path: root/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementPromptService.jsm
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 720 deletions
diff --git a/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementPromptService.jsm b/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementPromptService.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index dd73004959..0000000000
--- a/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementPromptService.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-/* vim: set ft=javascript : */
-"use strict";
-var Cm = Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BrowserElementPromptService"];
-function debug(msg) {
- // dump("BrowserElementPromptService - " + msg + "\n");
-function BrowserElementPrompt(win, browserElementChild) {
- this._win = win;
- this._browserElementChild = browserElementChild;
-BrowserElementPrompt.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPrompt"]),
- alert(title, text) {
- this._browserElementChild.showModalPrompt(this._win, {
- promptType: "alert",
- title,
- message: text,
- returnValue: undefined,
- });
- },
- alertCheck(title, text, checkMsg, checkState) {
- // Treat this like a normal alert() call, ignoring the checkState. The
- // front-end can do its own suppression of the alert() if it wants.
- this.alert(title, text);
- },
- confirm(title, text) {
- return this._browserElementChild.showModalPrompt(this._win, {
- promptType: "confirm",
- title,
- message: text,
- returnValue: undefined,
- });
- },
- confirmCheck(title, text, checkMsg, checkState) {
- return this.confirm(title, text);
- },
- // Each button is described by an object with the following schema
- // {
- // string messageType, // 'builtin' or 'custom'
- // string message, // 'ok', 'cancel', 'yes', 'no', 'save', 'dontsave',
- // // 'revert' or a string from caller if messageType was 'custom'.
- // }
- //
- // Expected result from embedder:
- // {
- // int button, // Index of the button that user pressed.
- // boolean checked, // True if the check box is checked.
- // }
- confirmEx(
- title,
- text,
- buttonFlags,
- button0Title,
- button1Title,
- button2Title,
- checkMsg,
- checkState
- ) {
- let buttonProperties = this._buildConfirmExButtonProperties(
- buttonFlags,
- button0Title,
- button1Title,
- button2Title
- );
- let defaultReturnValue = { selectedButton: buttonProperties.defaultButton };
- if (checkMsg) {
- defaultReturnValue.checked = checkState.value;
- }
- let ret = this._browserElementChild.showModalPrompt(this._win, {
- promptType: "custom-prompt",
- title,
- message: text,
- defaultButton: buttonProperties.defaultButton,
- buttons: buttonProperties.buttons,
- showCheckbox: !!checkMsg,
- checkboxMessage: checkMsg,
- checkboxCheckedByDefault: !!checkState.value,
- returnValue: defaultReturnValue,
- });
- if (checkMsg) {
- checkState.value = ret.checked;
- }
- return buttonProperties.indexToButtonNumberMap[ret.selectedButton];
- },
- prompt(title, text, value, checkMsg, checkState) {
- let rv = this._browserElementChild.showModalPrompt(this._win, {
- promptType: "prompt",
- title,
- message: text,
- initialValue: value.value,
- returnValue: null,
- });
- value.value = rv;
- // nsIPrompt::Prompt returns true if the user pressed "OK" at the prompt,
- // and false if the user pressed "Cancel".
- //
- // BrowserElementChild returns null for "Cancel" and returns the string the
- // user entered otherwise.
- return rv !== null;
- },
- promptUsernameAndPassword(title, text, username, password) {
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- },
- promptPassword(title, text, password) {
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- },
- select(title, text, aSelectList, aOutSelection) {
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- },
- _buildConfirmExButtonProperties(
- buttonFlags,
- button0Title,
- button1Title,
- button2Title
- ) {
- let r = {
- defaultButton: -1,
- buttons: [],
- // This map is for translating array index to the button number that
- // is recognized by Gecko. This shouldn't be exposed to embedder.
- indexToButtonNumberMap: [],
- };
- let defaultButton = 0; // Default to Button 0.
- if (buttonFlags & Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT) {
- defaultButton = 1;
- } else if (buttonFlags & Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_2_DEFAULT) {
- defaultButton = 2;
- }
- // Properties of each button.
- let buttonPositions = [
- Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_0,
- Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_1,
- Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_2,
- ];
- function buildButton(buttonTitle, buttonNumber) {
- let ret = {};
- let buttonPosition = buttonPositions[buttonNumber];
- let mask = 0xff * buttonPosition; // 8 bit mask
- let titleType = (buttonFlags & mask) / buttonPosition;
- ret.messageType = "builtin";
- switch (titleType) {
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_OK:
- ret.message = "ok";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL:
- ret.message = "cancel";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_YES:
- ret.message = "yes";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_NO:
- ret.message = "no";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_SAVE:
- ret.message = "save";
- break;
- ret.message = "dontsave";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_TITLE_REVERT:
- ret.message = "revert";
- break;
- ret.message = buttonTitle;
- ret.messageType = "custom";
- break;
- default:
- // This button is not shown.
- return;
- }
- // If this is the default button, set r.defaultButton to
- // the index of this button in the array. This value is going to be
- // exposed to the embedder.
- if (defaultButton === buttonNumber) {
- r.defaultButton = r.buttons.length;
- }
- r.buttons.push(ret);
- r.indexToButtonNumberMap.push(buttonNumber);
- }
- buildButton(button0Title, 0);
- buildButton(button1Title, 1);
- buildButton(button2Title, 2);
- // If defaultButton is still -1 here, it means the default button won't
- // be shown.
- if (r.defaultButton === -1) {
- throw new Components.Exception(
- "Default button won't be shown",
- );
- }
- return r;
- },
-function BrowserElementAuthPrompt() {}
-BrowserElementAuthPrompt.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIAuthPrompt2"]),
- promptAuth: function promptAuth(channel, level, authInfo) {
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- },
- asyncPromptAuth: function asyncPromptAuth(
- channel,
- callback,
- context,
- level,
- authInfo
- ) {
- debug("asyncPromptAuth");
- // The cases that we don't support now.
- if (
- authInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY &&
- authInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD
- ) {
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
- }
- let frame = this._getFrameFromChannel(channel);
- if (!frame) {
- debug("Cannot get frame, asyncPromptAuth fail");
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
- }
- let browserElementParent =
- BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementParentForFrame(frame);
- if (!browserElementParent) {
- debug("Failed to load browser element parent.");
- throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
- }
- let consumer = {
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsICancelable"]),
- callback,
- context,
- cancel() {
- this.callback.onAuthCancelled(this.context, false);
- this.callback = null;
- this.context = null;
- },
- };
- let [hostname, httpRealm] = this._getAuthTarget(channel, authInfo);
- let hashKey = level + "|" + hostname + "|" + httpRealm;
- let asyncPrompt = this._asyncPrompts[hashKey];
- if (asyncPrompt) {
- asyncPrompt.consumers.push(consumer);
- return consumer;
- }
- asyncPrompt = {
- consumers: [consumer],
- channel,
- authInfo,
- level,
- inProgress: false,
- browserElementParent,
- };
- this._asyncPrompts[hashKey] = asyncPrompt;
- this._doAsyncPrompt();
- return consumer;
- },
- // Utilities for nsIAuthPrompt2 ----------------
- _asyncPrompts: {},
- _asyncPromptInProgress: new WeakMap(),
- _doAsyncPrompt() {
- // Find the key of a prompt whose browser element parent does not have
- // async prompt in progress.
- let hashKey = null;
- for (let key in this._asyncPrompts) {
- let prompt = this._asyncPrompts[key];
- if (!this._asyncPromptInProgress.get(prompt.browserElementParent)) {
- hashKey = key;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Didn't find an available prompt, so just return.
- if (!hashKey) {
- return;
- }
- let prompt = this._asyncPrompts[hashKey];
- this._asyncPromptInProgress.set(prompt.browserElementParent, true);
- prompt.inProgress = true;
- let self = this;
- let callback = function (ok, username, password) {
- debug(
- "Async auth callback is called, ok = " + ok + ", username = " + username
- );
- // Here we got the username and password provided by embedder, or
- // ok = false if the prompt was cancelled by embedder.
- delete self._asyncPrompts[hashKey];
- prompt.inProgress = false;
- self._asyncPromptInProgress.delete(prompt.browserElementParent);
- // Fill authentication information with username and password provided
- // by user.
- let flags = prompt.authInfo.flags;
- if (username) {
- if (flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN) {
- // Domain is separated from username by a backslash
- let idx = username.indexOf("\\");
- if (idx == -1) {
- prompt.authInfo.username = username;
- } else {
- prompt.authInfo.domain = username.substring(0, idx);
- prompt.authInfo.username = username.substring(idx + 1);
- }
- } else {
- prompt.authInfo.username = username;
- }
- }
- if (password) {
- prompt.authInfo.password = password;
- }
- for (let consumer of prompt.consumers) {
- if (!consumer.callback) {
- // Not having a callback means that consumer didn't provide it
- // or canceled the notification.
- continue;
- }
- try {
- if (ok) {
- debug("Ok, calling onAuthAvailable to finish auth");
- consumer.callback.onAuthAvailable(
- consumer.context,
- prompt.authInfo
- );
- } else {
- debug("Cancelled, calling onAuthCancelled to finish auth.");
- consumer.callback.onAuthCancelled(consumer.context, true);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- /* Throw away exceptions caused by callback */
- }
- }
- // Process the next prompt, if one is pending.
- self._doAsyncPrompt();
- };
- let runnable = {
- run() {
- // Call promptAuth of browserElementParent, to show the prompt.
- prompt.browserElementParent.promptAuth(
- self._createAuthDetail(, prompt.authInfo),
- callback
- );
- },
- };
- },
- _getFrameFromChannel(channel) {
- let loadContext = channel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(
- Ci.nsILoadContext
- );
- return loadContext.topFrameElement;
- },
- _createAuthDetail(channel, authInfo) {
- let [hostname, httpRealm] = this._getAuthTarget(channel, authInfo);
- return {
- host: hostname,
- path: channel.URI.pathQueryRef,
- realm: httpRealm,
- username: authInfo.username,
- isProxy: !!(authInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY),
- isOnlyPassword: !!(authInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD),
- };
- },
- // The code is taken from nsLoginManagerPrompter.js, with slight
- // modification for parameter name consistency here.
- _getAuthTarget(channel, authInfo) {
- let hostname, realm;
- // If our proxy is demanding authentication, don't use the
- // channel's actual destination.
- if (authInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY) {
- if (!(channel instanceof Ci.nsIProxiedChannel)) {
- throw new Error("proxy auth needs nsIProxiedChannel");
- }
- let info = channel.proxyInfo;
- if (!info) {
- throw new Error("proxy auth needs nsIProxyInfo");
- }
- // Proxies don't have a scheme, but we'll use "moz-proxy://"
- // so that it's more obvious what the login is for.
- var idnService = Cc[";1"].getService(
- Ci.nsIIDNService
- );
- hostname =
- "moz-proxy://" +
- idnService.convertUTF8toACE( +
- ":" +
- info.port;
- realm = authInfo.realm;
- if (!realm) {
- realm = hostname;
- }
- return [hostname, realm];
- }
- hostname = this._getFormattedHostname(channel.URI);
- // If a HTTP WWW-Authenticate header specified a realm, that value
- // will be available here. If it wasn't set or wasn't HTTP, we'll use
- // the formatted hostname instead.
- realm = authInfo.realm;
- if (!realm) {
- realm = hostname;
- }
- return [hostname, realm];
- },
- /**
- * Strip out things like userPass and path for display.
- */
- _getFormattedHostname(uri) {
- return uri.scheme + "://" + uri.hostPort;
- },
-function AuthPromptWrapper(oldImpl, browserElementImpl) {
- this._oldImpl = oldImpl;
- this._browserElementImpl = browserElementImpl;
-AuthPromptWrapper.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIAuthPrompt2"]),
- promptAuth(channel, level, authInfo) {
- if (this._canGetParentElement(channel)) {
- return this._browserElementImpl.promptAuth(channel, level, authInfo);
- }
- return this._oldImpl.promptAuth(channel, level, authInfo);
- },
- asyncPromptAuth(channel, callback, context, level, authInfo) {
- if (this._canGetParentElement(channel)) {
- return this._browserElementImpl.asyncPromptAuth(
- channel,
- callback,
- context,
- level,
- authInfo
- );
- }
- return this._oldImpl.asyncPromptAuth(
- channel,
- callback,
- context,
- level,
- authInfo
- );
- },
- _canGetParentElement(channel) {
- try {
- let context = channel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(
- Ci.nsILoadContext
- );
- let frame = context.topFrameElement;
- if (!frame) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementParentForFrame(frame)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- },
-function BrowserElementPromptFactory(toWrap) {
- this._wrapped = toWrap;
-BrowserElementPromptFactory.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{24f3d0cf-e417-4b85-9017-c9ecf8bb1299}"),
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPromptFactory"]),
- _mayUseNativePrompt() {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.prompt.allowNative");
- } catch (e) {
- // This properity is default to true.
- return true;
- }
- },
- _getNativePromptIfAllowed(win, iid, err) {
- if (this._mayUseNativePrompt()) {
- return this._wrapped.getPrompt(win, iid);
- }
- // Not allowed, throw an exception.
- throw err;
- },
- getPrompt(win, iid) {
- // It is possible for some object to get a prompt without passing
- // valid reference of window, like nsNSSComponent. In such case, we
- // should just fall back to the native prompt service
- if (!win) {
- return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win, iid, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- if (
- iid.number != Ci.nsIPrompt.number &&
- iid.number != Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2.number
- ) {
- debug(
- "We don't recognize the requested IID (" +
- iid +
- ", " +
- "allowed IID: " +
- "nsIPrompt=" +
- Ci.nsIPrompt +
- ", " +
- "nsIAuthPrompt2=" +
- Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2 +
- ")"
- );
- return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win, iid, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- // Try to find a BrowserElementChild for the window.
- let browserElementChild =
- BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementChildForWindow(win);
- if (iid.number === Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2.number) {
- debug("Caller requests an instance of nsIAuthPrompt2.");
- if (browserElementChild) {
- // If we are able to get a BrowserElementChild, it means that
- // the auth prompt is for a mozbrowser. Therefore we don't need to
- // fall back.
- return new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- // Because nsIAuthPrompt2 is called in parent process. If caller
- // wants nsIAuthPrompt2 and we cannot get BrowserElementchild,
- // it doesn't mean that we should fallback. It is possible that we can
- // get the BrowserElementParent from nsIChannel that passed to
- // functions of nsIAuthPrompt2.
- if (this._mayUseNativePrompt()) {
- return new AuthPromptWrapper(
- this._wrapped.getPrompt(win, iid),
- new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid)
- ).QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- // Falling back is not allowed, so we don't need wrap the
- // BrowserElementPrompt.
- return new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- if (!browserElementChild) {
- debug(
- "We can't find a browserElementChild for " + win + ", " + win.location
- );
- return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win, iid, Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
- }
- debug("Returning wrapped getPrompt for " + win);
- return new BrowserElementPrompt(win, browserElementChild).QueryInterface(
- iid
- );
- },
-var BrowserElementPromptService = {
- QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([
- "nsIObserver",
- "nsISupportsWeakReference",
- ]),
- _initialized: false,
- _init() {
- if (this._initialized) {
- return;
- }
- this._initialized = true;
- this._browserElementParentMap = new WeakMap();
- Services.obs.addObserver(
- this,
- "outer-window-destroyed",
- /* ownsWeak = */ true
- );
- // Wrap the existing;1 implementation.
- var contractID = ";1";
- var oldCID = Cm.contractIDToCID(contractID);
- var newCID = BrowserElementPromptFactory.prototype.classID;
- var oldFactory = Cm.getClassObject(Cc[contractID], Ci.nsIFactory);
- if (oldCID == newCID) {
- debug("WARNING: Wrapped prompt factory is already installed!");
- return;
- }
- var oldInstance = oldFactory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsIPromptFactory);
- var newInstance = new BrowserElementPromptFactory(oldInstance);
- var newFactory = {
- createInstance(iid) {
- return newInstance.QueryInterface(iid);
- },
- };
- Cm.registerFactory(
- newCID,
- "BrowserElementPromptService's prompter;1 wrapper",
- contractID,
- newFactory
- );
- debug("Done installing new prompt factory.");
- },
- _getOuterWindowID(win) {
- return win.docShell.outerWindowID;
- },
- _browserElementChildMap: {},
- mapWindowToBrowserElementChild(win, browserElementChild) {
- this._browserElementChildMap[this._getOuterWindowID(win)] =
- browserElementChild;
- },
- unmapWindowToBrowserElementChild(win) {
- delete this._browserElementChildMap[this._getOuterWindowID(win)];
- },
- getBrowserElementChildForWindow(win) {
- // We only have a mapping for <iframe mozbrowser>s, not their inner
- // <iframes>, so we look up below. (when called from
- // script) respects <iframe mozbrowser> boundaries.
- return this._browserElementChildMap[this._getOuterWindowID(];
- },
- mapFrameToBrowserElementParent(frame, browserElementParent) {
- this._browserElementParentMap.set(frame, browserElementParent);
- },
- getBrowserElementParentForFrame(frame) {
- return this._browserElementParentMap.get(frame);
- },
- _observeOuterWindowDestroyed(outerWindowID) {
- let id = outerWindowID.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
- debug("observeOuterWindowDestroyed " + id);
- delete this._browserElementChildMap[];
- },
- observe(subject, topic, data) {
- switch (topic) {
- case "outer-window-destroyed":
- this._observeOuterWindowDestroyed(subject);
- break;
- default:
- debug("Observed unexpected topic " + topic);
- }
- },