path: root/layout/style/nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp
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1 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/style/nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp b/layout/style/nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..593bcbb39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/style/nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+ * A class used for intermediate representations of the transform and
+ * transform-like properties.
+ */
+#include "nsStyleTransformMatrix.h"
+#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
+#include "nsPresContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/MotionPathUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoBindings.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
+#include "mozilla/StyleAnimationValue.h"
+#include "mozilla/SVGUtils.h"
+#include "gfxMatrix.h"
+#include "gfxQuaternion.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::gfx;
+namespace nsStyleTransformMatrix {
+/* Note on floating point precision: The transform matrix is an array
+ * of single precision 'float's, and so are most of the input values
+ * we get from the style system, but intermediate calculations
+ * involving angles need to be done in 'double'.
+ */
+// Define UNIFIED_CONTINUATIONS here and in nsDisplayList.cpp
+// to have the transform property try
+// to transform content with continuations as one unified block instead of
+// several smaller ones. This is currently disabled because it doesn't work
+// correctly, since when the frames are initially being reflowed, their
+// continuations all compute their bounding rects independently of each other
+// and consequently get the wrong value.
+static nsRect GetSVGBox(const nsIFrame* aFrame) {
+ auto computeViewBox = [&]() {
+ // Percentages in transforms resolve against the width/height of the
+ // nearest viewport (or its viewBox if one is applied), and the
+ // transform is relative to {0,0} in current user space.
+ CSSSize size = CSSSize::FromUnknownSize(SVGUtils::GetContextSize(aFrame));
+ return nsRect(-aFrame->GetPosition(), CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(size));
+ };
+ auto transformBox = aFrame->StyleDisplay()->mTransformBox;
+ if ((transformBox == StyleTransformBox::StrokeBox ||
+ transformBox == StyleTransformBox::BorderBox) &&
+ aFrame->StyleSVGReset()->HasNonScalingStroke()) {
+ // To calculate stroke bounds for an element with `non-scaling-stroke` we
+ // need to resolve its transform to its outer-svg, but to resolve that
+ // transform when it has `transform-box:stroke-box` (or `border-box`)
+ // may require its stroke bounds. There's no ideal way to break this
+ // cyclical dependency, but we break it by converting to
+ // `transform-box:fill-box` here.
+ //
+ transformBox = StyleTransformBox::FillBox;
+ }
+ // For SVG elements without associated CSS layout box, the used value for
+ // content-box is fill-box and for border-box is stroke-box.
+ //
+ switch (transformBox) {
+ case StyleTransformBox::ContentBox:
+ case StyleTransformBox::FillBox: {
+ // Percentages in transforms resolve against the SVG bbox, and the
+ // transform is relative to the top-left of the SVG bbox.
+ nsRect bboxInAppUnits = nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSVGReferenceRect(
+ const_cast<nsIFrame*>(aFrame), StyleGeometryBox::FillBox);
+ // The mRect of an SVG nsIFrame is its user space bounds *including*
+ // stroke and markers, whereas bboxInAppUnits is its user space bounds
+ // including fill only. We need to note the offset of the reference box
+ // from the frame's mRect in mX/mY.
+ return {bboxInAppUnits.x - aFrame->GetPosition().x,
+ bboxInAppUnits.y - aFrame->GetPosition().y, bboxInAppUnits.width,
+ bboxInAppUnits.height};
+ }
+ case StyleTransformBox::BorderBox:
+ if (!StaticPrefs::layout_css_transform_box_content_stroke_enabled()) {
+ // If stroke-box is disabled, we shouldn't use it and fall back to
+ // view-box.
+ return computeViewBox();
+ }
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case StyleTransformBox::StrokeBox: {
+ // We are using SVGUtils::PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents() to compute the
+ // bbox contribution for stroke box (if it doesn't have simple bounds),
+ // so the |strokeBox| here may be larger than the author's expectation.
+ // Using Moz2D to compute the tighter bounding box is another way but it
+ // has some potential issues (see SVGGeometryFrame::GetBBoxContribution()
+ // for more details), and its result depends on the drawing backend. So
+ // for now we still rely on our default calcuclation for SVG geometry
+ // frame reflow code. At least this works for the shape elements which
+ // have simple bounds.
+ // FIXME: Bug 1849054. We may have to update
+ // SVGGeometryFrame::GetBBoxContribution() to get tighter stroke bounds.
+ nsRect strokeBox = nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSVGReferenceRect(
+ const_cast<nsIFrame*>(aFrame), StyleGeometryBox::StrokeBox);
+ // The |nsIFrame::mRect| includes markers, so we have to compute the
+ // offsets without markers.
+ return nsRect{strokeBox.x - aFrame->GetPosition().x,
+ strokeBox.y - aFrame->GetPosition().y, strokeBox.width,
+ strokeBox.height};
+ }
+ case StyleTransformBox::ViewBox:
+ return computeViewBox();
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("All transform box should be handled.");
+ return {};
+void TransformReferenceBox::EnsureDimensionsAreCached() {
+ if (mIsCached) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mFrame);
+ mIsCached = true;
+ if (mFrame->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_SVG_LAYOUT)) {
+ mBox = GetSVGBox(mFrame);
+ return;
+ }
+ // For elements with associated CSS layout box, the used value for fill-box is
+ // content-box and for stroke-box and view-box is border-box.
+ //
+ switch (mFrame->StyleDisplay()->mTransformBox) {
+ case StyleTransformBox::FillBox:
+ case StyleTransformBox::ContentBox: {
+ mBox = mFrame->GetContentRectRelativeToSelf();
+ return;
+ }
+ case StyleTransformBox::StrokeBox:
+ // TODO: Implement this in the following patches.
+ return;
+ case StyleTransformBox::ViewBox:
+ case StyleTransformBox::BorderBox: {
+ // If UNIFIED_CONTINUATIONS is not defined, this is simply the frame's
+ // bounding rectangle, translated to the origin. Otherwise, it is the
+ // smallest rectangle containing a frame and all of its continuations. For
+ // example, if there is a <span> element with several continuations split
+ // over several lines, this function will return the rectangle containing
+ // all of those continuations.
+ nsRect rect;
+ rect = mFrame->GetRect();
+ // Iterate the continuation list, unioning together the bounding rects:
+ for (const nsIFrame* currFrame = mFrame->FirstContinuation();
+ currFrame != nullptr; currFrame = currFrame->GetNextContinuation()) {
+ // Get the frame rect in local coordinates, then translate back to the
+ // original coordinates:
+ rect.UnionRect(result, nsRect(currFrame->GetOffsetTo(mFrame),
+ currFrame->GetSize()));
+ }
+ mBox = {0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height()};
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+float ProcessTranslatePart(
+ const LengthPercentage& aValue, TransformReferenceBox* aRefBox,
+ TransformReferenceBox::DimensionGetter aDimensionGetter) {
+ return aValue.ResolveToCSSPixelsWith([&] {
+ return aRefBox && !aRefBox->IsEmpty()
+ ? CSSPixel::FromAppUnits((aRefBox->*aDimensionGetter)())
+ : CSSCoord(0);
+ });
+ * Helper functions to process all the transformation function types.
+ *
+ * These take a matrix parameter to accumulate the current matrix.
+ */
+/* Helper function to process a matrix entry. */
+static void ProcessMatrix(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp) {
+ const auto& matrix = aOp.AsMatrix();
+ gfxMatrix result;
+ result._11 = matrix.a;
+ result._12 = matrix.b;
+ result._21 = matrix.c;
+ result._22 = matrix.d;
+ result._31 = matrix.e;
+ result._32 = matrix.f;
+ aMatrix = result * aMatrix;
+static void ProcessMatrix3D(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp) {
+ Matrix4x4 temp;
+ const auto& matrix = aOp.AsMatrix3D();
+ temp._11 = matrix.m11;
+ temp._12 = matrix.m12;
+ temp._13 = matrix.m13;
+ temp._14 = matrix.m14;
+ temp._21 = matrix.m21;
+ temp._22 = matrix.m22;
+ temp._23 = matrix.m23;
+ temp._24 = matrix.m24;
+ temp._31 = matrix.m31;
+ temp._32 = matrix.m32;
+ temp._33 = matrix.m33;
+ temp._34 = matrix.m34;
+ temp._41 = matrix.m41;
+ temp._42 = matrix.m42;
+ temp._43 = matrix.m43;
+ temp._44 = matrix.m44;
+ aMatrix = temp * aMatrix;
+// For accumulation for transform functions, |aOne| corresponds to |aB| and
+// |aTwo| corresponds to |aA| for StyleAnimationValue::Accumulate().
+class Accumulate {
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ static T operate(const T& aOne, const T& aTwo, double aCoeff) {
+ return aOne + aTwo * aCoeff;
+ }
+ static Point4D operateForPerspective(const Point4D& aOne, const Point4D& aTwo,
+ double aCoeff) {
+ return (aOne - Point4D(0, 0, 0, 1)) +
+ (aTwo - Point4D(0, 0, 0, 1)) * aCoeff + Point4D(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ static Point3D operateForScale(const Point3D& aOne, const Point3D& aTwo,
+ double aCoeff) {
+ // For scale, the identify element is 1, see AddTransformScale in
+ // StyleAnimationValue.cpp.
+ return (aOne - Point3D(1, 1, 1)) + (aTwo - Point3D(1, 1, 1)) * aCoeff +
+ Point3D(1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateForRotate(const gfxQuaternion& aOne,
+ const gfxQuaternion& aTwo, double aCoeff) {
+ if (aCoeff == 0.0) {
+ return aOne.ToMatrix();
+ }
+ double theta = acos(mozilla::clamped(aTwo.w, -1.0, 1.0));
+ double scale = (theta != 0.0) ? 1.0 / sin(theta) : 0.0;
+ theta *= aCoeff;
+ scale *= sin(theta);
+ gfxQuaternion result = gfxQuaternion(scale * aTwo.x, scale * aTwo.y,
+ scale * aTwo.z, cos(theta)) *
+ aOne;
+ return result.ToMatrix();
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateForFallback(const Matrix4x4& aMatrix1,
+ const Matrix4x4& aMatrix2,
+ double aProgress) {
+ return aMatrix1;
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateByServo(const Matrix4x4& aMatrix1,
+ const Matrix4x4& aMatrix2, double aCount) {
+ Matrix4x4 result;
+ Servo_MatrixTransform_Operate(MatrixTransformOperator::Accumulate,
+ &aMatrix1.components, &aMatrix2.components,
+ aCount, &result.components);
+ return result;
+ }
+class Interpolate {
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ static T operate(const T& aOne, const T& aTwo, double aCoeff) {
+ return aOne + (aTwo - aOne) * aCoeff;
+ }
+ static Point4D operateForPerspective(const Point4D& aOne, const Point4D& aTwo,
+ double aCoeff) {
+ return aOne + (aTwo - aOne) * aCoeff;
+ }
+ static Point3D operateForScale(const Point3D& aOne, const Point3D& aTwo,
+ double aCoeff) {
+ return aOne + (aTwo - aOne) * aCoeff;
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateForRotate(const gfxQuaternion& aOne,
+ const gfxQuaternion& aTwo, double aCoeff) {
+ return aOne.Slerp(aTwo, aCoeff).ToMatrix();
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateForFallback(const Matrix4x4& aMatrix1,
+ const Matrix4x4& aMatrix2,
+ double aProgress) {
+ return aProgress < 0.5 ? aMatrix1 : aMatrix2;
+ }
+ static Matrix4x4 operateByServo(const Matrix4x4& aMatrix1,
+ const Matrix4x4& aMatrix2, double aProgress) {
+ Matrix4x4 result;
+ Servo_MatrixTransform_Operate(MatrixTransformOperator::Interpolate,
+ &aMatrix1.components, &aMatrix2.components,
+ aProgress, &result.components);
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename Operator>
+static void ProcessMatrixOperator(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransform& aFrom,
+ const StyleTransform& aTo, float aProgress,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ float appUnitPerCSSPixel = AppUnitsPerCSSPixel();
+ Matrix4x4 matrix1 = ReadTransforms(aFrom, aRefBox, appUnitPerCSSPixel);
+ Matrix4x4 matrix2 = ReadTransforms(aTo, aRefBox, appUnitPerCSSPixel);
+ aMatrix = Operator::operateByServo(matrix1, matrix2, aProgress) * aMatrix;
+/* Helper function to process two matrices that we need to interpolate between
+ */
+void ProcessInterpolateMatrix(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ const auto& args = aOp.AsInterpolateMatrix();
+ ProcessMatrixOperator<Interpolate>(aMatrix, args.from_list, args.to_list,
+ args.progress._0, aRefBox);
+void ProcessAccumulateMatrix(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ const auto& args = aOp.AsAccumulateMatrix();
+ ProcessMatrixOperator<Accumulate>(aMatrix, args.from_list, args.to_list,
+ args.count, aRefBox);
+/* Helper function to process a translatex function. */
+static void ProcessTranslateX(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const LengthPercentage& aLength,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ Point3D temp;
+ temp.x =
+ ProcessTranslatePart(aLength, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Width);
+ aMatrix.PreTranslate(temp);
+/* Helper function to process a translatey function. */
+static void ProcessTranslateY(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const LengthPercentage& aLength,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ Point3D temp;
+ temp.y =
+ ProcessTranslatePart(aLength, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Height);
+ aMatrix.PreTranslate(temp);
+static void ProcessTranslateZ(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const Length& aLength) {
+ Point3D temp;
+ temp.z = aLength.ToCSSPixels();
+ aMatrix.PreTranslate(temp);
+/* Helper function to process a translate function. */
+static void ProcessTranslate(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const LengthPercentage& aX,
+ const LengthPercentage& aY,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ Point3D temp;
+ temp.x = ProcessTranslatePart(aX, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Width);
+ temp.y = ProcessTranslatePart(aY, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Height);
+ aMatrix.PreTranslate(temp);
+static void ProcessTranslate3D(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const LengthPercentage& aX,
+ const LengthPercentage& aY, const Length& aZ,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ Point3D temp;
+ temp.x = ProcessTranslatePart(aX, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Width);
+ temp.y = ProcessTranslatePart(aY, &aRefBox, &TransformReferenceBox::Height);
+ temp.z = aZ.ToCSSPixels();
+ aMatrix.PreTranslate(temp);
+/* Helper function to set up a scale matrix. */
+static void ProcessScaleHelper(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, float aXScale, float aYScale,
+ float aZScale) {
+ aMatrix.PreScale(aXScale, aYScale, aZScale);
+static void ProcessScale3D(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp) {
+ const auto& scale = aOp.AsScale3D();
+ ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, scale._0, scale._1, scale._2);
+/* Helper function that, given a set of angles, constructs the appropriate
+ * skew matrix.
+ */
+static void ProcessSkewHelper(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const StyleAngle& aXAngle,
+ const StyleAngle& aYAngle) {
+ aMatrix.SkewXY(aXAngle.ToRadians(), aYAngle.ToRadians());
+static void ProcessRotate3D(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, float aX, float aY, float aZ,
+ const StyleAngle& aAngle) {
+ Matrix4x4 temp;
+ temp.SetRotateAxisAngle(aX, aY, aZ, aAngle.ToRadians());
+ aMatrix = temp * aMatrix;
+static void ProcessPerspective(
+ Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction<Length>& aPerspective) {
+ if (aPerspective.IsNone()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ float p = aPerspective.AsLength().ToCSSPixels();
+ if (!std::isinf(p)) {
+ aMatrix.Perspective(std::max(p, 1.0f));
+ }
+static void MatrixForTransformFunction(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTransformOperation& aOp,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ /* Get the keyword for the transform. */
+ switch (aOp.tag) {
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::TranslateX:
+ ProcessTranslateX(aMatrix, aOp.AsTranslateX(), aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::TranslateY:
+ ProcessTranslateY(aMatrix, aOp.AsTranslateY(), aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::TranslateZ:
+ ProcessTranslateZ(aMatrix, aOp.AsTranslateZ());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Translate:
+ ProcessTranslate(aMatrix, aOp.AsTranslate()._0, aOp.AsTranslate()._1,
+ aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Translate3D:
+ return ProcessTranslate3D(aMatrix, aOp.AsTranslate3D()._0,
+ aOp.AsTranslate3D()._1, aOp.AsTranslate3D()._2,
+ aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::ScaleX:
+ ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, aOp.AsScaleX(), 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::ScaleY:
+ ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, 1.0f, aOp.AsScaleY(), 1.0f);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::ScaleZ:
+ ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, 1.0f, 1.0f, aOp.AsScaleZ());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Scale:
+ ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, aOp.AsScale()._0, aOp.AsScale()._1, 1.0f);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Scale3D:
+ ProcessScale3D(aMatrix, aOp);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::SkewX:
+ ProcessSkewHelper(aMatrix, aOp.AsSkewX(), StyleAngle::Zero());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::SkewY:
+ ProcessSkewHelper(aMatrix, StyleAngle::Zero(), aOp.AsSkewY());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Skew:
+ ProcessSkewHelper(aMatrix, aOp.AsSkew()._0, aOp.AsSkew()._1);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::RotateX:
+ aMatrix.RotateX(aOp.AsRotateX().ToRadians());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::RotateY:
+ aMatrix.RotateY(aOp.AsRotateY().ToRadians());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::RotateZ:
+ aMatrix.RotateZ(aOp.AsRotateZ().ToRadians());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Rotate:
+ aMatrix.RotateZ(aOp.AsRotate().ToRadians());
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Rotate3D:
+ ProcessRotate3D(aMatrix, aOp.AsRotate3D()._0, aOp.AsRotate3D()._1,
+ aOp.AsRotate3D()._2, aOp.AsRotate3D()._3);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Matrix:
+ ProcessMatrix(aMatrix, aOp);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Matrix3D:
+ ProcessMatrix3D(aMatrix, aOp);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::InterpolateMatrix:
+ ProcessInterpolateMatrix(aMatrix, aOp, aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::AccumulateMatrix:
+ ProcessAccumulateMatrix(aMatrix, aOp, aRefBox);
+ break;
+ case StyleTransformOperation::Tag::Perspective:
+ ProcessPerspective(aMatrix, aOp.AsPerspective());
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown transform function!");
+ }
+Matrix4x4 ReadTransforms(const StyleTransform& aTransform,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox,
+ float aAppUnitsPerMatrixUnit) {
+ Matrix4x4 result;
+ for (const StyleTransformOperation& op : aTransform.Operations()) {
+ MatrixForTransformFunction(result, op, aRefBox);
+ }
+ float scale = float(AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()) / aAppUnitsPerMatrixUnit;
+ result.PreScale(1 / scale, 1 / scale, 1 / scale);
+ result.PostScale(scale, scale, scale);
+ return result;
+static void ProcessTranslate(Matrix4x4& aMatrix,
+ const StyleTranslate& aTranslate,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ switch (aTranslate.tag) {
+ case StyleTranslate::Tag::None:
+ return;
+ case StyleTranslate::Tag::Translate:
+ return ProcessTranslate3D(aMatrix, aTranslate.AsTranslate()._0,
+ aTranslate.AsTranslate()._1,
+ aTranslate.AsTranslate()._2, aRefBox);
+ default:
+ }
+static void ProcessRotate(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const StyleRotate& aRotate) {
+ switch (aRotate.tag) {
+ case StyleRotate::Tag::None:
+ return;
+ case StyleRotate::Tag::Rotate:
+ aMatrix.RotateZ(aRotate.AsRotate().ToRadians());
+ return;
+ case StyleRotate::Tag::Rotate3D:
+ return ProcessRotate3D(aMatrix, aRotate.AsRotate3D()._0,
+ aRotate.AsRotate3D()._1, aRotate.AsRotate3D()._2,
+ aRotate.AsRotate3D()._3);
+ default:
+ }
+static void ProcessScale(Matrix4x4& aMatrix, const StyleScale& aScale) {
+ switch (aScale.tag) {
+ case StyleScale::Tag::None:
+ return;
+ case StyleScale::Tag::Scale:
+ return ProcessScaleHelper(aMatrix, aScale.AsScale()._0,
+ aScale.AsScale()._1, aScale.AsScale()._2);
+ default:
+ }
+Matrix4x4 ReadTransforms(const StyleTranslate& aTranslate,
+ const StyleRotate& aRotate, const StyleScale& aScale,
+ const ResolvedMotionPathData* aMotion,
+ const StyleTransform& aTransform,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox,
+ float aAppUnitsPerMatrixUnit) {
+ Matrix4x4 result;
+ ProcessTranslate(result, aTranslate, aRefBox);
+ ProcessRotate(result, aRotate);
+ ProcessScale(result, aScale);
+ if (aMotion) {
+ // Create the equivalent translate and rotate function, according to the
+ // order in spec. We combine the translate and then the rotate.
+ //
+ //
+ // Besides, we have to shift the object by the delta between anchor-point
+ // and transform-origin, to make sure we rotate the object according to
+ // anchor-point.
+ result.PreTranslate(aMotion->mTranslate.x + aMotion->mShift.x,
+ aMotion->mTranslate.y + aMotion->mShift.y, 0.0);
+ if (aMotion->mRotate != 0.0) {
+ result.RotateZ(aMotion->mRotate);
+ }
+ // Shift the origin back to transform-origin.
+ result.PreTranslate(-aMotion->mShift.x, -aMotion->mShift.y, 0.0);
+ }
+ for (const StyleTransformOperation& op : aTransform.Operations()) {
+ MatrixForTransformFunction(result, op, aRefBox);
+ }
+ float scale = float(AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()) / aAppUnitsPerMatrixUnit;
+ result.PreScale(1 / scale, 1 / scale, 1 / scale);
+ result.PostScale(scale, scale, scale);
+ return result;
+mozilla::CSSPoint Convert2DPosition(const mozilla::LengthPercentage& aX,
+ const mozilla::LengthPercentage& aY,
+ const CSSSize& aSize) {
+ return {
+ aX.ResolveToCSSPixels(aSize.width),
+ aY.ResolveToCSSPixels(aSize.height),
+ };
+CSSPoint Convert2DPosition(const LengthPercentage& aX,
+ const LengthPercentage& aY,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox) {
+ return {
+ aX.ResolveToCSSPixelsWith(
+ [&] { return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(aRefBox.Width()); }),
+ aY.ResolveToCSSPixelsWith(
+ [&] { return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(aRefBox.Height()); }),
+ };
+Point Convert2DPosition(const LengthPercentage& aX, const LengthPercentage& aY,
+ TransformReferenceBox& aRefBox,
+ int32_t aAppUnitsPerPixel) {
+ float scale = mozilla::AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() / float(aAppUnitsPerPixel);
+ CSSPoint p = Convert2DPosition(aX, aY, aRefBox);
+ return {p.x * scale, p.y * scale};
+} // namespace nsStyleTransformMatrix