path: root/l10n-sq/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-sq/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-sq/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl b/l10n-sq/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b022ce1459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sq/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+navbar-tooltip-instruction =
+ .value =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Tërhiqeni poshtë që të shfaqet historiku
+ *[other] Djathtasklikojeni ose tërhiqeni poshtë që të shfaqet historiku
+ }
+## Back
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Back command.
+main-context-menu-back-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Shkoni mbrapsht një faqe ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Mbrapsht
+ .accesskey = M
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-back-mac =
+ .label = Mbrapsht
+ .accesskey = M
+navbar-tooltip-back-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-back-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-back-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-back-2.aria-label }
+## Forward
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Forward command.
+main-context-menu-forward-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Shkoni para një faqe ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Përpara
+ .accesskey = P
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-forward-mac =
+ .label = Përpara
+ .accesskey = P
+navbar-tooltip-forward-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-forward-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-forward-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-forward-2.aria-label }
+## Reload
+main-context-menu-reload =
+ .aria-label = Ringarkoje
+ .accesskey = R
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-reload-mac =
+ .label = Ringarkoje
+ .accesskey = R
+toolbar-button-reload =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Stop
+main-context-menu-stop =
+ .aria-label = Ndale
+ .accesskey = N
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-stop-mac =
+ .label = Ndale
+ .accesskey = N
+toolbar-button-stop =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label }
+## Stop-Reload Button
+toolbar-button-stop-reload =
+ .title = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Firefox Account Button
+toolbar-button-fxaccount =
+ .label = { -fxaccount-brand-name }
+ .tooltiptext = { -fxaccount-brand-name }
+## Account toolbar Button
+toolbar-button-account =
+ .label = Llogari
+ .tooltiptext = Llogari
+## Save Page
+main-context-menu-page-save =
+ .label = Ruajeni Faqen Si…
+ .accesskey = S
+## Simple menu items
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page =
+ .aria-label = Faqeruani Faqe…
+ .accesskey = F
+ .tooltiptext = Faqeruani faqen
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+# Cannot be shown at the same time as main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-mac,
+# so should probably have the same access key if possible.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page-mac =
+ .label = Faqeruani Faqe…
+ .accesskey = F
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+# Cannot be shown at the same time as main-context-menu-bookmark-page-mac,
+# so should probably have the same access key if possible.
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-mac =
+ .label = Përpunoni Faqerojtës…
+ .accesskey = P
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Faqeruani Faqe…
+ .accesskey = F
+ .tooltiptext = Faqeruani faqen ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark =
+ .aria-label = Përpunoni Faqerojtës…
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Përpunoni faqerojtës
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Përpunoni Faqerojtës…
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Përpunoni faqerojtës ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-open-link =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen
+ .accesskey = H
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-tab =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen në Skedë të Re
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-open-link-container-tab =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen në Skedë të Re Kontejneri
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-window =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen në Dritare të Re
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-private-window =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen në Dritare të Re Private
+ .accesskey = V
+main-context-menu-bookmark-link-2 =
+ .label = Faqeruani Lidhjen…
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-save-link =
+ .label = Ruajeni Lidhjen Si…
+ .accesskey = R
+main-context-menu-save-link-to-pocket =
+ .label = Ruajeni Lidhjen te { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = o
+## The access keys for "Copy Link" and "Copy Email Address"
+## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items
+## are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-copy-email =
+ .label = Kopjo Adresë Email
+ .accesskey = E
+main-context-menu-copy-phone =
+ .label = Kopjoni Numrin e Telefonit
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-copy-link-simple =
+ .label = Kopjoji Lidhjen
+ .accesskey = e
+# This command copies the link, removing additional
+# query parameters used to track users across sites.
+main-context-menu-strip-on-share-link =
+ .label = Kopjoje Lidhjen Pa Gjurmim Sajti
+ .accesskey = a
+## Media (video/audio) controls
+## The accesskey for "Play" and "Pause" are the
+## same because the two context-menu items are
+## mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-play =
+ .label = Luaje
+ .accesskey = L
+main-context-menu-media-pause =
+ .label = Ndale
+ .accesskey = l
+main-context-menu-media-mute =
+ .label = Pa Zë
+ .accesskey = z
+main-context-menu-media-unmute =
+ .label = Me zë
+ .accesskey = z
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-2 =
+ .label = Shpejtësi
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-slow-2 =
+ .label = 0.5×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-normal-2 =
+ .label = 1.0×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fast-2 =
+ .label = 1.25×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-faster-2 =
+ .label = 1.5×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fastest-2 =
+ .label = 2×
+main-context-menu-media-loop =
+ .label = Loop
+ .accesskey = L
+## The access keys for "Show Controls" and "Hide Controls" are the same
+## because the two context-menu items are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-show-controls =
+ .label = Shfaqi Kontrollet
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-media-hide-controls =
+ .label = Fshihi Kontrollet
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-media-video-fullscreen =
+ .label = Sa Krejt Ekrani
+ .accesskey = E
+main-context-menu-media-video-leave-fullscreen =
+ .label = Dilni nga Sa Krejt Ekrani
+ .accesskey = D
+# This is used when right-clicking on a video in the
+# content area when the Picture-in-Picture feature is enabled.
+main-context-menu-media-watch-pip =
+ .label = Shiheni nën mënyrën Picture-in-Picture
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-image-reload =
+ .label = Ringarkoje Figurën
+ .accesskey = R
+main-context-menu-image-view-new-tab =
+ .label = Hape Figurën në Skedë të Re
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-video-view-new-tab =
+ .label = Hape Videon në Skedë të Re
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-image-copy =
+ .label = Kopjo Figurën
+ .accesskey = n
+main-context-menu-image-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopjo Lidhje Figure
+ .accesskey = L
+main-context-menu-video-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopjo Lidhje Videoje
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-audio-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopjo Lidhje Audioje
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-image-save-as =
+ .label = Ruajeni Figurën Si…
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-image-email =
+ .label = Dërgoni Figurë me Email…
+ .accesskey = g
+main-context-menu-image-set-image-as-background =
+ .label = Vëreni Figurën si Sfond Desktopi…
+ .accesskey = V
+main-context-menu-image-copy-text =
+ .label = Kopjo Tekstin Nga Figura
+ .accesskey = x
+main-context-menu-image-info =
+ .label = Shfaq të Dhëna Figure
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-image-desc =
+ .label = Shihni Përshkrimin
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-video-save-as =
+ .label = Ruajeni Videon Si…
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-audio-save-as =
+ .label = Ruajeni Audion Si…
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-video-take-snapshot =
+ .label = Bëni Fotografim…
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-video-email =
+ .label = Dërgoni Video me Email…
+ .accesskey = v
+main-context-menu-audio-email =
+ .label = Dërgoni Audio me Email…
+ .accesskey = a
+main-context-menu-save-to-pocket =
+ .label = Ruaje Faqen te { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-send-to-device =
+ .label = Dërgoje Faqen te Pajisje
+ .accesskey = P
+## The access keys for "Use Saved Login" and "Use Saved Password"
+## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items
+## are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-use-saved-login =
+ .label = Përdor Kredenciale Hyrjesh të Ruajtura
+ .accesskey = o
+# Displayed when there are saved passwords and the user clicks inside a username or password field
+main-context-menu-use-saved-password =
+ .label = Përdorim Fjalëkalimin e Ruajtur
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-use-relay-mask =
+ .label = Përdor Maskë { -relay-brand-short-name } Email-i
+ .accesskey = E
+main-context-menu-suggest-strong-password =
+ .label = Sugjero Fjalëkalim të Fuqishëm…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-manage-logins2 =
+ .label = Administroni Kredenciale Hyrjesh
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-manage-passwords =
+ .label = Administroni Fjalëkalime
+ .accesskey = A
+main-context-menu-keyword =
+ .label = Shtoni një Fjalëkyç për këtë Kërkim…
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-link-send-to-device =
+ .label = Dërgoje Lidhjen te Pajisja
+ .accesskey = P
+main-context-menu-frame =
+ .label = Këtë Kuadër
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-frame-show-this =
+ .label = Shfaq Vetëm Këtë Kuadër
+ .accesskey = T
+main-context-menu-frame-open-tab =
+ .label = Hape Kuadrin në Skedë të Re
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-frame-open-window =
+ .label = Hape Kuadrin në Dritare të Re
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-frame-reload =
+ .label = Ringarkoje Kuadrin
+ .accesskey = R
+main-context-menu-frame-add-bookmark =
+ .label = Faqeruani Kuadrin…
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-frame-save-as =
+ .label = Ruajeni Kuadrin Si…
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-frame-print =
+ .label = Shtypni Kuadrin…
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-frame-view-source =
+ .label = Shihni Burim Kuadri
+ .accesskey = B
+main-context-menu-frame-view-info =
+ .label = Shihni të Dhëna Kuadri
+ .accesskey = I
+main-context-menu-print-selection-2 =
+ .label = Shtypni Përzgjedhjen…
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-view-selection-source =
+ .label = Shihni Burim Përzgjedhjeje
+ .accesskey = e
+main-context-menu-take-screenshot =
+ .label = Bëni Foto Ekrani
+ .accesskey = B
+main-context-menu-take-frame-screenshot =
+ .label = Bëni Foto Ekrani
+ .accesskey = B
+main-context-menu-view-page-source =
+ .label = Shihni Burim Faqeje
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-text =
+ .label = Këmbe Drejtim Teksti
+ .accesskey = T
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-page =
+ .label = Këmbe Drejtim Faqeje
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-inspect =
+ .label = Inspektojeni
+ .accesskey = I
+main-context-menu-inspect-a11y-properties =
+ .label = Inspektoni Veti Përdorimi Nga Persona Me Aftësi të Kufizuara
+main-context-menu-eme-learn-more =
+ .label = Mësoni më tepër rreth DRM-s…
+ .accesskey = D
+# Variables
+# $containerName (String): The name of the current container
+main-context-menu-open-link-in-container-tab =
+ .label = Hape Lidhjen në Skedë të Re { $containerName }
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-reveal-password =
+ .label = Shfaqe Fjalëkalimin
+ .accesskey = f