path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/howto/sansio.rst
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+Integrate the Sans-I/O layer
+.. currentmodule:: websockets
+This guide explains how to integrate the `Sans-I/O`_ layer of websockets to
+add support for WebSocket in another library.
+.. _Sans-I/O:
+As a prerequisite, you should decide how you will handle network I/O and
+asynchronous control flow.
+Your integration layer will provide an API for the application on one side,
+will talk to the network on the other side, and will rely on websockets to
+implement the protocol in the middle.
+.. image:: ../topics/data-flow.svg
+ :align: center
+Opening a connection
+If you're building a client, parse the URI you'd like to connect to::
+ from websockets.uri import parse_uri
+ wsuri = parse_uri("ws://")
+Open a TCP connection to ``(, wsuri.port)`` and perform a TLS
+handshake if ```` is :obj:`True`.
+Initialize a :class:`~client.ClientProtocol`::
+ from websockets.client import ClientProtocol
+ protocol = ClientProtocol(wsuri)
+Create a WebSocket handshake request
+with :meth:`~client.ClientProtocol.connect` and send it
+with :meth:`~client.ClientProtocol.send_request`::
+ request = protocol.connect()
+ protocol.send_request(request)
+Then, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` and send its output to
+the network, as described in `Send data`_ below.
+Once you receive enough data, as explained in `Receive data`_ below, the first
+event returned by :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.events_received` is the WebSocket
+handshake response.
+When the handshake fails, the reason is available in
+ if protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
+ raise protocol.handshake_exc
+Else, the WebSocket connection is open.
+A WebSocket client API usually performs the handshake then returns a wrapper
+around the network socket and the :class:`~client.ClientProtocol`.
+If you're building a server, accept network connections from clients and
+perform a TLS handshake if desired.
+For each connection, initialize a :class:`~server.ServerProtocol`::
+ from websockets.server import ServerProtocol
+ protocol = ServerProtocol()
+Once you receive enough data, as explained in `Receive data`_ below, the first
+event returned by :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.events_received` is the WebSocket
+handshake request.
+Create a WebSocket handshake response
+with :meth:`~server.ServerProtocol.accept` and send it
+with :meth:`~server.ServerProtocol.send_response`::
+ response = protocol.accept(request)
+ protocol.send_response(response)
+Alternatively, you may reject the WebSocket handshake and return an HTTP
+response with :meth:`~server.ServerProtocol.reject`::
+ response = protocol.reject(status, explanation)
+ protocol.send_response(response)
+Then, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` and send its output to
+the network, as described in `Send data`_ below.
+Even when you call :meth:`~server.ServerProtocol.accept`, the WebSocket
+handshake may fail if the request is incorrect or unsupported.
+When the handshake fails, the reason is available in
+ if protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
+ raise protocol.handshake_exc
+Else, the WebSocket connection is open.
+A WebSocket server API usually builds a wrapper around the network socket and
+the :class:`~server.ServerProtocol`. Then it invokes a connection handler that
+accepts the wrapper in argument.
+It may also provide a way to close all connections and to shut down the server
+Going forwards, this guide focuses on handling an individual connection.
+From the network to the application
+Go through the five steps below until you reach the end of the data stream.
+Receive data
+When receiving data from the network, feed it to the protocol's
+:meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_data` method.
+When reaching the end of the data stream, call the protocol's
+:meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_eof` method.
+For example, if ``sock`` is a :obj:`~socket.socket`::
+ try:
+ data = sock.recv(65536)
+ except OSError: # socket closed
+ data = b""
+ if data:
+ protocol.receive_data(data)
+ else:
+ protocol.receive_eof()
+These methods aren't expected to raise exceptions — unless you call them again
+after calling :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_eof`, which is an error.
+(If you get an exception, please file a bug!)
+Send data
+Then, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` and send its output to
+the network::
+ for data in protocol.data_to_send():
+ if data:
+ sock.sendall(data)
+ else:
+ sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
+The empty bytestring signals the end of the data stream. When you see it, you
+must half-close the TCP connection.
+Sending data right after receiving data is necessary because websockets
+responds to ping frames, close frames, and incorrect inputs automatically.
+Expect TCP connection to close
+Closing a WebSocket connection normally involves a two-way WebSocket closing
+handshake. Then, regardless of whether the closure is normal or abnormal, the
+server starts the four-way TCP closing handshake. If the network fails at the
+wrong point, you can end up waiting until the TCP timeout, which is very long.
+To prevent dangling TCP connections when you expect the end of the data stream
+but you never reach it, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.close_expected`
+and, if it returns :obj:`True`, schedule closing the TCP connection after a
+short timeout::
+ # start a new execution thread to run this code
+ sleep(10)
+ sock.close() # does nothing if the socket is already closed
+If the connection is still open when the timeout elapses, closing the socket
+makes the execution thread that reads from the socket reach the end of the
+data stream, possibly with an exception.
+Close TCP connection
+If you called :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_eof`, close the TCP
+connection now. This is a clean closure because the receive buffer is empty.
+After :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_eof` signals the end of the read
+stream, :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` always signals the end of
+the write stream, unless it already ended. So, at this point, the TCP
+connection is already half-closed. The only reason for closing it now is to
+release resources related to the socket.
+Now you can exit the loop relaying data from the network to the application.
+Receive events
+Finally, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.events_received` to obtain events
+parsed from the data provided to :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.receive_data`::
+ events = connection.events_received()
+The first event will be the WebSocket opening handshake request or response.
+See `Opening a connection`_ above for details.
+All later events are WebSocket frames. There are two types of frames:
+* Data frames contain messages transferred over the WebSocket connections. You
+ should provide them to the application. See `Fragmentation`_ below for
+ how to reassemble messages from frames.
+* Control frames provide information about the connection's state. The main
+ use case is to expose an abstraction over ping and pong to the application.
+ Keep in mind that websockets responds to ping frames and close frames
+ automatically. Don't duplicate this functionality!
+From the application to the network
+The connection object provides one method for each type of WebSocket frame.
+For sending a data frame:
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_continuation`
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_text`
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_binary`
+These methods raise :exc:`~exceptions.ProtocolError` if you don't set
+the :attr:`FIN <websockets.frames.Frame.fin>` bit correctly in fragmented
+For sending a control frame:
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_close`
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_ping`
+* :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_pong`
+:meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_close` initiates the closing handshake.
+See `Closing a connection`_ below for details.
+If you encounter an unrecoverable error and you must fail the WebSocket
+connection, call :meth:``.
+After any of the above, call :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` and
+send its output to the network, as shown in `Send data`_ above.
+If you called :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.send_close`
+or :meth:``, you expect the end of the data
+stream. You should follow the process described in `Close TCP connection`_
+above in order to prevent dangling TCP connections.
+Closing a connection
+Under normal circumstances, when a server wants to close the TCP connection:
+* it closes the write side;
+* it reads until the end of the stream, because it expects the client to close
+ the read side;
+* it closes the socket.
+When a client wants to close the TCP connection:
+* it reads until the end of the stream, because it expects the server to close
+ the read side;
+* it closes the write side;
+* it closes the socket.
+Applying the rules described earlier in this document gives the intended
+result. As a reminder, the rules are:
+* When :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` returns the empty
+ bytestring, close the write side of the TCP connection.
+* When you reach the end of the read stream, close the TCP connection.
+* When :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.close_expected` returns :obj:`True`, if
+ you don't reach the end of the read stream quickly, close the TCP connection.
+WebSocket messages may be fragmented. Since this is a protocol-level concern,
+you may choose to reassemble fragmented messages before handing them over to
+the application.
+To reassemble a message, read data frames until you get a frame where
+the :attr:`FIN <websockets.frames.Frame.fin>` bit is set, then concatenate
+the payloads of all frames.
+You will never receive an inconsistent sequence of frames because websockets
+raises a :exc:`~exceptions.ProtocolError` and fails the connection when this
+happens. However, you may receive an incomplete sequence if the connection
+drops in the middle of a fragmented message.
+Serialize operations
+The Sans-I/O layer expects to run sequentially. If your interact with it from
+multiple threads or coroutines, you must ensure correct serialization. This
+should happen automatically in a cooperative multitasking environment.
+However, you still have to make sure you don't break this property by
+accident. For example, serialize writes to the network
+when :meth:`~protocol.Protocol.data_to_send` returns multiple values to
+prevent concurrent writes from interleaving incorrectly.
+Avoid buffers
+The Sans-I/O layer doesn't do any buffering. It makes events available in
+:meth:`~protocol.Protocol.events_received` as soon as they're received.
+You should make incoming messages available to the application immediately and
+stop further processing until the application fetches them. This will usually
+result in the best performance.