path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/topics/authentication.rst
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diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/topics/authentication.rst b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/topics/authentication.rst
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+The WebSocket protocol was designed for creating web applications that need
+bidirectional communication between clients running in browsers and servers.
+In most practical use cases, WebSocket servers need to authenticate clients in
+order to route communications appropriately and securely.
+:rfc:`6455` stays elusive when it comes to authentication:
+ This protocol doesn't prescribe any particular way that servers can
+ authenticate clients during the WebSocket handshake. The WebSocket
+ server can use any client authentication mechanism available to a
+ generic HTTP server, such as cookies, HTTP authentication, or TLS
+ authentication.
+None of these three mechanisms works well in practice. Using cookies is
+cumbersome, HTTP authentication isn't supported by all mainstream browsers,
+and TLS authentication in a browser is an esoteric user experience.
+Fortunately, there are better alternatives! Let's discuss them.
+System design
+Consider a setup where the WebSocket server is separate from the HTTP server.
+Most servers built with websockets to complement a web application adopt this
+design because websockets doesn't aim at supporting HTTP.
+The following diagram illustrates the authentication flow.
+.. image:: authentication.svg
+Assuming the current user is authenticated with the HTTP server (1), the
+application needs to obtain credentials from the HTTP server (2) in order to
+send them to the WebSocket server (3), who can check them against the database
+of user accounts (4).
+Usernames and passwords aren't a good choice of credentials here, if only
+because passwords aren't available in clear text in the database.
+Tokens linked to user accounts are a better choice. These tokens must be
+impossible to forge by an attacker. For additional security, they can be
+short-lived or even single-use.
+Sending credentials
+Assume the web application obtained authentication credentials, likely a
+token, from the HTTP server. There's four options for passing them to the
+WebSocket server.
+1. **Sending credentials as the first message in the WebSocket connection.**
+ This is fully reliable and the most secure mechanism in this discussion. It
+ has two minor downsides:
+ * Authentication is performed at the application layer. Ideally, it would
+ be managed at the protocol layer.
+ * Authentication is performed after the WebSocket handshake, making it
+ impossible to monitor authentication failures with HTTP response codes.
+2. **Adding credentials to the WebSocket URI in a query parameter.**
+ This is also fully reliable but less secure. Indeed, it has a major
+ downside:
+ * URIs end up in logs, which leaks credentials. Even if that risk could be
+ lowered with single-use tokens, it is usually considered unacceptable.
+ Authentication is still performed at the application layer but it can
+ happen before the WebSocket handshake, which improves separation of
+ concerns and enables responding to authentication failures with HTTP 401.
+3. **Setting a cookie on the domain of the WebSocket URI.**
+ Cookies are undoubtedly the most common and hardened mechanism for sending
+ credentials from a web application to a server. In an HTTP application,
+ credentials would be a session identifier or a serialized, signed session.
+ Unfortunately, when the WebSocket server runs on a different domain from
+ the web application, this idea bumps into the `Same-Origin Policy`_. For
+ security reasons, setting a cookie on a different origin is impossible.
+ The proper workaround consists in:
+ * creating a hidden iframe_ served from the domain of the WebSocket server
+ * sending the token to the iframe with postMessage_
+ * setting the cookie in the iframe
+ before opening the WebSocket connection.
+ Sharing a parent domain (e.g. between the HTTP server (e.g.
+ and the WebSocket server (e.g. and setting
+ the cookie on that parent domain would work too.
+ However, the cookie would be shared with all subdomains of the parent
+ domain. For a cookie containing credentials, this is unacceptable.
+.. _Same-Origin Policy:
+.. _iframe:
+.. _postMessage:
+4. **Adding credentials to the WebSocket URI in user information.**
+ Letting the browser perform HTTP Basic Auth is a nice idea in theory.
+ In practice it doesn't work due to poor support in browsers.
+ As of May 2021:
+ * Chrome 90 behaves as expected.
+ * Firefox 88 caches credentials too aggressively.
+ When connecting again to the same server with new credentials, it reuses
+ the old credentials, which may be expired, resulting in an HTTP 401. Then
+ the next connection succeeds. Perhaps errors clear the cache.
+ When tokens are short-lived or single-use, this bug produces an
+ interesting effect: every other WebSocket connection fails.
+ * Safari 14 ignores credentials entirely.
+Two other options are off the table:
+1. **Setting a custom HTTP header**
+ This would be the most elegant mechanism, solving all issues with the options
+ discussed above.
+ Unfortunately, it doesn't work because the `WebSocket API`_ doesn't support
+ `setting custom headers`_.
+.. _WebSocket API:
+.. _setting custom headers:
+2. **Authenticating with a TLS certificate**
+ While this is suggested by the RFC, installing a TLS certificate is too far
+ from the mainstream experience of browser users. This could make sense in
+ high security contexts. I hope developers working on such projects don't
+ take security advice from the documentation of random open source projects.
+Let's experiment!
+The `experiments/authentication`_ directory demonstrates these techniques.
+Run the experiment in an environment where websockets is installed:
+.. _experiments/authentication:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ python experiments/authentication/
+ Running on http://localhost:8000/
+When you browse to the HTTP server at http://localhost:8000/ and you submit a
+username, the server creates a token and returns a testing web page.
+This page opens WebSocket connections to four WebSocket servers running on
+four different origins. It attempts to authenticate with the token in four
+different ways.
+First message
+As soon as the connection is open, the client sends a message containing the
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://.../");
+ websocket.onopen = () => websocket.send(token);
+ // ...
+At the beginning of the connection handler, the server receives this message
+and authenticates the user. If authentication fails, the server closes the
+.. code-block:: python
+ async def first_message_handler(websocket):
+ token = await websocket.recv()
+ user = get_user(token)
+ if user is None:
+ await websocket.close(CloseCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "authentication failed")
+ return
+ ...
+Query parameter
+The client adds the token to the WebSocket URI in a query parameter before
+opening the connection:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ const uri = `ws://.../?token=${token}`;
+ const websocket = new WebSocket(uri);
+ // ...
+The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and authenticates
+the user. If authentication fails, it returns an HTTP 401:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class QueryParamProtocol(websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):
+ async def process_request(self, path, headers):
+ token = get_query_parameter(path, "token")
+ if token is None:
+ return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Missing token\n"
+ user = get_user(token)
+ if user is None:
+ return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Invalid token\n"
+ self.user = user
+ async def query_param_handler(websocket):
+ user = websocket.user
+ ...
+The client sets a cookie containing the token before opening the connection.
+The cookie must be set by an iframe loaded from the same origin as the
+WebSocket server. This requires passing the token to this iframe.
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ // in main window
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(token, "http://...");
+ // in iframe
+ document.cookie = `token=${data}; SameSite=Strict`;
+ // in main window
+ const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://.../");
+ // ...
+This sequence must be synchronized between the main window and the iframe.
+This involves several events. Look at the full implementation for details.
+The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and authenticates
+the user. If authentication fails, it returns an HTTP 401:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class CookieProtocol(websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):
+ async def process_request(self, path, headers):
+ # Serve iframe on non-WebSocket requests
+ ...
+ token = get_cookie(headers.get("Cookie", ""), "token")
+ if token is None:
+ return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Missing token\n"
+ user = get_user(token)
+ if user is None:
+ return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Invalid token\n"
+ self.user = user
+ async def cookie_handler(websocket):
+ user = websocket.user
+ ...
+User information
+The client adds the token to the WebSocket URI in user information before
+opening the connection:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ const uri = `ws://token:${token}@.../`;
+ const websocket = new WebSocket(uri);
+ // ...
+Since HTTP Basic Auth is designed to accept a username and a password rather
+than a token, we send ``token`` as username and the token as password.
+The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and authenticates
+the user. If authentication fails, it returns an HTTP 401:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class UserInfoProtocol(websockets.BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol):
+ async def check_credentials(self, username, password):
+ if username != "token":
+ return False
+ user = get_user(password)
+ if user is None:
+ return False
+ self.user = user
+ return True
+ async def user_info_handler(websocket):
+ user = websocket.user
+ ...
+Machine-to-machine authentication
+When the WebSocket client is a standalone program rather than a script running
+in a browser, there are far fewer constraints. HTTP Authentication is the best
+solution in this scenario.
+To authenticate a websockets client with HTTP Basic Authentication
+(:rfc:`7617`), include the credentials in the URI:
+.. code-block:: python
+ async with websockets.connect(
+ f"wss://{username}:{password}",
+ ) as websocket:
+ ...
+(You must :func:`~urllib.parse.quote` ``username`` and ``password`` if they
+contain unsafe characters.)
+To authenticate a websockets client with HTTP Bearer Authentication
+(:rfc:`6750`), add a suitable ``Authorization`` header:
+.. code-block:: python
+ async with websockets.connect(
+ "wss://",
+ extra_headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
+ ) as websocket:
+ ...