path: root/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webgpu/webgpu/shader/validation/parse/diagnostic.spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webgpu/webgpu/shader/validation/parse/diagnostic.spec.js')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webgpu/webgpu/shader/validation/parse/diagnostic.spec.js b/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webgpu/webgpu/shader/validation/parse/diagnostic.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c05c6607f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webgpu/webgpu/shader/validation/parse/diagnostic.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+**/export const description = `Validation tests for diagnostic directive and attribute`;import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import { keysOf } from '../../../../common/util/data_tables.js';
+import { ShaderValidationTest } from '../shader_validation_test.js';
+export const g = makeTestGroup(ShaderValidationTest);
+const kSpecDiagnosticRules = ['derivative_uniformity'];
+const kSpecDiagnosticSeverities = ['off', 'info', 'warning', 'error'];
+const kDiagnosticTypes = ['attribute', 'directive'];
+const kBadSeverities = ['none', 'warn', 'goose', 'fatal', 'severe'];
+const kBadSingleTokenRules = ['unknown', 'blahblahblah', 'derivative_uniform'];
+function generateDiagnostic(type, severity, rule) {
+ const diagnostic = `diagnostic(${severity}, ${rule})`;
+ if (type === 'directive') {
+ return diagnostic;
+ } else {
+ return '@' + diagnostic;
+ }
+const kValidLocations = {
+ module: (diag) => `${diag};`,
+ function: (diag) => `${diag} fn foo() { }`,
+ compound: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} { } }`,
+ if_stmt: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} if true { } }`,
+ if_then: (diag) => `fn foo() { if true ${diag} { } }`,
+ if_else: (diag) => `fn foo() { if true { } else ${diag} { } }`,
+ switch_stmt: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} switch 0 { default { } } }`,
+ switch_body: (diag) => `fn foo() { switch 0 ${diag} { default { } } }`,
+ switch_default: (diag) => `fn foo() { switch 0 { default ${diag} { } } }`,
+ switch_case: (diag) => `fn foo() { switch 0 { case 0 ${diag} { } default { } } }`,
+ loop_stmt: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} loop { break; } }`,
+ loop_body: (diag) => `fn foo() { loop ${diag} { break; } }`,
+ loop_continuing: (diag) => `fn foo() { loop { continuing ${diag} { break if true; } } }`,
+ while_stmt: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} while true { break; } }`,
+ while_body: (diag) => `fn foo() { while true ${diag} { break; } }`,
+ for_stmt: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { } }`,
+ for_body: (diag) => `fn foo() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) ${diag} { } }`
+const kInvalidLocations = {
+ module_var: (diag) => `${diag} var<private> x : u32;`,
+ module_const: (diag) => `${diag} const x = 0;`,
+ module_override: (diag) => `${diag} override x : u32;`,
+ struct: (diag) => `${diag} struct S { x : u32 }`,
+ struct_member: (diag) => ` struct S { ${diag} x : u32 }`,
+ function_params: (diag) => `fn foo${diag}() { }`,
+ function_var: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} var x = 0; }`,
+ function_let: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} let x = 0; }`,
+ function_const: (diag) => `fn foo() { ${diag} const x = 0; }`,
+ pre_else: (diag) => `fn foo() { if true { } ${diag} else { } }`,
+ pre_default: (diag) => `fn foo() { switch 0 { ${diag} default { } } }`,
+ pre_case: (diag) => `fn foo() { switch 0 { ${diag} case 0 { } default { } } }`,
+ pre_continuing: (diag) => `fn foo() { loop { ${diag} continuing { break if true; } } }`,
+ pre_for_params: (diag) => `fn foo() { for ${diag} (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { } }`
+const kNestedLocations = {
+ compound: (d1, d2) => `${d1} fn foo() { ${d2} { } }`,
+ if_stmt: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { ${d1} if true ${d2} { } }`,
+ switch_stmt: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { ${d1} switch 0 ${d2} { default { } } }`,
+ switch_body: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { switch 0 ${d1} { default ${d2} { } } }`,
+ switch_case: (d1, d2) =>
+ `fn foo() { switch 0 { case 0 ${d1} { } default ${d2} { } } }`,
+ loop_stmt: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { ${d1} loop ${d2} { break; } }`,
+ while_stmt: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { ${d1} while true ${d2} { break; } }`,
+ for_stmt: (d1, d2) => `fn foo() { ${d1} for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) ${d2} { } }`
+desc(`Tests required accepted diagnostic parameters`).
+params((u) =>
+combine('severity', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).
+combine('rule', kSpecDiagnosticRules).
+combine('type', kDiagnosticTypes)
+fn((t) => {
+ const diag = generateDiagnostic(t.params.type, t.params.severity, t.params.rule);
+ let code = ``;
+ if (t.params.type === 'directive') {
+ code = kValidLocations['module'](diag);
+ } else {
+ code = kValidLocations['function'](diag);
+ }
+ t.expectCompileResult(true, code);
+desc(`Tests invalid severities are rejected`).
+params((u) => u.combine('severity', kBadSeverities).combine('type', kDiagnosticTypes)).
+fn((t) => {
+ const diag = generateDiagnostic(t.params.type, t.params.severity, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ let code = ``;
+ if (t.params.type === 'directive') {
+ code = kValidLocations['module'](diag);
+ } else {
+ code = kValidLocations['function'](diag);
+ }
+ t.expectCompileResult(false, code);
+desc(`Tests unknown single token rules issue a warning`).
+params((u) => u.combine('type', kDiagnosticTypes).combine('rule', kBadSingleTokenRules)).
+fn((t) => {
+ const diag = generateDiagnostic(t.params.type, 'info', t.params.rule);
+ let code = ``;
+ if (t.params.type === 'directive') {
+ code = kValidLocations['module'](diag);
+ } else {
+ code = kValidLocations['function'](diag);
+ }
+ t.expectCompileWarning(true, code);
+desc(`Tests valid locations`).
+params((u) => u.combine('type', kDiagnosticTypes).combine('location', keysOf(kValidLocations))).
+fn((t) => {
+ const diag = generateDiagnostic(t.params.type, 'info', 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const code = kValidLocations[t.params.location](diag);
+ let res = true;
+ if (t.params.type === 'directive') {
+ res = t.params.location === 'module';
+ } else {
+ res = t.params.location !== 'module';
+ }
+ if (res === false) {
+ t.expectCompileResult(true, kValidLocations[t.params.location](''));
+ }
+ t.expectCompileResult(res, code);
+desc(`Tests invalid locations`).
+params((u) => u.combine('type', kDiagnosticTypes).combine('location', keysOf(kInvalidLocations))).
+fn((t) => {
+ const diag = generateDiagnostic(t.params.type, 'info', 'derivative_uniformity');
+ t.expectCompileResult(true, kInvalidLocations[t.params.location](''));
+ t.expectCompileResult(false, kInvalidLocations[t.params.location](diag));
+desc(`Tests conflicts between directives`).
+params((u) => u.combine('s1', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).combine('s2', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities)).
+fn((t) => {
+ const d1 = generateDiagnostic('directive', t.params.s1, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const d2 = generateDiagnostic('directive', t.params.s2, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const code = `${kValidLocations['module'](d1)}\n${kValidLocations['module'](d2)}`;
+ t.expectCompileResult(t.params.s1 === t.params.s2, code);
+desc(`Tests conflicts between attributes`).
+params((u) =>
+combine('loc', keysOf(kValidLocations)).
+combine('s1', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).
+combine('s2', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).
+filter((u) => {
+ return u.loc !== 'module';
+fn((t) => {
+ const d1 = generateDiagnostic('attribute', t.params.s1, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const d2 = generateDiagnostic('attribute', t.params.s2, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const diag = d1 + ' ' + d2;
+ const code = `${kValidLocations[t.params.loc](diag)}`;
+ t.expectCompileResult(t.params.s1 === t.params.s2, code);
+desc(`Tests conflicts between attributes`).
+params((u) =>
+combine('loc', keysOf(kNestedLocations)).
+combine('s1', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).
+combine('s2', kSpecDiagnosticSeverities).
+filter((u) => {
+ return u.s1 !== u.s2;
+fn((t) => {
+ const d1 = generateDiagnostic('attribute', t.params.s1, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const d2 = generateDiagnostic('attribute', t.params.s2, 'derivative_uniformity');
+ const code = `${kNestedLocations[t.params.loc](d1, d2)}`;
+ t.expectCompileResult(true, code);
+}); \ No newline at end of file