path: root/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent
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34 files changed, 2786 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0df623b7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Google Chrome Content Analysis Connector Agent SDK
+This directory holds the Google Chrome Content Analysis Connector Agent SDK.
+An Agent is an OS process running on the same computer as Google Chrome
+that listens for and processes content analysis requests from the browser.
+Supported OSes are Windows, Mac, and Linux.
+## Google Protocol Buffers
+This SDK depends on Google Protocol Buffers version 3.18 or later. It may be
+installed from Google's [download page](
+for your developement platform. It may also be installed using a package
+The included demo uses the Microsoft [vcpkg](
+package manager to install protobuf. vcpkg is available on all supported
+platforms. See the demo for more details.
+## Adding the SDK into an agent
+Add the SDK to a content analysis agent as follows:
+1. Clone the SDK from [Github](
+This document assumes that the SDK is downloaded and extracted into the
+directory $SDK_DIR.
+2. Add the directory $SDK_DIR/include to the include path of the agent
+code base.
+3. Add all the source files in the directory $SDK_DIR/src to the agent build.
+Note that files ending in or _win.h are meant only for Windows, files
+ending in or _posix.h are meant only for Linux, and files ending in or _mac.h are meant only for Mac.
+4. Reference the SDK in agent code using:
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/local_analysis.h"
+``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f7617120a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis.pb.h"
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h"
+// This is the main include file for code using Content Analysis Connector
+// Agent SDK. No other include is needed.
+// An agent begins by creating an instance of Agent using the factory
+// function Agent::Create(). This instance should live as long as the agent
+// intends to receive content analysis requests from Google Chrome.
+// Agent::Create() must be passed an object that implements the
+// AgentEventHandler interface. Methods on this interface will be called
+// at the approriate time to handle specific events. The events are:
+// - A Google Chrome browser has started or stopped. This events contains
+// information about the browser such as process id and executable path.
+// - A request to analyze content. The agent reads and analyses the
+// request in to determine a verdict: allow or block. When the verdict is
+// known the response is sent back to Google Chrome.
+// - An acknowledgement that Google Chrome has properly received the agent's
+// verdict.
+// The agent is not required to serialize event handling. That is, content
+// analysis events can be analyze in the background and the response does
+// not need to be sent before OnAnalysisRequested() returns.
+// Google Chrome thottles the number of requests sent to the agent to 5
+// current requests at a time but this is subject to change.
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Represents information about one instance of a Google Chrome browser
+// process that is connected to the agent.
+struct BrowserInfo {
+ unsigned long pid = 0; // Process ID of Google Chrome browser process.
+ std::string binary_path; // The full path to the process's main binary.
+// Represents one content analysis request as generated by a given user action
+// in Google Chrome.
+// The agent should retrieve information about the content analysis request
+// using the GetRequest() method. The agent should analyze the request and
+// update the response, returned by GetResponse(), with a verdict (allow or
+// block). Once the verdict is set the response can be sent back to Google
+// Chrome by calling Send().
+// The default verdict is to allow the requested user action. If the final
+// verdict is to allow then the agent does not need to update the response and
+// can simply call Send().
+// If the final verdict should be to block, the agent should first update the
+// response by calling SetEventVerdictToBlock() before calling Send().
+// This class is not thread safe. However, it may be passed to another thread
+// as long as the agent properly serializses access to the event.
+// See the demo directory for an example of how to use this class.
+class ContentAnalysisEvent {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ContentAnalysisEvent() = default;
+ // Prepares the event for graceful shutdown. Upon return calls to all
+ // other methods of this class will fail.
+ virtual ResultCode Close() = 0;
+ // Retrives information about the browser that generated this content
+ // analysis event.
+ virtual const BrowserInfo& GetBrowserInfo() const = 0;
+ // Retrieves a read-only reference to the content analysis request received
+ // from Google Chrome.
+ virtual const ContentAnalysisRequest& GetRequest() const = 0;
+ // Retrieves a writable reference to the content analysis response that will
+ // be sent to Google Chrome as the verdict for the request of this event.
+ // The agent may modify this response in place before calling Send().
+ virtual ContentAnalysisResponse& GetResponse() = 0;
+ // Send the verdict to Google Chrome. Once this method is called further
+ // changes to the response are ignored.
+ virtual ResultCode Send() = 0;
+ // Returns a string containing internal state of the object that is useful
+ // for debugging.
+ virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ ContentAnalysisEvent() = default;
+ ContentAnalysisEvent(const ContentAnalysisEvent& rhs) = delete;
+ ContentAnalysisEvent(ContentAnalysisEvent&& rhs) = delete;
+ ContentAnalysisEvent& operator=(const ContentAnalysisEvent& rhs) = delete;
+ ContentAnalysisEvent& operator=(ContentAnalysisEvent&& rhs) = delete;
+// Agents should implement this interface in order to handle events as needed.
+// OnBrowserConnected() and OnBrowserDisonnected() notify the agent when
+// instances of Google Chome start and stop. The agent may perform any one-time
+// actions as required for these events. The default action is to do nothing
+// for both events. If the agent does not need perform any special actions
+// these methods do not need to be overridden.
+// OnAnalysisRequested() notifies the agent of a new content analysis request
+// from Google Chrome. The agent should perform the analysis and respond to
+// the event. It is not required for the agent complete the analysis and
+// respond to before this callback returns. The agent may pass the
+// ContentAnalysisEvent to a background task and respond when ready. This
+// callback has no default action and agents must override it.
+// OnResponseAcknowledged() notifies the agent that Google Chrome has received
+// the content analysis response and how it has handled it.
+class AgentEventHandler {
+ public:
+ AgentEventHandler() = default;
+ virtual ~AgentEventHandler() = default;
+ // Called when a new Google Chrome browser instance connects to the agent.
+ // This is always called before the first OnAnalysisRequested() from that
+ // browser.
+ virtual void OnBrowserConnected(const BrowserInfo& info) {}
+ // Called when a Google Chrome browser instance disconnects from the agent.
+ // The agent will no longer receive new content analysis requests from this
+ // browser.
+ virtual void OnBrowserDisconnected(const BrowserInfo& info) {}
+ // Called when a Google Chrome browser requests a content analysis.
+ virtual void OnAnalysisRequested(
+ std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) = 0;
+ // Called when a Google Chrome browser acknowledges the content analysis
+ // response from the agent. The default action is to do nothing.
+ // If the agent does not need perform any special actions this methods does
+ // not need to be overridden.
+ virtual void OnResponseAcknowledged(
+ const ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement& ack) {}
+ // Called when a Google Chrome browser asks the agent to cancels one or
+ // more content analysis requests. This happens when the user presses the
+ // Cancel button in the in-progress dialog. This is expected to be a best
+ // effort only; agents may choose to ignore this message or possibly only
+ // cancel a subset of requests with the given user action id.
+ //
+ // The default action is to do nothing. If the agent does not need perform
+ // any special actions this methods does not need to be overridden.
+ virtual void OnCancelRequests(
+ const ContentAnalysisCancelRequests& cancel) {}
+ // Called whenever the Agent implementation detects an error. `context`
+ // is a string that provide a hint to the handler as to where the error
+ // happened in the agent. `error` represent the actual error detected.
+ virtual void OnInternalError(const char* context, ResultCode error) {}
+// Represents an agent that can perform content analysis for the Google Chrome
+// browser. This class holds the server endpoint that Google Chrome connects
+// to when content analysis is required.
+// Agent instances should outlive all ContentAnalysisEvent instances created
+// with it. Agent instances are not thread safe except for Stop() which can be
+// called from any thread to shutdown the agent. Outstanding
+// ContentAnalysisEvents created from this agent may or may not still complete.
+// See the demo directory for an example of how to use this class.
+class Agent {
+ public:
+ // Configuration options where creating an agent. `name` is used to create
+ // a channel between the agent and Google Chrome.
+ struct Config {
+ // Used to create a channel between the agent and Google Chrome. Both must
+ // use the same name to properly rendezvous with each other. The channel
+ // is platform specific.
+ std::string name;
+ // Set to true if there is a different agent instance per OS user. Defaults
+ // to false.
+ bool user_specific = false;
+ };
+ // Creates a new agent instance. If successful, an agent is returned.
+ // Otherwise a nullptr is returned and `rc` contains the reason for the
+ // failure.
+ static std::unique_ptr<Agent> Create(
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc);
+ virtual ~Agent() = default;
+ // Returns the configuration parameters used to create the agent.
+ virtual const Config& GetConfig() const = 0;
+ // Handles events triggered on this agent and calls the coresponding
+ // callbacks in the AgentEventHandler. This method is blocking and returns
+ // when Stop() is called or if an error occurs.
+ virtual ResultCode HandleEvents() = 0;
+ // Prepares the agent for graceful shutdown. Any function blocked on
+ // HandleEvents() will return. It is safe to call this method from any
+ // thread.
+ virtual ResultCode Stop() = 0;
+ // Returns a string containing internal state of the object that is useful
+ // for debugging.
+ virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ Agent() = default;
+ Agent(const Agent& rhs) = delete;
+ Agent(Agent&& rhs) = delete;
+ Agent& operator=(const Agent& rhs) = delete;
+ Agent& operator=(Agent&& rhs) = delete;
+// Update the tag or status of `response`. This function assumes that the
+// response contains only one Result. If one already exists it is updated
+// otherwise a new Result is created.
+// The response contained within ContentAnalysisEvent has already been updated.
+// This function is useful only when create a new instance of
+// ContentAnalysisResponse.
+// If `tag` is not empty it will replace the result's tag.
+// If `status` is not STATUS_UNKNOWN it will will replace the result's status.
+ResultCode UpdateResponse(ContentAnalysisResponse& response,
+ const std::string& tag,
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::Status status);
+// Sets the response verdict of an event to `action`. This is a convenience
+// function that is equivalent to the following:
+// auto result = event->GetResponse().mutable_results(0);
+// auto rule = result->mutable_triggered_rules(0);
+// rule->set_action(action);
+// This function assumes the event's response has already been initialized
+// using UpdateResponse().
+ResultCode SetEventVerdictTo(
+ ContentAnalysisEvent* event,
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::Action action);
+// Sets the reponse verdict of an event to "block". This is a convenience
+// function that is equivalent to the following:
+// SetEventVerdictTo(event,
+// ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::BLOCK);
+ResultCode SetEventVerdictToBlock(ContentAnalysisEvent* event);
+// Helper class to handle the lifetime and access of print data.
+class ScopedPrintHandle {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ScopedPrintHandle() = default;
+ virtual const char* data() = 0;
+ virtual size_t size() = 0;
+ protected:
+ ScopedPrintHandle() = default;
+ ScopedPrintHandle(const ScopedPrintHandle&) = delete;
+ ScopedPrintHandle& operator=(const ScopedPrintHandle&) = delete;
+ ScopedPrintHandle(ScopedPrintHandle&&) = default;
+ ScopedPrintHandle& operator=(ScopedPrintHandle&&) = default;
+// Returns a `ScopedPrintHandle` initialized from the request's print data
+// if it exists.
+CreateScopedPrintHandle(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request,
+ int64_t browser_pid);
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2a858c069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Result codes of methods and functions.
+enum class ResultCode {
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/"
+// Returns true if the error is recoverable. A recoverable errors means the
+// agent may still receive new requests from Google Chrome. An unrecoverable
+// error means the agent is unlikely to get more request from Google Chrome.
+inline bool IsRecoverableError(ResultCode rc) {
+ return rc < ResultCode::ERR_FIRST_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
+// Returns a human readable error for the given result code.
+const char* ResultCodeToString(ResultCode rc);
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/
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index 0000000000..05155ecb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/include/content_analysis/sdk/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// This file is #included from C++ headers and source code to generate code
+// specific to each ResultCode. The including code is expected to #define
+// macros for RC_RECOVERABLE and RC_UNRECOVERABLE before #including this file
+// and then #undef then after use.
+RC_RECOVERABLE(OK, "Operation completed successfully.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_MISSING_RESULT, "Response is missing a result message.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_RESPONSE_ALREADY_SENT, "A resonse has already been sent for this request.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_MISSING_REQUEST_TOKEN, "The request is missing a request token.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_AGENT_NOT_INITIALIZED, "The agent is not proplerly initialized to handle events.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_FROM_BROWSER, "The browser sent an incorrectly formatted message.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_IO_PENDING, "IO incomplete, the operation is still pending.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_MORE_DATA, "There is more data to read before the entire message has been received.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_CANNOT_GET_BROWSER_PID, "Cannot get process Id of browser.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_CANNOT_GET_BROWSER_BINARY_PATH, "Cannot get the full path to the brower's main binary file.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_BROKEN_PIPE, "Browser process has disconnected.")
+RC_RECOVERABLE(ERR_UNEXPECTED, "An internal error has occured.")
+// All unrecoverable errors should be declared below ERR_FIRST_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR.
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_FIRST_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Marker for the first unrecoverable error.")
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_AGENT_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Another process is already running as an agent on this computer.")
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_AGENT_EVENT_HANDLER_NOT_SPECIFIED, "An agent handler was not specified when creating an agent.")
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_AGENT_STOP_EVENT, "Could not create event to signal the agent to stop.")
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME, "Invalid channel name specified in Agent::Config.")
+RC_UNRECOVERABLE(ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_CHANNEL_IO_EVENT, "Could not create event to perform async IO with a client.")
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c584dac5b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <utility>
+#include "agent_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+AgentBase::AgentBase(Config config, std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler)
+ : config_(std::move(config)), handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
+const Agent::Config& AgentBase::GetConfig() const {
+ return config_;
+ResultCode AgentBase::Stop() {
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode AgentBase::NotifyError(const char* context, ResultCode error) {
+ if (handler_) {
+ handler_->OnInternalError(context, error);
+ }
+ return error;
+#define RC_RECOVERABLE(RC, MSG) case ResultCode::RC: return MSG;
+#define RC_UNRECOVERABLE(RC, MSG) case ResultCode::RC: return MSG;
+const char* ResultCodeToString(ResultCode rc) {
+ switch (rc) {
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/"
+ }
+ return "Unknown error code.";
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_base.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ce7df29ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Base Agent class with code common to all platforms.
+class AgentBase : public Agent {
+ public:
+ // Agent:
+ const Config& GetConfig() const override;
+ ResultCode Stop() override;
+ protected:
+ AgentBase(Config config, std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler);
+ AgentEventHandler* handler() const { return handler_.get(); }
+ const Config& configuration() const { return config_; }
+ // Notifies the handler of the given error. Returns the error
+ // passed into the method.
+ ResultCode NotifyError(const char* context, ResultCode error);
+ private:
+ Config config_;
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler_;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
+#endif // CONTENT_ANALYSIS_AGENT_SRC_AGENT_BASE_H_ \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..5bbac5fe49
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+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "agent_mac.h"
+#include "event_mac.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// static
+std::unique_ptr<Agent> Agent::Create(
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ return std::make_unique<AgentMac>(std::move(config), std::move(handler));
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler)
+ : AgentBase(std::move(config), std::move(handler)) {}
+ResultCode AgentMac::HandleEvents() {
+ return ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+std::string AgentMac::DebugString() const {
+ return std::string();
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_mac.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_mac.h
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index 0000000000..6fd3d49f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_mac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "agent_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Agent implementaton for macOS.
+class AgentMac : public AgentBase {
+ public:
+ AgentMac(Config config, std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler);
+ ResultCode HandleEvents() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ // TODO(rogerta): Fill in implementation.
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c206261213
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+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <utility>
+#include "agent_posix.h"
+#include "event_posix.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// static
+std::unique_ptr<Agent> Agent::Create(
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ return std::make_unique<AgentPosix>(std::move(config), std::move(handler));
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler)
+ : AgentBase(std::move(config), std::move(handler)) {}
+ResultCode AgentPosix::HandleEvents() {
+ return ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+std::string AgentPosix::DebugString() const {
+ return std::string();
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_posix.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_posix.h
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index 0000000000..cd9e67ad25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_posix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "agent_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Agent implementaton for linux.
+class AgentPosix : public AgentBase {
+ public:
+ AgentPosix(Config config, std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler);
+ ResultCode HandleEvents() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ // TODO(rogerta): Fill in implementation.
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
+#endif // CONTENT_ANALYSIS_SRC_AGENT_POSIX_H_ \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..5a5f411d84
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+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+#define ERR_TO_RC(ERR, RC) case ERR: return ResultCode::RC;
+ResultCode ErrorToResultCode(DWORD err) {
+ switch (err) {
+ default:
+ return ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_utils_win.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_utils_win.h
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+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_utils_win.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Maps a Windows error status code (ERROR_xxx codes) to an SDK result code.
+ResultCode ErrorToResultCode(DWORD err);
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
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index 0000000000..5d0b2c62b5
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@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sddl.h>
+#include "common/utils_win.h"
+#include "agent_utils_win.h"
+#include "agent_win.h"
+#include "event_win.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// The minimum number of pipe in listening mode. This is greater than one to
+// handle the case of multiple instance of Google Chrome browser starting
+// at the same time.
+const DWORD kMinNumListeningPipeInstances = 2;
+// The minimum number of handles to wait on. This is the minimum number
+// of pipes in listening mode plus the stop event.
+const DWORD kMinNumWaitHandles = kMinNumListeningPipeInstances + 1;
+// static
+std::unique_ptr<Agent> Agent::Create(
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc) {
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(std::move(config), std::move(handler), rc);
+ return *rc == ResultCode::OK ? std::move(agent) : nullptr;
+AgentWin::Connection::Connection(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ AgentEventHandler* handler,
+ bool is_first_pipe,
+ ResultCode* rc)
+ : handler_(handler) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ memset(&overlapped_, 0, sizeof(overlapped_));
+ // Create a manual reset event as specified for overlapped IO.
+ // Use default security attriutes and no name since this event is not
+ // shared with other processes.
+ overlapped_.hEvent = CreateEvent(/*securityAttr=*/nullptr,
+ /*manualReset=*/TRUE,
+ /*initialState=*/FALSE,
+ /*name=*/nullptr);
+ if (!overlapped_.hEvent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ *rc = ResetInternal(pipename, user_specific, is_first_pipe);
+AgentWin::Connection::~Connection() {
+ Cleanup();
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ CloseHandle(handle_);
+ }
+ // Invalid event handles are represented as null.
+ if (overlapped_.hEvent) {
+ CloseHandle(overlapped_.hEvent);
+ }
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::Reset(
+ const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific) {
+ return NotifyIfError("ConnectionReset",
+ ResetInternal(pipename, user_specific, false));
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::HandleEvent(HANDLE handle) {
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ DWORD count;
+ BOOL success = GetOverlappedResult(handle, &overlapped_, &count,
+ /*wait=*/FALSE);
+ if (!is_connected_) {
+ // This connection is currently listing for a new connection from a Google
+ // Chrome browser. If the result is a success, this means the browser has
+ // connected as expected. Otherwise an error occured so report it to the
+ // caller.
+ if (success) {
+ // A Google Chrome browser connected to the agent. Reset this
+ // connection object to handle communication with the browser and then
+ // tell the handler about it.
+ is_connected_ = true;
+ buffer_.resize(internal::kBufferSize);
+ rc = BuildBrowserInfo();
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ handler_->OnBrowserConnected(browser_info_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ NotifyIfError("GetOverlappedResult", rc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Some data has arrived from Google Chrome. This data is (part of) an
+ // instance of the proto message `ChromeToAgent`.
+ //
+ // If the message is small it is received in by one call to ReadFile().
+ // If the message is larger it is received in by multiple calls to
+ // ReadFile().
+ //
+ // `success` is true if the data just read is the last bytes for a message.
+ // Otherwise it is false.
+ rc = OnReadFile(success, count);
+ }
+ // If all data has been read, queue another read.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK || rc == ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ rc = QueueReadFile(rc == ResultCode::OK);
+ }
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK && rc != ResultCode::ERR_IO_PENDING &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ Cleanup();
+ } else {
+ // Don't propagate all the "success" error codes to the called to keep
+ // this simpler.
+ rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ }
+ return rc;
+void AgentWin::Connection::AppendDebugString(std::stringstream& state) const {
+ state << "{handle=" << handle_;
+ state << " connected=" << is_connected_;
+ state << " pid=" <<;
+ state << " rsize=" << read_size_;
+ state << " fsize=" << final_size_;
+ state << "}";
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::ConnectPipe() {
+ // In overlapped mode, connecting to a named pipe always returns false.
+ if (ConnectNamedPipe(handle_, &overlapped_)) {
+ return ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // Waiting for a Google Chrome Browser to connect.
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ } else if (err == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) {
+ // A Google Chrome browser is already connected. Make sure event is in
+ // signaled state in order to process the connection.
+ if (SetEvent(overlapped_.hEvent)) {
+ } else {
+ err = GetLastError();
+ }
+ }
+ return ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::ResetInternal(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ bool is_first_pipe) {
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ // If this is the not the first time, disconnect from any existing Google
+ // Chrome browser. Otherwise creater a new pipe.
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(handle_)) {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(
+ internal::CreatePipe(pipename, user_specific, is_first_pipe, &handle_));
+ }
+ // Make sure event starts in reset state.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK && !ResetEvent(overlapped_.hEvent)) {
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ rc = ConnectPipe();
+ }
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ Cleanup();
+ }
+ return rc;
+void AgentWin::Connection::Cleanup() {
+ if (is_connected_ && handler_) {
+ handler_->OnBrowserDisconnected(browser_info_);
+ }
+ is_connected_ = false;
+ browser_info_ = BrowserInfo();
+ buffer_.clear();
+ cursor_ = nullptr;
+ read_size_ = 0;
+ final_size_ = 0;
+ if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ // Cancel all outstanding IO requests on this pipe by using a null for
+ // overlapped.
+ CancelIoEx(handle_, /*overlapped=*/nullptr);
+ }
+ // This function does not close `handle_` or the event in `overlapped` so
+ // that the server can resuse the pipe with an new Google Chrome browser
+ // instance.
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::QueueReadFile(bool reset_cursor) {
+ if (reset_cursor) {
+ cursor_ =;
+ read_size_ = buffer_.size();
+ final_size_ = 0;
+ }
+ // When this function is called there are the following possiblities:
+ //
+ // 1/ Data is already available and the buffer is filled in. ReadFile()
+ // return TRUE and the event is set.
+ // 2/ Data is not avaiable yet. ReadFile() returns FALSE and the last error
+ // is ERROR_IO_PENDING(997) and the event is reset.
+ // 3/ Some error occurred, like for example Google Chrome stops. ReadFile()
+ // returns FALSE and the last error is something other than
+ // ERROR_IO_PENDING, for example ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE(109). The event
+ // state is unchanged.
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ DWORD count;
+ if (!ReadFile(handle_, cursor_, read_size_, &count, &overlapped_)) {
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ rc = ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ // IO pending is not an error so don't notify.
+ //
+ // Ignore broken pipes for notifications since that happens when the Google
+ // Chrome browser shuts down. The agent will be notified of a browser
+ // disconnect in that case.
+ //
+ // More data means that `buffer_` was too small to read the entire message
+ // from the browser. The buffer has already been resized. Another call to
+ // ReadFile() is needed to get the remainder.
+ if (rc != ResultCode::ERR_IO_PENDING &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_BROKEN_PIPE &&
+ rc != ResultCode::ERR_MORE_DATA) {
+ NotifyIfError("QueueReadFile", rc, err);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::OnReadFile(BOOL done_reading, DWORD count) {
+ final_size_ += count;
+ // If `done_reading` is TRUE, this means the full message has been read.
+ // Call the appropriate handler method.
+ if (done_reading) {
+ return CallHandler();
+ }
+ // Otherwise there are two possibilities:
+ //
+ // 1/ The last error is ERROR_MORE_DATA(234). This means there are more
+ // bytes to read before the request message is complete. Resize the
+ // buffer and adjust the cursor. The caller will queue up another read
+ // and wait. don't notify the handler since this is not an error.
+ // 2/ Some error occured. In this case notify the handler and return the
+ // error.
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
+ read_size_ = internal::kBufferSize;
+ buffer_.resize(buffer_.size() + read_size_);
+ cursor_ = + buffer_.size() - read_size_;
+ return ErrorToResultCode(err);
+ }
+ return NotifyIfError("OnReadFile", ErrorToResultCode(err));
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::CallHandler() {
+ ChromeToAgent message;
+ if (!message.ParseFromArray(, final_size_)) {
+ // Malformed message.
+ return NotifyIfError("ParseChromeToAgent",
+ }
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ if (message.has_request()) {
+ // This is a request from Google Chrome to perform a content analysis
+ // request.
+ //
+ // Move the request from `message` to the event to reduce the amount
+ // of memory allocation/copying and also because the the handler takes
+ // ownership of the event.
+ auto event = std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventWin>(
+ handle_, browser_info_, std::move(*message.mutable_request()));
+ rc = event->Init();
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ handler_->OnAnalysisRequested(std::move(event));
+ } else {
+ NotifyIfError("RequestValidation", rc);
+ }
+ } else if (message.has_ack()) {
+ // This is an ack from Google Chrome that it has received a content
+ // analysis response from the agent.
+ handler_->OnResponseAcknowledged(message.ack());
+ } else if (message.has_cancel()) {
+ // Google Chrome is informing the agent that the content analysis
+ // request(s) associated with the given user action id have been
+ // canceled by the user.
+ handler_->OnCancelRequests(message.cancel());
+ } else {
+ // Malformed message.
+ rc = NotifyIfError("NoRequestOrAck",
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::BuildBrowserInfo() {
+ if (!GetNamedPipeClientProcessId(handle_, & {
+ return NotifyIfError("BuildBrowserInfo",
+ }
+ if (!internal::GetProcessPath(,
+ &browser_info_.binary_path)) {
+ return NotifyIfError("BuildBrowserInfo",
+ }
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Connection::NotifyIfError(
+ const char* context,
+ ResultCode rc,
+ DWORD err) {
+ if (handler_ && rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ std::stringstream stm;
+ stm << context << " pid=" <<;
+ if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ stm << context << " err=" << err;
+ }
+ handler_->OnInternalError(stm.str().c_str(), rc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ Config config,
+ std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> event_handler,
+ ResultCode* rc)
+ : AgentBase(std::move(config), std::move(event_handler)) {
+ *rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ if (handler() == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stop_event_ = CreateEvent(/*securityAttr=*/nullptr,
+ /*manualReset=*/TRUE,
+ /*initialState=*/FALSE,
+ /*name=*/nullptr);
+ if (stop_event_ == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string pipename =
+ internal::GetPipeNameForAgent(configuration().name,
+ configuration().user_specific);
+ if (pipename.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pipename_ = pipename;
+ connections_.reserve(kMinNumListeningPipeInstances);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < kMinNumListeningPipeInstances; ++i) {
+ connections_.emplace_back(
+ std::make_unique<Connection>(pipename_, configuration().user_specific,
+ handler(), i == 0, rc));
+ if (*rc != ResultCode::OK || !connections_.back()->IsValid()) {
+ Shutdown();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+AgentWin::~AgentWin() {
+ Shutdown();
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleEvents() {
+ std::vector<HANDLE> wait_handles;
+ auto rc = ResultCode::OK;
+ bool stopped = false;
+ while (!stopped && rc == ResultCode::OK) {
+ rc = HandleOneEvent(wait_handles, &stopped);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ResultCode AgentWin::Stop() {
+ SetEvent(stop_event_);
+ return AgentBase::Stop();
+std::string AgentWin::DebugString() const {
+ std::stringstream state;
+ state.setf(std::ios::boolalpha);
+ state << "AgentWin{pipe=\"" << pipename_;
+ state << "\" stop=" << stop_event_;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
+ state << " conn@" << i;
+ connections_[i]->AppendDebugString(state);
+ }
+ state << "}" << std::ends;
+ return state.str();
+void AgentWin::GetHandles(std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles) const {
+ // Reserve enough space in the handles vector to include the stop event plus
+ // all connections.
+ wait_handles.clear();
+ wait_handles.reserve(1 + connections_.size());
+ for (auto& state : connections_) {
+ HANDLE wait_handle = state->GetWaitHandle();
+ if (!wait_handle) {
+ wait_handles.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ wait_handles.push_back(wait_handle);
+ }
+ // Push the stop event last so that connections_ index calculations in
+ // HandleOneEvent() don't have to account for this handle.
+ wait_handles.push_back(stop_event_);
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleOneEventForTesting() {
+ std::vector<HANDLE> wait_handles;
+ bool stopped;
+ return HandleOneEvent(wait_handles, &stopped);
+bool AgentWin::IsAClientConnectedForTesting() {
+ for (const auto& state : connections_) {
+ if (state->IsConnected()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ResultCode AgentWin::HandleOneEvent(
+ std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles,
+ bool* stopped) {
+ *stopped = false;
+ // Wait on the specified handles for an event to occur.
+ GetHandles(wait_handles);
+ if (wait_handles.size() < kMinNumWaitHandles) {
+ return NotifyError("GetHandles", ResultCode::ERR_AGENT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
+ }
+ DWORD index = WaitForMultipleObjects(
+ wait_handles.size(),,
+ /*waitAll=*/FALSE, /*timeoutMs=*/INFINITE);
+ if (index == WAIT_FAILED) {
+ return NotifyError("WaitForMultipleObjects",
+ ErrorToResultCode(GetLastError()));
+ }
+ // If the index of signaled handle is the last one in wait_handles, then the
+ // stop event was signaled.
+ index -= WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+ if (index == wait_handles.size() - 1) {
+ *stopped = true;
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ }
+ auto& connection = connections_[index];
+ bool was_listening = !connection->IsConnected();
+ auto rc = connection->HandleEvent(wait_handles[index]);
+ if (rc != ResultCode::OK) {
+ // If `connection` was not listening and there are more than
+ // kMinNumListeningPipeInstances pipes, delete this connection. Otherwise
+ // reset it so that it becomes a listener.
+ if (!was_listening &&
+ connections_.size() > kMinNumListeningPipeInstances) {
+ connections_.erase(connections_.begin() + index);
+ } else {
+ rc = connection->Reset(pipename_, configuration().user_specific);
+ }
+ }
+ // If `connection` was listening and is now connected, create a new
+ // one so that there are always kMinNumListeningPipeInstances listening.
+ if (rc == ResultCode::OK && was_listening && connection->IsConnected()) {
+ connections_.emplace_back(
+ std::make_unique<Connection>(pipename_, configuration().user_specific,
+ handler(), false, &rc));
+ }
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+void AgentWin::Shutdown() {
+ connections_.clear();
+ pipename_.clear();
+ if (stop_event_ != nullptr) {
+ CloseHandle(stop_event_);
+ stop_event_ = nullptr;
+ }
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_win.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_win.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6a0c73311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/agent_win.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "agent_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Agent implementaton for Windows.
+class AgentWin : public AgentBase {
+ public:
+ // Creates a new agent given the specific configuration and handler.
+ // If an error occurs during creation, `rc` is set to the specific
+ // error. Otherwise `rc` is ResultCode::OK.
+ AgentWin(Config config, std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
+ ResultCode* rc);
+ ~AgentWin() override;
+ // Agent:
+ ResultCode HandleEvents() override;
+ ResultCode Stop() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ // Handles one pipe event and returns. Used only in tests.
+ ResultCode HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ // Returns true if there is at least one client connected to this agent.
+ bool IsAClientConnectedForTesting();
+ // Represents one connection to a Google Chrome browser, or one pipe
+ // listening for a Google Chrome browser to connect.
+ class Connection {
+ public:
+ // Starts listening on a pipe with the given name. `is_first_pipe` should
+ // be true only for the first pipe created by the agent. If an error
+ // occurs while creating the connction object it is returned in `rc`.
+ // If no errors occur then rc is set to ResultCode::OK.
+ //
+ // When `user_specific` is true there is a different agent instance per OS
+ // user.
+ //
+ // `Connection` objects cannot be copied or moved because the OVERLAPPED
+ // structure cannot be changed or moved in memory while an I/O operation
+ // is in progress.
+ Connection(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ AgentEventHandler* handler,
+ bool is_first_pipe,
+ ResultCode* rc);
+ Connection(const Connection& other) = delete;
+ Connection(Connection&& other) = delete;
+ Connection& operator=(const Connection& other) = delete;
+ Connection& operator=(Connection&& other) = delete;
+ ~Connection();
+ bool IsValid() const { return handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
+ bool IsConnected() const { return is_connected_; }
+ HANDLE GetWaitHandle() const { return overlapped_.hEvent; }
+ // Resets this connection object to listen for a new Google Chrome browser.
+ // When `user_specific` is true there is a different agent instance per OS
+ // user.
+ ResultCode Reset(const std::string& pipename, bool user_specific);
+ // Hnadles an event for this connection. `wait_handle` corresponds to
+ // this connections wait handle.
+ ResultCode HandleEvent(HANDLE wait_handle);
+ // Append debuf information to the string stream.
+ void AppendDebugString(std::stringstream& state) const;
+ private:
+ // Listens for a new connection from Google Chrome.
+ ResultCode ConnectPipe();
+ // Resets this connection object to listen for a new Google Chrome browser.
+ // When `user_specific` is true there is a different agent instance per OS
+ // user.
+ ResultCode ResetInternal(const std::string& pipename,
+ bool user_specific,
+ bool is_first_pipe);
+ // Cleans up this connection object so that it can be reused with a new
+ // Google Chroem browser instance. The handles assocated with this object
+ // are not closed. On return, this object is neither connected nor
+ // listening and any buffer used to hold browser messages are cleared.
+ void Cleanup();
+ // Queues a read on the pipe to receive a message from Google Chrome.
+ // return values. Other values represent an error with the connection.
+ // If `reset_cursor` is true the internal read buffer cursor is reset to
+ // the start of the buffer, otherwise it is unchanged.
+ ResultCode QueueReadFile(bool reset_cursor);
+ // Called when data from Google Chrome is available for reading from the
+ // pipe. ERROR_SUCCESS and ERROR_MORE_DATA are both successful return
+ // values. Other values represent an error with the connection.
+ //
+ // `done_reading` is true if the code has finished reading an entire message
+ // from chrome. Regardless of whether reading is done, `count` contains
+ // the number of bytes read.
+ //
+ // If `done_reading` is true, the data received from the browser is parsed
+ // as if it were a `ChromeToAgent` proto message and the handler is called
+ // as needed.
+ //
+ // If `done_reading` is false, the data received from the browser is
+ // appended to the data already received from the browser. `buffer_` is
+ // resized to allow reading more data from the browser.
+ //
+ // In all cases the caller is expected to use QueueReadFile() to continue
+ // reading data from the browser.
+ ResultCode OnReadFile(BOOL done_reading, DWORD count);
+ // Calls the appropriate method the handler depending on the message
+ // received from Google Chrome.
+ ResultCode CallHandler();
+ // Fills in the browser_info_ member of this Connection. Assumes
+ // IsConnected() is true.
+ ResultCode BuildBrowserInfo();
+ // Notifies the handler of the given error iff `rc` is not equal to
+ // ResultCode::OK. Appends the Google Chrome browser process id to the
+ // context before calling the handler. Also append `err` to the context
+ // if it is not ERROR_SUCCESS.
+ //
+ // Returns the error passed into the method.
+ ResultCode NotifyIfError(const char* context,
+ ResultCode rc,
+ // The handler to call for various agent events.
+ AgentEventHandler* handler_ = nullptr;
+ // Members used to communicate with Google Chrome.
+ OVERLAPPED overlapped_;
+ // True if this connection is assigned to a specific Google Chrome browser,
+ // otherwise this connection is listening for a new browser.
+ bool is_connected_ = false;
+ // Information about the Google Chrome browser process.
+ BrowserInfo browser_info_;
+ // Members used to read messages from Google Chrome.
+ std::vector<char> buffer_;
+ char* cursor_ = nullptr;
+ DWORD read_size_ = 0;
+ DWORD final_size_ = 0;
+ };
+ // Returns handles that can be used to wait for events from all handles
+ // managed by this agent. This includes all connection objects and the
+ // stop event. The stop event is always last in the list.
+ void GetHandles(std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles) const;
+ // Handles one pipe event and returns. If the return value is
+ // ResultCode::OK, the `stopped` argument is set to true if the agent
+ // should stop handling more events. If the return value is not
+ // ResultCode::OK, `stopped` is undefined.
+ ResultCode HandleOneEvent(std::vector<HANDLE>& wait_handles, bool* stopped);
+ // Performs a clean shutdown of the agent.
+ void Shutdown();
+ // Name used to create the pipes between the agent and Google Chrome browsers.
+ std::string pipename_;
+ // A list of pipes to already connected Google Chrome browsers.
+ // The first kMinNumListeningPipeInstances pipes in the list correspond to
+ // listening pipes.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Connection>> connections_;
+ // An event that is set when the agent should stop. Set in Stop().
+ HANDLE stop_event_ = nullptr;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0bddf82f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <latch>
+#include <memory>
+#include <thread>
+#include "agent/src/agent_win.h"
+#include "agent/src/event_win.h"
+#include "browser/src/client_win.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+namespace testing {
+// A handler that counts the number of times the callback methods are invoked.
+// Also remembers the last BrowserInfo structure passed to it from any of the
+// callbacks.
+struct TestHandler : public AgentEventHandler {
+ void OnBrowserConnected(const BrowserInfo& info) override {
+ last_info_ = info;
+ ++connect_count_;
+ }
+ void OnBrowserDisconnected(const BrowserInfo& info) override {
+ last_info_ = info;
+ ++disconnect_count_;
+ }
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(
+ std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) override {
+ ++request_count_;
+ ResultCode ret = event->Send();
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, ret);
+ }
+ void OnResponseAcknowledged(
+ const ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement& ack) override {
+ ++ack_count_;
+ }
+ void OnCancelRequests(
+ const ContentAnalysisCancelRequests& cancel) override {
+ ++cancel_count_;
+ }
+ int connect_count_ = 0;
+ int disconnect_count_ = 0;
+ int request_count_ = 0;
+ int ack_count_ = 0;
+ int cancel_count_ = 0;
+ BrowserInfo last_info_;
+// A test handler that closes its event before sending the response.
+struct CloseEventTestHandler : public TestHandler {
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(
+ std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) override {
+ ++request_count_;
+ // Closing the event before sending should generate an error.
+ ResultCode ret = event->Close();
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, ret);
+ ret = event->Send();
+ ASSERT_NE(ResultCode::OK, ret);
+ }
+// A test handler that attempts to send two responses for a given request.
+struct DoubleSendTestHandler : public TestHandler {
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(
+ std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) override {
+ ++request_count_;
+ ResultCode ret = event->Send();
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, ret);
+ // Trying to send again fails.
+ ret = event->Send();
+ ASSERT_NE(ResultCode::OK, ret);
+ }
+// A test handler that signals a latch after a client connects.
+// Can only be used with one client.
+struct SignalClientConnectedTestHandler : public TestHandler {
+ void OnBrowserConnected(const BrowserInfo& info) override {
+ TestHandler::OnBrowserConnected(info);
+ wait_for_client.count_down();
+ }
+ std::latch wait_for_client{ 1 };
+// A test handler that signals a latch after a request is processed.
+// Can only be used with one request.
+struct SignalClientRequestedTestHandler : public TestHandler {
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(
+ std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) override {
+ TestHandler::OnAnalysisRequested(std::move(event));
+ wait_for_request.count_down();
+ }
+ std::latch wait_for_request{ 1 };
+std::unique_ptr<AgentWin> CreateAgent(
+ Agent::Config config,
+ TestHandler** handler_ptr,
+ ResultCode expected_rc=ResultCode::OK) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<TestHandler>();
+ *handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ std::move(config), std::move(handler), &rc);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_rc, rc);
+ return agent;
+std::unique_ptr<ClientWin> CreateClient(
+ Client::Config config) {
+ int rc;
+ auto client = std::make_unique<ClientWin>(std::move(config), &rc);
+ return rc == 0 ? std::move(client) : nullptr;
+ContentAnalysisRequest BuildRequest(std::string content=std::string()) {
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ *request.add_tags() = "dlp";
+ request.set_text_content(content); // Moved.
+ return request;
+TEST(AgentTest, Create) {
+ const Agent::Config config{"test", false};
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent(config, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_EQ(, agent->GetConfig().name);
+ ASSERT_EQ(config.user_specific, agent->GetConfig().user_specific);
+TEST(AgentTest, Create_InvalidPipename) {
+ // TODO(rogerta): The win32 docs say that a backslash is an invalid
+ // character for a pipename, but it seemed to work correctly in testing.
+ // Using an empty name was the easiest way to generate an invalid pipe
+ // name.
+ const Agent::Config config{"", false};
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent(config, &handler_ptr,
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting());
+// Can't create two agents with the same name.
+TEST(AgentTest, Create_SecondFails) {
+ const Agent::Config config{ "test", false };
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr1;
+ auto agent1 = CreateAgent(config, &handler_ptr1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent1);
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr2;
+ auto agent2 = CreateAgent(config, &handler_ptr2,
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent2);
+ agent2->HandleOneEventForTesting());
+TEST(AgentTest, Stop) {
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent({ "test", false }, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ // Create a separate thread to stop the agent.
+ std::thread thread([&agent]() {
+ agent->Stop();
+ });
+ agent->HandleEvents();
+ thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, ConnectAndStop) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<SignalClientConnectedTestHandler>();
+ auto* handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ Agent::Config{"test", false}, std::move(handler), &rc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ // Client thread waits until latch reaches zero.
+ std::latch stop_client{ 1 };
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&stop_client]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({ "test", false });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ stop_client.wait();
+ });
+ // A thread that stops the agent after one client connects.
+ std::thread stop_agent([&handler_ptr, &agent]() {
+ handler_ptr->wait_for_client.wait();
+ agent->Stop();
+ });
+ agent->HandleEvents();
+ stop_client.count_down();
+ client_thread.join();
+ stop_agent.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Connect_UserSpecific) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<SignalClientConnectedTestHandler>();
+ auto* handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ Agent::Config{ "test", true }, std::move(handler), &rc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([]() {
+ // If the user_specific does not match the agent, the client should not
+ // connect.
+ auto client = CreateClient({ "test", false });
+ ASSERT_FALSE(client);
+ auto client2 = CreateClient({ "test", true });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client2);
+ });
+ // A thread that stops the agent after one client connects.
+ std::thread stop_agent([&handler_ptr, &agent]() {
+ handler_ptr->wait_for_client.wait();
+ agent->Stop();
+ });
+ agent->HandleEvents();
+ client_thread.join();
+ stop_agent.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, ConnectRequestAndStop) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<SignalClientRequestedTestHandler>();
+ auto* handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ Agent::Config{"test", false}, std::move(handler), &rc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({ "test", false });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest("test");
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ client->Send(request, &response);
+ });
+ // A thread that stops the agent after one client connects.
+ std::thread stop_agent([&handler_ptr, &agent]() {
+ handler_ptr->wait_for_request.wait();
+ agent->Stop();
+ });
+ agent->HandleEvents();
+ client_thread.join();
+ stop_agent.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, ConnectAndClose) {
+ const Agent::Config aconfig{ "test", false };
+ const Client::Config cconfig{ "test", false };
+ // Create an agent and client that connects to it.
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent(aconfig, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ auto client = CreateClient(cconfig);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ASSERT_EQ(, client->GetConfig().name);
+ ASSERT_EQ(cconfig.user_specific, client->GetConfig().user_specific);
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->connect_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->disconnect_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(GetCurrentProcessId(), handler_ptr->;
+ // Close the client and make sure a disconnect is received.
+ client.reset();
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->connect_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->disconnect_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(GetCurrentProcessId(), handler_ptr->;
+TEST(AgentTest, Request) {
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent({"test", false}, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ bool done = false;
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&done]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({"test", false});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Send a request and wait for a response.
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int ret = client->Send(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), response.request_token());
+ done = true;
+ });
+ while (!done) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->ack_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Request_Large) {
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent({"test", false}, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ bool done = false;
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&done]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({"test", false});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Send a request and wait for a response. Create a large string, which
+ // means larger than the initial mesasge buffer size specified when
+ // creating the pipes (4096 bytes).
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest(std::string(5000, 'a'));
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int ret = client->Send(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), response.request_token());
+ done = true;
+ });
+ while (!done) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->ack_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Request_DoubleSend) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<DoubleSendTestHandler>();
+ DoubleSendTestHandler* handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ Agent::Config{"test", false}, std::move(handler), &rc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ bool done = false;
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&done]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({ "test", false });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Send a request and wait for a response.
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int ret = client->Send(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), response.request_token());
+ done = true;
+ });
+ while (!done) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->ack_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Request_CloseEvent) {
+ ResultCode rc;
+ auto handler = std::make_unique<CloseEventTestHandler>();
+ CloseEventTestHandler* handler_ptr = handler.get();
+ auto agent = std::make_unique<AgentWin>(
+ Agent::Config{"test", false}, std::move(handler), &rc);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ bool done = false;
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&done]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({"test", false});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Send a request and wait for a response.
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int ret = client->Send(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), response.request_token());
+ done = true;
+ });
+ while (!done) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Ack) {
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent({ "test", false }, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ bool done = false;
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([&done]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({"test", false});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ // Send a request and wait for a response.
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request = BuildRequest();
+ ContentAnalysisResponse response;
+ int ret = client->Send(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement ack;
+ ack.set_request_token(request.request_token());
+ ret = client->Acknowledge(ack);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ done = true;
+ });
+ while (!done) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, handler_ptr->ack_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->cancel_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+TEST(AgentTest, Cancel) {
+ TestHandler* handler_ptr;
+ auto agent = CreateAgent({ "test", false }, &handler_ptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(agent);
+ // Create a thread to handle the client. Since the client is sync, it can't
+ // run in the same thread as the agent.
+ std::thread client_thread([]() {
+ auto client = CreateClient({"test", false});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client);
+ ContentAnalysisCancelRequests cancel;
+ cancel.set_user_action_id("1234567890");
+ int ret = client->CancelRequests(cancel);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ret);
+ });
+ while (handler_ptr->cancel_count_ == 0) {
+ agent->HandleOneEventForTesting();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->request_count_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, handler_ptr->ack_count_);
+ client_thread.join();
+} // namespace testing
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8186a4112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info)
+ : browser_info_(browser_info) {}
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventBase::Close() {
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode UpdateResponse(ContentAnalysisResponse& response,
+ const std::string& tag,
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::Status status) {
+ auto result = response.results_size() > 0
+ ? response.mutable_results(0)
+ : response.add_results();
+ if (!tag.empty()) {
+ result->set_tag(tag);
+ }
+ if (status != ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::STATUS_UNKNOWN) {
+ result->set_status(status);
+ }
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode SetEventVerdictTo(
+ ContentAnalysisEvent* event,
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::Action action) {
+ // This function expects that the event's result has already been
+ // initialized by a call to UpdateResponse().
+ if (event->GetResponse().results_size() == 0) {
+ return ResultCode::ERR_MISSING_RESULT;
+ }
+ auto result = event->GetResponse().mutable_results(0);
+ // Content analysis responses generated with this SDK contain at most one
+ // triggered rule.
+ auto rule = result->triggered_rules_size() > 0
+ ? result->mutable_triggered_rules(0)
+ : result->add_triggered_rules();
+ rule->set_action(action);
+ return ResultCode::OK;
+ResultCode SetEventVerdictToBlock(ContentAnalysisEvent* event) {
+ return SetEventVerdictTo(event,
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::BLOCK);
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_base.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e41c0ea44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Base ContentAnalysisEvent class with code common to all platforms.
+class ContentAnalysisEventBase : public ContentAnalysisEvent {
+ public:
+ // ContentAnalysisEvent:
+ ResultCode Close() override;
+ const BrowserInfo& GetBrowserInfo() const override { return browser_info_; }
+ const ContentAnalysisRequest& GetRequest() const override { return request_; }
+ ContentAnalysisResponse& GetResponse() override { return *response(); }
+ protected:
+ explicit ContentAnalysisEventBase(const BrowserInfo& browser_info);
+ ContentAnalysisRequest* request() { return &request_; }
+ AgentToChrome* agent_to_chrome() { return &agent_to_chrome_; }
+ ContentAnalysisResponse* response() { return agent_to_chrome()->mutable_response(); }
+ BrowserInfo browser_info_;
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request_;
+ AgentToChrome agent_to_chrome_;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46822e473d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_mac.h"
+#include "scoped_print_handle_mac.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest req)
+ : ContentAnalysisEventBase(browser_info) {
+ *request() = std::move(req);
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventMac::Send() {
+ return ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+std::string ContentAnalysisEventMac::DebugString() const {
+ return std::string();
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_mac.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_mac.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d89c47035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_mac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// ContentAnalysisEvent implementaton for macOS.
+class ContentAnalysisEventMac : public ContentAnalysisEventBase {
+ public:
+ ContentAnalysisEventMac(const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request);
+ // ContentAnalysisEvent:
+ ResultCode Send() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ // TODO(rogerta): Fill in implementation.
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf41d6bcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "agent/src/event_mac.h"
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+namespace testing {
+std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEventMac> CreateEvent(
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request) {
+ return std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventMac>(
+ browser_info, std::move(request));
+TEST(EventTest, Create_BrowserInfo) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{12345, "/path/to/binary"};
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(, event->GetBrowserInfo().pid);
+ ASSERT_EQ(bi.binary_path, event->GetBrowserInfo().binary_path);
+TEST(EventTest, Create_Request) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, event->GetRequest().tags_size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.tags(0), event->GetRequest().tags(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event->GetRequest().has_request_token());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), event->GetRequest().request_token());
+} // namespace testing
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b0854af90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_posix.h"
+#include "scoped_print_handle_posix.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+ ContentAnalysisEventPosix::ContentAnalysisEventPosix(
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest req)
+ : ContentAnalysisEventBase(browser_info) {
+ *request() = std::move(req);
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventPosix::Send() {
+ return ResultCode::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+std::string ContentAnalysisEventPosix::DebugString() const {
+ return std::string();
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_posix.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_posix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3d0e24330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_posix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "event_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// ContentAnalysisEvent implementaton for linux.
+class ContentAnalysisEventPosix : public ContentAnalysisEventBase {
+ public:
+ ContentAnalysisEventPosix(const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request);
+ // ContentAnalysisEvent:
+ ResultCode Send() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ // TODO(rogerta): Fill in implementation.
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
+#endif // CONTENT_ANALYSIS_SRC_EVENT_POSIX_H_ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..841934c2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "agent/src/event_posix.h"
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+namespace testing {
+std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEventPosix> CreateEvent(
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request) {
+ return std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventPosix>(
+ browser_info, std::move(request));
+TEST(EventTest, Create_BrowserInfo) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{12345, "/path/to/binary"};
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(, event->GetBrowserInfo().pid);
+ ASSERT_EQ(bi.binary_path, event->GetBrowserInfo().binary_path);
+TEST(EventTest, Create_Request) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, event->GetRequest().tags_size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.tags(0), event->GetRequest().tags(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event->GetRequest().has_request_token());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), event->GetRequest().request_token());
+} // namespace testing
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..907bdfb858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <ios>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include "event_win.h"
+#include "common/utils_win.h"
+#include "agent_utils_win.h"
+#include "scoped_print_handle_win.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// Writes a string to the pipe. Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, else
+// returns GetLastError() of the write. This function does not return until
+// the entire message has been sent (or an error occurs).
+static DWORD WriteMessageToPipe(HANDLE pipe, const std::string& message) {
+ if (message.empty()) {
+ }
+ internal::ScopedOverlapped overlapped;
+ if (!overlapped.is_valid()) {
+ return GetLastError();
+ }
+ const char* cursor =;
+ for (DWORD size = message.length(); size > 0;) {
+ if (WriteFile(pipe, cursor, size, /*written=*/nullptr, overlapped)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // If an I/O is not pending, return the error.
+ err = GetLastError();
+ if (err != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
+ break;
+ }
+ DWORD written;
+ if (!GetOverlappedResult(pipe, overlapped, &written, /*wait=*/TRUE)) {
+ err = GetLastError();
+ break;
+ }
+ cursor += written;
+ size -= written;
+ }
+ return err;
+ HANDLE handle,
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest req)
+ : ContentAnalysisEventBase(browser_info),
+ hPipe_(handle) {
+ *request() = std::move(req);
+ContentAnalysisEventWin::~ContentAnalysisEventWin() {
+ Shutdown();
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventWin::Init() {
+ // TODO(rogerta): do some extra validation of the request?
+ if (request()->request_token().empty()) {
+ }
+ response()->set_request_token(request()->request_token());
+ // Prepare the response so that ALLOW verdicts are the default().
+ return UpdateResponse(*response(),
+ request()->tags_size() > 0 ? request()->tags(0) : std::string(),
+ ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::SUCCESS);
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventWin::Close() {
+ Shutdown();
+ return ContentAnalysisEventBase::Close();
+ResultCode ContentAnalysisEventWin::Send() {
+ if (response_sent_) {
+ }
+ response_sent_ = true;
+ DWORD err = WriteMessageToPipe(hPipe_,
+ agent_to_chrome()->SerializeAsString());
+ return ErrorToResultCode(err);
+std::string ContentAnalysisEventWin::DebugString() const {
+ std::stringstream state;
+ state.setf(std::ios::boolalpha);
+ state << "ContentAnalysisEventWin{handle=" << hPipe_;
+ state << " pid=" << GetBrowserInfo().pid;
+ state << " rtoken=" << GetRequest().request_token();
+ state << " sent=" << response_sent_;
+ state << "}" << std::ends;
+ return state.str();
+void ContentAnalysisEventWin::Shutdown() {
+ if (hPipe_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ // If no response has been sent yet, attempt to send it now. Otherwise
+ // the client may be stuck waiting. After shutdown the agent will not
+ // have any other chance to respond.
+ if (!response_sent_) {
+ Send();
+ }
+ // This event does not own the pipe, so don't close it.
+ FlushFileBuffers(hPipe_);
+ }
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_win.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_win.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f631f693dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/event_win.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "event_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+// ContentAnalysisEvent implementaton for Windows.
+class ContentAnalysisEventWin : public ContentAnalysisEventBase {
+ public:
+ ContentAnalysisEventWin(HANDLE handle,
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request);
+ ~ContentAnalysisEventWin() override;
+ // Initialize the event. This involves reading the request from Google
+ // Chrome and making sure it is well formed.
+ ResultCode Init();
+ // ContentAnalysisEvent:
+ ResultCode Close() override;
+ ResultCode Send() override;
+ std::string DebugString() const override;
+ std::string SerializeStringToSendToBrowser() {
+ return agent_to_chrome()->SerializeAsString();
+ }
+ void SetResponseSent() { response_sent_ = true; }
+ HANDLE Pipe() const { return hPipe_; }
+ private:
+ void Shutdown();
+ // This handle is not owned by the event.
+ // Set to true when Send() is called the first time.
+ bool response_sent_ = false;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
+#endif // CONTENT_ANALYSIS_AGENT_SRC_EVENT_WIN_H_ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffc3103ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include "agent/src/event_win.h"
+#include "common/utils_win.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+namespace testing {
+std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEventWin> CreateEvent(
+ HANDLE handle,
+ const BrowserInfo& browser_info,
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request) {
+ return std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventWin>(
+ handle, browser_info, std::move(request));
+TEST(EventTest, Create_BrowserInfo) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{12345, "/path/to/binary"};
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(, event->GetBrowserInfo().pid);
+ ASSERT_EQ(bi.binary_path, event->GetBrowserInfo().binary_path);
+TEST(EventTest, Create_Request) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, event->GetRequest().tags_size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.tags(0), event->GetRequest().tags(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event->GetRequest().has_request_token());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), event->GetRequest().request_token());
+TEST(EventTest, Create_Init) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ auto event = CreateEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, event->Init());
+ // Initializing an event should initialize the contained response for a
+ // success verdict that matches the request.
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.request_token(), event->GetResponse().request_token());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, event->GetResponse().results_size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::SUCCESS,
+ event->GetResponse().results(0).status());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event->GetResponse().results(0).has_tag());
+ ASSERT_EQ(request.tags(0), event->GetResponse().results(0).tag());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, event->GetResponse().results(0).triggered_rules_size());
+// Initializing an event whose request has no request token is an error.
+TEST(EventTest, Create_Init_RequestNoRequestToken) {
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ *request.add_tags() = "foo";
+ auto event = CreateEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, bi, request);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::ERR_MISSING_REQUEST_TOKEN, event->Init());
+TEST(EventTest, Write_BadPipe) {
+ HANDLE pipe;
+ DWORD err = internal::CreatePipe(
+ internal::GetPipeNameForAgent("testpipe", false), false, true, &pipe);
+ // Create an event with the dummy pipe and initilalize it.
+ const BrowserInfo bi{ 12345, "/path/to/binary" };
+ ContentAnalysisRequest request;
+ request.set_request_token("req-token");
+ *request.add_tags() = "dlp";
+ request.set_text_content("test");
+ auto event = std::make_unique<ContentAnalysisEventWin>(
+ pipe, bi, std::move(request));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(event);
+ ResultCode rc = event->Init();
+ ASSERT_EQ(ResultCode::OK, rc);
+ // Close the handle before trying to send the response.
+ // This simulates an error with the pipe.
+ CloseHandle(pipe);
+ // The following call should not hang.
+ event->Send();
+} // namespace testing
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..802b553b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+ const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data)
+ : size_(print_data.size()) {}
+size_t ScopedPrintHandleBase::size() { return size_; }
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_base.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ae20381d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+class ScopedPrintHandleBase : public ScopedPrintHandle {
+ public:
+ ScopedPrintHandleBase(const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data);
+ size_t size() override;
+ protected:
+ size_t size_ = 0;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..316576bf90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_mac.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+CreateScopedPrintHandle(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request,
+ int64_t browser_pid) {
+ if (!request.has_print_data() || !request.print_data().has_handle()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<ScopedPrintHandleMac>(request.print_data());
+ const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data)
+ : ScopedPrintHandleBase(print_data) {
+ // TODO
+ScopedPrintHandleMac::~ScopedPrintHandleMac() {
+ // TODO
+const char* ScopedPrintHandleMac::data() {
+ // TODO
+ return nullptr;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_mac.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_mac.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d407ef5375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_mac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+class ScopedPrintHandleMac : public ScopedPrintHandleBase {
+ public:
+ ScopedPrintHandleMac(const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data);
+ ~ScopedPrintHandleMac() override;
+ const char* data() override;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd2eb2cc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_posix.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+CreateScopedPrintHandle(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request,
+ int64_t browser_pid) {
+ if (!request.has_print_data() || !request.print_data().has_handle()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<ScopedPrintHandlePosix>(request.print_data());
+ const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data)
+ : ScopedPrintHandleBase(print_data) {
+ // TODO
+ScopedPrintHandlePosix::~ScopedPrintHandlePosix() {
+ // TODO
+const char* ScopedPrintHandlePosix::data() {
+ // TODO
+ return nullptr;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_posix.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_posix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9125f58eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_posix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+class ScopedPrintHandlePosix : public ScopedPrintHandleBase {
+ public:
+ ScopedPrintHandlePosix(const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data);
+ ~ScopedPrintHandlePosix() override;
+ const char* data() override;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2573d676ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "scoped_print_handle_win.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+CreateScopedPrintHandle(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request,
+ int64_t browser_pid) {
+ if (!request.has_print_data() || !request.print_data().has_handle()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // The handle in the request must be duped to be read by the agent
+ // process. If that doesn't work for any reason, return null.
+ // See
+ // for details.
+ HANDLE browser_process = OpenProcess(
+ /*dwDesiredAccess=*/PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE,
+ /*bInheritHandle=*/false,
+ /*dwProcessId=*/browser_pid);
+ if (!browser_process)
+ return nullptr;
+ HANDLE dupe = nullptr;
+ DuplicateHandle(
+ /*hSourceProcessHandle=*/browser_process,
+ /*hSourceHandle=*/reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(request.print_data().handle()),
+ /*hTargetProcessHandle=*/GetCurrentProcess(),
+ /*lpTargetHandle=*/&dupe,
+ /*bInheritHandle=*/false,
+ /*dwOptions=*/0);
+ CloseHandle(browser_process);
+ if (!dupe)
+ return nullptr;
+ ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData dupe_print_data;
+ dupe_print_data.set_handle(reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(dupe));
+ dupe_print_data.set_size(request.print_data().size());
+ return std::make_unique<ScopedPrintHandleWin>(dupe_print_data);
+ const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data)
+ : ScopedPrintHandleBase(print_data),
+ handle_(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(print_data.handle())) {
+ mapped_ = MapViewOfFile(handle_, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
+ScopedPrintHandleWin::~ScopedPrintHandleWin() {
+ CloseHandle(handle_);
+const char* ScopedPrintHandleWin::data() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mapped_);
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_win.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_win.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31923285be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/agent/src/scoped_print_handle_win.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "scoped_print_handle_base.h"
+namespace content_analysis {
+namespace sdk {
+class ScopedPrintHandleWin : public ScopedPrintHandleBase {
+ public:
+ ScopedPrintHandleWin(const ContentAnalysisRequest::PrintData& print_data);
+ ~ScopedPrintHandleWin() override;
+ const char* data() override;
+ private:
+ void* mapped_ = nullptr;
+ HANDLE handle_ = nullptr;
+} // namespace sdk
+} // namespace content_analysis