path: root/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/mathml/mathml-console-messages.html
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1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/mathml/mathml-console-messages.html b/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/mathml/mathml-console-messages.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..183d11feaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/mathml/mathml-console-messages.html
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>Test MathML console messages</title>
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<link rel="help" href=""/>
+<link rel="help" href=""/>
+<link rel="help" href=""/>
+ <script>
+ const MessageLevel = {
+ ERROR: 0,
+ };
+ function retrieveConsoleMessagesFor(markup) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ iframe.srcdoc = `<!DOCTYPE html>
+<script>let messages = [];
+ SpecialPowers.registerConsoleListener(msg => {
+ if (msg.message == "SENTINEL") {
+ window.parent.postMessage(messages);
+ } else if (msg.isScriptError) {
+ messages.push(msg);
+ }
+ });
+ window.addEventListener("load", () => SpecialPowers.postConsoleSentinel());
+ window.addEventListener("message", event => {
+ iframe.remove();
+ resolve(;
+ }, {once: true});
+ document.body.appendChild(iframe);
+ });
+ }
+ function testMessageForMarkup(markup, regexp, level) {
+ promise_test(async function() {
+ let messages = await retrieveConsoleMessagesFor(markup);
+ // Sometimes MathML messages are logged several times, so just
+ // ensure there is at least one.
+ assert_greater_than_equal(messages.length, 1);
+ // Compare against the regexp.
+ assert_regexp_match(messages[0].errorMessage, regexp);
+ // Check whether this is a warning or an error.
+ assert_equals(messages[0].isWarning, level == MessageLevel.WARNING);
+ }, `Message for ${markup}`);
+ }
+ function testNoMessageForMarkup(markup) {
+ promise_test(async function() {
+ let messages = await retrieveConsoleMessagesFor(markup);
+ assert_equals(messages.length, 0);
+ }, `No message for ${markup}`);
+ }
+ // ChildCountIncorrect
+ [
+ "mroot",
+ "msub",
+ "msup",
+ "mfrac",
+ "msubsup",
+ "munderover",
+ ].forEach(tag => {
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math><${tag}></${tag}></math>`,
+ new RegExp(`Incorrect number of children for <${tag}/>`),
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ });
+ // AttributeParsingError
+ [
+ "width",
+ "height",
+ "voffset",
+ ].forEach(attribute => {
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math><mpadded ${attribute}="BAD!"></mpadded></math>`,
+ new RegExp(`Error in parsing the value ‘BAD!’ for ‘${attribute}’ attribute`),
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ });
+ // LengthParsingError
+ [
+ '<math><mo rspace="2..0px">+</mo></math>',
+ '<math><mo minsize="1.5notaunit">+</mo></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="2"/></math>',
+ '<math><mo lspace="BADlspace">+</mo></math>',
+ '<math><mspace height="BADheight"/></math>',
+ '<math><mspace depth="BADdepth"/></math>',
+ '<math><mfrac linethickness="thin"><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></math>',
+ '<math><mfrac linethickness="medium"><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></math>',
+ '<math><mfrac linethickness="thick"><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></math>',
+ '<math><mstyle mathsize="small"></mstyle></math>',
+ '<math><mstyle mathsize="normal"></mstyle></math>',
+ '<math><mstyle mathsize="big"></mstyle></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="12345."/></math>',
+ '<math><mo minsize="17">+</mo></math>',
+ ].forEach(markup => {
+ const value = /="([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)"/.exec(markup)[1];
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ markup,
+ new RegExp(`Error in parsing MathML attribute value ‘${value}’`),
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ });
+ // MathML_DeprecatedMathSpaceValueWarning
+ [
+ '<math><mspace width="mediummathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativemediummathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativethickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativethinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativeverythickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativeverythinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativeveryverythickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="negativeveryverythinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="thickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="verythickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="verythinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="veryverythickmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ '<math><mspace width="veryverythinmathspace"></mspace></math>',
+ ].forEach(markup => {
+ const value = /="([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)"/.exec(markup)[1];
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ markup,
+ new RegExp(`MathML length value “${value}” is deprecated`),
+ MessageLevel.WARNING);
+ });
+ // InvalidChild
+ [
+ `<math>
+ <msubsup>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ </msubsup>
+ </math>`,
+ `<math>
+ <msubsup>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ </msubsup>
+ </math>`,
+ `<math>
+ <msub>
+ <mtext>a</mtext>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ <mtext>a</mtext>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ </msub>
+ </math>`,
+ '<math><msub><mn>0</mn><mprescripts/></msub></math>',
+ '<math><msup><mn>0</mn><mprescripts/></msup></math>',
+ '<math><msubsup><mn>0</mn><mn>1</mn><mprescripts/></msubsup></math>',
+ ].forEach(markup => {
+ const tag = /<math>\s*<([a-z]+)>/.exec(markup)[1];
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ markup,
+ new RegExp(`<mprescripts> is not allowed as a child of <${tag}>`),
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ });
+ // NoBase
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math><mmultiscripts></mmultiscripts></math>`,
+ /Expected exactly one Base element/,
+ MessageLevel.ERROR
+ );
+ // AttributeParsingErrorNoTag
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math scriptlevel="BAD!"></math>`,
+ /Error in parsing the value ‘BAD!’ for ‘scriptlevel’ attribute/,
+ MessageLevel.ERROR
+ );
+ // DuplicateMprescripts
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math>
+ <mmultiscripts>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ </mmultiscripts>
+ </math>`,
+ /More than one <mprescripts\/>/,
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ // SubSupMismatch
+ [
+ `<math>
+ <mmultiscripts>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mi>y</mi>
+ </mmultiscripts>
+ </math>`,
+ `<math>
+ <mmultiscripts>
+ <mtext>b</mtext>
+ <mtext>c</mtext>
+ <mprescripts/>
+ <mtext>a</mtext>
+ </mmultiscripts>
+ </math>`,
+ ].forEach(markup => {
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ markup,
+ /Incomplete subscript\/superscript pair/,
+ MessageLevel.ERROR);
+ });
+ // MathML_DeprecatedMathVariantWarning
+ testNoMessageForMarkup('<math><mi mathvariant="normal">A</mi></math>');
+ [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "bold-italic",
+ "script",
+ "bold-script",
+ "fraktur",
+ "double-struck",
+ "bold-fraktur",
+ "sans-serif",
+ "bold-sans-serif",
+ "sans-serif-italic",
+ "sans-serif-bold-italic",
+ "monospace",
+ "initial",
+ "tailed",
+ "looped",
+ "stretched"
+ ].forEach((value) => {
+ testMessageForMarkup(
+ `<math><mi mathvariant="${value}">A</mi></math>`,
+ new RegExp(`mathvariant='${value}'” .* deprecated`),
+ MessageLevel.WARNING);
+ });
+ </script>