path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/websockets/docs/topics/broadcast.rst
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+Broadcasting messages
+.. currentmodule:: websockets
+.. admonition:: If you just want to send a message to all connected clients,
+ use :func:`broadcast`.
+ :class: tip
+ If you want to learn about its design in depth, continue reading this
+ document.
+WebSocket servers often send the same message to all connected clients or to a
+subset of clients for which the message is relevant.
+Let's explore options for broadcasting a message, explain the design
+of :func:`broadcast`, and discuss alternatives.
+For each option, we'll provide a connection handler called ``handler()`` and a
+function or coroutine called ``broadcast()`` that sends a message to all
+connected clients.
+Integrating them is left as an exercise for the reader. You could start with::
+ import asyncio
+ import websockets
+ async def handler(websocket):
+ ...
+ async def broadcast(message):
+ ...
+ async def broadcast_messages():
+ while True:
+ await asyncio.sleep(1)
+ message = ... # your application logic goes here
+ await broadcast(message)
+ async def main():
+ async with websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8765):
+ await broadcast_messages() # runs forever
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+``broadcast_messages()`` must yield control to the event loop between each
+message, or else it will never let the server run. That's why it includes
+``await asyncio.sleep(1)``.
+A complete example is available in the `experiments/broadcast`_ directory.
+.. _experiments/broadcast:
+The naive way
+The most obvious way to send a message to all connected clients consists in
+keeping track of them and sending the message to each of them.
+Here's a connection handler that registers clients in a global variable::
+ CLIENTS = set()
+ async def handler(websocket):
+ CLIENTS.add(websocket)
+ try:
+ await websocket.wait_closed()
+ finally:
+ CLIENTS.remove(websocket)
+This implementation assumes that the client will never send any messages. If
+you'd rather not make this assumption, you can change::
+ await websocket.wait_closed()
+ async for _ in websocket:
+ pass
+Here's a coroutine that broadcasts a message to all clients::
+ async def broadcast(message):
+ for websocket in CLIENTS.copy():
+ try:
+ await websocket.send(message)
+ except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
+ pass
+There are two tricks in this version of ``broadcast()``.
+First, it makes a copy of ``CLIENTS`` before iterating it. Else, if a client
+connects or disconnects while ``broadcast()`` is running, the loop would fail
+ RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration
+Second, it ignores :exc:`~exceptions.ConnectionClosed` exceptions because a
+client could disconnect between the moment ``broadcast()`` makes a copy of
+``CLIENTS`` and the moment it sends a message to this client. This is fine: a
+client that disconnected doesn't belongs to "all connected clients" anymore.
+The naive way can be very fast. Indeed, if all connections have enough free
+space in their write buffers, ``await websocket.send(message)`` writes the
+message and returns immediately, as it doesn't need to wait for the buffer to
+drain. In this case, ``broadcast()`` doesn't yield control to the event loop,
+which minimizes overhead.
+The naive way can also fail badly. If the write buffer of a connection reaches
+``write_limit``, ``broadcast()`` waits for the buffer to drain before sending
+the message to other clients. This can cause a massive drop in performance.
+As a consequence, this pattern works only when write buffers never fill up,
+which is usually outside of the control of the server.
+If you know for sure that you will never write more than ``write_limit`` bytes
+within ``ping_interval + ping_timeout``, then websockets will terminate slow
+connections before the write buffer has time to fill up.
+Don't set extreme ``write_limit``, ``ping_interval``, and ``ping_timeout``
+values to ensure that this condition holds. Set reasonable values and use the
+built-in :func:`broadcast` function instead.
+The concurrent way
+The naive way didn't work well because it serialized writes, while the whole
+point of asynchronous I/O is to perform I/O concurrently.
+Let's modify ``broadcast()`` to send messages concurrently::
+ async def send(websocket, message):
+ try:
+ await websocket.send(message)
+ except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
+ pass
+ def broadcast(message):
+ for websocket in CLIENTS:
+ asyncio.create_task(send(websocket, message))
+We move the error handling logic in a new coroutine and we schedule
+a :class:`~asyncio.Task` to run it instead of executing it immediately.
+Since ``broadcast()`` no longer awaits coroutines, we can make it a function
+rather than a coroutine and do away with the copy of ``CLIENTS``.
+This version of ``broadcast()`` makes clients independent from one another: a
+slow client won't block others. As a side effect, it makes messages
+independent from one another.
+If you broadcast several messages, there is no strong guarantee that they will
+be sent in the expected order. Fortunately, the event loop runs tasks in the
+order in which they are created, so the order is correct in practice.
+Technically, this is an implementation detail of the event loop. However, it
+seems unlikely for an event loop to run tasks in an order other than FIFO.
+If you wanted to enforce the order without relying this implementation detail,
+you could be tempted to wait until all clients have received the message::
+ async def broadcast(message):
+ if CLIENTS: # asyncio.wait doesn't accept an empty list
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ asyncio.create_task(send(websocket, message))
+ for websocket in CLIENTS
+ ])
+However, this doesn't really work in practice. Quite often, it will block
+until the slowest client times out.
+Backpressure meets broadcast
+At this point, it becomes apparent that backpressure, usually a good practice,
+doesn't work well when broadcasting a message to thousands of clients.
+When you're sending messages to a single client, you don't want to send them
+faster than the network can transfer them and the client accept them. This is
+why :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.send` checks if the write buffer
+is full and, if it is, waits until it drain, giving the network and the
+client time to catch up. This provides backpressure.
+Without backpressure, you could pile up data in the write buffer until the
+server process runs out of memory and the operating system kills it.
+The :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.send` API is designed to enforce
+backpressure by default. This helps users of websockets write robust programs
+even if they never heard about backpressure.
+For comparison, :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` requires users to understand
+backpressure and to await :meth:`~asyncio.StreamWriter.drain` explicitly
+after each :meth:`~asyncio.StreamWriter.write`.
+When broadcasting messages, backpressure consists in slowing down all clients
+in an attempt to let the slowest client catch up. With thousands of clients,
+the slowest one is probably timing out and isn't going to receive the message
+anyway. So it doesn't make sense to synchronize with the slowest client.
+How do we avoid running out of memory when slow clients can't keep up with the
+broadcast rate, then? The most straightforward option is to disconnect them.
+If a client gets too far behind, eventually it reaches the limit defined by
+``ping_timeout`` and websockets terminates the connection. You can read the
+discussion of :doc:`keepalive and timeouts <./timeouts>` for details.
+How :func:`broadcast` works
+The built-in :func:`broadcast` function is similar to the naive way. The main
+difference is that it doesn't apply backpressure.
+This provides the best performance by avoiding the overhead of scheduling and
+running one task per client.
+Also, when sending text messages, encoding to UTF-8 happens only once rather
+than once per client, providing a small performance gain.
+Per-client queues
+At this point, we deal with slow clients rather brutally: we disconnect then.
+Can we do better? For example, we could decide to skip or to batch messages,
+depending on how far behind a client is.
+To implement this logic, we can create a queue of messages for each client and
+run a task that gets messages from the queue and sends them to the client::
+ import asyncio
+ CLIENTS = set()
+ async def relay(queue, websocket):
+ while True:
+ # Implement custom logic based on queue.qsize() and
+ # websocket.transport.get_write_buffer_size() here.
+ message = await queue.get()
+ await websocket.send(message)
+ async def handler(websocket):
+ queue = asyncio.Queue()
+ relay_task = asyncio.create_task(relay(queue, websocket))
+ CLIENTS.add(queue)
+ try:
+ await websocket.wait_closed()
+ finally:
+ CLIENTS.remove(queue)
+ relay_task.cancel()
+Then we can broadcast a message by pushing it to all queues::
+ def broadcast(message):
+ for queue in CLIENTS:
+ queue.put_nowait(message)
+The queues provide an additional buffer between the ``broadcast()`` function
+and clients. This makes it easier to support slow clients without excessive
+memory usage because queued messages aren't duplicated to write buffers
+until ``relay()`` processes them.
+Can we avoid centralizing the list of connected clients in a global variable?
+If each client subscribes to a stream a messages, then broadcasting becomes as
+simple as publishing a message to the stream.
+Here's a message stream that supports multiple consumers::
+ class PubSub:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.waiter = asyncio.Future()
+ def publish(self, value):
+ waiter, self.waiter = self.waiter, asyncio.Future()
+ waiter.set_result((value, self.waiter))
+ async def subscribe(self):
+ waiter = self.waiter
+ while True:
+ value, waiter = await waiter
+ yield value
+ __aiter__ = subscribe
+ PUBSUB = PubSub()
+The stream is implemented as a linked list of futures. It isn't necessary to
+synchronize consumers. They can read the stream at their own pace,
+independently from one another. Once all consumers read a message, there are
+no references left, therefore the garbage collector deletes it.
+The connection handler subscribes to the stream and sends messages::
+ async def handler(websocket):
+ async for message in PUBSUB:
+ await websocket.send(message)
+The broadcast function publishes to the stream::
+ def broadcast(message):
+ PUBSUB.publish(message)
+Like per-client queues, this version supports slow clients with limited memory
+usage. Unlike per-client queues, it makes it difficult to tell how far behind
+a client is. The ``PubSub`` class could be extended or refactored to provide
+this information.
+The ``for`` loop is gone from this version of the ``broadcast()`` function.
+However, there's still a ``for`` loop iterating on all clients hidden deep
+inside :mod:`asyncio`. When ``publish()`` sets the result of the ``waiter``
+future, :mod:`asyncio` loops on callbacks registered with this future and
+schedules them. This is how connection handlers receive the next value from
+the asynchronous iterator returned by ``subscribe()``.
+Performance considerations
+The built-in :func:`broadcast` function sends all messages without yielding
+control to the event loop. So does the naive way when the network and clients
+are fast and reliable.
+For each client, a WebSocket frame is prepared and sent to the network. This
+is the minimum amount of work required to broadcast a message.
+It would be tempting to prepare a frame and reuse it for all connections.
+However, this isn't possible in general for two reasons:
+* Clients can negotiate different extensions. You would have to enforce the
+ same extensions with the same parameters. For example, you would have to
+ select some compression settings and reject clients that cannot support
+ these settings.
+* Extensions can be stateful, producing different encodings of the same
+ message depending on previous messages. For example, you would have to
+ disable context takeover to make compression stateless, resulting in poor
+ compression rates.
+All other patterns discussed above yield control to the event loop once per
+client because messages are sent by different tasks. This makes them slower
+than the built-in :func:`broadcast` function.
+There is no major difference between the performance of per-client queues and