path: root/js/src/gc/StoreBuffer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/gc/StoreBuffer.h')
1 files changed, 765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/gc/StoreBuffer.h b/js/src/gc/StoreBuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e117f02c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/gc/StoreBuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef gc_StoreBuffer_h
+#define gc_StoreBuffer_h
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
+#include "mozilla/ReentrancyGuard.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "ds/BitArray.h"
+#include "ds/LifoAlloc.h"
+#include "gc/Cell.h"
+#include "gc/Nursery.h"
+#include "gc/TraceKind.h"
+#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
+#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
+#include "threading/Mutex.h"
+#include "wasm/WasmAnyRef.h"
+namespace JS {
+struct GCSizes;
+namespace js {
+class NativeObject;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extern bool CurrentThreadIsGCMarking();
+namespace gc {
+class Arena;
+class ArenaCellSet;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extern bool CurrentThreadHasLockedGC();
+ * BufferableRef represents an abstract reference for use in the generational
+ * GC's remembered set. Entries in the store buffer that cannot be represented
+ * with the simple pointer-to-a-pointer scheme must derive from this class and
+ * use the generic store buffer interface.
+ *
+ * A single BufferableRef entry in the generic buffer can represent many entries
+ * in the remembered set. For example js::OrderedHashTableRef represents all
+ * the incoming edges corresponding to keys in an ordered hash table.
+ */
+class BufferableRef {
+ public:
+ virtual void trace(JSTracer* trc) = 0;
+ bool maybeInRememberedSet(const Nursery&) const { return true; }
+using EdgeSet = HashSet<void*, PointerHasher<void*>, SystemAllocPolicy>;
+/* The size of a single block of store buffer storage space. */
+static const size_t LifoAllocBlockSize = 8 * 1024;
+ * The StoreBuffer observes all writes that occur in the system and performs
+ * efficient filtering of them to derive a remembered set for nursery GC.
+ */
+class StoreBuffer {
+ friend class mozilla::ReentrancyGuard;
+ /* The size at which a block is about to overflow for the generic buffer. */
+ static const size_t GenericBufferLowAvailableThreshold =
+ LifoAllocBlockSize / 2;
+ /* The size at which other store buffers are about to overflow. */
+ static const size_t BufferOverflowThresholdBytes = 128 * 1024;
+ enum class PutResult { OK, AboutToOverflow };
+ /*
+ * This buffer holds only a single type of edge. Using this buffer is more
+ * efficient than the generic buffer when many writes will be to the same
+ * type of edge: e.g. Value or Cell*.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ struct MonoTypeBuffer {
+ /* The canonical set of stores. */
+ using StoreSet = HashSet<T, typename T::Hasher, SystemAllocPolicy>;
+ StoreSet stores_;
+ /*
+ * A one element cache in front of the canonical set to speed up
+ * temporary instances of HeapPtr.
+ */
+ T last_ = T();
+ /* Maximum number of entries before we request a minor GC. */
+ const static size_t MaxEntries = BufferOverflowThresholdBytes / sizeof(T);
+ MonoTypeBuffer() = default;
+ MonoTypeBuffer(const MonoTypeBuffer& other) = delete;
+ MonoTypeBuffer& operator=(const MonoTypeBuffer& other) = delete;
+ MonoTypeBuffer(MonoTypeBuffer&& other)
+ : stores_(std::move(other.stores_)), last_(std::move(other.last_)) {
+ other.clear();
+ }
+ MonoTypeBuffer& operator=(MonoTypeBuffer&& other) {
+ if (&other != this) {
+ this->~MonoTypeBuffer();
+ new (this) MonoTypeBuffer(std::move(other));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ last_ = T();
+ stores_.clear();
+ }
+ /* Add one item to the buffer. */
+ PutResult put(const T& t) {
+ PutResult r = sinkStore();
+ last_ = t;
+ return r;
+ }
+ /* Remove an item from the store buffer. */
+ void unput(const T& v) {
+ // Fast, hashless remove of last put.
+ if (last_ == v) {
+ last_ = T();
+ return;
+ }
+ stores_.remove(v);
+ }
+ /* Move any buffered stores to the canonical store set. */
+ PutResult sinkStore() {
+ if (last_) {
+ AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!stores_.put(last_)) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Failed to allocate for MonoTypeBuffer::put.");
+ }
+ }
+ last_ = T();
+ if (stores_.count() > MaxEntries) {
+ return PutResult::AboutToOverflow;
+ }
+ return PutResult::OK;
+ }
+ /* Trace the source of all edges in the store buffer. */
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover, StoreBuffer* owner);
+ size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
+ return stores_.shallowSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return last_ == T() && stores_.empty(); }
+ };
+ struct WholeCellBuffer {
+ UniquePtr<LifoAlloc> storage_;
+ ArenaCellSet* stringHead_ = nullptr;
+ ArenaCellSet* nonStringHead_ = nullptr;
+ const Cell* last_ = nullptr;
+ WholeCellBuffer() = default;
+ WholeCellBuffer(const WholeCellBuffer& other) = delete;
+ WholeCellBuffer& operator=(const WholeCellBuffer& other) = delete;
+ WholeCellBuffer(WholeCellBuffer&& other)
+ : storage_(std::move(other.storage_)),
+ stringHead_(other.stringHead_),
+ nonStringHead_(other.nonStringHead_),
+ last_(other.last_) {
+ other.stringHead_ = nullptr;
+ other.nonStringHead_ = nullptr;
+ other.last_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ WholeCellBuffer& operator=(WholeCellBuffer&& other) {
+ if (&other != this) {
+ this->~WholeCellBuffer();
+ new (this) WholeCellBuffer(std::move(other));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool init();
+ void clear();
+ bool isAboutToOverflow() const {
+ return !storage_->isEmpty() &&
+ storage_->used() > BufferOverflowThresholdBytes;
+ }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover, StoreBuffer* owner);
+ inline void put(const Cell* cell);
+ inline void putDontCheckLast(const Cell* cell);
+ size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
+ return storage_ ? storage_->sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf) : 0;
+ }
+ bool isEmpty() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!stringHead_ && !nonStringHead_,
+ !storage_ || storage_->isEmpty());
+ return !stringHead_ && !nonStringHead_;
+ }
+ const Cell** lastBufferedPtr() { return &last_; }
+ private:
+ ArenaCellSet* allocateCellSet(Arena* arena);
+ };
+ struct GenericBuffer {
+ UniquePtr<LifoAlloc> storage_;
+ GenericBuffer() = default;
+ GenericBuffer(const GenericBuffer& other) = delete;
+ GenericBuffer& operator=(const GenericBuffer& other) = delete;
+ GenericBuffer(GenericBuffer&& other)
+ : storage_(std::move(other.storage_)) {}
+ GenericBuffer& operator=(GenericBuffer&& other) {
+ if (&other != this) {
+ this->~GenericBuffer();
+ new (this) GenericBuffer(std::move(other));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool init();
+ void clear() {
+ if (storage_) {
+ storage_->used() ? storage_->releaseAll() : storage_->freeAll();
+ }
+ }
+ bool isAboutToOverflow() const {
+ return !storage_->isEmpty() && storage_->availableInCurrentChunk() <
+ GenericBufferLowAvailableThreshold;
+ }
+ /* Trace all generic edges. */
+ void trace(JSTracer* trc, StoreBuffer* owner);
+ template <typename T>
+ PutResult put(const T& t) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(storage_);
+ /* Ensure T is derived from BufferableRef. */
+ (void)static_cast<const BufferableRef*>(&t);
+ AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ unsigned size = sizeof(T);
+ unsigned* sizep = storage_->pod_malloc<unsigned>();
+ if (!sizep) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Failed to allocate for GenericBuffer::put.");
+ }
+ *sizep = size;
+ T* tp = storage_->new_<T>(t);
+ if (!tp) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Failed to allocate for GenericBuffer::put.");
+ }
+ if (isAboutToOverflow()) {
+ return PutResult::AboutToOverflow;
+ }
+ return PutResult::OK;
+ }
+ size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
+ return storage_ ? storage_->sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf) : 0;
+ }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return !storage_ || storage_->isEmpty(); }
+ };
+ template <typename Edge>
+ struct PointerEdgeHasher {
+ using Lookup = Edge;
+ static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& l) {
+ return mozilla::HashGeneric(l.edge);
+ }
+ static bool match(const Edge& k, const Lookup& l) { return k == l; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct CellPtrEdge {
+ T** edge = nullptr;
+ CellPtrEdge() = default;
+ explicit CellPtrEdge(T** v) : edge(v) {}
+ bool operator==(const CellPtrEdge& other) const {
+ return edge == other.edge;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const CellPtrEdge& other) const {
+ return edge != other.edge;
+ }
+ bool maybeInRememberedSet(const Nursery& nursery) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsInsideNursery(*edge));
+ return !nursery.isInside(edge);
+ }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover) const;
+ explicit operator bool() const { return edge != nullptr; }
+ using Hasher = PointerEdgeHasher<CellPtrEdge<T>>;
+ };
+ using ObjectPtrEdge = CellPtrEdge<JSObject>;
+ using StringPtrEdge = CellPtrEdge<JSString>;
+ using BigIntPtrEdge = CellPtrEdge<JS::BigInt>;
+ struct ValueEdge {
+ JS::Value* edge;
+ ValueEdge() : edge(nullptr) {}
+ explicit ValueEdge(JS::Value* v) : edge(v) {}
+ bool operator==(const ValueEdge& other) const { return edge == other.edge; }
+ bool operator!=(const ValueEdge& other) const { return edge != other.edge; }
+ Cell* deref() const {
+ return edge->isGCThing() ? static_cast<Cell*>(edge->toGCThing())
+ : nullptr;
+ }
+ bool maybeInRememberedSet(const Nursery& nursery) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsInsideNursery(deref()));
+ return !nursery.isInside(edge);
+ }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover) const;
+ explicit operator bool() const { return edge != nullptr; }
+ using Hasher = PointerEdgeHasher<ValueEdge>;
+ };
+ struct SlotsEdge {
+ // These definitions must match those in HeapSlot::Kind.
+ const static int SlotKind = 0;
+ const static int ElementKind = 1;
+ uintptr_t objectAndKind_; // NativeObject* | Kind
+ uint32_t start_;
+ uint32_t count_;
+ SlotsEdge() : objectAndKind_(0), start_(0), count_(0) {}
+ SlotsEdge(NativeObject* object, int kind, uint32_t start, uint32_t count)
+ : objectAndKind_(uintptr_t(object) | kind),
+ start_(start),
+ count_(count) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT((uintptr_t(object) & 1) == 0);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(kind <= 1);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(count > 0);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(start + count > start);
+ }
+ NativeObject* object() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<NativeObject*>(objectAndKind_ & ~1);
+ }
+ int kind() const { return (int)(objectAndKind_ & 1); }
+ bool operator==(const SlotsEdge& other) const {
+ return objectAndKind_ == other.objectAndKind_ && start_ == other.start_ &&
+ count_ == other.count_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const SlotsEdge& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ // True if this SlotsEdge range overlaps with the other SlotsEdge range,
+ // false if they do not overlap.
+ bool overlaps(const SlotsEdge& other) const {
+ if (objectAndKind_ != other.objectAndKind_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Widen our range by one on each side so that we consider
+ // adjacent-but-not-actually-overlapping ranges as overlapping. This
+ // is particularly useful for coalescing a series of increasing or
+ // decreasing single index writes 0, 1, 2, ..., N into a SlotsEdge
+ // range of elements [0, N].
+ uint32_t end = start_ + count_ + 1;
+ uint32_t start = start_ > 0 ? start_ - 1 : 0;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(start < end);
+ uint32_t otherEnd = other.start_ + other.count_;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(other.start_ <= otherEnd);
+ return (start <= other.start_ && other.start_ <= end) ||
+ (start <= otherEnd && otherEnd <= end);
+ }
+ // Destructively make this SlotsEdge range the union of the other
+ // SlotsEdge range and this one. A precondition is that the ranges must
+ // overlap.
+ void merge(const SlotsEdge& other) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(overlaps(other));
+ uint32_t end = std::max(start_ + count_, other.start_ + other.count_);
+ start_ = std::min(start_, other.start_);
+ count_ = end - start_;
+ }
+ bool maybeInRememberedSet(const Nursery& n) const {
+ return !IsInsideNursery(reinterpret_cast<Cell*>(object()));
+ }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover) const;
+ explicit operator bool() const { return objectAndKind_ != 0; }
+ struct Hasher {
+ using Lookup = SlotsEdge;
+ static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& l) {
+ return mozilla::HashGeneric(l.objectAndKind_, l.start_, l.count_);
+ }
+ static bool match(const SlotsEdge& k, const Lookup& l) { return k == l; }
+ };
+ };
+ struct WasmAnyRefEdge {
+ wasm::AnyRef* edge;
+ WasmAnyRefEdge() : edge(nullptr) {}
+ explicit WasmAnyRefEdge(wasm::AnyRef* v) : edge(v) {}
+ bool operator==(const WasmAnyRefEdge& other) const {
+ return edge == other.edge;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const WasmAnyRefEdge& other) const {
+ return edge != other.edge;
+ }
+ Cell* deref() const {
+ return edge->isGCThing() ? static_cast<Cell*>(edge->toGCThing())
+ : nullptr;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ bool maybeInRememberedSet(const Nursery& nursery) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsInsideNursery(deref()));
+ return !nursery.isInside(edge);
+ }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover) const;
+ explicit operator bool() const { return edge != nullptr; }
+ using Hasher = PointerEdgeHasher<WasmAnyRefEdge>;
+ };
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void checkAccess() const;
+ void checkAccess() const {}
+ template <typename Buffer, typename Edge>
+ void unput(Buffer& buffer, const Edge& edge) {
+ checkAccess();
+ if (!isEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mozilla::ReentrancyGuard g(*this);
+ buffer.unput(edge);
+ }
+ template <typename Buffer, typename Edge>
+ void put(Buffer& buffer, const Edge& edge, JS::GCReason overflowReason) {
+ checkAccess();
+ if (!isEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mozilla::ReentrancyGuard g(*this);
+ if (!edge.maybeInRememberedSet(nursery_)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PutResult r = buffer.put(edge);
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(r == PutResult::AboutToOverflow)) {
+ setAboutToOverflow(overflowReason);
+ }
+ }
+ MonoTypeBuffer<ValueEdge> bufferVal;
+ MonoTypeBuffer<StringPtrEdge> bufStrCell;
+ MonoTypeBuffer<BigIntPtrEdge> bufBigIntCell;
+ MonoTypeBuffer<ObjectPtrEdge> bufObjCell;
+ MonoTypeBuffer<SlotsEdge> bufferSlot;
+ MonoTypeBuffer<WasmAnyRefEdge> bufferWasmAnyRef;
+ WholeCellBuffer bufferWholeCell;
+ GenericBuffer bufferGeneric;
+ JSRuntime* runtime_;
+ Nursery& nursery_;
+ bool aboutToOverflow_;
+ bool enabled_;
+ bool mayHavePointersToDeadCells_;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool mEntered; /* For ReentrancyGuard. */
+ public:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool markingNondeduplicatable;
+ explicit StoreBuffer(JSRuntime* rt);
+ StoreBuffer(const StoreBuffer& other) = delete;
+ StoreBuffer& operator=(const StoreBuffer& other) = delete;
+ StoreBuffer(StoreBuffer&& other);
+ StoreBuffer& operator=(StoreBuffer&& other);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool enable();
+ void disable();
+ bool isEnabled() const { return enabled_; }
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ void clear();
+ const Nursery& nursery() const { return nursery_; }
+ /* Get the overflowed status. */
+ bool isAboutToOverflow() const { return aboutToOverflow_; }
+ /*
+ * Brain transplants may add whole cell buffer entires for dead cells. We must
+ * evict the nursery prior to sweeping arenas if any such entries are present.
+ */
+ bool mayHavePointersToDeadCells() const {
+ return mayHavePointersToDeadCells_;
+ }
+ /* Insert a single edge into the buffer/remembered set. */
+ void putValue(JS::Value* vp) {
+ put(bufferVal, ValueEdge(vp), JS::GCReason::FULL_VALUE_BUFFER);
+ }
+ void unputValue(JS::Value* vp) { unput(bufferVal, ValueEdge(vp)); }
+ void putCell(JSString** strp) {
+ put(bufStrCell, StringPtrEdge(strp),
+ }
+ void unputCell(JSString** strp) { unput(bufStrCell, StringPtrEdge(strp)); }
+ void putCell(JS::BigInt** bip) {
+ put(bufBigIntCell, BigIntPtrEdge(bip),
+ }
+ void unputCell(JS::BigInt** bip) { unput(bufBigIntCell, BigIntPtrEdge(bip)); }
+ void putCell(JSObject** strp) {
+ put(bufObjCell, ObjectPtrEdge(strp),
+ }
+ void unputCell(JSObject** strp) { unput(bufObjCell, ObjectPtrEdge(strp)); }
+ void putSlot(NativeObject* obj, int kind, uint32_t start, uint32_t count) {
+ SlotsEdge edge(obj, kind, start, count);
+ if (bufferSlot.last_.overlaps(edge)) {
+ bufferSlot.last_.merge(edge);
+ } else {
+ put(bufferSlot, edge, JS::GCReason::FULL_SLOT_BUFFER);
+ }
+ }
+ void putWasmAnyRef(wasm::AnyRef* vp) {
+ put(bufferWasmAnyRef, WasmAnyRefEdge(vp),
+ }
+ void unputWasmAnyRef(wasm::AnyRef* vp) {
+ unput(bufferWasmAnyRef, WasmAnyRefEdge(vp));
+ }
+ inline void putWholeCell(Cell* cell);
+ inline void putWholeCellDontCheckLast(Cell* cell);
+ const void* addressOfLastBufferedWholeCell() {
+ return bufferWholeCell.lastBufferedPtr();
+ }
+ /* Insert an entry into the generic buffer. */
+ template <typename T>
+ void putGeneric(const T& t) {
+ put(bufferGeneric, t, JS::GCReason::FULL_GENERIC_BUFFER);
+ }
+ void setMayHavePointersToDeadCells() { mayHavePointersToDeadCells_ = true; }
+ /* Methods to trace the source of all edges in the store buffer. */
+ void traceValues(TenuringTracer& mover) { bufferVal.trace(mover, this); }
+ void traceCells(TenuringTracer& mover) {
+ bufStrCell.trace(mover, this);
+ bufBigIntCell.trace(mover, this);
+ bufObjCell.trace(mover, this);
+ }
+ void traceSlots(TenuringTracer& mover) { bufferSlot.trace(mover, this); }
+ void traceWasmAnyRefs(TenuringTracer& mover) {
+ bufferWasmAnyRef.trace(mover, this);
+ }
+ void traceWholeCells(TenuringTracer& mover) {
+ bufferWholeCell.trace(mover, this);
+ }
+ void traceGenericEntries(JSTracer* trc) { bufferGeneric.trace(trc, this); }
+ /* For use by our owned buffers and for testing. */
+ void setAboutToOverflow(JS::GCReason);
+ void addSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
+ JS::GCSizes* sizes);
+ void checkEmpty() const;
+// A set of cells in an arena used to implement the whole cell store buffer.
+class ArenaCellSet {
+ friend class StoreBuffer;
+ using ArenaCellBits = BitArray<MaxArenaCellIndex>;
+ // The arena this relates to.
+ Arena* arena;
+ // Pointer to next set forming a linked list.
+ ArenaCellSet* next;
+ // Bit vector for each possible cell start position.
+ ArenaCellBits bits;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // The minor GC number when this was created. This object should not survive
+ // past the next minor collection.
+ const uint64_t minorGCNumberAtCreation;
+ // Construct the empty sentinel object.
+ constexpr ArenaCellSet()
+ : arena(nullptr),
+ next(nullptr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ,
+ minorGCNumberAtCreation(0)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ using WordT = ArenaCellBits::WordT;
+ const size_t BitsPerWord = ArenaCellBits::bitsPerElement;
+ const size_t NumWords = ArenaCellBits::numSlots;
+ ArenaCellSet(Arena* arena, ArenaCellSet* next);
+ bool hasCell(const TenuredCell* cell) const {
+ return hasCell(getCellIndex(cell));
+ }
+ void putCell(const TenuredCell* cell) { putCell(getCellIndex(cell)); }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return this == &Empty; }
+ bool hasCell(size_t cellIndex) const;
+ void putCell(size_t cellIndex);
+ void check() const;
+ WordT getWord(size_t wordIndex) const { return bits.getWord(wordIndex); }
+ void trace(TenuringTracer& mover);
+ // Sentinel object used for all empty sets.
+ //
+ // We use a sentinel because it simplifies the JIT code slightly as we can
+ // assume all arenas have a cell set.
+ static ArenaCellSet Empty;
+ static size_t getCellIndex(const TenuredCell* cell);
+ static void getWordIndexAndMask(size_t cellIndex, size_t* wordp,
+ uint32_t* maskp);
+ // Attempt to trigger a minor GC if free space in the nursery (where these
+ // objects are allocated) falls below this threshold.
+ static const size_t NurseryFreeThresholdBytes = 64 * 1024;
+ static size_t offsetOfArena() { return offsetof(ArenaCellSet, arena); }
+ static size_t offsetOfBits() { return offsetof(ArenaCellSet, bits); }
+// Post-write barrier implementation for GC cells.
+// Implement the post-write barrier for nursery allocateable cell type |T|. Call
+// this from |T::postWriteBarrier|.
+template <typename T>
+MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void PostWriteBarrierImpl(void* cellp, T* prev, T* next) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(cellp);
+ // If the target needs an entry, add it.
+ StoreBuffer* buffer;
+ if (next && (buffer = next->storeBuffer())) {
+ // If we know that the prev has already inserted an entry, we can skip
+ // doing the lookup to add the new entry. Note that we cannot safely
+ // assert the presence of the entry because it may have been added
+ // via a different store buffer.
+ if (prev && prev->storeBuffer()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ buffer->putCell(static_cast<T**>(cellp));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Remove the prev entry if the new value does not need it. There will only
+ // be a prev entry if the prev value was in the nursery.
+ if (prev && (buffer = prev->storeBuffer())) {
+ buffer->unputCell(static_cast<T**>(cellp));
+ }
+template <typename T>
+MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void PostWriteBarrier(T** vp, T* prev, T* next) {
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Cell, T>);
+ static_assert(!std::is_same_v<Cell, T> && !std::is_same_v<TenuredCell, T>);
+ if constexpr (!GCTypeIsTenured<T>()) {
+ using BaseT = typename BaseGCType<T>::type;
+ PostWriteBarrierImpl<BaseT>(vp, prev, next);
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(next, !IsInsideNursery(next));
+// Used when we don't have a specific edge to put in the store buffer.
+void PostWriteBarrierCell(Cell* cell, Cell* prev, Cell* next);
+} /* namespace gc */
+} /* namespace js */
+#endif /* gc_StoreBuffer_h */