path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project
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diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/changelog.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/changelog.rst
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+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/changelog.rst
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+.. currentmodule:: websockets
+.. _backwards-compatibility policy:
+Backwards-compatibility policy
+websockets is intended for production use. Therefore, stability is a goal.
+websockets also aims at providing the best API for WebSocket in Python.
+While we value stability, we value progress more. When an improvement requires
+changing a public API, we make the change and document it in this changelog.
+When possible with reasonable effort, we preserve backwards-compatibility for
+five years after the release that introduced the change.
+When a release contains backwards-incompatible API changes, the major version
+is increased, else the minor version is increased. Patch versions are only for
+fixing regressions shortly after a release.
+Only documented APIs are public. Undocumented, private APIs may change without
+*October 21, 2023*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: websockets 12.0 requires Python ≥ 3.8.
+ :class: tip
+ websockets 11.0 is the last version supporting Python 3.7.
+* Made convenience imports from ``websockets`` compatible with static code
+ analysis tools such as auto-completion in an IDE or type checking with mypy_.
+ .. _mypy:
+* Accepted a plain :class:`int` where an :class:`~http.HTTPStatus` is expected.
+* Added :class:`~frames.CloseCode`.
+*May 7, 2023*
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed the :mod:`threading` implementation of servers on Windows.
+*April 18, 2023*
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed a deadlock in the :mod:`threading` implementation when closing a
+ connection without reading all messages.
+*April 6, 2023*
+Bug fixes
+* Restored the C extension in the source distribution.
+*April 2, 2023*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: The Sans-I/O implementation was moved.
+ :class: caution
+ Aliases provide compatibility for all previously public APIs according to
+ the `backwards-compatibility policy`_.
+ * The ``connection`` module was renamed to ``protocol``.
+ * The ``connection.Connection``, ``server.ServerConnection``, and
+ ``client.ClientConnection`` classes were renamed to ``protocol.Protocol``,
+ ``server.ServerProtocol``, and ``client.ClientProtocol``.
+.. admonition:: Sans-I/O protocol constructors now use keyword-only arguments.
+ :class: caution
+ If you instantiate :class:`~server.ServerProtocol` or
+ :class:`~client.ClientProtocol` directly, make sure you are using keyword
+ arguments.
+.. admonition:: Closing a connection without an empty close frame is OK.
+ :class: note
+ Receiving an empty close frame now results in
+ :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK` instead of
+ :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosedError`.
+ As a consequence, calling ``WebSocket.close()`` without arguments in a
+ browser isn't reported as an error anymore.
+.. admonition:: :func:`~server.serve` times out on the opening handshake after 10 seconds by default.
+ :class: note
+ You can adjust the timeout with the ``open_timeout`` parameter. Set it to
+ :obj:`None` to disable the timeout entirely.
+New features
+.. admonition:: websockets 11.0 introduces a implementation on top of :mod:`threading`.
+ :class: important
+ It may be more convenient if you don't need to manage many connections and
+ you're more comfortable with :mod:`threading` than :mod:`asyncio`.
+ It is particularly suited to client applications that establish only one
+ connection. It may be used for servers handling few connections.
+ See :func:`~sync.client.connect` and :func:`~sync.server.serve` for details.
+* Added ``open_timeout`` to :func:`~server.serve`.
+* Made it possible to close a server without closing existing connections.
+* Added :attr:`~server.ServerProtocol.select_subprotocol` to customize
+ negotiation of subprotocols in the Sans-I/O layer.
+* Added platform-independent wheels.
+* Improved error handling in :func:`~websockets.broadcast`.
+* Set ``server_hostname`` automatically on TLS connections when providing a
+ ``sock`` argument to :func:`~sync.client.connect`.
+*October 25, 2022*
+New features
+* Validated compatibility with Python 3.11.
+* Added the :attr:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.latency` property to
+ protocols.
+* Changed :attr:`` to return the
+ latency of the connection.
+* Supported overriding or removing the ``User-Agent`` header in clients and the
+ ``Server`` header in servers.
+* Added deployment guides for more Platform as a Service providers.
+* Improved FAQ.
+*April 17, 2022*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: The ``exception`` attribute of :class:`~http11.Request` and :class:`~http11.Response` is deprecated.
+ :class: note
+ Use the ``handshake_exc`` attribute of :class:`~server.ServerProtocol` and
+ :class:`~client.ClientProtocol` instead.
+ See :doc:`../howto/sansio` for details.
+* Reduced noise in logs when :mod:`ssl` or :mod:`zlib` raise exceptions.
+*February 21, 2022*
+* Made compression negotiation more lax for compatibility with Firefox.
+* Improved FAQ and quick start guide.
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed backwards-incompatibility in 10.1 for connection handlers created with
+ :func:`functools.partial`.
+* Avoided leaking open sockets when :func:`~client.connect` is canceled.
+*November 14, 2021*
+New features
+* Added a tutorial.
+* Made the second parameter of connection handlers optional. It will be
+ deprecated in the next major release. The request path is available in
+ the :attr:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.path` attribute of
+ the first argument.
+ If you implemented the connection handler of a server as::
+ async def handler(request, path):
+ ...
+ You should replace it by::
+ async def handler(request):
+ path = request.path # if handler() uses the path argument
+ ...
+* Added ``python -m websockets --version``.
+* Added wheels for Python 3.10, PyPy 3.7, and for more platforms.
+* Reverted optimization of default compression settings for clients, mainly to
+ avoid triggering bugs in poorly implemented servers like `AWS API Gateway`_.
+ .. _AWS API Gateway:
+* Mirrored the entire :class:`~asyncio.Server` API
+ in :class:`~server.WebSocketServer`.
+* Improved performance for large messages on ARM processors.
+* Documented how to auto-reload on code changes in development.
+Bug fixes
+* Avoided half-closing TCP connections that are already closed.
+*September 9, 2021*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: websockets 10.0 requires Python ≥ 3.7.
+ :class: tip
+ websockets 9.1 is the last version supporting Python 3.6.
+.. admonition:: The ``loop`` parameter is deprecated from all APIs.
+ :class: caution
+ This reflects a decision made in Python 3.8. See the release notes of
+ Python 3.10 for details.
+ The ``loop`` parameter is also removed
+ from :class:`~server.WebSocketServer`. This should be transparent.
+.. admonition:: :func:`~client.connect` times out after 10 seconds by default.
+ :class: note
+ You can adjust the timeout with the ``open_timeout`` parameter. Set it to
+ :obj:`None` to disable the timeout entirely.
+.. admonition:: The ``legacy_recv`` option is deprecated.
+ :class: note
+ See the release notes of websockets 3.0 for details.
+.. admonition:: The signature of :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` changed.
+ :class: note
+ If you raise :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` or a subclass, rather
+ than catch them when websockets raises them, you must change your code.
+.. admonition:: A ``msg`` parameter was added to :exc:`~exceptions.InvalidURI`.
+ :class: note
+ If you raise :exc:`~exceptions.InvalidURI`, rather than catch it when
+ websockets raises it, you must change your code.
+New features
+.. admonition:: websockets 10.0 introduces a `Sans-I/O API
+ <>`_ for easier integration
+ in third-party libraries.
+ :class: important
+ If you're integrating websockets in a library, rather than just using it,
+ look at the :doc:`Sans-I/O integration guide <../howto/sansio>`.
+* Added compatibility with Python 3.10.
+* Added :func:`~websockets.broadcast` to send a message to many clients.
+* Added support for reconnecting automatically by using
+ :func:`~client.connect` as an asynchronous iterator.
+* Added ``open_timeout`` to :func:`~client.connect`.
+* Documented how to integrate with `Django <>`_.
+* Documented how to deploy websockets in production, with several options.
+* Documented how to authenticate connections.
+* Documented how to broadcast messages to many connections.
+* Improved logging. See the :doc:`logging guide <../topics/logging>`.
+* Optimized default compression settings to reduce memory usage.
+* Optimized processing of client-to-server messages when the C extension isn't
+ available.
+* Supported relative redirects in :func:`~client.connect`.
+* Handled TCP connection drops during the opening handshake.
+* Made it easier to customize authentication with
+ :meth:`~auth.BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol.check_credentials`.
+* Provided additional information in :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed`
+ exceptions.
+* Clarified several exceptions or log messages.
+* Restructured documentation.
+* Improved API documentation.
+* Extended FAQ.
+Bug fixes
+* Avoided a crash when receiving a ping while the connection is closing.
+*May 27, 2021*
+Security fix
+.. admonition:: websockets 9.1 fixes a security issue introduced in 8.0.
+ :class: important
+ Version 8.0 was vulnerable to timing attacks on HTTP Basic Auth passwords
+ (`CVE-2021-33880`_).
+ .. _CVE-2021-33880:
+*May 15, 2021*
+Bug fixes
+* Restored compatibility of ``python -m websockets`` with Python < 3.9.
+* Restored compatibility with mypy.
+*May 2, 2021*
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed issues with the packaging of the 9.0 release.
+*May 1, 2021*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: Several modules are moved or deprecated.
+ :class: caution
+ Aliases provide compatibility for all previously public APIs according to
+ the `backwards-compatibility policy`_
+ * :class:`~datastructures.Headers` and
+ :exc:`~datastructures.MultipleValuesError` are moved from
+ ``websockets.http`` to :mod:`websockets.datastructures`. If you're using
+ them, you should adjust the import path.
+ * The ``client``, ``server``, ``protocol``, and ``auth`` modules were
+ moved from the ``websockets`` package to a ``websockets.legacy``
+ sub-package. Despite the name, they're still fully supported.
+ * The ``framing``, ``handshake``, ``headers``, ``http``, and ``uri``
+ modules in the ``websockets`` package are deprecated. These modules
+ provided low-level APIs for reuse by other projects, but they didn't
+ reach that goal. Keeping these APIs public makes it more difficult to
+ improve websockets.
+ These changes pave the path for a refactoring that should be a transparent
+ upgrade for most uses and facilitate integration by other projects.
+.. admonition:: Convenience imports from ``websockets`` are performed lazily.
+ :class: note
+ While Python supports this, tools relying on static code analysis don't.
+ This breaks auto-completion in an IDE or type checking with mypy_.
+ .. _mypy:
+ If you depend on such tools, use the real import paths, which can be found
+ in the API documentation, for example::
+ from websockets.client import connect
+ from websockets.server import serve
+New features
+* Added compatibility with Python 3.9.
+* Added support for IRIs in addition to URIs.
+* Added close codes 1012, 1013, and 1014.
+* Raised an error when passing a :class:`dict` to
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.send`.
+* Improved error reporting.
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed sending fragmented, compressed messages.
+* Fixed ``Host`` header sent when connecting to an IPv6 address.
+* Fixed creating a client or a server with an existing Unix socket.
+* Aligned maximum cookie size with popular web browsers.
+* Ensured cancellation always propagates, even on Python versions where
+ :exc:`~asyncio.CancelledError` inherits :exc:`Exception`.
+*November 1, 2019*
+New features
+* Added compatibility with Python 3.8.
+*July 31, 2019*
+Bug fixes
+* Restored the ability to pass a socket with the ``sock`` parameter of
+ :func:`~server.serve`.
+* Removed an incorrect assertion when a connection drops.
+*July 21, 2019*
+Bug fixes
+* Restored the ability to import ``WebSocketProtocolError`` from
+ ``websockets``.
+*July 7, 2019*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: websockets 8.0 requires Python ≥ 3.6.
+ :class: tip
+ websockets 7.0 is the last version supporting Python 3.4 and 3.5.
+.. admonition:: ``process_request`` is now expected to be a coroutine.
+ :class: note
+ If you're passing a ``process_request`` argument to
+ :func:`~server.serve` or :class:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol`, or if
+ you're overriding
+ :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.process_request` in a subclass,
+ define it with ``async def`` instead of ``def``. Previously, both were supported.
+ For backwards compatibility, functions are still accepted, but mixing
+ functions and coroutines won't work in some inheritance scenarios.
+.. admonition:: ``max_queue`` must be :obj:`None` to disable the limit.
+ :class: note
+ If you were setting ``max_queue=0`` to make the queue of incoming messages
+ unbounded, change it to ``max_queue=None``.
+.. admonition:: The ``host``, ``port``, and ``secure`` attributes
+ of :class:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` are deprecated.
+ :class: note
+ Use :attr:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.local_address` in
+ servers and
+ :attr:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.remote_address` in clients
+ instead of ``host`` and ``port``.
+.. admonition:: ``WebSocketProtocolError`` is renamed
+ to :exc:`~exceptions.ProtocolError`.
+ :class: note
+ An alias provides backwards compatibility.
+.. admonition:: ``read_response()`` now returns the reason phrase.
+ :class: note
+ If you're using this low-level API, you must change your code.
+New features
+* Added :func:`~auth.basic_auth_protocol_factory` to enforce HTTP
+ Basic Auth on the server side.
+* :func:`~client.connect` handles redirects from the server during the
+ handshake.
+* :func:`~client.connect` supports overriding ``host`` and ``port``.
+* Added :func:`~client.unix_connect` for connecting to Unix sockets.
+* Added support for asynchronous generators
+ in :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.send`
+ to generate fragmented messages incrementally.
+* Enabled readline in the interactive client.
+* Added type hints (:pep:`484`).
+* Added a FAQ to the documentation.
+* Added documentation for extensions.
+* Documented how to optimize memory usage.
+* :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.send`,
+ :meth:``, and
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.pong` support bytes-like
+ types :class:`bytearray` and :class:`memoryview` in addition to
+ :class:`bytes`.
+* Added :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK` and
+ :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` subclasses of
+ :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` to tell apart normal connection
+ termination from errors.
+* Changed :meth:`WebSocketServer.close()
+ <server.WebSocketServer.close>` to perform a proper closing handshake
+ instead of failing the connection.
+* Improved error messages when HTTP parsing fails.
+* Improved API documentation.
+Bug fixes
+* Prevented spurious log messages about :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed`
+ exceptions in keepalive ping task. If you were using ``ping_timeout=None``
+ as a workaround, you can remove it.
+* Avoided a crash when a ``extra_headers`` callable returns :obj:`None`.
+*November 1, 2018*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: Keepalive is enabled by default.
+ :class: important
+ websockets now sends Ping frames at regular intervals and closes the
+ connection if it doesn't receive a matching Pong frame.
+ See :class:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` for details.
+.. admonition:: Termination of connections by :meth:`WebSocketServer.close()
+ <server.WebSocketServer.close>` changes.
+ :class: caution
+ Previously, connections handlers were canceled. Now, connections are
+ closed with close code 1001 (going away).
+ From the perspective of the connection handler, this is the same as if the
+ remote endpoint was disconnecting. This removes the need to prepare for
+ :exc:`~asyncio.CancelledError` in connection handlers.
+ You can restore the previous behavior by adding the following line at the
+ beginning of connection handlers::
+ def handler(websocket, path):
+ closed = asyncio.ensure_future(websocket.wait_closed())
+ closed.add_done_callback(lambda task: task.cancel())
+.. admonition:: Calling :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.recv`
+ concurrently raises a :exc:`RuntimeError`.
+ :class: note
+ Concurrent calls lead to non-deterministic behavior because there are no
+ guarantees about which coroutine will receive which message.
+.. admonition:: The ``timeout`` argument of :func:`~server.serve`
+ and :func:`~client.connect` is renamed to ``close_timeout`` .
+ :class: note
+ This prevents confusion with ``ping_timeout``.
+ For backwards compatibility, ``timeout`` is still supported.
+.. admonition:: The ``origins`` argument of :func:`~server.serve` changes.
+ :class: note
+ Include :obj:`None` in the list rather than ``''`` to allow requests that
+ don't contain an Origin header.
+.. admonition:: Pending pings aren't canceled when the connection is closed.
+ :class: note
+ A ping — as in ``ping = await`` — for which no pong was
+ received yet used to be canceled when the connection is closed, so that
+ ``await ping`` raised :exc:`~asyncio.CancelledError`.
+ Now ``await ping`` raises :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` like other
+ public APIs.
+New features
+* Added ``process_request`` and ``select_subprotocol`` arguments to
+ :func:`~server.serve` and
+ :class:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol` to facilitate customization of
+ :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.process_request` and
+ :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.select_subprotocol`.
+* Added support for sending fragmented messages.
+* Added the :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.wait_closed`
+ method to protocols.
+* Added an interactive client: ``python -m websockets <uri>``.
+* Improved handling of multiple HTTP headers with the same name.
+* Improved error messages when a required HTTP header is missing.
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed a data loss bug in
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.recv`:
+ canceling it at the wrong time could result in messages being dropped.
+*July 16, 2018*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: The :class:`~datastructures.Headers` class is introduced and
+ several APIs are updated to use it.
+ :class: caution
+ * The ``request_headers`` argument
+ of :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.process_request` is now
+ a :class:`~datastructures.Headers` instead of
+ an ``http.client.HTTPMessage``.
+ * The ``request_headers`` and ``response_headers`` attributes of
+ :class:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` are now
+ :class:`~datastructures.Headers` instead of ``http.client.HTTPMessage``.
+ * The ``raw_request_headers`` and ``raw_response_headers`` attributes of
+ :class:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` are removed. Use
+ :meth:`~datastructures.Headers.raw_items` instead.
+ * Functions defined in the ``handshake`` module now receive
+ :class:`~datastructures.Headers` in argument instead of ``get_header``
+ or ``set_header`` functions. This affects libraries that rely on
+ low-level APIs.
+ * Functions defined in the ``http`` module now return HTTP headers as
+ :class:`~datastructures.Headers` instead of lists of ``(name, value)``
+ pairs.
+ Since :class:`~datastructures.Headers` and ``http.client.HTTPMessage``
+ provide similar APIs, much of the code dealing with HTTP headers won't
+ require changes.
+New features
+* Added compatibility with Python 3.7.
+*May 24, 2018*
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed a regression in 5.0 that broke some invocations of
+ :func:`~server.serve` and :func:`~client.connect`.
+*May 22, 2018*
+Security fix
+.. admonition:: websockets 5.0 fixes a security issue introduced in 4.0.
+ :class: important
+ Version 4.0 was vulnerable to denial of service by memory exhaustion
+ because it didn't enforce ``max_size`` when decompressing compressed
+ messages (`CVE-2018-1000518`_).
+ .. _CVE-2018-1000518:
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: A ``user_info`` field is added to the return value of
+ ``parse_uri`` and ``WebSocketURI``.
+ :class: note
+ If you're unpacking ``WebSocketURI`` into four variables, adjust your code
+ to account for that fifth field.
+New features
+* :func:`~client.connect` performs HTTP Basic Auth when the URI contains
+ credentials.
+* :func:`~server.unix_serve` can be used as an asynchronous context
+ manager on Python ≥ 3.5.1.
+* Added the :attr:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.closed` property
+ to protocols.
+* Added new examples in the documentation.
+* Iterating on incoming messages no longer raises an exception when the
+ connection terminates with close code 1001 (going away).
+* A plain HTTP request now receives a 426 Upgrade Required response and
+ doesn't log a stack trace.
+* If a :meth:`` doesn't receive a
+ pong, it's canceled when the connection is closed.
+* Reported the cause of :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` exceptions.
+* Stopped logging stack traces when the TCP connection dies prematurely.
+* Prevented writing to a closing TCP connection during unclean shutdowns.
+* Made connection termination more robust to network congestion.
+* Prevented processing of incoming frames after failing the connection.
+* Updated documentation with new features from Python 3.6.
+* Improved several sections of the documentation.
+Bug fixes
+* Prevented :exc:`TypeError` due to missing close code on connection close.
+* Fixed a race condition in the closing handshake that raised
+ :exc:`~exceptions.InvalidState`.
+*November 2, 2017*
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed issues with the packaging of the 4.0 release.
+*November 2, 2017*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: websockets 4.0 requires Python ≥ 3.4.
+ :class: tip
+ websockets 3.4 is the last version supporting Python 3.3.
+.. admonition:: Compression is enabled by default.
+ :class: important
+ In August 2017, Firefox and Chrome support the permessage-deflate
+ extension, but not Safari and IE.
+ Compression should improve performance but it increases RAM and CPU use.
+ If you want to disable compression, add ``compression=None`` when calling
+ :func:`~server.serve` or :func:`~client.connect`.
+.. admonition:: The ``state_name`` attribute of protocols is deprecated.
+ :class: note
+ Use ```` instead of ``protocol.state_name``.
+New features
+* :class:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` instances can be used as
+ asynchronous iterators on Python ≥ 3.6. They yield incoming messages.
+* Added :func:`~server.unix_serve` for listening on Unix sockets.
+* Added the :attr:`~server.WebSocketServer.sockets` attribute to the
+ return value of :func:`~server.serve`.
+* Allowed ``extra_headers`` to override ``Server`` and ``User-Agent`` headers.
+* Reorganized and extended documentation.
+* Rewrote connection termination to increase robustness in edge cases.
+* Reduced verbosity of "Failing the WebSocket connection" logs.
+Bug fixes
+* Aborted connections if they don't close within the configured ``timeout``.
+* Stopped leaking pending tasks when :meth:`~asyncio.Task.cancel` is called on
+ a connection while it's being closed.
+*August 20, 2017*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: ``InvalidStatus`` is replaced
+ by :class:`~exceptions.InvalidStatusCode`.
+ :class: note
+ This exception is raised when :func:`~client.connect` receives an invalid
+ response status code from the server.
+New features
+* :func:`~server.serve` can be used as an asynchronous context manager
+ on Python ≥ 3.5.1.
+* Added support for customizing handling of incoming connections with
+ :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.process_request`.
+* Made read and write buffer sizes configurable.
+* Renamed :func:`~server.serve` and :func:`~client.connect`'s
+ ``klass`` argument to ``create_protocol`` to reflect that it can also be a
+ callable. For backwards compatibility, ``klass`` is still supported.
+* Rewrote HTTP handling for simplicity and performance.
+* Added an optional C extension to speed up low-level operations.
+Bug fixes
+* Providing a ``sock`` argument to :func:`~client.connect` no longer
+ crashes.
+*March 29, 2017*
+New features
+* Ensured compatibility with Python 3.6.
+* Reduced noise in logs caused by connection resets.
+Bug fixes
+* Avoided crashing on concurrent writes on slow connections.
+*August 17, 2016*
+New features
+* Added ``timeout``, ``max_size``, and ``max_queue`` arguments to
+ :func:`~client.connect` and :func:`~server.serve`.
+* Made server shutdown more robust.
+*April 21, 2016*
+New features
+* Added flow control for incoming data.
+Bug fixes
+* Avoided a warning when closing a connection before the opening handshake.
+*December 25, 2015*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.recv` now
+ raises an exception when the connection is closed.
+ :class: caution
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.recv` used to return
+ :obj:`None` when the connection was closed. This required checking the
+ return value of every call::
+ message = await websocket.recv()
+ if message is None:
+ return
+ Now it raises a :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` exception instead.
+ This is more Pythonic. The previous code can be simplified to::
+ message = await websocket.recv()
+ When implementing a server, there's no strong reason to handle such
+ exceptions. Let them bubble up, terminate the handler coroutine, and the
+ server will simply ignore them.
+ In order to avoid stranding projects built upon an earlier version, the
+ previous behavior can be restored by passing ``legacy_recv=True`` to
+ :func:`~server.serve`, :func:`~client.connect`,
+ :class:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol`, or
+ :class:`~client.WebSocketClientProtocol`.
+New features
+* :func:`~client.connect` can be used as an asynchronous context
+ manager on Python ≥ 3.5.1.
+* :meth:`` and
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.pong` support data passed as
+ :class:`str` in addition to :class:`bytes`.
+* Made ``state_name`` attribute on protocols a public API.
+* Updated documentation with ``await`` and ``async`` syntax from Python 3.5.
+* Worked around an :mod:`asyncio` bug affecting connection termination under
+ load.
+* Improved documentation.
+*November 18, 2015*
+New features
+* Added compatibility with Python 3.5.
+* Refreshed documentation.
+*August 18, 2015*
+New features
+* Added ``local_address`` and ``remote_address`` attributes on protocols.
+* Closed open connections with code 1001 when a server shuts down.
+Bug fixes
+* Avoided TCP fragmentation of small frames.
+*July 28, 2015*
+New features
+* Provided access to handshake request and response HTTP headers.
+* Allowed customizing handshake request and response HTTP headers.
+* Added support for running on a non-default event loop.
+* Improved documentation.
+* Sent a 403 status code instead of 400 when request Origin isn't allowed.
+* Clarified that the closing handshake can be initiated by the client.
+* Set the close code and reason more consistently.
+* Strengthened connection termination.
+Bug fixes
+* Canceling :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.recv` no longer
+ drops the next message.
+*January 31, 2015*
+New features
+* Added support for subprotocols.
+* Added ``loop`` argument to :func:`~client.connect` and
+ :func:`~server.serve`.
+*November 3, 2014*
+* Improved compliance of close codes.
+*July 28, 2014*
+New features
+* Added support for limiting message size.
+*April 26, 2014*
+New features
+* Added ``host``, ``port`` and ``secure`` attributes on protocols.
+* Added support for providing and checking Origin_.
+.. _Origin:
+*February 16, 2014*
+Backwards-incompatible changes
+.. admonition:: :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.send`,
+ :meth:``, and
+ :meth:`~legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol.pong` are now coroutines.
+ :class: caution
+ They used to be functions.
+ Instead of::
+ websocket.send(message)
+ you must write::
+ await websocket.send(message)
+New features
+* Added flow control for outgoing data.
+*November 14, 2013*
+New features
+* Initial public release.
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/contributing.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/contributing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020ed7ad85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/contributing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Thanks for taking the time to contribute to websockets!
+Code of Conduct
+This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the `Code of
+Conduct`_. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please
+report inappropriate behavior to aymeric DOT augustin AT fractalideas DOT com.
+.. _Code of Conduct:
+*(If I'm the person with the inappropriate behavior, please accept my
+apologies. I know I can mess up. I can't expect you to tell me, but if you
+choose to do so, I'll do my best to handle criticism constructively.
+-- Aymeric)*
+Bug reports, patches and suggestions are welcome!
+Please open an issue_ or send a `pull request`_.
+Feedback about the documentation is especially valuable, as the primary author
+feels more confident about writing code than writing docs :-)
+If you're wondering why things are done in a certain way, the :doc:`design
+document <../topics/design>` provides lots of details about the internals of
+.. _issue:
+.. _pull request:
+GitHub issues aren't a good medium for handling questions. There are better
+places to ask questions, for example Stack Overflow.
+If you want to ask a question anyway, please make sure that:
+- it's a question about websockets and not about :mod:`asyncio`;
+- it isn't answered in the documentation;
+- it wasn't asked already.
+A good question can be written as a suggestion to improve the documentation.
+Cryptocurrency users
+websockets appears to be quite popular for interfacing with Bitcoin or other
+cryptocurrency trackers. I'm strongly opposed to Bitcoin's carbon footprint.
+I'm aware of efforts to build proof-of-stake models. I'll care once the total
+energy consumption of all cryptocurrencies drops to a non-bullshit level.
+You already negated all of humanity's efforts to develop renewable energy.
+Please stop heating the planet where my children will have to live.
+Since websockets is released under an open-source license, you can use it for
+any purpose you like. However, I won't spend any of my time to help you.
+I will summarily close issues related to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in any way.
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/index.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..459146345b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+About websockets
+This is about websockets-the-project rather than websockets-the-software.
+.. toctree::
+ :titlesonly:
+ changelog
+ contributing
+ license
+ For enterprise <tidelift>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/license.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/license.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a3b8703d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/license.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.. include:: ../../LICENSE
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/tidelift.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/tidelift.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42100fade9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/project/tidelift.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+websockets for enterprise
+Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription
+.. image:: ../_static/tidelift.png
+ :height: 150px
+ :width: 150px
+ :align: left
+Tidelift is working with the maintainers of websockets and thousands of other
+open source projects to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the
+open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce
+risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact
+dependencies you use.
+.. raw:: html
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .tidelift-links {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ }
+ @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+ .tidelift-links {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+ }
+ .tidelift-links a {
+ border: thin solid #f6914d;
+ border-radius: 0.25em;
+ font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 15px;
+ margin: 0.5em 2em;
+ padding: 0.5em 2em;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ }
+ .tidelift-links a.tidelift-links__learn-more {
+ background-color: white;
+ color: #f6914d;
+ }
+ .tidelift-links a.tidelift-links__request-a-demo {
+ background-color: #f6914d;
+ color: white;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div class="tidelift-links">
+ <a class="tidelift-links__learn-more" href="">Learn more</a>
+ <a class="tidelift-links__request-a-demo" href="">Request a demo</a>
+ </div>
+Enterprise-ready open source software—managed for you
+The Tidelift Subscription is a managed open source subscription for
+application dependencies covering millions of open source projects across
+JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, .NET, and more.
+Your subscription includes:
+* **Security updates**
+ * Tidelift’s security response team coordinates patches for new breaking
+ security vulnerabilities and alerts immediately through a private channel,
+ so your software supply chain is always secure.
+* **Licensing verification and indemnification**
+ * Tidelift verifies license information to enable easy policy enforcement
+ and adds intellectual property indemnification to cover creators and users
+ in case something goes wrong. You always have a 100% up-to-date bill of
+ materials for your dependencies to share with your legal team, customers,
+ or partners.
+* **Maintenance and code improvement**
+ * Tidelift ensures the software you rely on keeps working as long as you
+ need it to work. Your managed dependencies are actively maintained and we
+ recruit additional maintainers where required.
+* **Package selection and version guidance**
+ * We help you choose the best open source packages from the start—and then
+ guide you through updates to stay on the best releases as new issues
+ arise.
+* **Roadmap input**
+ * Take a seat at the table with the creators behind the software you use.
+ Tidelift’s participating maintainers earn more income as their software is
+ used by more subscribers, so they’re interested in knowing what you need.
+* **Tooling and cloud integration**
+ * Tidelift works with GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and more. We support every
+ cloud platform (and other deployment targets, too).
+The end result? All of the capabilities you expect from commercial-grade
+software, for the full breadth of open source you use. That means less time
+grappling with esoteric open source trivia, and more time building your own
+applications—and your business.
+.. raw:: html
+ <div class="tidelift-links">
+ <a class="tidelift-links__learn-more" href="">Learn more</a>
+ <a class="tidelift-links__request-a-demo" href="">Request a demo</a>
+ </div>