path: root/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/wr/webrender/src/')
1 files changed, 2351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/wr/webrender/src/ b/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8dd67981c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2351 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! Internal representation of clips in WebRender.
+//! # Data structures
+//! There are a number of data structures involved in the clip module:
+//! - ClipStore - Main interface used by other modules.
+//! - ClipItem - A single clip item (e.g. a rounded rect, or a box shadow).
+//! These are an exposed API type, stored inline in a ClipNode.
+//! - ClipNode - A ClipItem with an attached GPU handle. The GPU handle is populated
+//! when a ClipNodeInstance is built from this node (which happens while
+//! preparing primitives for render).
+//! ClipNodeInstance - A ClipNode with attached positioning information (a spatial
+//! node index). This is stored as a contiguous array of nodes
+//! within the ClipStore.
+//! ```ascii
+//! +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+//! | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance |
+//! +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+//! | ClipItem | ClipItem | ClipItem |
+//! | Spatial Node Index | Spatial Node Index | Spatial Node Index |
+//! | GPU cache handle | GPU cache handle | GPU cache handle |
+//! | ... | ... | ... |
+//! +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+//! 0 1 2
+//! +----------------+ | |
+//! | ClipNodeRange |____| |
+//! | index: 1 | |
+//! | count: 2 |___________________________________________________|
+//! +----------------+
+//! ```
+//! - ClipNodeRange - A clip item range identifies a range of clip nodes instances.
+//! It is stored as an (index, count).
+//! - ClipChainNode - A clip chain node contains a handle to an interned clip item,
+//! positioning information (from where the clip was defined), and
+//! an optional parent link to another ClipChainNode. ClipChainId
+//! is an index into an array, or ClipChainId::NONE for no parent.
+//! ```ascii
+//! +----------------+ ____+----------------+ ____+----------------+ /---> ClipChainId::NONE
+//! | ClipChainNode | | | ClipChainNode | | | ClipChainNode | |
+//! +----------------+ | +----------------+ | +----------------+ |
+//! | ClipDataHandle | | | ClipDataHandle | | | ClipDataHandle | |
+//! | Spatial index | | | Spatial index | | | Spatial index | |
+//! | Parent Id |___| | Parent Id |___| | Parent Id |___|
+//! | ... | | ... | | ... |
+//! +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+//! ```
+//! - ClipChainInstance - A ClipChain that has been built for a specific primitive + positioning node.
+//! When given a clip chain ID, and a local primitive rect and its spatial node, the clip module
+//! creates a clip chain instance. This is a struct with various pieces of useful information
+//! (such as a local clip rect). It also contains a (index, count)
+//! range specifier into an index buffer of the ClipNodeInstance structures that are actually relevant
+//! for this clip chain instance. The index buffer structure allows a single array to be used for
+//! all of the clip-chain instances built in a single frame. Each entry in the index buffer
+//! also stores some flags relevant to the clip node in this positioning context.
+//! ```ascii
+//! +----------------------+
+//! | ClipChainInstance |
+//! +----------------------+
+//! | ... |
+//! | local_clip_rect |________________________________________________________________________
+//! | clips_range |_______________ |
+//! +----------------------+ | |
+//! | |
+//! +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+
+//! | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance | ClipNodeInstance |
+//! +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+
+//! | flags | flags | flags | flags | flags |
+//! | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
+//! +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+
+//! ```
+//! # Rendering clipped primitives
+//! See the [`segment` module documentation][].
+//! []: ../segment/index.html
+use api::{BorderRadius, ClipMode, ComplexClipRegion, ImageMask, ClipId, ClipChainId};
+use api::{BoxShadowClipMode, FillRule, ImageKey, ImageRendering};
+use api::units::*;
+use crate::image_tiling::{self, Repetition};
+use crate::border::{ensure_no_corner_overlap, BorderRadiusAu};
+use crate::box_shadow::{BLUR_SAMPLE_SCALE, BoxShadowClipSource, BoxShadowCacheKey};
+use crate::spatial_tree::{SpatialTree, SpatialNodeIndex};
+use crate::ellipse::Ellipse;
+use crate::gpu_cache::GpuCache;
+use crate::gpu_types::{BoxShadowStretchMode};
+use crate::intern;
+use crate::internal_types::{FastHashMap, FastHashSet, LayoutPrimitiveInfo};
+use crate::prim_store::{VisibleMaskImageTile};
+use crate::prim_store::{PointKey, SizeKey, RectangleKey, PolygonKey};
+use crate::render_task_cache::to_cache_size;
+use crate::render_task::RenderTask;
+use crate::render_task_graph::RenderTaskGraphBuilder;
+use crate::resource_cache::{ImageRequest, ResourceCache};
+use crate::scene_builder_thread::Interners;
+use crate::space::SpaceMapper;
+use crate::util::{clamp_to_scale_factor, MaxRect, extract_inner_rect_safe, project_rect, ScaleOffset};
+use euclid::approxeq::ApproxEq;
+use std::{iter, ops, u32, mem};
+/// A (non-leaf) node inside a clip-tree
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipTreeNode {
+ pub handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ pub parent: ClipNodeId,
+ children: Vec<ClipNodeId>,
+ // TODO(gw): Consider adding a default leaf for cases when the local_clip_rect is not relevant,
+ // that can be shared among primitives (to reduce amount of clip-chain building).
+/// A leaf node in a clip-tree. Any primitive that is clipped will have a handle to
+/// a clip-tree leaf.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipTreeLeaf {
+ pub node_id: ClipNodeId,
+ // TODO(gw): For now, this preserves the ability to build a culling rect
+ // from the supplied leaf local clip rect on the primitive. In
+ // future, we'll expand this to be more efficient by combining
+ // it will compatible clip rects from the `node_id`.
+ pub local_clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+/// ID for a ClipTreeNode
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, MallocSizeOf, Eq, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipNodeId(u32);
+impl ClipNodeId {
+ pub const NONE: ClipNodeId = ClipNodeId(0);
+/// ID for a ClipTreeLeaf
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, MallocSizeOf, Eq, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipLeafId(u32);
+/// A clip-tree built during scene building and used during frame-building to apply clips to primitives.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipTree {
+ nodes: Vec<ClipTreeNode>,
+ leaves: Vec<ClipTreeLeaf>,
+ clip_root_stack: Vec<ClipNodeId>,
+impl ClipTree {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ ClipTree {
+ nodes: vec![
+ ClipTreeNode {
+ handle: ClipDataHandle::INVALID,
+ children: Vec::new(),
+ parent: ClipNodeId::NONE,
+ }
+ ],
+ leaves: Vec::new(),
+ clip_root_stack: vec![
+ ClipNodeId::NONE,
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add a set of clips to the provided tree node id, reusing existing
+ /// nodes in the tree where possible
+ fn add_impl(
+ id: ClipNodeId,
+ clips: &[ClipDataHandle],
+ nodes: &mut Vec<ClipTreeNode>,
+ ) -> ClipNodeId {
+ if clips.is_empty() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ let handle = clips[0];
+ let next_clips = &clips[1..];
+ let node_index = nodes[id.0 as usize]
+ .children
+ .iter()
+ .find(|n| nodes[n.0 as usize].handle == handle)
+ .cloned();
+ let node_index = match node_index {
+ Some(node_index) => node_index,
+ None => {
+ let node_index = ClipNodeId(nodes.len() as u32);
+ nodes[id.0 as usize].children.push(node_index);
+ let node = ClipTreeNode {
+ handle,
+ children: Vec::new(),
+ parent: id,
+ };
+ nodes.push(node);
+ node_index
+ }
+ };
+ ClipTree::add_impl(
+ node_index,
+ next_clips,
+ nodes,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Add a set of clips to the provided tree node id, reusing existing
+ /// nodes in the tree where possible
+ pub fn add(
+ &mut self,
+ root: ClipNodeId,
+ clips: &[ClipDataHandle],
+ ) -> ClipNodeId {
+ ClipTree::add_impl(
+ root,
+ clips,
+ &mut self.nodes,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Get the current clip root (the node in the clip-tree where clips can be
+ /// ignored when building the clip-chain instance for a primitive)
+ pub fn current_clip_root(&self) -> ClipNodeId {
+ self.clip_root_stack.last().cloned().unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Push a clip root (e.g. when a surface is encountered) that prevents clips
+ /// from this node and above being applied to primitives within the root.
+ pub fn push_clip_root_leaf(&mut self, clip_leaf_id: ClipLeafId) {
+ let leaf = &self.leaves[clip_leaf_id.0 as usize];
+ self.clip_root_stack.push(leaf.node_id);
+ }
+ /// Push a clip root (e.g. when a surface is encountered) that prevents clips
+ /// from this node and above being applied to primitives within the root.
+ pub fn push_clip_root_node(&mut self, clip_node_id: ClipNodeId) {
+ self.clip_root_stack.push(clip_node_id);
+ }
+ /// Pop a clip root, when exiting a surface.
+ pub fn pop_clip_root(&mut self) {
+ self.clip_root_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ }
+ /// Retrieve a clip tree node by id
+ pub fn get_node(&self, id: ClipNodeId) -> &ClipTreeNode {
+ assert!(id != ClipNodeId::NONE);
+ &self.nodes[id.0 as usize]
+ }
+ /// Retrieve a clip tree leaf by id
+ pub fn get_leaf(&self, id: ClipLeafId) -> &ClipTreeLeaf {
+ &self.leaves[id.0 as usize]
+ }
+ /// Debug print the clip-tree
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub fn print(&self) {
+ use crate::print_tree::PrintTree;
+ fn print_node<T: crate::print_tree::PrintTreePrinter>(
+ id: ClipNodeId,
+ nodes: &[ClipTreeNode],
+ pt: &mut T,
+ ) {
+ let node = &nodes[id.0 as usize];
+ pt.new_level(format!("{:?}", id));
+ pt.add_item(format!("{:?}", node.handle));
+ for child_id in &node.children {
+ print_node(*child_id, nodes, pt);
+ }
+ pt.end_level();
+ }
+ fn print_leaf<T: crate::print_tree::PrintTreePrinter>(
+ id: ClipLeafId,
+ leaves: &[ClipTreeLeaf],
+ pt: &mut T,
+ ) {
+ let leaf = &leaves[id.0 as usize];
+ pt.new_level(format!("{:?}", id));
+ pt.add_item(format!("node_id: {:?}", leaf.node_id));
+ pt.add_item(format!("local_clip_rect: {:?}", leaf.local_clip_rect));
+ pt.end_level();
+ }
+ let mut pt = PrintTree::new("clip tree");
+ print_node(ClipNodeId::NONE, &self.nodes, &mut pt);
+ for i in 0 .. self.leaves.len() {
+ print_leaf(ClipLeafId(i as u32), &self.leaves, &mut pt);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Find the lowest common ancestor of two clip tree nodes. This is useful
+ /// to identify shared clips between primitives attached to different clip-leaves.
+ pub fn find_lowest_common_ancestor(
+ &self,
+ mut node1: ClipNodeId,
+ mut node2: ClipNodeId,
+ ) -> ClipNodeId {
+ // TODO(gw): Consider caching / storing the depth in the node?
+ fn get_node_depth(
+ id: ClipNodeId,
+ nodes: &[ClipTreeNode],
+ ) -> usize {
+ let mut depth = 0;
+ let mut current = id;
+ while current != ClipNodeId::NONE {
+ let node = &nodes[current.0 as usize];
+ depth += 1;
+ current = node.parent;
+ }
+ depth
+ }
+ let mut depth1 = get_node_depth(node1, &self.nodes);
+ let mut depth2 = get_node_depth(node2, &self.nodes);
+ while depth1 > depth2 {
+ node1 = self.nodes[node1.0 as usize].parent;
+ depth1 -= 1;
+ }
+ while depth2 > depth1 {
+ node2 = self.nodes[node2.0 as usize].parent;
+ depth2 -= 1;
+ }
+ while node1 != node2 {
+ node1 = self.nodes[node1.0 as usize].parent;
+ node2 = self.nodes[node2.0 as usize].parent;
+ }
+ node1
+ }
+/// Represents a clip-chain as defined by the public API that we decompose in to
+/// the clip-tree. In future, we would like to remove this and have Gecko directly
+/// build the clip-tree.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipChain {
+ parent: Option<usize>,
+ clips: Vec<ClipDataHandle>,
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipStackEntry {
+ /// Cache the previous clip-chain build, since this is a common case
+ last_clip_chain_cache: Option<(ClipChainId, ClipNodeId)>,
+ /// Set of clips that were already seen and included in clip_node_id
+ seen_clips: FastHashSet<ClipDataHandle>,
+ /// The build clip_node_id for this level of the stack
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId,
+/// Used by the scene builder to build the clip-tree that is part of the built scene.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipTreeBuilder {
+ /// Clips defined by the display list
+ clip_map: FastHashMap<ClipId, ClipDataHandle>,
+ /// Clip-chains defined by the display list
+ clip_chains: Vec<ClipChain>,
+ clip_chain_map: FastHashMap<ClipChainId, usize>,
+ /// List of clips pushed/popped by grouping items, such as stacking contexts and iframes
+ clip_stack: Vec<ClipStackEntry>,
+ /// The tree we are building
+ tree: ClipTree,
+ /// A temporary buffer stored here to avoid constant heap allocs/frees
+ clip_handles_buffer: Vec<ClipDataHandle>,
+impl ClipTreeBuilder {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ ClipTreeBuilder {
+ clip_map: FastHashMap::default(),
+ clip_chain_map: FastHashMap::default(),
+ clip_chains: Vec::new(),
+ clip_stack: vec![
+ ClipStackEntry {
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId::NONE,
+ last_clip_chain_cache: None,
+ seen_clips: FastHashSet::default(),
+ },
+ ],
+ tree: ClipTree::new(),
+ clip_handles_buffer: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Define a new rect clip
+ pub fn define_rect_clip(
+ &mut self,
+ id: ClipId,
+ handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ ) {
+ self.clip_map.insert(id, handle);
+ }
+ /// Define a new rounded rect clip
+ pub fn define_rounded_rect_clip(
+ &mut self,
+ id: ClipId,
+ handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ ) {
+ self.clip_map.insert(id, handle);
+ }
+ /// Define a image mask clip
+ pub fn define_image_mask_clip(
+ &mut self,
+ id: ClipId,
+ handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ ) {
+ self.clip_map.insert(id, handle);
+ }
+ /// Define a clip-chain
+ pub fn define_clip_chain<I: Iterator<Item = ClipId>>(
+ &mut self,
+ id: ClipChainId,
+ parent: Option<ClipChainId>,
+ clips: I,
+ ) {
+ let parent =|ref id| self.clip_chain_map[id]);
+ let index = self.clip_chains.len();
+ let clips =|clip_id| {
+ self.clip_map[&clip_id]
+ }).collect();
+ self.clip_chains.push(ClipChain {
+ parent,
+ clips,
+ });
+ self.clip_chain_map.insert(id, index);
+ }
+ /// Push a clip-chain that will be applied to any prims built prior to next pop
+ pub fn push_clip_chain(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_chain_id: Option<ClipChainId>,
+ reset_seen: bool,
+ ) {
+ let (mut clip_node_id, mut seen_clips) = {
+ let prev = self.clip_stack.last().unwrap();
+ (prev.clip_node_id, prev.seen_clips.clone())
+ };
+ if let Some(clip_chain_id) = clip_chain_id {
+ if clip_chain_id != ClipChainId::INVALID {
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.clear();
+ let clip_chain_index = self.clip_chain_map[&clip_chain_id];
+ ClipTreeBuilder::add_clips(
+ clip_chain_index,
+ &mut seen_clips,
+ &mut self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ &self.clip_chains,
+ );
+ clip_node_id = self.tree.add(
+ clip_node_id,
+ &self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if reset_seen {
+ seen_clips.clear();
+ }
+ self.clip_stack.push(ClipStackEntry {
+ last_clip_chain_cache: None,
+ clip_node_id,
+ seen_clips,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Push a clip-id that will be applied to any prims built prior to next pop
+ pub fn push_clip_id(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_id: ClipId,
+ ) {
+ let (clip_node_id, mut seen_clips) = {
+ let prev = self.clip_stack.last().unwrap();
+ (prev.clip_node_id, prev.seen_clips.clone())
+ };
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.clear();
+ let clip_index = self.clip_map[&clip_id];
+ if seen_clips.insert(clip_index) {
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.push(clip_index);
+ }
+ let clip_node_id = self.tree.add(
+ clip_node_id,
+ &self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ );
+ self.clip_stack.push(ClipStackEntry {
+ last_clip_chain_cache: None,
+ seen_clips,
+ clip_node_id,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Pop a clip off the clip_stack, when exiting a grouping item
+ pub fn pop_clip(&mut self) {
+ self.clip_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ }
+ /// Add clips from a given clip-chain to the set of clips for a primitive during clip-set building
+ fn add_clips(
+ clip_chain_index: usize,
+ seen_clips: &mut FastHashSet<ClipDataHandle>,
+ output: &mut Vec<ClipDataHandle>,
+ clip_chains: &[ClipChain],
+ ) {
+ // TODO(gw): It's possible that we may see clip outputs that include identical clips
+ // (e.g. if there is a clip positioned by two spatial nodes, where one spatial
+ // node is a child of the other, and has an identity transform). If we ever
+ // see this in real-world cases, it might be worth checking for that here and
+ // excluding them, to ensure the shape of the tree matches what we need for
+ // finding shared_clips for tile caches etc.
+ let clip_chain = &clip_chains[clip_chain_index];
+ if let Some(parent) = clip_chain.parent {
+ ClipTreeBuilder::add_clips(
+ parent,
+ seen_clips,
+ output,
+ clip_chains,
+ );
+ }
+ for clip_index in clip_chain.clips.iter().rev() {
+ if seen_clips.insert(*clip_index) {
+ output.push(*clip_index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Main entry point to build a path in the clip-tree for a given primitive
+ pub fn build_clip_set(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_chain_id: ClipChainId,
+ ) -> ClipNodeId {
+ let clip_stack = self.clip_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ if clip_chain_id == ClipChainId::INVALID {
+ clip_stack.clip_node_id
+ } else {
+ if let Some((cached_clip_chain, cached_clip_node)) = clip_stack.last_clip_chain_cache {
+ if cached_clip_chain == clip_chain_id {
+ return cached_clip_node;
+ }
+ }
+ let clip_chain_index = self.clip_chain_map[&clip_chain_id];
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.clear();
+ ClipTreeBuilder::add_clips(
+ clip_chain_index,
+ &mut clip_stack.seen_clips,
+ &mut self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ &self.clip_chains,
+ );
+ // We mutated the `clip_stack.seen_clips` in order to remove duplicate clips from
+ // the supplied `clip_chain_id`. Now step through and remove any clips we added
+ // to the set, so we don't get incorrect results next time `build_clip_set` is
+ // called for a different clip-chain. Doing it this way rather than cloning means
+ // we avoid heap allocations for each `build_clip_set` call.
+ for handle in &self.clip_handles_buffer {
+ clip_stack.seen_clips.remove(handle);
+ }
+ let clip_node_id = self.tree.add(
+ clip_stack.clip_node_id,
+ &self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ );
+ clip_stack.last_clip_chain_cache = Some((clip_chain_id, clip_node_id));
+ clip_node_id
+ }
+ }
+ /// Recursive impl to check if a clip-chain has complex (non-rectangular) clips
+ fn has_complex_clips_impl(
+ &self,
+ clip_chain_index: usize,
+ interners: &Interners,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let clip_chain = &self.clip_chains[clip_chain_index];
+ for clip_handle in &clip_chain.clips {
+ let clip_info = &interners.clip[*clip_handle];
+ if let ClipNodeKind::Complex = clip_info.key.kind.node_kind() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ match clip_chain.parent {
+ Some(parent) => self.has_complex_clips_impl(parent, interners),
+ None => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if a clip-chain has complex (non-rectangular) clips
+ pub fn clip_chain_has_complex_clips(
+ &self,
+ clip_chain_id: ClipChainId,
+ interners: &Interners,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let clip_chain_index = self.clip_chain_map[&clip_chain_id];
+ self.has_complex_clips_impl(clip_chain_index, interners)
+ }
+ /// Check if a clip-node has complex (non-rectangular) clips
+ pub fn clip_node_has_complex_clips(
+ &self,
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId,
+ interners: &Interners,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let mut current = clip_node_id;
+ while current != ClipNodeId::NONE {
+ let node = &self.tree.nodes[current.0 as usize];
+ let clip_info = &interners.clip[node.handle];
+ if let ClipNodeKind::Complex = clip_info.key.kind.node_kind() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ current = node.parent;
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ /// Finalize building and return the clip-tree
+ pub fn finalize(self) -> ClipTree {
+ self.tree
+ }
+ /// Get a clip node by id
+ pub fn get_node(&self, id: ClipNodeId) -> &ClipTreeNode {
+ assert!(id != ClipNodeId::NONE);
+ &self.tree.nodes[id.0 as usize]
+ }
+ /// Get a clip leaf by id
+ pub fn get_leaf(&self, id: ClipLeafId) -> &ClipTreeLeaf {
+ &self.tree.leaves[id.0 as usize]
+ }
+ /// Build a clip-leaf for a tile-cache
+ pub fn build_for_tile_cache(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId,
+ extra_clips: &[ClipId],
+ ) -> ClipLeafId {
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.clear();
+ for clip_id in extra_clips {
+ let handle = self.clip_map[clip_id];
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.push(handle);
+ }
+ let node_id = self.tree.add(
+ clip_node_id,
+ &self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ );
+ let clip_leaf_id = ClipLeafId(self.tree.leaves.len() as u32);
+ self.tree.leaves.push(ClipTreeLeaf {
+ node_id,
+ local_clip_rect: LayoutRect::max_rect(),
+ });
+ clip_leaf_id
+ }
+ /// Build a clip-leaf for a picture
+ pub fn build_for_picture(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId,
+ ) -> ClipLeafId {
+ let node_id = self.tree.add(
+ clip_node_id,
+ &[],
+ );
+ let clip_leaf_id = ClipLeafId(self.tree.leaves.len() as u32);
+ self.tree.leaves.push(ClipTreeLeaf {
+ node_id,
+ local_clip_rect: LayoutRect::max_rect(),
+ });
+ clip_leaf_id
+ }
+ /// Build a clip-leaf for a normal primitive
+ pub fn build_for_prim(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_node_id: ClipNodeId,
+ info: &LayoutPrimitiveInfo,
+ extra_clips: &[ClipItemKey],
+ interners: &mut Interners,
+ ) -> ClipLeafId {
+ let node_id = if extra_clips.is_empty() {
+ clip_node_id
+ } else {
+ // TODO(gw): Cache the previous build of clip-node / clip-leaf to handle cases where we get a
+ // lot of primitives referencing the same clip set (e.g. dl_mutate and similar tests)
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.clear();
+ for item in extra_clips {
+ // Intern this clip item, and store the handle
+ // in the clip chain node.
+ let handle = interners.clip.intern(item, || {
+ ClipInternData {
+ key: item.clone(),
+ }
+ });
+ self.clip_handles_buffer.push(handle);
+ }
+ self.tree.add(
+ clip_node_id,
+ &self.clip_handles_buffer,
+ )
+ };
+ let clip_leaf_id = ClipLeafId(self.tree.leaves.len() as u32);
+ self.tree.leaves.push(ClipTreeLeaf {
+ node_id,
+ local_clip_rect: info.clip_rect,
+ });
+ clip_leaf_id
+ }
+ // Find the LCA for two given clip nodes
+ pub fn find_lowest_common_ancestor(
+ &self,
+ node1: ClipNodeId,
+ node2: ClipNodeId,
+ ) -> ClipNodeId {
+ self.tree.find_lowest_common_ancestor(node1, node2)
+ }
+// Type definitions for interning clip nodes.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(any(feature = "serde"), derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
+pub enum ClipIntern {}
+pub type ClipDataStore = intern::DataStore<ClipIntern>;
+pub type ClipDataHandle = intern::Handle<ClipIntern>;
+/// Helper to identify simple clips (normal rects) from other kinds of clips,
+/// which can often be handled via fast code paths.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, MallocSizeOf)]
+pub enum ClipNodeKind {
+ /// A normal clip rectangle, with Clip mode.
+ Rectangle,
+ /// A rectangle with ClipOut, or any other kind of clip.
+ Complex,
+// Result of comparing a clip node instance against a local rect.
+enum ClipResult {
+ // The clip does not affect the region at all.
+ Accept,
+ // The clip prevents the region from being drawn.
+ Reject,
+ // The clip affects part of the region. This may
+ // require a clip mask, depending on other factors.
+ Partial,
+// A clip node is a single clip source, along with some
+// positioning information and implementation details
+// that control where the GPU data for this clip source
+// can be found.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipNode {
+ pub item: ClipItem,
+// Convert from an interning key for a clip item
+// to a clip node, which is cached in the document.
+impl From<ClipItemKey> for ClipNode {
+ fn from(item: ClipItemKey) -> Self {
+ let kind = match item.kind {
+ ClipItemKeyKind::Rectangle(rect, mode) => {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { rect: rect.into(), mode }
+ }
+ ClipItemKeyKind::RoundedRectangle(rect, radius, mode) => {
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle {
+ rect: rect.into(),
+ radius: radius.into(),
+ mode,
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKeyKind::ImageMask(rect, image, polygon_handle) => {
+ ClipItemKind::Image {
+ image,
+ rect: rect.into(),
+ polygon_handle,
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKeyKind::BoxShadow(shadow_rect_fract_offset, shadow_rect_size, shadow_radius, prim_shadow_rect, blur_radius, clip_mode) => {
+ ClipItemKind::new_box_shadow(
+ shadow_rect_fract_offset.into(),
+ shadow_rect_size.into(),
+ shadow_radius.into(),
+ prim_shadow_rect.into(),
+ blur_radius.to_f32_px(),
+ clip_mode,
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ ClipNode {
+ item: ClipItem {
+ kind,
+ spatial_node_index: item.spatial_node_index,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+// Flags that are attached to instances of clip nodes.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, MallocSizeOf)]
+pub struct ClipNodeFlags(u8);
+bitflags! {
+ impl ClipNodeFlags : u8 {
+ const SAME_SPATIAL_NODE = 0x1;
+ const SAME_COORD_SYSTEM = 0x2;
+ const USE_FAST_PATH = 0x4;
+ }
+impl core::fmt::Debug for ClipNodeFlags {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ if self.is_empty() {
+ write!(f, "{:#x}", Self::empty().bits())
+ } else {
+ bitflags::parser::to_writer(self, f)
+ }
+ }
+// When a clip node is found to be valid for a
+// clip chain instance, it's stored in an index
+// buffer style structure. This struct contains
+// an index to the node data itself, as well as
+// some flags describing how this clip node instance
+// is positioned.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, MallocSizeOf)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipNodeInstance {
+ pub handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ pub flags: ClipNodeFlags,
+ pub visible_tiles: Option<ops::Range<usize>>,
+impl ClipNodeInstance {
+ pub fn has_visible_tiles(&self) -> bool {
+ self.visible_tiles.is_some()
+ }
+// A range of clip node instances that were found by
+// building a clip chain instance.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipNodeRange {
+ pub first: u32,
+ pub count: u32,
+impl ClipNodeRange {
+ pub fn to_range(&self) -> ops::Range<usize> {
+ let start = self.first as usize;
+ let end = start + self.count as usize;
+ ops::Range {
+ start,
+ end,
+ }
+ }
+/// A helper struct for converting between coordinate systems
+/// of clip sources and primitives.
+// todo(gw): optimize:
+// separate arrays for matrices
+// cache and only build as needed.
+//TODO: merge with `CoordinateSpaceMapping`?
+#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+enum ClipSpaceConversion {
+ Local,
+ ScaleOffset(ScaleOffset),
+ Transform(LayoutToWorldTransform),
+impl ClipSpaceConversion {
+ /// Construct a new clip space converter between two spatial nodes.
+ fn new(
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ clip_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ ) -> Self {
+ //Note: this code is different from `get_relative_transform` in a way that we only try
+ // getting the relative transform if it's Local or ScaleOffset,
+ // falling back to the world transform otherwise.
+ let clip_spatial_node = spatial_tree.get_spatial_node(clip_spatial_node_index);
+ let prim_spatial_node = spatial_tree.get_spatial_node(prim_spatial_node_index);
+ if prim_spatial_node_index == clip_spatial_node_index {
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Local
+ } else if prim_spatial_node.coordinate_system_id == clip_spatial_node.coordinate_system_id {
+ let scale_offset = prim_spatial_node.content_transform
+ .inverse()
+ .accumulate(&clip_spatial_node.content_transform);
+ ClipSpaceConversion::ScaleOffset(scale_offset)
+ } else {
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Transform(
+ spatial_tree
+ .get_world_transform(clip_spatial_node_index)
+ .into_transform()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ fn to_flags(&self) -> ClipNodeFlags {
+ match *self {
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Local => {
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::ScaleOffset(..) => {
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Transform(..) => {
+ ClipNodeFlags::empty()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Temporary information that is cached and reused
+// during building of a clip chain instance.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+struct ClipNodeInfo {
+ conversion: ClipSpaceConversion,
+ handle: ClipDataHandle,
+impl ClipNodeInfo {
+ fn create_instance(
+ &self,
+ node: &ClipNode,
+ clipped_rect: &LayoutRect,
+ gpu_cache: &mut GpuCache,
+ resource_cache: &mut ResourceCache,
+ mask_tiles: &mut Vec<VisibleMaskImageTile>,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ rg_builder: &mut RenderTaskGraphBuilder,
+ request_resources: bool,
+ ) -> Option<ClipNodeInstance> {
+ // Calculate some flags that are required for the segment
+ // building logic.
+ let mut flags = self.conversion.to_flags();
+ // Some clip shaders support a fast path mode for simple clips.
+ // TODO(gw): We could also apply fast path when segments are created, since we only write
+ // the mask for a single corner at a time then, so can always consider radii uniform.
+ let is_raster_2d =
+ flags.contains(ClipNodeFlags::SAME_COORD_SYSTEM) ||
+ spatial_tree
+ .get_world_viewport_transform(node.item.spatial_node_index)
+ .is_2d_axis_aligned();
+ if is_raster_2d && node.item.kind.supports_fast_path_rendering() {
+ flags |= ClipNodeFlags::USE_FAST_PATH;
+ }
+ let mut visible_tiles = None;
+ if let ClipItemKind::Image { rect, image, .. } = node.item.kind {
+ let request = ImageRequest {
+ key: image,
+ rendering: ImageRendering::Auto,
+ tile: None,
+ };
+ if let Some(props) = resource_cache.get_image_properties(image) {
+ if let Some(tile_size) = props.tiling {
+ let tile_range_start = mask_tiles.len();
+ // Bug 1648323 - It is unclear why on rare occasions we get
+ // a clipped_rect that does not intersect the clip's mask rect.
+ // defaulting to clipped_rect here results in zero repetitions
+ // which clips the primitive entirely.
+ let visible_rect =
+ clipped_rect.intersection(&rect).unwrap_or(*clipped_rect);
+ let repetitions = image_tiling::repetitions(
+ &rect,
+ &visible_rect,
+ rect.size(),
+ );
+ for Repetition { origin, .. } in repetitions {
+ let layout_image_rect = LayoutRect::from_origin_and_size(
+ origin,
+ rect.size(),
+ );
+ let tiles = image_tiling::tiles(
+ &layout_image_rect,
+ &visible_rect,
+ &props.visible_rect,
+ tile_size as i32,
+ );
+ for tile in tiles {
+ let req = request.with_tile(tile.offset);
+ if request_resources {
+ resource_cache.request_image(
+ req,
+ gpu_cache,
+ );
+ }
+ let task_id = rg_builder.add().init(
+ RenderTask::new_image(props.descriptor.size, req)
+ );
+ mask_tiles.push(VisibleMaskImageTile {
+ tile_offset: tile.offset,
+ tile_rect: tile.rect,
+ task_id,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ visible_tiles = Some(tile_range_start..mask_tiles.len());
+ } else {
+ if request_resources {
+ resource_cache.request_image(request, gpu_cache);
+ }
+ let tile_range_start = mask_tiles.len();
+ let task_id = rg_builder.add().init(
+ RenderTask::new_image(props.descriptor.size, request)
+ );
+ mask_tiles.push(VisibleMaskImageTile {
+ tile_rect: rect,
+ tile_offset: TileOffset::zero(),
+ task_id,
+ });
+ visible_tiles = Some(tile_range_start .. mask_tiles.len());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the supplied image key doesn't exist in the resource cache,
+ // skip the clip node since there is nothing to mask with.
+ warn!("Clip mask with missing image key {:?}", request.key);
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ Some(ClipNodeInstance {
+ handle: self.handle,
+ flags,
+ visible_tiles,
+ })
+ }
+impl ClipNode {
+ pub fn update(
+ &mut self,
+ device_pixel_scale: DevicePixelScale,
+ ) {
+ match self.item.kind {
+ ClipItemKind::Image { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { .. } => {}
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { ref mut source } => {
+ // Quote from
+ // "the image that would be generated by applying to the shadow a
+ // Gaussian blur with a standard deviation equal to half the blur radius."
+ let blur_radius_dp = source.blur_radius * 0.5;
+ // Create scaling from requested size to cache size.
+ let mut content_scale = LayoutToWorldScale::new(1.0) * device_pixel_scale;
+ content_scale.0 = clamp_to_scale_factor(content_scale.0, false);
+ // Create the cache key for this box-shadow render task.
+ let cache_size = to_cache_size(source.shadow_rect_alloc_size, &mut content_scale);
+ let bs_cache_key = BoxShadowCacheKey {
+ blur_radius_dp: (blur_radius_dp * content_scale.0).round() as i32,
+ clip_mode: source.clip_mode,
+ original_alloc_size: (source.original_alloc_size * content_scale).round().to_i32(),
+ br_top_left: (source.shadow_radius.top_left * content_scale).round().to_i32(),
+ br_top_right: (source.shadow_radius.top_right * content_scale).round().to_i32(),
+ br_bottom_right: (source.shadow_radius.bottom_right * content_scale).round().to_i32(),
+ br_bottom_left: (source.shadow_radius.bottom_left * content_scale).round().to_i32(),
+ device_pixel_scale: Au::from_f32_px(content_scale.0),
+ };
+ source.cache_key = Some((cache_size, bs_cache_key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub struct ClipStoreScratchBuffer {
+ clip_node_instances: Vec<ClipNodeInstance>,
+ mask_tiles: Vec<VisibleMaskImageTile>,
+/// The main clipping public interface that other modules access.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+pub struct ClipStore {
+ pub clip_node_instances: Vec<ClipNodeInstance>,
+ mask_tiles: Vec<VisibleMaskImageTile>,
+ active_clip_node_info: Vec<ClipNodeInfo>,
+ active_local_clip_rect: Option<LayoutRect>,
+ active_pic_coverage_rect: PictureRect,
+// A clip chain instance is what gets built for a given clip
+// chain id + local primitive region + positioning node.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+pub struct ClipChainInstance {
+ pub clips_range: ClipNodeRange,
+ // Combined clip rect for clips that are in the
+ // same coordinate system as the primitive.
+ pub local_clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+ pub has_non_local_clips: bool,
+ // If true, this clip chain requires allocation
+ // of a clip mask.
+ pub needs_mask: bool,
+ // Combined clip rect in picture space (may
+ // be more conservative that local_clip_rect).
+ pub pic_coverage_rect: PictureRect,
+ // Space, in which the `pic_coverage_rect` is defined.
+ pub pic_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+impl ClipChainInstance {
+ pub fn empty() -> Self {
+ ClipChainInstance {
+ clips_range: ClipNodeRange {
+ first: 0,
+ count: 0,
+ },
+ local_clip_rect: LayoutRect::zero(),
+ has_non_local_clips: false,
+ needs_mask: false,
+ pic_coverage_rect: PictureRect::zero(),
+ pic_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex::INVALID,
+ }
+ }
+impl ClipStore {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ ClipStore {
+ clip_node_instances: Vec::new(),
+ mask_tiles: Vec::new(),
+ active_clip_node_info: Vec::new(),
+ active_local_clip_rect: None,
+ active_pic_coverage_rect: PictureRect::max_rect(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_instance_from_range(
+ &self,
+ node_range: &ClipNodeRange,
+ index: u32,
+ ) -> &ClipNodeInstance {
+ &self.clip_node_instances[(node_range.first + index) as usize]
+ }
+ /// Setup the active clip chains for building a clip chain instance.
+ pub fn set_active_clips(
+ &mut self,
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ pic_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ clip_leaf_id: ClipLeafId,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ clip_data_store: &ClipDataStore,
+ clip_tree: &ClipTree,
+ ) {
+ self.active_clip_node_info.clear();
+ self.active_local_clip_rect = None;
+ self.active_pic_coverage_rect = PictureRect::max_rect();
+ let clip_root = clip_tree.current_clip_root();
+ let clip_leaf = clip_tree.get_leaf(clip_leaf_id);
+ let mut local_clip_rect = clip_leaf.local_clip_rect;
+ let mut current = clip_leaf.node_id;
+ while current != clip_root {
+ let node = clip_tree.get_node(current);
+ if !add_clip_node_to_current_chain(
+ node.handle,
+ prim_spatial_node_index,
+ pic_spatial_node_index,
+ &mut local_clip_rect,
+ &mut self.active_clip_node_info,
+ &mut self.active_pic_coverage_rect,
+ clip_data_store,
+ spatial_tree,
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ current = node.parent;
+ }
+ self.active_local_clip_rect = Some(local_clip_rect);
+ }
+ /// Setup the active clip chains, based on an existing primitive clip chain instance.
+ pub fn set_active_clips_from_clip_chain(
+ &mut self,
+ prim_clip_chain: &ClipChainInstance,
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ clip_data_store: &ClipDataStore,
+ ) {
+ // TODO(gw): Although this does less work than set_active_clips(), it does
+ // still do some unnecessary work (such as the clip space conversion).
+ // We could consider optimizing this if it ever shows up in a profile.
+ self.active_clip_node_info.clear();
+ self.active_local_clip_rect = Some(prim_clip_chain.local_clip_rect);
+ self.active_pic_coverage_rect = prim_clip_chain.pic_coverage_rect;
+ let clip_instances = &self
+ .clip_node_instances[prim_clip_chain.clips_range.to_range()];
+ for clip_instance in clip_instances {
+ let clip = &clip_data_store[clip_instance.handle];
+ let conversion = ClipSpaceConversion::new(
+ prim_spatial_node_index,
+ clip.item.spatial_node_index,
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ self.active_clip_node_info.push(ClipNodeInfo {
+ handle: clip_instance.handle,
+ conversion,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /// Given a clip-chain instance, return a safe rect within the visible region
+ /// that can be assumed to be unaffected by clip radii. Returns None if it
+ /// encounters any complex cases, just handling rounded rects in the same
+ /// coordinate system as the clip-chain for now.
+ pub fn get_inner_rect_for_clip_chain(
+ &self,
+ clip_chain: &ClipChainInstance,
+ clip_data_store: &ClipDataStore,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ ) -> Option<PictureRect> {
+ let mut inner_rect = clip_chain.pic_coverage_rect;
+ let clip_instances = &self
+ .clip_node_instances[clip_chain.clips_range.to_range()];
+ for clip_instance in clip_instances {
+ // Don't handle mapping between coord systems for now
+ if !clip_instance.flags.contains(ClipNodeFlags::SAME_COORD_SYSTEM) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let clip_node = &clip_data_store[clip_instance.handle];
+ match clip_node.item.kind {
+ // Ignore any clips which are complex or impossible to calculate
+ // inner rects for now
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { mode: ClipMode::ClipOut, .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::Image { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { mode: ClipMode::ClipOut, .. } => {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // Normal Clip rects are already handled by the clip-chain pic_coverage_rect,
+ // no need to do anything here
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { mode: ClipMode::Clip, .. } => {}
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { mode: ClipMode::Clip, rect, radius } => {
+ // Get an inner rect for the rounded-rect clip
+ let local_inner_rect = match extract_inner_rect_safe(&rect, &radius) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return None,
+ };
+ // Map it from local -> picture space
+ let mapper = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ clip_chain.pic_spatial_node_index,
+ clip_node.item.spatial_node_index,
+ PictureRect::max_rect(),
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ // Accumulate in to the inner_rect, in case there are multiple rounded-rect clips
+ if let Some(pic_inner_rect) = {
+ inner_rect = inner_rect.intersection(&pic_inner_rect).unwrap_or(PictureRect::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Some(inner_rect)
+ }
+ /// The main interface external code uses. Given a local primitive, positioning
+ /// information, and a clip chain id, build an optimized clip chain instance.
+ pub fn build_clip_chain_instance(
+ &mut self,
+ local_prim_rect: LayoutRect,
+ prim_to_pic_mapper: &SpaceMapper<LayoutPixel, PicturePixel>,
+ pic_to_world_mapper: &SpaceMapper<PicturePixel, WorldPixel>,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ gpu_cache: &mut GpuCache,
+ resource_cache: &mut ResourceCache,
+ device_pixel_scale: DevicePixelScale,
+ world_rect: &WorldRect,
+ clip_data_store: &mut ClipDataStore,
+ rg_builder: &mut RenderTaskGraphBuilder,
+ request_resources: bool,
+ ) -> Option<ClipChainInstance> {
+ let local_clip_rect = match self.active_local_clip_rect {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return None,
+ };
+ profile_scope!("build_clip_chain_instance");
+ let local_bounding_rect = local_prim_rect.intersection(&local_clip_rect)?;
+ let mut pic_coverage_rect =;
+ let world_clip_rect =;
+ // Now, we've collected all the clip nodes that *potentially* affect this
+ // primitive region, and reduced the size of the prim region as much as possible.
+ // Run through the clip nodes, and see which ones affect this prim region.
+ let first_clip_node_index = self.clip_node_instances.len() as u32;
+ let mut has_non_local_clips = false;
+ let mut needs_mask = false;
+ // For each potential clip node
+ for node_info in self.active_clip_node_info.drain(..) {
+ let node = &mut clip_data_store[node_info.handle];
+ // See how this clip affects the prim region.
+ let clip_result = match node_info.conversion {
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Local => {
+ node.item.kind.get_clip_result(&local_bounding_rect)
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::ScaleOffset(ref scale_offset) => {
+ has_non_local_clips = true;
+ node.item.kind.get_clip_result(&scale_offset.unmap_rect(&local_bounding_rect))
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Transform(ref transform) => {
+ has_non_local_clips = true;
+ node.item.kind.get_clip_result_complex(
+ transform,
+ &world_clip_rect,
+ world_rect,
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ match clip_result {
+ ClipResult::Accept => {
+ // Doesn't affect the primitive at all, so skip adding to list
+ }
+ ClipResult::Reject => {
+ // Completely clips the supplied prim rect
+ return None;
+ }
+ ClipResult::Partial => {
+ // Needs a mask -> add to clip node indices
+ // TODO(gw): Ensure this only runs once on each node per frame?
+ node.update(device_pixel_scale);
+ // Create the clip node instance for this clip node
+ if let Some(instance) = node_info.create_instance(
+ node,
+ &local_bounding_rect,
+ gpu_cache,
+ resource_cache,
+ &mut self.mask_tiles,
+ spatial_tree,
+ rg_builder,
+ request_resources,
+ ) {
+ // As a special case, a partial accept of a clip rect that is
+ // in the same coordinate system as the primitive doesn't need
+ // a clip mask. Instead, it can be handled by the primitive
+ // vertex shader as part of the local clip rect. This is an
+ // important optimization for reducing the number of clip
+ // masks that are allocated on common pages.
+ needs_mask |= match node.item.kind {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { mode: ClipMode::ClipOut, .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::Image { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } => {
+ true
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { mode: ClipMode::Clip, .. } => {
+ !instance.flags.contains(ClipNodeFlags::SAME_COORD_SYSTEM)
+ }
+ };
+ // Store this in the index buffer for this clip chain instance.
+ self.clip_node_instances.push(instance);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the range identifying the clip nodes in the index buffer.
+ let clips_range = ClipNodeRange {
+ first: first_clip_node_index,
+ count: self.clip_node_instances.len() as u32 - first_clip_node_index,
+ };
+ // If this clip chain needs a mask, reduce the size of the mask allocation
+ // by any clips that were in the same space as the picture. This can result
+ // in much smaller clip mask allocations in some cases. Note that the ordering
+ // here is important - the reduction must occur *after* the clip item accept
+ // reject checks above, so that we don't eliminate masks accidentally (since
+ // we currently only support a local clip rect in the vertex shader).
+ if needs_mask {
+ pic_coverage_rect = pic_coverage_rect.intersection(&self.active_pic_coverage_rect)?;
+ }
+ // Return a valid clip chain instance
+ Some(ClipChainInstance {
+ clips_range,
+ has_non_local_clips,
+ local_clip_rect,
+ pic_coverage_rect,
+ pic_spatial_node_index: prim_to_pic_mapper.ref_spatial_node_index,
+ needs_mask,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn begin_frame(&mut self, scratch: &mut ClipStoreScratchBuffer) {
+ mem::swap(&mut self.clip_node_instances, &mut scratch.clip_node_instances);
+ mem::swap(&mut self.mask_tiles, &mut scratch.mask_tiles);
+ self.clip_node_instances.clear();
+ self.mask_tiles.clear();
+ }
+ pub fn end_frame(&mut self, scratch: &mut ClipStoreScratchBuffer) {
+ mem::swap(&mut self.clip_node_instances, &mut scratch.clip_node_instances);
+ mem::swap(&mut self.mask_tiles, &mut scratch.mask_tiles);
+ }
+ pub fn visible_mask_tiles(&self, instance: &ClipNodeInstance) -> &[VisibleMaskImageTile] {
+ if let Some(range) = &instance.visible_tiles {
+ &self.mask_tiles[range.clone()]
+ } else {
+ &[]
+ }
+ }
+pub struct ComplexTranslateIter<I> {
+ source: I,
+ offset: LayoutVector2D,
+impl<I: Iterator<Item = ComplexClipRegion>> Iterator for ComplexTranslateIter<I> {
+ type Item = ComplexClipRegion;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.source
+ .next()
+ .map(|mut complex| {
+ complex.rect = complex.rect.translate(self.offset);
+ complex
+ })
+ }
+// The ClipItemKey is a hashable representation of the contents
+// of a clip item. It is used during interning to de-duplicate
+// clip nodes between frames and display lists. This allows quick
+// comparison of clip node equality by handle, and also allows
+// the uploaded GPU cache handle to be retained between display lists.
+// TODO(gw): Maybe we should consider constructing these directly
+// in the DL builder?
+#[derive(Copy, Debug, Clone, Eq, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub enum ClipItemKeyKind {
+ Rectangle(RectangleKey, ClipMode),
+ RoundedRectangle(RectangleKey, BorderRadiusAu, ClipMode),
+ ImageMask(RectangleKey, ImageKey, Option<PolygonDataHandle>),
+ BoxShadow(PointKey, SizeKey, BorderRadiusAu, RectangleKey, Au, BoxShadowClipMode),
+impl ClipItemKeyKind {
+ pub fn rectangle(rect: LayoutRect, mode: ClipMode) -> Self {
+ ClipItemKeyKind::Rectangle(rect.into(), mode)
+ }
+ pub fn rounded_rect(rect: LayoutRect, mut radii: BorderRadius, mode: ClipMode) -> Self {
+ if radii.is_zero() {
+ ClipItemKeyKind::rectangle(rect, mode)
+ } else {
+ ensure_no_corner_overlap(&mut radii, rect.size());
+ ClipItemKeyKind::RoundedRectangle(
+ rect.into(),
+ radii.into(),
+ mode,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn image_mask(image_mask: &ImageMask, mask_rect: LayoutRect,
+ polygon_handle: Option<PolygonDataHandle>) -> Self {
+ ClipItemKeyKind::ImageMask(
+ mask_rect.into(),
+ image_mask.image,
+ polygon_handle,
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn box_shadow(
+ shadow_rect: LayoutRect,
+ shadow_radius: BorderRadius,
+ prim_shadow_rect: LayoutRect,
+ blur_radius: f32,
+ clip_mode: BoxShadowClipMode,
+ ) -> Self {
+ // Get the fractional offsets required to match the
+ // source rect with a minimal rect.
+ let fract_offset = LayoutPoint::new(
+ shadow_rect.min.x.fract().abs(),
+ shadow_rect.min.y.fract().abs(),
+ );
+ ClipItemKeyKind::BoxShadow(
+ fract_offset.into(),
+ shadow_rect.size().into(),
+ shadow_radius.into(),
+ prim_shadow_rect.into(),
+ Au::from_f32_px(blur_radius),
+ clip_mode,
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn node_kind(&self) -> ClipNodeKind {
+ match *self {
+ ClipItemKeyKind::Rectangle(_, ClipMode::Clip) => ClipNodeKind::Rectangle,
+ ClipItemKeyKind::Rectangle(_, ClipMode::ClipOut) |
+ ClipItemKeyKind::RoundedRectangle(..) |
+ ClipItemKeyKind::ImageMask(..) |
+ ClipItemKeyKind::BoxShadow(..) => ClipNodeKind::Complex,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipItemKey {
+ pub kind: ClipItemKeyKind,
+ pub spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+/// The data available about an interned clip node during scene building
+#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipInternData {
+ pub key: ClipItemKey,
+impl intern::InternDebug for ClipItemKey {}
+impl intern::Internable for ClipIntern {
+ type Key = ClipItemKey;
+ type StoreData = ClipNode;
+ type InternData = ClipInternData;
+ const PROFILE_COUNTER: usize = crate::profiler::INTERNED_CLIPS;
+#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub enum ClipItemKind {
+ Rectangle {
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ mode: ClipMode,
+ },
+ RoundedRectangle {
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ radius: BorderRadius,
+ mode: ClipMode,
+ },
+ Image {
+ image: ImageKey,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ polygon_handle: Option<PolygonDataHandle>,
+ },
+ BoxShadow {
+ source: BoxShadowClipSource,
+ },
+#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct ClipItem {
+ pub kind: ClipItemKind,
+ pub spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+fn compute_box_shadow_parameters(
+ shadow_rect_fract_offset: LayoutPoint,
+ shadow_rect_size: LayoutSize,
+ mut shadow_radius: BorderRadius,
+ prim_shadow_rect: LayoutRect,
+ blur_radius: f32,
+ clip_mode: BoxShadowClipMode,
+) -> BoxShadowClipSource {
+ // Make sure corners don't overlap.
+ ensure_no_corner_overlap(&mut shadow_radius, shadow_rect_size);
+ let fract_size = LayoutSize::new(
+ shadow_rect_size.width.fract().abs(),
+ shadow_rect_size.height.fract().abs(),
+ );
+ // Create a minimal size primitive mask to blur. In this
+ // case, we ensure the size of each corner is the same,
+ // to simplify the shader logic that stretches the blurred
+ // result across the primitive.
+ let max_corner_width = shadow_radius.top_left.width
+ .max(shadow_radius.bottom_left.width)
+ .max(shadow_radius.top_right.width)
+ .max(shadow_radius.bottom_right.width);
+ let max_corner_height = shadow_radius.top_left.height
+ .max(shadow_radius.bottom_left.height)
+ .max(shadow_radius.top_right.height)
+ .max(shadow_radius.bottom_right.height);
+ // Get maximum distance that can be affected by given blur radius.
+ let blur_region = (BLUR_SAMPLE_SCALE * blur_radius).ceil();
+ // If the largest corner is smaller than the blur radius, we need to ensure
+ // that it's big enough that the corners don't affect the middle segments.
+ let used_corner_width = max_corner_width.max(blur_region);
+ let used_corner_height = max_corner_height.max(blur_region);
+ // Minimal nine-patch size, corner + internal + corner.
+ let min_shadow_rect_size = LayoutSize::new(
+ 2.0 * used_corner_width + blur_region,
+ 2.0 * used_corner_height + blur_region,
+ );
+ // The minimal rect to blur.
+ let mut minimal_shadow_rect = LayoutRect::from_origin_and_size(
+ LayoutPoint::new(
+ blur_region + shadow_rect_fract_offset.x,
+ blur_region + shadow_rect_fract_offset.y,
+ ),
+ LayoutSize::new(
+ min_shadow_rect_size.width + fract_size.width,
+ min_shadow_rect_size.height + fract_size.height,
+ ),
+ );
+ // If the width or height ends up being bigger than the original
+ // primitive shadow rect, just blur the entire rect along that
+ // axis and draw that as a simple blit. This is necessary for
+ // correctness, since the blur of one corner may affect the blur
+ // in another corner.
+ let mut stretch_mode_x = BoxShadowStretchMode::Stretch;
+ if shadow_rect_size.width < minimal_shadow_rect.width() {
+ minimal_shadow_rect.max.x = minimal_shadow_rect.min.x + shadow_rect_size.width;
+ stretch_mode_x = BoxShadowStretchMode::Simple;
+ }
+ let mut stretch_mode_y = BoxShadowStretchMode::Stretch;
+ if shadow_rect_size.height < minimal_shadow_rect.height() {
+ minimal_shadow_rect.max.y = minimal_shadow_rect.min.y + shadow_rect_size.height;
+ stretch_mode_y = BoxShadowStretchMode::Simple;
+ }
+ // Expand the shadow rect by enough room for the blur to take effect.
+ let shadow_rect_alloc_size = LayoutSize::new(
+ 2.0 * blur_region + minimal_shadow_rect.width().ceil(),
+ 2.0 * blur_region + minimal_shadow_rect.height().ceil(),
+ );
+ BoxShadowClipSource {
+ original_alloc_size: shadow_rect_alloc_size,
+ shadow_rect_alloc_size,
+ shadow_radius,
+ prim_shadow_rect,
+ blur_radius,
+ clip_mode,
+ stretch_mode_x,
+ stretch_mode_y,
+ render_task: None,
+ cache_key: None,
+ minimal_shadow_rect,
+ }
+impl ClipItemKind {
+ pub fn new_box_shadow(
+ shadow_rect_fract_offset: LayoutPoint,
+ shadow_rect_size: LayoutSize,
+ mut shadow_radius: BorderRadius,
+ prim_shadow_rect: LayoutRect,
+ blur_radius: f32,
+ clip_mode: BoxShadowClipMode,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let mut source = compute_box_shadow_parameters(
+ shadow_rect_fract_offset,
+ shadow_rect_size,
+ shadow_radius,
+ prim_shadow_rect,
+ blur_radius,
+ clip_mode,
+ );
+ fn needed_downscaling(source: &BoxShadowClipSource) -> Option<f32> {
+ // This size is fairly arbitrary, but it's the same as the size that
+ // we use to avoid caching big blurred stacking contexts.
+ //
+ // If you change it, ensure that the reftests
+ // box-shadow-large-blur-radius-* still hit the downscaling path,
+ // and that they render correctly.
+ const MAX_SIZE: f32 = 2048.;
+ let max_dimension =
+ source.shadow_rect_alloc_size.width.max(source.shadow_rect_alloc_size.height);
+ if max_dimension > MAX_SIZE {
+ Some(MAX_SIZE / max_dimension)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(downscale) = needed_downscaling(&source) {
+ shadow_radius.bottom_left.height *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.bottom_left.width *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.bottom_right.height *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.bottom_right.width *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.top_left.height *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.top_left.width *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.top_right.height *= downscale;
+ shadow_radius.top_right.width *= downscale;
+ let original_alloc_size = source.shadow_rect_alloc_size;
+ source = compute_box_shadow_parameters(
+ shadow_rect_fract_offset * downscale,
+ shadow_rect_size * downscale,
+ shadow_radius,
+ prim_shadow_rect,
+ blur_radius * downscale,
+ clip_mode,
+ );
+ source.original_alloc_size = original_alloc_size;
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { source }
+ }
+ /// Returns true if this clip mask can run through the fast path
+ /// for the given clip item type.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this logic has to match `ClipBatcher::add` behavior.
+ fn supports_fast_path_rendering(&self) -> bool {
+ match *self {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::Image { .. } |
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } => {
+ false
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { ref radius, .. } => {
+ // The rounded clip rect fast path shader can only work
+ // if the radii are uniform.
+ radius.is_uniform().is_some()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get an optional clip rect that a clip source can provide to
+ // reduce the size of a primitive region. This is typically
+ // used to eliminate redundant clips, and reduce the size of
+ // any clip mask that eventually gets drawn.
+ pub fn get_local_clip_rect(&self) -> Option<LayoutRect> {
+ match *self {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { rect, mode: ClipMode::Clip } => Some(rect),
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { mode: ClipMode::ClipOut, .. } => None,
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { rect, mode: ClipMode::Clip, .. } => Some(rect),
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { mode: ClipMode::ClipOut, .. } => None,
+ ClipItemKind::Image { rect, .. } => {
+ Some(rect)
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_clip_result_complex(
+ &self,
+ transform: &LayoutToWorldTransform,
+ prim_world_rect: &WorldRect,
+ world_rect: &WorldRect,
+ ) -> ClipResult {
+ let visible_rect = match prim_world_rect.intersection(world_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return ClipResult::Reject,
+ };
+ let (clip_rect, inner_rect, mode) = match *self {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { rect, mode } => {
+ (rect, Some(rect), mode)
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { rect, ref radius, mode } => {
+ let inner_clip_rect = extract_inner_rect_safe(&rect, radius);
+ (rect, inner_clip_rect, mode)
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::Image { rect, .. } => {
+ (rect, None, ClipMode::Clip)
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } => {
+ return ClipResult::Partial;
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(ref inner_clip_rect) = inner_rect {
+ if let Some(()) = projected_rect_contains(inner_clip_rect, transform, &visible_rect) {
+ return match mode {
+ ClipMode::Clip => ClipResult::Accept,
+ ClipMode::ClipOut => ClipResult::Reject,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ match mode {
+ ClipMode::Clip => {
+ let outer_clip_rect = match project_rect(
+ transform,
+ &clip_rect,
+ &world_rect,
+ ) {
+ Some(outer_clip_rect) => outer_clip_rect,
+ None => return ClipResult::Partial,
+ };
+ match outer_clip_rect.intersection(prim_world_rect) {
+ Some(..) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Reject
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipMode::ClipOut => ClipResult::Partial,
+ }
+ }
+ // Check how a given clip source affects a local primitive region.
+ fn get_clip_result(
+ &self,
+ prim_rect: &LayoutRect,
+ ) -> ClipResult {
+ match *self {
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { rect, mode: ClipMode::Clip } => {
+ if rect.contains_box(prim_rect) {
+ return ClipResult::Accept;
+ }
+ match rect.intersection(prim_rect) {
+ Some(..) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Reject
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::Rectangle { rect, mode: ClipMode::ClipOut } => {
+ if rect.contains_box(prim_rect) {
+ return ClipResult::Reject;
+ }
+ match rect.intersection(prim_rect) {
+ Some(_) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Accept
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { rect, ref radius, mode: ClipMode::Clip } => {
+ // TODO(gw): Consider caching this in the ClipNode
+ // if it ever shows in profiles.
+ if rounded_rectangle_contains_box_quick(&rect, radius, &prim_rect) {
+ return ClipResult::Accept;
+ }
+ match rect.intersection(prim_rect) {
+ Some(..) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Reject
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::RoundedRectangle { rect, ref radius, mode: ClipMode::ClipOut } => {
+ // TODO(gw): Consider caching this in the ClipNode
+ // if it ever shows in profiles.
+ if rounded_rectangle_contains_box_quick(&rect, radius, &prim_rect) {
+ return ClipResult::Reject;
+ }
+ match rect.intersection(prim_rect) {
+ Some(_) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Accept
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::Image { rect, .. } => {
+ match rect.intersection(prim_rect) {
+ Some(..) => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ None => {
+ ClipResult::Reject
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ClipItemKind::BoxShadow { .. } => {
+ ClipResult::Partial
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Represents a local rect and a device space
+/// rectangles that are either outside or inside bounds.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Geometry {
+ pub local_rect: LayoutRect,
+ pub device_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+impl From<LayoutRect> for Geometry {
+ fn from(local_rect: LayoutRect) -> Self {
+ Geometry {
+ local_rect,
+ device_rect: DeviceIntRect::zero(),
+ }
+ }
+pub fn rounded_rectangle_contains_point(
+ point: &LayoutPoint,
+ rect: &LayoutRect,
+ radii: &BorderRadius
+) -> bool {
+ if !rect.contains(*point) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let top_left_center = rect.min + radii.top_left.to_vector();
+ if top_left_center.x > point.x && top_left_center.y > point.y &&
+ !Ellipse::new(radii.top_left).contains(*point - top_left_center.to_vector()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let bottom_right_center = rect.bottom_right() - radii.bottom_right.to_vector();
+ if bottom_right_center.x < point.x && bottom_right_center.y < point.y &&
+ !Ellipse::new(radii.bottom_right).contains(*point - bottom_right_center.to_vector()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let top_right_center = rect.top_right() +
+ LayoutVector2D::new(-radii.top_right.width, radii.top_right.height);
+ if top_right_center.x < point.x && top_right_center.y > point.y &&
+ !Ellipse::new(radii.top_right).contains(*point - top_right_center.to_vector()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let bottom_left_center = rect.bottom_left() +
+ LayoutVector2D::new(radii.bottom_left.width, -radii.bottom_left.height);
+ if bottom_left_center.x > point.x && bottom_left_center.y < point.y &&
+ !Ellipse::new(radii.bottom_left).contains(*point - bottom_left_center.to_vector()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ true
+/// Return true if the rounded rectangle described by `container` and `radii`
+/// definitely contains `containee`. May return false negatives, but never false
+/// positives.
+fn rounded_rectangle_contains_box_quick(
+ container: &LayoutRect,
+ radii: &BorderRadius,
+ containee: &LayoutRect,
+) -> bool {
+ if !container.contains_box(containee) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Return true if `point` falls within `corner`. This only covers the
+ /// upper-left case; we transform the other corners into that form.
+ fn foul(point: LayoutPoint, corner: LayoutPoint) -> bool {
+ point.x < corner.x && point.y < corner.y
+ }
+ /// Flip `pt` about the y axis (i.e. negate `x`).
+ fn flip_x(pt: LayoutPoint) -> LayoutPoint {
+ LayoutPoint { x: -pt.x, .. pt }
+ }
+ /// Flip `pt` about the x axis (i.e. negate `y`).
+ fn flip_y(pt: LayoutPoint) -> LayoutPoint {
+ LayoutPoint { y: -pt.y, .. pt }
+ }
+ if foul(containee.top_left(), container.top_left() + radii.top_left) ||
+ foul(flip_x(containee.top_right()), flip_x(container.top_right()) + radii.top_right) ||
+ foul(flip_y(containee.bottom_left()), flip_y(container.bottom_left()) + radii.bottom_left) ||
+ foul(-containee.bottom_right(), -container.bottom_right() + radii.bottom_right)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ true
+/// Test where point p is relative to the infinite line that passes through the segment
+/// defined by p0 and p1. Point p is on the "left" of the line if the triangle (p0, p1, p)
+/// forms a counter-clockwise triangle.
+/// > 0 is left of the line
+/// < 0 is right of the line
+/// == 0 is on the line
+pub fn is_left_of_line(
+ p_x: f32,
+ p_y: f32,
+ p0_x: f32,
+ p0_y: f32,
+ p1_x: f32,
+ p1_y: f32,
+) -> f32 {
+ (p1_x - p0_x) * (p_y - p0_y) - (p_x - p0_x) * (p1_y - p0_y)
+pub fn polygon_contains_point(
+ point: &LayoutPoint,
+ rect: &LayoutRect,
+ polygon: &PolygonKey,
+) -> bool {
+ if !rect.contains(*point) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // p is a LayoutPoint that we'll be comparing to dimensionless PointKeys,
+ // which were created from LayoutPoints, so it all works out.
+ let p = LayoutPoint::new(point.x - rect.min.x, point.y - rect.min.y);
+ // Calculate a winding number for this point.
+ let mut winding_number: i32 = 0;
+ let count = polygon.point_count as usize;
+ for i in 0..count {
+ let p0 = polygon.points[i];
+ let p1 = polygon.points[(i + 1) % count];
+ if p0.y <= p.y {
+ if p1.y > p.y {
+ if is_left_of_line(p.x, p.y, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y) > 0.0 {
+ winding_number = winding_number + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if p1.y <= p.y {
+ if is_left_of_line(p.x, p.y, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y) < 0.0 {
+ winding_number = winding_number - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match polygon.fill_rule {
+ FillRule::Nonzero => winding_number != 0,
+ FillRule::Evenodd => winding_number.abs() % 2 == 1,
+ }
+pub fn projected_rect_contains(
+ source_rect: &LayoutRect,
+ transform: &LayoutToWorldTransform,
+ target_rect: &WorldRect,
+) -> Option<()> {
+ let points = [
+ transform.transform_point2d(source_rect.top_left())?,
+ transform.transform_point2d(source_rect.top_right())?,
+ transform.transform_point2d(source_rect.bottom_right())?,
+ transform.transform_point2d(source_rect.bottom_left())?,
+ ];
+ let target_points = [
+ target_rect.top_left(),
+ target_rect.top_right(),
+ target_rect.bottom_right(),
+ target_rect.bottom_left(),
+ ];
+ // iterate the edges of the transformed polygon
+ for (a, b) in points
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .zip(points[1..].iter().cloned().chain(iter::once(points[0])))
+ {
+ // If this edge is redundant, it's a weird, case, and we shouldn't go
+ // length in trying to take the fast path (e.g. when the whole rectangle is a point).
+ // If any of edges of the target rectangle crosses the edge, it's not completely
+ // inside our transformed polygon either.
+ if a.approx_eq(&b) || target_points.iter().any(|&c| (b - a).cross(c - a) < 0.0) {
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ Some(())
+// Add a clip node into the list of clips to be processed
+// for the current clip chain. Returns false if the clip
+// results in the entire primitive being culled out.
+fn add_clip_node_to_current_chain(
+ handle: ClipDataHandle,
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ pic_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ local_clip_rect: &mut LayoutRect,
+ clip_node_info: &mut Vec<ClipNodeInfo>,
+ pic_coverage_rect: &mut PictureRect,
+ clip_data_store: &ClipDataStore,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+) -> bool {
+ let clip_node = &clip_data_store[handle];
+ // Determine the most efficient way to convert between coordinate
+ // systems of the primitive and clip node.
+ let conversion = ClipSpaceConversion::new(
+ prim_spatial_node_index,
+ clip_node.item.spatial_node_index,
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ // If we can convert spaces, try to reduce the size of the region
+ // requested, and cache the conversion information for the next step.
+ if let Some(clip_rect) = clip_node.item.kind.get_local_clip_rect() {
+ match conversion {
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Local => {
+ *local_clip_rect = match local_clip_rect.intersection(&clip_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return false,
+ };
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::ScaleOffset(ref scale_offset) => {
+ let clip_rect = scale_offset.map_rect(&clip_rect);
+ *local_clip_rect = match local_clip_rect.intersection(&clip_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return false,
+ };
+ }
+ ClipSpaceConversion::Transform(..) => {
+ // Map the local clip rect directly into the same space as the picture
+ // surface. This will often be the same space as the clip itself, which
+ // results in a reduction in allocated clip mask size.
+ // For simplicity, only apply this optimization if the clip is in the
+ // same coord system as the picture. There are some 'advanced' perspective
+ // clip tests in wrench that break without this check. Those cases are
+ // never used in Gecko, and we aim to remove support in WR for that
+ // in future to simplify the clipping pipeline.
+ let pic_coord_system = spatial_tree
+ .get_spatial_node(pic_spatial_node_index)
+ .coordinate_system_id;
+ let clip_coord_system = spatial_tree
+ .get_spatial_node(clip_node.item.spatial_node_index)
+ .coordinate_system_id;
+ if pic_coord_system == clip_coord_system {
+ let mapper = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ pic_spatial_node_index,
+ clip_node.item.spatial_node_index,
+ PictureRect::max_rect(),
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ if let Some(pic_clip_rect) = {
+ *pic_coverage_rect = pic_clip_rect
+ .intersection(pic_coverage_rect)
+ .unwrap_or(PictureRect::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clip_node_info.push(ClipNodeInfo {
+ conversion,
+ handle,
+ });
+ true
+mod tests {
+ use super::projected_rect_contains;
+ use euclid::{Transform3D, rect};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_projected_rect() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ None,
+ projected_rect_contains(
+ &rect(10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0).to_box2d(),
+ &Transform3D::identity(),
+ &rect(20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0).to_box2d(),
+ ),
+ "Empty rectangle is considered to include a non-empty!"
+ );
+ }
+/// PolygonKeys get interned, because it's a convenient way to move the data
+/// for the polygons out of the ClipItemKind and ClipItemKeyKind enums. The
+/// polygon data is both interned and retrieved by the scene builder, and not
+/// accessed at all by the frame builder. Another oddity is that the
+/// PolygonKey contains the totality of the information about the polygon, so
+/// the InternData and StoreData types are both PolygonKey.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Eq)]
+#[cfg_attr(any(feature = "serde"), derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
+pub enum PolygonIntern {}
+pub type PolygonDataHandle = intern::Handle<PolygonIntern>;
+impl intern::InternDebug for PolygonKey {}
+impl intern::Internable for PolygonIntern {
+ type Key = PolygonKey;
+ type StoreData = PolygonKey;
+ type InternData = PolygonKey;
+ const PROFILE_COUNTER: usize = crate::profiler::INTERNED_POLYGONS;