path: root/testing/mozbase/mozproxy/mozproxy/backends/mitm/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozbase/mozproxy/mozproxy/backends/mitm/scripts/ b/testing/mozbase/mozproxy/mozproxy/backends/mitm/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c74fc59bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozproxy/mozproxy/backends/mitm/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file was copied from mitmproxy/mitmproxy/addons/ release tag 4.0.4
+# and modified by Florin Strugariu
+# Altered features:
+# * returns 404 rather than dropping the whole HTTP/2 connection on the floor
+# * remove the replay packages that don't have any content in their response package
+import hashlib
+import json
+import os
+import signal
+import time
+import typing
+from collections import defaultdict
+from mitmproxy import ctx, exceptions, http, io
+from mitmproxy.proxy.protocol import tls
+from mitmproxy.proxy.protocol.http2 import Http2Layer, SafeH2Connection
+from six.moves import urllib
+_PROTO = {}
+def _alpn(self):
+ proto = _PROTO.get(self.server_sni)
+ if proto is None:
+ return self.server_conn.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
+ if proto.startswith("HTTP/2"):
+ return b"h2"
+ elif proto.startswith("HTTP/1"):
+ return b"h1"
+ return b""
+tls.TlsLayer.alpn_for_client_connection = _alpn
+def _server_conn(self):
+ if not self.server_conn.connected() and self.server_conn not in self.connections:
+ # we can't use ctx.log in this layer
+ print("Ignored CONNECT call on upstream server")
+ return
+ if self.server_conn.connected():
+ import h2.config
+ config = h2.config.H2Configuration(
+ client_side=True,
+ header_encoding=False,
+ validate_outbound_headers=False,
+ validate_inbound_headers=False,
+ )
+ self.connections[self.server_conn] = SafeH2Connection(
+ self.server_conn, config=config
+ )
+ self.connections[self.server_conn].initiate_connection()
+ self.server_conn.send(self.connections[self.server_conn].data_to_send())
+Http2Layer._initiate_server_conn = _server_conn
+def _remote_settings_changed(self, event, other_conn):
+ if other_conn not in self.connections:
+ # we can't use ctx.log in this layer
+ print("Ignored remote settings upstream")
+ return True
+ new_settings = dict(
+ [(key, cs.new_value) for (key, cs) in event.changed_settings.items()]
+ )
+ self.connections[other_conn].safe_update_settings(new_settings)
+ return True
+Http2Layer._handle_remote_settings_changed = _remote_settings_changed
+class AlternateServerPlayback:
+ def __init__(self):
+ ctx.master.addons.remove(ctx.master.addons.get("serverplayback"))
+ self.flowmap = {}
+ self.configured = False
+ self.netlocs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
+ self.calls = []
+ self._done = False
+ self._replayed = 0
+ self._not_replayed = 0
+ self._recordings_used = 0
+ self.mitm_version = ctx.mitmproxy.version.VERSION
+"MitmProxy version: %s" % self.mitm_version)
+ def load(self, loader):
+ loader.add_option(
+ "server_replay_files",
+ typing.Sequence[str],
+ [],
+ "Replay server responses from a saved file.",
+ )
+ loader.add_option(
+ "upload_dir",
+ str,
+ "",
+ "Upload directory",
+ )
+ def load_flows(self, flows):
+ """
+ Replay server responses from flows.
+ """
+ for i in flows:
+ if i.type == "websocket":
+ # Mitmproxy can't replay WebSocket packages.
+ "Recorded response is a WebSocketFlow. Removing from recording list as"
+ " WebSockets are disabled"
+ )
+ elif i.response:
+ hash = self._hash(i)
+ if i.response.content is None and self.flowmap.get(hash, False):
+ # To avoid 'Cannot assemble flow with missing content' we check
+ # if the correct request has no content and hashed request already exists
+ # if the hashed request already has content
+ # then we do not add the new one end keep the existing one
+ if not self.flowmap.get(hash)["flow"].response.content is None:
+ "Duplicate recorded request found with content missing. "
+ "Removing current request as it has no data. %s"
+ % i.request.url
+ )
+ continue
+ f = self.flowmap.setdefault(hash, {"flow": None, "reply_count": 0})
+ # overwrite with new flow if already hashed
+ f["flow"] = i
+ else:
+ "Recorded request %s has no response. Removing from recording list"
+ % i.request.url
+ )
+ ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", [])
+ def load_files(self, paths):
+ try:
+ if "," in paths[0]:
+ paths = paths[0].split(",")
+ for path in paths:
+"Loading flows from %s" % path)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise Exception("File does not exist!")
+ try:
+ flows = io.read_flows_from_paths([path])
+ except exceptions.FlowReadException as e:
+ raise exceptions.CommandError(str(e))
+ self.load_flows(flows)
+ proto = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "metadata.json")
+ if os.path.exists(proto):
+"Loading proto info from %s" % proto)
+ with open(proto) as f:
+ recording_info = json.loads(
+ if recording_info.get("http_protocol", False):
+ "Replaying file {} recorded on {}".format(
+ path, recording_info["recording_date"]
+ )
+ )
+ _PROTO.update(recording_info["http_protocol"])
+ else:
+ ctx.log.warn(
+ "Replaying file {} has no http_protocol info.".format(proto)
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ ctx.log.error("Could not load recording file! Stopping playback process!")
+ ctx.log.error(str(e))
+ ctx.master.shutdown()
+ def _hash(self, flow):
+ """
+ Calculates a loose hash of the flow request.
+ """
+ r = flow.request
+ # unquote url
+ # See Bug 1509835
+ _, _, path, _, query, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse(urllib.parse.unquote(r.url))
+ queriesArray = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True)
+ key = [str(r.port), str(r.scheme), str(r.method), str(path)]
+ key.append(str(r.raw_content))
+ key.append(
+ for p in queriesArray:
+ key.append(p[0])
+ key.append(p[1])
+ return hashlib.sha256(repr(key).encode("utf8", "surrogateescape")).digest()
+ def next_flow(self, request):
+ """
+ Returns the next flow object, or None if no matching flow was
+ found.
+ """
+ hsh = self._hash(request)
+ if hsh in self.flowmap:
+ if self.flowmap[hsh]["reply_count"] == 0:
+ self._recordings_used += 1
+ self.flowmap[hsh]["reply_count"] += 1
+ # return the most recently added flow with this hash
+ return self.flowmap[hsh]["flow"]
+ def configure(self, updated):
+ if not self.configured and ctx.options.server_replay_files:
+ self.configured = True
+ self.load_files(ctx.options.server_replay_files)
+ def done(self):
+ if self._done or not ctx.options.upload_dir:
+ return
+ replay_confidence = float(self._replayed) / (
+ self._replayed + self._not_replayed
+ )
+ recording_proportion_used = (
+ 0
+ if self._recordings_used == 0
+ else float(self._recordings_used) / len(self.flowmap)
+ )
+ stats = {
+ "totals": dict(self.netlocs),
+ "calls": self.calls,
+ "replayed": self._replayed,
+ "not-replayed": self._not_replayed,
+ "replay-confidence": int(replay_confidence * 100),
+ "recording-proportion-used": int(recording_proportion_used * 100),
+ }
+ file_name = (
+ "mitm_netlocs_%s.json"
+ % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ctx.options.server_replay_files[0]))[0]
+ )
+ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ctx.options.upload_dir, file_name))
+ try:
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(stats, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
+ finally:
+ self._done = True
+ def request(self, f):
+ if self.flowmap:
+ try:
+ rflow = self.next_flow(f)
+ if rflow:
+ response = rflow.response.copy()
+ response.is_replay = True
+ # Refresh server replay responses by adjusting date, expires and
+ # last-modified headers, as well as adjusting cookie expiration.
+ response.refresh()
+ f.response = response
+ self._replayed += 1
+ else:
+ # returns 404 rather than dropping the whole HTTP/2 connection
+ ctx.log.warn(
+ "server_playback: killed non-replay request {}".format(
+ f.request.url
+ )
+ )
+ f.response = http.HTTPResponse.make(
+ 404, b"", {"content-type": "text/plain"}
+ )
+ self._not_replayed += 1
+ # collecting stats only if we can dump them (see .done())
+ if ctx.options.upload_dir:
+ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(
+ urllib.parse.unquote(f.request.url)
+ )
+ self.netlocs[parsed_url.netloc][f.response.status_code] += 1
+ self.calls.append(
+ {
+ "time": str(time.time()),
+ "url": f.request.url,
+ "response_status": f.response.status_code,
+ }
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ ctx.log.error("Could not generate response! Stopping playback process!")
+ ctx.master.shutdown()
+ else:
+ ctx.log.error("Playback library is empty! Stopping playback process!")
+ ctx.master.shutdown()
+ return
+playback = AlternateServerPlayback()
+if hasattr(signal, "SIGBREAK"):
+ # allows the addon to dump the stats even if mitmproxy
+ # does not call done() like on windows termination
+ # for this, the parent process sends CTRL_BREAK_EVENT which
+ # is received as an SIGBREAK event
+ def _shutdown(sig, frame):
+ ctx.master.shutdown()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, _shutdown)
+addons = [playback]