path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-every.any.js
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1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-every.any.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-every.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a344b8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-every.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const result = await source.every((value) => value === "good");
+ assert_true(result, "Promise resolves with true if all values pass the predicate");
+}, "every(): Promise resolves to true if all values pass the predicate");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const result = await source.every((value) => value === "good");
+ assert_false(result, "Promise resolves with false if any value fails the predicate");
+}, "every(): Promise resolves to false if any value fails the predicate");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ let tornDown = false;
+ let subscriberActiveAfterFailingPredicate = true;
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.addTeardown(() => tornDown = true);
+ subscriberActiveAfterFailingPredicate =;
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const result = await source.every((value) => value === "good");
+ assert_false(result, "Promise resolves with false if any value fails the predicate");
+ assert_false(subscriberActiveAfterFailingPredicate,
+ "Subscriber becomes inactive because every() unsubscribed");
+}, "every(): Abort the subscription to the source if the predicate does not pass");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const logs = [];
+ const source = createTestSubject({
+ onSubscribe: () => logs.push("subscribed to source"),
+ onTeardown: () => logs.push("teardown"),
+ });
+ const resultPromise = source.every((value, index) => {
+ logs.push(`Predicate called with ${value}, ${index}`);
+ return true;
+ });
+ let promiseResolved = false;
+ resultPromise.then(() => promiseResolved = true);
+ assert_array_equals(logs, ["subscribed to source"],
+ "calling every() subscribes to the source immediately");
+ assert_array_equals(logs, [
+ "subscribed to source",
+ "Predicate called with a, 0"
+ ], "Predicate called with the value and the index");
+ assert_array_equals(logs, [
+ "subscribed to source",
+ "Predicate called with a, 0",
+ "Predicate called with b, 1",
+ ], "Predicate called with the value and the index");
+ // wait a tick, just to prove that you have to wait for complete to be called.
+ await Promise.resolve();
+ assert_false(promiseResolved,
+ "Promise should not resolve until after the source completes");
+ source.complete();
+ assert_array_equals(logs, [
+ "subscribed to source",
+ "Predicate called with a, 0",
+ "Predicate called with b, 1",
+ "teardown",
+ ], "Teardown function called immediately after the source completes");
+ const result = await resultPromise;
+ assert_true(result,
+ "Promise resolves with true if all values pass the predicate");
+}, "every(): Lifecycle checks when all values pass the predicate");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const logs = [];
+ const source = createTestSubject({
+ onSubscribe: () => logs.push("subscribed to source"),
+ onTeardown: () => logs.push("teardown"),
+ });
+ const resultPromise = source.every((value, index) => {
+ logs.push(`Predicate called with ${value}, ${index}`);
+ return value === "good";
+ });
+ let promiseResolved = false;
+ resultPromise.then(() => promiseResolved = true);
+ assert_array_equals(logs, ["subscribed to source"],
+ "calling every() subscribes to the source immediately");
+ assert_array_equals(logs, [
+ "subscribed to source",
+ "Predicate called with good, 0",
+ "Predicate called with good, 1",
+ ], "Predicate called with the value and the index");
+ assert_false(promiseResolved, "Promise should not resolve until after the predicate fails");
+ assert_array_equals(logs, [
+ "subscribed to source",
+ "Predicate called with good, 0",
+ "Predicate called with good, 1",
+ "Predicate called with bad, 2",
+ "teardown",
+ ], "Predicate called with the value and the index, failing predicate immediately aborts subscription to source");
+ const result = await resultPromise;
+ assert_false(result, "Promise resolves with false if any value fails the predicate");
+}, "every(): Lifecycle checks when any value fails the predicate");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const result = await source.every(() => true);
+ assert_true(result,
+ "Promise resolves with true if the observable completes without " +
+ "emitting a value");
+}, "every(): Resolves with true if the observable completes without " +
+ "emitting a value");
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const error = new Error("error from source");
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.error(error);
+ });
+ promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, source.every(() => true),
+ "Promise rejects with the error emitted from the source observable");
+}, "every(): Rejects with any error emitted from the source observable");
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const error = new Error("bad value");
+ const promise = source.every(value => {
+ if (value <= 2) return true;
+ throw error;
+ });
+ promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, promise, "Promise rejects with the " +
+ "error thrown from the predicate");
+}, "every(): Rejects with any error thrown from the predicate");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const indices = [];
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const value = await source.every((value, index) => {
+ indices.push(index);
+ return true;
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(indices, [0, 1, 2]);
+ assert_true(value,
+ "Promise resolves with true if all values pass the predicate");
+}, "every(): Index is passed into the predicate");
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {});
+ const controller = new AbortController();
+ const promise = source.every(() => true, { signal: controller.signal });
+ controller.abort();
+ promise_rejects_dom(t, 'AbortError', promise, "Promise rejects with a " +
+ "DOMException if the source Observable is aborted");
+}, "every(): Rejects with a DOMException if the source Observable is aborted");
+function createTestSubject(options) {
+ const onTeardown = options?.onTeardown;
+ const subscribers = new Set();
+ const subject = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ options?.onSubscribe?.();
+ subscribers.add(subscriber);
+ subscriber.addTeardown(() => subscribers.delete(subscriber));
+ if (onTeardown) {
+ subscriber.addTeardown(onTeardown);
+ }
+ });
+ = (value) => {
+ for (const subscriber of Array.from(subscribers)) {
+ }
+ };
+ subject.error = (error) => {
+ for (const subscriber of Array.from(subscribers)) {
+ subscriber.error(error);
+ }
+ };
+ subject.complete = () => {
+ for (const subscriber of Array.from(subscribers)) {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ }
+ };
+ subject.subscriberCount = () => {
+ return subscribers.size;
+ };
+ return subject;