path: root/dom/media/gtest/TestAudioTrackGraph.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/gtest/TestAudioTrackGraph.cpp')
1 files changed, 2726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/gtest/TestAudioTrackGraph.cpp b/dom/media/gtest/TestAudioTrackGraph.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..457c50e731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/gtest/TestAudioTrackGraph.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2726 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-*/
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include "MediaTrackGraphImpl.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-printers.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "CrossGraphPort.h"
+#include "DeviceInputTrack.h"
+#ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
+# include "MediaEngineWebRTCAudio.h"
+#endif // MOZ_WEBRTC
+#include "MockCubeb.h"
+#include "mozilla/gtest/WaitFor.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h"
+#include "WavDumper.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+// Short-hand for InvokeAsync on the current thread.
+#define Invoke(f) InvokeAsync(GetCurrentSerialEventTarget(), __func__, f)
+// Short-hand for DispatchToCurrentThread with a function.
+#define DispatchFunction(f) \
+ NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction(__func__, f))
+// Short-hand for DispatchToCurrentThread with a method with arguments
+#define DispatchMethod(t, m, args...) \
+ NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NewRunnableMethod(__func__, t, m, ##args))
+namespace {
+#ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
+ * Common ControlMessages
+ */
+struct StartInputProcessing : public ControlMessage {
+ const RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> mProcessingTrack;
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> mInputProcessing;
+ StartInputProcessing(AudioProcessingTrack* aTrack,
+ AudioInputProcessing* aInputProcessing)
+ : ControlMessage(aTrack),
+ mProcessingTrack(aTrack),
+ mInputProcessing(aInputProcessing) {}
+ void Run() override { mInputProcessing->Start(mTrack->Graph()); }
+struct StopInputProcessing : public ControlMessage {
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> mInputProcessing;
+ explicit StopInputProcessing(AudioProcessingTrack* aTrack,
+ AudioInputProcessing* aInputProcessing)
+ : ControlMessage(aTrack), mInputProcessing(aInputProcessing) {}
+ void Run() override { mInputProcessing->Stop(mTrack->Graph()); }
+struct SetPassThrough : public ControlMessage {
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> mInputProcessing;
+ const bool mPassThrough;
+ SetPassThrough(MediaTrack* aTrack, AudioInputProcessing* aInputProcessing,
+ bool aPassThrough)
+ : ControlMessage(aTrack),
+ mInputProcessing(aInputProcessing),
+ mPassThrough(aPassThrough) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ EXPECT_EQ(mInputProcessing->PassThrough(mTrack->Graph()), !mPassThrough);
+ mInputProcessing->SetPassThrough(mTrack->Graph(), mPassThrough);
+ }
+struct SetRequestedInputChannelCount : public ControlMessage {
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID mDeviceId;
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> mInputProcessing;
+ const uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ SetRequestedInputChannelCount(MediaTrack* aTrack,
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aDeviceId,
+ AudioInputProcessing* aInputProcessing,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount)
+ : ControlMessage(aTrack),
+ mDeviceId(aDeviceId),
+ mInputProcessing(aInputProcessing),
+ mChannelCount(aChannelCount) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ mInputProcessing->SetRequestedInputChannelCount(mTrack->Graph(), mDeviceId,
+ mChannelCount);
+ }
+#endif // MOZ_WEBRTC
+class GoFaster : public ControlMessage {
+ MockCubeb* mCubeb;
+ public:
+ explicit GoFaster(MockCubeb* aCubeb)
+ : ControlMessage(nullptr), mCubeb(aCubeb) {}
+ void Run() override { mCubeb->GoFaster(); }
+struct StartNonNativeInput : public ControlMessage {
+ const RefPtr<NonNativeInputTrack> mInputTrack;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputSource> mInputSource;
+ StartNonNativeInput(NonNativeInputTrack* aInputTrack,
+ RefPtr<AudioInputSource>&& aInputSource)
+ : ControlMessage(aInputTrack),
+ mInputTrack(aInputTrack),
+ mInputSource(std::move(aInputSource)) {}
+ void Run() override { mInputTrack->StartAudio(std::move(mInputSource)); }
+struct StopNonNativeInput : public ControlMessage {
+ const RefPtr<NonNativeInputTrack> mInputTrack;
+ explicit StopNonNativeInput(NonNativeInputTrack* aInputTrack)
+ : ControlMessage(aInputTrack), mInputTrack(aInputTrack) {}
+ void Run() override { mInputTrack->StopAudio(); }
+} // namespace
+ * The set of tests here are a bit special. In part because they're async and
+ * depends on the graph thread to function. In part because they depend on main
+ * thread stable state to send messages to the graph.
+ *
+ * Any message sent from the main thread to the graph through the graph's
+ * various APIs are scheduled to run in stable state. Stable state occurs after
+ * a task in the main thread eventloop has run to completion.
+ *
+ * Since gtests are generally sync and on main thread, calling into the graph
+ * may schedule a stable state runnable but with no task in the eventloop to
+ * trigger stable state. Therefore care must be taken to always call into the
+ * graph from a task, typically via InvokeAsync or a dispatch to main thread.
+ */
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, DifferentDeviceIDs)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* g1 = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ MediaTrackGraph* g2 = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(1),
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ MediaTrackGraph* g1_2 = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ MediaTrackGraph* g2_2 = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(1),
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ EXPECT_NE(g1, g2) << "Different graphs due to different device ids";
+ EXPECT_EQ(g1, g1_2) << "Same graphs for same device ids";
+ EXPECT_EQ(g2, g2_2) << "Same graphs for same device ids";
+ for (MediaTrackGraph* g : {g1, g2}) {
+ // Dummy track to make graph rolling. Add it and remove it to remove the
+ // graph from the global hash table and let it shutdown.
+ using SourceTrackPromise = MozPromise<SourceMediaTrack*, nsresult, true>;
+ auto p = Invoke([g] {
+ return SourceTrackPromise::CreateAndResolve(
+ g->CreateSourceTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO), __func__);
+ });
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> dummySource = WaitFor(p).unwrap();
+ DispatchMethod(dummySource, &SourceMediaTrack::Destroy);
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ }
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SetOutputDeviceID)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ // Set the output device id in GetInstance method confirm that it is the one
+ // used in cubeb_stream_init.
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(2),
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Dummy track to make graph rolling. Add it and remove it to remove the
+ // graph from the global hash table and let it shutdown.
+ RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> dummySource;
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { dummySource = graph->CreateSourceTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream->GetOutputDeviceID(), reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(2))
+ << "After init confirm the expected output device id";
+ // Test has finished, destroy the track to shutdown the MTG.
+ DispatchMethod(dummySource, &SourceMediaTrack::Destroy);
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, StreamName)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ // Initialize a graph with a system thread driver to check that the stream
+ // name survives the driver switch.
+ MediaTrackGraphImpl* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(1),
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ nsLiteralCString name1("name1");
+ graph->CurrentDriver()->SetStreamName(name1);
+ // Dummy track to start the graph rolling and switch to an
+ // AudioCallbackDriver.
+ RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> dummySource;
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { dummySource = graph->CreateSourceTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(stream->StreamName(), name1.get());
+ // Test a name change on an existing stream.
+ nsLiteralCString name2("name2");
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ graph->QueueControlMessageWithNoShutdown(
+ [&] { graph->CurrentDriver()->SetStreamName(name2); });
+ });
+ nsCString name = WaitFor(stream->NameSetEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(name, name2);
+ // Test has finished. Destroy the track to shutdown the MTG.
+ DispatchMethod(dummySource, &SourceMediaTrack::Destroy);
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, NotifyDeviceStarted)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ RefPtr<SourceMediaTrack> dummySource;
+ Unused << WaitFor(Invoke([&] {
+ // Dummy track to make graph rolling. Add it and remove it to remove the
+ // graph from the global hash table and let it shutdown.
+ dummySource = graph->CreateSourceTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO);
+ return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr);
+ }));
+ {
+ MediaTrackGraphImpl* graph = dummySource->GraphImpl();
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(graph->GetMonitor());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(graph->CurrentDriver()->AsAudioCallbackDriver());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(graph->CurrentDriver()->ThreadRunning());
+ }
+ // Test has finished, destroy the track to shutdown the MTG.
+ DispatchMethod(dummySource, &SourceMediaTrack::Destroy);
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, NonNativeInputTrackStartAndStop)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ // Add a NonNativeInputTrack to graph, making graph create an output-only
+ // AudioCallbackDriver since NonNativeInputTrack is an audio-type MediaTrack.
+ RefPtr<NonNativeInputTrack> track;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track = new NonNativeInputTrack(graph->GraphRate(), deviceId,
+ graph->AddTrack(track);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> driverStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(driverStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(driverStream->mHasOutput);
+ // Main test below:
+ {
+ const AudioInputSource::Id sourceId = 1;
+ const uint32_t channels = 2;
+ const TrackRate rate = 48000;
+ // Start and stop the audio in NonNativeInputTrack.
+ {
+ struct DeviceInfo {
+ uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ AudioInputType mType;
+ };
+ using DeviceQueryPromise =
+ MozPromise<DeviceInfo, nsresult, /* IsExclusive = */ true>;
+ struct DeviceQueryMessage : public ControlMessage {
+ const NonNativeInputTrack* mInputTrack;
+ MozPromiseHolder<DeviceQueryPromise> mHolder;
+ DeviceQueryMessage(NonNativeInputTrack* aInputTrack,
+ MozPromiseHolder<DeviceQueryPromise>&& aHolder)
+ : ControlMessage(aInputTrack),
+ mInputTrack(aInputTrack),
+ mHolder(std::move(aHolder)) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ DeviceInfo info = {mInputTrack->NumberOfChannels(),
+ mInputTrack->DevicePreference()};
+ // mHolder.Resolve(info, __func__);
+ mTrack->GraphImpl()->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
+ "TestAudioTrackGraph::DeviceQueryMessage",
+ [holder = std::move(mHolder), devInfo = info]() mutable {
+ holder.Resolve(devInfo, __func__);
+ }));
+ }
+ };
+ // No input channels and device preference before start.
+ {
+ MozPromiseHolder<DeviceQueryPromise> h;
+ RefPtr<DeviceQueryPromise> p = h.Ensure(__func__);
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<DeviceQueryMessage>(track.get(), std::move(h)));
+ });
+ Result<DeviceInfo, nsresult> r = WaitFor(p);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(r.isOk());
+ DeviceInfo info = r.unwrap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mChannelCount, 0U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mType, AudioInputType::Unknown);
+ }
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<StartNonNativeInput>(
+ track.get(), MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSource>(
+ MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSourceListener>(track.get()),
+ sourceId, deviceId, channels, true /* voice */,
+ PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE, rate, graph->GraphRate())));
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nonNativeStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nonNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(nonNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), deviceId);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), channels);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->SampleRate(), static_cast<uint32_t>(rate));
+ // Input channels and device preference should be set after start.
+ {
+ MozPromiseHolder<DeviceQueryPromise> h;
+ RefPtr<DeviceQueryPromise> p = h.Ensure(__func__);
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<DeviceQueryMessage>(track.get(), std::move(h)));
+ });
+ Result<DeviceInfo, nsresult> r = WaitFor(p);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(r.isOk());
+ DeviceInfo info = r.unwrap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mChannelCount, channels);
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mType, AudioInputType::Voice);
+ }
+ Unused << WaitFor(nonNativeStream->FramesProcessedEvent());
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopNonNativeInput>(track.get()));
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nonNativeStream.get());
+ // No input channels and device preference after stop.
+ {
+ MozPromiseHolder<DeviceQueryPromise> h;
+ RefPtr<DeviceQueryPromise> p = h.Ensure(__func__);
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<DeviceQueryMessage>(track.get(), std::move(h)));
+ });
+ Result<DeviceInfo, nsresult> r = WaitFor(p);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(r.isOk());
+ DeviceInfo info = r.unwrap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mChannelCount, 0U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(info.mType, AudioInputType::Unknown);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure the NonNativeInputTrack can restart and stop its audio.
+ {
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<StartNonNativeInput>(
+ track.get(), MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSource>(
+ MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSourceListener>(track.get()),
+ sourceId, deviceId, channels, true,
+ PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE, rate, graph->GraphRate())));
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nonNativeStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nonNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(nonNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), deviceId);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), channels);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->SampleRate(), static_cast<uint32_t>(rate));
+ Unused << WaitFor(nonNativeStream->FramesProcessedEvent());
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopNonNativeInput>(track.get()));
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nonNativeStream.get());
+ }
+ }
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { track->Destroy(); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), driverStream.get());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, NonNativeInputTrackErrorCallback)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ // Add a NonNativeInputTrack to graph, making graph create an output-only
+ // AudioCallbackDriver since NonNativeInputTrack is an audio-type MediaTrack.
+ RefPtr<NonNativeInputTrack> track;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track = new NonNativeInputTrack(graph->GraphRate(), deviceId,
+ graph->AddTrack(track);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> driverStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(driverStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(driverStream->mHasOutput);
+ // Main test below:
+ {
+ const AudioInputSource::Id sourceId = 1;
+ const uint32_t channels = 2;
+ const TrackRate rate = 48000;
+ // Launch and start the non-native audio stream.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<StartNonNativeInput>(
+ track.get(), MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSource>(
+ MakeRefPtr<AudioInputSourceListener>(track.get()),
+ sourceId, deviceId, channels, true,
+ PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE, rate, graph->GraphRate())));
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nonNativeStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nonNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(nonNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), deviceId);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), channels);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->SampleRate(), static_cast<uint32_t>(rate));
+ // Make sure the audio stream is running.
+ Unused << WaitFor(nonNativeStream->FramesProcessedEvent());
+ // Force an error. This results in the audio stream destroying.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { nonNativeStream->ForceError(); });
+ WaitFor(nonNativeStream->ErrorForcedEvent());
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nonNativeStream.get());
+ }
+ // Make sure it's ok to call audio stop again.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopNonNativeInput>(track.get()));
+ });
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { track->Destroy(); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), driverStream.get());
+class TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack : public DeviceInputConsumerTrack {
+ public:
+ static TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack* Create(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack* track =
+ new TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack(aGraph->GraphRate());
+ aGraph->AddTrack(track);
+ return track;
+ }
+ void Destroy() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ DeviceInputConsumerTrack::Destroy();
+ }
+ void ProcessInput(GraphTime aFrom, GraphTime aTo, uint32_t aFlags) override {
+ if (aFrom >= aTo) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mInputs.IsEmpty()) {
+ GetData<AudioSegment>()->AppendNullData(aTo - aFrom);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mInputs.Length() == 1);
+ AudioSegment data;
+ DeviceInputConsumerTrack::GetInputSourceData(data, mInputs[0], aFrom,
+ aTo);
+ GetData<AudioSegment>()->AppendFrom(&data);
+ }
+ };
+ uint32_t NumberOfChannels() const override {
+ if (mInputs.IsEmpty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DeviceInputTrack* t = mInputs[0]->GetSource()->AsDeviceInputTrack();
+ return t->NumberOfChannels();
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack(TrackRate aSampleRate)
+ : DeviceInputConsumerTrack(aSampleRate) {}
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, DeviceChangedCallback)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graphImpl = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ class TestAudioDataListener : public AudioDataListener {
+ public:
+ TestAudioDataListener(uint32_t aChannelCount, bool aIsVoice)
+ : mChannelCount(aChannelCount),
+ mIsVoice(aIsVoice),
+ mDeviceChangedCount(0) {}
+ uint32_t RequestedInputChannelCount(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override {
+ return mChannelCount;
+ }
+ bool IsVoiceInput(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) const override {
+ return mIsVoice;
+ };
+ void DeviceChanged(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override {
+ ++mDeviceChangedCount;
+ }
+ void Disconnect(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override{/* Ignored */};
+ uint32_t DeviceChangedCount() { return mDeviceChangedCount; }
+ private:
+ ~TestAudioDataListener() = default;
+ const uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ const bool mIsVoice;
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> mDeviceChangedCount;
+ };
+ // Create a full-duplex AudioCallbackDriver by creating a NativeInputTrack.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device1 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener1 = new TestAudioDataListener(1, false);
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track1 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graphImpl);
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(device1, listener1.get(), PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(track1->ConnectToNativeDevice());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(track1->ConnectToNonNativeDevice());
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graphImpl->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream1 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->GetInputDeviceID(), device1);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ // Create a NonNativeInputTrack, and make sure its DeviceChangeCallback works.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device2 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener2 = new TestAudioDataListener(2, true);
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track2 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graphImpl);
+ track2->ConnectDeviceInput(device2, listener2.get(), PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(track2->ConnectToNativeDevice());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(track2->ConnectToNonNativeDevice());
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream2 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ // Produce a device-changed event for the NonNativeInputTrack.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { stream2->ForceDeviceChanged(); });
+ WaitFor(stream2->DeviceChangeForcedEvent());
+ // Produce a device-changed event for the NativeInputTrack.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { stream1->ForceDeviceChanged(); });
+ WaitFor(stream1->DeviceChangeForcedEvent());
+ // Destroy the NonNativeInputTrack.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track2->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track2->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), stream2.get());
+ // Make sure we only have one device-changed event for the NativeInputTrack.
+ EXPECT_EQ(listener2->DeviceChangedCount(), 1U);
+ // Destroy the NativeInputTrack.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track1->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track1->Destroy();
+ });
+ destroyedStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), stream1.get());
+ // Make sure we only have one device-changed event for the NativeInputTrack.
+ EXPECT_EQ(listener1->DeviceChangedCount(), 1U);
+// The native audio stream (a.k.a. GraphDriver) and the non-native audio stream
+// should always be the same as the max requested input channel of its paired
+// DeviceInputTracks. This test checks if the audio stream paired with the
+// DeviceInputTrack will follow the max requested input channel or not.
+// The main focus for this test is to make sure DeviceInputTrack::OpenAudio and
+// ::CloseAudio works as what we expect. Besides, This test also confirms
+// MediaTrackGraph::ReevaluateInputDevice works correctly by using a
+// test-only AudioDataListener.
+// This test is pretty similar to RestartAudioIfProcessingMaxChannelCountChanged
+// below, which tests the same thing but using AudioProcessingTrack.
+// AudioProcessingTrack is the consumer of the DeviceInputTrack used in wild.
+// It has its own customized AudioDataListener. However, it only tests when
+// MOZ_WEBRTC is defined.
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfMaxChannelCountChanged)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ auto unforcer = WaitFor(cubeb->ForceAudioThread()).unwrap();
+ Unused << unforcer;
+ MediaTrackGraph* graphImpl = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // A test-only AudioDataListener that simulates AudioInputProcessing's setter
+ // and getter for the input channel count.
+ class TestAudioDataListener : public AudioDataListener {
+ public:
+ TestAudioDataListener(uint32_t aChannelCount, bool aIsVoice)
+ : mChannelCount(aChannelCount), mIsVoice(aIsVoice) {}
+ // Main thread API
+ void SetInputChannelCount(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph,
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aDevice,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ struct Message : public ControlMessage {
+ MediaTrackGraph* mGraph;
+ TestAudioDataListener* mListener;
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID mDevice;
+ uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ Message(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph, TestAudioDataListener* aListener,
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aDevice, uint32_t aChannelCount)
+ : ControlMessage(nullptr),
+ mGraph(aGraph),
+ mListener(aListener),
+ mDevice(aDevice),
+ mChannelCount(aChannelCount) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ mListener->mChannelCount = mChannelCount;
+ mGraph->ReevaluateInputDevice(mDevice);
+ }
+ };
+ static_cast<MediaTrackGraphImpl*>(aGraph)->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<Message>(aGraph, this, aDevice, aChannelCount));
+ }
+ // Graph thread APIs: AudioDataListenerInterface implementations.
+ uint32_t RequestedInputChannelCount(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override {
+ aGraph->AssertOnGraphThread();
+ return mChannelCount;
+ }
+ bool IsVoiceInput(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) const override {
+ return mIsVoice;
+ };
+ void DeviceChanged(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override { /* Ignored */
+ }
+ void Disconnect(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override{/* Ignored */};
+ private:
+ ~TestAudioDataListener() = default;
+ // Graph thread-only.
+ uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ // Any thread.
+ const bool mIsVoice;
+ };
+ // Request a new input channel count and expect to have a new stream.
+ auto setNewChannelCount = [&](const RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener>& aListener,
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aStream,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aListener);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aStream);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_NE(aChannelCount, 0U);
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device = aStream->GetInputDeviceID();
+ bool destroyed = false;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener = cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ destroyed = aDestroyed.get() == aStream.get();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aListener->SetInputChannelCount(graphImpl, device, aChannelCount);
+ });
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfMaxChannelCountChanged) #1"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aStream = newStream;
+ };
+ // Open a new track and expect to have a new stream.
+ auto openTrack = [&](RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCurrentStream,
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack>& aTrack,
+ const RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener>& aListener,
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aDevice) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aCurrentStream);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!aTrack);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aListener);
+ bool destroyed = false;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener = cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ destroyed = aDestroyed.get() == aCurrentStream.get();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ });
+ aTrack = TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graphImpl);
+ aTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(aDevice, aListener.get(), PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfMaxChannelCountChanged) #2"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aCurrentStream = newStream;
+ };
+ // Test for the native input device first then non-native device. The
+ // non-native device will be destroyed before the native device in case of
+ // causing a driver switching.
+ // Test for the native device.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID nativeDevice = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track1;
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener1;
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nativeStream;
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track2;
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener2;
+ {
+ // Open a 1-channel NativeInputTrack.
+ listener1 = new TestAudioDataListener(1, false);
+ track1 = TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graphImpl);
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(nativeDevice, listener1.get(),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(track1->ConnectToNativeDevice());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(track1->ConnectToNonNativeDevice());
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graphImpl->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ nativeStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nativeDevice);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ // Open a 2-channel NativeInputTrack and wait for a new driver since the
+ // max-channel for the native device becomes 2 now.
+ listener2 = new TestAudioDataListener(2, false);
+ openTrack(nativeStream, track2, listener2, nativeDevice);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ // Set the second NativeInputTrack to 1-channel and wait for a new driver
+ // since the max-channel for the native device becomes 1 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(listener2, nativeStream, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ // Set the first NativeInputTrack to 2-channel and wait for a new driver
+ // since the max input channel for the native device becomes 2 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(listener1, nativeStream, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ }
+ // Test for the non-native device.
+ {
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID nonNativeDevice =
+ (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ // Open a 1-channel NonNativeInputTrack.
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener3 =
+ new TestAudioDataListener(1, false);
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track3 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graphImpl);
+ track3->ConnectDeviceInput(nonNativeDevice, listener3.get(),
+ EXPECT_FALSE(track3->ConnectToNativeDevice());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(track3->ConnectToNonNativeDevice());
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nonNativeStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nonNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(nonNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ // Open a 2-channel NonNativeInputTrack and wait for a new stream since
+ // the max-channel for the non-native device becomes 2 now.
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener4 =
+ new TestAudioDataListener(2, false);
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track4;
+ openTrack(nonNativeStream, track4, listener4, nonNativeDevice);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ // Set the second NonNativeInputTrack to 1-channel and wait for a new
+ // driver since the max-channel for the non-native device becomes 1 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(listener4, nonNativeStream, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ // Set the first NonNativeInputTrack to 2-channel and wait for a new
+ // driver since the max input channel for the non-native device becomes 2
+ // now.
+ setNewChannelCount(listener3, nonNativeStream, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ // Close the second NonNativeInputTrack (1-channel) then the first one
+ // (2-channel) so we won't result in another stream creation.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track4->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track4->Destroy();
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track3->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track3->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nonNativeStream.get());
+ }
+ // Tear down for the native device.
+ {
+ // Close the second NativeInputTrack (1-channel) then the first one
+ // (2-channel) so we won't have driver switching.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track2->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track2->Destroy();
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track1->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track1->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nativeStream.get());
+ }
+// This test is pretty similar to SwitchNativeAudioProcessingTrack below, which
+// tests the same thing but using AudioProcessingTrack. AudioProcessingTrack is
+// the consumer of the DeviceInputTrack used in wild. It has its own customized
+// AudioDataListener. However, it only tests when MOZ_WEBRTC is defined.
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SwitchNativeInputDevice)
+ class TestAudioDataListener : public AudioDataListener {
+ public:
+ TestAudioDataListener(uint32_t aChannelCount, bool aIsVoice)
+ : mChannelCount(aChannelCount),
+ mIsVoice(aIsVoice),
+ mDeviceChangedCount(0) {}
+ uint32_t RequestedInputChannelCount(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override {
+ return mChannelCount;
+ }
+ bool IsVoiceInput(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) const override {
+ return mIsVoice;
+ };
+ void DeviceChanged(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override {
+ ++mDeviceChangedCount;
+ }
+ void Disconnect(MediaTrackGraph* aGraph) override{/* Ignored */};
+ uint32_t DeviceChangedCount() { return mDeviceChangedCount; }
+ private:
+ ~TestAudioDataListener() = default;
+ const uint32_t mChannelCount;
+ const bool mIsVoice;
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> mDeviceChangedCount;
+ };
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ auto switchNativeDevice =
+ [&](RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>&& aCurrentNativeStream,
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack>& aCurrentNativeTrack,
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aNextNativeStream,
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack>& aNextNativeTrack) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aNextNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(aNextNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ std::cerr << "Switching native input from device "
+ << aCurrentNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << " to "
+ << aNextNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << std::endl;
+ uint32_t destroyed = 0;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener =
+ cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ if (aDestroyed.get() == aCurrentNativeStream.get() ||
+ aDestroyed.get() == aNextNativeStream.get()) {
+ std::cerr << "cubeb stream " << aDestroyed.get()
+ << " (device " << aDestroyed->GetInputDeviceID()
+ << ") has been destroyed" << std::endl;
+ destroyed += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ // Make sure new stream has input, to prevent from getting a
+ // temporary output-only AudioCallbackDriver after closing current
+ // native device but before setting a new native input.
+ if (aCreated->mHasInput) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCreated->mHasOutput);
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ }
+ });
+ std::cerr << "Close device " << aCurrentNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID()
+ << std::endl;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aCurrentNativeTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ aCurrentNativeTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ std::cerr << "Wait for the switching" << std::endl;
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SwitchNativeInputDevice)"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed >= 2 && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aCurrentNativeStream = nullptr;
+ aNextNativeStream = newStream;
+ std::cerr << "Now the native input is device "
+ << aNextNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << std::endl;
+ };
+ // Open a DeviceInputConsumerTrack for device 1.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device1 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track1 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener1 = new TestAudioDataListener(1, false);
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(device1, listener1, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track1->DeviceId().value(), device1);
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream1 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->GetInputDeviceID(), device1);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device1 << " is opened (stream " << stream1.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Open a DeviceInputConsumerTrack for device 2.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device2 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track2 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener2 = new TestAudioDataListener(2, false);
+ track2->ConnectDeviceInput(device2, listener2, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track2->DeviceId().value(), device2);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream2 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device2 << " is opened (stream " << stream2.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Open a DeviceInputConsumerTrack for device 3.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device3 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)3;
+ RefPtr<TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack> track3 =
+ TestDeviceInputConsumerTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<TestAudioDataListener> listener3 = new TestAudioDataListener(1, false);
+ track3->ConnectDeviceInput(device3, listener3, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track3->DeviceId().value(), device3);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream3 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream3->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->GetInputDeviceID(), device3);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device3 << " is opened (stream " << stream3.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Close device 1, so the native input device is switched from device 1 to
+ // device 2.
+ switchNativeDevice(std::move(stream1), track1, stream2, track2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = track2->Graph()->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!native);
+ EXPECT_EQ(native->mDeviceId, device2);
+ }
+ // Close device 2, so the native input device is switched from device 2 to
+ // device 3.
+ switchNativeDevice(std::move(stream2), track2, stream3, track3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->GetInputDeviceID(), device3);
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = track3->Graph()->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!native);
+ EXPECT_EQ(native->mDeviceId, device3);
+ }
+ // Clean up.
+ std::cerr << "Close device " << device3 << std::endl;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track3->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track3->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), stream3.get());
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = graph->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!native);
+ }
+ std::cerr << "No native input now" << std::endl;
+#ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, ErrorCallback)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ // Dummy track to make graph rolling. Add it and remove it to remove the
+ // graph from the global hash table and let it shutdown.
+ //
+ // We open an input through this track so that there's something triggering
+ // EnsureNextIteration on the fallback driver after the callback driver has
+ // gotten the error, and to check that a replacement cubeb_stream receives
+ // output from the graph.
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ auto started = Invoke([&] {
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(processingTrack, listener, true));
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener,
+ EXPECT_EQ(processingTrack->DeviceId().value(), deviceId);
+ processingTrack->AddAudioOutput(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), nullptr);
+ return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ Result<bool, nsresult> rv = WaitFor(started);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(rv.unwrapOr(false));
+ // Force a cubeb state_callback error and see that we don't crash.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { stream->ForceError(); });
+ // Wait for the error to take effect, and the driver to restart and receive
+ // output.
+ bool errored = false;
+ MediaEventListener errorListener = stream->ErrorForcedEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(), [&] { errored = true; });
+ stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ WaitFor(stream->FramesVerifiedEvent());
+ // The error event is notified after CUBEB_STATE_ERROR triggers other
+ // threads to init a new cubeb_stream, so there is a theoretical chance that
+ // `errored` might not be set when `stream` is set.
+ errorListener.Disconnect();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(errored);
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, AudioProcessingTrack)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ auto unforcer = WaitFor(cubeb->ForceAudioThread()).unwrap();
+ Unused << unforcer;
+ // Start on a system clock driver, then switch to full-duplex in one go. If we
+ // did output-then-full-duplex we'd risk a second NotifyWhenDeviceStarted
+ // resolving early after checking the first audio driver only.
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> outputTrack;
+ RefPtr<MediaInputPort> port;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ auto p = Invoke([&] {
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ outputTrack = graph->CreateForwardedInputTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO);
+ outputTrack->QueueSetAutoend(false);
+ outputTrack->AddAudioOutput(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), nullptr);
+ port = outputTrack->AllocateInputPort(processingTrack);
+ /* Primary graph: Open Audio Input through SourceMediaTrack */
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(processingTrack, listener, true));
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ // Device id does not matter. Ignore.
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener,
+ return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ Unused << WaitFor(p);
+ // Wait for a second worth of audio data. GoFaster is dispatched through a
+ // ControlMessage so that it is called in the first audio driver iteration.
+ // Otherwise the audio driver might be going very fast while the fallback
+ // system clock driver is still in an iteration.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb));
+ });
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesVerifiedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ outputTrack->RemoveAudioOutput((void*)1);
+ outputTrack->Destroy();
+ port->Destroy();
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ uint32_t inputRate = stream->SampleRate();
+ uint32_t inputFrequency = stream->InputFrequency();
+ uint64_t preSilenceSamples;
+ uint32_t estimatedFreq;
+ uint32_t nrDiscontinuities;
+ std::tie(preSilenceSamples, estimatedFreq, nrDiscontinuities) =
+ WaitFor(stream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(estimatedFreq, inputFrequency);
+ std::cerr << "PreSilence: " << preSilenceSamples << std::endl;
+ // We buffer 128 frames. See DeviceInputTrack::ProcessInput.
+ EXPECT_GE(preSilenceSamples, 128U);
+ // If the fallback system clock driver is doing a graph iteration before the
+ // first audio driver iteration comes in, that iteration is ignored and
+ // results in zeros. It takes one fallback driver iteration *after* the audio
+ // driver has started to complete the switch, *usually* resulting two
+ // 10ms-iterations of silence; sometimes only one.
+ EXPECT_LE(preSilenceSamples, 128U + 2 * inputRate / 100 /* 2*10ms */);
+ // The waveform from AudioGenerator starts at 0, but we don't control its
+ // ending, so we expect a discontinuity there.
+ EXPECT_LE(nrDiscontinuities, 1U);
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, ReConnectDeviceInput)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ // 48k is a native processing rate, and avoids a resampling pass compared
+ // to 44.1k. The resampler may add take a few frames to stabilize, which show
+ // as unexected discontinuities in the test.
+ const TrackRate rate = 48000;
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1, rate, nullptr,
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> outputTrack;
+ RefPtr<MediaInputPort> port;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ auto p = Invoke([&] {
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ outputTrack = graph->CreateForwardedInputTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO);
+ outputTrack->QueueSetAutoend(false);
+ outputTrack->AddAudioOutput(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), nullptr);
+ port = outputTrack->AllocateInputPort(processingTrack);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener,
+ return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ Unused << WaitFor(p);
+ // Set a drift factor so that we don't dont produce perfect 10ms-chunks. This
+ // will exercise whatever buffers are in the audio processing pipeline, and
+ // the bookkeeping surrounding them.
+ stream->SetDriftFactor(1.111);
+ // Wait for a second worth of audio data. GoFaster is dispatched through a
+ // ControlMessage so that it is called in the first audio driver iteration.
+ // Otherwise the audio driver might be going very fast while the fallback
+ // system clock driver is still in an iteration.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb));
+ });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Close the input to see that no asserts go off due to bad state.
+ DispatchFunction([&] { processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput(); });
+ stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream->mHasInput);
+ Unused << WaitFor(
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); }));
+ // Output-only. Wait for another second before unmuting.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb));
+ });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Re-open the input to again see that no asserts go off due to bad state.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ // Device id does not matter. Ignore.
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener,
+ });
+ stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ Unused << WaitFor(
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); }));
+ // Full-duplex. Wait for another second before finishing.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb));
+ });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ outputTrack->RemoveAudioOutput((void*)1);
+ outputTrack->Destroy();
+ port->Destroy();
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ uint32_t inputRate = stream->SampleRate();
+ uint32_t inputFrequency = stream->InputFrequency();
+ uint64_t preSilenceSamples;
+ uint32_t estimatedFreq;
+ uint32_t nrDiscontinuities;
+ std::tie(preSilenceSamples, estimatedFreq, nrDiscontinuities) =
+ WaitFor(stream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(estimatedFreq, inputFrequency);
+ std::cerr << "PreSilence: " << preSilenceSamples << std::endl;
+ // We buffer 10ms worth of frames in non-passthrough mode, plus up to 128
+ // frames as we round up to the nearest block. See
+ // AudioInputProcessing::Process and DeviceInputTrack::PrcoessInput.
+ EXPECT_GE(preSilenceSamples, 128U + inputRate / 100);
+ // If the fallback system clock driver is doing a graph iteration before the
+ // first audio driver iteration comes in, that iteration is ignored and
+ // results in zeros. It takes one fallback driver iteration *after* the audio
+ // driver has started to complete the switch, *usually* resulting two
+ // 10ms-iterations of silence; sometimes only one.
+ EXPECT_LE(preSilenceSamples, 128U + 3 * inputRate / 100 /* 3*10ms */);
+ // The waveform from AudioGenerator starts at 0, but we don't control its
+ // ending, so we expect a discontinuity there. Note that this check is only
+ // for the waveform on the stream *after* re-opening the input.
+ EXPECT_LE(nrDiscontinuities, 1U);
+// Sum the signal to mono and compute the root mean square, in float32,
+// regardless of the input format.
+float rmsf32(AudioDataValue* aSamples, uint32_t aChannels, uint32_t aFrames) {
+ float downmixed;
+ float rms = 0.;
+ uint32_t readIdx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aFrames; i++) {
+ downmixed = 0.;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < aChannels; j++) {
+ downmixed += AudioSampleToFloat(aSamples[readIdx++]);
+ }
+ rms += downmixed * downmixed;
+ }
+ rms = rms / aFrames;
+ return sqrt(rms);
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, AudioProcessingTrackDisabling)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> outputTrack;
+ RefPtr<MediaInputPort> port;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ auto p = Invoke([&] {
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ outputTrack = graph->CreateForwardedInputTrack(MediaSegment::AUDIO);
+ outputTrack->QueueSetAutoend(false);
+ outputTrack->AddAudioOutput(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), nullptr);
+ port = outputTrack->AllocateInputPort(processingTrack);
+ /* Primary graph: Open Audio Input through SourceMediaTrack */
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(processingTrack, listener, true));
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener,
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ Unused << WaitFor(p);
+ stream->SetOutputRecordingEnabled(true);
+ // Wait for a second worth of audio data.
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ const uint32_t ITERATION_COUNT = 5;
+ uint32_t iterations = ITERATION_COUNT;
+ DisabledTrackMode currentMode = DisabledTrackMode::SILENCE_BLACK;
+ while (iterations--) {
+ // toggle the track enabled mode, wait a second, do this ITERATION_COUNT
+ // times
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->SetDisabledTrackMode(currentMode);
+ if (currentMode == DisabledTrackMode::SILENCE_BLACK) {
+ currentMode = DisabledTrackMode::ENABLED;
+ } else {
+ currentMode = DisabledTrackMode::SILENCE_BLACK;
+ }
+ });
+ totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ outputTrack->RemoveAudioOutput((void*)1);
+ outputTrack->Destroy();
+ port->Destroy();
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ uint64_t preSilenceSamples;
+ uint32_t estimatedFreq;
+ uint32_t nrDiscontinuities;
+ std::tie(preSilenceSamples, estimatedFreq, nrDiscontinuities) =
+ WaitFor(stream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+ auto data = stream->TakeRecordedOutput();
+ // check that there is non-silence and silence at the expected time in the
+ // stereo recording, while allowing for a bit of scheduling uncertainty, by
+ // checking half a second after the theoretical muting/unmuting.
+ // non-silence starts around: 0s, 2s, 4s
+ // silence start around: 1s, 3s, 5s
+ // To detect silence or non-silence, we compute the RMS of the signal for
+ // 100ms.
+ float noisyTime_s[] = {0.5, 2.5, 4.5};
+ float silenceTime_s[] = {1.5, 3.5, 5.5};
+ uint32_t rate = graph->GraphRate();
+ for (float& time : noisyTime_s) {
+ uint32_t startIdx = time * rate * 2 /* stereo */;
+ EXPECT_NE(rmsf32(&(data[startIdx]), 2, rate / 10), 0.0);
+ }
+ for (float& time : silenceTime_s) {
+ uint32_t startIdx = time * rate * 2 /* stereo */;
+ EXPECT_EQ(rmsf32(&(data[startIdx]), 2, rate / 10), 0.0);
+ }
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SetRequestedInputChannelCount)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Open a 2-channel native input stream.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device1 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track1 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener1 = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ track1->SetInputProcessing(listener1);
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track1, listener1, true));
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track1, listener1));
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(device1, listener1, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track1->DeviceId().value(), device1);
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream1 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->GetInputDeviceID(), device1);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ // Open a 1-channel non-native input stream.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device2 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track2 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener2 = new AudioInputProcessing(1);
+ track2->SetInputProcessing(listener2);
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track2, listener2, true));
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track2, listener2));
+ track2->ConnectDeviceInput(device2, listener2, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track2->DeviceId().value(), device2);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream2 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ // Request a new input channel count. This should re-create new input stream
+ // accordingly.
+ auto setNewChannelCount = [&](const RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> aTrack,
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing>& aListener,
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aStream,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount) {
+ bool destroyed = false;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener = cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ destroyed = aDestroyed.get() == aStream.get();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetRequestedInputChannelCount>(aTrack, *aTrack->DeviceId(),
+ aListener, aChannelCount));
+ });
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SetRequestedInputChannelCount)"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aStream = newStream;
+ };
+ // Set the native input stream's input channel count to 1.
+ setNewChannelCount(track1, listener1, stream1, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->GetInputDeviceID(), device1);
+ // Set the non-native input stream's input channel count to 2.
+ setNewChannelCount(track2, listener2, stream2, 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ // Close the non-native input stream.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track2, listener2));
+ track2->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track2->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyed = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyed.get(), stream2.get());
+ // Close the native input stream.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track1, listener1));
+ track1->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track1->Destroy();
+ });
+ destroyed = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyed.get(), stream1.get());
+// The native audio stream (a.k.a. GraphDriver) and the non-native audio stream
+// should always be the same as the max requested input channel of its paired
+// AudioProcessingTracks. This test checks if the audio stream paired with the
+// AudioProcessingTrack will follow the max requested input channel or not.
+// This test is pretty similar to RestartAudioIfMaxChannelCountChanged above,
+// which makes sure the related DeviceInputTrack operations for the test here
+// works correctly. Instead of using a test-only AudioDataListener, we use
+// AudioInputProcessing here to simulate the real world use case.
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfProcessingMaxChannelCountChanged)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ auto unforcer = WaitFor(cubeb->ForceAudioThread()).unwrap();
+ Unused << unforcer;
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Request a new input channel count and expect to have a new stream.
+ auto setNewChannelCount = [&](const RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack>& aTrack,
+ const RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing>& aListener,
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aStream,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aTrack);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aListener);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aStream);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_NE(aChannelCount, 0U);
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device = *aTrack->DeviceId();
+ bool destroyed = false;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener = cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ destroyed = aDestroyed.get() == aStream.get();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetRequestedInputChannelCount>(aTrack, device, aListener,
+ aChannelCount));
+ });
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfProcessingMaxChannelCountChanged) #1"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aStream = newStream;
+ };
+ // Open a new track and expect to have a new stream.
+ auto openTrack = [&](RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCurrentStream,
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack>& aTrack,
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing>& aListener,
+ CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aDevice,
+ uint32_t aChannelCount) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!aCurrentStream);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aChannelCount > aCurrentStream->InputChannels());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!aTrack);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!aListener);
+ bool destroyed = false;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener = cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ destroyed = aDestroyed.get() == aCurrentStream.get();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ });
+ aTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ aListener = new AudioInputProcessing(aChannelCount);
+ aTrack->SetInputProcessing(aListener);
+ aTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(aTrack, aListener, true));
+ aTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(aTrack, aListener));
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(aDevice, aListener, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ });
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, RestartAudioIfProcessingMaxChannelCountChanged) #2"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aCurrentStream = newStream;
+ };
+ // Test for the native input device first then non-native device. The
+ // non-native device will be destroyed before the native device in case of
+ // causing a native-device-switching.
+ // Test for the native device.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID nativeDevice = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track1;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener1;
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nativeStream;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track2;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener2;
+ {
+ // Open a 1-channel AudioProcessingTrack for the native device.
+ track1 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener1 = new AudioInputProcessing(1);
+ track1->SetInputProcessing(listener1);
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track1, listener1, true));
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track1, listener1));
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(nativeDevice, listener1, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track1->DeviceId().value(), nativeDevice);
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ nativeStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nativeDevice);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ // Open a 2-channel AudioProcessingTrack for the native device and wait for
+ // a new driver since the max-channel for the native device becomes 2 now.
+ openTrack(nativeStream, track2, listener2, nativeDevice, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ // Set the second AudioProcessingTrack for the native device to 1-channel
+ // and wait for a new driver since the max-channel for the native device
+ // becomes 1 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(track2, listener2, nativeStream, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ // Set the first AudioProcessingTrack for the native device to 2-channel and
+ // wait for a new driver since the max input channel for the native device
+ // becomes 2 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(track1, listener1, nativeStream, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ }
+ // Test for the non-native device.
+ {
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID nonNativeDevice =
+ (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ // Open a 1-channel AudioProcessingTrack for the non-native device.
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track3 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener3 = new AudioInputProcessing(1);
+ track3->SetInputProcessing(listener3);
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track3, listener3, true));
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track3, listener3));
+ track3->ConnectDeviceInput(nonNativeDevice, listener3,
+ EXPECT_EQ(track3->DeviceId().value(), nonNativeDevice);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> nonNativeStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nonNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(nonNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ // Open a 2-channel AudioProcessingTrack for the non-native device and wait
+ // for a new stream since the max-channel for the non-native device becomes
+ // 2 now.
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track4;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener4;
+ openTrack(nonNativeStream, track4, listener4, nonNativeDevice, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ // Set the second AudioProcessingTrack for the non-native to 1-channel and
+ // wait for a new driver since the max-channel for the non-native device
+ // becomes 1 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(track4, listener4, nonNativeStream, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ // Set the first AudioProcessingTrack for the non-native device to 2-channel
+ // and wait for a new driver since the max input channel for the non-native
+ // device becomes 2 now.
+ setNewChannelCount(track3, listener3, nonNativeStream, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID(), nonNativeDevice);
+ // Close the second AudioProcessingTrack (1-channel) for the non-native
+ // device then the first one (2-channel) so we won't result in another
+ // stream creation.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track4->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track4, listener4));
+ track4->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track4->Destroy();
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track3, listener3));
+ track3->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track3->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nonNativeStream.get());
+ }
+ // Tear down for the native device.
+ {
+ // Close the second AudioProcessingTrack (1-channel) for the native device
+ // then the first one (2-channel) so we won't have driver switching.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track2, listener2));
+ track2->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track2->Destroy();
+ });
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track1, listener1));
+ track1->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track1->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), nativeStream.get());
+ }
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SetInputChannelCountBeforeAudioCallbackDriver)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Set the input channel count of AudioInputProcessing, which will force
+ // MediaTrackGraph to re-evaluate input device, when the MediaTrackGraph is
+ // driven by the SystemClockDriver.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ {
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise> h;
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise> p = h.Ensure(__func__);
+ struct GuardMessage : public ControlMessage {
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise> mHolder;
+ GuardMessage(MediaTrack* aTrack,
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise>&& aHolder)
+ : ControlMessage(aTrack), mHolder(std::move(aHolder)) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ mTrack->GraphImpl()->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
+ "TestAudioTrackGraph::SetInputChannel::Message::Resolver",
+ [holder = std::move(mHolder)]() mutable {
+ holder.Resolve(true, __func__);
+ }));
+ }
+ };
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track, listener, true));
+ track->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetRequestedInputChannelCount>(track, deviceId, listener,
+ 1));
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<GuardMessage>(track, std::move(h)));
+ });
+ Unused << WaitFor(p);
+ }
+ // Open a full-duplex AudioCallbackDriver.
+ RefPtr<MediaInputPort> port;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track, listener));
+ track->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ });
+ // MediaTrackGraph will create a output-only AudioCallbackDriver in
+ // CheckDriver before we open an audio input above, since AudioProcessingTrack
+ // is a audio-type MediaTrack, so we need to wait here until the duplex
+ // AudioCallbackDriver is created.
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream;
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SetInputChannelCountBeforeAudioCallbackDriver)"_ns,
+ [&] {
+ stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasOutput);
+ return stream->mHasInput;
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ Unused << WaitFor(
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); }));
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track, listener));
+ track->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track->Destroy();
+ });
+ Unused << WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, StartAudioDeviceBeforeStartingAudioProcessing)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Create a duplex AudioCallbackDriver
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track, listener, true));
+ track->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ // Start audio device without starting audio processing.
+ track->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasOutput);
+ // Wait for a second to make sure audio output callback has been fired.
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb)); });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Start the audio processing.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track, listener));
+ });
+ // Wait for a second to make sure audio output callback has been fired.
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb)); });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track->Destroy();
+ });
+ Unused << WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, StopAudioProcessingBeforeStoppingAudioDevice)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ // Create a duplex AudioCallbackDriver
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID deviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track, listener, true));
+ track->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track, listener));
+ track->ConnectDeviceInput(deviceId, listener, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->mHasOutput);
+ // Wait for a second to make sure audio output callback has been fired.
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb)); });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Stop the audio processing
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track, listener));
+ });
+ // Wait for a second to make sure audio output callback has been fired.
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { track->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(MakeUnique<GoFaster>(cubeb)); });
+ {
+ uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(stream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ totalFrames += aFrames;
+ return totalFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(graph->GraphRate());
+ });
+ }
+ cubeb->DontGoFaster();
+ // Clean up.
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track->Destroy();
+ });
+ Unused << WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+// This test is pretty similar to SwitchNativeInputDevice above, which makes
+// sure the related DeviceInputTrack operations for the test here works
+// correctly. Instead of using a test-only DeviceInputTrack consumer, we use
+// AudioProcessingTrack here to simulate the real world use case.
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SwitchNativeAudioProcessingTrack)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1,
+ CubebUtils::PreferredSampleRate(/* aShouldResistFingerprinting */ false),
+ nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ auto switchNativeDevice =
+ [&](RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>&& aCurrentNativeStream,
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack>& aCurrentNativeTrack,
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing>& aCurrentNativeListener,
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aNextNativeStream,
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack>& aNextNativeTrack) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCurrentNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aNextNativeStream->mHasInput);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(aNextNativeStream->mHasOutput);
+ std::cerr << "Switching native input from device "
+ << aCurrentNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << " to "
+ << aNextNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << std::endl;
+ uint32_t destroyed = 0;
+ MediaEventListener destroyListener =
+ cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aDestroyed) {
+ if (aDestroyed.get() == aCurrentNativeStream.get() ||
+ aDestroyed.get() == aNextNativeStream.get()) {
+ std::cerr << "cubeb stream " << aDestroyed.get()
+ << " (device " << aDestroyed->GetInputDeviceID()
+ << ") has been destroyed" << std::endl;
+ destroyed += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> newStream;
+ MediaEventListener restartListener = cubeb->StreamInitEvent().Connect(
+ AbstractThread::GetCurrent(),
+ [&](const RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream>& aCreated) {
+ // Make sure new stream has input, to prevent from getting a
+ // temporary output-only AudioCallbackDriver after closing current
+ // native device but before setting a new native input.
+ if (aCreated->mHasInput) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aCreated->mHasOutput);
+ newStream = aCreated;
+ }
+ });
+ std::cerr << "Close device " << aCurrentNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID()
+ << std::endl;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ aCurrentNativeTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(aCurrentNativeTrack,
+ aCurrentNativeListener));
+ aCurrentNativeTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ aCurrentNativeTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ std::cerr << "Wait for the switching" << std::endl;
+ SpinEventLoopUntil<ProcessFailureBehavior::IgnoreAndContinue>(
+ "TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SwitchNativeAudioProcessingTrack)"_ns,
+ [&] { return destroyed >= 2 && newStream; });
+ destroyListener.Disconnect();
+ restartListener.Disconnect();
+ aCurrentNativeStream = nullptr;
+ aNextNativeStream = newStream;
+ std::cerr << "Now the native input is device "
+ << aNextNativeStream->GetInputDeviceID() << std::endl;
+ };
+ // Open a AudioProcessingTrack for device 1.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device1 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track1 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener1 = new AudioInputProcessing(1);
+ track1->SetInputProcessing(listener1);
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track1, listener1, true));
+ track1->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track1, listener1));
+ track1->ConnectDeviceInput(device1, listener1, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track1->DeviceId().value(), device1);
+ auto started =
+ Invoke([&] { return graph->NotifyWhenDeviceStarted(nullptr); });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream1 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream1->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream1->GetInputDeviceID(), device1);
+ Unused << WaitFor(started);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device1 << " is opened (stream " << stream1.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Open a AudioProcessingTrack for device 2.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device2 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)2;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track2 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener2 = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ track2->SetInputProcessing(listener2);
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track2, listener2, true));
+ track2->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track2, listener2));
+ track2->ConnectDeviceInput(device2, listener2, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track2->DeviceId().value(), device2);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream2 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device2 << " is opened (stream " << stream2.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Open a AudioProcessingTrack for device 3.
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID device3 = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)3;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> track3 = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener3 = new AudioInputProcessing(1);
+ track3->SetInputProcessing(listener3);
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(track3, listener3, true));
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(track3, listener3));
+ track3->ConnectDeviceInput(device3, listener3, PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(track3->DeviceId().value(), device3);
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> stream3 = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream3->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->GetInputDeviceID(), device3);
+ std::cerr << "Device " << device3 << " is opened (stream " << stream3.get()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Close device 1, so the native input device is switched from device 1 to
+ // device 2.
+ switchNativeDevice(std::move(stream1), track1, listener1, stream2, track2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->InputChannels(), 2U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream2->GetInputDeviceID(), device2);
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = track2->Graph()->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!native);
+ EXPECT_EQ(native->mDeviceId, device2);
+ }
+ // Close device 2, so the native input device is switched from device 2 to
+ // device 3.
+ switchNativeDevice(std::move(stream2), track2, listener2, stream3, track3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasInput);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream3->mHasOutput);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->InputChannels(), 1U);
+ EXPECT_EQ(stream3->GetInputDeviceID(), device3);
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = track3->Graph()->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!native);
+ EXPECT_EQ(native->mDeviceId, device3);
+ }
+ // Clean up.
+ std::cerr << "Close device " << device3 << std::endl;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ track3->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(track3, listener3));
+ track3->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ track3->Destroy();
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> destroyedStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamDestroyEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(destroyedStream.get(), stream3.get());
+ {
+ NativeInputTrack* native = graph->GetNativeInputTrackMainThread();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!native);
+ }
+ std::cerr << "No native input now" << std::endl;
+class OnFallbackListener : public MediaTrackListener {
+ const RefPtr<MediaTrack> mTrack;
+ Atomic<bool> mOnFallback{true};
+ public:
+ explicit OnFallbackListener(MediaTrack* aTrack) : mTrack(aTrack) {}
+ bool OnFallback() { return mOnFallback; }
+ void NotifyOutput(MediaTrackGraph*, TrackTime) override {
+ if (auto* ad =
+ mTrack->GraphImpl()->CurrentDriver()->AsAudioCallbackDriver()) {
+ mOnFallback = ad->OnFallback();
+ }
+ }
+void TestCrossGraphPort(uint32_t aInputRate, uint32_t aOutputRate,
+ float aDriftFactor, uint32_t aRunTimeSeconds = 10,
+ uint32_t aNumExpectedUnderruns = 0) {
+ std::cerr << "TestCrossGraphPort input: " << aInputRate
+ << ", output: " << aOutputRate << ", driftFactor: " << aDriftFactor
+ << std::endl;
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb(MockCubeb::RunningMode::Manual);
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ /* Primary graph: Create the graph. */
+ MediaTrackGraph* primary = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ /*Window ID*/ 1, aInputRate, nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ /* Partner graph: Create the graph. */
+ MediaTrackGraph* partner = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ MediaTrackGraph::SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER, /*Window ID*/ 1, aOutputRate,
+ /*OutputDeviceID*/ reinterpret_cast<cubeb_devid>(1),
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID inputDeviceId = (CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID)1;
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ RefPtr<OnFallbackListener> primaryFallbackListener;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ /* Primary graph: Create input track and open it */
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(primary);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(processingTrack, listener, true));
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(inputDeviceId, listener,
+ primaryFallbackListener = new OnFallbackListener(processingTrack);
+ processingTrack->AddListener(primaryFallbackListener);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> inputStream = WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ // Wait for the primary AudioCallbackDriver to come into effect.
+ while (primaryFallbackListener->OnFallback()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(inputStream->ManualDataCallback(0),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ }
+ RefPtr<CrossGraphTransmitter> transmitter;
+ RefPtr<MediaInputPort> port;
+ RefPtr<CrossGraphReceiver> receiver;
+ RefPtr<OnFallbackListener> partnerFallbackListener;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->RemoveListener(primaryFallbackListener);
+ /* Partner graph: Create CrossGraphReceiver */
+ receiver = partner->CreateCrossGraphReceiver(primary->GraphRate());
+ /* Primary graph: Create CrossGraphTransmitter */
+ transmitter = primary->CreateCrossGraphTransmitter(receiver);
+ /* How the input track connects to another ProcessedMediaTrack.
+ * Check in MediaManager how it is connected to AudioStreamTrack. */
+ port = transmitter->AllocateInputPort(processingTrack);
+ receiver->AddAudioOutput((void*)1, partner->PrimaryOutputDeviceID(), 0);
+ partnerFallbackListener = new OnFallbackListener(receiver);
+ receiver->AddListener(partnerFallbackListener);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> partnerStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ // Process the CrossGraphTransmitter on the primary graph.
+ EXPECT_EQ(inputStream->ManualDataCallback(0),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ // Wait for the partner AudioCallbackDriver to come into effect.
+ while (partnerFallbackListener->OnFallback()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(partnerStream->ManualDataCallback(0),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ }
+ DispatchFunction([&] { receiver->RemoveListener(partnerFallbackListener); });
+ while (NS_ProcessNextEvent(nullptr, false)) {
+ }
+ nsIThread* currentThread = NS_GetCurrentThread();
+ cubeb_state inputState = CUBEB_STATE_STARTED;
+ MediaEventListener inputStateListener = inputStream->StateEvent().Connect(
+ currentThread, [&](cubeb_state aState) { inputState = aState; });
+ cubeb_state partnerState = CUBEB_STATE_STARTED;
+ MediaEventListener partnerStateListener = partnerStream->StateEvent().Connect(
+ currentThread, [&](cubeb_state aState) { partnerState = aState; });
+ const media::TimeUnit runtime = media::TimeUnit::FromSeconds(aRunTimeSeconds);
+ // 10ms per iteration.
+ const media::TimeUnit step = media::TimeUnit::FromSeconds(0.01);
+ {
+ media::TimeUnit pos = media::TimeUnit::Zero();
+ long inputFrames = 0;
+ long outputFrames = 0;
+ while (pos < runtime) {
+ pos += step;
+ const long newInputFrames = pos.ToTicksAtRate(aInputRate);
+ const long newOutputFrames =
+ (pos.MultDouble(aDriftFactor)).ToTicksAtRate(aOutputRate);
+ EXPECT_EQ(inputStream->ManualDataCallback(newInputFrames - inputFrames),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ partnerStream->ManualDataCallback(newOutputFrames - outputFrames),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ inputFrames = newInputFrames;
+ outputFrames = newOutputFrames;
+ }
+ }
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ // Clean up on MainThread
+ receiver->RemoveAudioOutput((void*)1);
+ receiver->Destroy();
+ transmitter->Destroy();
+ port->Destroy();
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ while (NS_ProcessNextEvent(nullptr, false)) {
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(inputStream->ManualDataCallback(0),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(partnerStream->ManualDataCallback(0),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::Yes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(inputStream->ManualDataCallback(128),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::No);
+ EXPECT_EQ(partnerStream->ManualDataCallback(128),
+ MockCubebStream::KeepProcessing::No);
+ uint32_t inputFrequency = inputStream->InputFrequency();
+ uint64_t preSilenceSamples;
+ float estimatedFreq;
+ uint32_t nrDiscontinuities;
+ std::tie(preSilenceSamples, estimatedFreq, nrDiscontinuities) =
+ WaitFor(partnerStream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+ EXPECT_NEAR(estimatedFreq, inputFrequency / aDriftFactor, 5);
+ // Note that pre-silence is in the output rate. The buffering is on the input
+ // side. There is one block buffered in NativeInputTrack. Then
+ // AudioDriftCorrection sets its pre-buffering so that *after* the first
+ // resample of real input data, the buffer contains enough data to match the
+ // desired level, which is initially 50ms. I.e. silence = buffering -
+ // inputStep + outputStep. Note that the steps here are rounded up to block
+ // size.
+ const media::TimeUnit inputBuffering(WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE, aInputRate);
+ const media::TimeUnit buffering =
+ media::TimeUnit::FromSeconds(0.05).ToBase(aInputRate);
+ const media::TimeUnit inputStepSize(
+ MediaTrackGraphImpl::RoundUpToEndOfAudioBlock(
+ step.ToTicksAtRate(aInputRate)),
+ aInputRate);
+ const media::TimeUnit outputStepSize =
+ media::TimeUnit(MediaTrackGraphImpl::RoundUpToEndOfAudioBlock(
+ step.ToBase(aOutputRate)
+ .MultDouble(aDriftFactor)
+ .ToTicksAtRate(aOutputRate)),
+ aOutputRate)
+ .ToBase(aInputRate);
+ const uint32_t expectedPreSilence =
+ (outputStepSize + inputBuffering + buffering - inputStepSize)
+ .ToBase(aInputRate)
+ .ToBase<media::TimeUnit::CeilingPolicy>(aOutputRate)
+ .ToTicksAtRate(aOutputRate);
+ // Use a margin of 0.1% of the expected pre-silence, since the resampler is
+ // adapting to drift and will process the pre-silence frames. Because of
+ // rounding errors, we don't use a margin lower than 1.
+ const uint32_t margin = std::max(1U, expectedPreSilence / 1000);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(preSilenceSamples, expectedPreSilence, margin);
+ // The waveform from AudioGenerator starts at 0, but we don't control its
+ // ending, so we expect a discontinuity there. For each expected underrun
+ // there could be an additional 2 discontinuities (start and end of the silent
+ // period).
+ EXPECT_LE(nrDiscontinuities, 1U + 2 * aNumExpectedUnderruns);
+ SpinEventLoopUntil("streams have stopped"_ns, [&] {
+ return inputState == CUBEB_STATE_STOPPED &&
+ partnerState == CUBEB_STATE_STOPPED;
+ });
+ inputStateListener.Disconnect();
+ partnerStateListener.Disconnect();
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, CrossGraphPort)
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 44100, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 44100, 1.006);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 44100, 0.994);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(48000, 44100, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(48000, 44100, 1.006);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(48000, 44100, 0.994);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 48000, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 48000, 1.006);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 48000, 0.994);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(52110, 17781, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(52110, 17781, 1.006);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(52110, 17781, 0.994);
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, CrossGraphPortUnderrun)
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 44100, 1.01, 30, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 44100, 1.03, 40, 3);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(48000, 44100, 1.01, 30, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(48000, 44100, 1.03, 40, 3);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 48000, 1.01, 30, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(44100, 48000, 1.03, 40, 3);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(52110, 17781, 1.01, 30, 1);
+ TestCrossGraphPort(52110, 17781, 1.03, 40, 3);
+TEST(TestAudioTrackGraph, SecondaryOutputDevice)
+ MockCubeb* cubeb = new MockCubeb();
+ CubebUtils::ForceSetCubebContext(cubeb->AsCubebContext());
+ const TrackRate primaryRate = 48000;
+ const TrackRate secondaryRate = 44100; // for secondary output device
+ MediaTrackGraph* graph = MediaTrackGraphImpl::GetInstance(
+ /*Window ID*/ 1, primaryRate, nullptr, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget());
+ RefPtr<AudioProcessingTrack> processingTrack;
+ RefPtr<AudioInputProcessing> listener;
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ /* Create an input track and connect it to a device */
+ processingTrack = AudioProcessingTrack::Create(graph);
+ listener = new AudioInputProcessing(2);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<SetPassThrough>(processingTrack, listener, true));
+ processingTrack->SetInputProcessing(listener);
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StartInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->ConnectDeviceInput(nullptr, listener,
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> primaryStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ const void* secondaryDeviceID = CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID(2);
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ processingTrack->AddAudioOutput(nullptr, secondaryDeviceID, secondaryRate);
+ processingTrack->SetAudioOutputVolume(nullptr, 0.f);
+ });
+ RefPtr<SmartMockCubebStream> secondaryStream =
+ WaitFor(cubeb->StreamInitEvent());
+ EXPECT_EQ(secondaryStream->GetOutputDeviceID(), secondaryDeviceID);
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<TrackRate>(secondaryStream->SampleRate()),
+ secondaryRate);
+ nsIThread* currentThread = NS_GetCurrentThread();
+ uint32_t audioFrames = 0; // excludes pre-silence
+ MediaEventListener audioListener =
+ secondaryStream->FramesVerifiedEvent().Connect(
+ currentThread, [&](uint32_t aFrames) { audioFrames += aFrames; });
+ // Wait for 100ms of pre-silence to verify that SetAudioOutputVolume() is
+ // effective.
+ uint32_t processedFrames = 0;
+ WaitUntil(secondaryStream->FramesProcessedEvent(), [&](uint32_t aFrames) {
+ processedFrames += aFrames;
+ return processedFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(secondaryRate / 10);
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(audioFrames, 0U) << "audio frames at zero volume";
+ secondaryStream->SetOutputRecordingEnabled(true);
+ DispatchFunction(
+ [&] { processingTrack->SetAudioOutputVolume(nullptr, 1.f); });
+ // Wait for enough audio after initial silence to check the frequency.
+ SpinEventLoopUntil("200ms of audio"_ns, [&] {
+ return audioFrames > static_cast<uint32_t>(secondaryRate / 5);
+ });
+ audioListener.Disconnect();
+ // Stop recording now so as not to record the discontinuity when the
+ // CrossGraphReceiver is removed from the secondary graph before its
+ // AudioCallbackDriver is stopped.
+ secondaryStream->SetOutputRecordingEnabled(false);
+ DispatchFunction([&] { processingTrack->RemoveAudioOutput(nullptr); });
+ WaitFor(secondaryStream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+ // The frequency from OutputVerificationEvent() is estimated by
+ // AudioVerifier from a zero-crossing count. When the discontinuity from
+ // the volume change is resampled, the discontinuity presents as
+ // oscillations, which increase the zero-crossing count and corrupt the
+ // frequency estimate. Trim off sufficient leading from the output to
+ // remove this discontinuity.
+ uint32_t channelCount = secondaryStream->OutputChannels();
+ nsTArray<AudioDataValue> output = secondaryStream->TakeRecordedOutput();
+ size_t leadingIndex = 0;
+ for (; leadingIndex < output.Length() && output[leadingIndex] == 0.f;
+ leadingIndex += channelCount) {
+ };
+ leadingIndex += 10 * channelCount; // skip discontinuity oscillations
+ EXPECT_LT(leadingIndex, output.Length());
+ auto trimmed = Span(output).From(std::min(leadingIndex, output.Length()));
+ size_t frameCount = trimmed.Length() / channelCount;
+ uint32_t inputFrequency = primaryStream->InputFrequency();
+ AudioVerifier<AudioDataValue> verifier(secondaryRate, inputFrequency);
+ verifier.AppendDataInterleaved(trimmed.Elements(), frameCount, channelCount);
+ EXPECT_EQ(verifier.EstimatedFreq(), inputFrequency);
+ // AudioVerifier considers the previous value before the initial sample to
+ // be zero and so considers any initial sample >> 0 to be a discontinuity.
+ EXPECT_EQ(verifier.CountDiscontinuities(), 1U);
+ DispatchFunction([&] {
+ // Clean up
+ processingTrack->GraphImpl()->AppendMessage(
+ MakeUnique<StopInputProcessing>(processingTrack, listener));
+ processingTrack->DisconnectDeviceInput();
+ processingTrack->Destroy();
+ });
+ WaitFor(primaryStream->OutputVerificationEvent());
+#endif // MOZ_WEBRTC
+#undef Invoke
+#undef DispatchFunction
+#undef DispatchMethod