCounts", () => {
+ return Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS");
+ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "SEARCH_AD_CLICK_SCALARS", () => {
+ const sources = [
+ ...BrowserSearchTelemetry.KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES.values(),
+ "unknown",
+ ];
+ return [
+ => `${v}`),
+ => `${v}`),
+ ];
+// For use with categorization.
+const APP_MAJOR_VERSION = parseInt(Services.appinfo.version).toString();
+const REGION = Region.home;
+let gCUITestUtils = new CustomizableUITestUtils(window);
+const UUID_REGEX =
+ /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i;
+// sharedData messages are only passed to the child on idle. Therefore
+// we wait for a few idles to try and ensure the messages have been able
+// to be passed across and handled.
+async function waitForIdle() {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ await new Promise(resolve =>;
+ }
+function getPageUrl(useAdPage = false) {
+ let page = useAdPage ? "searchTelemetryAd.html" : "searchTelemetry.html";
+ return `${page}`;
+function getSERPUrl(page, organic = false) {
+ let url =
+ getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace(
+ "chrome://mochitests/content",
+ ""
+ ) + page;
+ return `${url}?s=test${organic ? "" : "&abc=ff"}`;
+async function typeInSearchField(browser, text, fieldName) {
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(
+ browser,
+ [[fieldName, text]],
+ async function ([contentFieldName, contentText]) {
+ // Put the focus on the search box.
+ let searchInput = content.document.getElementById(contentFieldName);
+ searchInput.focus();
+ searchInput.value = contentText;
+ }
+ );
+async function searchInSearchbar(inputText, win = window) {
+ await new Promise(r => waitForFocus(r, win));
+ let sb = win.BrowserSearch.searchBar;
+ // Write the search query in the searchbar.
+ sb.focus();
+ sb.value = inputText;
+ sb.textbox.controller.startSearch(inputText);
+ // Wait for the popup to show.
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(sb.textbox.popup, "popupshown");
+ // And then for the search to complete.
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () =>
+ sb.textbox.controller.searchStatus >=
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_NO_MATCH,
+ "The search in the searchbar must complete."
+ );
+ return sb.textbox.popup;
+// Ad links are processed after a small delay. We need to allow tests to wait
+// for that before checking telemetry, otherwise the received values may be
+// too small in some cases.
+function promiseWaitForAdLinkCheck() {
+ return new Promise(resolve =>
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */
+ setTimeout(resolve, ADLINK_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS)
+ );
+async function assertSearchSourcesTelemetry(
+ expectedHistograms,
+ expectedScalars
+) {
+ let histSnapshot = {};
+ let scalars = {};
+ // This used to rely on the implied 100ms initial timer of
+ // TestUtils.waitForCondition. See bug 1515466.
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
+ histSnapshot = searchCounts.snapshot();
+ return (
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(histSnapshot).length ==
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expectedHistograms).length
+ );
+ }, "should have the correct number of histograms");
+ if (Object.entries(expectedScalars).length) {
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
+ scalars =
+ Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedScalars("main", false).parent ||
+ {};
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expectedScalars).every(
+ scalar => scalar in scalars
+ );
+ }, "should have the expected keyed scalars");
+ }
+ Assert.equal(
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(histSnapshot).length,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expectedHistograms).length,
+ "Should only have one key"
+ );
+ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(expectedHistograms)) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ key in histSnapshot,
+ `Histogram should have the expected key: ${key}`
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ histSnapshot[key].sum,
+ value,
+ `Should have counted the correct number of visits for ${key}`
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(expectedScalars)) {
+ Assert.ok(name in scalars, `Scalar ${name} should have been added.`);
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ scalars[name],
+ value,
+ `Should have counted the correct number of visits for ${name}`
+ );
+ }
+ for (let name of SEARCH_AD_CLICK_SCALARS) {
+ Assert.equal(
+ name in scalars,
+ name in expectedScalars,
+ `Should have matched ${name} in scalars and expectedScalars`
+ );
+ }
+function resetTelemetry() {
+ // TODO Bug 1868476: Replace when we're using Glean telemetry.
+ fakeTelemetryStorage = [];
+ searchCounts.clear();
+ Services.telemetry.clearScalars();
+ Services.fog.testResetFOG();
+ * First checks that we get the correct number of recorded Glean impression events
+ * and the recorded Glean impression events have the correct keys and values.
+ *
+ * Then it checks that there are the the correct engagement events associated with the
+ * impression events.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} expectedEvents The expected impression events whose keys and
+ * values we use to validate the recorded Glean impression events.
+ */
+function assertSERPTelemetry(expectedEvents) {
+ // A single test might run assertImpressionEvents more than once
+ // so the Set needs to be cleared or else the impression event
+ // check will throw.
+ const impressionIdsSet = new Set();
+ let recordedImpressions = Glean.serp.impression.testGetValue() ?? [];
+ Assert.equal(
+ recordedImpressions.length,
+ expectedEvents.length,
+ "Number of impressions matches expected events."
+ );
+ // Assert the impression events.
+ for (let [idx, expectedEvent] of expectedEvents.entries()) {
+ let impressionId = recordedImpressions[idx].extra.impression_id;
+ Assert.ok(
+ UUID_REGEX.test(impressionId),
+ "Impression has an impression_id with a valid UUID."
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ !impressionIdsSet.has(impressionId),
+ "Impression has a unique impression_id."
+ );
+ impressionIdsSet.add(impressionId);
+ // If we want to use deepEqual checks, we have to add the impressionId
+ // to each impression since they are randomly generated at runtime.
+ expectedEvent.impression.impression_id = impressionId;
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ recordedImpressions[idx].extra,
+ expectedEvent.impression,
+ "Matching SERP impression values."
+ );
+ // Once the impression check is sufficient, add the impression_id to
+ // each of the expected engagements, ad impressions, and abandonments for
+ // deep equal checks.
+ if (expectedEvent.engagements) {
+ for (let expectedEngagment of expectedEvent.engagements) {
+ expectedEngagment.impression_id = impressionId;
+ }
+ }
+ if (expectedEvent.adImpressions) {
+ for (let adImpression of expectedEvent.adImpressions) {
+ adImpression.impression_id = impressionId;
+ }
+ }
+ if (expectedEvent.abandonment) {
+ expectedEvent.abandonment.impression_id = impressionId;
+ }
+ }
+ // Group engagement events into separate array fetchable by their
+ // impression_id.
+ let recordedEngagements = Glean.serp.engagement.testGetValue() ?? [];
+ let idToEngagements = new Map();
+ let totalExpectedEngagements = 0;
+ for (let recordedEngagement of recordedEngagements) {
+ let impressionId = recordedEngagement.extra.impression_id;
+ Assert.ok(impressionId, "Engagement event has impression_id.");
+ let arr = idToEngagements.get(impressionId) ?? [];
+ arr.push(recordedEngagement.extra);
+ idToEngagements.set(impressionId, arr);
+ }
+ // Assert the engagement events.
+ for (let expectedEvent of expectedEvents) {
+ let impressionId = expectedEvent.impression.impression_id;
+ let expectedEngagements = expectedEvent.engagements;
+ if (expectedEngagements) {
+ let recorded = idToEngagements.get(impressionId);
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ recorded,
+ expectedEngagements,
+ "Matching engagement value."
+ );
+ totalExpectedEngagements += expectedEngagements.length;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.equal(
+ recordedEngagements.length,
+ totalExpectedEngagements,
+ "Number of engagements"
+ );
+ let recordedAdImpressions = Glean.serp.adImpression.testGetValue() ?? [];
+ let idToAdImpressions = new Map();
+ let totalExpectedAdImpressions = 0;
+ // The list of ad impressions are contained in a flat list. Separate them
+ // into arrays organized by impressionId to make it easier to determine if
+ // the page load that matches the expected ads on the page.
+ for (let recordedAdImpression of recordedAdImpressions) {
+ let impressionId = recordedAdImpression.extra.impression_id;
+ Assert.ok(impressionId, "Ad impression has impression_id");
+ let arr = idToAdImpressions.get(impressionId) ?? [];
+ arr.push(recordedAdImpression.extra);
+ idToAdImpressions.set(impressionId, arr);
+ }
+ for (let expectedEvent of expectedEvents) {
+ let impressionId = expectedEvent.impression.impression_id;
+ let expectedAdImpressions = expectedEvent.adImpressions ?? [];
+ if (expectedAdImpressions.length) {
+ let recorded = idToAdImpressions.get(impressionId) ?? {};
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ recorded,
+ expectedAdImpressions,
+ "Matching ad impression value."
+ );
+ }
+ totalExpectedAdImpressions += expectedAdImpressions.length;
+ }
+ Assert.equal(
+ recordedAdImpressions.length,
+ totalExpectedAdImpressions,
+ "Recorded and expected ad impression counts match."
+ );
+ // Assert abandonment events.
+ let recordedAbandonments = Glean.serp.abandonment.testGetValue() ?? [];
+ let idTorecordedAbandonments = new Map();
+ let totalExpectedrecordedAbandonments = 0;
+ for (let recordedAbandonment of recordedAbandonments) {
+ let impressionId = recordedAbandonment.extra.impression_id;
+ Assert.ok(impressionId, "Abandonment event has an impression_id.");
+ idTorecordedAbandonments.set(impressionId, recordedAbandonment.extra);
+ }
+ for (let expectedEvent of expectedEvents) {
+ let impressionId = expectedEvent.impression.impression_id;
+ let expectedAbandonment = expectedEvent.abandonment;
+ if (expectedAbandonment) {
+ let recorded = idTorecordedAbandonments.get(impressionId);
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ recorded,
+ expectedAbandonment,
+ "Matching abandonment value."
+ );
+ }
+ totalExpectedrecordedAbandonments += expectedAbandonment ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ Assert.equal(
+ recordedAbandonments.length,
+ totalExpectedrecordedAbandonments,
+ "Recorded and expected abandonment counts match."
+ );
+// TODO Bug 1868476: Replace when we're using Glean telemetry.
+let categorizationSandbox;
+let fakeTelemetryStorage = [];
+add_setup(function () {
+ categorizationSandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ categorizationSandbox
+ .stub(SERPCategorizationRecorder, "recordCategorizationTelemetry")
+ .callsFake(input => {
+ fakeTelemetryStorage.push(input);
+ });
+ registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ categorizationSandbox.restore();
+ fakeTelemetryStorage = [];
+ });
+function assertCategorizationValues(expectedResults) {
+ // TODO Bug 1868476: Replace with calls to Glean telemetry.
+ let actualResults = [...fakeTelemetryStorage];
+ Assert.equal(
+ expectedResults.length,
+ actualResults.length,
+ "Should have the correct number of categorization impressions."
+ );
+ if (!expectedResults.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We use keys in the result vs. Assert.deepEqual to make it easier to
+ // identify exact discrepancies in comparisons, because it can be tedious to
+ // parse a giant list of values.
+ let keys = new Set();
+ for (let expected of expectedResults) {
+ for (let key in expected) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let actual of actualResults) {
+ for (let key in actual) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ }
+ keys = Array.from(keys);
+ for (let index = 0; index < expectedResults.length; ++index) {
+ info(`Checking categorization at index: ${index}`);
+ let expected = expectedResults[index];
+ let actual = actualResults[index];
+ for (let key of keys) {
+ // TODO Bug 1868476: This conversion to strings is to mimic Glean
+ // converting all values into strings. Once we receive real values from
+ // Glean, it can be removed.
+ if (actual[key] != null && typeof actual[key] !== "string") {
+ actual[key] = actual[key].toString();
+ }
+ Assert.equal(
+ actual[key],
+ expected[key],
+ `Actual and expected values for ${key} should match.`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+function waitForPageWithAdImpressions() {
+ return TestUtils.topicObserved("reported-page-with-ad-impressions");
+function waitForPageWithCategorizedDomains() {
+ return TestUtils.topicObserved("reported-page-with-categorized-domains");
+function waitForSingleCategorizedEvent() {
+ return TestUtils.topicObserved("recorded-single-categorization-event");
+function waitForAllCategorizedEvents() {
+ return TestUtils.topicObserved("recorded-all-categorization-events");
+function waitForDomainToCategoriesUpdate() {
+ return TestUtils.topicObserved("domain-to-categories-map-update-complete");
+registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ await PlacesUtils.history.clear();
+async function mockRecordWithAttachment({ id, version, filename }) {
+ // Get the bytes of the file for the hash and size for attachment metadata.
+ let data = await IOUtils.readUTF8(getTestFilePath(filename));
+ let buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(data).buffer;
+ let stream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
+ Ci.nsIArrayBufferInputStream
+ );
+ stream.setData(buffer, 0, buffer.byteLength);
+ // Generate a hash.
+ let hasher = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
+ Ci.nsICryptoHash
+ );
+ hasher.init(Ci.nsICryptoHash.SHA256);
+ hasher.updateFromStream(stream, -1);
+ let hash = hasher.finish(false);
+ hash = Array.from(hash, (_, i) =>
+ ("0" + hash.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)).slice(-2)
+ ).join("");
+ let record = {
+ id,
+ version,
+ attachment: {
+ hash,
+ location: `main-workspace/search-categorization/${filename}`,
+ filename,
+ size: buffer.byteLength,
+ mimetype: "application/json",
+ },
+ };
+ let attachment = {
+ record,
+ blob: new Blob([buffer]),
+ };
+ return { record, attachment };
+async function resetCategorizationCollection(record) {
+ const client = RemoteSettings(TELEMETRY_CATEGORIZATION_KEY);
+ await client.attachments.cacheImpl.delete(;
+ await client.db.clear();
+ await client.db.importChanges({},;
+async function insertRecordIntoCollection() {
+ const client = RemoteSettings(TELEMETRY_CATEGORIZATION_KEY);
+ const db = client.db;
+ await db.clear();
+ let { record, attachment } = await mockRecordWithAttachment({
+ id: "example_id",
+ version: 1,
+ filename: "domain_category_mappings.json",
+ });
+ await db.create(record);
+ await client.attachments.cacheImpl.set(, attachment);
+ await db.importChanges({},;
+ return { record, attachment };
+async function insertRecordIntoCollectionAndSync() {
+ let { record } = await insertRecordIntoCollection();
+ registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ await resetCategorizationCollection(record);
+ });
+ await syncCollection(record);
+async function syncCollection(record) {
+ let arrayWithRecord = record ? [record] : [];
+ await RemoteSettings(TELEMETRY_CATEGORIZATION_KEY).emit("sync", {
+ data: {
+ current: arrayWithRecord,
+ created: arrayWithRecord,
+ updated: [],
+ deleted: [],
+ },
+ });
+async function initSinglePageAppTest() {
+ /* import-globals-from head-spa.js */
+ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
+ "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/components/search/test/browser/telemetry/head-spa.js",
+ this
+ );
+ const BASE_PROVIDER = {
+ telemetryId: "example1",
+ searchPageRegexp:
+ /^https:\/\/\/browser\/browser\/components\/search\/test\/browser\/telemetry\/searchTelemetrySinglePageApp/,
+ queryParamNames: ["s"],
+ codeParamName: "abc",
+ taggedCodes: ["ff"],
+ adServerAttributes: ["mozAttr"],
+ extraAdServersRegexps: [
+ /^https:\/\/example\.com\/ad/,
+ /^https:\/\/\/browser\/browser\/components\/search\/test\/browser\/telemetry\/redirect_ad/,
+ ],
+ components: [
+ {
+ included: {
+ parent: {
+ selector: "#searchbox-container",
+ },
+ related: {
+ selector: "#searchbox-suggestions",
+ },
+ children: [
+ {
+ selector: "#searchbox",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ topDown: true,
+ },
+ {
+ type: SearchSERPTelemetryUtils.COMPONENTS.AD_LINK,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ isSPA: true,
+ defaultPageQueryParam: {
+ key: "page",
+ value: "web",
+ },
+ };
+ {
+ telemetryId: "example2",
+ // Use instead of so that we have two providers
+ // with different TLD's and won't share the same web process.
+ searchPageRegexp:
+ /^https:\/\/\/browser\/browser\/components\/search\/test\/browser\/telemetry\/searchTelemetrySinglePageApp/,
+ },
+ ];
+ SearchSERPTelemetry.overrideSearchTelemetryForTests(SPA_PROVIDER_INFO);
+ await waitForIdle();
+ // Shorten delay to avoid potential TV timeouts.
+ Services.ppmm.sharedData.set(SEARCH_TELEMETRY_SHARED.SPA_LOAD_TIMEOUT, 100);
+ registerCleanupFunction(function () {
+ Services.ppmm.sharedData.set(
+ );
+ });