path: root/dom/media/webcodecs/AudioData.h
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1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/webcodecs/AudioData.h b/dom/media/webcodecs/AudioData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ae69a225a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/webcodecs/AudioData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef mozilla_dom_AudioData_h
+#define mozilla_dom_AudioData_h
+#include "MediaData.h"
+#include "WebCodecsUtils.h"
+#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
+#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
+#include "mozilla/Span.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/AudioDataBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/StructuredCloneHolder.h"
+#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
+#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
+class nsIGlobalObject;
+class nsIURI;
+namespace mozilla::dom {
+class MaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer;
+class OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer;
+class Promise;
+struct AudioDataBufferInit;
+struct AudioDataCopyToOptions;
+struct AudioDataInit;
+} // namespace mozilla::dom
+namespace mozilla::dom {
+class AudioData;
+class AudioDataResource;
+struct AudioDataSerializedData;
+class AudioData final : public nsISupports, public nsWrapperCache {
+ public:
+ public:
+ AudioData(nsIGlobalObject* aParent, const AudioDataSerializedData& aData);
+ AudioData(nsIGlobalObject* aParent,
+ already_AddRefed<AudioDataResource> aResource,
+ const AudioDataInit& aInit);
+ AudioData(nsIGlobalObject* aParent,
+ already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::AudioDataResource> aResource,
+ int64_t aTimestamp, uint32_t aNumberOfChannels,
+ uint32_t aNumberOfFrames, float aSampleRate,
+ AudioSampleFormat aAudioSampleFormat);
+ AudioData(const AudioData& aOther);
+ protected:
+ ~AudioData() = default;
+ public:
+ nsIGlobalObject* GetParentObject() const;
+ JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
+ static already_AddRefed<AudioData> Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
+ const AudioDataInit& aInit,
+ ErrorResult& aRv);
+ Nullable<mozilla::dom::AudioSampleFormat> GetFormat() const;
+ float SampleRate() const;
+ uint32_t NumberOfFrames() const;
+ uint32_t NumberOfChannels() const;
+ uint64_t Duration() const; // microseconds
+ int64_t Timestamp() const; // microseconds
+ uint32_t AllocationSize(const AudioDataCopyToOptions& aOptions,
+ ErrorResult& aRv);
+ void CopyTo(
+ const MaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aDestination,
+ const AudioDataCopyToOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv);
+ already_AddRefed<AudioData> Clone(ErrorResult& aRv);
+ void Close();
+ // [Serializable] implementations: {Read, Write}StructuredClone
+ static JSObject* ReadStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal,
+ JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader,
+ const AudioDataSerializedData& aData);
+ bool WriteStructuredClone(JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter,
+ StructuredCloneHolder* aHolder) const;
+ // [Transferable] implementations: Transfer, FromTransferred
+ using TransferredData = AudioDataSerializedData;
+ UniquePtr<TransferredData> Transfer();
+ static already_AddRefed<AudioData> FromTransferred(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal,
+ TransferredData* aData);
+ private:
+ size_t ComputeCopyElementCount(const AudioDataCopyToOptions& aOptions,
+ ErrorResult& aRv);
+ nsCString ToString() const;
+ // AudioData can run on either main thread or worker thread.
+ void AssertIsOnOwningThread() const { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(AudioData); }
+ void CloseIfNeeded();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> mParent;
+ friend struct AudioDataSerializedData;
+ int64_t mTimestamp;
+ uint32_t mNumberOfChannels;
+ uint32_t mNumberOfFrames;
+ float mSampleRate;
+ Maybe<AudioSampleFormat> mAudioSampleFormat;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::AudioDataResource> mResource;
+class AudioDataResource final {
+ explicit AudioDataResource(FallibleTArray<uint8_t>&& aData)
+ : mData(std::move(aData)) {}
+ explicit AudioDataResource() : mData() {}
+ static AudioDataResource* Create(const Span<uint8_t>& aData) {
+ AudioDataResource* resource = new AudioDataResource();
+ if (!resource->mData.AppendElements(aData, mozilla::fallible_t())) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return resource;
+ }
+ static Result<already_AddRefed<AudioDataResource>, nsresult> Construct(
+ const OwningMaybeSharedArrayBufferViewOrMaybeSharedArrayBuffer& aInit);
+ Span<uint8_t> Data() { return Span(mData.Elements(), mData.Length()); };
+ private:
+ ~AudioDataResource() = default;
+ // It's always possible for the allocation to fail -- the size is
+ // controled by script.
+ FallibleTArray<uint8_t> mData;
+struct AudioDataSerializedData {
+ explicit AudioDataSerializedData(const AudioData& aFrom)
+ : mTimestamp(aFrom.Timestamp()),
+ mNumberOfChannels(aFrom.NumberOfChannels()),
+ mNumberOfFrames(aFrom.NumberOfFrames()),
+ mSampleRate(aFrom.SampleRate()),
+ mAudioSampleFormat(NullableToMaybe(aFrom.GetFormat())),
+ mResource(aFrom.mResource) {}
+ int64_t mTimestamp{};
+ uint32_t mNumberOfChannels{};
+ uint32_t mNumberOfFrames{};
+ float mSampleRate{};
+ Maybe<AudioSampleFormat> mAudioSampleFormat;
+ RefPtr<AudioDataResource> mResource;
+} // namespace mozilla::dom
+#endif // mozilla_dom_AudioData_h