path: root/layout/painting/ActiveLayerTracker.cpp
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diff --git a/layout/painting/ActiveLayerTracker.cpp b/layout/painting/ActiveLayerTracker.cpp
index 053445e486..b30ecdf5c2 100644
--- a/layout/painting/ActiveLayerTracker.cpp
+++ b/layout/painting/ActiveLayerTracker.cpp
@@ -218,23 +218,47 @@ void ActiveLayerTracker::TransferActivityToFrame(nsIContent* aContent,
static void IncrementScaleRestyleCountIfNeeded(nsIFrame* aFrame,
LayerActivity* aActivity) {
+ // This function is basically a simplified copy of
+ // nsDisplayTransform::GetResultingTransformMatrixInternal.
+ Matrix svgTransform, parentsChildrenOnlyTransform;
+ const bool hasSVGTransforms =
+ aFrame->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_MAY_BE_TRANSFORMED) &&
+ aFrame->IsSVGTransformed(&svgTransform, &parentsChildrenOnlyTransform);
const nsStyleDisplay* display = aFrame->StyleDisplay();
- if (!display->HasTransformProperty() && !display->HasIndividualTransform() &&
- display->mOffsetPath.IsNone()) {
- // The transform was removed.
- aActivity->mPreviousTransformScale = Nothing();
- IncrementMutationCount(
- &aActivity->mRestyleCounts[LayerActivity::ACTIVITY_SCALE]);
+ if (!aFrame->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_MAY_BE_TRANSFORMED) ||
+ (!display->HasTransformProperty() && !display->HasIndividualTransform() &&
+ display->mOffsetPath.IsNone() && !hasSVGTransforms)) {
+ if (aActivity->mPreviousTransformScale.isSome()) {
+ // The transform was removed.
+ aActivity->mPreviousTransformScale = Nothing();
+ IncrementMutationCount(
+ &aActivity->mRestyleCounts[LayerActivity::ACTIVITY_SCALE]);
+ }
- // Compute the new scale due to the CSS transform property.
- // Note: Motion path doesn't contribute to scale factor. (It only has 2d
- // translate and 2d rotate, so we use Nothing() for it.)
- nsStyleTransformMatrix::TransformReferenceBox refBox(aFrame);
- Matrix4x4 transform = nsStyleTransformMatrix::ReadTransforms(
- display->mTranslate, display->mRotate, display->mScale, nullptr,
- display->mTransform, refBox, AppUnitsPerCSSPixel());
+ Matrix4x4 transform;
+ if (aFrame->IsCSSTransformed()) {
+ // Compute the new scale due to the CSS transform property.
+ // Note: Motion path doesn't contribute to scale factor. (It only has 2d
+ // translate and 2d rotate, so we use Nothing() for it.)
+ nsStyleTransformMatrix::TransformReferenceBox refBox(aFrame);
+ transform = nsStyleTransformMatrix::ReadTransforms(
+ display->mTranslate, display->mRotate, display->mScale, nullptr,
+ display->mTransform, refBox, AppUnitsPerCSSPixel());
+ } else if (hasSVGTransforms) {
+ transform = Matrix4x4::From2D(svgTransform);
+ }
+ const bool parentHasChildrenOnlyTransform =
+ hasSVGTransforms && !parentsChildrenOnlyTransform.IsIdentity();
+ if (parentHasChildrenOnlyTransform) {
+ transform *= Matrix4x4::From2D(parentsChildrenOnlyTransform);
+ }
Matrix transform2D;
if (!transform.Is2D(&transform2D)) {
// We don't attempt to handle 3D transforms; just assume the scale changed.