path: root/servo/tests/unit/style/parsing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'servo/tests/unit/style/parsing/')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/servo/tests/unit/style/parsing/ b/servo/tests/unit/style/parsing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e474ca542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo/tests/unit/style/parsing/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+use parsing::parse;
+use style::parser::Parse;
+use style::properties::longhands::{border_image_outset, border_image_repeat, border_image_slice};
+use style::properties::longhands::{border_image_source, border_image_width};
+use style::properties::shorthands::border_image;
+use style::properties::MaybeBoxed;
+use style::values::specified::BorderRadius;
+use style_traits::ToCss;
+macro_rules! assert_longhand {
+ ($parsed_shorthand: expr, $prop: ident, $value_string: expr) => {
+ assert_eq!(
+ $parsed_shorthand.$prop,
+ parse_longhand!($prop, $value_string).maybe_boxed()
+ )
+ };
+macro_rules! assert_initial {
+ ($parsed_shorthand: expr, $prop: ident) => {
+ assert_eq!(
+ $parsed_shorthand.$prop,
+ $prop::get_initial_specified_value().maybe_boxed()
+ )
+ };
+macro_rules! assert_border_radius_values {
+ ($input:expr; $tlw:expr, $trw:expr, $brw:expr, $blw:expr ;
+ $tlh:expr, $trh:expr, $brh:expr, $blh:expr) => {
+ let input = parse(BorderRadius::parse, $input)
+ .expect(&format!("Failed parsing {} as border radius", $input));
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.top_left.0.width()),
+ $tlw
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.top_right.0.width()),
+ $trw
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.bottom_right.0.width()),
+ $brw
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.bottom_left.0.width()),
+ $blw
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.top_left.0.height()),
+ $tlh
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.top_right.0.height()),
+ $trh
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.bottom_right.0.height()),
+ $brh
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ::style_traits::ToCss::to_css_string(&input.bottom_left.0.height()),
+ $blh
+ );
+ };
+fn test_border_radius() {
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px";
+ "10px", "10px", "10px", "10px" ;
+ "10px", "10px", "10px", "10px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px";
+ "10px", "20px", "10px", "20px" ;
+ "10px", "20px", "10px", "20px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "20px" ;
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "20px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px 40px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "40px" ;
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "40px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10% / 20px";
+ "10%", "10%", "10%", "10%" ;
+ "20px", "20px", "20px", "20px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px / 20px 30px";
+ "10px", "10px", "10px", "10px" ;
+ "20px", "30px", "20px", "30px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px 40px / 1px 2px 3px 4px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "40px" ;
+ "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px 40px / 1px 2px 3px 4px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "40px" ;
+ "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px 40px / 1px 2px 3px 4px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "40px" ;
+ "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px -20px 30px 40px";
+ "10px", "10px", "10px", "10px";
+ "10px", "10px", "10px", "10px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px -30px 40px";
+ "10px", "20px", "10px", "20px";
+ "10px", "20px", "10px", "20px");
+ assert_border_radius_values!("10px 20px 30px -40px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "20px";
+ "10px", "20px", "30px", "20px");
+ assert!(parse(BorderRadius::parse, "-10px 20px 30px 40px").is_err());
+fn border_image_shorthand_should_parse_when_all_properties_specified() {
+ let input = "linear-gradient(red, blue) 30 30% 45 fill / 20px 40px / 10px round stretch";
+ let result = parse(border_image::parse_value, input).unwrap();
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_source, "linear-gradient(red, blue)");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_slice, "30 30% 45 fill");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_width, "20px 40px");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_outset, "10px");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_repeat, "round stretch");
+fn border_image_shorthand_should_parse_without_width() {
+ let input = "linear-gradient(red, blue) 30 30% 45 fill / / 10px round stretch";
+ let result = parse(border_image::parse_value, input).unwrap();
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_source, "linear-gradient(red, blue)");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_slice, "30 30% 45 fill");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_outset, "10px");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_repeat, "round stretch");
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_width);
+fn border_image_shorthand_should_parse_without_outset() {
+ let input = "linear-gradient(red, blue) 30 30% 45 fill / 20px 40px round";
+ let result = parse(border_image::parse_value, input).unwrap();
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_source, "linear-gradient(red, blue)");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_slice, "30 30% 45 fill");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_width, "20px 40px");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_repeat, "round");
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_outset);
+fn border_image_shorthand_should_parse_without_width_or_outset() {
+ let input = "linear-gradient(red, blue) 30 30% 45 fill round";
+ let result = parse(border_image::parse_value, input).unwrap();
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_source, "linear-gradient(red, blue)");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_slice, "30 30% 45 fill");
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_repeat, "round");
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_width);
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_outset);
+fn border_image_shorthand_should_parse_with_just_source() {
+ let result = parse(border_image::parse_value, "linear-gradient(red, blue)").unwrap();
+ assert_longhand!(result, border_image_source, "linear-gradient(red, blue)");
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_slice);
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_width);
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_outset);
+ assert_initial!(result, border_image_repeat);
+fn border_image_outset_should_error_on_negative_length() {
+ let result = parse(border_image_outset::parse, "-1em");
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+fn border_image_outset_should_error_on_negative_number() {
+ let result = parse(border_image_outset::parse, "-15");
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+fn border_image_outset_should_return_number_on_plain_zero() {
+ let result = parse(border_image_outset::parse, "0");
+ assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), parse_longhand!(border_image_outset, "0"));
+fn border_image_outset_should_return_length_on_length_zero() {
+ let result = parse(border_image_outset::parse, "0em");
+ assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), parse_longhand!(border_image_outset, "0em"));
+fn test_border_style() {
+ use style::values::specified::BorderStyle;
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"none"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"hidden"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"solid"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"double"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"dotted"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"dashed"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"groove"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"ridge"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"inset"#);
+ assert_roundtrip_with_context!(<BorderStyle as Parse>::parse, r#"outset"#);
+fn test_border_spacing() {
+ use style::properties::longhands::border_spacing;
+ assert_parser_exhausted!(border_spacing::parse, "1px rubbish", false);
+ assert_parser_exhausted!(border_spacing::parse, "1px", true);
+ assert_parser_exhausted!(border_spacing::parse, "1px 2px", true);