path: root/mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/values-su/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/values-su/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/values-su/strings.xml b/mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/values-su/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..359ceede95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/components/feature/addons/src/main/res/values-su/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:tools="" xmlns:moz="">
+ <!-- Description for privacy add-on permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_privacy_description">Bca jeung ropéa setélan pripasi</string>
+ <!-- Description for all_urls add-on permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_all_urls_description">Aksés data anjeun pikeun sakabéh raramatloka</string>
+ <!-- Description for giving an add-on access to users's data on one site. %1$s will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a web extension is requesting access (e.g., -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_one_site_description">Aksés data anjeun pikeun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Description for giving an add-on access to users's data in multiple sites in the domain %1$s. %1$s will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a web extension is requesting access (e.g., -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_sites_in_domain_description">Aksés data anjeun pikeun loka dina domain %1$s</string>
+ <!-- When an add-on requires access to more than 4 sites, for example the add-on requires access for 5 sites. We will show the first 4 sites in individual entries, as in mozac_feature_addons_permissions_one_site_description,
+ then we will show another collapsed entry saying "Access your data on 1 other site". This entry it's for the singular case, when the add-on is only accessing one extra site. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_one_extra_site_description" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">Aksés data anjeun dina 1 loka séjén</string>
+ <!-- When an add-on requires access to more than 4 sites, for example the add-on requires access for 6 sites. We will show the first 4 sites in individual entries, as in mozac_feature_addons_permissions_one_site_description,
+ then we will show another collapsed entry saying "Access your data on 2 other sites". This entry it's for the plural case, when the add-on is accessing more than one extra site.
+ %1$d will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional hosts for which this web extension is requesting permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_extra_sites_description" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">Aksés data anjeun dina %1$d loka séjén</string>
+ <!-- When an add-on requires access to more than 4 domains, for example the add-on requires access for 5 domains. We will show the first 4 domains in individual entries, as in mozac_feature_addons_permissions_sites_in_domain_description,
+ then we will show another collapsed entry saying "Access your data on 1 other domain". This entry it's for the singular case, when the add-on is only accessing one extra domain. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_one_extra_domain_description" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">Aksés data anjeun dina 1 domain séjén</string>
+ <!-- When an add-on requires access to more than 4 domains, for example the add-on requires access for 6 domains. We will show the first 4 domains in individual entries, as in mozac_feature_addons_permissions_sites_in_domain_description,
+ then we will show another collapsed entry saying "Access your data on 2 other domains". This entry it's for the plural case, when the add-on is accessing more than one extra domain.
+ %1$d will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional domains for which this web extension is requesting permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_extra_domains_description_plural" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">Aksés data anjeun dina %1$d domain séjén</string>
+ <!-- Content description for a permission item, for an installed add-on details page. %1$s will be replaced with the permission text name, %2$d will be replaced with the permission position in the list and %3$d will be replaced with the total number of permissions in the list.Taking as an example "Read and modify privacy settings" the whole text will read Read and modify privacy settings, 2 of 6. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_content_description_item">%1$s, %2$d ti %3$d</string>
+ <!-- Description for tabs add-on permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_tabs_description">Aksés tab panyungsi</string>
+ <!-- Description for unlimited_storage permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_unlimited_storage_description">Nyimpen data jumlah anu henteu terbatas ti sisi klién</string>
+ <!-- Description for navigation permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_web_navigation_description">Aksés kagiatan panyungsi salila navigasi</string>
+ <!-- Description for bookmarks permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_bookmarks_description">Baca jeung robah markah</string>
+ <!-- Description for browser_setting permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_browser_setting_description">Baca jeung ropéa setélan panyungsi</string>
+ <!-- Description for browser_data permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_browser_data_description">Beresihan jujutan langlangan, réréméh, jeung data nu tumali</string>
+ <!-- Description for clipboard_read permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_clipboard_read_description">Cokot data ti papan klip</string>
+ <!-- Description for clipboard_write permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_clipboard_write_description">Asupkeun data ti papan klip</string>
+ <!-- Description for declarativeNetRequest permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_declarative_net_request_description">Peungpeuk kontén dina kaca mana waé</string>
+ <!-- Description for declarativeNetRequestFeedback permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_declarative_net_request_feedback_description">Baca jujutan langlangan anjeun</string>
+ <!-- Description for downloads permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_downloads_description">Undeur berkas sarta baca jeung ropéa jujutan undeur panyungsi</string>
+ <!-- Description for downloads_open permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_downloads_open_description">Buka berkas undeuran di perangkat anjeun</string>
+ <!-- Description for find permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_find_description">Baca téks ti sadaya tab muka</string>
+ <!-- Description for geolocation permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_geolocation_description">Aksés lokasi anjeun</string>
+ <!-- Description for history permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_history_description">Aksés jujutan langlangan</string>
+ <!-- Description for management permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_management_description">Poncorong pamakéan éksténsi sarta kokolakeun téma</string>
+ <!-- Description for native_messaging permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_native_messaging_description">Kikirim surat maké aplikasi lian ti ieu</string>
+ <!-- Description for notifications permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_notifications_description">Némbongkeun iber ka anjeun</string>
+ <!-- Description for pkcs11 permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_pkcs11_description">Nyadiakeun layanan oténtikasi kriptograpik</string>
+ <!-- Description for proxy permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_proxy_description">Atur setélan proksi panyungsi</string>
+ <!-- Description for sessions permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_sessions_description">Aksés tab nu anyar ditutup</string>
+ <!-- Description for tab_hide permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_tab_hide_description">Sumputkeun jeung témbongkeun tab panyungsi</string>
+ <!-- Description for top_sites permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_top_sites_description">Aksés jujutan langlangan</string>
+ <!-- Description for devtools permission. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_devtools_description">Legaan parabot depeloper pikeun ngaksés data anjeun dina tab anu muka</string>
+ <!-- The version on of add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_version">Pérsi</string>
+ <!-- The author of an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_author">Pamilik</string>
+ <!-- The authors of an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_authors" moz:removedIn="123" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pamilik</string>
+ <!-- The last date that the add-on was updated. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_last_updated">Panungtung diropéa</string>
+ <!-- The developer website (Homepage) of the add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_home_page">Tepas</string>
+ <!-- A link where users can find more information about add-ons permissions. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_learn_more">Leuwih jéntré ngeunaan idin</string>
+ <!-- The rating of the add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_rating">Peunteun</string>
+ <!-- A link that points to the detail page of the add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_more_info_link" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Leuwih lengkep ngeunaan ieu émboh</string>
+ <!-- A link that points to the detail page of the extension. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_more_info_link_2">Salengkepna perkara éksténsi ieu</string>
+ <!-- The settings of the add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_settings">Setélan</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is enabled. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_settings_on">Aktip</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is disabled. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_settings_off" moz:removedIn="125" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pareum</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is allowed in private browsing mode. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_settings_allow_in_private_browsing">Idinan dina langlangan pribadi</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is allowed in private browsing mode. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_settings_run_in_private_browsing">Jalankeun dina langlangan pribadi</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed when the add-on is not allowed to run in private browsing. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_not_allowed_in_private_browsing">Teu diijinan dina jandéla privat</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is enabled. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_enabled">Diaktipkeun</string>
+ <!-- Indicates the add-on is disabled. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_disabled" moz:removedIn="125" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dipareuman</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed in a page where the user can see the installed and recommended(not installed yet) add-ons, this string indicates the installed section. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_installed_section">Dipasang</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed in a page where the user can see the installed and recommended(not installed yet) add-ons, this string indicates the recommended section. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_recommended_section">Disarankeun</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed in a page where the user can see the installed and recommended(not installed yet) add-ons, this string indicates the not yet supported section. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_unsupported_section">Tacan dirojong</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed in a page where the user can see the installed and recommended(not installed yet) add-ons, this string indicates the not yet available section. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_unavailable_section">Tacan sayagi</string>
+ <!-- This is displayed in a page where the user can see the installed and recommended(not installed yet) add-ons, this string indicates the disabled section. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_disabled_section">Dipareuman</string>
+ <!-- Displays a page with all the details of an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_details">Rincian</string>
+ <!-- Displays a page with all the permissions of an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions">Idin</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to remove (i.e. uninstall) an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_remove">Piceun</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to report an add-on. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_report">Laporan</string>
+ <!-- This is the title of a dialog that asks the users if they to install or not an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_title">Tambahkeun %1$s?</string>
+ <!-- This is the title of a dialog that asks the users to grant optional permissions. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_optional_permissions_dialog_title">%1$s ménta idin tambahan.</string>
+ <!-- This is the subtitle of a dialog that asks the users if they want to install or not an add-on, the subtitle lists the permissions that this add-on requires, the permissions will dynamically be listed after the ":". -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_subtitle">Butuh idin anjeun pikeun:</string>
+ <!-- This is the subtitle of a dialog that asks the users to grant optional permissions, the subtitle lists the permissions that this add-on requests, the permissions will dynamically be listed after the ":". -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_optional_permissions_dialog_subtitle">Kahayangna:</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to add (install) an add-on . -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_add">Nambah</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to allow the optional permissions requested by an add-on . -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_allow">Idinan</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to deny the optional permissions requested by an add-on . -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_deny">Tolak</string>
+ <!-- This is a button to cancel the add-on installation . -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_permissions_dialog_cancel">Bolay</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility content description to install add-on button. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_install_addon_content_description" tools:ignore="UnusedResources" moz:removedIn="124">Masang Add-on</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility content description to install add-on button. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_install_addon_content_description_2">Pasang %1$s</string>
+ <!-- This is the label of a button to cancel an ongoing add-on installation. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_install_addon_dialog_cancel">Bolay</string>
+ <!-- Indicates how many users have rated an add-on. %1$s will be replaced with number of reviews -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_user_rating_count_2">Ulasan: %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility content description for the amount of stars that add-on has, where %1$.02f will be the amount of stars and / separator and 5 the maximum number of stars e.g (2/5, 4.5/5 or 5/5) . -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_rating_content_description" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$.02f/5</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility content description for the amount of stars that add-on has, where %1$.02f will be the amount of stars. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_rating_content_description_2">Rating %1$.02f tina 5</string>
+ <!-- This is the title of page where all the add-ons are listed-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_addons">Add-on</string>
+ <!-- Label for add-ons sub menu item for add-ons manager-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_addons_manager">Manajer Émboh</string>
+ <!-- The title of the "crash" notification in the add-ons manager -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_manager_notification_title_text" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Émboh tumpur saheulaanan</string>
+ <!-- The title of the "crash" notification in the extensions manager -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_extensions_manager_notification_title_text">Éksténsi saheulanaan dipareuman</string>
+ <!-- The content of the "crash" notification in the add-ons manager -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_manager_notification_content_text" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aya émboh nu mugen, ngabalukarkeun sistem anjeun teu stabil.</string>
+ <!-- The content of the "crash" notification in the extensions manager -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_extensions_manager_notification_content_text">Aya émboh nu mugen, ngabalukarkeun sistem anjeun teu stabil.</string>
+ <!-- Button to re-enable the add-ons in the "crash" notification -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_manager_notification_restart_button" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Balikan deui émboh</string>
+ <!-- Button in the add-ons manager that opens AMO in a tab -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_find_more_addons_button_text" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Panggihan émboh lianna</string>
+ <!-- The label of the allow button, this will be shown to the user when an add-on needs new permissions, with the button the user will indicate that they want to accept the new permissions and update the add-on-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_allow_button">Idinan</string>
+ <!-- The label of the deny button on a notification, this will be shown to the user when an add-on needs new permissions. Indicates the user denies the new permissions and prevents the add-on from be updated-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_deny_button">Tolak</string>
+ <!-- The tile of the notification, this will be shown to the user when an add-on needs new permissions, to be updated. %1$s is the name of the add-ons-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_title">%1$s boga apdét anyar</string>
+ <!-- The content of the notification, this will be shown when an add-on needs new permissions, to be updated. %1$d is the amount of new permissions-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_content" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">%1$d idin anyar dipikabutuh</string>
+ <!-- The content of the notification displayed when an add-on needs a new permission-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_content_singular">Perlu idin anyar</string>
+ <!-- Name of the "notification channel" used for displaying a notification for updating an add-on. See -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_notification_channel" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Apdét add-on</string>
+ <!-- Name of the "notification channel" used for displaying a notification for new supported add-ons. See -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_channel" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pamariksa add-on nu didukung</string>
+ <!-- The tile of the notification, this will be shown to the user when one newly supported add-on is available.-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aya add-on anyar</string>
+ <!-- The tile of the notification, this will be shown to the user when more than one newly supported add-ons are available.-->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_title_plural" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aya add-on anyar</string>
+ <!-- The content of the notification, this will be shown to the user when one newly supported add-on is available. %1$s is the add-on name and %2$s is the app name (in most cases Firefox). -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_content_one">Tambahkeun %1$s ka %2$s</string>
+ <!-- The content of the notification, this will be shown to the user when two newly supported add-ons are available. %1$s is the first add-on name. %2$s is the second add-on name. %3$s is the app name (in most cases Firefox). -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_content_two">Tambahkeun %1$s jeung %2$s ka %3$s</string>
+ <!-- The content of the notification, this will be shown to the user when more than two newly supported add-ons are available. %1$s is the app name (in most cases Firefox). -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_supported_checker_notification_content_more_than_two">Tambahkeun kabéhanana ka %1$s</string>
+ <!-- This is the caption for not yet supported screen caption -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_not_yet_supported_caption" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Téhnologi add-on Firefox keur dimodérenkeun. Ieu add-on maké rarangka anu henteu cocog jeung Firefox 75 &amp; sanggeusna.</string>
+ <!-- This is the caption for not yet supported screen caption -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_not_yet_supported_caption2">Kami ayeuna ngawangun dukungan pikeun pilihan awal Éksténsi nu Disarankeun.</string>
+ <!-- This is the caption for the add-on installation progress overlay -->
+ <string name="mozac_add_on_install_progress_caption" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ngeundeur jeung verifikasi add-on…</string>
+ <!-- Error shown when something unexpected happened while trying to get the add-on list from the server -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_query_add_ons" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Gagal pikeun pamundut Add-on!</string>
+ <!-- Error shown when unable to find a translation for an add-on field. %1$s is the locale of the user and %2$s is the default language of the add-on -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_translate">Tarjamahan teu kapanggih, pikeun daérah %1$s pon kitu ogé basa bawaan %2$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after successfully installed an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_successfully_installed">Laksana masang %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failed to install an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install">Gagal masang %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failing to install an add-on for which we don't have its name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install_generic" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Gagal masang ieu émboh.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown when attempting to install an add-on and a network error happened. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install_network_error" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ieu émboh teu bisa diundeur alatan gagal nyambung.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown when attempting to install an add-on and the downloaded file is corrupted. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install_corrupt_error" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ieu émboh teu bisa dipasang, sigana alatan korup.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown when attempting to install an add-on and an error occurred because the extension was not signed. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install_not_signed_error" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ieu émboh teu bisa dipasang alatan acan dipéripikasi.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown when attempting to install an add-on and an error occurred because the extension was incompatible. %1$s is the add-on name, %2$s is the app name and %3$s is the app version. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_install_incompatible_error">%1$s teu bisa dipasang alatan teu kompatibel jeung %2$s %3$s.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown when attempting to install a blocklisted add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_blocklisted_1">%1$s teu bisa dipasang alatan gedé résikona ngabalukarkeun masalah kastabilan jeung kaamanan.</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after successfully enabled an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_successfully_enabled">Laksana ngaktipkeun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failed to enable an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_enable">Gagal ngaktipkeun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after successfully disabled an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_successfully_disabled">Laksana numpurkeun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failed to disable an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_disable">Gagal numpurkeun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after successfully uninstalled an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_successfully_uninstalled">Laksana ngabongkar %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failed to uninstall an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_uninstall">Gagal ngabongkar %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after successfully removed an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_successfully_removed" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Laksana miceun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown after failed to remove an add-on. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_failed_to_remove" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Gagal miceun %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Label shown to indicate that the add-on was migrated from a previous version of the app. %1$s is the app name most of the case it will be Firefox. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_migrated_from_a_previous_version_label" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ieu add-on dipindahkeun ti pérsi heubeul %1$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown in not yet supported add-ons section in AddonsManagerAdapter. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_unsupported_caption" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">1 add-on</string>
+ <!-- Text shown in not yet supported add-ons section in AddonsManagerAdapter - plural. %1$s is the number of unsupported add-ons -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_unsupported_caption_plural" moz:removedIn="126" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s add-on</string>
+ <!-- Text link to a sumo page for learning more about unsupported add-ons. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_unsupported_learn_more">Lenyepan</string>
+ <!-- Displayed in the "Status" field for the updater when an add-on has been correctly updated. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_status_successfully_updated">Laksana ngapdét</string>
+ <!-- Displayed in the "Status" field for the updater when an add-on has no updates available. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_status_no_update_available">Euweuh apdéteun</string>
+ <!-- Displayed in the "Status" field for the updater when there was an error during the add-on update. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_status_error">Galat</string>
+ <!-- Text shown in a dialog that displays information about the last attempt to update an add-on. This is the title of the dialog. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_dialog_title">Émbaran panganyar</string>
+ <!-- Label in the dialog displaying information for the last attempt to update add-ons. It's followed by the date of the last attempt. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_dialog_last_attempt">Tarékah panungtung:</string>
+ <!-- Displayed in the "Status" field for the updater when an add-on has been correctly updated -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_updater_dialog_status">Status:</string>
+ <!-- Text shown in the dialog when add-on installation is completed. %1$s is the add-on name. %2$s is the app name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_installed_dialog_title">%1$s geus ditambahkeun ka %2$s</string>
+ <!-- Text shown in the dialog when add-on installation is completed. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_installed_dialog_description" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Buka dina menu</string>
+ <!-- Confirmation button text for the dialog when add-on installation is completed. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_installed_dialog_okay_button" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Heug, Ngarti</string>
+ <!-- "Learn more" link displayed below an add-on status message. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_status_learn_more">Lenyepan</string>
+ <!-- Status message below an add-on in the add-ons manager when this add-on has been blocklisted. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_status_blocklisted">%1$s geus ditumpurkeun alatan masalah kaamanan atawa stabilitas.</string>
+ <!-- Status message below an add-on in the add-ons manager when this add-on hasn't been signed correctly. %1$s is the add-on name. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_status_unsigned">%1$s teu bisa dipéripikasi aman tur geus ditumpurkeun.</string>
+ <!-- Status message below an add-on in the add-ons manager when this add-on isn't compatible with the application version. %1$s is the add-on name, %2$s is the app name and %3$s is the app version. -->
+ <string name="mozac_feature_addons_status_incompatible">%1$s teu cocog jeung pérsi %2$s anjeun (pérsi %3$s).</string>