path: root/media/openmax_dl/dl/sp/src/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/media/openmax_dl/dl/sp/src/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c b/media/openmax_dl/dl/sp/src/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d22230ed..0000000000
--- a/media/openmax_dl/dl/sp/src/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- *
- * This is a modification of omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c to support float
- * instead of S32.
- */
-#include "dl/api/armOMX.h"
-#include "dl/api/omxtypes.h"
-#include "dl/sp/api/armSP.h"
-#include "dl/sp/api/omxSP.h"
- * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32
- *
- * Description:
- * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
- *
- * Remarks:
- * This function is used to initialize the specification structures
- * for functions <ippsFFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs> and
- * <ippsFFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs>. Memory for *pFFTSpec must be
- * allocated prior to calling this function. The number of bytes
- * required for *pFFTSpec can be determined using
- * <FFTGetBufSize_R_F32>.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * [in] order base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
- * valid in the range [1,12]. ([1,15] if
- * BIG_FFT_TABLE is defined.)
- * [out] pFFTFwdSpec pointer to the initialized specification structure.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
- *
- */
-OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pFFTSpec, OMX_INT order) {
- OMX_INT i;
- OMX_INT j;
- OMX_FC32* pTwiddle;
- OMX_FC32* pTwiddle1;
- OMX_FC32* pTwiddle2;
- OMX_FC32* pTwiddle3;
- OMX_FC32* pTwiddle4;
- OMX_F32* pBuf;
- OMX_U16* pBitRev;
- OMX_U32 pTmp;
- OMX_INT Nby2;
- OMX_INT diff;
- OMX_INT step;
- OMX_F32 x;
- OMX_F32 y;
- OMX_F32 xNeg;
- ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32* pFFTStruct = 0;
- pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32 *) pFFTSpec;
- /* Validate args */
- if (!pFFTSpec || (order < 1) || (order > TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER))
- return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
- /* Do the initializations */
- Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
- N = Nby2 << 1;
- /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
- pBitRev = NULL;
- pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32 *) (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
- /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
- pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle) & 31;
- if (pTmp)
- pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32 - pTmp));
- pBuf = (OMX_F32*) (sizeof(OMX_FC32)*(5*N/8) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
- /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
- pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31; /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
- if (pTmp)
- pBuf = (OMX_F32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32 - pTmp));
- /*
- * Filling Twiddle factors :
- *
- * exp^(-j*2*PI*k/ (N/2) ) ; k=0,1,2,...,3/4(N/2)
- *
- * N/2 point complex FFT is used to compute N point real FFT The
- * original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable" is of size
- * (MaxSize/8 + 1) Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are
- * calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos The max size of
- * the twiddle table needed is 3/4(N/2) for a radix-4 stage
- *
- * W = (-2 * PI) / N
- * N = 1 << order
- * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
- */
- M = Nby2 >> 3;
- diff = TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER - (order - 1);
- /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
- step = 1 << diff;
- x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[0];
- y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[1];
- xNeg = 1;
- if ((order - 1) >= 3) {
- /* i = 0 case */
- pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
- pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
- pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
- pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
- pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
- pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
- for (i = 1; i <= M; i++) {
- j = i*step;
- x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j];
- y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
- pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
- pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
- pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
- pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
- pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
- pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
- pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
- pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
- pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
- pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
- pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
- pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
- }
- } else if ((order - 1) == 2) {
- pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
- pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
- pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
- pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
- pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
- pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
- } else if ((order-1) == 1) {
- pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
- pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
- }
- /*
- * Now fill the last N/4 values : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/N) ;
- * k=1,3,5,...,N/2-1 These are used for the final twiddle fix-up for
- * converting complex to real FFT
- */
- M = N >> 3;
- diff = TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER - order;
- step = 1 << diff;
- pTwiddle1 = pTwiddle + 3*N/8;
- pTwiddle4 = pTwiddle1 + (N/4 - 1);
- pTwiddle3 = pTwiddle1 + N/8;
- pTwiddle2 = pTwiddle1 + (N/8 - 1);
- x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[0];
- y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[1];
- xNeg = 1;
- if (order >=3) {
- for (i = 1; i <= M; i += 2) {
- j = i*step;
- x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j];
- y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
- pTwiddle1[0].Re = x;
- pTwiddle1[0].Im = y;
- pTwiddle1 += 1;
- pTwiddle2[0].Re = -y;
- pTwiddle2[0].Im = -x;
- pTwiddle2 -= 1;
- pTwiddle3[0].Re = y;
- pTwiddle3[0].Im = -x;
- pTwiddle3 += 1;
- pTwiddle4[0].Re = -x;
- pTwiddle4[0].Im = y;
- pTwiddle4 -= 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (order == 2) {
- pTwiddle1[0].Re = -y;
- pTwiddle1[0].Im = xNeg;
- }
- }
- /* Update the structure */
- pFFTStruct->N = N;
- pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
- pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
- pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
- return OMX_Sts_NoErr;