path: root/intl/l10n/docs/migrations/legacy.rst
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+.. role:: bash(code)
+ :language: bash
+.. role:: js(code)
+ :language: javascript
+.. role:: python(code)
+ :language: python
+Migrating Legacy Formats
+Migrating from legacy formats (.dtd, .properties) is different from migrating
+Fluent to Fluent. When migrating legacy code paths, you'll need to adjust the
+Fluent strings for the quirks Mozilla uses in the legacy code paths. You'll
+find a number of specialized functionalities here.
+Legacy Migration Tools
+To assist with legacy format migrations, some scripting tools are provided:
+ - `XUL+DTD to Fluent`_
+ - `.properties to Fluent`_
+When creating a migration, one or both of these tools may provide a good
+starting point for manual work by automating at least a part of the migration,
+including recipe generation and refactoring the calling code.
+.. _XUL+DTD to Fluent:
+.. to Fluent:
+Basic Migration
+Let’s consider a basic example: one string needs to be migrated, without
+any further change, from a DTD file to Fluent.
+The legacy string is stored in :bash:`toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/findbar.dtd`:
+.. code-block:: dtd
+ <!ENTITY next.tooltip "Find the next occurrence of the phrase">
+The new Fluent string is stored in :bash:`toolkit/locales/en-US/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl`:
+.. code-block:: properties
+ findbar-next =
+ .tooltiptext = Find the next occurrence of the phrase
+This is how the migration recipe looks:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ #
+ from __future__ import absolute_import
+ import fluent.syntax.ast as FTL
+ from fluent.migrate.helpers import transforms_from
+ def migrate(ctx):
+ """Bug 1411707 - Migrate the findbar XBL binding to a Custom Element, part {index}."""
+ ctx.add_transforms(
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ transforms_from(
+ """
+ findbar-next =
+ .tooltiptext = { COPY(from_path, "next.tooltip") }
+ """, from_path="toolkit/chrome/global/findbar.dtd"))
+The first important thing to notice is that the migration recipe needs file
+paths relative to a localization repository, losing :bash:`locales/en-US/`:
+ - :bash:`toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/findbar.dtd` becomes
+ :bash:`toolkit/chrome/global/findbar.dtd`.
+ - :bash:`toolkit/locales/en-US/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl` becomes
+ :bash:`toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl`.
+The :python:`context.add_transforms` function takes 3 arguments:
+ - Path to the target l10n file.
+ - Path to the reference (en-US) file.
+ - An array of Transforms. Transforms are AST nodes which describe how legacy
+ translations should be migrated.
+.. note::
+ For migrations of Firefox localizations, the target and reference path
+ are the same. This isn't true for all projects that use Fluent, so both
+ arguments are required.
+In this case there is only one Transform that migrates the string with ID
+:js:`next.tooltip` from :bash:`toolkit/chrome/global/findbar.dtd`, and injects
+it in the FTL fragment. The :python:`COPY` Transform allows to copy the string
+from an existing file as is, while :python:`from_path` is used to avoid
+repeating the same path multiple times, making the recipe more readable. Without
+:python:`from_path`, this could be written as:
+.. code-block:: python
+ ctx.add_transforms(
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ transforms_from(
+ """
+ findbar-next =
+ .tooltiptext = { COPY("toolkit/chrome/global/findbar.dtd", "next.tooltip") }
+ """))
+This method of writing migration recipes allows to take the original FTL
+strings, and simply replace the value of each message with a :python:`COPY`
+Transform. :python:`transforms_from` takes care of converting the FTL syntax
+into an array of Transforms describing how the legacy translations should be
+migrated. This manner of defining migrations is only suitable to simple strings
+where a copy operation is sufficient. For more complex use-cases which require
+some additional logic in Python, it’s necessary to resort to the raw AST.
+The example above is equivalent to the following syntax, which exposes
+the underlying AST structure:
+.. code-block:: python
+ ctx.add_transforms(
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ "toolkit/toolkit/main-window/findbar.ftl",
+ [
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("findbar-next"),
+ attributes=[
+ FTL.Attribute(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("tooltiptext"),
+ value=COPY(
+ "toolkit/chrome/global/findbar.dtd",
+ "next.tooltip"
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+This creates a :python:`Message`, taking the value from the legacy string
+:js:`findbar-next`. A message can have an array of attributes, each with an ID
+and a value: in this case there is only one attribute, with ID :js:`tooltiptext`
+and :js:`value` copied from the legacy string.
+Notice how both the ID of the message and the ID of the attribute are
+defined as an :python:`FTL.Identifier`, not simply as a string.
+.. tip::
+ It’s possible to concatenate arrays of Transforms defined manually, like in
+ the last example, with those coming from :python:`transforms_from`, by using
+ the :python:`+` operator. Alternatively, it’s possible to use multiple
+ :python:`add_transforms`.
+ The order of Transforms provided in the recipe is not relevant, the reference
+ file is used for ordering messages.
+Replacing Content in Legacy Strings
+While :python:`COPY` allows to copy a legacy string as is, :python:`REPLACE`
+(from `fluent.migrate`) allows to replace content while performing the
+migration. This is necessary, for example, when migrating strings that include
+placeholders or entities that need to be replaced to adapt to Fluent syntax.
+Consider for example the following string:
+.. code-block:: DTD
+ <!ENTITY aboutSupport.featuresTitle "&brandShortName; Features">
+Which needs to be migrated to:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ features-title = { -brand-short-name } Features
+The entity :js:`&brandShortName;` needs to be replaced with a term reference:
+.. code-block:: python
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("features-title"),
+ value=REPLACE(
+ "toolkit/chrome/global/aboutSupport.dtd",
+ "aboutSupport.featuresTitle",
+ {
+ "&brandShortName;": TERM_REFERENCE("brand-short-name"),
+ },
+ )
+ ),
+This creates an :python:`FTL.Message`, taking the value from the legacy string
+:js:`aboutSupport.featuresTitle`, but replacing the specified text with a
+Fluent term reference.
+.. note::
+ :python:`REPLACE` replaces all occurrences of the specified text.
+It’s also possible to replace content with a specific text: in that case, it
+needs to be defined as a :python:`TextElement`. For example, to replace
+:js:`` with HTML markup:
+.. code-block:: python
+ value=REPLACE(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/",
+ "searchResults.sorryMessageWin",
+ {
+ "": FTL.TextElement('<span data-l10n-name="example"></span>')
+ }
+ )
+The situation is more complex when a migration recipe needs to replace
+:js:`printf` arguments like :js:`%S`. In fact, the format used for localized
+and source strings doesn’t need to match, and the two following strings using
+unordered and ordered argument are perfectly equivalent:
+.. code-block:: properties
+ btn-quit = Quit %S
+ btn-quit = Quit %1$S
+In this scenario, replacing :js:`%S` would work on the first version, but not
+on the second, and there’s no guarantee that the localized string uses the
+same format as the source string.
+Consider also the following string that uses :js:`%S` for two different
+variables, implicitly relying on the order in which the arguments appear:
+.. code-block:: properties
+ updateFullName = %S (%S)
+And the target Fluent string:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ update-full-name = { $name } ({ $buildID })
+As indicated, :python:`REPLACE` would replace all occurrences of :js:`%S`, so
+only one variable could be set. The string needs to be normalized and treated
+.. code-block:: properties
+ updateFullName = %1$S (%2$S)
+This can be obtained by calling :python:`REPLACE` with
+.. code-block:: python
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("update-full-name"),
+ value=REPLACE(
+ "toolkit/chrome/mozapps/update/",
+ "updateFullName",
+ {
+ "%1$S": VARIABLE_REFERENCE("name"),
+ "%2$S": VARIABLE_REFERENCE("buildID"),
+ },
+ normalize_printf=True
+ )
+ )
+.. attention::
+ To avoid any issues :python:`normalize_printf=True` should always be used when
+ replacing :js:`printf` arguments. This is the default behaviour when working
+ with .properties files.
+.. note::
+ :python:`TERM_REFERENCE` are helper Transforms which can be used to save
+ keystrokes in common cases where using the raw AST is too verbose.
+ :python:`VARIABLE_REFERENCE` is used to create a reference to a variable, e.g.
+ :js:`{ $variable }`.
+ :python:`MESSAGE_REFERENCE` is used to create a reference to another message,
+ e.g. :js:`{ another-string }`.
+ :python:`TERM_REFERENCE` is used to create a reference to a `term`__,
+ e.g. :js:`{ -brand-short-name }`.
+ Both Transforms need to be imported at the beginning of the recipe, e.g.
+ :python:`from fluent.migrate.helpers import VARIABLE_REFERENCE`
+ __
+Trimming Unnecessary Whitespaces in Translations
+.. note::
+ This section was updated in May 2020 to reflect the change to the default
+ behavior: legacy translations are now trimmed, unless the :python:`trim`
+ parameter is set explicitly.
+It’s not uncommon to have strings with unnecessary leading or trailing spaces
+in legacy translations. These are not meaningful, don’t have practical results
+on the way the string is displayed in products, and are added mostly for
+formatting reasons. For example, consider this DTD string:
+.. code-block:: DTD
+ <!ENTITY aboutAbout.note "This is a list of “about” pages for your convenience.<br/>
+ Some of them might be confusing. Some are for diagnostic purposes only.<br/>
+ And some are omitted because they require query strings.">
+By default, the :python:`COPY`, :python:`REPLACE`, and :python:`PLURALS`
+transforms will strip the leading and trailing whitespace from each line of the
+translation, as well as the empty leading and trailing lines. The above string
+will be migrated as the following Fluent message, despite copious indentation
+on the second and the third line in the original:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ about-about-note =
+ This is a list of “about” pages for your convenience.<br/>
+ Some of them might be confusing. Some are for diagnostic purposes only.<br/>
+ And some are omitted because they require query strings.
+To disable the default trimming behavior, set :python:`trim:"False"` or
+:python:`trim=False`, depending on the context:
+.. code-block:: python
+ transforms_from(
+ """
+ about-about-note = { COPY("toolkit/chrome/global/aboutAbout.dtd", "aboutAbout.note", trim:"False") }
+ """)
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("discover-description"),
+ value=REPLACE(
+ "toolkit/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd",
+ "discover.description2",
+ {
+ "&brandShortName;": TERM_REFERENCE("-brand-short-name")
+ },
+ trim=False
+ )
+ ),
+Concatenating Strings
+It's best practice to only expose complete phrases to localization, and to avoid
+stitching localized strings together in code. With `DTD` and `properties`,
+there were few options. So when migrating to Fluent, you'll find
+it quite common to concatenate multiple strings coming from `DTD` and
+`properties`, for example to create sentences with HTML markup. It’s possible to
+concatenate strings and text elements in a migration recipe using the
+:python:`CONCAT` Transform.
+Note that in case of simple migrations using :python:`transforms_from`, the
+concatenation is carried out implicitly by using the Fluent syntax interleaved
+with :python:`COPY()` transform calls to define the migration recipe.
+Consider the following example:
+.. code-block:: properties
+ # %S is replaced by a link, using searchResults.needHelpSupportLink as text
+ searchResults.needHelp = Need help? Visit %S
+ # %S is replaced by "Firefox"
+ searchResults.needHelpSupportLink = %S Support
+In Fluent:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ search-results-need-help-support-link = Need help? Visit <a data-l10n-name="url">{ -brand-short-name } Support</a>
+This is quite a complex migration: it requires to take 2 legacy strings, and
+concatenate their values with HTML markup. Here’s how the Transform is defined:
+.. code-block:: python
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("search-results-help-link"),
+ value=REPLACE(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/",
+ "searchResults.needHelp",
+ {
+ "%S": CONCAT(
+ FTL.TextElement('<a data-l10n-name="url">'),
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/",
+ "searchResults.needHelpSupportLink",
+ {
+ "%1$S": TERM_REFERENCE("brand-short-name"),
+ },
+ normalize_printf=True
+ ),
+ FTL.TextElement("</a>")
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+:js:`%S` in :js:`searchResults.needHelpSupportLink` is replaced by a reference
+to the term :js:`-brand-short-name`, migrating from :js:`%S Support` to :js:`{
+-brand-short-name } Support`. The result of this operation is then inserted
+between two text elements to create the anchor markup. The resulting text is
+finally used to replace :js:`%S` in :js:`searchResults.needHelp`, and used as
+value for the FTL message.
+.. important::
+ When concatenating existing strings, avoid introducing changes to the original
+ text, for example adding spaces or punctuation. Each language has its own
+ rules, and this might result in poor migrated strings. In case of doubt,
+ always ask for feedback.
+When more than 1 element is passed in to concatenate, :python:`CONCAT`
+disables whitespace trimming described in the section above on all legacy
+Transforms passed into it: :python:`COPY`, :python:`REPLACE`, and
+:python:`PLURALS`, unless the :python:`trim` parameters has been set
+explicitly on them. This helps ensure that spaces around segments are not
+lost during the concatenation.
+When only a single element is passed into :python:`CONCAT`, however, the
+trimming behavior is not altered, and follows the rules described in the
+previous section. This is meant to make :python:`CONCAT(COPY())` equivalent
+to a bare :python:`COPY()`.
+Plural Strings
+Migrating plural strings from `.properties` files usually involves two
+Transforms from :python:`fluent.migrate.transforms`: the
+:python:`REPLACE_IN_TEXT` Transform takes TextElements as input, making it
+possible to pass it as the foreach function of the :python:`PLURALS` Transform.
+Consider the following legacy string:
+.. code-block:: properties
+ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (disableContainersOkButton): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+ # See:
+ # #1 is the number of container tabs
+ disableContainersOkButton = Close #1 Container Tab;Close #1 Container Tabs
+In Fluent:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ containers-disable-alert-ok-button =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Close { $tabCount } Container Tab
+ *[other] Close { $tabCount } Container Tabs
+ }
+This is how the Transform for this string is defined:
+.. code-block:: python
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("containers-disable-alert-ok-button"),
+ value=PLURALS(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/",
+ "disableContainersOkButton",
+ lambda text: REPLACE_IN_TEXT(
+ text,
+ {
+ "#1": VARIABLE_REFERENCE("tabCount")
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ )
+The `PLURALS` Transform will take care of creating the correct number of plural
+categories for each language. Notice how `#1` is replaced for each of these
+variants with :js:`{ $tabCount }`, using :python:`REPLACE_IN_TEXT` and
+In this case it’s not possible to use :python:`REPLACE` because it takes a file
+path and a message ID as arguments, whereas here the recipe needs to operate on
+regular text. The replacement is performed on each plural form of the original
+string, where plural forms are separated by a semicolon.
+Explicit Variants
+Explicitly creating variants of a string is useful for platform-dependent
+terminology, but also in cases where you want a one-vs-many split of a string.
+It’s always possible to migrate strings by manually creating the underlying AST
+structure. Consider the following complex Fluent string:
+.. code-block:: fluent
+ use-current-pages =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Use Current Page
+ *[other] Use Current Pages
+ }
+ .accesskey = C
+The migration for this string is quite complex: the :js:`label` attribute is
+created from 2 different legacy strings, and it’s not a proper plural form.
+Notice how the first string is associated to the :js:`1` case, not the :js:`one`
+category used in plural forms. For these reasons, it’s not possible to use
+:python:`PLURALS`, the Transform needs to be crafted recreating the AST.
+.. code-block:: python
+ FTL.Message(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("use-current-pages"),
+ attributes=[
+ FTL.Attribute(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("label"),
+ value=FTL.Pattern(
+ elements=[
+ FTL.Placeable(
+ expression=FTL.SelectExpression(
+ selector=VARIABLE_REFERENCE("tabCount"),
+ variants=[
+ FTL.Variant(
+ key=FTL.NumberLiteral("1"),
+ default=False,
+ value=COPY(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/main.dtd",
+ "useCurrentPage.label",
+ )
+ ),
+ FTL.Variant(
+ key=FTL.Identifier("other"),
+ default=True,
+ value=COPY(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/main.dtd",
+ "useMultiple.label",
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ FTL.Attribute(
+ id=FTL.Identifier("accesskey"),
+ value=COPY(
+ "browser/chrome/browser/preferences/main.dtd",
+ "useCurrentPage.accesskey",
+ )
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+This Transform uses several concepts already described in this document. Notable
+is the :python:`SelectExpression` inside a :python:`Placeable`, with an array
+of :python:`Variant` objects. Exactly one of those variants needs to have
+This example can still use :py:func:`transforms_from()``, since existing strings
+are copied without interpolation.
+.. code-block:: python
+ transforms_from(
+ """
+ use-current-pages =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] { COPY(main_dtd, "useCurrentPage.label") }
+ *[other] { COPY(main_dtd, "useMultiple.label") }
+ }
+ .accesskey = { COPY(main_dtd, "useCurrentPage.accesskey") }
+ """, main_dtd="browser/chrome/browser/preferences/main.dtd"
+ )