path: root/remote/shared/test/browser/browser_TabManager.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'remote/shared/test/browser/browser_TabManager.js')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remote/shared/test/browser/browser_TabManager.js b/remote/shared/test/browser/browser_TabManager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdc0d5c8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/shared/test/browser/browser_TabManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+const { TabManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs"
+const FRAME_URL = "";
+const FRAME_MARKUP = `<iframe src="${encodeURI(FRAME_URL)}"></iframe>`;
+const TEST_URL = `${encodeURI(
+add_task(async function test_getBrowsingContextById() {
+ const browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ is(TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(null), null);
+ is(TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(undefined), null);
+ is(TabManager.getBrowsingContextById("wrong-id"), null);
+ info(`Navigate to ${TEST_URL}`);
+ await loadURL(browser, TEST_URL);
+ const contexts = browser.browsingContext.getAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree();
+ is(contexts.length, 2, "Top context has 1 child");
+ const topContextId = TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(contexts[0]);
+ is(TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(topContextId), contexts[0]);
+ const childContextId = TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(contexts[1]);
+ is(TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(childContextId), contexts[1]);
+add_task(async function test_addTab_focus() {
+ let tabsCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
+ let newTab1, newTab2, newTab3;
+ try {
+ newTab1 = await TabManager.addTab({ focus: true });
+ ok(gBrowser.tabs.includes(newTab1), "A new tab was created");
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, tabsCount + 1);
+ is(gBrowser.selectedTab, newTab1, "Tab added with focus: true is selected");
+ newTab2 = await TabManager.addTab({ focus: false });
+ ok(gBrowser.tabs.includes(newTab2), "A new tab was created");
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, tabsCount + 2);
+ is(
+ gBrowser.selectedTab,
+ newTab1,
+ "Tab added with focus: false is not selected"
+ );
+ newTab3 = await TabManager.addTab();
+ ok(gBrowser.tabs.includes(newTab3), "A new tab was created");
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, tabsCount + 3);
+ is(
+ gBrowser.selectedTab,
+ newTab1,
+ "Tab added with no focus parameter is not selected (defaults to false)"
+ );
+ } finally {
+ gBrowser.removeTab(newTab1);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(newTab3);
+ }
+add_task(async function test_addTab_referenceTab() {
+ let tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4;
+ try {
+ tab1 = await TabManager.addTab();
+ // Add a second tab with no referenceTab, should be added at the end.
+ tab2 = await TabManager.addTab();
+ // Add a third tab with tab1 as referenceTab, should be added right after tab1.
+ tab3 = await TabManager.addTab({ referenceTab: tab1 });
+ // Add a fourth tab with tab2 as referenceTab, should be added right after tab2.
+ tab4 = await TabManager.addTab({ referenceTab: tab2 });
+ // Check that the tab order is as expected: tab1 > tab3 > tab2 > tab4
+ const tab1Index = gBrowser.tabs.indexOf(tab1);
+ is(gBrowser.tabs[tab1Index + 1], tab3);
+ is(gBrowser.tabs[tab1Index + 2], tab2);
+ is(gBrowser.tabs[tab1Index + 3], tab4);
+ } finally {
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab3);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab4);
+ }
+add_task(async function test_addTab_window() {
+ const win1 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
+ const win2 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
+ try {
+ // openNewBrowserWindow should ensure the new window is focused.
+ is(Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(null), win2);
+ const newTab1 = await TabManager.addTab({ window: win1 });
+ is(
+ newTab1.ownerGlobal,
+ win1,
+ "The new tab was opened in the specified window"
+ );
+ const newTab2 = await TabManager.addTab({ window: win2 });
+ is(
+ newTab2.ownerGlobal,
+ win2,
+ "The new tab was opened in the specified window"
+ );
+ const newTab3 = await TabManager.addTab();
+ is(
+ newTab3.ownerGlobal,
+ win2,
+ "The new tab was opened in the foreground window"
+ );
+ } finally {
+ await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win1);
+ await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
+ }
+add_task(async function test_getNavigableForBrowsingContext() {
+ const browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ info(`Navigate to ${TEST_URL}`);
+ await loadURL(browser, TEST_URL);
+ const contexts = browser.browsingContext.getAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree();
+ is(contexts.length, 2, "Top context has 1 child");
+ // For a top-level browsing context the content browser is returned.
+ const topContext = contexts[0];
+ is(
+ TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(topContext),
+ browser,
+ "Top-Level browsing context has the content browser as navigable"
+ );
+ // For child browsing contexts the browsing context itself is returned.
+ const childContext = contexts[1];
+ is(
+ TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(childContext),
+ childContext,
+ "Child browsing context has itself as navigable"
+ );
+ const invalidValues = [undefined, null, 1, "test", {}, []];
+ for (const invalidValue of invalidValues) {
+ Assert.throws(
+ () => TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(invalidValue),
+ /Expected browsingContext to be a CanonicalBrowsingContext/
+ );
+ }
+add_task(async function test_getTabForBrowsingContext() {
+ const tab = await TabManager.addTab();
+ try {
+ const browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ info(`Navigate to ${TEST_URL}`);
+ await loadURL(browser, TEST_URL);
+ const contexts = browser.browsingContext.getAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree();
+ is(TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(contexts[0]), tab);
+ is(TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(contexts[1]), tab);
+ is(TabManager.getTabForBrowsingContext(null), null);
+ } finally {
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ }