path: root/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/browser_webconsole_object_inspector_private_properties.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/browser_webconsole_object_inspector_private_properties.js')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/browser_webconsole_object_inspector_private_properties.js b/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/browser_webconsole_object_inspector_private_properties.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d70483a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/browser_webconsole_object_inspector_private_properties.js
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+// Check expanding/collapsing object with symbol properties in the console.
+const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,<!DOCTYPE html>";
+add_task(async function () {
+ const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI);
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () {
+ class MyClass {
+ constructor(isParent = true) {
+ this.publicProperty = "public property";
+ // A public property can start with a # character. Here we're
+ // adding a public property that looks like an existing private property
+ // to check we do render both.
+ this["#privateProperty"] = {
+ content: "actually this is a public property",
+ };
+ this[Symbol()] = "first Symbol";
+ this[Symbol()] = "second Symbol";
+ if (isParent) {
+ this.#privateProperty = new MyClass(false);
+ } else {
+ this.#privateProperty = null;
+ }
+ }
+ #privateProperty;
+ #privateMethod() {
+ return Math.random();
+ }
+ get #privateGetter() {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ getPrivateProperty() {
+ return this.#privateProperty;
+ }
+ }
+ content.wrappedJSObject.console.log(
+ "private-properties-test",
+ new MyClass(true)
+ );
+ });
+ const node = await waitFor(() =>
+ findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "private-properties-test")
+ );
+ const objectInspectors = [...node.querySelectorAll(".tree")];
+ is(
+ objectInspectors.length,
+ 1,
+ "There is the expected number of object inspectors"
+ );
+ const [oi] = objectInspectors;
+ info("Expanding the Object");
+ const onMapOiMutation = waitForNodeMutation(oi, {
+ childList: true,
+ });
+ oi.querySelector(".arrow").click();
+ await onMapOiMutation;
+ ok(
+ oi.querySelector(".arrow").classList.contains("expanded"),
+ "The arrow of the node has the expected class after clicking on it"
+ );
+ const oiNodes = getObjectInspectorNodes(oi);
+ // The object inspector should look like this:
+ /*
+ * ▼ { … }
+ * | ▶︎ "#privateProperty": Object { content: "actually this is a public property" }
+ * | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | Symbol(): "first Symbol",
+ * | Symbol(): "second Symbol",
+ * | ▶︎ #privateGetter: undefined
+ * | ▶︎ #privateProperty: Object { publicProperty: "public property", "#privateProperty": { … }, #privateProperty: null, Symbol(): "first Symbol", … }
+ * | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ */
+ is(oiNodes.length, 8, "There is the expected number of nodes in the tree");
+ const [
+ publicDisguisedAsPrivateNodeEl,
+ publicNodeEl,
+ firstSymbolNodeEl,
+ secondSymbolNodeEl,
+ // FIXME: This shouldn't appear here (See Bug 1759823)
+ privateGetterNodeEl,
+ privatePropertyNodeEl,
+ ] = Array.from(oiNodes).slice(1);
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ publicDisguisedAsPrivateNodeEl,
+ `"#privateProperty": Object { content: "actually this is a public property" }`,
+ `"fake" private property has expected text`
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ publicNodeEl,
+ `publicProperty: "public property"`,
+ "public property has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ firstSymbolNodeEl,
+ `Symbol(): "first Symbol"`,
+ "first symbol has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ secondSymbolNodeEl,
+ `Symbol(): "second Symbol"`,
+ "second symbol has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privateGetterNodeEl,
+ `#privateGetter: undefined`,
+ "private getter is rendered (at the wrong place with the wrong content, see Bug 1759823)"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropertyNodeEl,
+ `#privateProperty: Object { publicProperty: "public property", "#privateProperty": {…}, #privateGetter: undefined, Symbol(): "first Symbol", … }`,
+ "private property is rendered as expected"
+ );
+ info("Expand public property disguised as private property");
+ expandObjectInspectorNode(publicDisguisedAsPrivateNodeEl);
+ const publicPropChildren = await waitFor(() => {
+ const children = getObjectInspectorChildrenNodes(
+ publicDisguisedAsPrivateNodeEl
+ );
+ if (children.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return children;
+ });
+ ok(true, "public property was expanded");
+ /*
+ * ObjectInspector now should look like:
+ *
+ * ▼ { … }
+ * | ▼ "#privateProperty": { … }
+ * | | content: "actually this is a public property"
+ * | | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ * | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | Symbol(): "first Symbol",
+ * | Symbol(): "second Symbol",
+ * | ▶︎ #privateProperty: Object { publicProperty: "public property", "#privateProperty": { … }, #privateProperty: null, Symbol(): "first Symbol", … }
+ * | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ */
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ publicPropChildren[0],
+ `content: "actually this is a public property"`,
+ "public property child has expected text"
+ );
+ info("Expand private property");
+ expandObjectInspectorNode(privatePropertyNodeEl);
+ const privatePropChildren = await waitFor(() => {
+ const children = getObjectInspectorChildrenNodes(privatePropertyNodeEl);
+ if (children.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return children;
+ });
+ ok(true, "private property was expanded");
+ /*
+ * ObjectInspector now should look like:
+ *
+ * ▼ { … }
+ * | ▼ "#privateProperty": { … }
+ * | | content: "actually this is a public property"
+ * | | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ * | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | Symbol(): "first Symbol",
+ * | Symbol(): "second Symbol",
+ * | ▶︎ #privateGetter: undefined
+ * | ▼ #privateProperty: { … }
+ * | | ▶︎ "#privateProperty": Object { content: "actually this is a public property" }
+ * | | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | | Symbol(): "first Symbol"
+ * | | Symbol(): "second Symbol"
+ * | | ▶︎ #privateGetter: undefined
+ * | | #privateProperty: null
+ * | | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ * | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ */
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[0],
+ `"#privateProperty": Object { content: "actually this is a public property" }`,
+ "child private property has expected text "
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[1],
+ `publicProperty: "public property"`,
+ "public property of private property object has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[2],
+ `Symbol(): "first Symbol"`,
+ "first symbol of private property object has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[3],
+ `Symbol(): "second Symbol"`,
+ "second symbol of private property object has expected text"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[4],
+ `#privateGetter: undefined`,
+ "private getter of private property object is displayed (even though it shouldn't, see Bug 1759823)"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropChildren[5],
+ `#privateProperty: null`,
+ "private property of private property object has expected text"
+ );
+ const privatePropertyPrototypeEl = privatePropChildren[6];
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropertyPrototypeEl,
+ `<prototype>: Object { … }`,
+ "prototype of private property object has expected text"
+ );
+ info("Expand private property prototype");
+ expandObjectInspectorNode(privatePropertyPrototypeEl);
+ const privatePropertyPrototypeChildren = await waitFor(() => {
+ const children = getObjectInspectorChildrenNodes(
+ privatePropertyPrototypeEl
+ );
+ if (children.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return children;
+ });
+ ok(true, "private property prototype was expanded");
+ /*
+ * ObjectInspector now should look like:
+ *
+ * ▼ { … }
+ * | ▼ "#privateProperty": { … }
+ * | | content: "actually this is a public property"
+ * | | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ * | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | Symbol(): "first Symbol",
+ * | Symbol(): "second Symbol",
+ * | ▶︎ #privateGetter: undefined
+ * | ▼ #privateProperty: { … }
+ * | | ▶︎ "#privateProperty": Object { content: "actually this is a public property" }
+ * | | publicProperty: "public property"
+ * | | Symbol(): "first Symbol"
+ * | | Symbol(): "second Symbol"
+ * | | ▶︎ #privateGetter: undefined
+ * | | #privateProperty: null
+ * | | ▼ <prototype>
+ * | | | constructor: function MyClass()
+ * | | | getPrivateProperty: function getPrivateProperty()
+ * | ▶︎ <prototype>
+ */
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropertyPrototypeChildren[0],
+ `constructor: function MyClass()`,
+ "constructor is displayed as expected"
+ );
+ checkOiNodeText(
+ privatePropertyPrototypeChildren[1],
+ `getPrivateProperty: function getPrivateProperty()`,
+ "private method is displayed as expected"
+ );
+ // TODO: #privateMethod should be displayed (See Bug 1759826)
+ // checkOiNodeText(
+ // privatePropertyPrototypeChildren[2],
+ // `#privateMethod: function #privateMethod()`,
+ // "private method is displayed as expected"
+ // );
+ // TODO: #privateGetter should be displayed here
+ // checkOiNodeText(
+ // privatePropertyPrototypeChildren[3],
+ // `#privateGetter: ">>"`,
+ // "private getter value is displayed as expected"
+ // );
+ // checkOiNodeText(
+ // privatePropertyPrototypeChildren[4],
+ // `<get #privateGetter>: "function"`,
+ // "private getter function is displayed as expected"
+ // );
+function checkOiNodeText(oiNode, expectedText, assertionName) {
+ // strip out unwanted character before the label
+ is(
+ oiNode.querySelector(".node").textContent.trim(),
+ expectedText,
+ assertionName
+ );