path: root/l10n-fy-NL/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-fy-NL/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl b/l10n-fy-NL/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb21e5d67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fy-NL/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+third-party-page-title = Ynformaasje modulen fan tredden
+third-party-section-title = List fan modulen fan tredden yn { -brand-short-name }
+third-party-intro =
+ Dizze side toant de modulen fan tredden dy’t yn jo { -brand-short-name }
+ ynboud binne. Elke module dy’t net troch Microsoft of { -vendor-short-name }
+ ûndertekene is, wurdt beskôge as module fan tredden.
+third-party-message-empty = Der binne gjin modulen fan tredden detektearre.
+third-party-message-no-duration = Net opnommen
+third-party-detail-version = Bestânsferzje
+third-party-detail-vendor = Leveransiersynfo
+third-party-detail-occurrences = Oantal kear
+ .title = Oantal kear dat dizze module laden is.
+third-party-detail-duration = Gem. blokkeartiid (ms)
+ .title = Hoe lang dizze module de tapassing blokkearre hat.
+third-party-detail-app = Tapassing
+third-party-detail-publisher = Utjouwer
+third-party-th-process = Proses
+third-party-th-duration = Laadtiid (ms)
+third-party-th-status = Steat
+third-party-tag-ime = IME
+ .title = Dit type module wurdt laden as jo in IME fan tredden brûke.
+third-party-tag-shellex = Shell-útwreiding
+ .title = Dit type module wurdt laden as jo in bestânsdialoochfinster fan it systeem iepenje.
+third-party-tag-background = Eftergrûn
+ .title =
+ Dizze module hat de tapassing net blokkearre, omdat dizze yn de
+ eftergrûn laden is
+third-party-icon-unsigned =
+ .title = Dizze module is net ûndertekene
+ .alt = Dizze module is net ûndertekene
+third-party-icon-warning =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } is yn koade fan dizze module ferûngelokke
+ .alt = { -brand-short-name } is yn koade fan dizze module ferûngelokke
+third-party-status-loaded = Laden
+third-party-status-blocked = Blokkearre
+third-party-status-redirected = Omlaat
+third-party-button-copy-to-clipboard = Rûge gegevens nei klamboerd kopiearje
+third-party-loading-data =
+ .alt = Systeemynformaasje lade…
+ .title = Systeemynformaasje lade…
+third-party-button-reload = Opnij lade mei systeemynfo
+ .title = Opnij lade mei systeemynformaasje
+third-party-button-open =
+ .title = Bestânslokaasje iepenje…
+third-party-button-to-block =
+ .title = Dizze module blokkearje
+ .aria-label = Dizze module blokkearje
+third-party-button-to-unblock =
+ .title = Op dit stuit blokkearre. Klik om it te deblokkearjen.
+ .aria-label = Op dit stuit blokkearre. Klik om it te deblokkearjen.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-disabled =
+ .title =
+ Op dit stuit markearre as blokkearre, hoewol de blokkearlist útskeakele is foar dizze run
+ fan { -brand-short-name }. Klik om te deblokkearjen.
+ .aria-label =
+ Op dit stuit markearre as blokkearre, hoewol de blokkearlist útskeakele is foar dizze run
+ fan { -brand-short-name }. Klik om te deblokkearjen.
+third-party-button-to-block-module = Dizze module blokkearje
+ .title = Dizze module blokkearje
+ .aria-label = Dizze module blokkearje
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module = Dizze module blokkearje
+ .title = Op dit stuit blokkearre. Klik om te deblokkearjen.
+ .aria-label = Op dit stuit blokkearre. Klik om te deblokkearjen.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module-disabled = Dizze module deblokkearje (blokkearlist op dit stuit útskeakele)
+ .title =
+ Op dit stuit markearre as blokkearre, hoewol de blokkearlist útskeakele is foar dizze run
+ fan { -brand-short-name }. Klik om dizze te deblokkearjen.
+ .aria-label =
+ Op dit stuit markearre as blokkearre, hoewol de blokkearlist útskeakele is foar dizze run
+ fan { -brand-short-name }. Klik om dizze te deblokkearjen.
+third-party-button-expand =
+ .title = Detailynformaasje toane
+third-party-button-collapse =
+ .title = Detailynformaasje ynklappe
+third-party-blocking-requires-restart = Om in eksterne module te blokkearjen, moat { -brand-short-name } opnij start wurden.
+third-party-should-restart-title = { -brand-short-name } opnij starte
+third-party-restart-now = No opnij starte
+third-party-restart-later = Letter opnij starte
+third-party-blocked-by-builtin =
+ .title = Blokkearre troch { -brand-short-name }
+ .alt = Blokkearre troch { -brand-short-name }