path: root/services/sync/tps/extensions/tps/resource/tps.sys.mjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'services/sync/tps/extensions/tps/resource/tps.sys.mjs')
1 files changed, 1583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/services/sync/tps/extensions/tps/resource/tps.sys.mjs b/services/sync/tps/extensions/tps/resource/tps.sys.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c4a5994a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/sync/tps/extensions/tps/resource/tps.sys.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,1583 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* This is a JavaScript module (JSM) to be imported via
+ * ChromeUtils.import() and acts as a singleton. Only the following
+ * listed symbols will exposed on import, and only when and where imported.
+ */
+import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs";
+const lazy = {};
+ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
+ Addon: "resource://tps/modules/addons.sys.mjs",
+ AddonValidator: "resource://services-sync/engines/addons.sys.mjs",
+ Address: "resource://tps/modules/formautofill.sys.mjs",
+ Async: "resource://services-common/async.sys.mjs",
+ Authentication: "resource://tps/auth/fxaccounts.sys.mjs",
+ Bookmark: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarks.sys.mjs",
+ BookmarkFolder: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarks.sys.mjs",
+ BookmarkValidator: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarkValidator.sys.mjs",
+ BrowserTabs: "resource://tps/modules/tabs.sys.mjs",
+ BrowserWindows: "resource://tps/modules/windows.sys.mjs",
+ CommonUtils: "resource://services-common/utils.sys.mjs",
+ CreditCard: "resource://tps/modules/formautofill.sys.mjs",
+ DumpAddresses: "resource://tps/modules/formautofill.sys.mjs",
+ DumpBookmarks: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarks.sys.mjs",
+ DumpCreditCards: "resource://tps/modules/formautofill.sys.mjs",
+ DumpHistory: "resource://tps/modules/history.sys.mjs",
+ DumpPasswords: "resource://tps/modules/passwords.sys.mjs",
+ FileUtils: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs",
+ FormData: "resource://tps/modules/forms.sys.mjs",
+ FormValidator: "resource://services-sync/engines/forms.sys.mjs",
+ HistoryEntry: "resource://tps/modules/history.sys.mjs",
+ JsonSchema: "resource://gre/modules/JsonSchema.sys.mjs",
+ Livemark: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarks.sys.mjs",
+ Log: "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs",
+ Logger: "resource://tps/logger.sys.mjs",
+ NetUtil: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.sys.mjs",
+ Password: "resource://tps/modules/passwords.sys.mjs",
+ PasswordValidator: "resource://services-sync/engines/passwords.sys.mjs",
+ PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs",
+ Preference: "resource://tps/modules/prefs.sys.mjs",
+ STATUS_OK: "resource://services-sync/constants.sys.mjs",
+ Separator: "resource://tps/modules/bookmarks.sys.mjs",
+ SessionStore: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.sys.mjs",
+ Svc: "resource://services-sync/util.sys.mjs",
+ SyncTelemetry: "resource://services-sync/telemetry.sys.mjs",
+ WEAVE_VERSION: "resource://services-sync/constants.sys.mjs",
+ Weave: "resource://services-sync/main.sys.mjs",
+ extensionStorageSync: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorageSync.sys.mjs",
+ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "fileProtocolHandler", () => {
+ let fileHandler ="file");
+ return fileHandler.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
+ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "gTextDecoder", () => {
+ return new TextDecoder();
+// Options for wiping data during a sync
+const SYNC_RESET_CLIENT = "resetClient";
+const SYNC_WIPE_CLIENT = "wipeClient";
+const SYNC_WIPE_REMOTE = "wipeRemote";
+// Actions a test can perform
+const ACTION_ADD = "add";
+const ACTION_DELETE = "delete";
+const ACTION_MODIFY = "modify";
+const ACTION_SET_ENABLED = "set-enabled";
+const ACTION_SYNC = "sync";
+const ACTION_VERIFY = "verify";
+const ACTION_VERIFY_NOT = "verify-not";
+ "fxaccounts:onlogin",
+ "fxaccounts:onlogout",
+ "profile-before-change",
+ "weave:service:tracking-started",
+ "weave:service:tracking-stopped",
+ "weave:service:login:error",
+ "weave:service:setup-complete",
+ "weave:service:sync:finish",
+ "weave:service:sync:delayed",
+ "weave:service:sync:error",
+ "weave:service:sync:start",
+ "weave:service:resyncs-finished",
+ "places-browser-init-complete",
+export var TPS = {
+ _currentAction: -1,
+ _currentPhase: -1,
+ _enabledEngines: null,
+ _errors: 0,
+ _isTracking: false,
+ _phaseFinished: false,
+ _phaselist: {},
+ _setupComplete: false,
+ _syncActive: false,
+ _syncCount: 0,
+ _syncsReportedViaTelemetry: 0,
+ _syncErrors: 0,
+ _syncWipeAction: null,
+ _tabsAdded: 0,
+ _tabsFinished: 0,
+ _test: null,
+ _triggeredSync: false,
+ _msSinceEpoch: 0,
+ _requestedQuit: false,
+ shouldValidateAddons: false,
+ shouldValidateBookmarks: false,
+ shouldValidatePasswords: false,
+ shouldValidateForms: false,
+ _placesInitDeferred: Promise.withResolvers(),
+ ],
+ _init: function TPS__init() {
+ this.delayAutoSync();
+ OBSERVER_TOPICS.forEach(function (aTopic) {
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, aTopic, true);
+ }, this);
+ // Some engines bump their score during their sync, which then causes
+ // another sync immediately (notably, prefs and addons). We don't want
+ // this to happen, and there's no obvious preference to kill it - so
+ // we do this nasty hack to ensure the global score is always zero.
+ Services.prefs.addObserver("services.sync.globalScore", () => {
+ if (lazy.Weave.Service.scheduler.globalScore != 0) {
+ lazy.Weave.Service.scheduler.globalScore = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ DumpError(msg, exc = null) {
+ this._errors++;
+ let errInfo;
+ if (exc) {
+ errInfo = lazy.Log.exceptionStr(exc); // includes details and stack-trace.
+ } else {
+ // always write a stack even if no error passed.
+ errInfo = lazy.Log.stackTrace(new Error());
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logError(`[phase ${this._currentPhase}] ${msg} - ${errInfo}`);
+ this.quit();
+ },
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([
+ "nsIObserver",
+ "nsISupportsWeakReference",
+ ]),
+ observe: function TPS__observe(subject, topic, data) {
+ try {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("----------event observed: " + topic);
+ switch (topic) {
+ case "profile-before-change":
+ OBSERVER_TOPICS.forEach(function (topic) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic);
+ }, this);
+ lazy.Logger.close();
+ break;
+ case "places-browser-init-complete":
+ this._placesInitDeferred.resolve();
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:setup-complete":
+ this._setupComplete = true;
+ if (this._syncWipeAction) {
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref(
+ "firstSync",
+ this._syncWipeAction
+ );
+ this._syncWipeAction = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:sync:error":
+ this._syncActive = false;
+ this.delayAutoSync();
+ // If this is the first sync error, retry...
+ if (this._syncErrors === 0) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Sync error; retrying...");
+ this._syncErrors++;
+ lazy.CommonUtils.nextTick(() => {
+ this.RunNextTestAction().catch(err => {
+ this.DumpError("RunNextTestActionFailed", err);
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._triggeredSync = false;
+ this.DumpError("Sync error; aborting test");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:resyncs-finished":
+ this._syncActive = false;
+ this._syncErrors = 0;
+ this._triggeredSync = false;
+ this.delayAutoSync();
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:sync:start":
+ // Ensure that the sync operation has been started by TPS
+ if (!this._triggeredSync) {
+ this.DumpError(
+ "Automatic sync got triggered, which is not allowed."
+ );
+ }
+ this._syncActive = true;
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:tracking-started":
+ this._isTracking = true;
+ break;
+ case "weave:service:tracking-stopped":
+ this._isTracking = false;
+ break;
+ case "fxaccounts:onlogin":
+ // A user signed in - for TPS that always means sync - so configure
+ // that.
+ lazy.Weave.Service.configure().catch(e => {
+ this.DumpError("Configuring sync failed.", e);
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(`unhandled event: ${topic}`);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.DumpError("Observer failed", e);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given that we cannot completely disable the automatic sync operations, we
+ * massively delay the next sync. Sync operations have to only happen when
+ * directly called via TPS.Sync()!
+ */
+ delayAutoSync: function TPS_delayAutoSync() {
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setIntPref("scheduler.immediateInterval", 7200);
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setIntPref("scheduler.idleInterval", 7200);
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setIntPref("scheduler.activeInterval", 7200);
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setIntPref("syncThreshold", 10000000);
+ },
+ quit: function TPS__quit() {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("quitting");
+ this._requestedQuit = true;
+ this.goQuitApplication();
+ },
+ async HandleWindows(aWindow, action) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on window " +
+ JSON.stringify(aWindow)
+ );
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await lazy.BrowserWindows.Add(aWindow.private);
+ break;
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on windows"
+ );
+ },
+ async HandleTabs(tabs, action) {
+ for (let tab of tabs) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on tab " +
+ JSON.stringify(tab)
+ );
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await lazy.BrowserTabs.Add(tab.uri);
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ typeof tab.profile != "undefined",
+ "profile must be defined when verifying tabs"
+ );
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await lazy.BrowserTabs.Find(tab.uri, tab.title, tab.profile),
+ "error locating tab"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ typeof tab.profile != "undefined",
+ "profile must be defined when verifying tabs"
+ );
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await !lazy.BrowserTabs.Find(tab.uri, tab.title, tab.profile),
+ "tab found which was expected to be absent"
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on tabs"
+ );
+ },
+ async HandlePrefs(prefs, action) {
+ for (let pref of prefs) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on pref " +
+ JSON.stringify(pref)
+ );
+ let preference = new lazy.Preference(pref);
+ switch (action) {
+ preference.Modify();
+ break;
+ preference.Find();
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on pref"
+ );
+ },
+ async HandleForms(data, action) {
+ this.shouldValidateForms = true;
+ for (let datum of data) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on form entry " +
+ JSON.stringify(datum)
+ );
+ let formdata = new lazy.FormData(datum, this._msSinceEpoch);
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await formdata.Create();
+ break;
+ await formdata.Remove();
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(await formdata.Find(), "form data not found");
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ !(await formdata.Find()),
+ "form data found, but it shouldn't be present"
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on formdata"
+ );
+ },
+ async HandleHistory(entries, action) {
+ try {
+ for (let entry of entries) {
+ const entryString = JSON.stringify(entry);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on history entry " +
+ entryString
+ );
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await lazy.HistoryEntry.Add(entry, this._msSinceEpoch);
+ break;
+ await lazy.HistoryEntry.Delete(entry, this._msSinceEpoch);
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await lazy.HistoryEntry.Find(entry, this._msSinceEpoch),
+ "Uri visits not found in history database: " + entryString
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ !(await lazy.HistoryEntry.Find(entry, this._msSinceEpoch)),
+ "Uri visits found in history database, but they shouldn't be: " +
+ entryString
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on history"
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ await lazy.DumpHistory();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ },
+ async HandlePasswords(passwords, action) {
+ this.shouldValidatePasswords = true;
+ try {
+ for (let password of passwords) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on password " +
+ JSON.stringify(password)
+ );
+ let passwordOb = new lazy.Password(password);
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ (await passwordOb.Create()) > -1,
+ "error adding password"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ (await passwordOb.Find()) != -1,
+ "password not found"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ (await passwordOb.Find()) == -1,
+ "password found, but it shouldn't exist"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ (await passwordOb.Find()) != -1,
+ "password not found"
+ );
+ passwordOb.Remove();
+ break;
+ if (passwordOb.updateProps != null) {
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ (await passwordOb.Find()) != -1,
+ "password not found"
+ );
+ passwordOb.Update();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on passwords"
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ await lazy.DumpPasswords();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ },
+ async HandleAddons(addons, action, state) {
+ this.shouldValidateAddons = true;
+ for (let entry of addons) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on addon " +
+ JSON.stringify(entry)
+ );
+ let addon = new lazy.Addon(this, entry);
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await addon.install();
+ break;
+ await addon.uninstall();
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await addon.find(state),
+ "addon " + + " not found"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertFalse(
+ await addon.find(state),
+ "addon " + + " is present, but it shouldn't be"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await addon.setEnabled(state),
+ "addon " + + " not found"
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unknown action for add-on: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on addons"
+ );
+ },
+ async HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, action) {
+ // wait for default bookmarks to be created.
+ await this._placesInitDeferred.promise;
+ this.shouldValidateBookmarks = true;
+ try {
+ let items = [];
+ for (let folder in bookmarks) {
+ let last_item_pos = -1;
+ for (let bookmark of bookmarks[folder]) {
+ lazy.Logger.clearPotentialError();
+ let placesItem;
+ bookmark.location = folder;
+ if (last_item_pos != -1) {
+ bookmark.last_item_pos = last_item_pos;
+ }
+ let itemGuid = null;
+ if (action != ACTION_MODIFY && action != ACTION_DELETE) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on bookmark " +
+ JSON.stringify(bookmark)
+ );
+ }
+ if ("uri" in bookmark) {
+ placesItem = new lazy.Bookmark(bookmark);
+ } else if ("folder" in bookmark) {
+ placesItem = new lazy.BookmarkFolder(bookmark);
+ } else if ("livemark" in bookmark) {
+ placesItem = new lazy.Livemark(bookmark);
+ } else if ("separator" in bookmark) {
+ placesItem = new lazy.Separator(bookmark);
+ }
+ if (action == ACTION_ADD) {
+ itemGuid = await placesItem.Create();
+ } else {
+ itemGuid = await placesItem.Find();
+ if (action == ACTION_VERIFY_NOT) {
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ itemGuid == null,
+ "places item exists but it shouldn't: " +
+ JSON.stringify(bookmark)
+ );
+ } else {
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(itemGuid, "places item not found", true);
+ }
+ }
+ last_item_pos = await placesItem.GetItemIndex();
+ items.push(placesItem);
+ }
+ }
+ if (action == ACTION_DELETE || action == ACTION_MODIFY) {
+ for (let item of items) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on bookmark " +
+ JSON.stringify(item)
+ );
+ switch (action) {
+ await item.Remove();
+ break;
+ if (item.updateProps != null) {
+ await item.Update();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on bookmarks"
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ await lazy.DumpBookmarks();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ },
+ async HandleAddresses(addresses, action) {
+ try {
+ for (let address of addresses) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on address " +
+ JSON.stringify(address)
+ );
+ let addressOb = new lazy.Address(address);
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await addressOb.Create();
+ break;
+ await addressOb.Update();
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(await addressOb.Find(), "address not found");
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ !(await addressOb.Find()),
+ "address found, but it shouldn't exist"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(await addressOb.Find(), "address not found");
+ await addressOb.Remove();
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on addresses"
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ await lazy.DumpAddresses();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ },
+ async HandleCreditCards(creditCards, action) {
+ try {
+ for (let creditCard of creditCards) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "executing action " +
+ action.toUpperCase() +
+ " on creditCard " +
+ JSON.stringify(creditCard)
+ );
+ let creditCardOb = new lazy.CreditCard(creditCard);
+ switch (action) {
+ case ACTION_ADD:
+ await creditCardOb.Create();
+ break;
+ await creditCardOb.Update();
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await creditCardOb.Find(),
+ "creditCard not found"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ !(await creditCardOb.Find()),
+ "creditCard found, but it shouldn't exist"
+ );
+ break;
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(
+ await creditCardOb.Find(),
+ "creditCard not found"
+ );
+ await creditCardOb.Remove();
+ break;
+ default:
+ lazy.Logger.AssertTrue(false, "invalid action: " + action);
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logPass(
+ "executing action " + action.toUpperCase() + " on creditCards"
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ await lazy.DumpCreditCards();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ },
+ async Cleanup() {
+ try {
+ await this.WipeServer();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ lazy.Logger.logError(
+ "Failed to wipe server: " + lazy.Log.exceptionStr(ex)
+ );
+ }
+ try {
+ if (await lazy.Authentication.isLoggedIn()) {
+ // signout and wait for Sync to completely reset itself.
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("signing out");
+ let waiter = this.promiseObserver("weave:service:start-over:finish");
+ await lazy.Authentication.signOut();
+ await waiter;
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("signout complete");
+ }
+ await lazy.Authentication.deleteEmail(this.config.fx_account.username);
+ } catch (e) {
+ lazy.Logger.logError("Failed to sign out: " + lazy.Log.exceptionStr(e));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Use Sync's bookmark validation code to see if we've corrupted the tree.
+ */
+ async ValidateBookmarks() {
+ let getServerBookmarkState = async () => {
+ let bookmarkEngine = lazy.Weave.Service.engineManager.get("bookmarks");
+ let collection = bookmarkEngine.itemSource();
+ let collectionKey =
+ bookmarkEngine.service.collectionKeys.keyForCollection(
+ );
+ collection.full = true;
+ let items = [];
+ let resp = await collection.get();
+ for (let json of resp.obj) {
+ let record = new collection._recordObj();
+ record.deserialize(json);
+ await record.decrypt(collectionKey);
+ items.push(record.cleartext);
+ }
+ return items;
+ };
+ let serverRecordDumpStr;
+ try {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("About to perform bookmark validation");
+ let clientTree = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree("", {
+ includeItemIds: true,
+ });
+ let serverRecords = await getServerBookmarkState();
+ // We can't wait until catch to stringify this, since at that point it will have cycles.
+ serverRecordDumpStr = JSON.stringify(serverRecords);
+ let validator = new lazy.BookmarkValidator();
+ let { problemData } = await validator.compareServerWithClient(
+ serverRecords,
+ clientTree
+ );
+ for (let { name, count } of problemData.getSummary()) {
+ // Exclude mobile showing up on the server hackily so that we don't
+ // report it every time, see bug 1273234 and 1274394 for more information.
+ if (
+ name === "serverUnexpected" &&
+ problemData.serverUnexpected.includes("mobile")
+ ) {
+ --count;
+ }
+ if (count) {
+ // Log this out before we assert. This is useful in the context of TPS logs, since we
+ // can see the IDs in the test files.
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ `Validation problem: "${name}": ${JSON.stringify(
+ problemData[name]
+ )}`
+ );
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.AssertEqual(
+ count,
+ 0,
+ `Bookmark validation error of type ${name}`
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Dump the client records (should always be doable)
+ lazy.DumpBookmarks();
+ // Dump the server records if gotten them already.
+ if (serverRecordDumpStr) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Server bookmark records:\n" + serverRecordDumpStr + "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ this.DumpError("Bookmark validation failed", e);
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Bookmark validation finished");
+ },
+ async ValidateCollection(engineName, ValidatorType) {
+ let serverRecordDumpStr;
+ let clientRecordDumpStr;
+ try {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(`About to perform validation for "${engineName}"`);
+ let engine = lazy.Weave.Service.engineManager.get(engineName);
+ let validator = new ValidatorType(engine);
+ let serverRecords = await validator.getServerItems(engine);
+ let clientRecords = await validator.getClientItems();
+ try {
+ // This substantially improves the logs for addons while not making a
+ // substantial difference for the other two
+ clientRecordDumpStr = JSON.stringify(
+ => {
+ let res = validator.normalizeClientItem(r);
+ delete res.original; // Try and prevent cyclic references
+ return res;
+ })
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ // ignore the error, the dump string is just here to make debugging easier.
+ clientRecordDumpStr = "<Cyclic value>";
+ }
+ try {
+ serverRecordDumpStr = JSON.stringify(serverRecords);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // as above
+ serverRecordDumpStr = "<Cyclic value>";
+ }
+ let { problemData } = await validator.compareClientWithServer(
+ clientRecords,
+ serverRecords
+ );
+ for (let { name, count } of problemData.getSummary()) {
+ if (count) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ `Validation problem: "${name}": ${JSON.stringify(
+ problemData[name]
+ )}`
+ );
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.AssertEqual(
+ count,
+ 0,
+ `Validation error for "${engineName}" of type "${name}"`
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Dump the client records if possible
+ if (clientRecordDumpStr) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ `Client state for ${engineName}:\n${clientRecordDumpStr}\n`
+ );
+ }
+ // Dump the server records if gotten them already.
+ if (serverRecordDumpStr) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ `Server state for ${engineName}:\n${serverRecordDumpStr}\n`
+ );
+ }
+ this.DumpError(`Validation failed for ${engineName}`, e);
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(`Validation finished for ${engineName}`);
+ },
+ ValidatePasswords() {
+ return this.ValidateCollection("passwords", lazy.PasswordValidator);
+ },
+ ValidateForms() {
+ return this.ValidateCollection("forms", lazy.FormValidator);
+ },
+ ValidateAddons() {
+ return this.ValidateCollection("addons", lazy.AddonValidator);
+ },
+ async RunNextTestAction() {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Running next test action");
+ try {
+ if (this._currentAction >= this._phaselist[this._currentPhase].length) {
+ // Run necessary validations and then finish up
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("No more actions - running validations...");
+ if (this.shouldValidateBookmarks) {
+ await this.ValidateBookmarks();
+ }
+ if (this.shouldValidatePasswords) {
+ await this.ValidatePasswords();
+ }
+ if (this.shouldValidateForms) {
+ await this.ValidateForms();
+ }
+ if (this.shouldValidateAddons) {
+ await this.ValidateAddons();
+ }
+ // Force this early so that we run the validation and detect missing pings
+ // *before* we start shutting down, since if we do it after, the python
+ // code won't notice the failure.
+ lazy.SyncTelemetry.shutdown();
+ // we're all done
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "test phase " +
+ this._currentPhase +
+ ": " +
+ (this._errors ? "FAIL" : "PASS")
+ );
+ this._phaseFinished = true;
+ this.quit();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.seconds_since_epoch = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
+ "tps.seconds_since_epoch"
+ );
+ if (this.seconds_since_epoch) {
+ // Places dislikes it if we add visits in the future. We pretend the
+ // real time is 1 minute ago to avoid issues caused by places using a
+ // different clock than the one that set the seconds_since_epoch pref.
+ this._msSinceEpoch = (this.seconds_since_epoch - 60) * 1000;
+ } else {
+ this.DumpError("seconds-since-epoch not set");
+ return;
+ }
+ let phase = this._phaselist[this._currentPhase];
+ let action = phase[this._currentAction];
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("starting action: " + action[0].name);
+ await action[0].apply(this, action.slice(1));
+ this._currentAction++;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (lazy.Async.isShutdownException(e)) {
+ if (this._requestedQuit) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Sync aborted due to requested shutdown");
+ } else {
+ this.DumpError(
+ "Sync aborted due to shutdown, but we didn't request it"
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.DumpError("RunNextTestAction failed", e);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ await this.RunNextTestAction();
+ },
+ _getFileRelativeToSourceRoot(testFileURL, relativePath) {
+ let file = lazy.fileProtocolHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(testFileURL);
+ let root = file.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent; // <root>/services/sync/tests/tps/test_foo.js // <root>/services/sync/tests/tps // <root>/services/sync/tests // <root>/services/sync // <root>/services // <root>
+ root.appendRelativePath(relativePath);
+ root.normalize();
+ return root;
+ },
+ _pingValidator: null,
+ // Default ping validator that always says the ping passes. This should be
+ // overridden unless the `testing.tps.skipPingValidation` pref is true.
+ get pingValidator() {
+ return this._pingValidator
+ ? this._pingValidator
+ : {
+ validate() {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Not validating ping -- disabled by pref or failure to load schema"
+ );
+ return { valid: true, errors: [] };
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ // Attempt to load the sync_ping_schema.json and initialize `this.pingValidator`
+ // based on the source of the tps file. Assumes that it's at "../unit/sync_ping_schema.json"
+ // relative to the directory the tps test file (testFile) is contained in.
+ _tryLoadPingSchema(testFile) {
+ if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("testing.tps.skipPingValidation", false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ let schemaFile = this._getFileRelativeToSourceRoot(
+ testFile,
+ "services/sync/tests/unit/sync_ping_schema.json"
+ );
+ let stream = Cc[
+ ";1"
+ ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
+ stream.init(
+ schemaFile,
+ lazy.FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY,
+ lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_FILE,
+ 0
+ );
+ let bytes = lazy.NetUtil.readInputStream(stream, stream.available());
+ let schema = JSON.parse(lazy.gTextDecoder.decode(bytes));
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Successfully loaded schema");
+ this._pingValidator = new lazy.JsonSchema.Validator(schema);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.DumpError(
+ `Failed to load ping schema relative to "${testFile}".`,
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Runs a single test phase.
+ *
+ * This is the main entry point for each phase of a test. The TPS command
+ * line driver loads this module and calls into the function with the
+ * arguments from the command line.
+ *
+ * When a phase is executed, the file is loaded as JavaScript into the
+ * current object.
+ *
+ * The following keys in the options argument have meaning:
+ *
+ * - ignoreUnusedEngines If true, unused engines will be unloaded from
+ * Sync. This makes output easier to parse and is
+ * useful for debugging test failures.
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * String URI of the file to open.
+ * @param phase
+ * String name of the phase to run.
+ * @param logpath
+ * String path of the log file to write to.
+ * @param options
+ * Object defining addition run-time options.
+ */
+ async RunTestPhase(file, phase, logpath, options) {
+ try {
+ let settings = options || {};
+ lazy.Logger.init(logpath);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Sync version: " + lazy.WEAVE_VERSION);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Firefox buildid: " + Services.appinfo.appBuildID);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Firefox version: " + Services.appinfo.version);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Firefox source revision: " +
+ (AppConstants.SOURCE_REVISION_URL || "unknown")
+ );
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Firefox platform: " + AppConstants.platform);
+ // do some sync housekeeping
+ if (lazy.Weave.Service.isLoggedIn) {
+ this.DumpError("Sync logged in on startup...profile may be dirty");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Wait for Sync service to become ready.
+ if (!lazy.Weave.Status.ready) {
+ this.waitForEvent("weave:service:ready");
+ }
+ await lazy.Weave.Service.promiseInitialized;
+ // We only want to do this if we modified the bookmarks this phase.
+ this.shouldValidateBookmarks = false;
+ // Always give Sync an extra tick to initialize. If we waited for the
+ // service:ready event, this is required to ensure all handlers have
+ // executed.
+ await lazy.Async.promiseYield();
+ await this._executeTestPhase(file, phase, settings);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.DumpError("RunTestPhase failed", e);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Executes a single test phase.
+ *
+ * This is called by RunTestPhase() after the environment is validated.
+ */
+ async _executeTestPhase(file, phase, settings) {
+ try {
+ this.config = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getStringPref("tps.config"));
+ // parse the test file
+ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(file, this);
+ this._currentPhase = phase;
+ // cleanup phases are in the format `cleanup-${profileName}`.
+ if (this._currentPhase.startsWith("cleanup-")) {
+ let profileToClean = this._currentPhase.slice("cleanup-".length);
+ this.phases[this._currentPhase] = profileToClean;
+ this.Phase(this._currentPhase, [[this.Cleanup]]);
+ } else {
+ // Don't bother doing this for cleanup phases.
+ this._tryLoadPingSchema(file);
+ }
+ let this_phase = this._phaselist[this._currentPhase];
+ if (this_phase == undefined) {
+ this.DumpError("invalid phase " + this._currentPhase);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.phases[this._currentPhase] == undefined) {
+ this.DumpError("no profile defined for phase " + this._currentPhase);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we have restricted the active engines, unregister engines we don't
+ // care about.
+ if (settings.ignoreUnusedEngines && Array.isArray(this._enabledEngines)) {
+ let names = {};
+ for (let name of this._enabledEngines) {
+ names[name] = true;
+ }
+ for (let engine of lazy.Weave.Service.engineManager.getEnabled()) {
+ if (!( in names)) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Unregistering unused engine: " +;
+ await lazy.Weave.Service.engineManager.unregister(engine);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Starting phase " + this._currentPhase);
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "setting to " + this.phases[this._currentPhase]
+ );
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref(
+ "",
+ this.phases[this._currentPhase]
+ );
+ this._interceptSyncTelemetry();
+ // start processing the test actions
+ this._currentAction = 0;
+ await lazy.SessionStore.promiseAllWindowsRestored;
+ await this.RunNextTestAction();
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.DumpError("_executeTestPhase failed", e);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Override sync telemetry functions so that we can detect errors generating
+ * the sync ping, and count how many pings we report.
+ */
+ _interceptSyncTelemetry() {
+ let originalObserve = lazy.SyncTelemetry.observe;
+ let self = this;
+ lazy.SyncTelemetry.observe = function () {
+ try {
+ originalObserve.apply(this, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ self.DumpError("Error when generating sync telemetry", e);
+ }
+ };
+ lazy.SyncTelemetry.submit = record => {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Intercepted sync telemetry submission: " + JSON.stringify(record)
+ );
+ this._syncsReportedViaTelemetry +=
+ record.syncs.length + (record.discarded || 0);
+ if (record.discarded) {
+ if (record.syncs.length != lazy.SyncTelemetry.maxPayloadCount) {
+ this.DumpError(
+ "Syncs discarded from ping before maximum payload count reached"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // If this is the shutdown ping, check and see that the telemetry saw all the syncs.
+ if (record.why === "shutdown") {
+ // If we happen to sync outside of tps manually causing it, its not an
+ // error in the telemetry, so we only complain if we didn't see all of them.
+ if (this._syncsReportedViaTelemetry < this._syncCount) {
+ this.DumpError(
+ `Telemetry missed syncs: Saw ${this._syncsReportedViaTelemetry}, should have >= ${this._syncCount}.`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!record.syncs.length) {
+ // Note: we're overwriting submit, so this is called even for pings that
+ // may have no data (which wouldn't be submitted to telemetry and would
+ // fail validation).
+ return;
+ }
+ // Our ping may have some undefined values, which we rely on JSON stripping
+ // out as part of the ping submission - but our validator fails with them,
+ // so round-trip via JSON here to avoid that.
+ record = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record));
+ const result = this.pingValidator.validate(record);
+ if (!result.valid) {
+ // Note that we already logged the record.
+ this.DumpError(
+ "Sync ping validation failed with errors: " +
+ JSON.stringify(result.errors)
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Register a single phase with the test harness.
+ *
+ * This is called when loading individual test files.
+ *
+ * @param phasename
+ * String name of the phase being loaded.
+ * @param fnlist
+ * Array of functions/actions to perform.
+ */
+ Phase: function Test__Phase(phasename, fnlist) {
+ if (Object.keys(this._phaselist).length === 0) {
+ // This is the first phase we should force a log in
+ fnlist.unshift([this.Login]);
+ }
+ this._phaselist[phasename] = fnlist;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Restrict enabled Sync engines to a specified set.
+ *
+ * This can be called by a test to limit what engines are enabled. It is
+ * recommended to call it to reduce the overhead and log clutter for the
+ * test.
+ *
+ * The "clients" engine is special and is always enabled, so there is no
+ * need to specify it.
+ *
+ * @param names
+ * Array of Strings for engines to make active during the test.
+ */
+ EnableEngines: function EnableEngines(names) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(names)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Argument to RestrictEngines() is not an array: " + typeof names
+ );
+ }
+ this._enabledEngines = names;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a promise that resolves when a specific observer notification is
+ * resolved. This is similar to the various waitFor* functions, although is
+ * typically safer if you need to do some other work that may make the event
+ * fire.
+ *
+ * eg:
+ * doSomething(); // causes the event to be fired.
+ * await promiseObserver("something");
+ * is risky as the call to doSomething may trigger the event before the
+ * promiseObserver call is made. Contrast with:
+ *
+ * let waiter = promiseObserver("something");
+ * doSomething(); // causes the event to be fired.
+ * await waiter; // will return as soon as the event fires, even if it fires
+ * // before this function is called.
+ *
+ * @param aEventName
+ * String event to wait for.
+ */
+ promiseObserver(aEventName) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Setting up wait for " + aEventName + "...");
+ let handler = () => {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Observed " + aEventName);
+ lazy.Svc.Obs.remove(aEventName, handler);
+ resolve();
+ };
+ lazy.Svc.Obs.add(aEventName, handler);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Wait for the named event to be observed.
+ *
+ * Note that in general, you should probably use promiseObserver unless you
+ * are 100% sure that the event being waited on can only be sent after this
+ * call adds the listener.
+ *
+ * @param aEventName
+ * String event to wait for.
+ */
+ async waitForEvent(aEventName) {
+ await this.promiseObserver(aEventName);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Waits for Sync to logged in before returning
+ */
+ async waitForSetupComplete() {
+ if (!this._setupComplete) {
+ await this.waitForEvent("weave:service:setup-complete");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Waits for Sync to be finished before returning
+ */
+ async waitForSyncFinished() {
+ if (lazy.Weave.Service.locked) {
+ await this.waitForEvent("weave:service:resyncs-finished");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Waits for Sync to start tracking before returning.
+ */
+ async waitForTracking() {
+ if (!this._isTracking) {
+ await this.waitForEvent("weave:service:tracking-started");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Login on the server
+ */
+ async Login() {
+ if (await lazy.Authentication.isReady()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Setting client credentials and login.");
+ await lazy.Authentication.signIn(this.config.fx_account);
+ await this.waitForSetupComplete();
+ lazy.Logger.AssertEqual(
+ lazy.Weave.Status.service,
+ lazy.STATUS_OK,
+ "Weave status OK"
+ );
+ await this.waitForTracking();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Triggers a sync operation
+ *
+ * @param {String} [wipeAction]
+ * Type of wipe to perform (resetClient, wipeClient, wipeRemote)
+ *
+ */
+ async Sync(wipeAction) {
+ if (this._syncActive) {
+ this.DumpError("Sync currently active which should be impossible");
+ return;
+ }
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Executing Sync" + (wipeAction ? ": " + wipeAction : "")
+ );
+ // Force a wipe action if requested. In case of an initial sync the pref
+ // will be overwritten by Sync itself (see bug 992198), so ensure that we
+ // also handle it via the "weave:service:setup-complete" notification.
+ if (wipeAction) {
+ this._syncWipeAction = wipeAction;
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.setStringPref("firstSync", wipeAction);
+ } else {
+ lazy.Weave.Svc.PrefBranch.clearUserPref("firstSync");
+ }
+ if (!(await lazy.Weave.Service.login())) {
+ // We need to complete verification.
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Logging in before performing sync");
+ await this.Login();
+ }
+ ++this._syncCount;
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(
+ "Executing Sync" + (wipeAction ? ": " + wipeAction : "")
+ );
+ this._triggeredSync = true;
+ await lazy.Weave.Service.sync();
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Sync is complete");
+ // wait a second for things to settle...
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ lazy.CommonUtils.namedTimer(resolve, 1000, this, "postsync");
+ });
+ },
+ async WipeServer() {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo("Wiping data from server.");
+ await this.Login();
+ await lazy.Weave.Service.login();
+ await lazy.Weave.Service.wipeServer();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Action which ensures changes are being tracked before returning.
+ */
+ async EnsureTracking() {
+ await this.Login();
+ await this.waitForTracking();
+ },
+ Addons: {
+ async install(addons) {
+ await TPS.HandleAddons(addons, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async setEnabled(addons, state) {
+ await TPS.HandleAddons(addons, ACTION_SET_ENABLED, state);
+ },
+ async uninstall(addons) {
+ await TPS.HandleAddons(addons, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(addons, state) {
+ await TPS.HandleAddons(addons, ACTION_VERIFY, state);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(addons) {
+ await TPS.HandleAddons(addons, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ skipValidation() {
+ TPS.shouldValidateAddons = false;
+ },
+ },
+ Addresses: {
+ async add(addresses) {
+ await this.HandleAddresses(addresses, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async modify(addresses) {
+ await this.HandleAddresses(addresses, ACTION_MODIFY);
+ },
+ async delete(addresses) {
+ await this.HandleAddresses(addresses, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(addresses) {
+ await this.HandleAddresses(addresses, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(addresses) {
+ await this.HandleAddresses(addresses, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ },
+ Bookmarks: {
+ async add(bookmarks) {
+ await TPS.HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async modify(bookmarks) {
+ await TPS.HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, ACTION_MODIFY);
+ },
+ async delete(bookmarks) {
+ await TPS.HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(bookmarks) {
+ await TPS.HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(bookmarks) {
+ await TPS.HandleBookmarks(bookmarks, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ skipValidation() {
+ TPS.shouldValidateBookmarks = false;
+ },
+ },
+ CreditCards: {
+ async add(creditCards) {
+ await this.HandleCreditCards(creditCards, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async modify(creditCards) {
+ await this.HandleCreditCards(creditCards, ACTION_MODIFY);
+ },
+ async delete(creditCards) {
+ await this.HandleCreditCards(creditCards, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(creditCards) {
+ await this.HandleCreditCards(creditCards, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(creditCards) {
+ await this.HandleCreditCards(creditCards, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ },
+ Formdata: {
+ async add(formdata) {
+ await this.HandleForms(formdata, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async delete(formdata) {
+ await this.HandleForms(formdata, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(formdata) {
+ await this.HandleForms(formdata, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(formdata) {
+ await this.HandleForms(formdata, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ },
+ History: {
+ async add(history) {
+ await this.HandleHistory(history, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async delete(history) {
+ await this.HandleHistory(history, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(history) {
+ await this.HandleHistory(history, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(history) {
+ await this.HandleHistory(history, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ },
+ Passwords: {
+ async add(passwords) {
+ await this.HandlePasswords(passwords, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async modify(passwords) {
+ await this.HandlePasswords(passwords, ACTION_MODIFY);
+ },
+ async delete(passwords) {
+ await this.HandlePasswords(passwords, ACTION_DELETE);
+ },
+ async verify(passwords) {
+ await this.HandlePasswords(passwords, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(passwords) {
+ await this.HandlePasswords(passwords, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ skipValidation() {
+ TPS.shouldValidatePasswords = false;
+ },
+ },
+ Prefs: {
+ async modify(prefs) {
+ await TPS.HandlePrefs(prefs, ACTION_MODIFY);
+ },
+ async verify(prefs) {
+ await TPS.HandlePrefs(prefs, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ },
+ Tabs: {
+ async add(tabs) {
+ await TPS.HandleTabs(tabs, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ async verify(tabs) {
+ await TPS.HandleTabs(tabs, ACTION_VERIFY);
+ },
+ async verifyNot(tabs) {
+ await TPS.HandleTabs(tabs, ACTION_VERIFY_NOT);
+ },
+ },
+ Windows: {
+ async add(aWindow) {
+ await TPS.HandleWindows(aWindow, ACTION_ADD);
+ },
+ },
+ // Jumping through loads of hoops via calling back into a "HandleXXX" method
+ // and adding an ACTION_XXX indirection adds no value - let's KISS!
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ ExtStorage: {
+ async set(id, data) {
+ lazy.Logger.logInfo(`setting data for '${id}': ${data}`);
+ await lazy.extensionStorageSync.set({ id }, data);
+ },
+ async verify(id, keys, data) {
+ let got = await lazy.extensionStorageSync.get({ id }, keys);
+ lazy.Logger.AssertEqual(got, data, `data for '${id}'/${keys}`);
+ },
+ },
+// Initialize TPS