path: root/gfx/skia/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Base.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/skia/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Base.h')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/skia/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Base.h b/gfx/skia/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13634b2010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/skia/skia/src/image/SkSurface_Base.h
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+ * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef SkSurface_Base_DEFINED
+#define SkSurface_Base_DEFINED
+#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
+#include "include/core/SkDeferredDisplayList.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
+#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
+#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
+#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
+#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
+#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
+#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
+#if defined(SK_GANESH)
+#include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
+#include "include/gpu/GrTypes.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+class GrBackendSemaphore;
+class GrRecordingContext;
+class SkCapabilities;
+class SkColorSpace;
+class SkPaint;
+class SkPixmap;
+class SkSurfaceCharacterization;
+class SkSurfaceProps;
+enum SkYUVColorSpace : int;
+namespace skgpu { class MutableTextureState; }
+namespace skgpu { namespace graphite { class Recorder; } }
+struct SkIRect;
+struct SkISize;
+struct SkImageInfo;
+class SkSurface_Base : public SkSurface {
+ SkSurface_Base(int width, int height, const SkSurfaceProps*);
+ SkSurface_Base(const SkImageInfo&, const SkSurfaceProps*);
+ ~SkSurface_Base() override;
+ virtual GrRecordingContext* onGetRecordingContext();
+ virtual skgpu::graphite::Recorder* onGetRecorder();
+#if defined(SK_GANESH)
+ virtual GrBackendTexture onGetBackendTexture(BackendHandleAccess);
+ virtual GrBackendRenderTarget onGetBackendRenderTarget(BackendHandleAccess);
+ virtual bool onReplaceBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
+ GrSurfaceOrigin,
+ ContentChangeMode,
+ TextureReleaseProc,
+ ReleaseContext);
+ virtual void onResolveMSAA() {}
+ /**
+ * Issue any pending surface IO to the current backend 3D API and resolve any surface MSAA.
+ * Inserts the requested number of semaphores for the gpu to signal when work is complete on the
+ * gpu and inits the array of GrBackendSemaphores with the signaled semaphores.
+ */
+ virtual GrSemaphoresSubmitted onFlush(BackendSurfaceAccess access, const GrFlushInfo&,
+ const skgpu::MutableTextureState*) {
+ return GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allocate a canvas that will draw into this surface. We will cache this
+ * canvas, to return the same object to the caller multiple times. We
+ * take ownership, and will call unref() on the canvas when we go out of
+ * scope.
+ */
+ virtual SkCanvas* onNewCanvas() = 0;
+ virtual sk_sp<SkSurface> onNewSurface(const SkImageInfo&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Allocate an SkImage that represents the current contents of the surface.
+ * This needs to be able to outlive the surface itself (if need be), and
+ * must faithfully represent the current contents, even if the surface
+ * is changed after this called (e.g. it is drawn to via its canvas).
+ *
+ * If a subset is specified, the the impl must make a copy, rather than try to wait
+ * on copy-on-write.
+ */
+ virtual sk_sp<SkImage> onNewImageSnapshot(const SkIRect* subset = nullptr) { return nullptr; }
+#if defined(SK_GRAPHITE)
+ virtual sk_sp<SkImage> onAsImage() { return nullptr; }
+ virtual sk_sp<SkImage> onMakeImageCopy(const SkIRect* /* subset */,
+ skgpu::Mipmapped) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ virtual void onWritePixels(const SkPixmap&, int x, int y) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Default implementation does a rescale/read and then calls the callback.
+ */
+ virtual void onAsyncRescaleAndReadPixels(const SkImageInfo&,
+ const SkIRect srcRect,
+ RescaleGamma,
+ RescaleMode,
+ ReadPixelsCallback,
+ ReadPixelsContext);
+ /**
+ * Default implementation does a rescale/read/yuv conversion and then calls the callback.
+ */
+ virtual void onAsyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420(SkYUVColorSpace,
+ sk_sp<SkColorSpace> dstColorSpace,
+ SkIRect srcRect,
+ SkISize dstSize,
+ RescaleGamma,
+ RescaleMode,
+ ReadPixelsCallback,
+ ReadPixelsContext);
+ /**
+ * Default implementation:
+ *
+ * image = this->newImageSnapshot();
+ * if (image) {
+ * image->draw(canvas, ...);
+ * image->unref();
+ * }
+ */
+ virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkSamplingOptions&,const SkPaint*);
+ /**
+ * Called as a performance hint when the Surface is allowed to make it's contents
+ * undefined.
+ */
+ virtual void onDiscard() {}
+ /**
+ * If the surface is about to change, we call this so that our subclass
+ * can optionally fork their backend (copy-on-write) in case it was
+ * being shared with the cachedImage.
+ *
+ * Returns false if the backing cannot be un-shared.
+ */
+ virtual bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT onCopyOnWrite(ContentChangeMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Signal the surface to remind its backing store that it's mutable again.
+ * Called only when we _didn't_ copy-on-write; we assume the copies start mutable.
+ */
+ virtual void onRestoreBackingMutability() {}
+ /**
+ * Caused the current backend 3D API to wait on the passed in semaphores before executing new
+ * commands on the gpu. Any previously submitting commands will not be blocked by these
+ * semaphores.
+ */
+ virtual bool onWait(int numSemaphores, const GrBackendSemaphore* waitSemaphores,
+ bool deleteSemaphoresAfterWait) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool onCharacterize(SkSurfaceCharacterization*) const { return false; }
+ virtual bool onIsCompatible(const SkSurfaceCharacterization&) const { return false; }
+ virtual bool onDraw(sk_sp<const SkDeferredDisplayList>, SkIPoint offset) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Remove this (make it pure virtual) after updating Android (which has a class derived
+ // from SkSurface_Base).
+ virtual sk_sp<const SkCapabilities> onCapabilities();
+ // True for surfaces instantiated by Graphite in GPU memory
+ virtual bool isGraphiteBacked() const { return false; }
+ inline SkCanvas* getCachedCanvas();
+ inline sk_sp<SkImage> refCachedImage();
+ bool hasCachedImage() const { return fCachedImage != nullptr; }
+ // called by SkSurface to compute a new genID
+ uint32_t newGenerationID();
+ std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> fCachedCanvas;
+ sk_sp<SkImage> fCachedImage;
+ // Returns false if drawing should not take place (allocation failure).
+ bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT aboutToDraw(ContentChangeMode mode);
+ // Returns true if there is an outstanding image-snapshot, indicating that a call to aboutToDraw
+ // would trigger a copy-on-write.
+ bool outstandingImageSnapshot() const;
+ friend class SkCanvas;
+ friend class SkSurface;
+ using INHERITED = SkSurface;
+SkCanvas* SkSurface_Base::getCachedCanvas() {
+ if (nullptr == fCachedCanvas) {
+ fCachedCanvas = std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas>(this->onNewCanvas());
+ if (fCachedCanvas) {
+ fCachedCanvas->setSurfaceBase(this);
+ }
+ }
+ return fCachedCanvas.get();
+sk_sp<SkImage> SkSurface_Base::refCachedImage() {
+ if (fCachedImage) {
+ return fCachedImage;
+ }
+ fCachedImage = this->onNewImageSnapshot();
+ SkASSERT(!fCachedCanvas || fCachedCanvas->getSurfaceBase() == this);
+ return fCachedImage;
+static inline SkSurface_Base* asSB(SkSurface* surface) {
+ return static_cast<SkSurface_Base*>(surface);
+static inline const SkSurface_Base* asConstSB(const SkSurface* surface) {
+ return static_cast<const SkSurface_Base*>(surface);