path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-inspect.any.js
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-inspect.any.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-inspect.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aff741d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/observable/tentative/observable-inspect.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+// Because we test that the global error handler is called at various times.
+setup({ allow_uncaught_exception: true });
+test(() => {
+ const results = [];
+ let sourceSubscriptionCall = 0;
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ sourceSubscriptionCall++;
+ results.push(`source subscribe ${sourceSubscriptionCall}`);
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ let inspectSubscribeCall = 0;
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ subscribe: () => {
+ inspectSubscribeCall++;
+ results.push(`inspect() subscribe ${inspectSubscribeCall}`);
+ },
+ next: (value) => results.push(`inspect() next ${value}`),
+ error: (e) => results.push(`inspect() error ${e.message}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`inspect() complete`),
+ });
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results.push(`result next ${value}`),
+ error: (e) => results.push(`result error ${e.message}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`result complete`),
+ });
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results.push(`result next ${value}`),
+ error: (e) => results.push(`result error ${e.message}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`result complete`),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results,
+ [
+ "inspect() subscribe 1",
+ "source subscribe 1",
+ "inspect() next 1",
+ "result next 1",
+ "inspect() next 2",
+ "result next 2",
+ "inspect() next 3",
+ "result next 3",
+ "inspect() complete",
+ "result complete",
+ "inspect() subscribe 2",
+ "source subscribe 2",
+ "inspect() next 1",
+ "result next 1",
+ "inspect() next 2",
+ "result next 2",
+ "inspect() next 3",
+ "result next 3",
+ "inspect() complete",
+ "result complete",
+ ]);
+}, "inspect(): Provides a pre-subscription subscribe callback");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: value => results.push(value),
+ error: e => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ result.subscribe();
+ result.subscribe();
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, "complete", 1, 2, 3, "complete"]);
+}, "inspect(): Provides a way to tap into the values and completions of the " +
+ "source observable using an observer");
+test(() => {
+ const error = new Error("error from source");
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => subscriber.error(error));
+ const results = [];
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: value => results.push(value),
+ error: e => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ let errorReported = null;
+ self.addEventListener('error', e => errorReported = e.error, {once: true});
+ result.subscribe();
+ assert_array_equals(results, [error]);
+ assert_equals(errorReported, error,
+ "errorReported to global matches error from source Observable");
+}, "inspect(): Error handler does not stop error from being reported to the " +
+ "global, when subscriber does not pass error handler");
+test(() => {
+ const error = new Error("error from source");
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.error(error);
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: value => results.push(value),
+ error: e => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ const observer = {
+ error: e => results.push(e),
+ };
+ result.subscribe(observer);
+ result.subscribe(observer);
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, error, error, 1, 2, 3, error, error]);
+}, "inspect(): Provides a way to tap into the values and errors of the " +
+ "source observable using an observer. Errors are passed through");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ const result = source.inspect(value => results.push(value));
+ result.subscribe();
+ result.subscribe();
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]);
+}, "inspect(): ObserverCallback passed in");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ });
+ const error = new Error("error from inspect() next handler");
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: (value) => {
+ if (value === 2) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ const results1 = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results1.push(value),
+ error: (e) => results1.push(e),
+ complete: () => results1.push("complete"),
+ });
+ const results2 = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results2.push(value),
+ error: (e) => results2.push(e),
+ complete: () => results2.push("complete"),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results1, [1, error]);
+ assert_array_equals(results2, [1, error]);
+}, "inspect(): Throwing an error in the observer next handler is caught and " +
+ "sent to the error callback of the result observable");
+test(() => {
+ const sourceError = new Error("error from source");
+ const inspectError = new Error("error from inspect() error handler");
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.error(sourceError);
+ });
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ error: () => {
+ throw inspectError;
+ },
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: () => results.push("next"),
+ error: (e) => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results, [inspectError]);
+}, "inspect(): Throwing an error in the observer error handler in " +
+ "inspect() is caught and sent to the error callback of the result " +
+ "observable");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ const error = new Error("error from inspect() complete handler");
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ complete: () => {
+ throw error;
+ },
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results.push(value),
+ error: (e) => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, 2, 3, error]);
+}, "inspect(): Throwing an error in the observer complete handler is caught " +
+ "and sent to the error callback of the result observable");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ });
+ const error = new Error("error from inspect() next handler");
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: (value) => {
+ if (value === 2) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results.push(value),
+ error: (e) => results.push(e),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, error]);
+}, "inspect(): Throwing an error in the next handler function in do should " +
+ "be caught and sent to the error callback of the result observable");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {});
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ subscribe: () => {
+ throw new Error("error from do subscribe handler");
+ },
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: () => results.push("next"),
+ error: (e) => results.push(e.message),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results, ["error from do subscribe handler"]);
+}, "inspect(): Errors thrown in subscribe() Inspector handler subscribe " +
+ "handler are caught and sent to error callback");
+test(() => {
+ const results = [];
+ let sourceTeardownCall = 0;
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.addTeardown(() => {
+ sourceTeardownCall++;
+ results.push(`source teardown ${sourceTeardownCall}`);
+ });
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ let doUnsubscribeCall = 0;
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ abort: (reason) => {
+ doUnsubscribeCall++;
+ results.push(`inspect() abort ${doUnsubscribeCall} ${reason}`);
+ },
+ next: (value) => results.push(`inspect() next ${value}`),
+ error: (e) => results.push(`inspect() error ${e.message}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`inspect() complete`),
+ });
+ const controller = new AbortController();
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => {
+ results.push(`result next ${value}`);
+ if (value === 2) {
+ controller.abort("abort reason");
+ }
+ },
+ error: (e) => results.push(`result error ${e.message}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`result complete`),
+ }, { signal: controller.signal });
+ assert_array_equals(results, [
+ "inspect() next 1",
+ "result next 1",
+ "inspect() next 2",
+ "result next 2",
+ "inspect() abort 1 abort reason",
+ "source teardown 1",
+ ]);
+}, "inspect(): Provides a way to tap into the moment a source observable is unsubscribed from");
+test(() => {
+ const results = [];
+ let sourceTeardownCall = 0;
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ subscriber.addTeardown(() => {
+ sourceTeardownCall++;
+ results.push(`source teardown ${sourceTeardownCall}`);
+ });
+ subscriber.complete();
+ });
+ let inspectUnsubscribeCall = 0;
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ next: (value) => results.push(`inspect() next ${value}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`inspect() complete`),
+ abort: (reason) => {
+ inspectUnsubscribeCall++;
+ results.push(`inspect() abort ${inspectUnsubscribeCall} ${reason}`);
+ },
+ });
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => results.push(`result next ${value}`),
+ complete: () => results.push(`result complete`),
+ });
+ assert_array_equals(results, [
+ "inspect() next 1",
+ "result next 1",
+ "inspect() next 2",
+ "result next 2",
+ "inspect() next 3",
+ "result next 3",
+ "source teardown 1",
+ "inspect() complete",
+ "result complete",
+ ]);
+}, "inspect(): Inspector abort() handler is not called if the source " +
+ "completes before the result is unsubscribed from");
+test(() => {
+ const source = new Observable(subscriber => {
+ });
+ const results = [];
+ const result = source.inspect({
+ abort: () => {
+ results.push('abort() handler run');
+ throw new Error("error from inspect() subscribe handler");
+ },
+ });
+ const controller = new AbortController();
+ self.on('error').take(1).subscribe(e =>
+ results.push(e.message + ', from report exception'));
+ result.subscribe({
+ next: (value) => {
+ results.push(value);
+ controller.abort();
+ },
+ // This should not be invoked at all!!
+ error: (e) => results.push(e.message + ', from Observer#error()'),
+ complete: () => results.push("complete"),
+ }, {signal: controller.signal});
+ assert_array_equals(results, [1, "abort() handler run",
+ "Uncaught Error: error from inspect() subscribe handler, from report " +
+ "exception"]);
+}, "inspect(): Errors thrown from inspect()'s abort() handler are caught " +
+ "and reported to the global, because the subscription is already closed " +
+ "by the time the handler runs");