path: root/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_result_menu_general.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_result_menu_general.js')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_result_menu_general.js b/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_result_menu_general.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ece48de20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_result_menu_general.js
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+// General tests for the result menu that aren't related to specific result
+// types.
+"use strict";
+const MAX_RESULTS = UrlbarPrefs.get("maxRichResults");
+const RESULT_URL = "";
+const RESULT_HELP_URL = "";
+add_setup(async function () {
+ // Add enough results to fill up the view.
+ await PlacesUtils.history.clear();
+ for (let i = 0; i < MAX_RESULTS; i++) {
+ await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits("" + i);
+ }
+ registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ await PlacesUtils.history.clear();
+ });
+// Sets `helpUrl` on a result payload and makes sure the result menu ends up
+// with a help command.
+add_task(async function help() {
+ let provider = registerTestProvider(1);
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({
+ value: "example",
+ window,
+ });
+ await assertIsTestResult(1);
+ let result = await UrlbarTestUtils.getDetailsOfResultAt(window, 1);
+ let menuButton = result.element.row._buttons.get("menu");
+ Assert.ok(menuButton, "Sanity check: menu button should exist");
+ let menuitem = await UrlbarTestUtils.openResultMenuAndGetItem({
+ window,
+ command: "help",
+ resultIndex: 1,
+ openByMouse: true,
+ });
+ Assert.ok(menuitem, "Help menu item should exist");
+ let l10nAttrs = document.l10n.getAttributes(menuitem);
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ l10nAttrs,
+ { id: "urlbar-result-menu-tip-get-help", args: null },
+ "The l10n ID attribute was correctly set"
+ );
+ // The result menu needs to be closed before calling
+ // `openResultMenuAndClickItem()` below; otherwise it will wait on a
+ // `popupshown` event that will never come.
+ gURLBar.view.resultMenu.hidePopup(true);
+ // We assume clicking "help" will load a page in a new tab.
+ let loadPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser);
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.openResultMenuAndClickItem(window, "help", {
+ resultIndex: 1,
+ openByMouse: true,
+ });
+ info("Waiting for load");
+ await loadPromise;
+ await TestUtils.waitForTick();
+ Assert.equal(
+ gBrowser.currentURI.spec,
+ "The load URL should be the help URL"
+ );
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(provider);
+// (SHIFT+)TABs through a result with a menu button. The result is the second
+// result and has other results after it.
+add_task(async function keyboardSelection_secondResult() {
+ let provider = registerTestProvider(1);
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({
+ value: "example",
+ window,
+ });
+ // Sanity-check initial state.
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getResultCount(window),
+ "There should be MAX_RESULTS results in the view"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ 0,
+ "The heuristic result should be selected"
+ );
+ await assertIsTestResult(1);
+ info("Arrow down to the main part of the result.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown");
+ assertMainPartSelected(1);
+ info("TAB to the button.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab");
+ assertButtonSelected(2);
+ info("TAB to the next (third) result.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab");
+ assertOtherResultSelected(3, "next result");
+ info("SHIFT+TAB to the menu button.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true });
+ assertButtonSelected(2);
+ info("SHIFT+TAB to the main part of the result.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true });
+ assertMainPartSelected(1);
+ info("Arrow up to the previous (first) result.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowUp");
+ assertOtherResultSelected(0, "previous result");
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window);
+ UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(provider);
+// (SHIFT+)TABs through a result with a help button. The result is the
+// last result.
+add_task(async function keyboardSelection_lastResult() {
+ let provider = registerTestProvider(MAX_RESULTS - 1);
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({
+ value: "example",
+ window,
+ });
+ // Sanity-check initial state.
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getResultCount(window),
+ "There should be MAX_RESULTS results in the view"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ 0,
+ "The heuristic result should be selected"
+ );
+ await assertIsTestResult(MAX_RESULTS - 1);
+ let numSelectable = MAX_RESULTS * 2 - 2;
+ // Arrow down to the main part of the result.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown", { repeat: MAX_RESULTS - 1 });
+ assertMainPartSelected(numSelectable - 1);
+ // TAB to the menu button.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab");
+ assertButtonSelected(numSelectable);
+ // Arrow down to the first one-off. If this test is running alone, the
+ // one-offs will rebuild themselves when the view is opened above, and they
+ // may not be visible yet. Wait for the first one to become visible before
+ // trying to select it.
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
+ return (
+ gURLBar.view.oneOffSearchButtons.buttons.firstElementChild &&
+ BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(
+ gURLBar.view.oneOffSearchButtons.buttons.firstElementChild
+ )
+ );
+ }, "Waiting for first one-off to become visible.");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
+ return gURLBar.view.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton;
+ }, "Waiting for one-off to become selected.");
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ -1,
+ "No results should be selected."
+ );
+ // SHIFT+TAB to the menu button.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true });
+ assertButtonSelected(numSelectable);
+ // SHIFT+TAB to the main part of the result.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true });
+ assertMainPartSelected(numSelectable - 1);
+ // Arrow up to the previous result.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowUp");
+ assertOtherResultSelected(numSelectable - 3, "previous result");
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window);
+ UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(provider);
+// Picks the main part of the test result with the keyboard.
+add_task(async function pick_mainPart_keyboard() {
+ await doPickTest({ pickHelp: false, useKeyboard: true });
+// Picks the help command with the keyboard.
+add_task(async function pick_help_keyboard() {
+ await doPickTest({ pickHelp: true, useKeyboard: true });
+// Picks the main part of the test result with the mouse.
+add_task(async function pick_mainPart_mouse() {
+ await doPickTest({ pickHelp: false, useKeyboard: false });
+// Picks the help command with the mouse.
+add_task(async function pick_help_mouse() {
+ await doPickTest({ pickHelp: true, useKeyboard: false });
+async function doPickTest({ pickHelp, useKeyboard }) {
+ await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async () => {
+ let index = 1;
+ let provider = registerTestProvider(index);
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({
+ value: "example",
+ window,
+ });
+ // Sanity-check initial state.
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ 0,
+ "The heuristic result should be selected"
+ );
+ await assertIsTestResult(index);
+ if (useKeyboard) {
+ // Arrow down to the result.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown", { repeat: index });
+ assertMainPartSelected(index * 2 - 1);
+ }
+ // Pick the result. The appropriate URL should load.
+ let loadPromise = pickHelp
+ ? BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser)
+ : BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
+ await Promise.all([
+ loadPromise,
+ UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window, async () => {
+ if (pickHelp) {
+ await UrlbarTestUtils.openResultMenuAndPressAccesskey(window, "h", {
+ openByMouse: !useKeyboard,
+ resultIndex: index,
+ });
+ } else if (useKeyboard) {
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter");
+ } else {
+ let result = await UrlbarTestUtils.getDetailsOfResultAt(
+ window,
+ index
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(result.element.row._content, {});
+ }
+ }),
+ ]);
+ Assert.equal(
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec,
+ "Expected URL should have loaded"
+ );
+ if (pickHelp) {
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ }
+ UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(provider);
+ // Avoid showing adaptive history autofill.
+ await PlacesTestUtils.clearInputHistory();
+ });
+ * Registers a provider that creates a result with a help URL.
+ *
+ * @param {number} suggestedIndex
+ * The result's suggestedIndex.
+ * @returns {UrlbarProvider}
+ * The new provider.
+ */
+function registerTestProvider(suggestedIndex) {
+ let results = [
+ Object.assign(
+ new UrlbarResult(
+ UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL,
+ {
+ url: RESULT_URL,
+ helpL10n: {
+ id: "urlbar-result-menu-tip-get-help",
+ },
+ }
+ ),
+ { suggestedIndex }
+ ),
+ ];
+ let provider = new UrlbarTestUtils.TestProvider({ results });
+ UrlbarProvidersManager.registerProvider(provider);
+ return provider;
+ * Asserts that the result at the given index is our test result with a menu
+ * button.
+ *
+ * @param {number} index
+ * The expected index of the test result.
+ */
+async function assertIsTestResult(index) {
+ let result = await UrlbarTestUtils.getDetailsOfResultAt(window, index);
+ Assert.equal(
+ result.type,
+ UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL,
+ "The second result should be a URL"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ result.url,
+ "The result's URL should be the expected URL"
+ );
+ let { row } = result.element;
+ Assert.ok(row._buttons.get("menu"), "The result should have a menu button");
+ Assert.ok(, "Row-inner has an ID");
+ Assert.equal(
+ row.getAttribute("role"),
+ "presentation",
+ "Row should have role=presentation"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ row._content.getAttribute("role"),
+ "option",
+ "Row-inner should have role=option"
+ );
+ * Asserts that a particular element is selected.
+ *
+ * @param {number} expectedSelectedElementIndex
+ * The expected selected element index.
+ * @param {string} expectedClassName
+ * A class name of the expected selected element.
+ * @param {string} msg
+ * A string to include in the assertion message.
+ */
+function assertSelection(expectedSelectedElementIndex, expectedClassName, msg) {
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ expectedSelectedElementIndex,
+ "Expected selected element index: " + msg
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElement(window).classList.contains(
+ expectedClassName
+ ),
+ `Expected selected element: ${msg} (${
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElement(window).classList
+ } == ${expectedClassName})`
+ );
+ * Asserts that the main part of our test result is selected.
+ *
+ * @param {number} expectedSelectedElementIndex
+ * The expected selected element index.
+ */
+function assertMainPartSelected(expectedSelectedElementIndex) {
+ assertSelection(
+ expectedSelectedElementIndex,
+ "urlbarView-row-inner",
+ "main part of test result"
+ );
+ * Asserts that the menu button is selected.
+ *
+ * @param {number} expectedSelectedElementIndex
+ * The expected selected element index.
+ */
+function assertButtonSelected(expectedSelectedElementIndex) {
+ assertSelection(
+ expectedSelectedElementIndex,
+ "urlbarView-button-menu",
+ "menu button"
+ );
+ * Asserts that a result other than our test result is selected.
+ *
+ * @param {number} expectedSelectedElementIndex
+ * The expected selected element index.
+ * @param {string} msg
+ * A string to include in the assertion message.
+ */
+function assertOtherResultSelected(expectedSelectedElementIndex, msg) {
+ Assert.equal(
+ UrlbarTestUtils.getSelectedElementIndex(window),
+ expectedSelectedElementIndex,
+ "Expected other selected element index: " + msg
+ );