path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/howto/render.rst
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+Deploy to Render
+This guide describes how to deploy a websockets server to Render_.
+.. _Render:
+.. admonition:: The free plan of Render is sufficient for trying this guide.
+ :class: tip
+ However, on a `free plan`__, connections are dropped after five minutes,
+ which is quite short for WebSocket application.
+ __
+We're going to deploy a very simple app. The process would be identical for a
+more realistic app.
+Create repository
+Deploying to Render requires a git repository. Let's initialize one:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ mkdir websockets-echo
+ $ cd websockets-echo
+ $ git init -b main
+ Initialized empty Git repository in websockets-echo/.git/
+ $ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."
+ [main (root-commit) 816c3b1] Initial commit.
+Render requires the git repository to be hosted at GitHub or GitLab.
+Sign up or log in to GitHub. Create a new repository named ``websockets-echo``.
+Don't enable any of the initialization options offered by GitHub. Then, follow
+instructions for pushing an existing repository from the command line.
+After pushing, refresh your repository's homepage on GitHub. You should see an
+empty repository with an empty initial commit.
+Create application
+Here's the implementation of the app, an echo server. Save it in a file called
+.. literalinclude:: ../../example/deployment/render/
+ :language: python
+This app implements requirements for `zero downtime deploys`_:
+* it provides a health check at ``/healthz``;
+* it closes connections and exits cleanly when it receives a ``SIGTERM`` signal.
+.. _zero downtime deploys:
+Create a ``requirements.txt`` file containing this line to declare a dependency
+on websockets:
+.. literalinclude:: ../../example/deployment/render/requirements.txt
+ :language: text
+Confirm that you created the correct files and commit them to git:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ ls
+ requirements.txt
+ $ git add .
+ $ git commit -m "Initial implementation."
+ [main f26bf7f] Initial implementation.
+ 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644
+ create mode 100644 requirements.txt
+Push the changes to GitHub:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ git push
+ ...
+ To<username>/websockets-echo.git
+ 816c3b1..f26bf7f main -> main
+The app is ready. Let's deploy it!
+Deploy application
+Sign up or log in to Render.
+Create a new web service. Connect the git repository that you just created.
+Then, finalize the configuration of your app as follows:
+* **Name**: websockets-echo
+* **Start Command**: ``python``
+If you're just experimenting, select the free plan. Create the web service.
+To configure the health check, go to Settings, scroll down to Health & Alerts,
+and set:
+* **Health Check Path**: /healthz
+This triggers a new deployment.
+Validate deployment
+Let's confirm that your application is running as expected.
+Since it's a WebSocket server, you need a WebSocket client, such as the
+interactive client that comes with websockets.
+If you're currently building a websockets server, perhaps you're already in a
+virtualenv where websockets is installed. If not, you can install it in a new
+virtualenv as follows:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m venv websockets-client
+ $ . websockets-client/bin/activate
+ $ pip install websockets
+Connect the interactive client — you must replace ``websockets-echo`` with the
+name of your Render app in this command:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m websockets wss://
+ Connected to wss://
+ >
+Great! Your app is running!
+Once you're connected, you can send any message and the server will echo it,
+or press Ctrl-D to terminate the connection:
+.. code-block:: console
+ > Hello!
+ < Hello!
+ Connection closed: 1000 (OK).
+You can also confirm that your application shuts down gracefully when you deploy
+a new version. Due to limitations of Render's free plan, you must upgrade to a
+paid plan before you perform this test.
+Connect an interactive client again — remember to replace ``websockets-echo``
+with your app:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m websockets wss://
+ Connected to wss://
+ >
+Trigger a new deployment with Manual Deploy > Deploy latest commit. When the
+deployment completes, the connection is closed with code 1001 (going away).
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python -m websockets wss://
+ Connected to wss://
+ Connection closed: 1001 (going away).
+If graceful shutdown wasn't working, the server wouldn't perform a closing
+handshake and the connection would be closed with code 1006 (abnormal closure).
+Remember to downgrade to a free plan if you upgraded just for testing this feature.