path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/howto/django.rst
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+Integrate with Django
+If you're looking at adding real-time capabilities to a Django project with
+WebSocket, you have two main options.
+1. Using Django Channels_, a project adding WebSocket to Django, among other
+ features. This approach is fully supported by Django. However, it requires
+ switching to a new deployment architecture.
+2. Deploying a separate WebSocket server next to your Django project. This
+ technique is well suited when you need to add a small set of real-time
+ features — maybe a notification service — to an HTTP application.
+.. _Channels:
+This guide shows how to implement the second technique with websockets. It
+assumes familiarity with Django.
+Authenticate connections
+Since the websockets server runs outside of Django, we need to integrate it
+with ``django.contrib.auth``.
+We will generate authentication tokens in the Django project. Then we will
+send them to the websockets server, where they will authenticate the user.
+Generating a token for the current user and making it available in the browser
+is up to you. You could render the token in a template or fetch it with an API
+Refer to the topic guide on :doc:`authentication <../topics/authentication>`
+for details on this design.
+Generate tokens
+We want secure, short-lived tokens containing the user ID. We'll rely on
+`django-sesame`_, a small library designed exactly for this purpose.
+.. _django-sesame:
+Add django-sesame to the dependencies of your Django project, install it, and
+configure it in the settings of the project:
+.. code-block:: python
+ "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend",
+ "sesame.backends.ModelBackend",
+ ]
+(If your project already uses another authentication backend than the default
+``"django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"``, adjust accordingly.)
+You don't need ``"sesame.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware"``. It is for
+authenticating users in the Django server, while we're authenticating them in
+the websockets server.
+We'd like our tokens to be valid for 30 seconds. We expect web pages to load
+and to establish the WebSocket connection within this delay. Configure
+django-sesame accordingly in the settings of your Django project:
+.. code-block:: python
+If you expect your web site to load faster for all clients, a shorter lifespan
+is possible. However, in the context of this document, it would make manual
+testing more difficult.
+You could also enable single-use tokens. However, this would update the last
+login date of the user every time a WebSocket connection is established. This
+doesn't seem like a good idea, both in terms of behavior and in terms of
+Now you can generate tokens in a ``django-admin shell`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+ >>> User = get_user_model()
+ >>> user = User.objects.get(username="<your username>")
+ >>> from sesame.utils import get_token
+ >>> get_token(user)
+ '<your token>'
+Keep this console open: since tokens expire after 30 seconds, you'll have to
+generate a new token every time you want to test connecting to the server.
+Validate tokens
+Let's move on to the websockets server.
+Add websockets to the dependencies of your Django project and install it.
+Indeed, we're going to reuse the environment of the Django project, so we can
+call its APIs in the websockets server.
+Now here's how to implement authentication.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../example/django/
+Let's unpack this code.
+We're calling ``django.setup()`` before doing anything with Django because
+we're using Django in a `standalone script`_. This assumes that the
+``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` environment variable is set to the Python path to
+your settings module.
+.. _standalone script:
+The connection handler reads the first message received from the client, which
+is expected to contain a django-sesame token. Then it authenticates the user
+with ``get_user()``, the API for `authentication outside a view`_. If
+authentication fails, it closes the connection and exits.
+.. _authentication outside a view:
+When we call an API that makes a database query such as ``get_user()``, we
+wrap the call in :func:`~asyncio.to_thread`. Indeed, the Django ORM doesn't
+support asynchronous I/O. It would block the event loop if it didn't run in a
+separate thread. :func:`~asyncio.to_thread` is available since Python 3.9. In
+earlier versions, use :meth:`~asyncio.loop.run_in_executor` instead.
+Finally, we start a server with :func:`~websockets.server.serve`.
+We're ready to test!
+Save this code to a file called ````, make sure the
+``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` environment variable is set properly, and start the
+websockets server:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python
+Generate a new token — remember, they're only valid for 30 seconds — and use
+it to connect to your server. Paste your token and press Enter when you get a
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8888/
+ Connected to ws://localhost:8888/
+ > <your token>
+ < Hello <your username>!
+ Connection closed: 1000 (OK).
+It works!
+If you enter an expired or invalid token, authentication fails and the server
+closes the connection:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8888/
+ Connected to ws://localhost:8888.
+ > not a token
+ Connection closed: 1011 (internal error) authentication failed.
+You can also test from a browser by generating a new token and running the
+following code in the JavaScript console of the browser:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888/");
+ websocket.onopen = (event) => websocket.send("<your token>");
+ websocket.onmessage = (event) => console.log(;
+If you don't want to import your entire Django project into the websockets
+server, you can build a separate Django project with ``django.contrib.auth``,
+``django-sesame``, a suitable ``User`` model, and a subset of the settings of
+the main project.
+Stream events
+We can connect and authenticate but our server doesn't do anything useful yet!
+Let's send a message every time a user makes an action in the admin. This
+message will be broadcast to all users who can access the model on which the
+action was made. This may be used for showing notifications to other users.
+Many use cases for WebSocket with Django follow a similar pattern.
+Set up event bus
+We need a event bus to enable communications between Django and websockets.
+Both sides connect permanently to the bus. Then Django writes events and
+websockets reads them. For the sake of simplicity, we'll rely on `Redis
+.. _Redis Pub/Sub:
+The easiest way to add Redis to a Django project is by configuring a cache
+backend with `django-redis`_. This library manages connections to Redis
+efficiently, persisting them between requests, and provides an API to access
+the Redis connection directly.
+.. _django-redis:
+Install Redis, add django-redis to the dependencies of your Django project,
+install it, and configure it in the settings of the project:
+.. code-block:: python
+ CACHES = {
+ "default": {
+ "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
+ "LOCATION": "redis://",
+ },
+ }
+If you already have a default cache, add a new one with a different name and
+change ``get_redis_connection("default")`` in the code below to the same name.
+Publish events
+Now let's write events to the bus.
+Add the following code to a module that is imported when your Django project
+starts. Typically, you would put it in a ```` module, which you
+would import in the ``AppConfig.ready()`` method of one of your apps:
+.. literalinclude:: ../../example/django/
+This code runs every time the admin saves a ``LogEntry`` object to keep track
+of a change. It extracts interesting data, serializes it to JSON, and writes
+an event to Redis.
+Let's check that it works:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ redis-cli
+ OK
+[1]> SUBSCRIBE events
+ Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
+ 1) "subscribe"
+ 2) "events"
+ 3) (integer) 1
+Leave this command running, start the Django development server and make
+changes in the admin: add, modify, or delete objects. You should see
+corresponding events published to the ``"events"`` stream.
+Broadcast events
+Now let's turn to reading events and broadcasting them to connected clients.
+We need to add several features:
+* Keep track of connected clients so we can broadcast messages.
+* Tell which content types the user has permission to view or to change.
+* Connect to the message bus and read events.
+* Broadcast these events to users who have corresponding permissions.
+Here's a complete implementation.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../example/django/
+Since the ``get_content_types()`` function makes a database query, it is
+wrapped inside :func:`asyncio.to_thread()`. It runs once when each WebSocket
+connection is open; then its result is cached for the lifetime of the
+connection. Indeed, running it for each message would trigger database queries
+for all connected users at the same time, which would hurt the database.
+The connection handler merely registers the connection in a global variable,
+associated to the list of content types for which events should be sent to
+that connection, and waits until the client disconnects.
+The ``process_events()`` function reads events from Redis and broadcasts them
+to all connections that should receive them. We don't care much if a sending a
+notification fails — this happens when a connection drops between the moment
+we iterate on connections and the moment the corresponding message is sent —
+so we start a task with for each message and forget about it. Also, this means
+we're immediately ready to process the next event, even if it takes time to
+send a message to a slow client.
+Since Redis can publish a message to multiple subscribers, multiple instances
+of this server can safely run in parallel.
+Does it scale?
+In theory, given enough servers, this design can scale to a hundred million
+clients, since Redis can handle ten thousand servers and each server can
+handle ten thousand clients. In practice, you would need a more scalable
+message bus before reaching that scale, due to the volume of messages.