path: root/mobile/android/fenix/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/history/PagedHistoryProvider.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'mobile/android/fenix/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/history/PagedHistoryProvider.kt')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/fenix/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/history/PagedHistoryProvider.kt b/mobile/android/fenix/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/history/PagedHistoryProvider.kt
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+++ b/mobile/android/fenix/app/src/main/java/org/mozilla/fenix/components/history/PagedHistoryProvider.kt
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+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+package org.mozilla.fenix.components.history
+import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
+import org.mozilla.fenix.library.history.History
+import org.mozilla.fenix.library.history.HistoryItemTimeGroup
+import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings.Companion.SEARCH_GROUP_MINIMUM_SITES
+private const val BUFFER_TIME = 15000 // 15 seconds in ms
+ * Class representing a history entry.
+ * Contrast this with [History] that's the same, but with an assigned position, for pagination
+ * and display purposes.
+ */
+sealed class HistoryDB {
+ abstract val title: String
+ abstract val visitedAt: Long
+ abstract val selected: Boolean
+ val historyTimeGroup: HistoryItemTimeGroup by lazy {
+ HistoryItemTimeGroup.timeGroupForTimestamp(visitedAt)
+ }
+ data class Regular(
+ override val title: String,
+ val url: String,
+ override val visitedAt: Long,
+ override val selected: Boolean = false,
+ val isRemote: Boolean = false,
+ ) : HistoryDB()
+ data class Metadata(
+ override val title: String,
+ val url: String,
+ override val visitedAt: Long,
+ val totalViewTime: Int,
+ val historyMetadataKey: HistoryMetadataKey,
+ override val selected: Boolean = false,
+ ) : HistoryDB()
+ data class Group(
+ override val title: String,
+ override val visitedAt: Long,
+ val items: List<Metadata>,
+ override val selected: Boolean = false,
+ ) : HistoryDB()
+private fun HistoryMetadata.toHistoryDBMetadata(): HistoryDB.Metadata {
+ return HistoryDB.Metadata(
+ title = title?.takeIf(String::isNotEmpty)
+ ?: key.url.tryGetHostFromUrl(),
+ url = key.url,
+ visitedAt = createdAt,
+ totalViewTime = totalViewTime,
+ historyMetadataKey = key,
+ )
+ * An Interface for providing a paginated list of [HistoryDB].
+ */
+interface PagedHistoryProvider {
+ /**
+ * Gets a list of [HistoryDB].
+ *
+ * @param offset How much to offset the list by
+ * @param numberOfItems How many items to fetch
+ * @return list of [HistoryDB]
+ */
+ suspend fun getHistory(offset: Int, numberOfItems: Int): List<HistoryDB>
+ * @param historyStorage An instance [PlacesHistoryStorage] that provides read/write methods for
+ * history data.
+ */
+class DefaultPagedHistoryProvider(
+ private val historyStorage: PlacesHistoryStorage,
+) : PagedHistoryProvider {
+ /**
+ * Types of visits we currently do not display in the History UI.
+ */
+ private val excludedVisitTypes = listOf(
+ VisitType.DOWNLOAD,
+ VisitType.RELOAD,
+ VisitType.EMBED,
+ VisitType.FRAMED_LINK,
+ )
+ /**
+ * All types of visits that aren't redirects. This is used for fetching only redirecting visits
+ * from the store so that we can filter them out.
+ */
+ private val notRedirectTypes = VisitType.values().filterNot {
+ }
+ @Volatile private var historyGroups: List<HistoryDB.Group>? = null
+ override suspend fun getHistory(
+ offset: Int,
+ numberOfItems: Int,
+ ): List<HistoryDB> {
+ // We need to re-fetch all the history metadata if the offset resets back at 0
+ // in the case of a pull to refresh.
+ if (historyGroups == null || offset == 0) {
+ historyGroups = historyStorage.getHistoryMetadataSince(Long.MIN_VALUE)
+ .asSequence()
+ .sortedByDescending { it.createdAt }
+ .filter { it.key.searchTerm != null }
+ .groupBy { it.key.searchTerm!! }
+ .map { (searchTerm, items) ->
+ HistoryDB.Group(
+ title = searchTerm,
+ visitedAt = items.first().createdAt,
+ items = { it.toHistoryDBMetadata() },
+ )
+ }
+ .filter {
+ }
+ .toList()
+ }
+ return getHistoryAndSearchGroups(offset, numberOfItems)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes [group] and any corresponding history visits.
+ */
+ suspend fun deleteMetadataSearchGroup(group: History.Group) {
+ // The intention is to delete items from history for good.
+ // Corresponding metadata items would also be removed,
+ // because of ON DELETE CASCADE relation in DB schema.
+ for (historyMetadata in group.items) {
+ historyStorage.deleteVisitsFor(historyMetadata.url)
+ }
+ // Force a re-fetch of the groups next time we go through #getHistory.
+ historyGroups = null
+ }
+ @Suppress("MagicNumber")
+ private suspend fun getHistoryAndSearchGroups(
+ offset: Int,
+ numberOfItems: Int,
+ ): List<HistoryDB> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<HistoryDB>()
+ var history: List<HistoryDB.Regular> = historyStorage
+ .getVisitsPaginated(
+ offset.toLong(),
+ numberOfItems.toLong(),
+ excludeTypes = excludedVisitTypes,
+ )
+ .map { transformVisitInfoToHistoryItem(it) }
+ // We'll use this list to filter out redirects from metadata groups below.
+ val redirectsInThePage = if (history.isNotEmpty()) {
+ historyStorage.getDetailedVisits(
+ start = history.last().visitedAt,
+ end = history.first().visitedAt,
+ excludeTypes = notRedirectTypes,
+ ).map { it.url }
+ } else {
+ // Edge-case this doesn't cover: if we only had redirects in the current page,
+ // we'd end up with an empty 'history' list since the redirects would have been
+ // filtered out above. One possible solution would be to look at redirects in all of
+ // history, but that's potentially quite expensive on large profiles, and introduces
+ // other problems (e.g. pages that were redirects a month ago may not be redirects today).
+ emptyList()
+ }
+ // History metadata items are recorded after their associated visited info, we add an
+ // additional buffer time to the most recent visit to account for a history group
+ // appearing as the most recent item.
+ val visitedAtBuffer = if (offset == 0) BUFFER_TIME else 0
+ // Get the history groups that fit within the range of visited times in the current history
+ // items.
+ val historyGroupsInOffset = if (history.isNotEmpty()) {
+ historyGroups?.filter {
+ it.items.any { item ->
+ (history.last().visitedAt - visitedAtBuffer) <= item.visitedAt &&
+ item.visitedAt <= (history.first().visitedAt + visitedAtBuffer)
+ }
+ } ?: emptyList()
+ } else {
+ emptyList()
+ }
+ val historyMetadata = historyGroupsInOffset.flatMap { it.items }
+ history = history.distinctBy { Pair(it.historyTimeGroup, it.url) }
+ // Add all history items that are not in a group filtering out any matches with a history
+ // metadata item.
+ result.addAll(history.filter { item -> historyMetadata.find { it.url == item.url } == null })
+ // Filter history metadata items with no view time and dedupe by url.
+ // Note that distinctBy is sufficient here as it keeps the order of the source
+ // collection, and we're only sorting by visitedAt (=updatedAt) currently.
+ // If we needed the view time we'd have to aggregate it for entries with the same
+ // url, but we don't have a use case for this currently in the history view.
+ result.addAll(
+ { group ->
+ group.copy(items = group.items.distinctBy { it.url }.filterNot { redirectsInThePage.contains(it.url) })
+ },
+ )
+ return result.sortedByDescending { it.visitedAt }
+ }
+ private fun transformVisitInfoToHistoryItem(visit: VisitInfo): HistoryDB.Regular {
+ val title = visit.title
+ ?.takeIf(String::isNotEmpty)
+ ?: visit.url.tryGetHostFromUrl()
+ return HistoryDB.Regular(
+ title = title,
+ url = visit.url,
+ visitedAt = visit.visitTime,
+ isRemote = visit.isRemote,
+ )
+ }
+internal fun List<HistoryDB>.removeConsecutiveDuplicates(): List<HistoryDB> {
+ var previousURL = ""
+ return filter {
+ var isNotDuplicate = true
+ previousURL = if (it is HistoryDB.Regular) {
+ isNotDuplicate = it.url != previousURL
+ it.url
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ isNotDuplicate
+ }